*Note: Numerous smaller, miscellaneous additions are usually done on a daily basis and are not documented on this page.

****As often as I can I will be adding a new scan of a newspaper from Guernsey,
which was occupied by the Third Reich during WWII. I have 222 newspapers,
which are unique due to the fact they are in English.
I'll leave this link up for you to easily check out new newspapers.
Check them out here:
~ HERE ~

  • Summer, July 16, 2024

    Hot darkness.

    While listening to: - the sound of cars going nowhere in the night -

    Added another issue of News From Germany (No. 7, April 1939). Check it out:


    Thirty-two issues left to go!

  • Summer, July 14, 2024

    Hot darkness.

    While listening to: - the sound of cars going nowhere in the night -

    Added another issue of News From Germany (No. 6, April 1939). Check it out:


    Thirty-three issues left to go!

  • Summer, July 14, 2024

    Humid darkness.

    While listening to: - the sound of cars going nowhere in the night -

    Added a HUGE update to the Walther Darré section. Check it out:


    *Special thanks to Wolf for the help with the pictures!

  • Summer, July 12, 2024

    Humid darkness.

    While listening to: - the sound of cars going nowhere in the night -

    Added another issue of News From Germany (No. 5, April 1939). Check it out:


  • Summer, July 11, 2024

    Humid darkness.

    While listening to: - the sound of cars going nowhere in the night -

    Added a rare 1989 interview with Janos Moog, veteran of the 25th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS "Hunyadi" (1st Hungarian). Check it out:


  • Summer, July 9, 2024

    A humid night.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    Added a 1990 interview with Wolfgang Barth, member of the 3rd Waffen-SS Panzer Division "Totenkopf" and veteran of the Battle of Kursk. Check it out:


  • Summer, July 4, 2024

    A humid night on 'Independence Day'.

    While listening to: - Frank Sinatra - My Way -

    Added a 1989 interview with the extraordinary Frieda Moser, member of the Bund Deutscher Mädel (League of German Girls) and wife of a German soldier who was murdered by the Allies after surrendering. Check it out:


    The interview above with Frau Moser I think is one of my favorite interviews. Mein Gott she really tears into the illusions, the lies, the carefully crafted false narratives. She fearlessly says it how it is and was. Truly a beautiful human being if there ever was one.

    I hope all of you out there in the darkness of cyberspace read this amazing interview and are inspired. Her bold fearlessness is surely something some of the people in our fight could learn from. Ler her golden spirit guide us and smile upon us in our darkest battles!

    I missed Mourning the Ancient't 26th online anniversary, which was June 27th.
    I've been so busy with things that unfortunately draw me away from the website.
    I'll make it up to you.
    I'll find some long lost Mourning the Ancient photos from years forgotten. I promise.
    Until next time my friends...

  • Spring, June 18, 2024

    Hot and humid night.

    While listening to: - Jesse Stewart - Grow Old -

    Added a 1988 interview with Werner M., a cook for the elite Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler. Check it out:


    Many thanks to my German comrade who translates the interviews into German. And to my other German comrade who helps to make the website shine! You have no idea how much I treasure you! And to all soldiers and fighters in this silent war, as the enemy's world slips further and further, drowning in its own poison. The world is finally beginning to open its eyes to the hidden truths! This is our time to be vigilant and as active as possible. Spread the truth, like seeds in the wind, everywhere you go. All of our tireless work in decades past is finally coming to fruition. The world is awakening, we must not let this window of opportunity pass!

    'The world of men is dreaming, it has gone mad in its sleep, and a snake is strangling it, but it can't wake up.'
    -D. H. Lawrence

  • Spring, June 15, 2024

    Heat and more heat.

    While listening to: - lonely dogs barking in the night -

    Added a 1989 interview with a Fallschirmjäger veteran Lt. Colonel (ret.) Friedrich-Wilhelm Wangerin. Highly decorated, Wangerin won the Knight's Cross, German Cross in Gold and the Honor Roll Clasp. Check it out:


  • Spring, June 7, 2024

    Heat and rain.

    While listening to: - Erika -

    Added a rare 1988 interview with a veteran of the final Waffen-SS division, the mythical 'Nibelungen'.
    These heroic men fought a hopeless and deadly battle of slowing down the Allied juggernaut, thus saving countless of their helpless people. Check it out:


  • Spring, June 5, 2024

    Windy and warm as night falls.

    While listening to: - SS Marschiert in Feindesland -

    Added an in-depth 1983 interview with Otto Kuche, a member of the German police and later Wehrmacht. Kuche was an outspoken Hitler critic, but was later won over when he saw the rebirth of Germany and its people through National Socialism. Check it out:


  • Spring, June 2, 2024

    Sunshine & rain.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    Added ANOTHER issue of the ultra-rare newsletter News from Germany (a period German publication refuting Allied lies in English!). Check it out:


    The index of other issues is found here:


  • Spring, May 31, 2024

    Rain, rain, nothing but rain.

    While listening to: - Loreena McKennitt - Mummer's Dance remix -

    Added another issue of the ultra-rare newsletter News from Germany (a period German publication refuting Allied lies in English!). Check it out:


    The index of other issues is found here:


    Plus new WWII interviews coming soon! Including a rare interview with a soldier in one of the most obscure divisions in the Waffen-SS, which was also the final division of the Waffen-SS -- the 38th SS Grenadier Division 'Nibelungen'!

  • Spring, May 25, 2024

    Warm lilac-scented winds of spring.

    While listening to: - Samael - Bestial Devotion -

    Our 150th interview published!

    Added a 1981 interview with Josef Biehl, former SS man at Dachau and later Wehrmacht veteran serving in France and Russia. Check it out:


    Plus many various changes and additions added throughout the site.

  • Spring, May 19, 2024

    A hot spring.

    While listening to: - Break the Sword - Casualties -

    Added the first three issues of a very rare German newsletter from 1939-41 written for Americans.

    -News from Germany
    A Third Reich newsletter from 1939-41 in English for Americans-

    Added the German version of the 1989 interview with civilian Karoline Kondritz. Check it out:


    I scanned and added an issue of the great postwar publication Der Weg:

    -Der Weg
    (The Way, a magazine published in Buenos Aires by National Socialists in exile from 1947–1957.)

  • Spring, May 17, 2024

    A hot spring.

    While listening to: - lonely dogs barking in the night -

    Added a 1989 interview with civilian Karoline "KK" Kondritz, whose husband fell in the East. She survived the Russian onslaught and the Allied genocide of Dresden. Check it out:


  • Spring, May 14, 2024

    Summer in the spring.

    While listening to: - A lonely train passing in the night -

    This speaks for itself. The world is changing, people are waking up. Adolf Hitler's spirit has risen, in all of us. The world is finally coming to the realization that he was indeed right.
    That Germany, Japan and Italy and their many allies in Europe, Asia and Africa fought to stop the darkness and madness that has consumed this world.
    They predicted the horrors that poison this world. They fought until there was nothing left to save us from this future.
    Now it is up to us.


  • Spring, April 20, 2024

    The greatest day of the year!

    While listening to: - Horst Wessel Lied -

    Happy 135th birthday Adolf Hitler! You are more loved and more relevant than anytime in history and that love will only continue to grow as more people wake up to the truth!

    You gave us a reason to fight, to live, to love.

    I had wanted to do more for an April 20th update, but my time lately has been very limited. But I did scan some photos to share with you today. They show a valiant group of Hitler Youth boys become men. Check it out:


    Added a recipe book by the Reichsnährstand (Reich Food Society). Check it out:


  • Spring, April 14, 2024

    Spring spreads her wings.

    While listening to: - Funeral - Taarene -

    Added an interview Martin Friedrich, author of Myth and Sun, Hitler Avatara and Hitlerism. Check it out:


  • Spring, April 12, 2024

    Spring spreads her wings.

    While listening to: - Erika -

    Added an interview with one of my favorite female National Socialists -- Florentine Rost van Tonningen. She was a lifelong, fervent National Socialist and SS member. Check it out:


  • Spring, March 23, 2024

    Winter hanging on.

    While listening to: - a distant train in the night -

    Added a sample to Trash and Treasure of a new comic based on books by Harold Covington. Show some support and buy some copies. We do not support one another enough in our struggle, something that has always hurt us. Check it out:


  • Winter, February 22, 2024

    Winter fading fast.

    While listening to: - Bathory - Enter the Eternal Fire -

    Added a profile, my first in a long time, on a superb American woman named Laura Ingalls (not the famous pioneer woman but better). I only stumbled on her by accident, it seems they nearly killed her name, and I've done a ton of research on female aviators (for page 15 of Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind). Check her out:


  • Winter, February 17, 2024

    The cold returns.

    While listening to: - cold dogs barking in the night -

    Added a scathing 1946 letter from Hermann Göring to the murderous rat Winston Churchill. This letter was written just five days before Göring's scheduled execution. Check it out:


  • Winter, February 15, 2024

    Unseasonably warm.

    While listening to: - silence -

    Added a period Third Reich film called 'Gesunde Frau - Gesundes Volk'
    (Healthy Woman - Healthy People). [10 1/2 minutes, .MP4 format]. Check it out:


    Added some cool and rare award documents from a soldier who fought in the Spanish Civil War and with awards until November 1944. Check it out:


    Added two Miguel Serrano interviews. The first one, courtesy of Excalibur journal (1988), can be found:


    The second Miguel Serrano interview, courtesy of The Flaming Sword (1994), can be found:


  • Winter, February 14, 2024

    Unseasonably warm.

    While listening to: - Break the Sword - Casualties -

    Added a 1997 interview with Irma Bauer, a Mädelschaftsführerin [Girls' Leader] who served in the BDM [Bund Deutscher Mädel, or League of German Girls], during the war. Check it out:


    And below... never underestimate the power of a German Shepherd! Unbeknownst to me, this 00 buck shotgun shell fell near his kennel, where it rolled just close enough for him to grab it.
    I wonder what would have happened had he chewed more on the primer end of the shell? And they say cats have nine lives?!

  • Winter, February 9, 2024

    Winter dying fast.

    While listening to: - Sigh - Ready for the Final War -

    Hello readers, I hope your week has been better than mine. My main computer suddenly died. We did a ton of fighting together, that old PC and I... unfortunately, since I've been so crazy busy these last months, I didn't back a lot of stuff up for about 5 months, which was a ton of data, so it was a huge let down.

    After days of study and failed attempts to retrieve the data, like magic suddenly the old warrior opened its eyes. Cracked open, with its parts strewn about the table, it suddenly came back to me. I was astonished, but very grateful. I quickly got my files and everything I needed.

    I'm now on a new machine and I hate it. I hate new computers. You get so used to the old one and it kind of becomes a part of you. I'm super behind on things, email, updates, all that. I have to get my programs up and running and transfer everything I need.

    All of you reading this: back up your files now! That faithful machine you are using will one day be suddenly dead.

    See you soon!

  • Winter, February 4, 2024

    An early Spring and a muddy mess.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    Added the German version to the 1988 interview with Reinholt S., veteran of the elite Hohenstaufen SS Division. Check it out:

    Reinholt S.

  • Winter, January 26, 2024

    Mud and snow.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    Added a new page cataloging currency of the Third Reich. First I've started with Wehrmacht currency. Check it out:


  • Winter, January 24, 2024


    While listening to: - Nuclear Assault - The Plague -

    Added a new interview from 1988 with Reinholt S., veteran of the elite Hohenstaufen SS Division. Check it out:


  • Winter, January 22, 2024


    While listening to: - Alphaville - Forever Young -

    Added some very interesting documents to the Ephemera page. Of special note, check out the surrender document toward the bottom. It shows the Germans trying to combat the Soviet propaganda (which is still repeated even today) that the Germans were killing soldiers that surrendered.
    It's a very historical document and I'm unsure who wrote it. Check it out (at the very bottom), but don't forget to check out the other documents too! Go to:


  • Winter, January 21, 2024

    Brutal cold.

    While listening to: - Loreena McKennitt Mummers' Dance remix -

    Added an interesting Allied occupation bill/note from May 1945. Some very ironic symbolism. You've probably never seen anything so blatant. Check it out:


    Added many new Horst Wessel pictures. Check it out:


    Plus various updates throughout the site...

  • Winter, January 19, 2024

    Brutal cold.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    Added a 'new' photo shoot called Light of Antiquity. Okay, it's not exactly new, it is from 2018. There is a huge backlog of unpublished photo shoots, it is just a matter of time. It can be pretty time-consuming putting up a new shoot. Anyway, I hope you guys like it. Check it out:


  • Winter, January 16, 2024

    Bone-chilling cold.

    While listening to: - silence -

    Today is the birthday of one of the greatest Americans to ever have lived -- Robert Jay Mathews. Never was there a man more heroic, brave, passionate and driven as he. He was murdered on December 8, 1984 by the FBI, being burned alive. Mathews would have been 71 years old today, had he not given his life for his race. He gave up all to fight what we call today The Great Replacement. He was truly a beautiful man, who was universally admired and deeply loved by the great men who fought beside him.

    He united a group of diverse strangers, the stamp of a true leader, in a heroic attempt to awaken the white race to the danger that was secretly plotting its genocide. He was a man like any conscientious person, a man with a common upbringing and an unremarkable adulthood. Until he learned the truth and found it impossible to ignore it. He vowed he would either see victory or die, he meant it. His heroic courage was only matched by his keen intelligence and infinite love of his people.

    Mathews' sacrifice helped awaken and inspire countless people around the globe, myself included. As a young teenager I first picked up a system book about him and his 'Silent Bruders'. His inspirational life and beautiful death taught us everything we needed to know about greatness and fearless sacrifice.

    We love you Bob Mathews, not a day has passed that we've forgotten your blessed name. It's been forty years since you left us. You taught us to never be afraid. To keep the faith despite all odds. To always let your love exceed your hate.

  • Winter, December 26, 2023

    The warm cold.

    While listening to: - Das Sturmlied -

    Today marks the 100th anniversary of the death of Dietrich Eckart. Eckart was undoubtedly one of the most important people in the history of both Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist Worker's Party.
    He was one of the founders of the original German Worker's Party and a participant of the Putsch.

    Eckart was the original publisher of the Völkischer Beobachter, the first newspaper of the NSDAP. He was a poet and wrote the lyrics of the first party anthem -- Sturmlied.

    To Adolf Hitler he was a mentor, Hitler even called him a 'guiding light of the early National Socialist movement.'

    Unfortunately, Eckart died young, at only 55 years old, in 1923. He saw in Adolf Hitler a savior of Germany, and much more. Sadly, he never got to witness our Führer's meteoric rise.
    It's fascinating to ponder what role Eckart would have played in the National Socialist government. What he would have contributed and given to his people if he had been given the chance.

    But here we are, spread all over this earth, remembering him on this winter day, in 2023, 100 years after his death.

    On this day of his death, we light a candle for his life. For he will live in the hearts of all National Socialists, forever and ever.

  • Autumn, December 20, 2023

    The warm cold.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    Added German versions of the Walter Wüst and Ludwig Machek interviews. Check them out:

    Walter Wüst

    Ludwig Machek

  • Autumn, December 20, 2023

    The warm cold.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    Added a 1989 interview with E. Mayer, veteran of the 10th Panzer Division, Reconnaissance Battalion, which saw action on all fronts. Check it out:


  • Autumn, December 18, 2023

    The warm cold.

    While listening to: - Ich hatt' einen Kameraden (I had a comrade) -

    Added a 1985 interview with German Cross in Gold winner Ludwig Machek. Check it out:


    Added a rare Joseph Goebbels Christmas thank you card to a flak regiment protecting Berlin, an Adolf Hitler Christmas card, plus other neat items. Check them out:


    Added some really cool decals/stickers from the Winterhilfswerk des Deutschen Volkes (Winter Relief of the German People) given to those who donated. Check them out:


    *Also many thanks to Markus for his invaluable corrections, knowledge and support!

  • Autumn, December 17, 2023

    Starless, sleepless nights.

    While listening to: - Cold dogs barking in the night -

    Added an updated interview with Professor Walther Wüst, President of the Ahnenerbe and SS officer in the Security Service with 50% more material. This was due to the fact that we found another part of the interview that was done on a different day. We merged both parts into one interview. Check it out:


  • Autumn, December 16, 2023

    Starless, sleepless nights.

    While listening to: - Loreena Mckennitt - Mummer's Dance remix -

    Added a page that organizes and demystifies Miguel Serrano's many books. This is not a complete list, but it's all of his books that have been translated from his native language of Spanish to English. You'll note that the same book will often have different names and that a handful of his books are done by unscrupulous people looking to make a quick dollar. I tend to keep up on the publishing of any new Serrano books, so I'll add any new ones as time passes. You'll also note that many of the book covers are poorly printed, this is due to the original books being blurry, etc., I've scanned them exactly as they are:


  • Autumn, November 28, 2023

    Starless, sleepless nights.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    Added a very interesting 1988 interview with Walter, professor in the Ahnenerbe [Ancestral Heritage] and SS officer in the Security Service [Sicherheitsdienst, SD]:


    As usual, every day I add various new pictures and information throughout the site, but there are too many to list here.

  • Autumn, November 25, 2023

    Starless, sleepless nights.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    Added a 1945 interview with Hermann Göring done by his captors:


    Take a trip through 1938-1939 Germany with rare ephemera:


    *Special thanks to Wolf for directing me to the interview! Furthermore, thank you for all the work you do and information you provide!

  • Autumn, November 23, 2023

    Starless, sleepless nights.

    While listening to: - Stevie Wonder - Stay Gold -

    Added a new 1996 interview with Ernst Schmidt, U-Boat crewmember and officer:


  • Autumn, November 20, 2023

    Starless, sleepless nights.

    While listening to: - Q Lazzarus - Goodbye Horses -

    Added a new interview from 1994 with SS-Obersturmführer Pio Filippani Ronconi, an Italian volunteer in the Waffen-SS:


  • Autumn, November 9, 2023

    A cold day of remembrance, of what was, what could have been, and what will one day be.

    While listening to: - Dio - Don't Talk to Strangers -

    Today is the 100th anniversary of the 1923 National Socialist Putsch.

    We National Socialists look to the sixteen men who died that day to further an idea which, a century later, has spread the world. National Socialism is the antidote to the poison and ensuing disease which has nearly murdered this world.

    These sixteen martyrs were the first of many blood sacrifices in the war against the darkness which is devouring our world.

    It is interesting that the majority of the religions of man predict this age of evil. More importantly they assure us of its end, but only after terrible battles. Our martyrs, like the sixteen, steel us for the fight to come. Our love is our motivation and our energy.

    But this age of light shall not come without iron tenacity, boundless devotion and personal sacrifice. It is this very historic moment that matters most. And history waits impatiently for you to act. To rise and stand and fight. Do not let others do it for you. How long this dark age of madness, weakness and degeneracy lasts is up to us.

    They watch us, outside of time and space, outside of thought and dream, we shall make them proud.


  • Autumn, October 31, 2023

    "Another perfect day".

    While listening to: - King Diamond - Halloween -

    Happy Halloween!

    The day where spirits are free to visit (or torment) the living, from night fall until the dawn chases them away. Hope you guys have a good one!

  • Autumn, September 30, 2023

    Starless, sleepless nights.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    Added a variety of NSDAP internal documents:


  • Autumn, September 27, 2023

    Starless, sleepless nights.

    While listening to: - Rahowa - The Snow Fell -

    Added an incredible Kriegsmarine identification book. Check it out here:


    Added yet another incredible identification book, this time of a battlefield medic who was all over Ukraine and Russia, even as far as Moscow. Check it out here:


  • Autumn, September 26, 2023

    Starless, sleepless nights.

    While listening to: - Danny Rolling - Mystery Rider -

    Added another interview, this time a 1988 interview with Heinz-Peter Wack, winner of the German Cross in Gold and officer in the Pioneer Battalion 132.
    Check it out here:


  • Autumn, September 25, 2023

    Starless, sleepless nights.

    While listening to: - Sparkle - The End of the World -

    I've been working on a little project for a few years and have finally finished it.
    Please check it out and let me know what you think. Your input would be greatly appreciated.
    Check it out here:

    Matt Hale: In Dungeons Deep, 18 Years Without Sleep

    Added another great interview, this time a 1983 interview with Anna Junkes, mother of fallen Totenkopf soldier Walter Junkes.
    Check it out here:


  • Autumn, September 24, 2023

    Starless nights.

    While listening to: - Saga - Britain's Son -

    Added a powerful and inspiring 1990 interview with Elke Mecklenburg, who worked in SS administration and was the widow of SS officer Otto Mecklenburg. Check it out here:


  • First day of Autumn (autumnal equinox), September 23, 2023

    Darkness after the rain.

    While listening to: - Saga - Britain's Son -

    Added a very interesting 1994 interview with American Captain Jack Miller, Operations Officer and a lead pilot of a B-17 crew of the 95th Bomb Group. Miller flew in some of the most violent air battles of the war (Kiel, Bremen and Schweinfurt), where the Germans put up heroic defense of their families and homes. He was awarded various medals, such as two Distinguished Flying Crosses. Check it out here:


  • Summer, August 26, 2023

    Humid hell.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    Added a 1991 interview with Max O., an auxiliary in the SA, Berlin police officer and member of the Sicherheitsdienst [the intelligence agency of the SS]. Check it out here:


  • Summer, August 24, 2023

    Humid hell.

    While listening to: - Danny Rolling - Mystery Rider -

    Added a new interview! A 1990 interview with Johann Weber, veteran of the Pioneer Battalion of the 319th Infantry Division of the Wehrmacht, who served on multiple fronts, eventually moved to occupation duty of the Channel Islands. Check it out here:


  • Summer, August 3, 2023

    Summer spreads her wings.

    While listening to: - melancholy dogs barking in the night -

    Added a bunch of scans of cool personality related items. Check it out here:


    I'm still adding new newspapers almost daily to the Guernsey section (link above!).

  • Summer, July 26, 2023

    Summer spreads her wings.

    While listening to: - Saga - Britain's Son -

    Added a new page of Trash and Treasure. Take a look at the $550,000 medical bill! Check it out here:


  • Summer, July 23, 2023

    Summer spreads her wings.

    While listening to: - melancholy dogs barking in the night -

    Added an interview with Horst, a veteran of the feared Totenkopf-Division. He fought in the invasion of France, on the Eastern Front and in the hellish battles in Hungary near the end of the war. Check it out here:


    Added the first of what will be a long project -- adding an archive of 214 newspaper scans from The Channel Islands (Guernsey) during its occupation by the Third Reich. These newspapers are unique due to the fact they are in English.
    I'm going to try to add a new scan every day. Check it out here:


  • Summer, July 6, 2023

    Summer spreads her wings.

    While listening to: - SS Marschiert in Feindesland -

    Added a truly incredible truth from a 1958 book called Allied Wartime Supremacy, which is sourced mainly from Polish government archives. Many of you reading this already know the truth, but this is a smoking gun. It is a tragedy that this isn't more well-known. I urge you to show this to everyone you know. Check it out here:


    And if you haven't already, check out the amazing song 'SS Marschiert in Feindesland'!!!

  • Summer, June 27, 2023

    Summer spreads her wings.

    While listening to: - melancholy dogs barking in the night -

    The 25th anniversary of Mourning the Ancient!

    I can hardly believe that it has been TWENTY FIVE years. I still remember the day we decided to do a project that we could spread the truth we had learned. We decided to use what we knew best -- music, as our vehicle. I remember lying on the floor of my little apartment as we brainstormed on what we should call it. We liked 'Starvation of Light', light being symbolic for truth, and how this world is starved of it. But somewhere in my teenage brain I came up with 'Mourning the Ancient'. Yeah it is a strange name, and it doesn't exactly encompass our beliefs, but we envisioned the earliest of days, pre-history, and an escape from this dark age.

    Of course, our true 'mourning' is National Socialist Germany, then and now, but we didn't want to just come onto the scene that way. We wanted to establish ourselves first. To slowly feed the viewers truth. To slowly slip them the antidote to the enemy's poison -- truth.

    I'm sorry there isn't a big update to celebrate the anniversary. But if you look on the update history (below) you'll see that I released a huge amount of WWII interviews for a long stretch of time. I think they are very important, more important than a selfish Mourning the Ancient update.

    I had wanted to finally release a compilation video of old Mourning the Ancient photography, much of it from the late-1990s (and some after). We used to film our photo shoots and sometimes just shoot dark ambient material. There are hours and hours of material that I think a lot of readers would like to see.

    Then of course there is the delayed final two photo shoots of Mourning the Ancient. It's sad, but it's time to move on. 'One cannot stare at the sun too long...' But most of the props are ready, so we'll see if I can make it happen. If not, well I've left you with 150 photo shoots in the Gallery.

    I did manage to put up one photo shoot from January 2020, with the name 'Cats Bathing in the Sun of Forever'. I hope you like it, it was a simple shoot.

    Check it out:


    Thanks to all the great people I've met over the years, you've kept Mourning the Ancient alive with your love and support. You make it all worthwhile. You know who you are!


  • Summer, June 25, 2023

    Summer spreads her wings.

    While listening to: - melancholy dogs barking in the night -

    Added a 1990 interview with Frieda Zychski & Gerda Christian. Frau Zychski was among the housekeeping staff of Hermann Göring.
    Frau Christian was the private secretary to Adolf Hitler and considered his 'favorite'. Both women were members of the Inner Circle and were friends. Check it out:


  • Spring, June 20, 2023

    Summer awakening from slumber.

    While listening to: - melancholy dogs barking in the night -

    Added an interview with Hubert Meyer, commander of the extraordinary 12th SS Panzerdivision 'Hitlerjugend'. Check it out:


  • Spring, June 14, 2023

    Summer awakening from slumber.

    While listening to: - melancholy dogs barking in the night -

    Added a 1990 interview with Erich Schmidt, Wehrmacht veteran of the Norway campaign who was on board the doomed ship 'Blücher', and also fought on the Eastern Front and in Normandy. Check it out:


  • Spring, May 31, 2023

    Summer awakening from slumber.

    While listening to: - melancholy dogs barking in the night -

    Added a 1983 interview with Leo Franke, German Cross in Gold winner SS-Hauptscharführer of the 10. SS-Panzer Division 'Frundsberg'.
    Franke was also the winner of the coveted Honor Roll Clasp award. Check it out:


    This will be the final interview for a while... the rest are still on paper and need to be typed up. It's been exhausting work, but fascinating and incredibly informative.
    Thus far there are 130 interviews online, it took a little less than two years to research them, edit them and put them online. It was an absolute honor to present them to you.
    I hope you take the time to read them and learn the truth.

    Special thanks to Brian, who did these interviews, from a young teen visiting his aunt in Germany, to an American soldier seeking the truth. The work you did is a priceless treasure for all time.

    Also I'd like to thank 'Wolf', who has been an ever-present comrade and fellow researcher of the interviews. Your German language translations and corrections are also priceless!

    Now begins a new chapter. What area should I concentrate on? There are so many choices and a million things to do, it seems. Hmm...

  • Spring, May 30, 2023

    Summer awakening from slumber.

    While listening to: - melancholy dogs barking in the night -

    Added a 1990 interview with Karl-Heinz Boska, Knight's Cross winner SS-Obersturmführer and Adjutant of the 2. SS-Panzer Division 'Das Reich'. Check it out:


  • Spring, May 29, 2023

    Summer awakening from slumber.

    While listening to: - Overkill - Playing With Spiders/Skullkrusher -

    Added a 1988 interview with the extraordinary German Cross in Gold winner Hans Siptrott, Tank Commander of the 1. SS-Panzer Division 'Leibstandarte SS-Adolf Hitler'. Check it out:


  • Spring, May 27, 2023

    Summer awakening from slumber.

    While listening to: - melancholy dogs barking in the night -

    Added a 1988 interview with German Cross in Gold winner and SS-Obersturmführer Fredrik Jensen of the heroic 5. SS-Panzer Division 'Wiking'. Jensen was the most decorated Norwegian in German service and earned a plethora of various medals during his time as a volunteer. Check it out:


  • Spring, May 26, 2023

    The first days of spring.

    While listening to: - melancholy dogs barking in the night -

    Added a 1988 interview with Knight's Cross winner Fritz Langanke, Company Commander of the 2. SS-Panzer Division 'Das Reich'. Check it out:


  • Spring, May 25, 2023

    The first days of spring.

    While listening to: - melancholy dogs barking in the night -

    Added a 1988 interview with Knight's Cross winner SS-Sturmbannführer Ernst-Johann Tetsch of the 10. SS-Panzer Division 'Frundsberg' and Major of the Schutzpolizei. Check it out:


  • Spring, May 23, 2023

    The first days of spring.

    While listening to: - melancholy dogs barking in the night -

    Added a 1980 interview with Knight's Cross winner SS-Obersturmführer Wilfried Richter, of SS-Division 'Totenkopf' and later Panzerjäger (tank hunter) instructor. Check it out:


    Added General George Patton's poem 'Through a Glass, Darkly'


  • Spring, May 22, 2023

    The first days of spring.

    While listening to: - melancholy dogs barking in the night -

    *Special thanks to my European comrade 'Wolf', who has painstakingly translated many of the WWII interviews back into their original German language. His interview versions, which contain different pictures/research, are available on Telegram:


    Added a 1990 interview with the extraordinary Knight's Cross winner Ernst Barkmann, Panther tank commander of 2. SS-Panzer Division 'Das Reich'. Check it out:


  • Spring, May 19, 2023

    The first days of spring.

    While listening to: - melancholy dogs barking in the night -

    *Special thanks to my European comrade 'Wolf', who has painstakingly translated many of the WWII interviews back into their original German language. His interview versions, which contain different pictures/research, are available on Telegram:


    Added a 1993 interview with German Cross in Gold winner Helmut von Vollard-Bockelberg, Chief of Staff of the legendary 11. SS-Panzergrenadier Division 'Nordland'. Check it out:


  • Spring, May 16, 2023

    The first days of spring.

    While listening to: - melancholy dogs barking in the night -

    Added a 1989 interview with Knight's Cross winner SS-Oberscharführer Kurt Sametreiter of the elite 1. SS-Panzerdivision 'Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler'. Check it out:


  • Spring, May 14, 2023

    The first days of spring.

