[Page One Hundred and Eight]
Mourning the Ancient 2017 Calendar
[Note: Since 2016 we've been having calendars printed every year for personal friends. I usually throw on some magnets, stickers or whatever to the order. This year an odd dragonfly graphic appeared on the order?! The company reviewed the master file and was as perplexed as me. No one had any idea where it came from. They sent replacements, but now I'm stuck with the strange dragonfly product. I guess the morale of the story is never trust a dragonfly!]
[Below: Cover of 2016 calendar]
[Below: Cover of 2017 calendar]
[Below: Cover of 2018 calendar]
[Below: Cover of 2020 calendar. We didn't do a 2019 calendar because I was sick.]
[Below: Cover of 2021 calendar.]
[Below: Cover of 2022 calendar.]
Lights from a Golden Past
[Note: Another submission from the person with the chained SS daggers on the last page. W O W ! ! ! This is a very early SA set-up. But enough words, let's let these magnificent pictures do the talking!]
[Below: Close-up of belt and sheathed blades. Note the leather frog (the device holding the SA dagger to the belt) is very rare. This was only used for a short time as they quickly changed to metal clips.]
[Below: Incredibly R A R E utility knife. I've had a healthy interest in 3rd Reich artifacts for many years and I've never seen one of these.]
[Below: SA dagger handle]
[Below: Utility knife handle showing brass emblem]
[Below: SA belt buckle and blade]
[Below: Reverse side of blade showing maker mark and unit markings]
[Below: The throat of sheath showing unit markings - this means 4th Brigade and Regiment 84.]
The World Loves Adolf Hitler
[Note: By now you've probably seen the Adolf Hitler ice cream cones from India (below). Or how about the Adolf Hitler marketed space heater in Taiwan? How about the men's shampoo from Turkey featuring Adolf Hitler as a selling point for manliness? How about the Hitler Kentucky Fried Chicken inspired restaurant from India? Maybe the 'Nazi' high school parade in Taiwan? Or the Hitler bar in Mumbai, India? Or the National Socialist themed dance competition in Guadalajara, Mexico? What about the 'Adolf Hitler' tea pot from J.C. Penney? How about the series of wine bottles from Italy featuring Adolf Hitler? Or the image of an Adolf Hitler postage stamp casually displayed on a coffee cup in 2014 by a German furniture chain? Also in 2014 a Swiss company released a coffee creamer package with Adolf Hitler's picture. Perhaps you heard about the Thai students who also put on a huge 'Nazi' parade and dance routine? Surely you've heard about the Indonesian cafe which is styled after the 3rd Reich?
Well if you haven't heard about these things then it's time you wake up and realize that just as Adolf Hitler loved the world, the world loves Adolf Hitler. Take away the lies of his enemies, our enemies, the world's enemies, and you have an eternally enduring message and inspiration which all peoples can benefit from.
Mein Kampf has been a best seller in India since its release in 1928. Recently the grandnephew of Subhas Chandra Bose, Chandra Kumar Bose, said that Nehru (the first president of India) was a traitor and that Adolf Hitler was 'a nationalist who never betrayed his nation'.
The Asian world wasn't bombarded with the lies and propaganda about Adolf Hitler which white countries have endured. They see and feel the greatness, the magic and mystery of Adolf Hitler with untainted eyes. They needn't know the many details of WWII to feel the magic of Hitler's mission on Earth. There is a purity and innocence in what they do. They see in Adolf Hitler greatness and power. Without knowing the details they know the truth about him. It is instinctive.
The light of Asia leads the way!]
[Above: Same seller as above.]
[Above: So strangely awesome... predictably this caused an outcry from certain segments in Germany. Reportedly Germany even went so far as contacting the Indian government and requesting that the delicious cones be banned. The company apparently said that Germany took it the wrong way and that they only wanted people to 'know more about Hitler'... he he... I'd say they accomplished that, and also taught a lesson about the tyrants that control Germany and its fear of ice cream cones!]
[Above: A man shows off his wares.]
[Above: Yummy...]
[Above: This kid is like "Fuck the Jews AND Germany, Hitler ice cream cones rule!" ]
[Above: Kentucky Fried Chicken? Bizarre! Who thought of this?! A restaurant simply called 'Hitler'! This is somewhere in Bangkok, Thailand.]
