Page twenty. I'm always amazed and excited when a new page is born. If you've read all of the pages up until now, I salute you. You are the golden tiny percentage of people who use their brains instead of letting someone else think for them. It's up to us to get the others to think for themselves and learn the truth. A difficult task, but more and more people are waking up to the truth. This is not only from the quickly deteriorating conditions of this world, but from the efforts of thousands of warriors of truth on the internet. They are true soldiers fighting this silent war to awaken the people. They are selfless, and from many different countries and backgrounds. They post on social networking sites, forums, image boards, comment sections, etc. all over the internet. They are the true heroes of this embattled world. Some risk their personal safety and freedom to spread the truth. Those comrades behind enemy lines, in hostile countries where freedom is almost non-existent, are truly priceless to us.
As we see the Aryan race dwindling away, day after dark day; as we watch the enemy celebrating our fall; as we grimace to our women committing racial suicide; as we turn our heads in disgust as our countries become prisons; as we throw our hands into the air and declare 'burn it all!'; as we walk the lonely path of sanity and unpopular and even illegal views; as we do everything we can to alert our sleeping brethren to the approaching doom; as we shake our heads in disappointment, yet continue on unabated; as we steel ourselves inside, hardening our hearts and minds for the coming collapse; as we can only smile at the peaks of insanity this world has reached.
It's important we not be demoralized or lose hope. We are gaining new allies every day. Keep focused on our goal and on your personal duties. A soldier does not worry about total victory, but instead concentrates on his orders and the battlefield before him. Do not get frustrated and overburdened. Keep pushing back, keep fighting -- be relentless.
[Above: Léon Degrelle]
'...when I look back, I have only one sentiment: an enormous regret.
Regret that we did not succeed...
And when we see what there is on the other side, what 30 years of the others’ victory has given,
this anarchy in the world, this rout of the white world, this desertion throughout the universe;
when we see in our own countries the decay of morals,
the fall of the fatherland, the fall of the family, the fall of social order;
when we see this appetite for material goods which has replaced the great flame of the ideal which animated us,
well then, truly, between the two we chose the right side.
The small, miserable Europe of today, of this impoverished Common Market,
cannot give happiness to men. Consumer society poisons humanity rather than elevating it.
So, for our part, we dreamed of something great, and we have only one desire,
that this spirit be reborn. And with all my might, up to the last moment of my existence,
I will fight for this. So that what was our struggle and our martyrdom, will one day be the resurrection.'
-Léon Degrelle
[Above: Their greatest fear: our realization that there is only one enemy. All of the planet's races united against Them. Hand in hand, arm in arm, our hearts and minds united.]
[Above: Paquita Louise de Shishmareff, better known as Leslie Fry]
• Leslie Fry (February 16, 1882 – July 15, 1970) was the pen name of Paquita Louise de Shishmareff, although there are a handful of names and spelling variations of her name attached to this enigmatic woman. Who is she, some of you may ask? She is none other than the person who brought The Protocols of the Elders of Zion to Henry Ford, the great American industrialist and automobile manufacturer. Ford would later publish this explosive, evil writing in The Dearborn Independent. In this newspaper, between 1920 to 1922, he published it in a series of articles titled 'The International Jew: The World's Foremost Problem'. The Dearborn Independent reached approximately 700,000 readers. It no doubt influenced another work published by Ford called 'The International Jew', a four-volume set of pamphlets distributed in the early 1920s in the 100s of thousands. These pamphlets detailed the Jewish destructive character and their insidious deeds. Fry was also the advisor to the editor of the Dearborn Independent on Jewish matters.
In 1921, Ford would be quoted as saying:
'The only statement I care to make about the Protocols is that they fit in with what is going on. They are 16 years old, and they have fitted the world situation up to this time.'
-Wallace Max, 2003, The American Axis, 2003
[Above: From left right: Leslie Fry, Henry Allen, Conrad Chapman and Mr. Gurin, pose in the only known photograph of Leslie Fry, in 1937.]
Leslie Fry, this monumental and all-important, history-making woman, is practically unknown in the world today, which is little different from yesterday. But this was her intent. She didn't want fame, prestige or recognition, she only wanted to awaken her fellow man to the dire truth. The truth that an entirely evil force was quietly enslaving them, and that they had plans for much, much worse.
There is only one picture known of Leslie Fry, which is shown above. Personal information on her is nearly non-existent, but we do have various technical data available. Let's go over some of what we have.
She was very pro-Christian and her knowledge made her very anti-Jewish. Much of that knowledge she embued into her 1931 book Waters Flowing Eastward. The book details the fact that Jews are to blame for Capitalism and Bolshevism and that Jews were responsible for the creation and instigation of WWI. It became clear to Leslie Fry that certain Jews were working behind the scenes, generation after generation, for total world domination.
Although Fry emigrated from Russia to the United States in 1917, she was born in Paris to American parents. She spent over a decade in St Petersburg and in 1906 married an officer in the Russian Imperial Army, Feodor Ivanovich Shishmarev. Her new husband's family was part of the Russian aristocracy. This marriage to Feodor would change her life and set her on a lifelong search for answers. During the communist revolution in 1917 her husband was murdered by communists. She fled Russia with her two sons to San Francisco. She eventually ended up in New York, but after some years moved back to California in 1926. Somewhere during this time she was involved in certain 'fascist political circles'.