    While listening to: - melancholy dogs barking in the night -

    Here is an interview with a truly remarkable man. If there ever was a war machine it is Willi Hein.

    Added a 1988 interview with Knight's Cross winner SS-Hauptsturmführer Willi Hein, Battalion Commander of 5. SS-Panzer Division 'Wiking'. This remarkable soldier was even complimented by Adolf Hitler and also earned the German Cross in Gold, the coveted Honor Roll Clasp and the Panzer Badge in Silver with 75 engagements! He also earned the Golden Hitler Youth Badge with Oakleaves amongst many others. Check it out:


  • Spring, May 12, 2023

    The first days of spring.

    While listening to: - melancholy dogs barking in the night -

    Added a 1988 interview with German Cross in Gold winner Hauptmann Hellmuth Vogel, Battalion Commander of 4. SS-Polizei Division. Check it out:


  • Spring, May 8, 2023

    The first days of spring.

    While listening to: - melancholy dogs barking in the night -

    Added a 1989 interview with Knight's Cross winner SS-Obersturmführer Erwin Bachmann, who served in 'Germania', 'Wiking' and lastly 10. SS-Panzer 'Frundsberg', where he was given his own command and served as Battalion Adjutant. Check it out:


  • Spring, May 7, 2023

    The first days of spring.

    While listening to: - melancholy dogs barking in the night -

    Added a 1983 interview Flemish [Belgium] SS-Oberscharführer Georges Colemonts who served in the Waffen-SS Legion 'Langemarck' and later the 2. SS-Panzer Division 'Das Reich' as a tank driver. Colemonts was also the recipient of the coveted Honor Roll Clasp award. Check it out:


  • Spring, May 6, 2023

    The first days of spring.

    While listening to: - melancholy dogs barking in the night -

    Added a 1983 interview with Hans-Martin Leidreiter, winner of the German Cross in Gold and SS-Obersturmführer/Battalion Commander of the elite 1. SS-Panzer Division Leibstandarte SS-Adolf Hitler. Check it out:


  • Spring, May 4, 2023

    The first days of spring.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    Added a 1983 interview with Alfons Stegmaier, winner of the German Cross in Gold and Platoon Commander of 2. SS-Panzer Division 'Das Reich'. Check it out:


  • Spring, May 2, 2023

    The first days of spring.

    While listening to: - Landser - Nordland (it was only fitting!) -

    Added a fantastic 1990 interview with Knight's Cross winner Walter Seebach, the Regimental Adjutant of 11. SS-Panzergrenadier Division 'Nordland', Essen, 1990. Seebach ended the war as a SS-Hauptsturmführer (Captain), serving in Waffen-SS Germania/Wiking/Denmark. He was one of only 631 men awarded the very rare Close Combat Clasp in Gold. Check it out:


  • Spring, April 30, 2023

    The first days of spring.

    While listening to: - a distant dog barking various obscenities -

    Added a 1988 interview with Gustav Lombard, Knight's Cross winner and Brigadeführer who commanded various elite divisions including the 8. SS-Division Florian Geyer and the 31. SS-Volunteer Grenadier Division. Check it out:


  • Spring, April 28, 2023

    The first days of spring.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    Added a 1983 interview with Josef 'Sepp' Naber, Platoon Commander of the 2. SS-Panzer Division 'Das Reich'. Check it out:


  • Spring, April 27, 2023

    The first days of spring.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    Added a 1989 interview with Herbert W., a veteran of the Luftwaffe Flak-Regiment 23, who saw action on nearly every front of the war -- Czechoslovakia, Poland, France, Balkans, Crete, Russia, and Normandy. Check it out:


  • Spring, April 23, 2023

    The first days of spring.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    Added a 1988 interview with Knight's Cross winner and Platoon Commander of the schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 502, Paul Egger, credited with destroying a whopping 113 tanks. Check it out:


  • Spring, April 20, 2023

    Rainy solemnity.

    While listening to: - The 3rd and the Mortal - Tears Laid in Earth - Autopoéma -

    Here we are again, friends and comrades! That most special of days - the 134th birthday of mankind's greatest son -- Adolf Hitler. The majority of you reading this have celebrated many of Adolf Hitler's birthdays, each in your own way. Many of you live in occupied countries that make it a crime to celebrate this day. And of course, this year more than any, there is a large influx of new men and women who have discovered the truth in 2023. Let me say to them: give the fight everything that you can, if you get discouraged or lose your way, you need only look to the glorious and healing light that is Adolf Hitler. His deeds, his death, his resurrection -- through our love.

    Despite our enemies' cheap hate.

    Despite our enemies' recycled lies.

    Despite their vitriol, their vomited words, their petty darkness.

    It is our love for our peoples.

    Our love for our families.

    Our love for our ancestors, who live in each one of us.

    Our love for truth.

    Our love for our valiant dead.

    Our love beats their hate.

    Our love beats their childish evil.

    Our love for Him.

    An eternal star to follow on dark nights.

    And let's not forget, our love for a good fight. In 2023 let's give them what they want -- TOGETHER -- let's FIGHT!

    Friends and enemies, I'll see you on the battlefield!

    Added an 1988 interview with Heinz Jürgens, Knight's Cross winner and Battalion Commander of the 4. SS-Panzergrenadier Division Polizei. Check it out:


  • Spring, April 18, 2023

    The first days of spring.

    While listening to: - Kari Rueslåtten - Demo 1995 -

    Hello readers! Here is your latest dose of WWII truth from none other than one of the greatest tank gunners of WWII, credited with destroying 80 tanks!

    Added an interview with Knight's Cross winner and SS-Oberscharführer Balthasar 'Bobby' Woll, veteran of the SS-Totenkopf-Division and Tiger tank gunner extraordinaire in 1. SS-Panzer Division Leibstandarte SS-Adolf Hitler and later Panzer instructor. Check it out:


  • Spring, April 16, 2023

    The first days of spring.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    Hello readers! Do I have a good one for you today...

    Added a 1988 interview with the great SS-Sturmbannführer Walter Reder, a veteran of the SS Division Totenkopf and Battalion Commander of the 16. SS-Panzergrenadier Division 'Reichsführer-SS'. Reder was also a winner of the German Cross in Gold and Knight's Cross. Check it out:


  • Spring, April 15, 2023

    The first days of spring.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    Added an interesting 1989 interview with Lisette Garnier, a French civilian who lived through the war and subsequent German occupation. Check it out:


  • Spring, April 14, 2023

    The first days of spring.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    Added a 1989 interview with SS Untersturmführer Gerhard Stiller, a combat medic from the elite 1st SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler, later a Panzer instructor. Check it out:


  • Spring, April 10, 2023

    The first days of spring.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    Three new interviews!

    Added a 1989 interview with SS-Unterscharführer Kurt Söhrmann from the elite SS Panzer Regiment 3, 'Totenkopf'. Check it out:


    Added a 1998 interview with Untersturmführer Oswald Van Ooteghem, Flemish veteran of the Legion Flandern, war reporter and member of 27. SS-Freiwilligen-Grenadier-Division 'Langemarck' (SS-Jugend-Bataillon 27). Check it out:


    Added a 1990 interview with Dietrich Ascher, Knight's Cross winner and Assault Gun Commander of Sturmgeschütz-Brigade 259. Check it out:


  • Spring, April 3, 2023

    The first days of spring.

    While listening to: - Metallica - For Whom the Bell Tolls -

    Added a 1988 interview with German Cross in Gold winner and Company Commander Rudolf Garscha from 2. SS-Panzer Division 'Das Reich'. Check it out:


  • Spring, April 2, 2023

    The first days of spring.

    While listening to: - Sparkle - The End of the World -

    Added a 1993 interview with Knight's Cross winner and Battalion Commander Eberhard Heder from 5. SS-Panzer Division 'Wiking'. Check it out:


  • Spring, March 30, 2023

    The first days of spring.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    Added a 1998 interview with Scharführer Hans Thiesen from Totenkopf Division. Check it out:


  • Spring, March 29, 2023

    The first days of spring.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    Added a 1988 interview with Rupert Dangl, winner of the German Cross in Gold, an instructor and SS-Untersturmführer in 2. SS-Panzer Division 'Das Reich'. Check it out:


    Also added TONS of new eagles to the section, plus created a new page (page eleven):


  • Spring, March 24, 2023

    The first days of spring.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    Added a 1986 interview with Cesar, a veteran of the brutal Spanish Civil War and a volunteer in the famed Spanish Blue Division on the Eastern Front. Check it out:


  • Spring, March 21, 2023

    The first days of spring.

    While listening to: - Pentangle - Willy O' Winsbury -

    Added a 1990 interview with Hans von der Heide, Unterscharführer in the 10. SS-Panzerdivision 'Frundsberg'. After the war Hans went on to fight for truth until his death. Check it out:


  • Winter, March 19, 2023

    A dreary March into Spring.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    Added a 1989 interview with Ernst Krag, Battalion Commander of the 2. SS-Panzer Division 'Das Reich' and winner of the Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves. Check it out:


    I also revamped the old article 'An Ancient Pact Betrayed'. Truly infuriating and disgusting:


  • Winter, March 18, 2023

    A dreary March into Spring.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    We have another great one for you today, dear reader. A 1989 interview with Henri Fenet, the Battalion Commander of the heroic 33. Waffen Grenadier Division der SS Charlemagne and winner of the Knight's Cross. I've admired Fenet for a long time, so I was honored to be able to present this interview. Check it out:


  • Winter, March 16, 2023

    A dreary March into Spring.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    Do we ever have a RARE interview for you today! Truly a historic treasure. A 1987 interview with Irmgard Bormann, daughter of Private Secretary to the Führer Martin Bormann! Check it out:


  • Winter, March 14, 2023

    A dreary March into Spring.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    Interview with Heinrich 'Hein' Greil, a veteran of Großdeutschland guard battalion, regiment, and later part of 2nd Panzer Division. Check it out:


  • Winter, March 11, 2023

    Winter rain.

    While listening to: - Ordo Equitum Solis - Stars and Misery -

    Interview with the extraordinary Otto Weidinger, regimental commander of the SS Panzergrenadier Regiment 4 'Der Führer', a member of the 2nd SS Panzer Division 'Das Reich', and winner of the Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords. Check it out:


  • Winter, March 9, 2023

    Winter rain.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    A very special treat for you today, dear reader, a rare interview with a U-Boat sailor. Werner Herrmann, a crew member of the famous U-96 and later a consultant for the film Das Boot. Check it out:


  • Winter, March 8, 2023

    Blessed winter fades.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    Added an interview with Heinz Scharf, Knight's Cross winner from Sturmgeschutz-Abteilung 202, the most successful German assault gun unit of the entire war. Scharf himself scored 40+ confirmed tank kills! Check it out:


  • Winter, March 7, 2023

    Blessed winter fades.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    Added an interview with Otto Heger, winner of the Knight's Cross, German Cross, Honor Roll Badge and Captain of Jäger Regiment 227. Check it out:


  • Winter, March 6, 2023

    Blessed winter fades.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    Added an interview with Max Hansen, Knight's Cross with Oakleaves winner and Regimental Commander of Leibstandarte SS-Adolf Hitler [LAH]. Check it out:


  • Winter, March 5, 2023

    Blessed winter fades.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    Second upload for March 5th!

    Added an interview with Amadus Ahlf, soldier of the Leibstandarte-SS Adolf Hitler Reconnaissance unit [LSSAH]. Check it out:


  • Winter, March 5, 2023

    Blessed winter fades.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    Added an awesome interview with Günther Ortmann, Honor Roll Clasp winner and Battalion Commander of the SS-Police Division. Check it out:


  • Winter, March 2, 2023

    Blessed cold.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    Added some scans (to the art section) to an Arno Breker book I have. Check it out:


  • Winter, February 28, 2023

    Blessed cold.

    While listening to: - Landser - Nordland -

    Added an interview with Rudolf Ternedde, German Cross in Gold holder and Regimental Commander of the elite 11. SS-Panzergrenadier Division "Nordland". Check it out:


  • Winter, February 27, 2023

    Winter thunderstorms.

    While listening to: - Lili Marlene -

    Added an interview with Fritz Haberstroh, German Cross in Gold holder and soldier from the 22. SS-Kavallerie Division 'Maria Theresia'. We're very pleased to offer you an interview from this 'rare' division. Keep in mind only 170 survived the hell that was Budapest and from there they were kept in the fight. Check it out:


  • Winter, February 17, 2023

    Winter storms.

    While listening to: - Dio - The Last in Line -

    Added an interview with Hans Bernau, German Cross in Gold holder and Battalion Commander of the mighty 5. SS-Panzer Division 'Wiking'. Check it out:


  • Winter, February 16, 2023

    Winter storms.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    Added an interview with Eberhard Telkamp, winner of the Knight's Cross and Regimental Commander of the 9. SS-Panzer Division 'Hohenstaufen'. Check it out:


  • Winter, February 15, 2023

    Winter storms.

    While listening to: - Carl Orff - O Fortuna - Carmina Burana -

    Added an interview with Colonel Joachim Boosfeld, Knight's Cross winner and Commander of 8. SS-Kavallerie Division 'Florian Geyer'. Check it out:


  • Winter, February 13, 2023

    Winter warmth.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    Added a very special interview today -- Knight's Cross winner and Battalion Commander of the 13. SS-Gebirgs Division Handschar, Albert Stenwedel! Check it out:


    Plus I'm adding additional material throughout the website every day...

  • Winter, February 6, 2023

    Beautiful bitter cold.

    While listening to: - nothing -


    [Above: Eva Braun as a small girl (lower left), with her sister Gretl, mother and Ilse Braun on the right.]

    Added a 1989 interview with Heinrich Springer, a Knight's Cross winner from the elite Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler:


  • Winter, February 2, 2023

    Beautiful bitter cold.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    I've added some pretty cool Strength Through Joy stuff:


    I've also been adding a ton of various material to numerous sections. I'm revamping Trash and Treasure -- adding new material and sometimes better scans/pictures -- to every single page. Someday I hope to get out all the old flyers and material from storage and actually rescan it all in a large size. Back when I first made the section PC screens were very small compared to these days.

    Anyway, look around the dusty, dark corridors of the creaking mansion that is Mourning the Ancient, you might just stumble upon something new, or something you've never seen before.

  • Winter, January 28, 2023

    Beautiful bitter cold.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    Added a selection of early NSDAP voting ballots. Can you imagine voting in an election that actually mattered? Or was real and not a show, for that matter. As Stalin admitted:

    'The people who cast the votes don't decide an election, the people who count the votes do.'

    But in the case of the world today, it matters not who we vote for. They are all tentacles of the same monster. Anyway, you already know all of this. Check out the ballots here:



    I added something else on this frozen winter night of January 28, 2023. If you liked the slides you'll like this as well. Check it out:


  • Winter, January 27, 2023

    Beautiful bitter cold.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    Added something you've probably never seen before - slides from the Third Reich. They're pretty rare, which seems strange since there were probably a lot made for various schools and institutions. Anyway, I hope you like. Enjoy:


  • Winter, January 27, 2023

    Beautiful bitter cold.

    While listening to: - The Song of the Wandering Aengus - Donovan P. Leitch -

    Added scans of some of the wonderful art of two books called 'Eternal Germany' from the 1930s/1940s. Plus some scans from a natural healing book from the period. We live in a poisoned world and drink the venom of our enemies. We should not look to the future for wellness and healing, but to the past. They've lied to us about just about everything. Anyway, try to enjoy a moment back in time, at the world they destroyed with a million bombs, so that we could have the 'blessed' world of today:


  • Winter, January 21, 2023

    Beautiful bitter cold.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    Added a 1983 interview with Knight's Cross winner and veteran of the Battle of Kursk, Hans Drexler:


  • Winter, January 19, 2023

    Beautiful bitter cold.

    While listening to: - Mannerbund - By God We'll Have Our Home Again -

    Finally I'm done! I added promotion documents, award documents and pictures of German police officer Hans Helwes. Follow his extraordinary career, from peace time to the eastern front and his promotions all the way up to Oberstleutnant (lieutenant colonel). Also check out the various signatures on his documents. It took a while to put it all together but I think you'll like the tour. Check it out:


  • Winter, January 18, 2023

    Beautiful bitter cold.

    While listening to: - Ordo Equitum Solis - Stars and Misery -

    Added a 2006 interview with the great David Lane done by Blood & Honour. Lane interviews are rare gems and we can never read enough of them. He was the philospher and wise man of our struggle and so much more. Many thanks to the guys at Blood & Honour for their years of tireless struggle and energy given to our fight! Read the interview:


    Blood & Honour has a website filled with interesting and entertaining things, waiting for your discovery.

    Visit Blood & Honour:

  • Winter, January 16, 2023

    Beautiful bitter cold.

    While listening to: - Robert Mathews' 1983 speech - A Call to Arms -

    Today marks the 70th birthday of one of the greatest men to have ever lived - Robert Jay Mathews! Like many free-thinking people around the world, Mathews has a special place in my heart. He is the very reason I awoke to the truth.

    I remember that fated day very clearly in my mind. It was another boring day in the occupied USA. I was in a little stuffy used book store. And there it was: The Silent Brotherhood, published in 1990. I was interested in True Crime, so I picked it up. My whole world was about to change. A terrible series of seemingly neverending truths would soon both curse and bless my mind. Within this ragged paperback book I would learn of a true American hero. A hero for the ages, as if he stepped right out of an ageless fairytale.

    Mathews was a knight who rose to battle a powerful evil that engulfed and poisoned the earth. He was a magical figure of both lightning and sun. But he had been murdered by his enemies years before I found this book. He gave his life for us on December 8, 1984. Up until that moment he had lived and died without me even knowing it. He was only 31 years old when he fearlessly gave his life for me. I was still a child the fiery day he sacrificed himself.

    The book The Silent Brotherhood was written by his enemies, full of slander, bias and lies. The kind of book that we've all grown accustomed to. But within its lies were pieces of a puzzle of truth. I was enthralled by the things the book let slip. Titles of books, authors, dates, names and an underground of resistance. It was very hard to find information in the days before the internet. So there was no way I could find the books I was most curious about. Namely the book The Turner Diaries by Dr. William Pierce. Bookstores couldn't order it, believe me, I tried.

    So time passed but I kept what I had learned fresh in my mind. Eventually I would find other books on Robert Mathews and his band of modern day knights. Namely two of them: Brotherhood of Murder and Talked to Death. But these books only made me more curious.

    I looked around me and knew something was terribly wrong with society and the world. Soon I would find out why. One rainy day that autumn a friend received something completely out of the blue in his mailbox. An advertising catalog, not unlike one you would throw away with the rest of the junkmail. But this was different. It was a book catalog called Delta Press. They sold some pretty crazy books, like how to be an assassin, military manuals of all types, and one other book...

    There it was: The Turner Diaries. I soon got a hold of this catalog and ordered the book.

    Everything changed.

    For ever and ever.

    I was free, my mind no longer controlled.

    I knew what they had been hiding.

    A mountain of dirty, murderous secrets was before me, slowly unraveling.

    I thanked the gods for William Pierce.

    But I will always remember the man who started me on my path.

    Robert Jay Mathews.

    The Man Against Time.

    We love you!

    Click here to hear an MP4 of Mathews 1983 speech

  • Winter, January 12, 2023

    Beautiful bitter cold.

    While listening to: - Ordo Equitum Solis - The Blood Tomorrow -

    Added two of the most beautiful and charming NSDAP children's books you've ever seen! Seriously, check out the art and COLOR on these:


  • Winter, January 11, 2023

    Beautiful bitter cold.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    Added an interview with Svend Larsen, a volunteer of the SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 24 'Danmark' (Nordland).
    Larsen also volunteered in the Finnish Winter War 1939-40 and was a member of the Danish National Socialist Workers' Party (DNSAP):


  • Winter, January 9, 2023

    Beautiful bitter cold.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    I've updated the information and pictures for the Greek listing on Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind - page six:


    I also added various new material to the Philatelia section:


    Plus various updates throughout the site. I hope you are well, dear reader, in this beautiful year of Kali Yuga, 2023.

  • Winter, January 5, 2023

    Beautiful bitter cold.

    While listening to: - Alice Cooper - Pain -

    I've been adding random stuff throughout the site. I actually found a picture of a volunteer Russian regiment marching under the Arc of Triumph in Paris. WOW. You can see it on the first page of Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind. Just hold down ALT and the 'F' key to do a search on 'Arc of Triumph' to find it. I've also been adding a lot of material to the various sections under the EXPLORE links at the bottom of Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind. Here's a tiny example of some of the material:


  • Winter, December 30, 2022

    Beautiful bitter cold.

    While listening to: - howling winds outside my window -

    After days of scanning I'm finally done! I offer you over 200 previously unseen photos of a German Wehrmacht soldier in 1940-41 occupied France. I hope you like it, there were many interesting pictures that I liked. As always, let me know what you think! See it:


    [Below: Our guide through WWII occupied France.]

  • Winter, December 25, 2022

    Beautiful bitter cold.

    While listening to: - howling winds outside my window -

    A very special friend and comrade gave me this beautiful gift... it brought tears to my eyes opening the package and seeing it for the first time. It was truly a heartfelt gift that I will treasure and remember forever.

    Although you lie in a cold winter grave, there will always be a space in my heart for you, Germanus.

    And to you, my sweet R., how can words possibly describe how grateful I am to call you a friend... it fills me with warmth and hope that someone out there could be so thoughtful.

  • Winter, December 22, 2022

    Beautiful bitter cold.

    While listening to: - howling winds outside my window -

    I thought I was done with the eagles section, but that wasn't the case. Looking for something else I stumbled upon an old archive I have with about 50-60 more eagles! So, ever faithful to you dear reader, I stopped what I was doing and made another page (page nine) and put up the new eagles. So now my eyes are bleeding with permanent eagles burned on my retinas and my fingers ache. Enjoy:


  • Autumn, December 20, 2022

    Beautiful bitter cold.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    Err... finally, I'm done.
    I added over 150 eagles to the Eagles of the Third Reich section
    Very time consuming, but very nice to see all together.
    I added new eagles to virtually every page and added a whole new page (page eight).
    The first page is:


    And page eight:



  • Autumn, December 15, 2022

    Beautiful bitter cold.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    After some rather exhausting hours, I completed the photo section of SA leader Viktor Lutze.
    I hope you like it, I became much more interested in this incredible man after I posted the giant birthday card from his men online a few weeks ago.
    Anyway, check it out:


  • Autumn, December 5, 2022

    Cold days and nights.

    While listening to: - Hoyt Axton - Oh Im A Good Old Rebel -

    Added another interesting interview, this time of Elizabeth Lubes, a Luftwaffehelferin (signals and plane spotter). She tells some very intriguing stories of Jews and the end of the Third Reich:


  • Autumn, December 2, 2022

    Cold days and nights.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    Here's a real treat: an interview with a WWII German paratrooper! The interview is with Gunter P. from Fallschirmjager Regiment 6, who fought in the Battle of Normandy:


  • Autumn, December 1, 2022

    Cold days and nights.

    While listening to: - Bathory - One Rode to Asa Bay -

    Added a very interesting 1983 interview with Karl Vacha, an early Austrian National Socialist fighter, Blood Order winner and SS medic:


  • Autumn, November 29, 2022

    Cold days and nights.

    While listening to: - Saga - Ode To A Dying People -

    Added a 1987 interview with Walter Hauck, an officer of the Hitlerjugend Division who fought at Normandy and was charged with war crimes:


  • Autumn, November 27, 2022

    Warmer days.

    While listening to: - Pentangle - Willy O' Winsbury -

    A very special treat for you guys this time. Pictures of a giant 1939 hand-drawn birthday card for SA leader Viktor Lutze:


    I also posted Adolf Hitler's Oration at the Funeral of SA leader Viktor Lutze (beautiful!):


  • Autumn, November 27, 2022

    Warmer days.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    Added an interesting interview with a veteran of the 44.Infanterie-Division Reichsgrenadier Division 'Hoch-und Deutschmeister:


  • Autumn, November 24, 2022 (Thanksgiving)

    Warmer days.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    As promised, a page and a half of new eagles, plus new images added to old pages. Seven pages in total:


  • Autumn, November 24, 2022 (Thanksgiving)

    Warmer days.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    Added lots of new eagles (many more to come tomorrow):


  • Autumn, November 17, 2022

    Bitter cold.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    Added various material to the website and new photos to the WWII archive:


    Check out the 'PANZERJÄGERN'! A very interesting and strange photo...

  • Autumn, November 16, 2022

    Bitter cold.

    While listening to: - Luis Fajardo - Te Quiero Contar España (I Want to Tell You About Spain)-

    Added more death cards of German martyrs:


    More miscellaneous material will be added throughout the day...

  • Autumn, November 15, 2022

    Bitter cold.

    While listening to: - Luis Fajardo - Te Quiero Contar España (I Want to Tell You About Spain)-

    Added a 1990 interview with Gerhard Treppner, veteran of the feared SS-Panzerdivision 'Totenkopf':


  • Autumn, November 12, 2022

    Bitter cold.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    Added a very interesting 1986 interview with Adi (Adolf), SA member and IG Farben worker:


  • Autumn, October 15, 2022

    Cooler days.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    Added a 1983 interview with Generalmajor Richard Daniel, winner of the Knight's Cross with Oakleaves:


  • Autumn, October 11, 2022

    Cooler days.

    While listening to: - Six Pence and None the Richer - Love is Blindness -

    Finally added a new profile to Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind. This documents extremely rare radio schedules and other information regarding the American broadcasters who worked for the Third Reich:


  • Autumn at last, October 7, 2022

    Cooler days.

    While listening to: - Pentangle - Willy O' Winsbury -

    Added a new interview with Hannelore Dachs, BDM member, NSDAP member, assistant to the regional party leader and widow of a fallen SS officer:


  • Autumn at last, October 2, 2022

    Cooler days.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    Added a new interview with Josef H., who served with the Order Police and was also a Wehrmacht veteran who saw action in Poland and France and later was assigned to Warsaw during the 1944 Uprising:


  • Autumn at last, September 23, 2022

    Cooler days.

    While listening to: - Pentangle - Willy O' Winsbury -

    Added a new piece to 'My Hitler', and I have to say, one of the most interesting, due to the thoroughness of the author and his life experience. It is definitely worth your time to read it. And to all of you out there who would like to share your own story, as you can see it is anonymous, and the world, myself included, would really like to read it. So send me your own story about how you found the truth about Adolf Hitler and everything else that that realization brings. Read Steven's remarkable story:


    *My special thanks to you Steven, wherever you are out there in this mad, dark world. Danke, mein kamerad...

  • Last day of summer, September 21, 2022

    Cooler days.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    The last day of summer, comrades. Added an interview with Martyna Turnau-Williams, a supervisor at the Regensburg Messerschmitt factory:


  • Summer, September 17, 2022

    Rain and thunderstorm.

    While listening to: - SA marching songs -

    Added an interview with Karl-Heinz, who is none other than a Dirlewanger Brigade veteran! This is a truly rare gem:


    Also added a new page to Trash and Treasure showcasing a friend's beautiful National Socialist art:


  • Summer, August 18, 2022

    Drought and heat.

    While listening to: - The Song of the Wandering Aengus - Donovan P. Leitch -

    Added an interview with Sigmund, an early member of the SA and SS TotenKopfverband,
    a veteran of the Totenkopf Division that fought in 1944/45 to relieve Budapest, and most interestingly, a member of the Thule Society.

    This is an historical and very important interview, not to mention downright cool and inspiring. Sigmund was a man of incredible talent, energy and passion, and is now shrouded in mystery. Read the interview and you'll understand the many questions that will probably remain unanswered forever. Sigmund speaks of not only an all-out physical war with the enemy, but of a spiritual one, happening simultaneously. A magical war being waged in utmost secrecy. Could it be true? As strange as it may sound -- YES. Read this incredible interview and let me know what you think. I'd really like to hear your thoughts on this one. Read the interview:


  • Summer, July 30, 2022

    Warm night.

    While listening to: - insects crying out in the night -

    Added an interview with Totenkopf Division veteran Wilhelm Reinecker:


  • Summer, July 27, 2022

    Humid rain.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    Added an interview with early SA Scharführer/Blockleiter Alfred Stroebel:


  • Summer, July 24, 2022

    Hot Hell.

    While listening to: - King Diamond - Sleepless Nights -

    Added an extremely rare and extraordinary interview with Erich, print assistant for Der Stürmer:


  • Summer, July 21, 2022

    Hot Hell.

    While listening to: - Black Sabbath - Born Again -

    Added a .PDF of a 1938 book I scanned called 'Hitler befreit Sudetenland' (Hitler Liberates Sudetenland):


  • Summer, July 12, 2022

    Hot Hell.

    While listening to: - Donovan P. Leitch - The Song of the Wandering Aengus -

    Added a .PDF by Joseph Goebbels called Struggle for Berlin:


    Plus various other additions throughout the site...

  • Summer, July 10, 2022

    Hot Hell.

    While listening to: - Pentangle - Willy O' Winsbury -

    Added an interview with Ingo, a veteran of the 7th SS Volunteer Mountain Division Prinz Eugen:


  • Summer, July 6, 2022

    Hot Hell.

    While listening to: - Pentangle - Willy O' Winsbury -

    A wooden reflection of the divine fire that is Adolf Hitler.

    A fire spreading in the hearts of every man, woman and child the world over.

    The flame that animates us and destroys our enemies' lies.

    Join this spirtual inferno and help light fires in the hearts of your fellow man.

  • Summer, June 29, 2022

    Hot Hell.

    While listening to: - Jorge Méndez - Cold -

    I'm a couple days late, but the 27th of this month was Mourning the Ancient's 24th anniversary on the internet. Pretty unbelievable. Like some strange time warp. But I guess when I really sit down and think about the years it does seem like a very long and arduous journey. I've grown up with Mourning the Ancient. From a teenager in 1995 doing mail interviews, polaroids and 35mm photos until now, sitting here with you. It amazes me to think that some of you weren't even born yet when we began. It has been such a profound and shocking learning experience. The truths of WWII that I'm still discovering after all these years of immersing myself in it.