[Above: In 2014, a Zurich-based retailer released several thousand mini-creamer packages featuring portraits of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini. They were soon forced to recall all of them.
A company spokesman said it was meant for nostalgic purposes and the images weren't
'accompanying a book about World War II, but rather something meant to be enjoyed with coffee and chocolate cake.'
Yep, exactly, same thing I was thinking. And once again big bad Occupied Germany comes to ruin the delicious fun.]
[Above & below: Meet the scary, utterly offensive sister duo Keyakizaka4, a Japanese pop duo. They were pressured to apologize for wearing the scary dress shown here.]
[Above: The Korean girl band 'Pretty Rangers in Terrible Zone' were also attacked for their dress after a concert. The powers-that-be said the costumes were too similar to Nazi uniforms and even Hungary's Arrow Cross party. Oooh so spooky. Evil, evil girls.]
[Above: The Hitler T-shirt shop in India. Why can't we have cool shops like this in the USA? No, we are stuck with stinking Walmart! A co-owner of this shop, Rajeesh Shah, said 'We are popular because of the name. Our customers were not upset about the name.' ]
[Above: That bag is so cool!]
[Above: 'HITLER The Sense of awesome'! This Indian store is indeed 'Awesome'!]
[Above & below: Some sort of sale in Japan... I want those shirts!!!]
[Above: She's drinking your tears]
[Above: Rooh Rang! How completely and totally offensive!!! Hitler brand ROOH RANG!!! And at 500%! How dare they!? (what the hell is Rooh Rang?)]
[Above: In 2012 a Turkish shampoo used Hitler's image to show manliness, urging customers to buy the '100% male shampoo.' Beneath the footage, there was a caption that read 'If you are not wearing a woman's dress, you should not use her shampoo either.']
[Above: In Korea people love to pretend, or 'cosplay', to be 'Nazis'. Here a couple gets married with the groom in SS uniform.]
[Below: And here we have our darling couple again, this time with the groom dressed in Waffen-SS attire.]
[Below: Achtung! Don't leave these Koreans out of the fun. They also dream of a day when they can be real 'Nazis' (someone should tell them that the uniform doesn't make the Nazi, anyone can be a National Socialist, so long as their heart, soul and body are in the right place and they are willing to fight for their people and nature's truth)]
[Below: That SS gentleman is wearing a very odd combination of medals... better make a phone call to Heydrich and have the S D check him out.]
[Above: Perhaps you've heard about this madness back in 2013. The store J.C. Penney released a tea kettle for sale which caused an idiot outcry that it resembled the face of Adolf Hitler! I had to smile at this one back when I first heard about it.
The evil tea kettle, called the Michael Graves Design Bells and Whistles Stainless Steel Tea Kettle, which sold for an extremely overpriced sum of $40.00, was featured on a J.C. Penney billboard in Culver City, California. Within days the story went viral and the people expressed their love for Adolf Hitler and bought up every kettle available. The company had 30 other tea kettle for sale at the time, but this was the only one to be sold out.
Very soon after J.C. Penney removed the listing for the kettle entirely from their website and even removed the billboard! It's a parade of never ending lunatics, people. But there is a truth to be found here: just as tea has many benefits for your health, and some say spiritual well-being, Adolf Hitler does as well.
So, here's a cup of Earl Grey raised to Earth's eternal savior, Adolf Hitler! Cheers!]
[Above: A retailer had to apologize after a font accidently looked like Hitler! It's supposed to say 'glitter'... very strange.]
[Above: A 1999 subway station poster advertisement from Taipei showing a cartoon of a Adolf Hitler with German-made electric space heaters. The top of this poster says 'Declare war on the cold front!']
[Above: Indonesia's trendiest spot, the SoldatenKaffee, named after a café in Paris which was popular with German soldiers during World War II, caused an uproar with Jews when it opened in 2013. It temporarily closed after death threats that year, but re-opened in 2014. Not only do the employees feature awesome uniforms, but the interior is also very cool. And all we have is stinkin' Starbucks!]
[Above: Wax figures of Adolf Hitler are very popular in Asia.]
CBS Reporter: Who is "us"?
Diaz: The believers of the ideology. National Socialists. We don't call it "Nazi". That's what you guys call it.
CBS Reporter: But you know what happened under National Socialism, right?