She used her wealth to support various political causes that she saw as furthering the truth she had so hard learned. But perhaps nothing was more important than her meeting with Henry Ford in 1920. The two no doubt talked about the darkening world situation and politics before she presented him with a volume of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
[Below: A selection of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
From the top left: 1963 Spanish edition, 1937 Brazilian edition, English edition, 1934 English edition.
Second row, from left: American edition, Arabic edition, 1924 Swedish edition, Polish edition.
Bottom row, from left: French edition, Japanese edition, Canadian edition, English edition.]
During the 1930s she continued to support various patriotic, fascist and National Socialist efforts in the USA, and also founded her own effort, The Christian Free Press. Her enemies labeled this 'an anti-Semitic newspaper modeled after Germany's infamous Der Sturmer'. Allegedly documents were uncovered by the San Diego Police in a former colleague named Henry Douglas Allen's (1879-1961) briefcase in 1938 that implicated Fry as being a 'paid Nazi agent'. Supposedly Fry also attempted to revitalize the Ku Klux Klan with Allen. It is also during this time that Fry wrote her work that would cement her in the halls of history: Waters Flowing Eastward (1931).
The curious title is taken from a passage from the book itself:
'Beneath the great westward flow of civilization, there are undercurrent moving eastward. These are impelled by a spirit which looks back to the East, to the day of tyrant and slave, of luxury and misery, and incidentally the suppression of Western Culture. The spirit is retrogressive, though often calling itself "progressive"; and its ways are devious.'
[Above: Waters Flowing Eastward.]
It was a book like no other of its time. Four years later she wrote The Jews and the British Empire (1935).
In 1940 Fry visited Italy, but like most of her life it is unknown what she did there. After the U.S. instigated attack on Pearl Harbor she returned to America, only to be arrested on Ellis Island for sedition. Like thousands of Americans who also were arrested on trumped up charges for speaking out against the tyrannical American government and its hidden rulers, she was imprisoned for years and released after the war. The powers-that-be feared anyone speaking out against it and went to extreme lengths to silence them, even building concentration camps to house Japanese, Italian and German citizens.
'In this country we hold fast to the concept of freedom as one of absolute validity. We know in our hearts that we are in imminent danger of losing both our freedom and our material well-being if we go on drifting. But if indeed national re-organization has to be bought at the price of losing our freedom, many of us feel that it would be better for humanity to descend once again into the abyss of barbarism and struggle back painfully at some later epoch to a civilization capable of satisfying both its material desires and its spiritual aspirations.'
-Waters Flowing Eastward
Waters Flowing Eastward not only examined The Protocols, it also detailed its current application to destroy Christian, and moreso Western civilization. Fry saw Communism and Capitalism as the same beast, pretending to be enemies when really their goals were identical and both were controlled by the same Jews. In a chapter called 'How the Protocols Came to Russia' Fry details the origin of the insidious publication and how it was sold to a Russian diplomat's daughter by a Jewish Freemason named Joseph Schorst in 1884. This document was apparently smuggled out of a Jewish Freemason lodge in Paris. Records show that Schorst fled Paris afterward and was soon murdered.
In 1940, Fry published a vast chart she called 'the Politico-Occult-Judaeo-Masonry Chart' illustrating the interconnection between the organizations involved in the Protocol's plans for Jewish domination, from the Bavarian Order of the Illuminati, to the League of Nations.
For the next decades, until her death on July 15, 1970, very little is known about Fry's life. But knowing her selflessness and previous desire to operate quietly in the background, Fry probably didn't just stop her fight. But what she did, what she funded and where she channeled her remarkable energy, we may never know.
• Read a forward from the 1998 7th edition of Waters Flowing Eastward: HERE
• Read .pdf copies of two of her works:
-Waters Flowing Eastward (1931)-
-The Jews and the British Empire (1935)-
[Above: Edith Starr Miller.]
• Edith Starr Miller, also known as Lady Queenborough (July 16, 1887 – January 16, 1933) was an extremely enigmatic New York socialite, researcher and author.
Edith was born in Newport, Rhode Island, the sole child of William Starr Miller II and Edith Caroline Warren. Her father was a wealthy industrialist and real estate entrepreneur in New York City. Very little is known about Edith's childhood and upbringing. History next notes her writing a booklet 'Common Sense in the Kitchen', in 1918, which dealt with rationing statistics and recipes, no doubt helpful during the lean war years.
According to the New York Herald, July 17, 1921, Edith was 'in the forefront of society in New York and at the European capitals for a number of years'. She was an avid opera fan, and had inherited a 'large fortune' from her grandparents.
On July 19, 1921 Edith took everyone by surprise and married Lord Almeric Hugh Paget, 1st Baron Queenborough. The couple was married at the townhouse of Edith's parents in Manhattan, New York. The newlyweds soon found themselves across the sea, to Camfield Place, near Hatfield, Hertfordshire, England. Edith was a noted designer and refinished the interiors of the house herself. The next years would prove to be the most important years of her life. She spent a great deal of her time attending to the greatest profession of them all: motherhood. She had three daughters:
Audrey Elizabeth Paget (May 4, 1922 – October 2, 1990)
Enid Louise Paget (born July 14, 1923 - ?)