    Some of you I've known practically from the beginning. You can look through the photography and see what a long road it's been. The world has certainly changed since 1995. Censorship has grown exponentially. While more people are awake to the truth on various levels, it seems as a whole humanity has grown less intelligent and far more degenerate. Degeneracy has become a norm in society. Cell phones and their easy access to the internet were the death of the internet we once knew. For the most part, the modern internet is very boring. While internet download speeds are blazing fast compared to the old 56k modems, there is far less unique and interesting things to download. Well, besides Mourning the Ancient. Hehe...

    Sorry I couldn't find the time to do an update to celebrate the anniversary, I wanted to, but was just too busy. Here are two pictures from March 21, 2000, from the 'Life is Death' photo shoot. It's of a friend and me after the long and sticky photo shoot, which we also filmed a video of.

  • Spring, June 19, 2022

    Hot Hell.

    While listening to: - Bathory - One Rode to Asa Bay -

    I added a pile of World War One photos that I scanned to the archives, some of them quite dark and gruesome: HERE

  • Spring, June 19, 2022

    Hot Hell.

    While listening to: - Jorge Méndez - Cold -

    Added an extraordinary 1987 interview with Herbert Axster, Chief of Staff of the V2 rocket program and later a target of Operation Paperclip:


    Plus various additions throughout the site. I've constantly been adding new material without reporting it on this update page. Mostly pictures and information, too small to report here.

  • Spring, June 3, 2022

    Hot Hell.

    While listening to: - Ordo Equitum Solis - Message to Pan -

    Added an interview with Karin, an office worker for the Gestapo:


  • Spring, June 2, 2022

    Hot Hell.

    While listening to: - Countess - On the Wings of Azazel -

    Added an interview with Siegfried Milius, commander of the elite SS-Fallschirmjäger-Battalion 500/600:


  • Spring, May 31, 2022

    Hot Hell.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    Added an interview with Frau Lagerlof, witness to the Nemmersdorf Massacre:


    *The Nemmersdorf Massacre referenced here is one of the most evil war atrocities that I have ever read about.

  • Spring, May 28, 2022

    Hot Hell.

    While listening to: - nothing -

    Added an interview with General Wilhelm Mohnke, LSSAH member and Knight's Cross winner.
    More importantly, Mohnke was personally made Kommandant by Adolf Hitler in the final days for the defense of the center district of Berlin.
    This included the Reich Chancellery and Adolf Hitler's bunker. Needless to say, Mohnke was a very important man:


  • Spring, May 25, 2022

    Rain, rain, nothing but rain.

    While listening to: Theatre of Tragedy - A Distance There Is -

    Added an interview with Erich Bissoir, member of SS Division Hitlerjugend:


  • Spring, May 13, 2022 (Friday the 13th!)

    Sunshine and lemmings.

    While listening to: Accept - Metal Heart

    Added a variety of new things throughout the site, including new NSDAP donation stamps (amongst others):


  • Spring, May 11, 2022

    Sunshine and lemmings.

    While listening to: Possessed - My Belief

    Added a new profile of Father Denis Fahey of Ireland:


    Plus added a new page to the Miscellanea section:


  • Spring, May 5, 2022

    Rainy nothingness.

    While listening to: Cloven Hoof - Laying Down the Law

    Interview with the great Hans Schmidt, author, lecturer, and Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler veteran:


    Plus more updates in a variety of sections.

  • Spring, May 5, 2022

    Rainy nothingness.

    While listening to: King Diamond - Two Little Girls

    Interview with Richard Grimm, officer in Pioneer Battalion 305 and veteran of Stalingrad and Monte Cassino:


    Plus updates in the section:

    Third Reich Identification Books

  • Spring, May 2, 2022

    While listening to: Grim Reaper - See You In Hell (Demo '82)

    [Below: Okay, so I'm a few days late. Here is a picture from April 20th of 2022. A comrade from Europe sent me this necklace. Who made this is anyone's guess... It is probably from the 1970s and it seems to be made of lead. I love it, it is made beautifully. I hope all of you had a nice April 20th. I'm sure many of us spent it alone, but we are united in spirit and heart. I leave you with a quote from Savitri Devi...]

    '...the last National Socialists; the men of iron who will have victoriously stood the test of persecution and, what is more, the test of complete isolation in the midst of a dreary, indifferent world in which they have no place; who are facing that world and defying it with every gesture... and, more and more (in the case of the younger ones) without even the personal memory of Adolf Hitler's great days to sustain them. They are the ones who will, one day, make good for all that which men against time have suffered... They are... the last battalion, in which Adolf Hitler has put his confidence.'
    -Savitri Devi, 'The Lightning and the Sun' ©1958

  • Spring, May 1, 2022 (May Day)

    While listening to: Johnny Cash - God's Gonna Cut You Down

    Happy May Day, friends and enemies! Have you given that special someone a May Day basket? I used to make them and give them to my mother when I was a child. I guess these days children are distracted on their phones, and a lot of the adults are just as bad. These digital addictions are going to hit younger people very, very hard when the electricity goes out. When nature and the Gods separate the weak and the strong. Have you looked out your window lately? The view from my bunker is not very pleasant. It's growing very... dark. But let's not get distracted. On to business!

    I have been adding new material, as promised, mostly to the Identification section. I have so many scans, so I'll be adding stuff for many, many days to come.

    Third Reich Identification Books

    Sometimes I need a break from all the facts and history of Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind, so these new sections provide that. Plus I thought you may also enjoy it for the same reason. I have so much material to put up and I'm gonna try and do it as fast as I can, so if you notice any mistakes, let me know and I'll fix it.

  • Spring, April 20, 2022

    The greatest day of the year!

    While listening to: Horst Wessel Lied

    I've been working on a new section to Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind. I think you'll enjoy going through it, it will consist of MANY, MANY scans of original content, scanned by yours truly. Tons of 3rd Reich identitfication books/cards, from the vaunted SS to a martial arts ID! Yeah, some strange and cool stuff. Also tons of postcards, letters, books and booklets, sourvenir sheets, stamps, awards, military brothel forms, telegrams, adoption documents, NSDAP party letters, tickets and even unknown mystery items. The German leaflets dropped on Allied troops are beyond cool (in the new 'Ephemera' section). I didn't have time to do but a tiny fraction of the material, so check back often, as I'll be adding new stuff frequently.

    At the bottom of each Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind page you'll see the new sections under the heading 'Explore'. There you'll be given the choice to visit the new sections:

    Third Reich Philatelia

    Third Reich Ephemera

    Third Reich Miscellanea

    Third Reich Identification Books

    Third Reich Awards

    The Great War

    A new, though small photo shoot for the book Siege:


    Added a very cool interview with Ursula H., a BDM girl who worked with Ukrainian farmers for the 1942 harvest:


    Added a rare and interesting interview with an Armenian by the name of Hagop, who was a volunteer in the Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS:


    Added scans of new Mein Kampfs:


    Scans from Robert Caputo's rare martial arts book published before his untimely death:


    Review of an Italian National Socialist Black Metal 'zine in Trash and Treasure, including a download of a .pdf of the new issue:

    Trash and Treasure page 145

    Two interrogations of Hitler's sister Paula:

    Interrogation of Hitler's sister Paula on July 12, 1945

    Interrogation of Hitler's sister Paula on June 5, 1946

    Plus lots of various other additions throughout the site.

  • Winter, March 22, 2022

    Rain, wind and cold. A perfect day.

    While listening to: Hoyt Axton - Oh Im A Good Old Rebel

    Added an interview with Hermann Blume, Knight's Cross holder and veteran of the 24th Panzer Division:


    *A special thanks to those great souls who wrote me with warm words during my time of grief. You will not be forgotten.

  • Winter, March 13, 2022


    While listening to: Nothing

    (February 24, 2011 - March 13, 2022)

    My dear comrade and friend died suddenly tonight. My dear Germanus... I am broken and in tears.

    It was sudden. The vile veterinarian charged me over $3,000 dollars to do nothing but end his suffering.

    I will collect his body this morning and hope the ground is not frozen to bury him.

    He just turned 11 years old. My little soldier, Germanus, I will miss you forever...

  • Winter, March 4, 2022

    Summer in the Winter.

    While listening to: Mayhem - Freezing Moon

    Added a very rare interview with Rudolf von Ribbentrop, former Waffen-SS tank officer and son of foreign minister Joachim von Ribbentrop:


  • Winter, March 3, 2022

    Summer in the Winter.

    While listening to: Nothing

    Added an interview with Konrad, a Waffen-SS soldier of the Der Führer Regiment, Das Reich Division:


  • Winter, February 22, 2022 (2-22-22!)

    Bitter cold.

    While listening to: Nothing

    Added an interview with Hildegard Helmke, widow of legendary Knight's Cross winner Michael Wittmann:


  • Winter, February 21, 2022

    Warm winter cold.

    While listening to: King Diamond - Sleepless Nights

    After a long wait, James Mason's Siege is finally released once again. Get it while it lasts because it probably won't last long and who knows when it'll be in print again. It's been years since the last printing. This is an official publication, unlike some of the crappy bootlegs that sporadically appear on the market. You can even order an official Siege t-shirt or a poster:

    James Mason's Siege

  • Winter, February 18, 2022

    Warm winter cold.

    While listening to: Thorr's Hammer - Norge

    Added an interview with German General and coveted Blood Order holder Horst Kraehe:


  • Winter, February 17, 2022

    Windy and cold.

    While listening to: Hoyt Axton - Oh Im A Good Old Rebel

    Added a new page of Eagles of the Third Reich:


    Plus lots of various other pictures throughout Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind.

  • Winter, February 12, 2022

    Bitter cold.

    While listening to: Six Pence and None the Richer - Love is Blindess

    Added a profile of American author and America First Committee speaker Kathleen Norris:


  • Winter, February 6, 2022

    Another solemn winter afternoon.

    While listening to: Kanna Marches to the Indian National Army (Azad Hind Fauj) Calcutta Youth Choir

    February 6, 2022 is the 77 year anniversary of the murder of the French martyr Robert Brasillach. Brasillach was murdered by firing squad for none other than his writings. Now that is democracy and freedom of speech. Free to speak whatever you wish so as long as you say what they want you to say. Step out of line and see how many freedoms you have.

    Brasillach was a cutting edge talented writer. He tore his enemies down with his wit and intellect. He spoke the truth, come what may. When his communist-French enemies declared his death sentence he proclaimed to the court:
    'It's an honor!'

    Before being killed by firing squad, he spit in the face of death and uttered the words:

    'But all the same, long live France!' (Vive la France quand même!)

    The world of men rarely sees men as brave, soulful and intelligent as Brasillach. One day France will redeem him and curse his murderers. One day. Until then, let the few French people who know the truth and this American say:


  • Winter, February 2, 2022

    Bitter cold.

    While listening to: Theatre of Tragedy - A Distance There Is

    It's 2-2-22, isn't that strange? Imagine being born at 2:22 today.
    Anyway, I added a great interview with Dr. Rudolf Aschenauer. He was a defense attorney for many German soldiers and officials accused of war crimes. Aschenauer was also a member of the SA and NSDAP and also served on the Eastern Front during WWII:


  • Winter, January 21, 2022

    Winter's freezing grasp at last.

    While listening to: Ordo Equitum Solis - Stars And Misery

    The first post of 2022...

    Added an insanely rare interview with Hedwig (Potthast) Staeck, Heinrich Himmler's personal secretary:


  • Winter, December 30, 2021

    The cold sets in.

    While listening to: Nothing

    Added an interview with Fallschirmjäger (paratrooper) and Knight's Cross winner Willi Koch:


  • Winter, December 29, 2021

    The cold sets in.

    While listening to: Mannerbund - By God We'll Have Our Home Again

    Added an interview with German Professor Maria E., regarding the image of the German soldier and the Third Reich:


  • Winter, December 27, 2021

    A boring winter day.

    While listening to: Nothing

    Added an interview with Wolfgang F., a soldier of the Waffen-SS Das Reich Division:


  • Winter, December 22, 2021

    A spring-like winter day.

    While listening to: Accept - Metal Heart

    Added some very rare and cool examples of 'speciman' 3rd Reich eagles:


  • Winter, December 21, 2021

    The first day of winter (winter solstice).

    While listening to: Lili Marleen (Lale Andersen, 1942 [English version])

    Added a physical copy of Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind to Trash and Treasure:


  • Autumn, December 15, 2021

    Thunderstorms, hurricane winds (up to 90 miles an hour), tornadoes and power outages.

    While listening to: Civil defense/tornado sirens blaring intermittently

    Added some really cool eagles (at the bottom, lottery tickets and stock certificates, etc.:

    - HERE -

    Added a new WWII interview Kriegsmarine hero, Knight's Cross winner and one man torpedo crewman, Walter Gerhold:

    - HERE -


    2022 CALENDARS!

    I have a very limited supply of these, so if you want one, email me!

  • Autumn, December 12, 2021

    Winter in the wind...

    While listening to: Mannerbund - By God We'll Have Our Home Again

    Added an article called 'German War Crimes? by an anonymous contributor:

    - HERE -

  • Autumn, December 8, 2021

    Autumn hanging on...

    While listening to: Exhorder - Slaughter in the Vatican (Demo '87)

    Added a new WWII interview with SS Division Leibstandarte officer Erhard Guhrs:

    - HERE -

  • Autumn, December 2, 2021

    Summer's mysterious return

    While listening to: Erika (English version)

    Added a new page of Trash and Treasure:

    - HERE -

    Plus I've been adding lots of new pictures for Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind. I've also added the poem 'The Wrath of the Awakened Saxon'.

    - HERE -

    You've probably read it before, but it is so pertinent to our times, to our current struggle, that I thought I should put it on the website.

    White/Aryan peoples have come to be so peaceful, so docile, so hard to offend, and they have grown to have very long wicks. This will be their undoing unless they rise up very soon. If they do not it will be too late.

    Dark things are in motion all over the world. Their plans are accelerating like never before. They feel their objective of total domination is in sight and they are getting anxious, and sloppy. But they never calculated the internet in their plans. It enabled people to learn the truth. Yet soon the internet will be censored and worthless. But in the meantime spread as much truth as you can. Save all the information that you can and back it up for the future. Keep fighting. People are waking up like never before. I see it more and more every day. Do not get distracted or disheartened from our goal of waking up our sleeping brothers and sisters.

    It is not enough to know the truth, you must spread it. Make websites, comment in forums, message boards, etc. The truth is like a fire, all of us lighting little fires all over the world, and suddenly -- an inferno!

  • Autumn, November 5, 2021

    Winter spreading her wings

    While listening to: Morbid Angel - Chapel of Ghouls

    Here is a 1991 interview done in Essen, Germany with Simon-Karl (last name not given), from the 10th Panzer Division, and then the The 1st SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler, as an anti-tank soldier:

    - HERE -

  • Autumn, November 2, 2021

    Winter spreading her wings

    While listening to: Ordo Equitum Solis - Playing with the Fire

    David Eden Lane (November 2, 1938 – May 28, 2007).

    Happy birthday comrade... it was one of my life's greatest moments to have conversed with you through letters. You were so surprisingly humble, warm, wise, dedicated... you were so many great things.

    You were one of the most driven men I have ever met in my life. You cared more for our struggle than anything else in existence.

    Your kindness and compliments of my work give me inspiration during my darkest times. I know you watch over us and guide us through this evil age.

    Happy Birthday, brother.

  • Autumn, October 30, 2021

    One last gasp of summer in the autumn

    While listening to: Samuel Barber - Adagio For Strings

    Here is a second, late night update for you. I've posted some funny attacks from the internet on Mourning the Ancient. I'll post the emails next, but in the meantime check out the Trash and Treasure page:

    - HERE -

  • Autumn, October 30, 2021

    One last gasp of summer in the autumn

    While listening to: Zager & Evans - In the Year 2525)

    Hello everyone and good afternoon to you all!

    The second part of an interview I did for a German website, NS Kampfruf (NS Battle Cry), associated with Gerhard Lauck's NSDAP/AO, is online.

    You can view the Part Two PDF here:

    -Interview published in the New Order with Molly (English)-

    You can view the Part One PDF here:

    -Interview published in the New Order with Molly (English)-

    Don't forget to visit Gerhard Lauck's website:


  • Autumn, October 11, 2021

    Falling with the leaves

    While listening to: Lili Marleen (Lale Andersen, 1942 [English Version])

    Exactly one year to the day, here is a photo shoot we did last October 11, 2020, and just in time for Halloween.

    The Angel of Morning in the Middle of the Night:

    - H E R E -

    I hope all of you are well and in good fighting spirits! As always, keep in touch and let me know what you think!

  • Autumn, October 6, 2021

    Falling with the leaves

    While listening to: Ordo Equitum Solis - Stars And Misery

    'Notwithstanding the apparent fact that humanity changes but little, there are great moments when the world really does grow better than it ever was before. One of these moments is when one of its children ceases to be labored for and becomes in turn one of the laborers in the vineyard of humanity. In each age through which the earth passes there are a few who win immortality; there are one or two in each great civilization who rise to the fuller requirements of life and learn so well the lessons which confront them that they are capable of becoming a power for the unfoldment of men. There are some who discover, with their own self-evolved qualities and faculties, their true reason for being. There are a few, who, gathering around them the shining garments of a purified soul, pass behind the veil that separates the gods from men, to come forth on the great Wheel no more.

    From a civilization that has since passed into darkness there rose one who had suffered much, who had toiled long, had felt the anguish of the world, had seen the uselessness of mortal glory; who had performed the great work and climbed the lofty heights, seeking eternally to draw others up to the realms of Truth...

    This beautiful soul now stands at the Gates of Gold robed in the garments of a purified being, radiant in the resplendent glory of the gods. The tinkling bells upon its garments play the music of a harmonious life; its form divine gleams with a million lights, each one of them a prayer of thanksgiving and a blessing from one of those with whom it had labored faithfully and well.

    Before the Footstool of the Gods stood the Master. He was one out of the world of men -- one who had found, and for ages walked, the Path of selflessness. At last, after the eternities of preparation and experience in the world of things, this one had earned the right to knock at the door of immortality.'
    --Manly P. Hall, The Ways of the Lonely Ones, pg. 89-90, The One Who Turned Back

  • Autumn, September 30, 2021

    Falling with the leaves

    While listening to: Paddy Tarleton - The Rats Ain't Hiding In The Wall No More

    Today marks the 116th birthday of one of the greatest human beings to ever grace this dark world:
    Savitri Devi
    (September 30, 1905 - October 22, 1982).

    There was a time some many years ago when I was tired with the world. Bleeding from many wounds, I laid down to rest... weary of the fight to awaken a people who would prefer to just sleep through their own murder-suicides. So I took a break from Mourning the Ancient (you can see the gap in the years of photography when no photos were done) and concentrated on my own self-destruction. I embraced darkness and death and thought 'Maybe they deserve everything they'll get...'

    But a soldier knows only the fight. A light came to the blackness of my dark resolve. A book written years before I was even born, in 1958, by a woman who would reignite the flame within me. Who would heal my broken soul. That woman was Savitri Devi, and her beautiful book The Lightning and the Sun.

    Happy Birthday, Savitri. We love you!

  • Summer, September 9, 2021

    Summer's last gasp

    While listening to: Accept - Metal Heart
    (This song is so classic and cool!)

    The first part of an interview I did for a German website, associated with Gerhard Lauck's NSDAP/AO, is online, in German and English. The interview was with NS Kampfruf (NS Battle Cry). The link is:


    Or you can view the PDF here:

    -Interview published in the New Order with Molly (English)-

    -Interview published in the New Order with Molly (Deutsch)-

    *** Attention! Achtung! ***

    I've had to get a new email address, at least for now. My old email 'sunlessdawn@mourningtheancient.com' wasn't giving me all of my emails, in fact most of them I never received.

    So, if you've contacted me in the past few months, please re-send your emails!

    New email:


  • Summer, July 25, 2021

    The calm after the storm

    Attention! Achtung!

    I've had to get a new email address, at least for now. My old email 'sunlessdawn@mourningtheancient.com' wasn't giving me all of my emails, in fact most of them I never received.

    So, if you've contacted me in the past few months, please re-send your emails!

    New email:


    Sorry for this stupid inconvenience. Technology can be such a pain in the @$$!

  • Summer, July 21, 2021

    The calm after the storm

    Hello everyone. I thought I'd share a magnificent and appalling video called 'THE ANTI-WHITE AGENDA'. An anonymous person has put together a huge collection of recent hatred and racism toward white people. You have to see this to believe it. The scope is almost unimaginable.

    Yet still, the white race sleeps.

    Shockingly, they even assist in their own genocide.

    Share this video with everyone you know. With this video evidence, how can our enemies still say there is no plan for white genocide?

    Are you still sitting on the fence? Are you one of those people who say 'Well I can't do anything, I don't want to be put on some list!'

    Or 'Well I can't risk my job.'

    Or 'I have to hide my beliefs, what would my family/friends/significant other think?'

    Or 'What can I do? I don't know what I can do. Other people will do it.'

    Or even 'I'm just a fucking coward.'

    Which one are you? How long will you wait to stand up? Until it is too late? We're fighting not just for our lives here, but for the very future of our race. For the very existence of our people. Our enemies want nothing more than the extinction of our race. Remember, our age-old enemy is behind all of this. He wants you to be afraid. He wants you to hate the other races and fight amongst ourselves. He wants you to think we are already beaten.

    But together we are strong. United our people can overcome any obstacle. The future of our people depends on it. A huge part of it is in your hands.

    Always remember, our enemy wants you to lash out violently. NEVER use violence unless it is in self defense. DO NOT break the law. They want you behind bars, neutralized. We need you on the outside.


  • Summer, July 14, 2021

    The calm after the storm

    Added new photos of Inga and Robert Ley, plus pictures of Inga's little known children's book. The book also contains pictures of their estate, then and now, plus pictures of Inga's grave:

    H E R E

    Well, the madness of Independence Day is over. The day where Americans go crazy and light of millions of communist Chinese fireworks. What an irony. The neighborhoods are literally foggy with smoke from this insanity.

    It's 2:30 in morning here in Nowhere Land. I hope you are having a good one, wherever you are. Keep up those fighting spirits, my comrades. Our day is coming, but only with our help and sacrifice.

  • Summer, June 27, 2021

    Hot darkness


    I've hunted down four unreleased photos from past shoots, sorry I couldn't do more, time has been my enemy these last months. To those who have emailed me and not heard back from me, my apologies, but I will email you back when there is more time.

    I hope you like them!

  • This is from the May 11, 2003 shoot called 'The Coming Darkness'...

  • This is from the August 17, 2004 shoot called 'Lagu'...

  • This is from the August 20, 2007 shoot called 'Diogenes'...

  • This is from the March 23, 2010 shoot called 'Satori in Red'...

  • And as a special treat for our readers from the old days, I've dragged out some photos from the February 21, 2000 shoot called 'Wotan's Light' (Here's the link to the shoot)... except these are the originals! Pretty neat huh? They look very strange to me because all I have seen for many years are the edited ones online. There are about 160 of them, most of them never published, so I'm going to try and put them up for you as soon as I can. I remember these photos very clearly. It was so hot in the room, especially in those furs! The finished pictures turned out looking cold and wintery, while in reality I was practically dying of a heat stroke! Hehe, but it's a great memory and I enjoyed every uncomfortable moment. Anyway, enjoy, and let me know what you think!

  • Summer, June 25, 2021

    Thunderstorms and dark skies

    Added a new profile of American Huey Long:

    H E R E

    It seems we could go on forever and ever with all the great men and women who have fought for our cause since the beginning. Huey Long was a big person on the side of the cause of truth. Which is why they murdered him in cold blood. We're not 'citizens' of our countries. We are possessions. Employees of corporations. America, inc.

  • Summer, June 21, 2021

    Into the oven

    Added a new profile of a priest named Father John Francis Cronin. Pay special attention to the shocking quote from the book 'The Assassination of James Forrestal' within the profile:

    H E R E

  • Spring, June 20, 2021

    Into the oven

    Happy first day of summer! Added some new Trash and Treasure material:

    H E R E

  • Spring, June 17, 2021

    Into the oven

    Added ten PDFs by British Fascist Arnold Leese:

    H E R E

    Leese was one of my favorite Brits, far, far greater a man than Mosley.

    Added over FORTY EIGHT hours of Father Coughlin speaking:

    H E R E

    Coughlin was an important person in the war for truth. He had millions of listeners and was eventually silenced by the government. Freedom of speech? Even his own church helped to silence him, despite the fact that he was a huge catalyst in bringing in new Catholics and reinvigorating the 'flock'. People donated millions for him to be able to be on the radio. For speaking the truth he was exiled into obscurity. A true warrior. I hope you enjoy.

    Here's a shot of Klara and me, a decade or so ago.

  • Spring, May 23, 2021

    Summer sneaking in

    Late night greetings comrades. I've been working on this and that all evening/night. Lots of various new stuff here and there. One of mention is Mussolini and the Sword of Islam. Never heard of it? Well check out the link below. The company who made it is actually still in business. I emailed them and asked if they had any information about it. I'll keep you updated if I learn anything else. The sword has been missing since 1943:

    The Sword of Islam

    I added some pictures from one of my favorite shoots from 2015, 'Iron Angel', dedicated to one of my favorite people -- Corneliu Codreanu. There are hundreds of photos from this shoot, but only one was ever published. So, I hope you guys like it. If you don't know who Codreanu is, I implore you to check him out. He was a truly blessed, beautiful human being.

    Plus I added four videos from the shoot!

    Iron Angel

  • Spring, May 7, 2021

    Summer sneaking in

    Hello and good evening to you all! Tonight I scanned some Third Reich documents and put them online here:

    Eagles of the Third Reich

    I hope all of you are hanging on out there. Things are as crazy as ever. The monster is drinking its own poison. We're standing by watching this creature who has stolen our futures, who has turned our world into a madhouse, who has spread death and violence all over our tired world.

    We're watching it self-destruct. It reminds me of a quote from Commander Rockwell:

    'We are the new 'barbarians',
    forged in iron hardness in the fires
    of their hate and persecution.
    All over the world, we wait to pounce...'

    Stay strong comrades. All of this shall pass. Our day shall come.

  • Spring, April 30, 2021


    Summer sneaking in

    Hello again! Tonight I added many articles by Robert Edward Edmondson, one of the most important Americans that you've probably never heard of. I profiled him some time ago (on page 6 of Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind), but didn't have any of his reading material for you. But that has changed! Check out the many articles in link below:

    Robert Edward Edmondson articles

  • Spring, April 28, 2021

    Summer sneaking in

    Hello everyone! Well, here we are again. I haven't had much time lately to update the page as much as I'd like, but tonight I dedicated my evening to a very special National Socialist. An inspiring and beautiful man. One of the many obscure and nearly forgotten heroes from our hidden past:

    One of the most dedicated American broadcasters of the war:

    Max Otto Koischwitz

    On a side note, I've had some email problems, so if you've sent me an email lately with no response please RESEND IT! Sorry, I've been searching for a new email client. It's hard to find a decent program, but I'll find something, not to worry.

    I hope this update finds all of you well. It's a crazy, stupid, depressing, dark and meaningless world out there. But, we have each other. I remember reading an old, torn and faded German WWII graphic. It had one wounded soldier being helped by another and said simply:

    "God gave every fighter a comrade"

  • Spring, April 20, 2021

    The greatest day of the year!

    It's April 20th! What an odd year we have had, huh?
    As you may know, April 20th to me is a day to look back on our work of the previous year.
    A time to constructively look back on our victories and defeats.
    But most importantly, a day to celebrate the birth of the greatest man of our times -- of all time!
    Adolf Hitler!
    Today is his 132nd birthday!
    And we have to say, he is more alive today, more loved, more admired, than the 56 years he walked the earth. His followers can be found on every patch of the earth. From every race and every nation. Each year, more and more people wake up to the truth about this monumental and blessed man. The man who changed the world -- FOREVER. And as much as they try to banish the real Adolf Hitler, as much as they pour their filthy lies upon his name, they cannot bury the truth for long. More and more people join us in celebrating his name every day. So if this is your first time celebrating April 20th, or if you are an old veteran, cheers to you, and to our blessed Adolf Hitler!

    I meant to post some examples of newer photo shoots, but I didn't have time. But I did do two profiles for you:

    Leader of the Portuguese National Syndicalists Movement:

    Francisco de Barcelos Rolão Preto

    Teacher and early financier of Adolf Hitler:

    Helene Bechstein

  • Spring, March 20, 2021

    The Death of Winter

    Hi everyone! Well today I've done a lot of work on the Campaign Shield page, maybe you'll be interested, maybe you won't, but I thought I'd make this update anyway:

    H E R E

    Also, the printing company only sent me TEN calendars before they saw some of the Mourning the Ancient pictures and cut me off. They refunded my money and canceled my order. So, if you were one of the lucky ones that got one of the ten, consider yourselves privileged! None of the ten made it out of the USA. I may print another round minus some offending pictures... or I may not. It is getting kinda late in the year I guess. Oh well, I'm so used to being censored it doesn't even phase me anymore. Actually I'm so cynical that I think it's kind of funny. Oh well. Hope all of you are well in this ever increasing crazy world. We're racing through Kali Yuga with a whiskey bottle in one hand and a grenade in the other!

  • Winter, March 8, 2021

    Summer in the Winter

    At last, and late like usual, the 2021 calendar is in my hands. Those of you who are scheduled to get one, expect it in the mail sometime in the next week or two. If we haven't talked, and you want one, you can email me and if I have any left I'll send you one.

  • Winter, February 25, 2021

    The great thaw

    Hello everyone. Here's another school picture for you to laugh at. Well, laugh it up, let me see your school picture?! Hehe, I hope I got a smile out of you! I was maybe 15 or so in this picture.

  • Winter, February 12, 2021

    Snowy and freezing cold

    Hello comrades, friends and enemies. Here's some new pictures. A million thanks to my friends involved!:

    [Below: Here's me holding a Psicorragia DVD release (and wearing a Psicorragia shirt!). I interviewed this Peruvian band a long, long time ago. I loved their music then, and still love it today. Amazing talent and awesome people! And don't worry, I wore my Corona mask so everything is cool. What a joke. What amazing and crazy times we live in.]