Diaz: I believe we have been told lies about Hitler our whole life.
CBS Reporter: Why do you wear it [the armband]?
Diaz: Because I'm a National Socialist.
CBS Reporter: What does that mean?
Diaz: I believe in the natural order of things... We believe in reason and nature.
CBS Reporter: You know, real National Socialists wouldn't have cared for you at all.
Diaz: I don't know what you mean by that.
CBS Reporter: They believed in Aryan supremacy. They exterminated people they didn't like.
Diaz: Well... National Socialism doesn't teach you to have a hatred of others. It teaches you to have a love for your race... not be against others.
Who ever said you had to be white to be a National Socialist? You don't have to be White. It could be anybody.'
-Gabriel Diaz, NYC Taxi Driver, May 16, 2014.
[Above: 'Great Leaders' is an Indian book which includes Adolf Hitler]
[Above: In Italy a wine company called Andrea Lundardelli sold these beauties until Jewish protests forced the company to stop in 2013. Not surprisingly most of the buyers came from Germany! Hmm... Looks like their decades of mind control is failing. Soon, very soon, it shall totally fail and it will cascade across the country like dominoes.]
[Above: On the subject of Italy...]
[Above: Hero Hitler in Love is a 2011 Indian movie which features an Indian man named Hitler. Like our Hitler he is a common man, kind to all and seeks to help others. The story related how he is wronged, but redeems himself and wins the girl he loves, and also helps to bring peace to the competing nations of India and Pakistan. An inspired movie!]
[Above: In June 2015 a group of girls aged 10 to 16 from Guadalajara, Mexico were attacked by Jewish groups for their National Socialist inspired dance routine. They even stiff arm saluted the crowd! Those terrible, racist, Nazi Mexican children.]
[Above: Here's a tear-drenched heading from an enemy website.]
[Above: Finally a reason to get back into trick-or-treating! On the top it says 'Enjoy your life']
[Above: Hitler 2 clothing shop in Gaza, Palestine! I love the Palestinian flags decorating the mannequins whose faces are masked. It's a big double slap in the face of the oppressors!]
[Above: Hitler Reloaded from Karachi, Pakistan is a men's clothing store.]
[Above: Another Hitler Reloaded store.]
[Above: Here is a Twitter screenshot of a Malaysian politician named Bung Moktar Radin congratulating Germany after their 2014 World Cup soccer victory over Brazil. 'LONG LIVE RADIN!']
[Above: An awesome billboard in Thailand saying 'Hitler is not dead', meant to be a play on a wax museum which the billboard was advertising. The 'German' and Israeli embassies were cry babies like usual and made them take it down. Boo hoo.]
[Above: Here are some Asian girls posing with a wax figure of Adolf Hitler]
[Above: This is very strange and very subtle. It's a picture of the Sofia First Investment Bank in Bulgaria. Do you see it?]
[Above: This is another 'Hitler' shop, this time in Pakistan's biggest city Karachi. It apparently sells clothes and 'Nazi paraphernalia'.]
[Above: Here's a coffee/tea cup for the Hitler kettle above. :) As you can see this cup is featuring the image of a National Socialist era stamp bearing the likeness of Adolf Hitler. This was released in 2014 from a German furniture chain called Zurbrueggen. 5,000 of these were made and 175 were sold before the tyrants' feelings were hurt and all of the remaining mugs were destroyed. What a waste!]
And that is what he did.
He was a people’s man. He was the father of Germany. His people loved him, and he loved his people.
Heil Hitler… Happy Birthday to you!
Hitler was a true genius and a patriot. Everything in Germany became better because of him.
History is written by the victors, by the Allied forces. The Zionists and the Jewish bankers don’t want the truth to come out.
They destroyed Hitler and Germany. Hitler has been imputed as the bad guy for the so-called Holocaust, which actually did not occur.
It was propaganda to establish sympathy to expel and kill Palestinians from their homeland so the Jews would have their own state.'
-Thai Royal Prince ML Rungguna Kitiyakara, on April 20th, 2015 (Adolf Hitler's birthday), posted on his Facebook page.
[Above: Here is a merchant from Indonesia selling a poster of Adolf Hitler. Pretty awesome that there is such a demand for this there, I'll forgive the fact that they are also selling a poster of Che.]
[Above: Students from the Sacred Heart School in Chiang Mai, Thailand taking part in an elaborate 'Nazi' style parade.]