Cicilie Carol Paget (April 18, 1928 – September 12, 2013)
[Above: Edith and her children.]
During this time of motherhood, she avidly researched her life's opus: Occult Theocrasy. This two volume treatise catalogued the many secret societies around the world. Her work would be hailed the world over as a classic. It was a groundbreaking book, containing more information and ideas than any before it. She no doubt used her connections in high society to delve deep into her subjects. Edith devoted ten years to her studies, and in fact would never see Occult Theocrasy published.
[Above: Occult Theocrasy.]
It is said that Edith and her husband were pro-fascist, and it is known that Edith was friendly with Brigadier-General Robert Byron Drury Blakeney (1872–1952), the President of the British Fascists from 1924 to 1926, (later active in the Imperial Fascist League, The Britons, the British Union of Fascists, and the Nordic League.)
Edith legally separated from her husband on January 8, 1932 in New York City and died almost a year later to the day, on January 16, 1933. She died in Paris, leaving behind a mysterious legacy. It is said that she died under suspicious circumstances. Did writing Occult Theocrasy get her murdered? (although officially she was reported to have died in a hospital after an operation.)
Occult Theocrasy was published in Paris a year later in 1933, although who published it exactly is unknown. I guess we'll never know if the original draft of Edith's book was published whole, or if it was censored.
Edith Starr Miller, the Lady Queenborough, died at the age of 45.
[Above: Click to enlarge and read several newspaper articles.]
[Above: Nesta Helen Webster.]
Nesta presented a plethora of information on a variety of different 'forbidden' subjects, from her books to her many articles in various publications. In 1920 she contributed to The Jewish Peril, a collection of articles appearing in the London Morning Post (these articles later appeared in book form as 'The Cause of World Unrest'). These writings presented and examined The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which Nesta believed were absolutely geniune, saying:
'Personally, I am more than ever inclined to believe that the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion are genuine. Without them I do not see how one could explain things that are happening today. More than ever, I think the Jews are at the bottom of all of our troubles.'
In the 1920s and through the 1930s Nesta researched the so-called Illuminati, the Masons, the Jesuits, amongst others, and concluded that these secret societies were all a part of a Jewish cabal which was plotting a communist world government. Not only were these groups pulling the strings of world governments, but they were also responsible for calamities such as World War One, the French Revolution and the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. But that's just the beginning, these groups were also deeply involved in the occult...
[Above: Secret Societies and Subversive Movements.]
'The Jewish conception of the Jews as the Chosen People who must eventually rule the world forms indeed the basis of Rabbinical Judaism...
The Jewish religion now takes its stand on the Talmud rather than on the Bible.'
Nesta Webster, from the book Germany and England
But we're getting ahead of ourselves, so let's return to the beginning. Our heroine of truth was born Nesta Bevan, the daughter of a successful businessman. She attended Westfield College in London. She married Captain Arthur Webster, the Superintendent of the English Police in India.
Nesta's search for knowledge and pursuit of truth was insatiable. She published articles in the Morning Post, which drew the attention and admiration of Lord Kitchener, who called her the country's 'foremost opponent of subversion'.
After World War One, in 1919, she published The French Revolution: a Study in Democracy. The book detailed that Jews had been responsible for the French Revolution. Even Winston Churchill agreed with this truth, saying in 1920:
'This conspiracy against civilization dates from the days of Weishaupt... as a modern historian Mrs Webster has so ably shown, it played a recognizable role on the French Revolution.'
[Above: The French Revolution]
Typically, however, the book was stifled by the powers-that-be, and the mouth pieces of world slavery gave the book bad reviews and buried it. She had raised a proverbial sword against the hidden tyrants and that would not go unnoticed. She later commented in her autobiography, Spacious Days, that there was an 'attempt to boycott my books in those quarters where the plan of world revolution was secretly entertained.'
But, like any good soldier of truth, Nesta fought on, more determined than ever. She wrote more books exposing her enemies: World Revolutions: The Plot Against Civilization (1922), Secret Societies and Subversive Movements (1924), The Need for Fascism in Great Britain (1926) and The Origin and Progress of the World Revolution (1932).
[Above: World Revolutions: The Plot Against Civilization]
However, Nesta didn't want to just write books. The terrible truths she had learned urged her onward. She joined a variety of groups, including the British Fascists, The Link, and Mosley's British Union of Fascists.
During this time in the 1930s she was a leading author for The Patriot, a journal deemed 'anti-Semitic'. She watched Jews being removed from ill-gotten positions of power and influence in Germany, and in April 1933 wrote: 'those of us in England who have been subjected for years to a real boycott, organized by Jews can hardly be expected to shed tears over the turning of the tables.'
[Above: The Secret of the Zodiac, written by Nesta under the pen name 'Julian Sterne' in 1933]
In 1938 Nesta wrote a book called 'Germany and England: A Prelude to War', where she outlined Adolf Hitler's victorious crusade to end the Jewish plan to control the world. She wrote:
'Can it be mere coincidence that all those countries we are now taught to hate are those which have shown the strongest opposition to Bolshevism? ...It does not matter with which of the Fascist States the quarrel is begun, the rest will come in with it and the war will indeed become world wide.'