    [Below: A friend gave me this Hellhammer sweatshirt for Christmas! Growing up in my neighborhood I knew an older guy (when we were teenagers he was in his 30s) named Tim, who was very odd and had done too many drugs in his time. Anyway, we would sometimes party at his house and he would ramble on and on about how Venom were gods and about how awesome Hellhammer was. He had a best friend we called 'Bones' who was also a burned out Venom worshipper. I think I wrote about it in Trash and Treasure somewhere, but years later we told Tim that Venom came to our town and that his friend Bones told us that Tim didn't like Venom anymore. We also told him we met the band and went to their bus and partied with them. He didn't believe us, so he called the local Rock radio station and asked them, in his burnout voice "Hey man, did fuckin' Venom come to town" and the DJ told him, in a mocking voice "Yeah man, they came, what you didn't go!?" Well he freaked the fuck out! He wrecked his house and wanted to kill Bones. He trashed his house so bad we felt really bad, and now he wanted to kill Bones. So we told him over and over we were just joking but he wouldn't believe us. He thought we were just trying to protect Bones... What happened after that, I don't know. Wow. Fucking Venom man!]

  • Winter, February 4, 2021

    Roaring blizzard

    Hello again. I added many new listings to Trash and Treasure:

    H E R E

    Plus various updates to Götterdämmerung and Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind, amongst others. The 2021 calendar is a little late, I know, but it will get done I promise. Keep fighting, boys, we're winning.

  • Winter, January 25, 2021

    Roaring blizzard

    As a blizzard rages outside my window, my German Shepherd at my feet, I wrote a poem in honor of this wonderful world:

    H E R E

    My contempt for this world is immeasurable. Can you believe this is the world our grandfathers and great grandfathers fought for? I remember asking my own grandfather why in the hell did they do it, although he himself wasn't in it (due to a physical problem)? He told me they didn't do it because of politics, but for money and adventure. So for a few dollars they got to see a bombed out destroyed world, and in the process destroyed the future and wiped out their race. How nice.

    Thank god we're only visitors passing through. Could you imagine living in this madness forever? Maybe we are in hell, as has been surmised? No, if that were so there wouldn't be the golden spirit of Adolf Hitler burning in my chest.

    Anyway, I also added various other stuff - Trash and Treasure, Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind, three new articles in the Article section, etc.

  • Winter, January 19, 2021

    Frozen nights

    Hello everyone. Things have gone kind of crazy lately in the world. Everything is falling apart. Their kingdom is desperately trying to stay alive. We live in a special, decisive time. We get the honor of watching their empire fall. Be strong, stay out of trouble and stay legal, we don't need you in some enemy dungeon. But do not fear them. In the last dark days of Adolf Hitler, he made his circle of people promise him that they would never fear the enemy. That they would never not act out of fear. Make yourself that promise. We're only here for a short while, make your time count. Most importantly, have fun doing it.

    A comrade sent this poem to me, so I thought I'd share it with you. I think you will relate with it. I did.

    My digital Wehrwolves! Roar! :

    H E R E

  • Winter, January 9, 2021

    Bitter Cold

    Winter silence

    Hello world -- this is the first post of 2021. Here I sit as the world falls apart around us. There have been many interesting happenings lately. The slaves are rattling their cages. Their chains grow heavy. But you and I know all of this is just another part of their plan. Through the chaos they will tighten their control of us. Will they ultimately win? That's up to us. If we stand up together, nothing could stop us. But humanity is fractured, split down the middle, half of the world hates the other half. They've created this division. It takes our eyes off the real enemy. The puppet master behind the scenes. It's time to either resist or be brutally enslaved. We must speak out, we cannot remain silent. Use the internet to spread the truth. Soon they will take control of the internet, but for now it is our greatest weapon against them.

    Make websites, speak out on forums, leave comments everywhere you can, write articles, do whatever you can. What are you good at? Everyone is good at something, so use it now, while you can.

    I for one would be happy to publish articles from our readers. If you would like to contribute something please email me!

    Don't let this chance pass you by. DO SOMETHING. It's now or never. But whatever you do, do it LEGALLY. We need you on the outside, free, not locked up in the enemy's dungeons. I look forward to hearing from you. I'm really hoping you write me.

    I finished an old poem (White Picket Cage) and posted it here: H E R E

    Maybe it can get a smile out of you. Don't be sad, don't be discouraged. All of this was meant to be. The enemy will destroy itself. It bleeds from a thousand self-inflicted wounds. Be strong, my comrades. I for one will stand by you always. 88!

  • Winter, December 24, 2020

    Bitter cold

    Merry Christmas Eve everyone and happy Yule!



  • Autumn, December 15, 2020

    Cold Morning

    What if I told you that 46 million Americans had died of a mysterious plague since 1970? FORTY SIX MILLION people. 58,000 Americans died during the Vietnam war. A tiny, tiny number compared to the 46 million huh? 407,316 Americans died during WWII. In the Hurtgen Forest, during the Battle of the Bulge, Iwo Jima, Okinawa, D-Day and Normandy and the hell of it all. 407,000 still just a little chip compared to our 46 million who died of that plague I told you about, huh? Okay, how about 'The Great War', WWI? 116,516 American soldiers. Still a tiny number compared to the plague. How about America's bloody Civil War? 620,000 died. Still a small number compared to our plague above. How about the Revolutionary War? 6,800 Americans died. So that makes 1,615,632 total dead. A difference of 44,384,368. Forty four million more people died of this mysterious plague than all of America's major wars combined.

    So what is this mysterious plague that has killed 46 million Americans? And what if I told you that the whole world is dying from this plague? Yes, in fact, just this year alone over 40 million people have died.

    This plague is terrible, it's killed more people than every war ever fought on earth -- combined! It gets worse. It only attacks babies!!!

    What a monstrous plague.

    But I've got a secret to tell you.

    There is no plague. All those deaths -- 46 million in America and 40 million just this year all around the world -- these are abortions.

    You cold, murdering psychopaths. You want to talk about a holocaust? We can't even imagine such a staggering number. Forty million and counting all around our beautiful, bombed out, drugged out, moral and good and just world.

    I hate most people. Truth be told I'm not much of a lover of this current civilization. A capitalist democracy hell hole, where 1% of the population owns 99% of the wealth. What a farce. What a cold day in hell. What a comedy-tragedy. A maze of rats fighting over scraps. You kill your fucking unborn children faster than you do your dogs and cats (1.5 million shelter animals are euthanized every year, 670,000 dogs and 860,000 cats).

    You are guilty of the highest crimes in nature. Let's see what you are, shall we?

    the crime of killing a child within a year of birth. "cases of infanticide often involve extreme emotional disturbance"
    a person who kills an infant, especially their own child.

    In El Salvador, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Honduras abortion is illegal. In Guatemala, Paraguay and Venezuela it is allowed only to save the mother's life (and in the case of rape in Brazil).

    It's recently been legalized for the first time in Ireland. Our enemies just can't murder all of those white babies fast enough.

    But wait... black babies are being murdered on a massive scale. Shockingly, the leading cause of death of black people is abortion! Higher than AIDS, violent crimes, accidents, cancer and heart disease–combined.

    Gosh, don't you just love humans :)

    Check it out:

    H E R E

    And remember: half the patients entering an abortion clinic never come out alive!

  • Autumn, December 14, 2020

    Frozen nights

    Hi everyone! I put up some pictures of an old friend who was a Marine in the 1960s. He died a few years ago, but I'll always remember sitting with him and hearing his crazy stories - of war, fighting, jail, women and a million other crazy stories. He lived life to the very fullest till the very end. He was wise to the ways of the world and knew our true enemy. Semper Fi!:

    H E R E

  • Autumn, December 1, 2020

    The cold sets in

    Autumn night

    Hello friends, comrades and adversaries! I added a 'new' photo shoot from July 1, 2015. Not an 'official' shoot, but here it is anyway:

    H E R E

  • Autumn, November 30, 2020

    The cold sets in

    Autumn night

    Added a beautiful old poem, which a comrade graciously translated. I left the picture online and asked someone out there to translate it. Well someone finally did. Many thanks 'F'! This is such a beautiful poem. Even in English it is beautiful, in German it must be glorious.

    [Above: Incredible. This guy radiates cool. This says:


    Soldiers we have always been
    since that hour when we experienced god.
    As we read profoundly in his wonders
    That laws stand over every thing
    That everything we see grow, we see alive
    is woven into its wonders.

    We made our own laws
    out of free will, strict and hard and heavy
    but none of us ever broke down under its load
    So we started this way alone,
    we met men who were like-minded
    only then shield and defense were found.

    In the beginning all we had was the will
    to be hard and faithful in decency
    so that this call may deeply fullfill itself
    We could only find this one road there
    and only on one flame the fire was to be set
    though its glowing was weak and small back then.

    Not until then we thought of the goal
    only as we marched, our direction became apparent.
    We have laughed about a few dreams
    Because it wasnt for the goal, that we began our march
    and not the victory alone guided us to the battlefield,
    the law was talking to us, which was firmly in every one of us.

    So gladly we will do without the laurel
    we want no gratitude for a duty
    which we have to prove to ourselves tomorrow, too.
    We are no heroes or prophets
    neither are we priests nor ascetic*
    We are soldiers, nothing more.

    ['ascetic' is an interesting word, it means 'characterized by or suggesting the practice of severe self-discipline and abstention from all forms of indulgence, typically for religious reasons.']


    Well it's that time again. The Mourning the Ancient 2021 calendar is coming. If you want one, contact me. Things have been extremely busy here, but I've been very productive. New photo shoots and misc. coming soon.

  • Autumn, November 8, 2020

    Summer's last gasp

    Autumn night

    Added a new section to the site - Hall of Heroes - a section of death cards of the heroes of WWII. The cards were given out to friends and families at the funerals of the martyrs. The cards detail when and where they died, their names and other personal information. The section is still in raw form, as I get time I'll add translations and personal thoughts, plus many more cards. If you have any death cards in your collection, please send me scans to add to the section! Check it out here:

    H E R E

  • Autumn, November 5, 2020

    Summer's last gasp

    Added a new entry into Götterdämmerung - one of the most vile works ever written. Read it here and your blood will boil:

    H E R E

    And there is a new Trash and Treasure page:

    H E R E

    Plus various additions throughout the site...

  • Autumn, November 3, 2020

    Summer's last gasp

    Added a new page to Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind! Wow, twenty-one pages... And this is a very special page, it profiles a very shocking truth, also hidden as any other, perhaps more so. So who is it? Who are these allies of the 3rd Reich?


    Yes, you heard me right.

    There were at least 150,000 German Jews who fought for the Third Reich. So I thought the Germans holocausted all the Jews? WRONG. Read more here: H E R E

  • Autumn, October 31, 2020

    Halloween Blue Hunter's Moon
    (13 days away from Friday the 13th)

    Added an interview with Brian, the guy who did all those WWII interviews: H E R E

  • Autumn, October 27, 2020

    White Winter Hell

    Added new material to the Götterdämmerung section: H E R E

  • Autumn, October 26, 2020

    White Winter Hell

    Added some new graphic photographs of dead Japanese heroes from WWII: H E R E

    Here is a photo from around 2005, during a time when were did no photography for MTA whatsoever. There is a huge gap of three years, from 2004 to 2007 where we did almost nothing. Anyway, here I am trying to call you... why won't you answer!?

  • Autumn, October 12, 2020

    Fall into Autumn

    Added a new listing on Trash and Treasure. I think you'll find it interesting. Something supernatural in the spirit of Halloween. Check it out: H E R E

  • Autumn, October 10, 2020

    Fall into Autumn

    Added a new photo shoot! Black Sun Rising: H E R E

    It was an amazing shoot... let me know what you think!

    I leave you with a recent quote from hero Matt Hale:

    'When people ask me where I get my strength from, it is because, in part, I realize that there are men who have endured far, far more than me. They too have suffered for a great and noble cause, undergoing privations which we of our current bourgeois society can scarcely imagine. Please therefore join me in partaking especially in this saga by Leon Degrelle. You will hear the gunfire, feel the cold, pain, and torture of the participants, and come out of it a more thoughtful and deep human being. You will understand, most importantly of all, that you yourself are capable of much, much more sacrifice and achievement than you presently realize, and that if the cause for our people's future is losing today. it is because it has yet to truly fight. It is to be hoped that men like Leon Degrelle still exist and that they may be found and soon.'

  • Autumn, October 2, 2020

    Fall into Autumn

    Added a profile of Nesta Webster: H E R E

    [Below: This one takes me back... this Polaroid is of Loki the Cat and me. This cat was a madman and was aptly named! I had scratches all over me. He climbed up my leg and up my back and sat on my shoulder! He was a relentless ball of energy. This was the summer of '97. A lot of things were happening, Mourning the Ancient was still in its infancy. Since we couldn't get our photos developed anymore (due to being banned!), we were doing a lot of videos of Mourning the Ancient type stuff. Maybe sometime I'll upload some of those old videos if enough people want to see them!]

  • Summer, September 16, 2020

    Summer's last gasp

    Added a profile of the ultra enigmatic Edith Star Miller: H E R E

  • Summer, September 1, 2020

    Humid hell

    Surprise! A 'new' photo shoot. This one was done in October of last year. I hope you like it! Enjoy: H E R E

  • Summer, August 30, 2020

    Humid hell

    Added a new entry to Trash and Treasure (some interesting stories and pictures!). Check the bottom of the page: H E R E

  • Summer, August 28, 2020

    Humid hell

    Added a new page to Trash and Treasure: H E R E

  • Summer, August 25, 2020

    Humid hell

    Added a new page to Götterdämmerung: H E R E

  • Summer, August 24, 2020

    Humid hell

    Added some pictures of old IDs: H E R E

  • Summer, August 24, 2020

    Humid hell

    Added a WW2 era photo album: H E R E

  • Summer, August 17, 2020

    Humid hell

    Added the Dominican Republic to page twenty of Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind: H E R E

    [Below: Okay, here are some more pictures from over the years. These first two are from the 4th of July, 1994.]

    [Below: This one is from Christmas/Yule 1997.]

    [Below: And this one is from around 2016. I'm about to go dive head first into millions and millions of stamps! But it is such a sad hobby, alas, it is dying. I'm about 40 years younger than the average collector/dealer. Literally everyone there is old. But it's not just stamp collecting that is dying, many other age old hobbies are dying as well. People would rather play on their stupid phones than learn history or do something worthwhile for their minds. And as the white race continues to die all of these hobbies will die with us... Kali Yuga. But fuck it, more stamps for me! haha!]

  • Summer, August 3, 2020

    Humid hell

    [Below: Here are more pictures I've found for you guys, in these I'm about 15 years old. The first is a school picture. I hope you are enjoying all my dumb pictures. If I can make you smile in this ever darkening world then it's worth it to me!]

  • Summer, July 31, 2020

    Humid hell

    [Below: Okay, since you guys liked seeing the old pictures. Here are a selection of pics that range from 14 - 16 years old. These are from photo booths at a mall (remember those things?!). They start from youngest (at the top left) to oldest.]

    [Above: Click to enlarge!]

  • Summer, July 24, 2020

    Humid hell

    [Below: Well it's time to bare all. I needed to make you smile, well here it is. Before the blood and sweat, before all the tears and dark years. The raw material. Growing into a rotten garden. Before the truth of it all exploded into my life. I didn't yet know... I was born to fight the world.]

  • Summer, July 9, 2020

    Hot summer nights

    Greetings comrades! Well after being banned from YouTube I've decided to host our 2002 film here. So here it is for the first time. It was a very difficult, but fun project. I'd love to one day release it on DVD. There were tons of clips we never used that would be cool to put on the DVD. We released this on VHS format, limited to 100 copies, so they are extremely rare. Anyway, enjoy, and let me know what you think!

    Click on picture to see the film (in .mov format)

  • Summer, June 29, 2020

    A quiet night alone

    Two days ago Mourning the Ancient celebrated its 22nd year online. Wow! It's incredible. And to think we worked on Mourning the Ancient for three years before going online. We actually started in October 1995. So in October Mourning the Ancient will be 25 years old!

    I got this card in the mail the other day... I really thought it was a beautiful gesture. It was from a stranger, and it really meant something to me. Sometimes it is nice to be reminded that what you do matters. It's only human I guess. Sometimes this fight seems very lonely.

  • Spring, June 16, 2020

    A warm Nebraska morning

    Here are some old pre-Mourning the Ancient pictures for you to see. Hope you like this innocent version of yours truly! :)

    H E R E

    Here is a beautiful new quote from one of our greatest fighters:

    'Today they tear down our statues. Tomorrow they will kill us in our beds. A people will either defend its past or it will have no future.'
    -Matt Hale

  • Spring, June 6, 2020

    Humid wasteland

    Hello comrades! I hope all of you are enjoying the mindless violence and destruction that has engulfed the United States! It would seem that being white is going out of style. Things are changing fast, the world you knew is dying, and you with it. Things are accelerating all around you.

    They burned the flag of Confederate General Stonewall Jackson, which was in a museum. Stonewall is known as one of the greatest military commanders of ALL TIME. Confederate monuments are falling everywhere. The old world is letting out its last gasp. Do you hear it through the crackling of flame and the scream of the riots?

    It's right outside our doors. Not too far now. What will you do?

    Harden yourself.

    Do not fear them.

    In Adolf Hitler's last moments he told us to never fear them. He told us to promise him, no matter what happens, to never fear them.

    Things will only get worse from here. Their evil, corrupt, murderous and degenerate society is crumbling. Chaos and darkness are taking shape. White people are targets. Masses of our people's minds are brainwashed with guilt. They march against their own interests and bow down before their enemies.

    How will this end? When will this end?

    It will not end.

    The war against white people will only accelerate and get worse.

    But understand that all of this is being orchestrated by the hidden enemy. He thrives during the chaos he causes. He tries with all his might to cause racial tension. He wants us to hate each other. To fear each other. He has poured untold billions into his goal. For centuries, nay millenia, he has secretly moved the world toward chaos and darkness.

    What he fears the most is the races united against him. We must continue to awaken our brothers and sisters in this struggle. Get out there and speak the truth. Every day more and more of our sleeping people and even our former enemies awaken. Don't stop in your struggle to teach them the truth.

    We are living in historic times. You are living in a epic and dark era. What we do, or don't do, will shape the future.

    I'll end this with words from our Führer, spoken at the Cathedral of Light during the 1936 Nuremberg Party Rally. Hitler closed the ceremony with these steely words:

    'And I especially greet the youth who are present.
    Become men like those you see before you!
    Fight as they have fought!
    Be upright and determined, fear no one and do your duty!
    If you do so, the Lord God will never leave our people.'

  • Spring, May 23, 2020

    Muddy Morning

    Here are two pictures from my past (at the bottom of the page!). I was forced at gunpoint to put these pictures up, so enjoy them! :)

    H E R E

  • Spring, May 22, 2020

    Rainy Night

    Tonight I overhauled Thailand in Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind. It's an interesting comparison: Thailand then, as a part of the Axis, with a nationalist dictator and king. The word 'dictator' has a lot of negative connotations, mostly from the media and their word war against Adolf Hitler, but re-train your brain, dictator is not necessarily a bad title. Giving one man total power seems to me better than having a no good congress deadlocked and scheming and fighting.

    The dictator of Thailand issued Mandates to guide the people...

    My God how far all of us have fallen. Goodnight everyone. Back to our holes.


  • Spring, May 14, 2020

    Rainy afternoon

    Last night I was going through some old stuff and found a 'lost' roll of film that I hadn't seen since 1996. It is sixteen 35mm photos that were of a shoot from February '96. Most of them were done in jest and look pretty stupid! Also, I didn't censor the 'part' where the body paint didn't quite cover everything. Haha... Oh well, here it is, in the spirit of truth and full disclosure!


  • Spring, May 1, 2020

    Summer at our heels

    The email situation is under control! Thanks everyone for resending any emails. And thanks for all the postive comments on the Dirlewanger photo shoot! It was one of the most difficult and one of my favorite shoots. Happy May Day!!

    *And thanks again to Mike & Earl for their deep knowledge on WWII. The accompanying article to the photo shoot on Oskar Dirlewanger was excellent and very illuminating.

  • Spring, April 28, 2020

    Storms in the night

    Greetings all. I hope you enjoyed the Saint Dirlewanger photo shoot below. I had some email problems the past few weeks, so if you sent me an email please resend it!


  • Spring, April 20, 2020

    Hitler's 131st Birthday!

    New photo shoot!!!
    Saint Dirlewanger:
    Resurrection of a Hero
    - Second Chances - :

    H E R E

    Yes, that really is authentic toilet paper from the Third Reich! Eagle and swastika and everything! I never thought I'd think toilet paper was cool...

  • Spring, April 8, 2020

    Spring creeping in

    Here's a little test that I doubled as a quarantine photo just for you. Now don't you feel special? After all, how many other girls take topless photos during international quarantine for you? I hope you are not getting too bored counting bullets, cleaning your guns, rotating cans of spam, hoarding toilet paper and praying that this might be the end.

  • Spring, April 7, 2020

    Spring creeping in

    It's that time again! At least I have good company in quarantine, it has been said 'the more I know the company of humans the more I prefer dogs'! I can't help but agree, but his eating habits are abysmal, today he tried to eat his... oh nevermind. But at least the conversations are excellent!

  • Spring, April 6, 2020

    Spring creeping in

    Here is a very rare and special archive of items involving National Socialist martyr Horst Wessel:

    H E R E

  • Spring, April 4, 2020

    Hermits Unite

    Tick-tock, tick-tock. With the dreaded China virus in my hand, and the clock reading one minute to midnight, 'Hello from Quarantine'!

  • Spring, April 3, 2020

    Hermits Unite

    Quarantine makes one do strange things. Like dig up your rainy lawn in the middle of the night, take the ensuing mud and proceed to cover yourself with it, all while using a hair dryer on yourself to dry it (okay, it will make sense in the upcoming St. Dirlewanger photo shoot! I'll get a few examples up asap). Wishing you were here!

  • Spring, March 31, 2020

    Spring creeping in

    The James Mason interview is finally up! Check it out:

    H E R E

  • Spring, March 30, 2020

    Spring creeping in

    Posted new pictures of hero Matt Hale:

    H E R E

  • Spring, March 23, 2020

    Hermits Unite

    Here's another one for ya, straight from my bunker far beneath the earth (pay no attention to the window behind me, it's fake! hehe). How is everyone enjoying the Pandemic?

  • Spring, March 21, 2020

    Hermits Unite

    Well, here we are, comrades. As the world enjoys another gift from communism: hysteria, infection, sickness and death. But I know that you are smart and staying away from all this madness. See you when the dust clears.

  • Winter, March 10, 2020

    Rainy nights, dreaming of our escape

    Here's some rather unexciting Scrapbook pictures for you:

    H E R E

    Finally a major photo shoot is coming this week. I'll try to put up some examples ASAP. I also have received an interview back from the legendary James Mason, a National Socialist Old Fighter in America's fight for freedom and truth. I hope all of you are doing well and in good fighting spirits. Truth is our weapon! Love and light to you all, my brave comrades.

  • Winter, February 12, 2020

    Cold dark nights and the glow of my laptop screen

    Added some more Trash and Treasure for you:

    H E R E

  • Winter, February 11, 2020

    Cold dark nights and the glow of my laptop screen

    Added another awesome WWII interview:

    A 1988 interview with Peter Eichhorn, NSDAP official during the Breslau defense (Fortess Breslau)

  • Winter, February 11, 2020

    Cold dark nights and the glow of my laptop screen

    Added two awesome new WWII interviews:

    A 1988 interview done with Karl Fuchs, German WWII firefighter in Hamburg


    A 1983 interview done with Wilhelm Brach, pastor, professor and German Christians member

  • Winter, February 11, 2020

    Cold dark nights and the glow of my laptop screen

    Added a new page of Trash and Treasure: H E R E

    New stuff incoming...

  • Winter, February 7, 2020

    Cold dark nights and the glow of my laptop screen

    Added a banner for: Fifteen Years

  • Winter, January 17, 2020

    Cold dark nights and the glow of my laptop screen

    Hello everyone! Here is a video from a photo shoot done on Christmas, sorry I was unable to post any of the pictures! Life sometimes gets in the way. I hope all of you are well and in good fighting spirits! Let's make 2020 our best year yet. People are waking up to the truth everywhere, we must help to awaken even more. Oh well, Merry Christmas:

  • Winter, January 8, 2020

    Cold dark nights and the glow of my laptop screen

    Hello all and happy new year! 2020 is going to be a fun one I'm sure. There hasn't been too many updates, but I've been working hard behind the scenes (new photo shoots, new profiles for Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind, small editions, Trash and Treasure, etc.). Here is a small interview with an Indian comrade about the great Chandra Bose:

    The Enduring Legacy of Chandra Bose

  • Autumn, December 18, 2019

    Cold dark nights and the glow of my laptop screen

    Many of you perhaps don't know, or care for that matter, but this open letter is to the ex-leader of the National Socialist Movement (NSM). After over two decades of being their leader, he left the organization and now works for the 'the other side'. He is now an anti-National Socialist, and now travels around the world speaking about the evils of proud white people and 'those evil Nazis' (which is a blanket term that covers pretty much any white person who speaks out). In March 2016, before his stark change of beliefs, I did an interview with Schoep, read it H E R E.

    There were a number of very negative things that were happening to the NSM, which I won't get into. These reasons obviously were of great significance to why Schoep bailed out. But why he chose to attack his former comrades and become a flaming 'anti-Nazi' is beyond anyone but him. I was bored, so I wrote him an open letter that touched on a few of the facts and questions. I didn't personally know Jeff, nor did I support the NSM and their way of doing things, but in 2016 I wanted to interview some of the veteran leaders of the Movement. Thus the interview with Schoep. But it's always irritating when people turn on their 'beliefs' and especially so when they go public and talk about how evil they used to be. Enter Jeff Schoep...

    An Open Letter to Jeff Schoep

  • Autumn, October 27, 2019

    Cold dark nights and the glow of my laptop screen

    Added a great new WWII interview, this time with the woman who was the inspiration for all of the WWII interviews, BDM regional leader and Flakhelferin, Inge v. Witzleben Mckean. Check it out here: H E R E

    Black news to report to you. The front man of Bitter Peace, my longtime friend and comrade, Lance Gifford, has died. It was completely unexpected, we're shocked and numbed by this and still waiting for news of exactly when and how this happened. He will be deeply missed, that empty spot in our hearts only grows bigger, comrades. Lance now watches over us in the dark days to come. See you again, soon enough, my friend.

  • Autumn, October 12, 2019

    Cold dark nights and the glow of my laptop screen

    I added a great new WWII interview, this time with Fedor Kazan, Ukrainian 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Galician) and Ukrainian Defense Force member.

    More to come of everything, as I now have some time to work on things!


    Added translations of Greek newspapers from the WWII era. Thank you to our friend and comrade who took the time to translate them! You rule!

    - HERE -

  • Autumn, October 12, 2019

    Cold dark nights and the glow of my laptop screen

    I added a new WWII interview, this time with Paul Golz, a German veteran of the Battle of Normandy

    More interviews to come! Aren't these interviews fantastic?!
    What an honor to display many of them for the first time ever. My Stahlhelm is off to you comrade, you know who you are!

  • Autumn, September 24, 2019

    Evening thunderstorms

    I added two new WWII interviews, first with Max Holtersdorf, Hitler Youth member and Berlin defender, and second with Traute Bauer, who lived in Berlin during the war.

  • Summer, September 15, 2019

    Summer dying fast

    Well, we knew it was coming. Check out the below:

    Our enemies gleefully celebrate our extinction.
    Will we rise from today's ashes, or fall to the dustbin of history?
    That all depends on you.
    Do not think that anything you do for the Cause is small or meaningless -- it is not!
    What counts is your tenacity and relentlessness.
    Make spreading the truth your favorite pastime.
    One determined person is worth more than the 1,456 people that liked this tweet,
    celebrating the death of the white race.
    Our combined efforts will awaken and win valuable people to our side.
    Our enemies will regret the day they backed us into a corner.
    Truth will conquer.

  • Summer, September 13, 2019

    Summer dying fast

    Well it's Friday the 13th, and a full moon at that, be careful out there on the battlefield tonight, kameraden! I added a very rare interview with Lina Heydrich from 1981:

    Check it out HERE.

    Today marks the 120th birthday of the martyr Corneliu Codreanu, one of my favorite human beings!

  • Summer, September 11, 2019

    Summer dying fast

    Hello, it's been a while and I've missed you guys! I've been working on other things, like shirts for Matt Hale. We did another version exclusively for his mailing list with just 'FreeMattHale.org' on the front and back. It felt great raising money for Matt, no one is more deserving. If you haven't written Matt yet, what are you waiting for! His address is:

    Matthew F. Hale 15177-424
    USP Florence ADMAX
    P.O. BOX 8500
    FLORENCE, CO 81226

    Here are some tips for writing him from the Free Matt Hale Website

    White envelopes only
    stamped or hand-written addresses only “to and From”
    No sticky tape of any kind.
    When sending Matt cards, they must be white envelopes, just photo copy the card and send the copy, Matt said if they copy the card, it will only be in black and white. If you copy the card, it can be in color. Of course, stamped or hand-written addresses on the envelope.
    No words in letters like Creativity, Creator, no racist rant or talk
    No threat of any violence suggested or implied
    Cannot contain anything about racial occurrences happening out here, rallies, etc..

    I added some new stuff to Trash and Treasure, check it out HERE.

  • Summer, September 4, 2019

    Summer dying fast

    'Wer Sein Vaterland Liebt
    Muss Seine Feinde Hassen'

    ('Who Loves His Fatherland
    Must Hate His Enemies')

  • Summer, August 10, 2019

    Summer dying fast

    Well, after a small break I'm back. Here's a picture for ya!

    [Above: WOW! Look at that eagle! Check out the sign 'Lived for a noble cause - Died for a noble cause - Hitler'. Or the one you can barely see it says: 'Those who had defamed my name could only make [a] fool of the future generation'. It also says Adolf Hitler and has a picture of him. Also in the middle are the SS runes and a little picture of the great Chandra Bose. Another sign says 'Politicians and religions exist because of self controlled idiots - Hitler'. Is that picture to the left of the eagle Adolf Hitler? God damn I love India!!!]