[Above: Many of the children gave the stiff arm salute to the crowds.]
[Above: 'Hitler Bar' in Busan, South Korea. This bar was forced to change its name. Ah, democracy.]
After he was contacted by the establishment about his comment, he elaborated and confirmed his love once more.
'What I love about Hitler is his charisma and his capabilities to organize people. We need more leaders of such caliber. I love Adolf Hitler.'
'I have researched about president Adolf Hitler. I have read books about president Adolf Hitler. I have watched documentaries about president Adolf Hitler,'
he told Wits Vuvuzela, the student newspaper, defending his knowledge of Adolf Hitler.
He went on to say:
'I find it very absurd that people expect me to regard their enemies as my enemies. The same way I love Robert Mugabe, it has nothing to do with white people.'
'I will write what I like on my Facebook... [I'm not here to] nurse Jewish people’s feelings.'
'Who told them they deserve special treatment? This is an academic space, we must debate issues not silence individuals.'
In the Facebook thread, he later commented that he had been reported to Facebook and said:
'...truth hurts… face it murderers.'
He was later forced to resign from his position and suffered further 'disciplinary' actions!
-Mcebo Dlamini, South African Wits Student Representative Council (SRC) president, April 25, 2015.
[Above: Another bar from South Korea, called 'Modern Bar Hitler'.]
[Above: Inside Modern Bar Hitler.]
[Above: Here is a South Korean Hitler sign, unidentified.]
[Above: And yet ANOTHER Hitler bar, this time in Daejong, South Korea.]
[Above: An Egyptian clothing store named Hitler. The Israeli newspaper Haaretz noted that there was an 'explosion of retail outlets with a Nazi-themed branding' and that it 'may be indicative of a burst of sympathy for the German dictator.' You don't say?!]
[Above: Here is a photo from Southeast Asia of a shirt bearing the pixilated likeness of Adolf Hitler with the words 'HE WAS RIGHT!' ]
[Above: Here's a picture of more shirts somewhere in Asia]
[Above: And another. Gotta love it being paired up with the USA hat!]
[Above: A Thai student wearing a trendy swastika NSDAP flag shirt, no doubt making all the girls swoon :) ]
[Above: 'YES WE CAN'. Finally a leader we can believe in. I'm not sure what it is with the McDonald's Ronald McDonald-Hitler shirt, but it's big in Asia.]
[Above: This picture was taken in Thailand.]
[Above: Here's a girl with a Ronald McDonald-Hitler statue.]
[Above: Mongolia]
[Above: Here's a classic picture I saw for the first time years ago]
[Above: This guy actually makes scooters cool!]
[Above: Yet another Hitler bar from (Busan) South Korea. This one has a cute caricature on its sign.]
[Above: Inside the Busan bar.]
[Above: An advertisement for the Busan bar.]
[Above: An Adolf Hitler inspired caricature on a tempura restaurant in Japan.]
[Above: Here are children from Thailand giving a 'Nazi' themed dance show.]
[Above: For a second time - making scooters cool!]
[Above: A motorcycle]
[Above: And another very similiar motorcycle]
[Above & below: In Hsinchu, Western Taiwan they went a bit further - these school children even made a German tank! The Jews cried so hard about this that they actually are going to make the kids watch propaganda films like Schindler's List in school now!]
[Above: Students at Bangkok's Chulalongkorn University painted Adolf Hitler on a superhero-themed graduation mural. That's right, Adolf Hitler joins the Justice League and the Avengers and according to the dean of Chulalongkorn's art school, 'The concept was to paint a picture of superheroes who protect the world...' Maybe my favorite yet!]
[Above: This is hilarious!!! This Thai restaurant took the name 'H-ler?' to avoid harassment by Jewish groups for calling itself Hitler! Hahaha]
[Above: This is a still from a Thai video for school children aimed at instilling good values - using Adolf Hitler as a role model!!!]
[Above: Meet the Japanese rock band Kishidan, as seen here on MTV Japan! A hate group called the 'Simon Wiesenthal Center' protested and cried so many tears that the band had to change their uniforms and said the network should interview a 'holocaust' survivor. I agree, they should interview a survivor of the Nagasaki or Hiroshima atomic bombs. That was nice of the Simon Wiesenthal Center to bring it up.]