Nesta, and thousands of other British men and women, watched in horror as their country lit the fires of war. Adolf Hitler had done the impossible. He wasn't part of their master plan. The Old Gods had thrown a curve ball into the game. He awakened a sleeping world.
After World War Two Nesta faded gently into history and died at the age of 84.
[Above and below: A delicate beauty -- Nesta Helen Webster]
'In the U.S.S.R., anti-Semitism is strictly prosecuted as a phenomenon hostile to the Soviet system. According to the laws of the U.S.S.R. active anti-Semites are punished with death.'
Nesta Webster, Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, pg. 370
• Portugal has always been an interesting country to me. It's been elusive in my research, seldom coming up. When I learned of Portuguese volunteers fighting with their Spanish comrades for the Third Reich I became even more interested. That these men would leave their homes for a distant war in Russia, on the Eastern Front, said a lot about their courage and selflessness. They believed in a new Europe. They wanted to help usher that new age into being. With blood and determination, faceless and nameless, they fought and died in the Blue Division, all but forgotten. We do not know how many of them, mostly by foot, traveled to Germany and later to Russia, to fight communism to the death.
But we know they were there.
To these brave warriors, buried under Russian earth, our Portuguese brothers, we have not forgotten you!
To help us better understand Portugal and the men who volunteered to fight communism, our Portuguese comrade, Selureva, has written a short introduction for us. Do yourself a favor, add to your knowledge, and give it a read!
In 1890 Portugal received from its old ally, England, an ultimatum of war unless Portugal concludes the project of unification of all their colonies in Africa; this was not the first nor the last strategy of England to strip colonial power from Portugal and pressure continued until the Portuguese colonial war in the 1960s.
Portugal was the principal European country with colonies all over the world since the Renaissance era. This colonization was rarely achieved by military force, because as a small country there was a lack of human means, this inevitably led to losing many of these colonies to England; in the more civilized countries of the East, the strategy of commercial trade was approached and small Portuguese districts were founded, such as Goa in India and Macao in China.
At the point of the English ultimatum, Portugal was militarily weakened after the war against the French Liberalists who tried to conquer Europe; next another civil war started between two brothers disputing the Portuguese throne, leading to the permanent loss of the main colony, Brazil, in 1822, ending the main economic sustenance of Portugal.
King Carlos I had no choice but to comply promptly with the ultimatum of the British, that created unpopular feelings of revolt against the King's submission. Masonic and Liberal inspired republican forces seized this moment of the king's lack of sympathy from the people. In 1908, D. Carlos I was assassinated in Lisbon's main square together with his heir son. Although Freemasonry claim its action as the implementation of the republic in Portugal, in reality the murder was organized by Carbonaria. Today millions of people pass by without noticing the marks of the shots, still visible in one of the walls, as a memory of the end of the Monarchy.
[Above: Terreiro do Paço, where King Carlos I was murdered.]
In order to maintain the Republican power, all possibilities of Monarchic rebirth were attacked, destroying a great part of the castles, palaces and churches. On the cradle city of Portugal, Guimarães, home of the first king, a popular revolt rises against republican forces and prevents any damage to its castle, a monument of glory.
The Church was also a problem, because it allied itself with the Monarchy against Freemasonry, which led to the prohibition of any religious cult in Portugal for several years, some priests were chained and walked as dogs as a form of humiliation, some of them were shot to death, many churches desecrated and turned into stables and taverns. The bells stopped tolling in the villages as if time itself had stopped.
The Iberian Christianity of Portugal and Spain is characterized by a pagan syncretism, the main deity of worship is the personification of the mother, who assumes various forms and epithets, related to a call for help -- Pain, Sickness, Travel, Birth, etc.
The main religious site of Portugal, Cape Espichel, a place of worship and spiritual practice since the Paleolithic, evolved as an annual cult, Our Lady of the Cape; royalty and nobles participated with large donations, this cult was dismembered by the new republic with success and today is only remembered and practiced by locals. This sacred place was so important that it even had an Opera House for the elite, while popular festivities occurred outdoors for the common people. Later, the Church recovered the annual cult with the apparitions of the Virgin to 3 children at Fátima village in 1917, being the main religious cult of Portugal today, although an artificial cult without the millennial and pagan continuity of Cape Espichel.
[Above: Cape Espichel Sanctuary: the people celebrated in the inner patio, the Opera house can be seen roofless on the right side, the long corridor of houses lodged the pilgrims.]
What we assume today as Democratic freedom and golden days, is nothing but propaganda carried out by the current forces in power, hiding all the oppression and crimes that were done to reach a goal. Freedom of voting has no relation historically with an improvement in the quality of life. Today European countries that still conserve a life-lasting king and royal family instead a democratic president, have a better quality of life, such as Belgium, Norway, England, Sweden, etc.
In the Portuguese case, since the implantation of the republic it was not possible to maintain a president in power for a long time, the completion of a mandate was rare; coups, power struggles, corruption, assassinations, military control, led to a period of disorganization and various political crises. From 1910 until the establishment of the dictatorship of Salazar in 1933 there were 16 different governments in Portugal, within normality there should would have been only 6 governments.