    Ha! But in all seriousness, this bad ass picture aside, expect some updates and new stuff soon. A photo shoot celebrating our 21st anniversary online will be up soon. Greetings to all friends and enemies worldwide!

  • Summer, July 19, 2019

    Humid nights

    The shirts are finally here!

    Click on the link below for more information:

    Click here

  • Summer, July 17, 2019

    Summer heat wave

    Added a new profile on Eagles and Architecture of the Third Reich:


    It was a ton of work, and it is far from complete. It's just a small glimpse into the awe-inspiring beauty of National Socialist Germany.

  • Summer, July 13, 2019

    Summer oven

    Added more WWII interviews:


    If you haven't checked these out yet, you should!

  • Summer, July 9, 2019

    Summer heat



    We're printing an extremely limited edition 'Free Matt Hale' Mourning the Ancient shirt! It's been years since we did shirts, so I'm excited. I've already received an example copy of the shirts and they are super cool. They are being hand printed by a comrade on professional equipment. The shirts will be $20.00 with ALL the proceeds going to Matt's legal defense fund. Matt gave us permission to do the shirt, although unfortunately he'll never be able to really see it, since it has runes on the front and on each sleeve (which are banned in prison). I'll put up a few pictures soon. If you want to reserve one send me an email. Don't wait, Matt needs your help now!



    Added more WWII interviews:


    As always, I've been adding various material throughout the site.

    We did a new photo shoot the other day, I liked it and I think you will too. Hopefully I can get some examples up for you soon.

  • Summer, June 25, 2019


    Finally got around to doing a profile on Leslie Fry (pen name of Paquita Louise de Shishmareff), an enigmatic woman who introduced the Protocols of the Elders of Zion to Henry Ford!

    Leslie Fry

  • Spring, June 16, 2019

    Sunny skies and dreadful calm

    Hello my fellow renegades! The powers-that-be think they can silence all of us and stop us from teaching the truth -- they are wrong. It only makes us more determined and fight twice as hard. We will awaken our sleeping brothers and sisters and nothing will stop us.

    An additional page has been added to Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind! We've made it to page TWENTY! Together. The new profile is a piece written by a Portuguese comrade enlightening us on Portugal's tattered history. I'll be writing another companion piece on the brave Portuguese men who fought beside the Spanish Blue Division on the Eastern Front. The information is scarce, but good sources say it was up to 500 men. Some of these men most likely even defended Adolf Hitler in the final days. Amazing and beautiful.

    Take care, comrades, and get out there and awaken our sleeping brothers and sisters!

    Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind page 20

  • Spring, June 5, 2019

    Storms on the horizon

    Today there was a big commie purge of various YouTube channels and the Mourning the Ancient channel was included. Officially the reason was 'severe violations of our Community Guidelines'. A badge of honor I suppose. It's really silly though, but also very telling, they are so afraid of what exactly? Do they think this will silence people? No, this will make people even more determined.

    As Caligula, who our enemies have slandered endlessly, said: 'Let them hate me, so long as they fear me.'

    Our enemies fear everything about us. Our truth is a poison to them.

  • Spring, June 2, 2019

    Storms on the horizon

    Regarding YouTube...

    I thought it was pretty funny that a few of our Mourning the Ancient videos have been banned in FORTY countries! Ha! What a badge of honor. Oh shit I'm banned in Mayotte?!? Seriously, they are obviously so afraid of a girl standing in front of a goat's leg swastika! Oooooooh so scary.

    So stupid, but so entertaining. Their level of fear and childlike censorship is very funny. I wonder if I did a photo shoot with a big hammer and sickle, would they be okay with that?

    Here is the email they sent me:

    'We have received a legal complaint regarding your video. After review, the following video: Horn, Hoof and Hand - United Against Them -part 1 has been blocked from view on the following YouTube country site(s):

    Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Cyprus, Czechia, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Spain, Finland, France, United Kingdom, French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Greece, Croatia, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Martinique, Malta, New Caledonia, Netherlands, French Polynesia, Poland, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Portugal, Reunion, Romania, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, French Southern Territories, Wallis and Futuna, Mayotte'

    What the fuck? I'm banned in Israel!? How dare they say I can't share my art with Israel?!




    My Jewish allies will smash YouTube for this outrage. Fucking anti-Semitic censorship.

    Well in the immortal words of Jim Morrison:

    'I guess they just didn't understand.'

  • Spring, May 30, 2019

    Tornadoes, hail floods

    Added a bunch of new (1980s/1990s) previously unpublished interviews done with mostly National Socialist soldiers and personalities:


    (under new WWII section)

    *Special thanks to the interviewer, Brian!

    More to come!

  • Spring, May 4, 2019

    Rainy and warm

    Added some new pictures of yours truly and the coolest street sign ever:


    (bottom of page)

  • Spring, April 28, 2019

    Cold and wet

    Added a bunch of pictures to various sections of the site. Trash and Treasure has new listings and various additions throughout:


    I'm working on a bunch of things at once, so expect new material every day. I'm editing 100s and 100s of awesome National Socialist postcards and I'll be adding them soon.

  • Spring, April 25, 2019

    Warm cloudy days

    Like Horst Wessel, I put together a visual tribute to one of National Socialism's lesser known martyrs - Albert Leo Schlageter:


  • Spring, April 21, 2019

    Ostara's warmth

    I scanned and published a ton of new Third Reich pictures and postcards. Check them out here:


    (newer ones toward the bottom)

    I've also added a new page of Trash and Treasure and lots of new material spread throughout.

    I hope you enjoyed your April 20th! Whether you were solitary, contemplating all of the positive things in our Fight or having a drink with friends, celebrating our sacrifices and the One who led us to truth, honor, greatness and constant self improvement. Our guide, our role model, our ideal, our Adolf Hitler. We may fall short of our own ideals, but we are growing, learning and getting stronger every day.

    Let's make this year the best yet, comrades. Fear nothing and learn to better work together. Let's try our best to not be so critical of those fighting in their own way. We're all struggling toward the same goal. Adolf Hitler united the races in his holy crusade. Try to always remember: it's us against them. All of us are worse than dogs according to our enemy. In reality, we're blessed to be soldiers in the greatest war in the history of our people. A war that will decide the very fate of our race. We didn't choose this war, it chose us. Savitri Devi called us 'The Last Battalion'. Let's make sure we never despair, or feel defeated or alone. Remember our ranks grow everyday and every one of us is immeasurably important. All of us have a place, each of us has something to give. The eyes of history are upon us. Even if your only job right now is speaking truth in internet forums and leaving bits of truth wherever you go. That is also important!

    Most of all: HAVE FUN!

  • Spring, April 20, 2019

    Mother Nature slowly shares her warmth

    Happy April 20th! Today we celebrate with comrades all around this earth Adolf Hitler's 130th birthday!


    And the interview with Gudrun Himmler:



  • Spring, April 18, 2019

    Mother Nature slowly shares her warmth

    Hello friends and comrades! I just wanted to let you know that we will have an April 20th update to celebrate Adolf Hitler's 130th birthday! It will be one of our newest photo shoots from January 21st, called Sumerian Star.

    Plus we will be featuring a previously unpublished interview with none other than Gudrun Himmler (Heinrich Himmler's daughter)! A comrade interviewed her in Munich in 1992 and has graciously allowed us to publish it to share with you.

    I'll see you on April 20th! 88!

  • Spring, April 4, 2019

    Mother Nature slowly shares her warmth

    Hello everyone! Well I finally did the best profile I could of a very interesting soul named Rev. Ludwig Fritsch. You might be familiar with his booklet 'The Crime of Our Age', a breathtaking and brutal attack on the evil Allies who won WWII. Very little is known of Rev. Fritsch, and I plan to continue to research him. If you stumble upon any information other than what's on the page PLEASE write me. I'm writing the Church he once led and have some leads on some of his family members, we'll see if they pan out. Right now we have no pictures of him, no birth or death date and not much else. Although Fritsch is not a National Socialist, and I don't agree with everything he wrote, The Crime of Our Age is a monumental book for 1947. It had to have been influential and I'm sure it was part of the building blocks of our modern struggle. Again, if you can find anything else out, let me know!


  • Spring, April 1, 2019

    Mother Nature slowly shares her warmth

    I've added a whole new page to Götterdämmerung - The Battle of Berlin & the end of a dream:


    I've also addd various new entries to Trash and Treasure:


    Plus I've been adding tons of new pictures in various places around the website. Photo shoot gallery of our newest works coming soon!

  • Spring, March 26, 2019

    Mud and floods

    I've been adding a bunch of new material all over the site. Hundreds of new pictures/info to Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind. Two great things in my mail this week! Check them out here:


    (The bottom two listings!)

  • Winter, March 6, 2019

    Stranded on the Eastern Front

    Added a huge selection of mostly unpubublished National Socialist WWII era photos:


  • Winter, February 25, 2019

    The Eastern Front

    Added a new photo gallery selection:

    Behold a Pale Horse

  • Winter, February 23, 2019

    Before the blizzard

    Added a profile on Father Edward Curran - the 'Father Coughlin of the East'. A much lesser known priest than Coughlin, but no less interesting:


    Also added a small profile of the founding of a local NSDAP group in Paraguay:


  • Winter, February 14, 2019

    Arctic cold

    Updated the page on the insane Lend-Lease Act of WWII. You really need to check this page out. It's rather outrageous and very sickening:


    Oh, by the way, Happy Valentine's Day!!!

    And don't forget -- our hearts belong to Hitler!

  • Winter, February 13, 2019

    Arctic cold

    Did a small listing for the Knights of the White Camellia and their leader George Deatherage:


  • Winter, February 12, 2019

    Arctic cold

    Finished a huge update of National Socialism in Canada. Some incredibly interesting people and happenings:


    Psss... wanna join my Swastika Club?

  • Winter, February 11, 2019

    Arctic cold

    Added a short interview with Rob from Elegy Records:

    - H E R E -

  • Winter, February 5, 2019

    Arctic cold

    Added some photos to the Scrapbook I took for a friend (the Feb. 3rd bottom set of pictures):

    - Scrapbook -

    Is this homemade shirt awesome or what?!? Let me know what you think.

  • Winter, January 5, 2019

    Warm winter winds

    Added lots of new Trash and Treasure, plus a new page. Check out the Elegy Records update on the bottom of the page:

    - Trash and Treasure -

    Plus the first half of something called The German Faith Movement, which was popular during the Third Reich. An extremely interesting 'new' faith.

    - Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind (page 19) -

  • Autumn, November 1, 2018

    Winter creeping toward us

    My long-time friend and comrade Rob from Elegy Records is closing shop. After decades of having a mail order and dozens of CD releases it's been decided to close the mail order. I'm spreading the word that everything is 60% off! Most CDs are $4.00 and under, which is an insane price for underground, import releases. His list is huge and diverse, check it out here:

    Elegy Records Website

    *Elegy Records is who released our music project Primitive Supremacy back in the day. Elegy also exclusively distributed our Mourning the Ancient film. I cannot recommend this mail order enough. I really hate to see it go...

  • Autumn, October 23, 2018

    The last breath of warm weather

    Added an interview with one of my favorite RAC bands - Block 11.

    - H E R E -

    *Special thanks to The Stormer (Italy) for permission to reprint the interview!

  • Autumn, October 15, 2018

    Early October snow

    Added a profile on Brazil's Roberto de Pessôa. Another interesting bit of truth crushing their lies.

    - H E R E -

  • Autumn, October 13, 2018

    Cold & rainy

    It's been a little while since I updated this page, but I have been still adding material here and there everyday. I added some new pictures to the scrapbook, nothing special but you can check them out here - H E R E -

    I'm working on a new profile for Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind and working on getting online some new photo shoots.

    For the past three years we've done a very limited number of Mourning the Ancient calendars, which we give free to friends and comrades. We'll be working on a 2019 edition soon, so if you are interested in one, email me and I'll save you a copy!

  • Summer, August 29, 2018

    Summer rains

    There has been a lot of civil disobedience lately, so I thought I'd do something about it. Someone has to stop you ruffians. So I donned my riot control gear and prepared to crack a few heads. How I ended up in handcuffs though is another story! Enjoy a lighthearted photo shoot!

    Check it out:

    - H E R E -

  • Summer, August 18, 2018

    Warm nothingness

    Gearing up for a photo shoot tonight. Preparing to put an unseen photo shoot from a few years ago online as well. Busy Busy Busy.

    Added a profile on Danish National Socialist martyr Olga Eggers. Read more:

    - H E R E -

  • Summer, August 15, 2018

    Wet sunshine

    Added a profile on Danish National Socialist Aage H. Andersen. Read more:

    - H E R E -

  • Summer, August 14, 2018

    Humid darkness

    Ever heard of human zoos? They were popular up until the 1950s, but not in Germany.
    Why? Because Adolf Hitler banned them. In fact, he was the first man to do so. Read more:

    - H E R E -

  • Summer, August 4, 2018

    Humid darkness

    You must check out this 'Nazi' phonebook! Very neat and intriguing:

    - H E R E -

  • Summer, July 20, 2018

    Oppressive heat

    Finally, part two of the photo shoot 'Iron Thunderbolt: Two Days of High Fashion in Doomsday':

    - H E R E -

    Plus new Trash and Treasure and heaps of new pictures in Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind.

  • Summer, June 27, 2018

    Another hot day

    Mourning the Ancient's 20 year anniversary on the internet!

    Can you believe it??? I barely can myself. We first went online June 27th 1998. It was a Saturday, with a waxing crescent moon:

    Officially we began Mourning the Ancient in Autumn 1995, planning on doing a paper 'zine, but for reasons all too common we didn't do it. It was a very chaotic situation explained elsewhere on the website, so I won't rehash it here.

    Check out the pictures below to see a glimpse of what Mourning the Ancient looked like on December 2, 1998 (this is the first time the site was archived).

    [click to enlarge]

    (page one)

    (page two)

    I remember that Saturday well though. A Filipino guy who my comrade in Mourning the Ancient (Mike) had met at work taught us html. Yep, us horrible, racist and evil 'Nazis' taught by a little Asian guy, who just so happened to also love Adolf Hitler. He was an interesting guy, who had learned a handful of very useful things while he lived in his previous poverty-stricken country. Writing html in Microsoft Word was one of them. We still write the code for Mourning the Ancient by hand, the way that he taught us, twenty years later. I know, I know, a program would be easier and maybe the website could look more 'modern', but I don't mind how it looks the way it is now.

    Our Filipino comrade, in broken English, also taught us how to silk screen our banner (seen below). It was an all day affair because it was very big. We had to silk screen it in segments, since we only had a small silk screen frame to do it. It was a grueling process. We realized too late that the fabric we bought didn't take the ink well at all. It was shiny and silky and the paint only went on about 25%. But it was enough to get the important pattern down and we later hand-painted the rest. We later silk screened a couple of Mourning the Ancient t-shirts. They were primitive, but I liked them. I even later traded the first one we ever made with one of the guys from the band Immolation. I still have the shirt he traded me, I wonder if he still has mine? They were/are a great bunch of guys who we later interviewed.

    (silk screened tapestry)

    The internet back in 1998 was still a fairly new frontier. Many websites were very simple and primitive and the whole feel of everything was different. With a website and the internet we could finally publish the interviews we had been doing since autumn 1995. We could also email bands with interview requests, something that shortened everything greatly. It was an exciting time in my life, things were finally moving.

    The best part about it all were the people I met along the way. I met a lot of cool people from various bands (and a few stuck-up 'rock stars') in those first few months. Some of the best I remember from back then were the brothers Mike and Mark Riddick, although it's been well over a decade since we corresponded, they were amongst my favorites. They did the band '...the Soil Bleeds Black', a superb band, as unique as they are (they even later wrote an exclusive track for our 2002 Mourning the Ancient film). Sometime back then I met one of my longtime comrades Robert from Elegy Records. He's everything a person looks for in a friend and comrade. I could never thank him enough for all of the love and support he's shown Mourning the Ancient and me over the years. Elegy Records also released our 2002 music project Primitive Supremacy. It was a strange and atmospheric CD, definitely not meant for everyone, and I'm sure it wasn't easy to market and sell, but he did it anyway. It meant the world to me and encouraged me onward.

    There have been so many others over these long years. Some of them faded away, as friendships often do, a few abandoned their beliefs and chose the life of a slave. All too common I guess. A few of them left this world forever. No doubt they now are watching over us and our sad mortal predicament! I hope that I can make them proud and at least give them a good laugh...

    There are too many to name, but they know who they are. They are more important to Mourning the Ancient and me than perhaps they know. These golden souls are the reason I've kept doing Mourning the Ancient all of these years. They'll always have a room in the old, withered mansion that is Mourning the Ancient.

    So here we are, all of these years later. At the time of this writing, Mourning the Ancient is composed of 57,698 individual files. Incredible how things add up over time.

    I've really enjoyed modeling for the photography these years. It's always been magical for me to look back at our photographic work. The girl staring back at me seems like a different person to me. It's always been an honor for me to do it. Sometimes it's been tedious and difficult -- with intricate backgrounds to paint and props to make -- it's sometimes been horribly hot wearing furs in the summer with hot photography lights burning down, or naked in the dead of winter in a freezing room with no heat or insulation. But I don't complain... much.

    We've done tens of thousands of photos through the years, much of which are unpublished photo shoots or series of photos where only an example has been published. I regret not having the time to publish more and plan to change that in the future. There is still so much I want you to see.

    But of all of our works the section Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind is the most important. It proves in pictures and information that what they've taught us is a lie. Part of an intricate plot against all men and women, of all races and nations. It proves that Adolf Hitler and Germany were not racists, that instead their enemies -- America, Britain and Russia -- were. Our enemy looked deep into himself, into that dark, wholly evil, rotting cesspool he calls a soul, and he projected it onto his enemies -- primarily Germany and Japan. These unseen tyrants, through their control of education, publishing and all other forms of media, taught the world the exact opposite of the truth about Adolf Hitler and his allies. And the gullible little sheep believed it. Like a dark spell these genocidal maniacs weaved their spells generation after generation. But we lambs grew resistant through the years. We weren't as trusting as our parents and theirs before them. The world decayed worse with each generation, and we wanted to know why.

    But here I am preaching to the choir. Most of you already know these things, and if you don't, you desperately need to catch up.
    Start at WWII: Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind

    I wanted to do more for this special day. I wanted to share more with you. I wanted to digitize old Mourning the Ancient film footage from 1995-1999 for you to check out (we used to film photo shoots). I wanted to put up a handful of photography galleries with examples of various unpublished photo shoots. I wanted to...

    Well 'the road to hell is paved with the skulls of priests'... wait, wrong quote, its 'paved with good intentions'. I promise to do these things in the near future. So what did we do:

    A new page of Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind has been born -- page nineteen! A new profile has been added as well, and who better to start it off than Commander George Lincoln Rockwell. Warmest thanks to the golden soul who selflessly contributed rare pictures for the profile -- you know who you are:

    - H E R E -

    I also added an interview with the artist Carl Alessi. Alessi is a comic book artist and at 72 years old he's a black metal fan, a National Socialist, and a fellow Savitri Devi fan. He's been involved in the Struggle for decades, even working with James Mason (Siege) on a comic book back in the day. Alessi is currently recovering from an illness in a medical care facility, so the interview is fairly brief. Check it out here:

    - H E R E -

    For those who have been with Mourning the Ancient and me since the very beginning or the years following, and for those that are new to the website, your support, encouragement, letters and emails, are my life's blood.

    Mourning the Ancient is meant for the few that understand.

    The few that can see, hear and feel the bars around us.

    The few that are sawing at those bars, staring at the Sun Wheel in the sky outside our cell.

    The few that smile in the face of adversity.

    The few that laugh in the face of defeat.

    The few golden souls shining in this dark world.

    For You.

    Mourning the Ancient is for You!

  • Spring, June 11, 2018

    Stormy night

    I posted a letter from Monika Schaefer, a POW for truth:

    - H E R E -

    Mourning the Ancient's 20 year anniversary on the internet is June 27th! Expect a huge profile on martyr and hero George Lincoln Rockwell. A comrade has contributed very rare, virtually unseen, pictures of Rockwell from his high school and college year books (including maybe the earliest example of his signature!). We're getting together scans of everything for you to check out. I've worked extremely hard putting this together, because Rockwell deserves it.

    We also plan on putting up the second part of the photo shoot:
    Iron Thunderbolt: Two Days of High Fashion in Doomsday

    There is a ton of other stuff to be done and endless photo shoots waiting in the wing. I'm trying my hardest to get everything I can online by the 27th. Stay tuned comrade!

  • Spring, May 11, 2018

    Raining morning

    Added a surprising profile of Daimler-Benz car company during the Third Reich:

    - H E R E -

  • Spring, May 5, 2018

    Hot afternoon

    Here is part two of the scans of Resistance Magazine:

    - H E R E -

  • Spring, May 1, 2018

    A rainy night

    I found some old CD-Rs packed away that contained three old unpublished shoots that we did back in 1999 and 2001. They were done to advertise Mourning the Ancient T-Shirts we used to sell. It was neat for me to see them again, since I thought they were long lost. Check them out here:

    - H E R E -

  • Spring, April 25, 2018

    A rainy night

    Here's a great article written by one of the martyrs of WWII, Pierre-Antoine Cousteau, called The Return of the Huron. Read it -- you'll like it!

    - H E R E -

  • Spring, April 21, 2018

    Nature slowly takes off her clothes

    Okay, better late than never, I guess. Here are the examples from the promised photo shoot. The shoot is themeless and some things might not make much sense I guess, but it does to the person which it was done for. So enjoy its simplicity anyway. There are lots of unpublished photo shoots from the last few years that I simply haven't had the time to post. I'm going to try to post at least a few examples from each for our upcoming June 27th anniversary of 20 years on the internet. I hope all of you had a great April 20th!!!

    - H E R E -

  • Spring, April 20, 2018

    The Greatest Day of the Year!

    It's finally here! The 129th birthday of the greatest man to ever live! Our holy Adolf Hitler!

    April 20th is a day I like to spend thinking about the year past. Not only my work spreading the truth, but reflecting on the good and bad of the previous year. Between April 20th 2017 and now I lost a friend and comrade, Gary Yarbrough, and also lost my female German Shepherd. You are free now Gary. I'll always remember the warm words you wrote to me when she died. Now you are gone too. You had so many plans for when you were finally released from the enemy's dungeon: to be with your wife, to hug your children, to ride your motorcycle, to get your wolf puppy... you were only 62 years old. You spent 35 years in their dungeon, but they never broke you. You were defiant until the day you died and always with humor and warmth. I'm proud to be able to say you were my friend. You are free now, my friend. In love and light, and so it goes...

    The last year was a spectacular one for our Cause of spreading the truth. An untold legion have awakened to the truth, and even more are getting nearer and nearer. All of you, out there in the void of this planet, are all doing a fantastic job. You are spreading our defiant truth. You are standing up in the face of lies and stupidity. You are fearless and bold. You stand with the certainty of one who knows that they are right. You know that your time, our time, is coming.

    Their world is collapsing under the weight of their lies, as was predicted. Our enemies could never have forseen the miracle that is the internet. Truth now spreads openly, like an unquenchable wild fire. Unfiltered information and long hidden truth is at our fingertips. Truth to shock us out of our slumber. An antidote to the poisonous lies that they forced into our bodies.

    It has connected us and united us in a virtual world. A technological landscape that will soon spill into the real world. When we emerge, Wehrwolves, in the dusk of the Age of Iron. Soldiers united under the swastika, the red flags of Kali Yuga blotting out the sky. From every place on this wounded earth, with a song of vengeance on our lips and Adolf Hitler in our defiant hearts.

    But until that dark and beautiful day, when their day ends and ours begins, we must up our efforts. Strive and give everything that we can for our Cause. United in our quest for freedom, we must not let the enemy divide us. Let us be blind to everything but our purpose and our true enemy. Nothing else matters. The enemy will try to divert and divide us, this monster will violate our religions, insult our races (cattle one and all) and offend us and try his best to tear us apart.

    But this monster will fail.

    We are glued together by more than just shared belief and common enemy.

    We are brought together by no mere man.

    The spirit of Adolf Hitler guides us, and we shall never falter and will not fail.

    Into eternity, we defiantly declare:


    Happy birthday mein Führer!

    Greetings to all of you around the world!
    Do something special with those who share our love.
    Or even better, spend it alone, in silent reverence, and realize that you are never alone.
    He is always with us!

  • Examples from a new photo will be put up later tonight. So check back later!

    In the meantime, you can take a stroll into the warm and innocent past. I took some time out from WWII and scanned a large selection of old art from a set of children's books from the 1960s. Gosh how much things have changed... the world has lost its magic in but a few short generations. Just look at what we taught our children back then compared to the utter garbage we teach them today.

    - H E R E -

  • Spring, April 4, 2018

    Nature slowly takes off her clothes

    Added a bunch of Trash and Treasure stuff. I found a bunch of old Resistance magazines and piles of other related stuff and scanned some of them. If you want a particular scan of anything in the magazines just let me know and I'll scan them for you.

    - H E R E -
    (pages 119-121)

    I've also been adding lots of new material to Götterdämmerung, including a page two.

    - H E R E -

  • Spring, April 3, 2018

    Nature slowly takes off her clothes

    Today is a sad day. Yesterday a friend and comrade passed on.

    Nonetheless, the fight continues. Another martyr for the Last Battalion.

    Goodbye, my friend. And so it goes...

  • Winter, March 10, 2018

    Nature slowly takes off her clothes

    Added a lot of new Trash and Treasure stuff, spread throughout the 119 pages, plus I'm in the process of rescanning small images (they were added long age in a smaller monitor age!). I added scans of a photo copied booklet of the 'Statement of David Lane Prior to Sentencing on February 7, 1986'. If you haven't read this masterful work do yourself a favor and read it! It is truly beautiful:

    - H E R E -

  • Winter, March 9, 2018

    Nature slowly takes off her clothes

    Happy 100th Birthday George Lincoln Rockwell!

    Rockwell (March 9, 1918 - August 25, 1967) was one of America's greatest patriots and National Socialist fighters. A man who truly understood other men, and was willing to go to any extremes to get their attention and awaken them. Happy Birthday, comrade! We love and admire you! You are forever remembered!

  • Winter, February 25, 2018

    An Icy Tomb

    Added a profile of Japanese National Socialism/fascism and the men involved to Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind:

    - H E R E -

  • Winter, February 19, 2018

    An Icy Tomb

    Added a profile of Lieutenant Ikagami and the Skull Squadron to Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind:

    - H E R E -

  • Winter, February 18, 2018

    Winter's embrace

    Added a mountain of WWII Japanese pictures: - H E R E -

    Wow, that took a while to sort and put online, I hope you enjoy!

  • Winter, February 14, 2018

    Winter's embrace

    2018 Mourning the Ancient calendars sent out: - H E R E -

    Check out some pictures of yours truly and some packages before I shipped them out all over the world. 15 Countries! You can also get a glimpse of the calendar.]

  • Winter, February 8, 2018

    Winter's embrace

    Added tons of new material all over Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind: - H E R E -

    I just got 2018 Mourning the Ancient calendars! This is the 3rd year we've had them printed. Yeah, I know, it's a little late!

  • Winter, January 30, 2018

    Winter's embrace

    Added Karelia to Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind:

    - H E R E -

  • Winter, January 25, 2018

    Bitter cold morning

    Added tons of new material to the Goebbels family section:

    - H E R E -

  • Winter, January 18, 2018

    Bitter cold morning

    Added tons of new material to the Eva Braun-Hitler section:

    - H E R E -

    New material is also being added every day throughout the site.

  • Winter, December 26, 2017

    The final frozen days of 2017

    Added a new profile to Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind - Gisela Winegard:

    - H E R E -

    Special thanks to Mike & Earl!

  • Winter, December 24, 2017

    Yule/Christmas Eve

    On this frozen, still night I was thinking about our 20th century beginnings, and one of our first martyrs: Horst Wessel.
    So I put together a little visual tribute to him:

    - H E R E -

    Horst Wessel died almost 88 winters ago, it will be 88 on February 23, mark your calendars, comrades.
    I sit here, late into the night and early into the morning, across a dark ocean from where he died. But the distance does not separate me, nor does the time. Horst was a fighter, who fearlessly fought the enemies of truth and answered his orders without question or pause. He was one of the earliest fighters for what would be the greatest twelve years in human history. He is one of our earliest roots. He also watered those roots with his blood, gave them substance with his actions and gave them life with his death.

    From across the cold, dark sea,

    In the land and language of your once enemies,

    Hail Horst Wessel!

  • Autumn, December 9, 2017

    Cold days of blessed solitude

    Added a page of scans of autographed books from one of my favoritie NS women - Florentine Rost van Tonningen:

    - H E R E -

    We've also been adding many new pictures and additional information to the site throughout.
    A warm greetings on this cold day to all of our comrades worldwide. 88!

  • Autumn, October 22, 2017

    The last of the warm days

    Added a new profile to Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind - Algeria's much beloved son Saïd Mohammedi:

    - H E R E -

  • Autumn, October 21, 2017

    An evening with David Irving!

    A few others and myself met with David Irving here in Omaha. While I don't agree 100% on everything he has written in the past regarding certain aspects of WWII, I have a great respect for him, not only as a historian, but as a man. It was very interesting meeting with him in a personal setting and being able to ask his thoughts on things. The enemies of truth tried to DESTROY him, they took away nearly everything he owned, but they didn't change anything. They obviously only strengthened his resolve. Personally, he is a very cool guy, and the few others I met were interesting and cool as well!