[Above: The Hitler's Cross cafe opened in Mumbai, India in 2006. The manager of Hitler's Cross told the Times of India 'We wanted to be different. This is one name that will stay in people's minds... we want to tell people we are different in the way he was different.' Predictably, the forces of darkness went batshit crazy about the name and made them change it.]
[Above: The National Socialist Japanese Worker's Party (NSJAP). Japan's 'Nazi' party.]
'It is about 4 years and 7 months since our Comrade Gerhard Lauck, NSDAP/AO leader, was unfairly arrested in Denmark. Then he was prosecuted in spite of Acts protected by the US Constitution's free speech protections.
He was finally released in March, 1999. He, however, now faces FIVE YEARS in an AMERICAN prison solely for refusing to be criminalized for practicing free speech. Your country has been said to be "The Land of Freedom". But it is unbelievable that freedom of speech actually exists in her today.
'Is there any problem with praising Hitler? Do many people still believe Hitler's Holocaust nowadays? The Nanjing Massacre and the Japanese comfort women issue are both fabricated.'
-Hiroyuki Seto, the deputy representative of a Japanese 'right-wing' group during an April 20, 2014 parade in Tokyo celebrating Adolf Hitler's 125th anniversary birthday.
[Above: Here's some random evil Asian 'Nazis' to inflame the tyrants. Nothing gives them heart attacks more than seeing Asian and Black 'Nazis' ruining their false narrative about 'evil white racists'.]
[Above: Somewhere in South America]
[Above: Temporary tattoos! Why can't white kids have these?]
[Above: Truly cool]
[Above: An Asian shows his support while rockin' out to Skrewdriver! (okay I'm guessing here!)]
[Above: A member of a National Socialist party from Peru]
[Above: A soccer game in Poland shows the 'Happy Merchant'... holy shit!]
[Above: 'Adolf Hitler was Right' written at a bullfight in Madrid!]
[Above: This is Haku Zynkyoku. There are four videos available on youtube of his called 'The origin of the Jews' lies in the former universe'. If you haven't already, check them out!]
[Above: Here are stills from a video featuring Haku Zynkyoku. Click to enlarge.]
'How could the world have been so misled?
I’m gonna talk about someone that lots of folks are not going to like when they hear what I’m about to say. But there’s a man who these people convinced us was a madman. These people that I'm talking about told us that this man was a satanic agent, he was a mass murderer.
These illegitimate people, called Jews, convinced the world that a man named Adolf Hitler was a madman. And we all grew up understanding that Hitler was a tyrant, that he was a madman.
But I’m gonna be honest with you. I’ve been doing some research on this. I found out — and this is my opinion — that it was these liars and deceivers that Adolf Hitler was trying to cleanse the world of.
Hitler said this: "When you control literature, you control what people think."
There’s a statement that says: "And you shall know the truth, and the truth will make you free."
Hitler adopted one of the oldest symbols of God-consciousness on this planet; it’s called the swastika!
We have come to hate the swastika, because we’ve been taught by these people that the swastika is a symbol of Nazi Germany. That’s not true.
So let me take you to school for a minute.
The Swastika comes back to us from ancient Egypt 10,000 years BC; and if you will look at the swastika, what you will see? You will see four 90-degree angles. You multiply 4 times 90, you come up with a perfect circle of 360 degrees, which represents the Sun, the giver of life.
So the swastika was actually an ancient Germanic symbol representing God-consciousness.
Now I know there are a lot of folks here today who won’t like what I’m saying, but I don’t give a damn. My job is to tell you the truth, like it or not. If you don’t like it, do what you feel you gotta do. But I’m going to tell it.
When I stand before the Creator, I can hold my head up high and say: "I’ve opened the eyes of the blind by telling them the truth that they didn’t want told.'
-Rev. Dr. Ray Hagins, from a sermon before a black congregation of the separatist African Village and Cultural Center, of which Hagins is the founder and spiritual leader.
This organization's mission is 'to create strong communities by building strong families based on strong spiritual values, self-awareness, self-reliance and productivity.'
[Above: A Chinese car]
[Above & below: These three images were part of a Turkish ad campaign for tea. Whoever did this must have known the fact that Adolf Hitler really was a man of peace, it was his enemies who pressed for war time and time again.]