[Above: Proclamation of the Portuguese Republic with freedom at the center. ]
Portugal is bankrupt, to recover from the situation, Salazar, the best Portuguese professor of economy, is invited to lead as minister of finance; Salazar accepts with the condition to control all the accounts of all the ministries. In only 1 year Portugal is out of bankruptcy and has a positive monetary balance This is still today considered a miracle, Salazar gained political and people's confidence, allowing him to create a new constitution in 1933 giving way to the dictatorship in Portugal, in line with several other European countries.
With the new constitution began the program called New State; the motto was "God, Country and Family", and also "Everything for the Nation, Nothing against the Nation." The country invested in self-sufficient production, the southern part of Portugal is transformed into large grain fields, “the granary of Portugal”, on the north, investment goes to wine, all importations are avoided. Entire villages were created from nothing in most rural areas so that no field was left uncultivated, people received houses for free in remote villages in return for their work there. This allowed more wealth into families in return of more taxes, more taxes created more jobs and more exportations, thus again more taxes received. Roads and all communication ways were improved, the most important and current national infrastructures of Portugal today are still from that time.
Most of the monuments destroyed in the past by republicans were rebuilt giving emphasis to patriotism. Arts were also important, giving focus to traditional ways and valor, the best Portuguese cinema made is from the New State era.
[Above: António Oliveira Salazar.]
In order to end the constant exchange of political power that led Portugal to ruin, a secret police, PIDE (International Police and State Defense), is created. Communism, Syndicalism and Masonry are prohibited. The headquarters of Freemasonry are destroyed and handed over to the Portuguese Legion, a legionary militia where men and women could integrate.
By 1946 women could fully vote and be part of political position for the first time. The compulsory education is reinforced and improved, more than 7000 schools are built all over the country, every child should go to school at least until fourth grade. It is also created the Portuguese Youth, divided into masculine and feminine, with rigorous physical and intellectual education. It started at the age of 7 with the degree of Lusito (meaning little Lusitano, Lusitânia is considered the ancient name of Portugal before Romanization). Next followed the Infante degree at age 10, Avant-gardist at 17, and finished with a Cadet level with a ceremony at 25 years old.
[Above: Portuguese Youth reunion at Palácio da Independência.]
[Above: Portuguese Youth female standards and banners, next to a New State monument portraying important Portuguese figures.]
Portugal was a rare country that remained neutral during the war. Since all other countries were at war, Portugal's exports increased, selling textiles and metals to any European country. To maintain neutrality, one air base is given to the British and Americans and wolfram was provided to the Germans; to prevent war with its neighbor country it signed a non-aggression treaty with Franco, also a fascist leader.
Regarding the Jews, (even if this was not the main focus of the III Reich as it is popularized) Portugal had annihilated their presence back in 1492, after the Jews received the order to get out of Spain or convert to Christianity; around 93,000 of them fled to Portugal, but soon after that, Portugal too ordered their departure or conversion. Many of these converted Jews were given a new family name based on trees and cities, and were called New Christians; the practice of Judaism continued in secret; this heresy was condemned with death by fire by the Inquisition (witch burnings were rare, most of the burnings were actually relapsed Jews).
New Christians didn’t integrate fully and in 1506, at Easter day mass, while praying for the end of the drought and plague that was affecting the land, the face of Christ shined. A New Christian criticized it saying it was only the sun shining through the window behind, he was beaten to death where he stood and at this point a popular rebellion gathered and slaughtered any New Christians they could find for 3 continuous days. They were blamed for the plague as a curse, accounts from that time estimate more than 4,000 Jews were killed in that massacre.
Another curious fact, the same church where the massacre began was used for indoor burnings when the person was well known, avoiding riots; the church suffered a fire later on and was preserved half restored, it has a very unique look.
At the time of WWII and still today, Jewish presence in Portugal is very small and there is indifference in the Portuguese culture about Zionism and the Jews. Salazar in a neutral way allowed only the passage of Jews, their integration into national territory was not allowed.
[Above: S. Domingos church in Lisbon, where the 1506 massacre began.]
Portugal did not enter the Second World War, but in 1961 the colonial war started in Africa. After the English lost several of their colonies, pressure for Portugal to give away their colonies increased, acts of liberating fronts rose in Africa, raiding farms and massacring Portuguese civilians, leaving the raped women hanged and eviscerated. This resulted in a huge mass of Portuguese and Africans fleeing to Portugal; later all their properties and money got expropriated by the new local government. Portuguese troops were sent to maintain peace and order in the African colonies, but the New State would fall and the war was to be lost.
Portuguese colonies during the New State suffered an industrial and urban growth, providing a mass immigration of Portuguese to work there. Those infrastructures remain today without any significant urban evolution, after being raided, vandalized and occupied they remain degraded as a shadow of the past.
Luanda, Angola, one of most expensive cities to live in, has the contrast of high poverty rate with a minimum monthly wage that is lower than 100 U.S. dollars. Streets are filled with piles of garbage with an unbearable stench, no garbage collection services operate on a regular basis, basic services like water and electricity are stolen and resold by locals; white people have to be accompanied by a black security guard on the streets, constant harassment by police forces demanding bribes is normal in Angola. This was the improvement in the quality of life for the ex-Portuguese colonies in exchange for the so-called "freedom" of independence, being Portuguese is still highly regarded and looked for by Africans, in order to live in Portugal or to enter Europe.