  • Autumn, October 17, 2017

    A quiet night at home

    A good comrade of mine sent me some fantastic wood burned plaques, so I had to show them to you. He does a huge array of stuff, I even had him do an old Mourning the Ancient rendition, which he did an awesome job on. Some of the works can take up to eight hours to complete (like the Adolf Hitler one)! If you like them let me know, maybe we can talk him into doing one for you? Check them out:

    - H E R E -

  • Autumn, October 14, 2017

    Thunderstorms and cold rain

    Added a new profile to Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind - Australia's Arnold von Skerst:

    - H E R E -

  • Autumn, October 11, 2017

    The days grow colder

    Added a new profile to Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind - Art J. Smith and the Khaki Shirts:

    - H E R E -

  • Autumn, October 9, 2017

    The days grow colder

    Added a new profile to Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind - Latvian Alexander Mateass and the Latvju Jaunatnes Organizacija:

    - H E R E -

  • Autumn, September 24, 2017

    The first days of Autumn

    Added a new profile to Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind - Flemish nationalist hero Cyriel Verschaeve:

    - H E R E -

  • Summer, September 21, 2017

    The last day of summer

    Added a new profile to Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind - Charlotte von Hadeln and the Deutschen Frauenwerk:

    - H E R E -

  • Summer, September 10, 2017

    Hurricanes, wildfires, floods and an earthquake, all in the same week - just waiting for the pestilence and grasshoppers

    It sure does get boring waiting for the Armageddon party to start! In the meantime, while we're waiting, for the very first time, we've added both of our long out of print 1999 and 2000 photo CDs for download:

    - H E R E -

  • Summer, August 26, 2017

    Summer fading

    Added a new profile to Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind - The Old Fighter and amazing artist Wilhelm Emil 'Elk' Eber:

    - H E R E -

  • Summer, August 20, 2017

    Rain and heat

    Added new profiles to Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind - Chief Red Cloud and Chief New Moon - two Native Americans who considered themselves National Socialists!
    Both of them were favorite speakers at German-American Bund rallies in the 1930s. View the listing here:

    - H E R E -

  • Summer, August 16, 2017

    Thunder and rain

    Added a new profile and new pictures to Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind. Other misc additions.

    Special thanks to my close friends and comrades for your warmth and light. It will never be forgotten.



    April 18, 2013 - August 12, 2017

  • Summer, August 7, 2017

    Gathering storm clouds

    Added Christmas/Yule photos that were taken in 2011/2012/2013 and sent to close friends.

    - H E R E -

  • Summer, August 6, 2017

    Gathering storm clouds

    Added many additions to Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind. Check out the additions to Götterdämmerung

    - H E R E -

    P.S. Don't forget to grab a few rocks that 'Hitler, Goering and Bohrman' walked on!

  • Summer, July 18, 2017

    Morning rain

    Added an important and enlightening interview with Kaci Mohand, the administrator of the Algerian NS page 'El Afkar el Wataniya'

    - H E R E -

  • Summer, June 28, 2017

    Thunderstorms, rain, and a late night upload

    Okay, so I'm a couple hours late. Anyway, here are a few unreleased photos for you!

    - H E R E -

    Plus interviews with two legendary bands, Sarcofago (Manu "Joker" Henriques) and Vulcano (Zhema Rodero) .

  • Summer, June 27, 2017

    'Dawn crawling through your window like a bandit to take your life'

    Today is our 19th year anniversary on the internet!

    Added another unreleased interview, this time with Melani Hess.

    A whole new Trash and Treasure page HERE.
    (test your Black Metal knowledge on the bottom of the page!)

    A special set of old behind-the-scenes photos coming later today!

  • Summer, June 26, 2017

    Dark silence, shining like a jewel...

    Added another unreleased interview, this time with Halgadom.
    I must say this is one of the best interviews I've read in a long, long time!

  • Summer, June 25, 2017

    With the distant thunder of Chinese fireworks...

    Added another unreleased interview, this time with Falconer/Mithotyn.
    I liked this interview, it was interesting, Stefan proved to be witty, down-to-earth and even funny at times.

  • Summer, June 25, 2017

    In a tornado and wind ravaged village

    Added another unreleased interview, this time with Fabio Jhasko of Sarcofago fame, from our comrade W. Wolf.
    More interviews to come.

  • Spring, June 20, 2017

    In a tornado and wind ravaged village

    Here is a new interview we did with an Algerian NS comrade. It has been translated into French. After some time I'll post the English version on Mourning the Ancient. Extra special thanks to Kaci, for the very interesting interview and for help in Arabic translations. Cheers comrade! We'll soon be posting an interview with him, so expect a very interesting and informative read.

    The Mourning the Ancient interview and Kaci's website is:


    Plus added unreleased interviews with Abysmal Grief and Amen Corner from our comrade W. Wolf. More interviews to come!

  • Spring, June 12, 2017

    Humid thunderstorms

    Added a profile on Iron Guard martyr Traian Braileanu:


    More updates and additions continue throughout the site...

    *Special thanks to Dimitris for the new Greek translations!

  • Spring, June 1, 2017

    Closer and closer to the sun

    Many misc. additions throughout the site. Thanks to Dimitris for the scans of two interesting 'zines (Trash and Treasure pages 113-114!)

    Added a profile on the great Hiroshi Oshima, Japanese ambassador to Germany and friend of Adolf Hitler.
    A man his enemies after the war called 'more Nazi than the Nazis'! Haha... what a compliment eh? (page four of Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind)

    Also added a profile on Romanian Iron Guard artist Alexandru Bassarab. A superbly talented artist and martyr, murdered by communists during WWII. (Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind page 18)

    Lots more coming soon!

  • Spring, May 4, 2017

    A taste of summer

    Lots of various additions throughout the site - TONS of new additions to Trash and Treasure (don't forget to click on the links at the bottom of the page to see more lunacy):

    - HERE -


    - HERE -

    Coming soon: new profiles on two warriors of the Iron Guard and part two of 'Iron Thunderbolt: Two Days of High Fashion in Doomsday'...

    I'll be rescanning the earlier Trash and Treasure listings sometime soon. I initially scanned them for a smaller monitor, and now the pictures look dismally small.

  • Spring, April 20, 2017

    Sunny and cool

    April 20th, my favorite day of the year!

    Finally, here is a new photo shoot from the end of last summer called 'Iron Thunderbolt: Two Days of High Fashion in Doomsday':

    - HERE -

    Sorry to keep you waiting!

    R.I.P Nathan
    (Founder of Bitter Peace)
    Haha... just kidding Lance, I know that he was just a session member!

  • Spring, April 18, 2017

    Beautiful gloom

    You've heard of the magnificent Third Reich pilot Hanna Reitsch.

    But have you heard of:
    Eva Schmidt?
    Marie-Luise Müller-Maar?
    Liesel Bach?
    Beate Uhse-Rotermund?
    Vera von Bissing?
    Lieselotte Georgi?
    Anneliese Lieben-Höppner?
    Thea Rasche?
    Lisl Schwab?
    Thea Knorr?
    Elly Beinhorn-Rosemeyer ?

    Probably not, I hadn't heard of most of them either, but they all flew for the Luftwaffe during WWII.

    This was a difficult, time-consuming undertaking, as there isn't much information and what's out there is difficult to find. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Check out the listing:


    Also added new material on Trash and Treasure:


  • Spring, April 17, 2017


    Added tons of new Third Reich fantasy postage stamps:

    - HERE -

    Check them out, they are pretty interesting and neat.

  • Spring, April 4, 2017

    Mud and rain

    Added a new profile on Thai Wehrmacht/Waffen-SS volunteers Wicha Thitawat and Lucien Kemarat:

    - HERE -

  • Spring, April 3, 2017

    Mud and rain

    Added new pictures, quotes and tweaks to the Battle of Berlin:

    - HERE -

  • Spring, March 23, 2017

    Storms on the horizon

    Added a new profile on a controversial but highly interesting woman named Beate Uhse-Rotermund:

    - HERE -

    *Special thanks to Mike & Earl for the help and technical contributions!

  • Spring, March 20, 2017

    The first day of Spring

    Added some neat pictures of old stock certificates here:

    - HERE -

  • Winter, March 13, 2017

    Cold and dreary

    Added another profile to Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind. This time of the brave and courageous men of the Russian Corps. A very cool group of men, it's my pleasure to present their story to you:

    - HERE -

  • Winter, March 10, 2017

    Snow on the horizon

    The artwork (renditions) page has been totally redone. Check it all out and please let me know what you think! View it:

    - HERE -

    Plus a bunch of new beauties added to Trash and Treasure... and the usual new information and pictures constantly added to Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind.

  • Winter, March 8, 2017

    A glimpse of Spring

    Added a new page dedicated to our fallen martyrs:

    - HERE -

  • Winter, March 3, 2017

    A muddy mess

    Added a new page dedicated to the Battle of Berlin:

    - HERE -

    Various new stuff throughout the site.

  • Winter, February 24, 2017


    It's my comrade's birthday! He's a six year old German Shepherd. It seems like just yesterday that he was an adorable, ornery little puppy. He was so cute he looked like a little bear. He had an OBSESSION with biting me though! Those sharp little puppy teeth... I had cuts and gouges all over me! Lucky he grew out of that one! hehe... This year his chin has turned white, it's so sad. They age so fast... it's so unfair.
    'The flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long.'
    -Lao Tzu]

  • Winter, February 22, 2017

    An unseasonably warm night, alone

    Added a new profile to Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind - Gustav Frenssen:

    - HERE -

  • Winter, February 9, 2017

    A bright moonlit night

    Added a new page and a new profile to Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind. President José P. Laurel and the Philippines:

    - HERE -

  • Winter, February 3, 2017

    A bitter cold starry night

    Added two new profiles to Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind. Some very obscure, nearly lost information. First, The Russian Youth National Organization (NORM):

    - HERE -

    And Russian George Tchekhoff and the Walloon Legion:

    - HERE -

    The photo galleries have been completely revamped. I researched what exact day the photos were taken on and then researched what the moon phase was for that day. Anyway, I put the information and a picture of what the moon looked like on each page. Yeah, it took a long time!!!

  • Winter, February 1, 2017

    Cloudy and cold

    Added examples from a new photo shoot from June 16, 2016 - Sacke and Sugar:

    - HERE -

  • Winter, January 28, 2017

    Snow showers on the white horizon

    Added a new profile of Western Samoa. Would you believe that documents from Allied sources during WWII cite Samoan 'Nazis'?! Not just believers, but CARD CARRYING members. The truth gets further and further from the lies they taught us. Anyway, check out the profile:

    - HERE -

  • Winter, January 26, 2017

    Snow packed streets...

    Finished a MASSIVE undertaking of revamping and fixing the photo galleries. Wow. If I knew it was going to be that time-consuming I wouldnt' have done it! :) But it needed it. Also added is an unreleased photo gallery of stills from 1996! Our very first usage of a camcorder for MTA. They're dirty and raw but still interesting I think. Check out the gallery here:

    - HERE -

    Every page of the galleries is updated, so check them out. The main URL is:

    - HERE -

    Lastly, a newer photo shoot is on the way, so check back...

  • Winter, January 24, 2017

    Rain, sleet and snow and no where to go

    Added a new profile of the very little known Dr. Mohammad Iqbal Shedai, leader of the Azad Hind government-in-exile in Italy, the spiritual father of the Italian raised Battaglione Azad Hindostan and founder of Radio Himalaya. All of this and a Muslim to boot. View it:

    - HERE -

    Plus a few Trash and Treasure listings:

    - HERE -

  • Winter, January 20, 2017

    A city cloaked in fog

    Added a ton of pictures to a Trash and Treasure listing of the world's strange and fascinating love for Adolf Hitler:

    - HERE -

  • Winter, January 17, 2017

    Frozen, misty nights

    Added a profile on the very little known Bulgarian government-in-exile and its leader Aleksander Tsolov Tsankov:

    - HERE -

  • Winter, January 16, 2017

    Ice storm, freezing rain, power outages, marooned at home

    Added two new entries to Trash and Treasure:

    - HERE -

  • Winter, January 13, 2017

    A bitterly cold Friday the 13th

    Added a profile on Slovakian freedom fighter Dr. Ferdinand Durcanský:

    - HERE -

    This was an incredibly time consuming and complicated profile. Virtually all of the the information came from 150 or so CIA SECRET files which were released to the public. Sifting and sorting through the information was tedious at best. But it was worth it. Another comrade nearly forgotten, brought back from obscurity. It's crazy to me that we are now the only site which profiles Durcanský besides a very brief Wikipedia page.

    Dr. Ferdinand Durcanský was a very interesting man. He helped to liberate Slovakia in 1939 after meeting personally with Adolf Hitler. He served in the first Slovakian government after the country became autonomous with German support. When all hell broke loose toward the end of the war he helped put down a violent communist uprising.

    Durcanský was also an accomplished lawyer. According to various CIA documents he was fluent in Slovak, Czech, English, Hungarian, German, Polish, French, Latin, Spanish and Italian!

    Incredible! His postwar life saw him marked as a 'war criminal' and he was even sentenced to death in absentia. He roamed the world in the years that followed, homeless, fighting for Slovakian freedom. The CIA followed him relentlessly. I was amazed at how closely they watched him and interferred in his life.

    Since he was a prominent underground leader the CIA protected him, in case they had to use him in a war against the communists. He told the US army that he could help them against the commies with thousands of armed Slovakians.

    But that particular war never happened. He would never see Slovakia free in his lifetime. In fact, it would be almost twenty more years after his death that it would become autonomous again.

    Give it a read, it's really a fascinating, very unknown part of our history as National Socialists.

    *I also posted some pictures of SS-Uberkoolführer von Molly :)

    - HERE -

  • Winter, January 3, 2017

    Bitterly cold

    Added a bunch of pictures to the Scrapbook:

    - HERE -

    (15 new pictures)

  • Winter, December 29, 2016

    The final days of 2016

    Added a new profile for a very little known part of history - Croatia government-in-exile:

    - HERE -

    Also added new material to Trash and Treasure - a review of an English college book that talks about Mourning the Ancient (very funny, stupid stuff), plus a reader submitted article and a book with Mourning the Ancient graffiti he found in England (!) and pictures of an SS maiden statuette and FIVE CHAINED SS DAGGERS! All on page 107:

    - HERE -

  • Autumn, December 18, 2016

    A bitterly cold night

    Added a new profile for the mighty Decima Flottiglia MAS and their leader Junio "The Black Prince" Borghese:

    - HERE -

    You'll find it under the first listing. Also added many new additions and material throughout.

    Merry "X MAS" everyone! hehe

  • Autumn, December 9, 2016

    Another freezing, monotonous afternoon in Middle America...

    Added a new profile for female fascist Olympian Trebisonda 'Ondina' Valla:

    - HERE -

  • Autumn, December 7, 2016

    A freezing cold night in Middle America...

    Added new profiles and new material to Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind, especially to page 15:

    - HERE -

    A very interesting year is winding down, comrades. Our truth grows ever closer to mankind...

  • Autumn, November 21, 2016

    A cold morning...

    Added a profile on Eva Justin, a psychologist/anthropologist in the National Socialist era.

    - HERE -

  • Autumn, November 9, 2016
    Wehrwolves gather 'round the fire of the burning world...

    Finally examples of a new photo shoot online - from April 21, 2016 - Strings of Fate -

    - HERE -

    Let us know what you think, comrades!

  • Autumn, November 6, 2016
    Winter at our heels. Our tortured little world speeds further and further from the sun...

    Added a profile of Stepan Bandera, the Nightingale Battalion and the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN). Exhausting work and I probably only scratched the surface of nationalists involved. Lot's of conflicting, sparse information as well. Definitely an interesting and telling part of WWII. -

    - HERE -

  • Autumn, November 3, 2016
    Winter at our heels. Our tortured little world speeds further and further from the sun...

    Added a profile on Hermann Löns, author of Der Wehrwolf -

    - HERE -

    Löns was and is an extremely beloved and influential person, although rather unknown in the English speaking world. He was a martyr who died during WWI, but not before penning the monumental novel Der Wehrwolf.

    The Wehrwolf, indistinguishable by day amongst the brainwashed masses, by night is a tireless and ferocious warrior of National Socialist truth.

  • Autumn, October 25, 2016
    The leaves are all changing color here...

    I added a female photographer of nude art named Anna Koppitz to page 15 -

    - HERE -

    Plus a 'zine to Trash and Treasure which features an X-rated MTA photo... or not! He he... anyway, check it out here -

    - HERE -

  • Autumn, October 20, 2016
    Cool autumn

    Added many new pictures throughout Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind, plus various additions throughout the site.
    We'll continue to add updates without warning in the coming days, so explore the site, you'll most likely find things you've never seen!

  • Autumn, October 3, 2016
    The last warm day of the year?

    Posted a short article by a guy named Hans Schmidt, detailing his experiences in the Hitler Youth and growing up in National Socialist Germany.

    Check it out - HERE -

  • Autumn, September 29, 2016
    Cool autumn

    Another photo rendition was sent to us from a different artist than last month. Very cool to see the different styles and interpretations.

    Check it out - HERE -

    Check out seven other renditions from over the years - HERE -

  • Autumn, September 27, 2016
    Cool autumn

    You must check out this insanity:


  • Autumn, September 26, 2016
    Cool autumn

    Deleted the 'Coming Soon' page of the photo gallery and merged the photo shoot examples to their proper date order on the main photo gallery page. Still ten or so unpublished shoots yet to post. If you wish, you can see them in their proper order:

    - HERE -

    It is so unbelievable to see the massive WALL of photo shoot thumbnails! And to think it's not even complete yet. And of course, there are more to come. It's been a long journey comrades...

  • Summer, September 21, 2016
    The last day of summer

    Added another page to Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind! Seventeen pages... wow.

    Added a profile for a political organization called 'Ailtirí na hAiséirghe' (which means 'Architects of the Resurrection' in Gaelic) and its founder Gearóid Ó Cuinneagáin. Check it out:
    - HERE -

    We haven't written up the introduction for Page 17 yet, but you'll find an incredible picture in the heading nonetheless.

    I have a folder filled with people, countries and unorganized heaps of information, all waiting to be done. Every so often I just pick a random number in my head and count the files and that's the one I do. Yeah, it can get very tedious. But its worth it.

    I added tons of random pictures throughout Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind, which I'm always doing, so check out the past pages every so often, you are sure to find new treasures just waiting for your eyes.

    Okay, 'see' you in the Fall. Leather weather!

  • Summer, September 12, 2016
    Summer is dying fast, comrades. The leaves are just starting to turn here...

    Added a profile of the scarcely heard of Fascio di Londra (Italian Fascist Party in London):
    - HERE -

  • Summer, September 12, 2016
    Thunder and rain.

    Added a crazy Trash and Treasure listing:
    - HERE -

    I invite you to email me and share your thoughts on this thing!

  • Summer, September 12, 2016

    Added a profile on Scottish volunteers who served the Waffen-SS British Free Corps:
    - HERE -

  • Summer, September 8, 2016

    Added a profile on Indonesia (Dutch East Indies) - including patriots Sukarno, Hatta and Sutomo:
    - HERE -

  • Summer, August 31, 2016

    Added profiles on two South African warriors of truth: Johannes van Rensburg and Oswald Pirow:
    - HERE -

  • Summer, August 29, 2016

    Second update in one day. Added new photos to the Scrapbook
    - HERE -

  • Summer, August 29, 2016

    Added a profile of writer Karl May and artist Sascha Schneider
    - HERE -

    (about 75% down page)

    Plus more Dungeons & Dragons madness to Trash and Treasure and the addition of material to various other sections of the site. More updates coming soon.

  • Summer, August 15, 2016

    Added a profile of the phenomenal NS artist Hugo 'Fidus' Höppener
    - HERE -

    (about 75% down page)

  • Summer, August 10, 2016

    Added new pages to Trash and Treasure (103-104) dedicated to an old favorite hobby of my past -- Dungeons & Dragons! Check out the two huge pages starting:
    - HERE -

    If you have never played D&D you may not get some of the humor, but you might appreciate it anyway. It was a lot of work, which I kind of got caught up in and over my head for a while! Let me know what you think!

    Plus added a new interview with Greek dark ambient band Dark Awake:
    - HERE -

  • Summer, August 9, 2016

    Added a phenomenal drawing (below) of Mourning the Ancient photos by J. Pendergrass:

    You might recognize these renditions from various Mourning the Ancient photos through the years.

    This gifted artist is a prisoner in a Nevada dungeon. There are so very many talented artists locked away in the dungeons of 'democracy'...

    Special thanks to Reynaldo for sending this to us! Wow... unbelievable!

  • Summer, July 27, 2016

    Added a profile on 'Ostarbeiters' (Eastern workers) to page sixteen:
    - HERE -

    Plus additions throughout the site.

  • Summer, July 15, 2016

    Added examples from a March 2016 photo shoot here:
    - Blut und Geist -

    Happy 121st birthday Richard Walther Darré! (July 14, 1895)

    Thanks to all of our blessed comrades we are in touch with. Your feedback and support is greatly appreciated. We are of one soul with many different bodies!

  • Summer, June 29, 2016

    We finally decided to publish our 2002 film online. Not many people have seen this since it had a very limited release on VHS. We always meant to print it again on DVD, but with time, money and motivation restraints, something always held us back. Maybe some day we still will do a DVD release with lots of extras, depending on the interest. We published it on YouTube because of server space constraints, even though I hate YouTube with its vile censorship of everything NS and white.

    Mourning the Ancient 2002 film

  • Summer, June 26, 2016

    Our good comrades from third-reich-books.com are doing a promotion and we're helping spread the word. You'll find a plethora of NSDAP publications which have been painstakingly translated into English. Many of the booklets/books are only available through Third Reich Books. Of course, third-reich-books.com is done by the Old Fighter Gerhard Lauck and any revenue goes back into the Fight. So take a look at the amazing selection, you are sure to find lots of stuff you'll like.

    We have to start putting our money where our mouths are. We have to support each other's efforts in every way we can, and through third-reich-books.com you not only can educate yourself, but help fund a wider reach and greater advertising efforts.

    Check out the ad below and click on it to visit the site!

  • Summer, June 24, 2016

    Britain is no longer a slave to the rotten EU. Congrats to our British comrades, Tyrone and Mike and all the others. An angry world is finally awakening...

    Added a profile of Hamid Idris Awate and Eritrea -- back when the country was beautiful and had hope:
    - PAGE 16 -

  • Summer, June 21, 2016

    The heat has been oppressive here. It was so hot it has buckled a number of streets even.

    Misc updates.

  • Spring, June 16, 2016

    Sweltering heat... almost Summer.

  • No real update, but we're always adding new stuff to various parts of the site.

    I wanted to share with you a little surprise I had the other day. I was visiting a friend, standing at the door, where she had a wreath hanging, and lo and behold, a nest of robin eggs! Right there on the door, at eye level. I had to look twice, it was so camoflauged, and even looked to be part of the wreath.

    The dutiful mother was nearby doing fly-bys and threatening to rip me to pieces... I'm lucky I got out of there with my life!! hehe

    [Below: You almost wouldn't notice it, huh?]

    [Below: Four little robins snug in their eggs...]

    [Below: Me spying the precious eggs like a hungry fox!]

    [Below: The mother watches carefully from a telephone wire above... click to enlarge]

    Yeah, I know, not the most exciting thing in the world. But, if you're like me, you're fascinated by the wonders of nature and especially nature's marvelous adaption in our concrete jungles.
    Hope you are having a good day comrades!

  • Spring, June 14, 2016

    Nearly 100 degree days and humid.

    Finally the page 15 project of Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind is finished after many months! It amounted to almost 5,000 pictures and tons of text. It will make a good reference point for all of us in the future. The URL is:
    - Page 15 -

    So finally we can move on to something else. Next will be the new photo shoots.

    I also added a new profile of Philip Cortelyou Johnson, a very well-known architect and admirer of National Socialism.

    It's added to:
    - Page 16 -

  • Spring, June 8, 2016

    The heat of summer moves in...

    Added a profile of Egyptian iron man Khadr Sayed El Touni:
    - Page 16 -

    Examples of our two past photo shoots coming very soon!

  • Spring, May 22, 2016

    At long last part two of the Ahmed Rami interview is online:
    - H E R E -

    We had lots of very positive comments on part one, and part two promises to be even better and more revealing. EVERYONE should read this interview. Do your part and post it and spread the URL to everyone and everywhere you can! And again, send me your comments!!!

    Don't just be a spectator.

    Get involved!

  • Spring, May 17, 2016

    Added a picture to the Scrapbook of the chainmail I finally finished:
    - H E R E -

    Plus tons of cool artwork of Adolf Hitler:
    - H E R E -

    - H E R E -

  • Spring, May 16, 2016

    Rain, rain, nothing but rain.

    Back in January I was driving late one night and saw a mortuary/funeral home ablaze. Today I was driving by another funeral home and black smoke was pouring out of the chimney. So much so, you could see it for miles. Curious, I drove up to the front of the mortuary. There was a noxious chemical smell permeating the whole area. I peeked inside the double doors and a worker greeted me. She informed me that it wasn't a body burning... and not to worry, the fire department had already been made aware of the burning...

    What was the mortuary burning then?


    Yes, Stars and Stripes. American flags that I presume had been decommisioned.

    United States Code, Title 36, Chapter 10, states that 'The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning.'

    Politics aside, I understand reverance to a flag, but there must be a better way than creating miles of toxic smoke by burning them in a crematorium! This is the first time I've seen or heard of this practice, so I'm not sure if it is commonplace. Strange end days...

    Anyway, various updates throughout the site. I hope you read the Gerhard Lauck interview:
    - H E R E -

    Don't forget to write us with your comments!

  • Spring, May 9, 2016

    Added an interview with National Socialist Old Fighter Gerhard Lauck:
    - H E R E -

  • Spring, May 4, 2016

    Part two of the Ahmed Rami interview has been translated and transcribed and will be online soon!

    Additionally, we've done an interview with American National Socialist Old Fighter Gerhard Lauck. If you are unfamiliar with this remarkable man, Lauck has been fighting for National Socialism longer than most people on earth. The enemy has repeatedly called him 'the most dangerous and active Nazi' of them all. Lauck has concentrated much of his fight away from the public eye, publishing and distributing hundreds of NS pamphlets and books, thousands upon thousands of flyers, web hosting over one hundred 'banned' websites and has worked tirelessly in the NS underground (in America and Europe).

    He was jailed for four years in Occupied Germany after being kidnapped in Denmark by the Occupied German Government, all for publishing books and booklets in the United States, where it is perfectly legal! The Occupied German Government ruled that if something is published in any country on earth and it reaches Germany and is found to be illegal, then the publisher is a wanted criminal. Think that's insane? It gets worse. This even includes WEBSITES!!! So if you say something on a website that is perfectly legal in your country, but not in Occupied Germany, then the German government can put an arrest warrant out for you, and can extradite you to Germany to be imprisoned. This is exactly what happened to Gerhard Lauck.

    Special note to the Occupied German Government:

    'Come what may, clench one’s teeth, keep a clear head, and march forward.'
    -Adolf Hitler, 1940

  • Spring, April 26, 2016

    Added a very special interview with Sweden's National Socialist Vera Oredsson:
    - H E R E -

    Needless to say, we were very honored to meet and interview this remarkable and courageous woman!!!

  • Spring, April 24, 2016

    Expect examples from TWO new photo shoots soon.

    After spending a solemn April 20th in reflection, we did a photo shoot the next day. This shoot is dedicated to someone we loved deeply who passed into the unknown in mid 2015. I always like to look back on the year behind us on this special day. While it was dark in my personal life it was very productive and victorious on our battlefield.

    The 20th of April is a day special to all fighters worldwide. I picture all of the candles lit around the world, all of the joyous gatherings, all of the comrades toasting a glass of spirits, all of the defiant smiles, all of the readings of His holy book, and all of those brothers and sisters who risk life, limb and freedom defending His name. I think of all of the different people who have never met, and will never meet, united by belief. From every corner of the world, all honoring Him in many different languages and ways.

    We are a family of fighters united in our iron spirits. On this new year, let us all work to only look at the postive, as He would want us to do. Let us promise to stop infighting and to only spend our energy on the enemy. All of us fight in our own way. We are a tapestry of many designs, many colors, shapes and sizes, brought together by our love of Him, and our burning desire to be free of our enemy.

    In the last written words of Adolf Hitler, in what is referred to as his Political Testament, he asked us to 'never, above all, allow fear to preside over [our] actions'.

    Do NOT fear the enemy. If you do, you have already lost.

    Lastly, I'm happy to announce we have done an interview with Sweden's Vera Oredsson! She is in her late 80s, and has fought for National Socialism her entire life. She is a glowing example for us all to follow. She was at the great rallies in the 1930s as a little girl, and has fought ever since. Truly an extraordinary woman. In her own words:

    "I am a National Socialist to the grave!"

    We'll post the interview very soon!

  • Extra-extra-extra special thanks to Amir for translating the interview from Swedish for us! You rule, comrade!

  • Spring, April 22, 2016

    Added a profile on the master composer Carl Orff:
    - H E R E -

    (20% down page)

  • Spring, April 20, 2016

    Glorious April 20th.

    The 127th birthday of Our divine Adolf Hitler.

    The great savior of mankind, in our aching time.

    Not a dusty legend, or lore spoken with uncertain lips.

    Not a fairy tale, or blind faith to believe you exist.

    But a spark of the divine who lived, on this perilous path.

    Our armored Alexander, fighting for what's right.

    Our hallowed Christ, our way, our saving light.

    Your greatest victories were not that of land.

    Not of waters, air or sand.

    But of future hearts, nestled free, in your beautiful hand.

  • Spring, April 12, 2016

    Added a profile on the National Socialist League of the Reich for Physical Exercise (NSRL):
    - H E R E -

    (20% down page)

    Almost finished with page 15... finally.

  • Spring, April 8, 2016

    Added a profile and photography examples of photographer Gerhard Riebicke to Nudity in the Third Reich:
    - H E R E -

    (75% down page)

  • Spring, April 8, 2016

    Spring celebrates the death of winter and gives way to a time of renewal and rebirth. There are dozens of goddesses of Spring which our ancestors honored, one of which is the Germanic goddess of Spring, fertility and rebirth -- Ostara (also called Eostre or Eastre). Painted eggs and white rabbits are sacred to her and her symbols have been incorporated into the Christian celebration of Easter.

    [Above: Ostara's blessings. This is called 'Ostara' (1884) by Johannes Gehrts.]