[Above: A kite somewhere in Southeast Asia]
[Above: From Indonesia with love. This says 'NAZI PARTY' and has the hand symbol for LOVE!]
[Above: Somewhere in Africa a boy wears a homemade NS armband.]
[Above & below: Members of a Mongolian National Socialist party.]
[Above: Africa... do Africans remember Adolf Hitler's promise, that when his troops reached the Caucasus, Africa's liberation was at hand?]
[Above: A Mexican National Socialist parade. I wish I knew more about these guys, but I don't.]
[Above: Punk Nazi?]
[Above: A soccer game in Mexico!]
[Above: Dominican Republic 'Team Nazi' stickers.]
[Above: I am told this was a highschool graduation party in Tunisia! Amazing...]
[Above: Again this is another graduation party, but this time I don't know the locale.]
[Above: 'Hitler - Drinks and food'. Looks like an awesome place to eat!]
[Above: WOW! Look at that eagle! Check out the sign 'Lived for a noble cause - Died for a noble cause - Hitler'. Or the one you can barely see it says: 'Those who had defamed my name could only make [a] fool of the future generation'. It also says Adolf Hitler and has a picture of him. Also in the middle are the SS runes and a little picture of the great Chandra Bose. Another sign says 'Politicians and religions exist because of self controlled idiots - Hitler'. Is that picture to the left of the eagle Adolf Hitler? God damn I love India!!!]
[Above: Another market somewhere on this lonely earth.]
[Above: This is awesome. He who owns the youth, owns the future. Young people are waking up faster than ever. The truth is spreading like a wildfire. Light fires of truth in the minds of all you know!]
[Above: Wanna date? Here is Karen and she's only 15 miles away from you! Oh, and cool background!! Where is this place?]
[Above: Recently, circa 2018, a Chinese manufacturer supplied a German fireworks company with what you see here. Of course it's caused lots of screaming and moaning in Occupied Germany. The German company apologized and said the packaging is not standard for its products. They went so far as to say:
'We expressly make clear that the alleged design on the bottom of the article is not intended! We reject hatred and discrimination in any form! We apologize to all those who feel offended by the swastika symbol'.
Hmm... 'in any form' oh, okay. Now I understand. They are secretly saying that they reject hatred of National Socialists and feel that the discrimination against this belief is unfair, and well, rather Jewish.
Furthermore, they informed the public that the incident was a result of 'cultural misunderstanding' on the part of the Chinese supplier.
Their lame excuse went on:
'In much of Asia, the swastika has been used as a symbol of luck for millennia. The symbol in question is not a Nazi swastika, especially as it is a reverse image. Its original meaning expresses happiness, especially in Buddhist circles, and serves as a positive message in many parts of the world.'
Haha, yeah sure, what a feeble hilarious excuse. Suddenly I love fireworks! It looks like China is a lot more free than Germany these days.]
[Above: Wow, the sheep are awakening...]
[Above: What an awesome shirt! 67,496 likes!!!!! This guy is incredible!]
[Above: A market selling cool flags. Too bad the American one has been stained with the blood of millions of innocents. 'Army Eagle'! Or in Deutsch 'Wehrmacht Adler'! This is in Thailand.]
[Above: Haha... '...associated with the devil', it is quite the opposite. Asians know damn well who the colonizers and racists were -- the ALLIES! Thai people, and Asians in general are not under the spell of darkness that the West has been under since the end of WWII. But give them time. Like worms they'll eat their way into Thailand.]
[Above: Here are some Russian sunflower seeds. Nothing unusual here, but I heard they are DELICIOUS!]
[Above: Here is a carnival procession in Spain, participants dressed like 'Nazis' and Jewish concentration camp prisoners while dancing next to a float of a crematoria!]
[Above: This is a band from Thailand named BNK48! The singer boldly wore a shirt displaying the flag of freedom. Who could possibly have a problem with that? But alas, the poor little eternal victims cried and demanded an apology.]
[Above: Waaaaaaa! Waaaaaa! Oh no! The embassy of Israel in Thailand made her apologize. Waaaaaa! In a supposed democratic sovereign country she wasn't allowed to wear her shirt anymore and was publically shamed. Freedom? Only as long as you are saying and doing what they approve. This is the same wherever you live on this prison earth. This is a Tweet from the Embassy of Israel in Thailand. If you don't like it, get the hell out of Thailand! You come to their country and start flexing your power. Pathetic.]