[Above: Portuguese banner, a Templar sign, another long story, Templar culture contrary to popular belief, is not to be found in England or France.]
Salazar dies in 1970 at the age of 81 after falling from his chair, Marcello Caetano continues to rule until April 25 of 1974. A disorganized and tired-of-war country was led to a revolution by a military party that strategically occupied another military headquarters without receiving opposition. In this coup only 4 people died, it was a peaceful revolution with the surrender of Marcello Caetano.
The aim of the military was to deliver Portugal to a new democracy. Right after, the communist party, that had promoted the speech of "freedom", began to execute a plan to create a new communist dictatorship; cutting off immediately all the media communications such as TV and radio, but it failed after loosing the elections to the socialists.
In the following years an anarchist terrorist group remained active, killing several civilians and police with bullets and bombs while robbing banks. This group was called People’s Force 25, it is currently inactive.
After April 25 Portugal entered an anarchy state, inflamed by communist/anarchist parties claiming the land belongs to the people and should be removed from the rich owners. Looting ravaged the whole country, owners of large estates were expropriated from their lands, with a utopian vision of dividing the profits by the workers without bosses. This ended in robbery and posterior abandonment of the properties where no one wanted to work anymore.
This was a blow that the country did not recover from until today. Farms in areas with rich agricultural soil and water are nothing today but collapsed ruins.
Cooperatives were set up, where workers gave their produce to be sold, avoiding traders and indirect buyers following Marxist theory, but they succumbed to corruption and inability to cope with private competitiveness. Afterwards what was left of Portuguese farming was destroyed by money paid by the European Union. They prohibited Portugal from producing significant agricultural products and to give way to huge exportations to England, France and Germany. The entire Metallurgy, Chemical, Naval, Automobile and Railroad industry was slowly dismantled until there was nothing left. All national services of transportation, power, communications have been privatized, in order to maintain jobs for ex-politicians.
[Above: April 25th 1975.]
After the New State fell, personalities linked to socialist centrist politics, who had previously fled from Portugal to avoid their military duty, fearing death in the war, returned to Portugal claiming themselves as liberators. They formulated a new perspective on the events, creating the myth that they had to flee from the dictatorship because otherwise they would have been killed by the regime (half true), never claiming they were in fact just military deserters.
Since the end of the dictatorship, corruption has prevailed and bankruptcy returned to Portugal. The last prime minister was even arrested for corruption and robbery. The IMF (Internatinal Monetary Fund) has already intervened in Portugal 3 times after the fall of the New State, in '77, '83 and 2011. Mário Soares, exiled in France, returned right after the April 25th revolution, and was elected president and prime minister of the Republic several times. He created foundations for his own support, delivered colonies, changed state facilities to his own properties in return for high rents. He was also suspected of diamond smuggling in Africa, and many other crimes.
After his recent death, not even with all the political and television propaganda, his funeral attendance was extremely low. By contrast on a national TV show where people could vote who was the biggest personality of Portugal, Salazar won the first place.
Education and TV channels are far from neutral in Portugal, spreading dark myths about Salazar; current political power still invests on propaganda of a Portugal being a poor country because of Salazar, distorting historical facts that could help the country for their own gain:
• Tales of hunger during the dictatorship are told, which are true, but they never mention the direct comparison to other countries in Europe during the war with their main cities devastated by air attacks that lasted days, where thousands were killed at home and young people were sent abroad to face death.
• In schools children learn the 'horrors' of Salazar and about the holiday of freedom on April 25, known as the red carnations day (communists). In reality to signal peace the military placed white carnations on top of their guns.
• Women were said to be oppressed, when at that time a man that had sexual relations with a woman and refused to marry her would face jail. Regarding women receiving the right to vote, the truth is distorted to the point of saying Salazar believed women were dumb and gave them the right to vote, in hope they would maintain his power.
• Oppression and lack of freedom of the past give place today to higher crime rate and lack of police forces, without fuel for service cars and with officers required to buy their own uniforms. But still Portugal today is a safe place to live without violent crime.
• Censorship is exaggerated to the point of saying it was forbidden to talk back then; when today a text like this one would never be published in a mainstream publication. A scholar that would dare to speak neutral or focus on the good about the Salazar regime, would damage his career permanently. Symbols of communism and anarchist associations are allowed, during the last elections the extreme left party showed posters through the streets with the words “Death to Traitors” with total freedom and no consequences. But displaying a swastika, (also the symbol of pre-roman Portuguese and other ancient cultures) is forbidden, neo-Nazis' homes are raided by the police, confiscating personal property, this is the freedom of speech and mind we have today.
Salazar was a patriot, who raised Portugal economically, people were proud to be Portuguese back then. Contrary to modern politics, Salazar did not enrich himself nor did he practice patrimony for family and friends. He served the country and never served himself over the country, dying poor with nothing in his bank account.
Public opinion in Portugal about Salazar is divided, even if common sense is based on communist myths and media sources, there are a good number of Salazar supporters, claiming someone like him is needed to straighten the country up.