    Today we added a profile of Irish female race car driver and National Socialist Fay Taylour:
    - H E R E -

    (50% down page)

  • Spring, April 5, 2016
    The grass has turned green, the trees are in bloom, and storms are on the horizon.

    Uploaded over 800 BDM pictures:
    - H E R E -

    (50% down page)

    The massive project of National Socialist women is finally nearing its end!

  • Spring, April 4, 2016
    Days of warm Spring are upon us in the midwest United States.

    Added a profile of British National Socialist James Battersby:
    - H E R E -

    (50% down page)

    Thanks Tyrone! You rule!

  • Spring, April 4, 2016
    Days of warm Spring are upon us in the midwest United States.

    Added a profile of British National Socialist Thomas Guillaume St. Barbe Baker:
    - H E R E -

    (40% down page)

    Plus added tons of BDM photos to:
    - Page 15 -

    (Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind)

    *Tyrone, if you're reading this, you still owe me a profile of James Larratt Battersby!

  • Spring, March 23, 2016
    Stormy, thunderstorms and snow expected.

    Added a photo to the scrapbook:
    - H E R E -

    We'll be doing a new photo shoot later!

  • Spring, March 22, 2016

    Added the profiles of Swiss National Socialists Hans Oehler and Jakob Schaffner:
    - H E R E -

    (50% down the page)

    Plus added some exclusive, never-before-seen, 'Nazi' drawings of The Beatles' John Lennon:
    - H E R E -

    (30% down the page)

    Special thanks to Mike and Earl! Fascinating stuff!!!

  • Winter, March 15, 2016

    Added a great interview with Jeff Schoep, leader of the 'National Socialist Movement (NSM)':
    - H E R E -

  • Winter, March 9, 2016

    Added Dorothy Pamela O'Grady from the Isle of Wight and Pearl Joyce Vardon from the Channel Islands (Jersey) to Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind. The URL is:
    - H E R E -

    Plus more additions to page
    - FIFTEEN -

  • Winter, March 7, 2016
    Spring is awakening, the trees are budding and winter nears its end as our dark earth spins closer to the sun.

    Many new additions and new profiles to pages 15-16 on Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind. Again, we put new material unannounced practically everyday, in this section and throughout. The general URL is:
    - H E R E -

    The section of National Socialist women will continue to have many updates in the coming days:
    - H E R E -

  • Winter, February 16, 2016

    Added many new images and additions throughout Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind. Remember, we put new material unannounced practically everyday, in this section and throughout. The general URL is:
    - H E R E -

    The section of National Socialist women will continue to have many updates in the coming days:
    - H E R E -

  • Winter, February 10, 2016

    Added a new profile of 'Blitz Mädchen' girls:
    - H E R E -

    (near bottom of page)

  • Winter, February 6, 2016

    Added some photos to the Scrapbook (half way down, starting at August 4, 2014) :
    - H E R E -

    Plus a poem:
    - H E R E -

    And a review of a friends 'zine 'Last Night Alive' (he was attacked by a handful of his so-called 'friends' for interviewing Mourning the Ancient!!!). Check it out:
    - H E R E -

    ...and various random additions throughout the site.

  • Winter, January 30, 2016

    Added another page to Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind:
    - H E R E -

    Prepare to learn some things you probably didn't know - like African American love for Adolf Hitler during WWII - who would have thought?! Why don't they teach this in their brainwashing schools and colleges? No mention of any of this in their 'Black History Month' either. I wonder why?
    Well, the truth cannot be hidden forever. It's day will come. And with it our freedom.

  • Winter, January 26, 2016

    Bitterly cold.
    On a late night drive last night I witnessed a large mortuary burning, with flames touching the cloudy dark sky. Not something you see everyday!
    Three firefighters and the funeral director were injured trying to save corpses in their coffins from the fire...

    Anyway, continuing to add material to page 15:
    - H E R E -

    Misc. additions throughout the site.

  • Winter, January 14, 2016

    First post of the new year! Added a large profile on Faith and Beauty to the ever growing page 15:
    - H E R E -

  • Winter, December 31, 2015

    Finally added pictures from our newest photo shoot 'Our Cross':
    - H E R E -

    The final day of 2015. It was an incredibly busy year for us. We made hundreds of updates to the site. The world continues to slip deeper into madness, darkness and general stupidity. But more and more people are finally beginning to think for themselves. In our time, the internet is truly the greatest ally truth ever had. It allows us to bypass the tyrants' censorship, lies, propaganda and brainwashing.

    None of us know for sure what 2016 will bring. Mourning the Ancient will turn 21 years old and will finally be able to legally drink alcohol here in the United States. But don't worry, we'll keep her in relative check!

    In all seriousness, expect us to continue expanding Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind. You'll see more contributors writing up listings this coming year. We have mountains of unpublished material to share with you, so keep checking back, we update the section usually without warning.

    We also have several photo shoots we are gearing up to do this winter. Additionally, we have a few interviews in the works that are going to be extremely interesting. They should be published sometime in the near future.

    And of course, all of the other sections won't be neglected either. We also have plans to revamp several areas and have lots of new material to add.

    Lastly, to all our good comrades, both new and old, the eye of history is upon us. Our victory grows closer and closer. The deadly fog which has drowned the world for so long is finally lifting. The first rays of our Sunless Dawn will be as arrows into our enemy's lies.

    And to you brave soldiers of truth, spread about this world like blessed seeds of change. Never let the darkness of this world get you down and never feel that you are alone.

    Remember: Your work, struggle and fight today is our enemy's total defeat tomorrow.

    The future belongs to those who dare.

    Tomorrow belongs to us!

  • First day of Winter, December 21, 2015

    Added pictures of Christmas/Yule in the Third Reich:
    - H E R E -

    (toward the bottom -- 5 pictures plus a link)

  • Autumn, December 18, 2015

    Added TWO new pages to Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind:

    -Page 14- and -Page 15-

    Page 15 is under construction, but we'll be adding new content to it daily. So check back often to see lots of new pictures and information -- there is a TON of material remaining. There is still literally over 1,700 photos to publish!

    Examples of our latest photo shoot will be online very soon.

    Here's a preview of 'Our Cross' -- done on November 13, 2015.

  • Autumn, December 8, 2015

    Added an interview with Matt Hale, a prisoner of injustice: H E R E

  • Autumn, November 24, 2015

    Added lots of various pictures and information throughout the site. Examples of our November 13th photo shoot coming...

    Page fourteen to Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind is coming! With personal stories from numerous comrades, readers and myself.

    Thanks to all of you who took part in this project! You are the light in the face of their darkness!

  • Autumn, November 2, 2015

    Added lots of various pictures and information, plus a new listing to page 13 (Fratricide): H E R E (middle of page)

  • Autumn, October 28, 2015

    Added lots of pictures and information of some of the many (and fairly confusing!) National Socialist parties of Sweden: H E R E (bottom of page)

  • Autumn, October 22, 2015

    Added a listing to Pandora's Scrapbook. You simply have to read this insane truth: H E R E

  • Autumn, October 18, 2015

    Added examples from a photo shoot from September 30, 2015: Maqlû Badal

  • Autumn, October 17, 2015

    Added a profile on Welsh RAF pilot Raymond Davies Hughes who broadcast for the Axis during WW2: Page Thirteen (half way down page)

  • Autumn, October 13, 2015

    Added a profile on Swedish National Socialist Vera Oredsson: Page One (bottom of page)

  • Autumn, October 11, 2015

    Added a profile on Belarusian Radaslau Astrouski and German Old Fighter and Generalkommissar for Weissruthenien Wilhelm Kube: Page Six

  • Autumn, October 7, 2015

    Added a profile on Finnish National Socialist hero Thorvald Oljemark: Page Thirteen
    (45% down the page)

  • Autumn, October 6, 2015

    Added a profile on Chechen freedom fighter Khasan Israilov: Page Three
    (25% down the page)

  • Autumn, October 4, 2015

    Added tons of new material to Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind: Page Twelve
    (at the bottom - Karl Hans Strobl & Austria + tons of pictures of the Anschluss)

    Plus we added profiles on three of the most brave and greatest Japanese men of WWII -- Mitsuru Ushijima, Isamu Cho and Minoru Ota: Page Thirteen

  • Summer, September 15, 2015

    Added a few examples of a recent photo shoot here: Iron Angel

    Page THIRTEEN! Added a profile of the leader of the Russian National Liberation Army Bronislav Kaminski H E R E

    Plus various other additions to the site.

  • Summer, August 31, 2015

    Added a profile of Azerbaijani anti-communist hero Abo Fatalibey H E R E (scroll down)

    Plus added lots of new Russian pictures on page three.

  • Summer, August 19, 2015

    Added a profile of Iceland's Flokkur Þjóðernissinna party H E R E (scroll down)

    Plus added tons of new Eva Braun-Hitler pictures.

  • Summer, August 16, 2015

    Added a profile of Kupa and Fiume Zone H E R E (scroll down)

  • Summer, August 13, 2015

    Added lots of new content to Trash and Treasure page H E R E

    Plus new content on Trash and Treasure page 97.

    Check out the gallery of Simon Necronomicons!!!

  • Summer, August 5, 2015

    Added a profile of Flemish martyr Reimond Tollenaere H E R E (2nd profile down)

    Plus a new page of Trash and Treasure H E R E

    Plus updates throughout the site.

  • Summer, August 2, 2015

    Added a profile of Halim Malkoc -- Bosnian Muslim Imam and SS Obersturmführer in the Waffen-SS division Handschar H E R E (35% down the page)

    Plus updates throughout the site.

  • Summer, July 28, 2015

    Added a profile and picture database of the beautiful and tragic Inga Ley H E R E (scroll to bottom of page)

  • Summer, July 22, 2015

    Added new content to Trash and Treasure H E R E , which includes a U.K. reader's contribution -- a brief article regarding the Confederate flag madness.

    Plus a profile on British fascist Mary Sophia Allen H E R E .

    And lastly, an interesting and surprising article on British fascist Rotha Lintorn-Orman, contributed by a reader H E R E .

    Cheers to you Mike and Earl!

  • Summer, July 20, 2015

    Added new content throughout the site and a new page to Trash and Treasure H E R E

  • Summer, July 16, 2015

    Added new content throughout the site and a new listing in Pandora's Scrapbook (at the very bottom) H E R E

  • Summer, July 9, 2015

    Added a profile of Tanganyika. View it H E R E

  • Summer, July 8, 2015

    Added a new page and listings of Trash and Treasure. View it H E R E

  • Summer, July 7, 2015

    Added a profile of the African Phalanx. A very interesting and seldom known group. View it H E R E
    Also added various new material throughout the site.

  • Summer, June 30, 2015

    Added a profile on the Union of Russian Youth. View it H E R E
    Also added an addition to the Hand of Pandora section of WWII news clippings. Check it out H E R E

  • Summer, June 26, 2015

    Added a profile on the 1st Sinegorsk Cossack Ataman Regiment. View it H E R E

  • The first day of Summer, June 21, 2015

    Added a ton of new Eva Braun-Hitler photos. View them H E R E

  • Spring, June 16, 2015

    Added an interview with Thomas Goodrich, the author of the legendary book Hellstorm. View it H E R E

    Plus updates to other areas around the site...

  • Spring, May 10, 2015

    Since we've taken longer than usual getting new photo shoots up here is a tiny preview of our latest shoot - done March 6, 2015.
    Expect a full gallery soon, and like previously, with a special page viewable for our mailing list subscribers only.

    - Maqlû Badal - Camoflauged in Their Blood -

  • Spring, May 4, 2015

    Added new material to Pandora's Scrapbook. View it H E R E

    Plus updates to Trash and Treasure and various other additions throughout the site.

    Photo shoot coming soon...

  • Spring, April 24, 2015

    Added a listing on the Italian Waffen-SS.
    You can view it H E R E

  • Spring, April 21, 2015

    We hope all of you had a great April 20th!
    This update we've added a profile for Burma to the Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind page. It was a lot of work, but was very interesting, I hope you enjoy it!
    You can view it H E R E

  • Spring, April 18, 2015

    After much thought, the horrifying death pictures of Benito Mussolini and Claretta Petacci have been added: H E R E

    This display of evil and sadistic violence was just one of an untold number of people butchered by the Allies after the war was over.
    As you already know, millions of German and Axis P.O.W.s were murdered after the war.
    But a fate perhaps worse than death awaited Europe's women, who were gang raped by the communists and their allies by the millions.
    True evil has hidden behind a mask of good for decades. These monsters wrote a history drowned in lies and quite the opposite of what really happened.
    Alas, they couldn't hide it from mankind forever. Their lies are coming to light everywhere.
    In many countries it is a crime to even question certain facts about WWII.
    But as is said, 'Truth does not fear investigation'.

    Sic semper tyrannis!

  • Spring, April 11, 2015

    Added a massive listing for Christianity during the 3rd Reich: H E R E

  • Spring, April 2, 2015

    Added the profile of Russian Boris Shiryaev to Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind.
    Shiryaev was a devout enemy of communism who worked with the Germans during WWII: Boris Shiryaev

  • Special thanks to Dietrich for illuminating this great man to us!

  • Spring, March 29, 2015

    Another listing to Hand of Pandora: Which ones are the 'animals'?...

    Plus Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind has reached page TEN, so don't forget to check it out.

    Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind

  • Spring, March 27, 2015

    A new photo shoot finally online from January 9th. Better late than never. Another shoot from March 6th on the way.

    Enjoy, comrades: Horn, Hoof and Hand - United Against Them

    *A reminder: Those who join our mailing list get access to a private page with more photos and videos!

  • Spring, March 23, 2015

    After much work gathering scarce material and a lot of translating, we've uploaded a profile on Mohamed Al-Ma'adi, a National Socialist freedom fighter representing Algeria.
    Despite the time involved -- it was worth it! Al-Ma'adi was an incredible man. He awaits you on page nine! Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind

  • Spring, March 20, 2015

    Spring at last... Various updates throughout the site. Two photo shoot examples coming soon. Sorry for the delays, you know how life often gets in the way.

  • Winter, March 10, 2015

    Added an interview with Abir Taha courtesy of our good comrades at Black Sun Invictus

  • Winter, March 8, 2015

    New updates to Hand of Pandora Page Three.
    Samples of two new photo shoots coming soon. If you haven't already, join our mailing list to see exclusive content available only to those on our mailing list.

  • Winter, March 1, 2015

    Various updates throughout the site... photo shoot examples coming soon.

  • Winter, February 28, 2015

    Lots of new updates to Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind.
    Profiled Monaco and Liechtenstein on page nine.

  • Winter, February 23, 2015

    Huge updates to Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind.
    Profiled King Edward the VIII of England and Ferenc Szálasi of Hungary. Two great men who fought against the darkness of this world.

  • Winter, February 19, 2015

    New stylistic updates to Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind. Plus lot's of new material throughout.
    Also some new material on Hand of Pandora. Let us know what you think!

  • Winter, February 10, 2015

    A massive update to Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind.
    Added page nine and a load of new material.

  • Winter, February 6, 2015

    Another large update to Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind.
    Added some new listings throughout. Lots of new listings to page eight, which is now filled, we're on to page nine!
    Added Laibach listing, which was difficult and taxing, but very interesting and rewarding!
    Some great Slovenian warriors and martyrs came to light.
    Lastly, we'll be adding some sample photos from our last photo shoot soon.

  • Winter, February 1, 2015
    The land is blanketed with many inches of snow, and it's still snowing. Brr...

    Large updates to Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind. Plus check out page two of the Scrapbook.

  • Winter, January 27, 2015

    Various updates added. We'll be continually updating without recording the updates here unless they are larger ones.

  • Winter, January 19, 2015

    Added lots of new listings to Trash and Treasure after a fresh infusion of flyers: HERE. Plus the usual additional material added to Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind

  • Winter, January 16, 2015

  • The 62nd birthday of American patriot, poet, warrior and martyr Robert Jay Mathews (January 16, 1953 – December 8, 1984).

    Murdered by your government in the infamous year of tyranny '1984', you are an inspiration to free men and women the world over.

    In our 2002 interview with the great David Lane he spoke of Mathews from the heart:
    'Shall I fill a page with words like loyal, brave, dedicated and heroic? If the day comes that our race secures its existence, and if I am not alive to ensure it is built, I hope the folk will erect a monument in his memory that school children will visit for ages to come.'

    We asked David Lane where he was and what were his first thoughts when he learned of his friend and mentor's death. He replied:

    'When I heard on the radio about the siege of his house in Washington State, I knew he would not surrender. There was a full moon outside. I stood outside looking at the moon and thinking that that same moon was looking down on his final battle. It was infinite sadness. Then when the radio said he was dead I went out to a Confederate soldiers graveyard and wrote the poem 'Ode to Bob Mathews.''

    Robert Jay Mathews. We love you brother. Guide our pens and swords, and save a seat for us in Valhalla.

    Added more material to Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind

  • Winter, January 13, 2015

    Added a few new pictures to the Scrapbook (bottom half of page). Plus the usual additional material added to Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind

  • Winter, January 12, 2015

    A huge update to Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind. Plus various material to Trash and Treasure, etc..

  • Winter, January 7, 2015

    The land of Nebraska is frozen in ice and snow.
    With the wind chill factor it's -14 degrees fahrenheit! Brrr...

    Wow, two updates in one day!

    Added new rare CD and 7" reviews and new stuff to Trash and Treasure.

    Plus a small update to Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind.

  • Winter, January 7, 2015

    The land of Nebraska is frozen in ice and snow.
    Added a few new pictures to the Scrapbook.
    Plus another huge update to Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind.

  • Winter, January 2, 2015

    Another update to Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind.
    Added a SIXTH page!

  • Winter, December 30, 2014

    Another update to Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind.
    A photo shoot is coming soon!

  • Autumn, December 19, 2014

    Added some new photos HERE (scroll to bottom of page).

  • Autumn, December 17, 2014

    Another update to Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind. Tons of new material. There is now five pages!

  • Autumn, December 13, 2014

    Added a new section called 'Pandora's Scrapbook' to the site. Check it out HERE.
    We are also continually adding content to various sections.

  • Autumn, December 5, 2014

    Another update, mostly to Trash and Treasure. A ton of new material added. Old listings updated.

  • Autumn, December 4, 2014

    Added new content in various areas...
    From now on instead of having big updates we will be updating every few days or so.
    We will announce through our mailing list when new photo shoots are added.

  • Autumn, November 30, 2014

    Added interview with the editor of one our favorite 'zines, Der Wehrwolf HERE, plus added various new content.

  • Autumn, November 19, 2014

    Another update to Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind and added new content. Check out the new look! Plus added minor editions and changes.

  • Autumn, November 2, 2014

    This update we dedicate to David Eden Lane (November 2, 1938 - May 28, 2007).
    Our light, our guide and eternal inspiration.
    Happy 76th birthday comrade.


    Added new photo shoot: Soft Defiance


    Added new photo shoot: Blood Sisters in Vengeance Bound


    Added new photos to the Scrapbook


    Many new additions to: Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind


    Added photos to the Scrapbook and Trash and Treasure: Trash and Treasure Page 68 OR Scrapbook Page 32


    A review of a booklet from 1935 about an exorcism: Begone Satan!

    ...plus added material in many sections.

    We've added a mailing list to better keep you informed of updates. Mailing list subscribers will get exclusive content, i.e. pictures, etc...

    Join the Mailing List

  • Summer, July 13, 2014

    A small update. We corrected a number of pages in Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind and added new content. The new look is much cleaner.
    In addition, we added various new stuff to the site.


    Here is a letter from 4-20-44 in my possession celebrating Adolf Hitler's 55th birthday. I found it very neat and thought you would too: April 20, 1944 Letter.


    Here is a crazy homemade Mourning the Ancient shirt from Mexico you might get a kick out of, I sure did!: Trash and Treasure Page 84.

    Plus various CD reviews and additional stuff for you to stumble upon.

    Hails to all of our comrades on Earth fighting the filth of this world. Our time draws closer with the passing of each maddening day.

  • Summer, June 27, 2014

    Our sixteen year anniversary on the web!


    Added a new photo shoot: Cradle of Dawn


    Added a huge in-depth interview with writer/historian Veronica Clark: Veronica Clark Interview


    Added many new scrapbook photos (pages 30-31): Scrapbook (page30)


    Added an article we researched/wrote: An Ancient Pact Betrayed


    Added a beautiful letter from Adolf Hitler's Sister Paula: Statement of Paula Hitler


    Many new additions to: Trash and Treasure


    Many additions and added a THIRD page to: Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind


    New book reviews: Book Reviews

    Plus new CD reviews, DVD listings, and a ton of new material spread throughout the site.

  • Spring, April 20, 2014

    Our first update of 2014.
    It was a long winter for us all with its storms and endless snow coupled with life's mundane agonies.
    But here we are again on the greatest day of the year. 125 years ago there was born a man that is more alive today than when he was mere flesh.
    His spirit endures. An indestructible symbol of resistance to Their murderous tyranny.
    His guidance is a dagger to the throat of the enemies of this Earth, who, through centuries of greed and innate evil, have kept this world in chains and in a constant state of conflict, poverty and suffering.
    Their oppression spans every country on this planet. Every race is ever their victim.
    They divide and conquer us. Using race, religion and nationality to divide us.
    But He came to unite us. And unite us He did.
    Our grandfathers, men of immense racial and ethnic diversity, united under Him.
    For Final Freedom. For Mankind.

    He once said:

    'It is necessary that I should die for my people; but my spirit will rise from the grave and the whole world will know that I was right.' - Adolf Hitler

    That truth is spreading.

    Why He fought.

    Why He died.

    And why He shall never die.

    His divine spirit shall never rest as long as his enemies and that of this earth enslave this world.

    And His time, Our time, is coming.

    Truth is rising from the mass grave of history.

    Look and listen.

    Or die their slave.

    Happy One Hundred and Twenty Fifth Birthday, Adolf Hitler.


    Added two new photo shoots to the Gallery: Democracy's Whore and Witch's Prayer


    We added more pictures to: 15 Years - A Retrospective


    We did an interview with Canada's Haiduk: Haiduk Interview


    Added a few new CD reviews, Brazil's Mortal Wish was especially killer: CD Reviews


    Added some new material to Trash and Treasure: Trash and Treasure Page 77 and 79


    Added a few new book reviews: Book Reviews


    Added tons of new material to 'Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind': TRUTH

    Plus cosmetic changes and various new material spread throughout the site.

  • Autumn, November 24, 2013

    -More small updates to various sections of the website...

  • Autumn, November 18, 2013

    -Updates to various sections of the website...

  • Autumn, October 3, 2013

    -Smaller update to various sections. Book reviews, Trash and Treasure, etc..

    To my knowledge no one has found the secret page as of yet. Perhaps it is destined to be a page unseen.

    If you are interested in testing your wits, view the encryption here: 'Ichor of the Sun'

  • Autumn, September 30, 2013

    - The 108th anniversary of the birth of Savitri Devi -

    -Savitri Devi was one of the greatest women to ever grace this troubled world. She was an enlightened and pure human being who was a pioneer for animal rights and was a fierce defender of mother nature. Much of her life she lived in India, where she rescued and fed stray animals on the hard streets of that poverty-stricken country. We love those things about her. But what grips us most deeply about her was her love for National Socialism and Adolf Hitler.

    Never has a writer so passionately written about this great man as she. Her monumental work 'The Lightning and the Sun' is like a religious treasure brimming with life and insight.

    Those of us who know the truth know that the ranks of those who have stood against the TYRANTS of this world are filled with magnificent men and women. One lifetime is too short to learn of them all and of all of their selfless deeds. We may not know their names, but their deeds silently resonate and push our enemy closer to its end.

    We will never be short of martyrs and heroes for our cause. But of all those great and golden souls who have given so much of themselves so selflessly, one of our personal favorites is Savitri Devi.

    Her words fall like salve to bleeding wounds. Her brave defiance fills the mortal uncertainties with fiery resolve. She lifts the head of the sullen soldier of this silent war. She is a sun, ever shining, ever vigilant, immortal, beautiful and true.

    Happy Birthday Savitri Devi.


    Added a new photo shoot to the Gallery section: 'Ichor of the Sun'


    Added new material to Fifteen Years: A Retrospective


    Added a ton of new material to the section 'Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind'. Find it HERE


    Added new material to Trash and Treasure--pages 75-76, plus updated some previous listings: Trash and Treasure Page Seventy-Five


    Added four new book reviews HERE

    ...plus new DVD and CD reviews and updates in many other areas. Explore the site, you will probably find things you've never seen before!

  • Summer, June 27, 2013

    - 15th anniversary of Mourning the Ancient on the web -

    -Fifteen years. 5,475 days. It all began on June 27th 1998. We can't begin to remember all the cool and interesting people we've met along the way. People from all over this troubled earth, we found a lot more in common than the music that brought us together!


    We didn't have much time to devote to this page, so it will be ongoing.
    We'll update, add and change things as we go. So this is just a tiny demo.
    But nonetheless you might find interest in what is here so far: Fifteen Years: A Retrospective


    Added a new photo shoot to the Photo Gallery section: 'The Black Hand - Little Red Drops of Me'.


    Added a ton of new material to the section 'Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind'. Find it HERE


    Added new material to Trash and Treasure--pages 74-75, plus updated some previous listings: Trash and Treasure Page Seventy-Four

    Plus tons of new material in Reviews, DVDs, etc.!

  • Spring, May 11, 2013


    Added an artist's rendition of a Mourning the Ancient photo by Chris Vochatzer: HERE


    New review (Bitter Peace): HERE


    Added a ton of new material to the section 'Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind'. Find it HERE


    A new pic added to the Scrapbook. Find it HERE


    Added new material to Trash and Treasure--pages 71-74, plus updated some previous listings: Trash and Treasure Page Seventy-One


    Added a very interesting writing by Reich's Labor Leader Robert Ley, written just before his death: HERE

    Plus many updates in various areas, too many to mention, and various tweaks and cosmetic changes.

    While this update has no new photo shoots, stay tuned, they're coming!

  • Spring, April 20, 2013

    - The 124th Birthday of Adolf Hitler -

    -To all those worldwide celebrating this solemn and joyful day, we greet you as comrades! Especially those honoring His name in secret, in the dark corners of the world where it is illegal. We light a candle, not only in His name, but in remembrance of all those who have fallen for truth and freedom for all the peoples of the world. But let us not forget that today is also a day for friendship and comradery in our struggle. A day to reflect back on the personal trials and accomplishments of our fight in the past year.
    We bid you greetings, with hope in our hearts, and a sharp sword in our hands.


    Added two new photo shoots to the Gallery section: 'United in His Name - The Last Battalion' and 'Atom Smashed Savior'


    Added numerous examples from two new photo shoots to the Coming Soon section: 'Rocks in the River' and 'Aryans of the East'


    New reviews: HERE


    An 7" EP was put out by Plastik Musik called 'New World Black Metal' which we contributed a pic. Check it out HERE


    Many new examples of Mein Kampf can be viewed HERE


    Once again we've added a ton of new material to the section 'Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind'. Find it HERE


    A few new pics added to the Scrapbook. Find it HERE


    Added new material to Trash and Treasure--pages 68-71, plus updated some previous listings: Trash and Treasure Page Sixty-Eight


    Added an interview we did with Der Wehrwolf 'zine in July 2011: Mourning the Ancient interview


    Added a new section of book reviews HERE


    Plus new material to DVD Reviews, Archive, etc. sections...

  • Winter, January 1, 2013

    - New Year's Day -

    -A soldier's greeting to all our friends and comrades worldwide. This update is for you!


    Added a new photo shoot to the 'Coming Soon' section: 'Sunwheel Salvation'.


    Added a new photo shoot to the 'Coming Soon' section: 'T W E L V E'.


    Added a new photo shoot to the 'Coming Soon' section: 'Electric Blue'.


    Added a new photo shoot to the Photo Gallery section: 'Stairs to Nowhere'.


    Added new material to Trash and Treasure--pages 66-67, plus updated some previous listings: Trash and Treasure Page Sixty-Six
    (You especially should check out page 13, and the listing for the book 'Examen of Witches,' and my expertly drawn illustrations! Page 13)


    Added new pictures to the Scrapbook: Page Twenty Eight


    My favorite distro/label, Elegy Records, has recently made a flyer and a advertising poster using a Mourning the Ancient image.
    Click on the link to see it: Elegy Records flyers


    We've also contributed a Mourning the Ancient image to our friends in the black metal band Branstock. Click on the link to see it: Branstock


    Plus new material to CD Reviews, Archive, etc. sections...

  • Autumn, November 9, 2012

    -The 89th anniversary of the National Socialist putsch, where sixteen martyrs fell in the name of freedom, truth and the reclamation of honor.


    Added a new photo shoot to the photo gallery: 'Autumn Harvest/Plastic Pain'.


    Added a new interview with: Bitter Peace


    Added material to the 'Scrapbook' section: Scrapbook page 28


    Added tons of new material to pre-existing Trash and Treasure listings, plus all-new material to pages 59 - 66: Trash and Treasure


    Added many more pictures and information to the ongoing data base 'Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind'.
    Visit it here: Battle Brothers: The Many Races of the Axis


    Added new quotes of interest: Quotes of the Centuries (page 2)

    Plus many other updates in various areas...

  • September 30, 2012

    This update we dedicate to Savitri Devi (9/30/1905 - 10/22/1982) on the 107th anniversary of her birth.

    For the endless inspiration you've given us over the years.
    For your fearless defiance in the face of our enemies.
    For your boundless love and dedication to truth.
    You will forever be the female face of glorious National Socialism.


    Added a new photo shoot to the photo gallery: 'Strap-on Divinity'.


    Added material to the 'Scrapbook' section: Scrapbook page 28


    Added new material to pre-existing Trash and Treasure listings, plus new material to page 59: Trash and Treasure


    Added many more pictures and information to the ongoing data base 'Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind.
    Visit it here: Battle Brothers: The Many Races of the Axis


    Added new quotes of interest: Quotes of the Centuries

    Plus many other updates in various areas...

  • September 10, 2012

    This update we dedicate to Miguel Serrano (9/10/1917 - 2/28/2009), along with the photo shoot 'Religion of the Heart'.


    Added examples of two new shoots to the coming soon section: 'Religion of the Heart' and 'In Hoc Signo Vinces'.