[Above: Wow! What a shirt! This was somewhere in the USA, 2020.]
[Above: A Chinese Ambassasor named Zhao Yongchen tweeted this in July 2020. Interesting that China brought this up...]
[Above: Apparently this shirt has been around for a long time, despite much crying and screaming to change the logo.]
[Above: Now this is a party I'd like to go to! Check out that cake! I sure would like to know what in the hell is going on here?]
[Above: Haha! Awesome. Check out the two guys on the right, they are wearing the swastika design on their shirts (plus four of them have the logo on their hats!).]
[Above: Hail Taro Aso!]
[Above: A South American group]
[Above: 'Southern Strong']
[Above: 'Orgulloso de mi ascendencia Austro-Mexicana' (Proud of my Austro-Mexican ancestry).]
[Above: This was a gigantic festival attended by hundreds of people put on in Japan by something called the Robot Cafe, October 2017]
[Above: A sip of whiskey and I'm going to tell you how I really feel...]
[Above: Ken Chow from Singapore and a few close SS friends.]
[Above: Bad ass Arch-General at your service.]
[Above: Some nice fez action going on here. Whoa, that guy has a Wehrmacht issue battle snake around his neck... those were issued in the final days of the war.]
[Above: Somewhere in South America.]
[Above: This is a Korean K-pop star named Sowon. She was forced to apologize for this...]
[Above: Sowon]
[Above: This is from Mexico or somewhere down in South America.]
[Above: Not sure where this is from? WOW! Click to enlarge.]
[Above: Believe it or not, this is marijuana, from Brazil. Like the good, strong stuff is 'Hitler'. 'Queima Muito por Minuto' is Portuguese for 'Burns a lot per minute' and 'Maconha' means 'Marijuana'. I'm sure he would be very proud.]
[Above: Who was in a fury? And why wasn't I invited to the wedding?!]
[Above: A group of kids break the mold.]
[Above: Somewhere in South America... a group of naughty boys.]
[Above: This is an old goodie! Someone in China thought this was still the German flag. Hilarious.]
[Above & below: Wow, I love the girls pants on the far left. I'm not sure what 'Nazi99' means, but count me in.]
[Above: Why are non-whites so much more less brainwashed? Well their governments haven't POURED lies and propaganda into their brains from cradle to the grave. It is very clear the enemy wants white people dead first, then the Asians will probably be next. By then they will have continents FILLED with orc armies.]
[Above: Here's a collage of metal from South America.]
[Above & below: Check out this card game.]
[Above: Another 'Nazi' wedding. I can't believe we weren't invited!]
[Above: 'Adolf Hitler Was Right!']
[Above: Haha, awesome, love the guys shirt in the back left. They are making sieg symbols with their hands.]
[Above: As the age of Kali Yuga accelerates things sure do get amusing.]
[Above: This is a still from a very lame commercial. Oh and by the way, at least 30,000 of those were from me!]
[Above: Dr. Afnan Ullah Khan is a Pakistani politician who is currently serving as a member of the Senate of Pakistan.]
[Above: And it's a WHITE cat at that!]
[Above: Somewhere in africa...!]
[Above: Cool shirt! This says: 'No vamos a entregar México a una Judía!' (We are not going to hand Mexico over to a Jewess!). This is obviously in response to when Mexico 'elected' a Jewess for their president.]
[Above: Hehe, this guy is from a video of Blind Faith's performance at London's Hyde Park, 1969.]
[Above: HAHAHA! WTF?]
[Above: Wait, are these real cigarettes?]
[Above: This is great. All races should be proud of their past.]
[Above: These Arabs have some awesome shop names!]
[Above: Cool motorcycle! I love it.]
[Above: WTF!? Is this a joke?!]
[Above: Joan Jett wearing a Nazi General Assault Badge on her jacket...]
[Above: Close-up]
[Above: The General Assault Badge (hers is missing the wreath and is a fake).]
[Above: Mein Gott! I remember this guy -- Gerardo -- who had a popular song (Rico Suave) back in the day. But check out the German Death's Head on his jacket!]
[Above: Another look at the Death's Head. Keep in mind the National Socialist SS wore this pin on their caps.]
[Above: Here's a better look at the pin. Ah, I can hear it now...]