Despite the political corruption in Portugal, being one of the countries with the lowest salaries in Europe, it is a country where the quality of life is reasonable, with basic food and services cheap. Safety is one of the main qualities that makes Portugal a good place to live, mainly because high masses of immigration from other continents do not come to Portugal, they prefer France, England and Germany, countries with high benefits for parasites that don’t work nor produce anything.
*Special thanks to Selureva for this enlightening contribution!
[Above: The mighty eagle of the Kroll Opera House. This picture shows Reich Chancellor Adolf Hitler delivering a speech to the Reichstag in the Kroll Opera House in Berlin, Germany, October 6, 1939. The Opera House served as the assembly hall of the German Reichstag parliament from 1933 until 1942 (due to the Reichstag building, home of the German parliament in Berlin, burning down on February 27, 1933). The Kroll Opera House was nearly destroyed during the Battle of Berlin and was finally demolished in 1951.]
[Above: A beautiful shot of a rally and Luftwaffe show, 1939]
[Above: This awesome mosaic is from a place called Krampnitz Kaserne, a military complex in Fahrland, Potsdam. It was built by the Germans during the rearmament period. It was used until the end of WWII. It is now an abandoned building, decaying and forgotten. Some evil robot has still taken it upon himself to destroy the mural, which is on the ceiling in a large room. Click to see more!]
[Above: An SS meeting hall.]
[Above: The beautiful main entrance to the Reich Criminal Police Office (Reichskriminalpolizei), a dept of the SD (Sicherheitsdienst, or Security Service).]
[Above: A massive eagle!]
[Above: A Bavarian trolley car with a gigantic eagle and swastika on the front and side.]
[Above: A gorgeous eagle in a Stuttgart honor hall.]
[Above: Another picture of the above. This eagle is HUGE! Just look at the door on the left for perspective on its size.]
[Above: Adolf Hitler giving a speech at the International Automobile and Motorcycle Exhibition, Berlin, February 17, 1939. Click to see another picture and to read the speech.]
[Above: Wow. This is astonishing. I can't find any information on what or where exactly this is other than one source saying it was inside the Reich Chancellery in 1938.]
[Above: A magnificent stained glass window in Austria.]
[Above: Yet another beautiful eagle in stone.]
[Above: No eagle, however, was perhaps more sacred and important than that which stood in front of the The Honor Temples (Ehrentempel), also known as the Feldherrnhalle memorial. These were two identical structures in Munich, erected in 1935, housing the sarcophagi of the sixteen martyrs of the party who were murdered Beer hall putsch (the men were often referred to as 'Blutzeugen', or 'blood witnesses'). Eternal flames burned atop the sacred buildings and stained glass was overhead. Two policemen or the SS stood guard on either side of the memorial’s base. Visitors were required to be silent, remove their hats and keep children in order. After the war the Americans, keeping to their evil, grisly selves, exhumed the bodies and destroyed the once beautiful temple. They melted down the sarcophagi and used the material for brake shoes and solder. Click to see more.]
The sixteen holy martyrs of National Socialism:
[Above: This is part of a series of some of the most magical photos during the Third Reich. This is a night time picture of Berlin, but it looks like it is taken from a fairytale. Could a place so peaceful, so magical really have existed on this dark earth? Click for more pictures, including day time versions.]
• Click here to see more images of National Socialist eagles, swastikas and architecture
• Below is a small glimpse of the wondrous and magical architecture of the Third Reich and old Europe. It was a glorious revival of all the best styles of the past. It was a defiant monument against Jewish abstract minimalism. Magical to the eye and spiritual to the Aryan heart. I've included pictures of rallies and parades, since they are monuments of flesh, and the most immortal of all.
[Above: A Nuremberg Rally - where the faithful come to experience the divine.]
[Above: A massive German Labour Front (D.A.F.) rally.]
[Above: A wondrous exhibition, 'Deutschland' in Berlin, 1936. It says: 'Die Grossen Kulturleistungen Menschheit waren Allen Zeiten Die Hochsteleistungen Des Gemeinschaftlebens Es Werkoerpert Sich in ihnen stets Die tiefste wesens kraft Eines Volk'
(The great cultural achievements of mankind have always been the highest achievements of community life).]
[Above: This stunnning postcard says: 'Ausstellung: Berge, Menschen u. Wirtschaft der Ostmark Berlin 1939' (Exhibition: Mountains, People and Economy of Austria Berlin 1939). Click to see a huge close-up!]
[Above: Wow, another stunning postcard. On the wall it says: 'Nicht Umsonst ist Eine Der Groessten Organisationen Aller Zeiten Ins Leben Geruten Worden Mit/Dem Schoenen Ziel/Durch Freude Den Menschen Kraft Zur Lebens behauptung Zu Geben/Sie zu Lehren/ Das Leben Mannhaft Zu Ertragen/Aber Auch Nach Seinem Glueck Mit Freude Zu Greifen'
(It is not for nothing that one of the largest organizations of all time was founded with the beautiful goal of giving people the strength to assert themselves through joy/teaching them to bear life manfully/but also to grasp one's happiness with joy). Click to see a huge close-up!]