    Added an interview with the Brazilian band: Seges Findere


    Added an interview with the South African band: Octainium


    Added new quotes of interest: Quotes of the Centuries


    Added many more pictures and information to the ongoing data base 'Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind.
    Visit it here: Battle Brothers: The Many Races of the Axis


    Added scans from a newspaper from May 13th 1941 regarding the flight of Rudolf Hess.
    Visit it here: The Mystery of Rudolf Hess


    Added new material to pre-existing Trash and Treasure listings, plus new material to page 58: Trash and Treasure


    Added new CD reviews: HERE (Octainium & Babylon Mystery Orchestra)


    Added material to the 'Scrapbook' section: Scrapbook page 27

    Plus new DVD listings and a variety of new material throughout the site.

  • July 4th, 2012

    -Independence Day of the United States of America. A day that once celebrated the birth of a great nation. A nation born in blood and revolt. A country whose founders despised kings and tyrants, distrustful of religion and the Church. A birth which bankrupted the great nation of France, whose importance and participation in the American Revolution is all but forgotten by the careless Americans of today.

    The America of 1776 was a menagerie of ideals and lofty dreams. Many of them not withstanding the test of time, the corrupting hand of humanity, and the seemingly inherent foolish greed of mankind. Slogans like 'Freedom or Death' were spoken in a thousand iterations in those ever-distant colonies of 1776. A far cry from the popular slogans of America 2012. An America without vision, without commonality, a country who has lost even the most basic unifying factors like language and culture.

    Perhaps the slogan best fitting of America today wouldn't be a slogan at all, but instead an endless monotonous stream of exclamation points and dollar signs. The language of the new American. The programmer's code of the proverbial fool. The universal slave, happy staring mindlessly into his television, 'smart' phone in one hand and fast food in the other.


    Waving his MADE IN CHINA American flag, because it's suddenly popular to be a patriot, and lighting off his fireworks to celebrate his democratic independence, never mind that everything around him was manufactured in a communist country, who the New America owes an unfathomable amount of money. Those American flag T-shirts, paper plates and cups with their patriotic themes are better made by communists anyway, right?


    Enjoy the update, see you at the Second Revolution.

    [Below is the listing of updates for our newest update.]


    Added numerous examples of two new shoots to the coming soon section: 'Window of Narcissism' and '2nd Revolution'.


    Added new material to pre-existing Trash and Treasure listings, plus new material to pages 57-58: Trash and Treasure


    Added new quotes of interest: Quotes of the Centuries


    Added many more pictures and information to the ongoing data base 'Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind.
    Visit it here: Battle Brothers: The Many Races of the Axis


    Added part 2 to the 'Yankee Rose' shoot to the 'Scrapbook' section: Scrapbook page 25


    Added even more material to the 'Scrapbook' section: Scrapbook page 26

  • May 28, 2012

    (Memorial Day)

    -The 5th anniversary of the death of David Eden Lane (November 2, 1938 - May 28, 2007).

    We dedicate this update and our 100th photo shoot to David. A friend, comrade, mentor and martyr. A poet, writer, novelist and spiritual guide. A tireless warrior, a legend till the end. But alas, a man. And the fate of all men is that they must one day die. A quote comes to mind which David's friend, Robert Mathews, was fond of saying. We leave you with that, and the update. To You Bruder!

    Cattle die, kinsmen die
    You yourself die;
    I know one thing
    Which never dies:
    The fame of a dead man's deeds.

    [Taken from the Havamal of the Poetic Edda]

    [Above picture circa 2007 - photographer unknown]

    [Below is a listing of our newest update.]


    Added a few examples of two new photo shoots to the section: 'Coming Soon' . They are 'The Path of the Ancestor' and... well, I guess you'll just have to decode the name of the other one! Plus fourteen examples of our 100th photo shoot! Which we chose to name (and dedicate) to David Eden Lane.


    Added new material to pre-existing Trash and Treasure listings, plus new material to pages 55-56: Trash and Treasure


    Added new quotes of interest: Quotes of the Centuries


    Added more info to 'Did You Know?' We'll add content that we find interesting to it periodically.
    Visit it here: Did You Know?


    Added many more pictures and information to the ongoing data base 'Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind.
    Visit it here: Battle Brothers: The Many Races of the Axis


    Added many new DVDs: Movie Magick


    Added new reviews: Reviews Page Twenty Three


    Added new material to the 'Scrapbook' section: Scrapbook page 25

  • April 20, 2012

    -The 123rd birthday of Adolf Hitler.
    Warm greetings to our comrades and all freedom fighters worldwide.
    Soldiers of truth, of all races and cultures, united by an idea, who dare dream of a free tomorrow.
    In the age of decline, of Kali-Yuga, we are reminded that it is darkest before the dawn.
    On this solemn and celebrated day, we are also reminded of the endless potential of a few dedicated men and women.

    And to our enemies...
    You cannot kill divine truth.
    You cannot silence the growing voice of millions.
    You haven't enough bullets and bombs to kill us all.
    We are of the dead past and of the unborn future.
    The world awakens to an angry new day.
    Your lies disintegrate in the vengeful rays of the Sunless Dawn.

    [Below is the listing of updates for our newest update.]


    Added the photo shoot 'Ad Gloriam Athena' from 10-31-2011: -Click Here-


    Added new material to pre-existing Trash and Treasure listings, plus a ton of new material to pages 48-55: Trash and Treasure


    Added a few examples of three new shoots to the coming soon section: 'Myrna', 'Greta' and 'Spirit of Winter'.


    Added new reviews: Reviews Page Twenty Three


    Added new DVDs: Movie Magick


    Added interview with black metal legend COUNTESS


    Added new quotes of interest: Quotes of the Centuries


    Added new material to the Archive section: Archive


    Added new material to the 'Scrapbook' section (pages 22-24): Scrapbook page 22


    Added a new artist pencil rendition of a Mourning the Ancient photo: Stefan Milde
    This very talented artist is a German P.O.W.. Our thanks to you Stefan and Der Wehrwolf 'Zine!


    Added scans from a German 'Zine which did a Mourning the Ancient issue here: Der Wehrwolf
    Scroll to the bottom of the page!


    Began a section called 'Did You Know?' We'll add content that we find interesting to it periodically.
    Visit it here: Did You Know?


    Extensive update: Added many more pictures and a ton of information to the ongoing article 'Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind.
    Visit it here: Battle Brothers: The Many Races of the Axis

    And lastly, our next photo shoot we do will be our 100th official shoot! It's been a long, crazy journey since 1995. Expect something special...

  • January 30, 2012

    -The 79th anniversary of the day Adolf Hitler came to power.


    Added the photo shoot from July 1998 'Poison IV'.
    Although some of this shoot was published on our first photo CD, here you will see many unreleased photos for the first time.


    Added a shoot from 1-8-1999, which includes many previously unreleased photos, including color versions which were unpublished.
    This was a huge shoot, so we put it into two parts:

    'Poison V (part one)'.

    'Poison V (part two)'.


    Added new photos to 'Scrapbook' (page 19 through 22)


    The photo gallery is now chronologically ordered from newest to oldest. 'Photo Gallery'


    Added new material to page 47 and 48 of Trash and Treasure.


    Added a small photo shoot from June of 2011: 'A Date with the Dead'.


    Added a another small photo shoot from November of 2011: 'C A T T L E'.


    Found and added a bunch of, rather silly and unflattering, outtakes from the photo shoot of December 1999, 'Antique II'.
    (Scroll to the bottom to see them...)


    Added a small, previously unreleased, photo shoot of 8mm stills from May of 1997: '8mm Video Stills IV'.


    Added a previously unreleased second set of 8mm stills from May of 1997: '8mm Video Stills III'.


    Added yet another previously unreleased set of 8mm stills from June of 1997: '8mm Video Stills V'.


    Updated the link index bars of the main page...


    Added a few new reviews in the review section: Reviews.


    Added a few video trials from our photo CD #1. Also added the final versions of the opening videos of both of our photo CDs.
    They can be viewed here: Video Trials.

  • January 3, 2012


    Added the photo shoot 'Hands of Fate'.


    Restored photo shoot 'Poison', plus added additional photos previously unreleased.


    Restored photo shoot 'Poison II', plus added additional photos previously unreleased.


    Restored photo shoot 'Poison III', plus added additional photos previously unreleased.


    Restored photo shoot 'Blood and Soil', plus added additional photos previously unreleased.


    Restored photo shoot 'Ragnarok', plus added additional photos previously unreleased.


    Added three new photo set examples to 'Coming Soon'.
    They are 'The Fight Forever', 'Yule' and 'Copper'.


    Added updates and new material to previous pages and one and a half new pages (pages 45-46) to Trash and Treasure.


    Added a new section 'Legends and Favorites'.
    (Twelve pages, over one hundred and twenty releases from some of our favorite bands. Keep in mind the project is ongoing, in no particular order, and very incomplete. You'll probably see some old favorites you've forgotten about.)


    Added an old photo shoot from March 1999: 'Solemn Secrets'. Included are unpublished examples.


    Added new photos to the Scrapbook (pages 17-18).


    Added a new photo set of 8mm stills from 1997 HERE. All but THREE have never before been published until now.


    Added a new photo set of video stills from our 2002 film HERE.


    Added a new poem: Entrance to Exit.

  • December 17, 2011


    Added part two of the photo shoot 'Us and Them'.


    Added updates and eight new pages (pages 38-45) to Trash and Treasure.


    Added many new pictures (pages 10-16) to the Scrapbook.


    Added new pictures to the Archive.


    Plus updates to the 'Quotes' section, new CD reviews and more.

    We're already working on the next update, which will include another photo shoot or two from the 'Coming Soon' section. You can also expect another general update as well.

  • November 18, 2011

    Added a very interesting article by JFN 'The Swastika and the Crescent' to the Articles section. We also added some new items to the Rare section of reviews. Check back often, there is much more to come.

  • Autumn, November 9th, 2011

    The 88th anniversary of the day the martyrs fell under the shadow of the Feldherrnhalle and in the forecourt of the former War Ministry in Munich. With these brave soldiers of truth and freedom solemnly in our minds, we present to you the following update:

    Massive update. Our biggest ever. Tons of cosmetic changes and tweeks. Check out the fifteen major additions detailed below.


    Hundreds of new photos from over twenty shoots. Click here to see the updated Photo Gallery


    New interviews with:

    Lord Occult from Mortal Wish [Brazil]

    Prisoner of war, Chris Slavin

    We've also added interviews with cult bands Goatlord and two interviews with Black Widow.
    The first courtesy of Marco of Der Wehrwolf 'Zine and the second by us.

    Black Widow

    Black Widow #2


    We also finally got around to doing a ton of CD reviews, to the bands/labels that sent material, thanks for your patience! Our lives are usually chaos and war.



    We've done a few interviews ourselves lately, one is available online at: www.allfatherwotan.org and archived on Mourning the Ancient HERE.

    The other is only available the old fashioned way of paper from Der Wehrwolf 'Zine. We'll reprint it soon enough.


    We've added some new quotations to the Quotes of the Centuries section and added a few new sections.


    The first is found under Reviews called:

    Ticket Stubs, Flyers, and Concert Related Misc.


    The second is a collection of activites that we've lent our images to over the years. Flyers, magazine covers, CD/cassette covers, etc., both of these sections are far from complete, we'll update them as we find material.

    You can view some of our contributions here: Contributed Images


    In line with the ticket stub page we've added another page for you to explore: Trash and Treasure


    Take a look at our past and present props and misc. items here: Archive


    Here is a handful of posters from yesteryear here: Posters


    We've also added pictures/info on tons of rare stuff like LP's, picture vinyls, 7"'s, bootlegs, etc. etc. to the rare section of reviews: Rare stuff


    We've showcased a ton of DVD's (mostly rare and/or obscure) here: DVD Reviews


    Back in 2003 we planned on doing another Primitive Supremacy CD, but due to broken equipment, we only recorded one track, which was recorded too low, so we moved on to other projects.
    You can download this track, called 'Drowned', here: Downloads


    We put together a small article of information regarding National Socialism and World War Two. Probably a vain attempt to open people's eyes, but important nonetheless. This is the truth that has been hidden from all of us. Armed with this truth, they shall divide and conquer us no more:
    Battle Brothers-The Many Races of the Axis


    Added comments and many new pictures to the scrapbook page here: Scrapbook

    Old News Archive

    July 25, 1998-Added quotes page...still much to be added.

    July 31, 1998-Interviews coming soon- Siebenburgen, ...The Soil Bleeds Black, Barathrum, Mythotyn, Goddess of Desire, Einherjer, Absu, Sanctum...

    August 1, 1998-Added various new background pics. Beginning video work August 3rd. Still in the process of compiling photo cd-rom...

    August 3, 1998-Updated photo gallery

    August 4, 1998-Review page added, will be continuously adding reviews.

    August 10, 1998-Swordmaster interview added.

    August 11, 1998-Added voting utility to 'Quotes' section...

    August 19, 1998-Added some java script... a few more reviews...

    August 25, 1998-Added ...The Soil Bleeds Black (plus samples) and Goddess of Desire interviews...

    August 26, 1998-Added Siebenburgen interview and samples...

    September 1, 1998-Added Opera IX interview and updated 'Select Quotes' section.

    September 7, 1998-a few more reviews, updated 'Select quotes,' Abigor interview added..., shirts are now also available in white with silver lettering and black with silver lettering replacing the red, and of course the old style is also still available. We're still working on the video and photo cd-rom... things are moving slow, but surely.

    September 8, 1998-Grabesmond interview added... added a few more quotes to the 'Select Quotes' section...

    September 23, 1998-Messe Noir interview added... changed color schemes on a few pages, and added more reviews... video is now expected to be released midwinter.

    October 5, 1998-Updated photos (gallery page 3)... added 'hidden gallery page'... our work on the video and photo cd-rom continues...

    October 8, 1998-Added Subklinik/Profane Grace interview...

    October 20, 1998-Added Pazuzu/Raventhrone interview...

    October 31, 1998-Added Demoncy interview, a few updates on the upcoming video situation to the merchandise page...

    November 3, 1998-Added Ninnghizhidda interview...

    November 5, 1998-Added ...And Oceans interview and readers thoughts (found in the misc section)...

    November 20, 1998-Added Darkmoon interview...

    November 21, 1998-Added Theatres des Vampires interview...

    November 22, 1998-Added new poem...

    November 27, 1998-Added Puissance interview...

    November 28, 1998-Added Ancient interview...

    December 1, 1998-Updated Gallery 3 and the Hidden Galleries...

    December 4, 1998-Added links to interviews with us courtesy of Realms of Darkness Webzine and Misery's Metal Hell, found in the Misc. section...

    December 7, 1998-Added Daemon/Beltane interview...

    December 10, 1998-Added Absu interview...

    December 13, 1998-Added Absurd interview...

    December 19, 1998-Added Deicide interview...

    December 24, 1998-Removed the Absurd interview temporarily at bands request...

    December 31, 1998-Added new review section done by contributor... Our photo cd is expected to be released soon.

    January 1, 1999-Added additional CD reviews from contributor.

    January 2, 1999-Added additional CD reviews from contributor.

    January 9, 1999-Added interviews with us courtesy of Explosive Cerebral 'Zine and Pagan Orgies 'Zine, found in the Misc. section...

    January 12, 1999-Added Judas Iscariot interview and a new poem...

    January 21, 1999-Added some Java enhancements to the site...

    January 22, 1999-Added more quotes to the 'Select Quotes' section...

    April 14, 1999-The update has arrived... Added Månegarm, Arckanum, Endymion, Rossomahaar, Odium (Pol), The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement, Incantation, Averse Sefira and Angelcorpse interviews...new poetry...reviews and article by Kevin of Realms of Darkness...new quotes to the Misc. section... new photography for Gallery five... plus we upgraded much of the basic layout throughout the site. And as a final note, in a recent issue of the 'Grimoire of Exalted Deeds,' there are pictures taken from our site, which were used without our consent!

  • May 29, 1999-Updated new photographs of our shirts (new design) found under the merchandise section. Expect a large update on 6/27, to commemorate our one year anniversary on the web... We will also be releasing our photo CD very soon, which will be limited to 500 hand-numbered copies. Due to censorship we will be pressing these CD's ourselves as CD-R's. To further protect ourselves from the hordes of anti-expression, anti-freedom masses this will be an 18 or older release. Although art and creativity should have no boundaries or limits, and is meant to be enjoyed by all without restriction, such ideals lie purely in theory in todays age, and certainly we are not free if we may not even gaze upon what we choose as free-thinking beings.

    June 27, 1999-ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY! -MTA IBM compatible photo CD-R is finally unleashed! Check the Photo CD page for details! Also, we have available Theatres des Vampires latest release, 'The Vampire Chronicles'... available for $14 including postage! (check the Misc. section for more details) You can also read an interview with TdV in our interview section for more information on the band. In the near future we will continue to support bands that appear on the pages of MTA by carrying their CD's. So expect more CD's of only the best bands soon. Also included in this update are interviews with Myrmidon, Acheron, Barathrum, Full Moon Productions, Noctuary... a few new select quotes... Plus many CD/demo reviews done by Kevin of Realms of Darkness. We've also added an additional interview with us done by Into the Forest 'Zine. Go to the photo CD page for a small preview of some of the pics on the CD. Any questions regarding the CD email us.

    October 23, 1999-Its been some time since we last updated, due to we are very busy doing the video... We also added three new reviews done by Kevin of Realms of Darkness. Also, we've added a few new readers comments found in the Misc. section. We encourage anyone who hasn't yet sent us their thoughts on the subject found there to do so.

    November 4, 1999-A huge update in all areas today. The paper edition has been inevitably delayed, so that we can concentrate our time on the video. So, those interviews are now available online. They include:

    Gontyna Kry (Poland)
    Svartsyn (Sweden)
    Axis of Advance (Canada)
    Banshee (Italy)
    Demonic Christ (USA)
    Frozen Shadows (Canada)
    Negura Bunget (Romania)
    Nifelheim (Sweden)
    Tears of Grief (Sweden)
    Vesperian Sorrow (USA)
    Ordo Equitum Solis (Italy)

    Plus we have added some new photography in gallery six. You can also find new reviews for : Banshee, Svartsyn, Beherit and Theatres des Vampires in our review section. Also, look for many new reviews coming soon.

    December 4, 1999-Added Allfather interview... expect more interviews soon.

    December 11, 1999-Added Lament interview...

    December 17, 1999-Added The Sins of Thy Beloved interview...

    December 18,1999-Added Hixi interview...

    December 27, 1999-Added Capricornus/Thor's Hammer interview...

    December 27, 1999-Added Darker than Black interview... more interviews coming soon!

    January 4, 2000-Added MTA CD review by Skullfuck 'Zine...

    January 6, 2000-Added Veles/Dead Christ Commune interview...

    January 13, 2000-Added Thunderbolt interview... new photography samples are available to preview for mailing list subscribers only...

    January 14, 2000-Added Sadogoat interview...

    January 19, 2000-Added Evensong interview...

    January 28, 2000-Added another review of our photo CD to the CD page ... also added new CD/demo reviews for Sadogoat, Lord Belial, Demoncy, Berserkr, Black Tears of Death, Namtaru, Forest of Impaled, Judas Iscariot, Summoning, Infernal, Barathrum and Amsvartner...

    February 3, 2000-Added Godless North interview...

    February 4, 2000-Added four new photos to Gallery six... put photo gallery back online...for now.

    March 1, 2000-redone photo galleries 1-3 with new pictures to appear on our CD #2, to be released sometime this summer. The old photos can only now be found on our CD #1.

    March 27, 2000-Added new photos to gallery four... added new nine reviews... many more to come. Our second photo CD is set to be released at the end of May, this time various musicians have contributed pieces to the galleries... CD #2 promises to far exceed #1 in atmosphere and design. Expect new interviews in the coming weeks.

    March 29, 2000-Added Deinonychus interview...

    March 30, 2000-Added Antaeus interview...

    April 5, 2000-Added Mortem interview...

    April 20, 2000-Added two interviews with us... photo CD #2 is on its way... very soon.

    May 25, 2000- Photo CD #2 finally available!! Also added interviews with Autumn Tears and Abyssic Hate. Plus three reviews of Midnight Syndicate, ...the Soil Bleeds Black and Magus.

    June 1, 2000-Added Pagan Hellfire interview and 2 new reviews (Insights of the Profane CD and Sadogoat demo)...

    June 14, 2000-We've added a new section to our site where we'll review bootleg's, vinyls, limited editions and other rarities. You can view what we've done so far under the "Reviews" section of our site under "bootleg's, vinyls, limited editions and other rarities."

    July 1, 2000-Added more reviews in the "bootleg's, vinyls, limited editions and other rarities" section...

    August 14, 2000-continually adding reviews, trying to catch up... Frost and Arkhon Infaustus 7 inches today.

  • May 25,2000-Our PC-photo CD-R #2 is finally available! Featuring guest musicians and over 800 photos! Photo CD #1 is also still available! See the photo CD page for details and ordering instructions! A special thanks goes out to those friends and comrades who have supported our work by purchasing our first CD! Be the first to view our newest works on private pages by joining our mailing list. You also will be alerted of any major changes, news and updates. Lastly, you can now view samples of material found on our photo CD #2 in the photo galleries and on the CD #2 ordering page.

  • June 1, 2000-Added Pagan Hellfire interview and 2 new reviews (Insights of the Profane CD and Sadogoat demo)...

  • June 14, 2000-We've added a new section to our site where we'll review bootlegs, vinyls, limited editions and other rarities. You can view what we've done so far under the "Reviews" section of our site under "bootlegs, vinyls, limited editions and other rarities."

  • July 18, 2000-Continually adding reviews to all review sections.

  • August 11, 2000-Re-opened site. A few interviews planned. Reviews soon to follow. CD #1-2 back on sale.

  • August 15-2000-Added new reviews, will continue to add reviews to all review sections without notice. Expect new interviews very soon.

  • August 17-2000-Added new photography to galleries five and six, taken from our new photo CD.

  • August 30-2000-Added Thornspawn interview.

  • August 30-2000-Added news regarding JFN of Absurd. www.mourningtheancient.com/news.htm

  • September 3-2000-Added interview with Germany's FROST...

  • October 14-2000-Site back online. As you will notice, our photo galleries have been removed. They have been placed upon a new site solely dedicated to our photography. We are still designing it, and it is only available to few for testing purposes at this point. Those interested in purchasing MTA CD's will be able to do so through the new site.

  • October 19-2000-Added reviews with Gravewurm, Countess, Fog, Corpus Christii, Pagan Hellfire, Reign of Erebus, A Tribute to Master's Hammer and Welter.

  • October 20-2000-Added article "Seven Years of Stupidity, Lies, and Ignorance" by Hendrik Möbus to the article section of our site. Also added reviews for Arkhon Infaustus, Antaeus and Immolation.

  • November 3-2000-Added new reviews for Barathrum, Hagalaz' Runedance, Avernus and Rain Fell Within.

  • December 9-2000-Added new reviews in the 'Rare/Bootleg' section... we're spending most of our time on video work for our upcoming film.

  • December 20-2000-Added more new reviews in the 'Rare/Bootleg' section... plus added a review for 'Ethodius' in the new reviews section.

  • December 22-2000-Added more new reviews... Destroyer 666, Angantyr, Solace Denied and Immemoreal...

  • December 23-2000-Added new Opera IX interview contributed to us from an outside source...

  • December 27-2000-Added more reviews in the rare/bootleg section...

  • January 3-2001-Added more reviews in the rare/bootleg section plus a review of Ravens over Gomorrah demo in the new review section...

  • January 4-2001-Added a review of TEMNOZOR (demo) in the review section...

  • January 5-2001-Added more reviews in the rare/bootleg section...

  • February 1-2001-Added an interview with Denmark's Angantyr... will continue to add reviews without warning... also did major updates to MTA photo site.

  • February 9-2001-Added Spear of Longinus interview...

  • February 10-2001-Added six new reviews...

  • March 8, 2001-Added six new reviews...

  • March 9, 2001-Beltane's MCD now available through us... no distrobution outside of us and them anywhere!

  • March 12, 2001-Added interview with Bulgaria's ORK...

  • March 17, 2001-Added review of Sadogoat/Hellhaunted split cassette ...

  • March 19, 2001-Added interview with France's Merrimack ...

  • March 28, 2001-New "FREE HENDRIK MOBUS" design Mourning the Ancient shirts available (go to the merchandise section to view photos). Also, our video work continues to move along very quickily! After years of delays you will finally see its release in 2001!

  • March 31, 2001-Added six news reviews...

  • April 4, 2001-Added new discussion forum, link found at bottom of table of contents page...

  • April 12, 2001-Added an interview with Hendrik Möbus (ex-Absurd) from prison...

  • April 19, 2001-Added an interview with Rites of Degringolade...

  • May 17, 2001-Added two new photo sets to our photography site, to appear on our coming CD #3. Also added interview with Solace Denied (England) and Urgrund (Australia). Plus reviews for Theatres des Vampires, Mourning Beloveth, Daeonia, Morcrof, Urgrund and Witchblade. Lastly a few new reviews added to the rare/bootleg section.

  • August 29, 2001-After a long period of stagnation, we return with a newly designed site which is easier to navigate. Expect new reviews, interviews and photos soon.

  • September 19, 2001-Added interview with Midnight Syndicate... six new reviews of Aureate, Ars Macabra, Black Mass, Open Grave, Aurora Borealis and Bloodthorn...

  • October 6, 2001-Added interview with Ars Macabra (Italy)...

  • November 10, 2001-Added a new interview with us...

  • February 14, 2002-Added an interview with Evelyn Hill, the webmaster and founder of hendrikmoebus.com

  • February 28, 2002-Added new CD/LP reviews...

  • April 4, 2002-The website of our music project, Primitive Supremacy, is now online at www.mourningtheancient.com/ps.htm ...

  • April 5, 2002-Added Psicorragia (Peru) interview...

  • June 19, 2002-Our Film is finally available! See merchandise page for details!

  • June 20, 2002- Added seventeen new CD reviews!

  • August 21, 2002- Added interviews with Acheron/Wolfen Soceity and In Peccatum...

  • September 17, 2002-Added 31 new reviews to the bootlegs/rarity section. Special thanks to Rick for the contributions.

  • October 3, 2002-Added Teratism interview...

  • October 5, 2002-Added more reviews to the rare review section...

  • October 11, 2002-Added eleven new reviews.

  • October 16, 2002-Added seven new reviews to the rare/bootleg section.

  • October 29, 2002-Added interview with Sturmfuhrer.

  • January 11, 2003- Added two interviews with us regarding Mourning the Ancient and Primitive Supremacy... Added interview with David Lane.

  • January 29, 2003-Added nine new reviews...

  • March 20, 2003-Added an interview with Ad Hominem...plus many other various updates.

  • May 17, 2003-Added seven more reviews...

  • June 12, 2003-Added two articles written by David Lane...

  • August 13, 2003-We're still alive... Added many reviews...

  • December 20, 2003-Added many reviews... we're working on a 3rd photo CD which will contain ALL of the material from the previous two CD's, rescanned and more complete, plus tons of unreleased old stuff and lot's of unreleased new stuff from the past few years.

  • March 18, 2004-Added new poetry... another interview with us... updated links and other minor changes.

  • June 2, 2004-Added more reviews...

  • June 4, 2004-Added a review for Primitive Supremacy and our film...

  • August 28, 2004-Added 11 new reviews... some other minor updates. There might be an update of our photography sometime soon.

  • September 16, 2004-Lot's of updates in nearly every section, will continue to update new material in the coming days, including new photography!

  • January 1,2005-updated rare/bootleg section of reviews...

  • January 8, 2005-added many new reviews... plus new bootleg reviews.

  • June 24, 2005-added new reviews... misc updates.

  • September 29, 2005-After a long absence of updates, we are finally updating the photo galleries once again! Although you haven't seen new material in a few years, we have continued doing photography in our absence. We have a lot of material to sort through and put online, so expect new photo pages to be added frequently until we catch up. As always, we appreciate your feedback. Enjoy...

  • October 1, 2005- Added four more photo shoots to the gallery... still more to come!

  • October 3, 2005- Added another photo shoot...

  • October 26, 2005-Added new reviews...

  • May 11, 2006-Added many new reviews...

  • August 9, 2006-The MTA photo CD's are available once again. We decided to make them available during the wait for the 3rd photo CD. So if you missed your chance the first time, here it is... your last chance to get them.

  • October 4, 2006-Added a load of new reviews... expect new interviews soon.

  • March 10, 2007- Huge update... interviews with Prussian Blue, Deteriorate, Antaeus, Crimson Moon, Murderous Vision and Branstock... Lot's of new reviews and updates all around.

  • September 6, 2007- At last we have published new photography, two sets, in our photo section.

  • September 19, 2007 - Added many new reviews.

  • October 8, 2008- Added new reviews.

    Mortal Wish

    Motus Tenebrae

    Dol Amroth


    Blasphemous Creation

    Resistant Culture

    Forevers' Fallen Grace

    Midnight Syndicate

    Plus four new poems. More to come... We're not dead, just bored with humanity in general.

  • June 19, 2009- Expect an interview with R.G. Fowler, the archivist of the Savitri Devi archive, soon...

    In the meantime, immerse yourself in all that is Savitri at: www.savitridevi.org

  • June 28, 2009- Added the interview with R.G. Fowler... Cosmetic changes... Enjoy!

  • August 9, 2009- Added two new interviews; The Animal Liberation Front and W.O.T.A.N.
    Many cosmetic updates and tweaks. Expect CD reviews to follow, plus more interviews.

  • April 20, 2010-Huge update as of April 20th.

    Our biggest photo gallery update ever! All galleries have been updated with hundreds of new photos and new selections.

    Click here to see the updated Photo Gallery

    Many cosmetic changes and fixes. Our film is still sold out. As are both of our photo CDs. All other audio CDs are still available. We're working on a DVD release of our film and a third photo CD, which will contain every work done by us since 1995. New article World War One: A Discussion of Fact and Fallacy

    We've also added a few new artistic renditions of our photography to the 'Misc.' section. More photo gallery updates to come, so check back often!