[Above: The 'House of German Art' (Haus der Deutschen Kunst), Munich. Click to see more.]
[Above: Gathering of the Labour Service (RAD), National Socialist Party Congress, 1937, Zeppelin Field.]
[Above: In 1935 two temples were built to honor the sixteen National Socialist martyrs who gave their lives during the 1923 Putsch. Click to see more pictures.]
[Above: Another shot of the above.]
[Above: Waiting for the Führer.]
[Above: Reich exhibition 'Working Nation', Düsseldorf, 1937. Click to see more!]
[Above: The home of Adolf Hitler, Obersalzberg, Berghof Wachenfeld. A heavenly view.]
[Above: The magical Cathedral of Light. Anti-aircraft search lights were utilized to create the effect. There was nothing else like it. Ever. Imagine what the participants must have felt.]
[Above: Nuremberg, party rally grounds, the stuff of legend.]
[Above: A young knight stands draped in his cape, while the stone eyes of a lion look on.]
[Above: Wow, this is beautiful.]
[Above: The dark shapes of men bathed in the light of truth.]
• Click here to see more images of Flesh and Stone
[Above: The majestic entrance to the New Reich Chancellery (Neue Reichskanzlei) in Berlin.]
[Above: The Marble Gallery of the Reich Chancellery (Marmorhalle der Reichskanzlei), 1939.]
[Above: The hall above after WWII with Russian soldiers.]
[Above: The Mosaic Hall inside the Reich Chancellery. It's like something from Valhalla.]
[Above: The office of Adolf Hitler.]
• Click here to see more images of the New Reich Chancellery
'I did not become chancellor of Germany to fight wars, you know my plans, you know how much I still want to build,
you know how many projects I have ever made since I was young and only a few of them I have been able to realize so far,
I still have so much more to do and yet here I have to stand by and watch the war rob me of my best years.'
--Adolf Hitler
[Above: Model of the Congress Building (Modell des Kongreßbaues). Adolf Hitler dreams of what could have been...]
[Above: The gigantic People's Hall (Volkshalle).]
[Above: Adolf Hitler and Albert Speer, with a small crowd of onlookers, plan for the future.]
• Click here to see more images of What Could Have Been
[Above: Rafael Leónidas Trujillo Molina (October 24, 1891 – May 30, 1961)]
[Above: Two assassinated leaders. One physically murdered and one politically murdered. Richard Nixon was destroyed after speaking out privately about the Jews. He lashed out at the Jews and proclaimed them to be the root of his problems. Incredibly, he was secretly recorded in his White House office, stating 'The Jews are all over the government' he complained to his chief of staff. He warned that the Jews needed to be brought under control by putting someone 'in charge who is not Jewish'. He went on to say 'Washington is full of Jews' , stating 'most Jews are disloyal'. ]
[Above: Late 1950s Dominican Republic soldiers with stahlhelm M53 helmets. They are also carrying NATO-standard FN FAL assault rifles.]
President Trujillo is remembered for bringing lasting stability and prosperity to the country. He also expanded nature reserves, banned clear-cutting and the slash-and-burn method of clearing land. He even established a forest warden agency to protect the park system and banned logging of pine trees without strict permission. It was an incredibly feat, but like all good things in this dark world, it did not last, there was money to be made. After his assassination the logging and slash-and-burn of the Dominicon Republic resumed full scale, with squatters burning down forests for farm land and logging companies clear-cutting parks en masse. How very typical.
Trujillo also admired Francisco Franco and was a staunch enemy of communist Cuba. In fact, he proudly declared himself the world's 'number one anti-communist'. The United States hated him for his bold leadership and love for his people. Like so many other South Americans, they murdered him, as a CIA memorandum states that a 1973 Office of Inspector General investigation into his murder revealed 'quite extensive Agency involvement with the plotters.'
[Above: Dominican Republic soldiers wearing the stahlhelm M53. Their rifles are the M1953, which were surplus Brazilian Mauser 1908s.]
But his enemies' bloodlust was not satiated. The Dominican Republic was thrown into anarchy and chaos. Some months after Trujillo's assassination his godson was murdered in Mexico, by a Jew named Joel David Kaplan. The Mexican government imprisoned Kaplan and sentenced him to 28 years. But alas, the forces of darkness were not to be beaten. Kaplan was insanely broken out of jail with a helicopter and fled to the USA! It gets even better. Mexico requested this murderer be extradited back to Mexico. But the American government ignored their request. Unbelievable.
[Above: Dominican Republic soldier wearing the stahlhelm M53.]
Page One -|- Page Two -|- Page Three -|- Page Four -|- Page Five
Page Six -|- Page Seven -|- Page Eight-|- Page Nine -|- Page Ten
Page Eleven -|- Page Twelve -|- Page Thirteen -|- Page Fourteen
Page Fifteen -|- Page Sixteen -|- Page Seventeen -|- Page Eighteen
Page Nineteen -|- Page Twenty-One
Third Reich Photographs
Third Reich Philatelia
Third Reich Ephemera
Third Reich Awards
Third Reich Miscellanea
Third Reich Identification Books
Third Reich Currency
The Great War
Hand of Pandora
Waffen-SS Technical Information-|-
The European Volunteer Movement in WWII-|-