These pages have taught me mountains of things, and I've been amazed and shocked innumerable times as well. One thing that really surprised me was the vast amount of people and nations that fought together for one cause. The diversity of human beings all brought together by an age old dream: freedom. Not the artificial 'freedom' that has been GRANTED to us by our rulers. But true freedom, as free as human beings can be in a civilization, at least.
The bottom line is no matter who you are, whatever race, culture or religion you call your own, there is one basic desire that has always united men: to be left alone to live in peace. In the 'multicultural' mess that our countries are in today, we will never find that peace. Only chaos. Hate. Confusion. Unrest. And an empty feeling in the pit of our beings.
'A searing pain runs through this age and the agony can no longer be borne.
There is a common clamor for a savior, and the crucified are everywhere.
...That salvation will come out of suffering and grace out of despair,
that there will be daylight again after this horrific darkness...'
-Hermann Bahr, essayist and critic, in the literary magazine 'Moderne Dichtung', January 1, 1890
An emptiness that is often expressed through rage. We live in an artificial society that is devoid of truth and purpose. Our only goal is to serve the rich and falsely powerful and continue to oil the great machine which enslaves us. White, black, red or yellow, your blood, sweat and tears are all the same -- and equally irrelevant, to the perverse masters of this world. Man or woman -- you are meat. Our enemies do not need to come and kill us, we eagerly kill ourselves and each other. Our hate is misplaced. Our instincts muddled.
Our entire cultures are being destroyed, replaced by a horrid mix of modern insanities. Man and woman have lost their traditional roles. The Enemy has convinced the woman to care more about herself than her husband and family. Her children are monsters whose heads are filled with television rot and Hollywood brainwashing. She's more worried about her endless pursuit of vanity, fashion and feeding her egoism. Her spirit is empty. No longer the spiritual rock of her family. She is a clown. High fashion is her clown costume, her make-up a frowning clown face. Plastic surgery grotesquely distorts her, she is dizzied with the deathly whispers of her enemy. The Destroyer's poisons course through her cold veins. His sickly murmurs of submission she proudly obeys.
But she is not alone in her journey. Nor is the male less guilty. He now pays the price of decades of sloth. He thought himself king of the mountain - a fat, lazy lion sunning himself without a care. Resting on the laurels of his ancestors, he was far removed from the blood and sweat paid by those before him. He let the enemy into his home. He let the opinions of magazines and television supersede his own. They ate away at the foundation of his home while he was distracted by sports and the empty hunger for wealth. He watched the poisons work away at his family. He faced these dangers with selfishness, uncaring and anger.
His children live not in the world of their ancestors, but in a world designed to destroy them. The family has been annihilated from within. The enemy knew: destroy the woman, the wife, the mother, and all else will follow. She was the heart. That heart has sputtered to a stop.
'Out of the corruption of women proceeds the corruption of races;
out of the corruption of races, the loss of memory;
out of the loss of memory, the loss of understanding, and out of this all evil.'
–Bhagavad Gita [1:41]
Today, in these last days, man throws his hands up in confusion, seemingly powerless to put the pieces back together. He offers the woman flowers instead of direction. Sex instead of strength. And materialism instead of loyalty and stability.
He is not the leader, but a follower of the same master as she. He offers her nothing she doesn't already know, they are virtually the same being, each have exchanged their age-old roles. Man trading his masculinity for femininity, and vice versa.
He curses her for being so superficial, so empty, so mundane, so driven by the trivialities of the day. And she despises his weakness, his anger, his lack of leadership, his absence of manliness. She no longer respects him.
Her womb is open for the taking. Thousands of years of blood washed away. The enemy echoes the poisonous words of 'her choice'. Women's rights -- women's liberation, are in fact the opposite of these deathly phrases. There was nothing to be liberated from. She is stabbed in the back by sharp words that enslave her.
And where is the 'man' while she auctions off her bloodline? He's at a sports bar, screaming at a television screen as his heroes bounce a ball or make a touchdown. He and his 'bros' fill entire stadiums to watch an inconsequential game. If only he put even half of that energy and fervor into caring about his people, his family, the children of the future.
It's madness spinning out of control. Over half of marriages end in divorce in the U.S.A.! This insanity began long before any of us were alive. How many more generations will be born into this toxic madness?
We must never forget, all of this is a part of a plan to destroy us. All of us. A plan to subjugate and enslave all races.
One man stood up against this tide of darkness. He restored the family. He led them back to their healthy, sustaining traditional roles. He resurrected man and woman. Marriage once again became a sacred bond.
'There are two ways of judging a man's character.
By the woman he marries and the way he dies.'
-Adolf Hitler
We could also say the same thing in reverse. In light of this wisdom, a terrible judgment awaits them both.
But alas, luckily all is not lost.
We have Adolf Hitler to guide us out of this mess.
His spirit rises, resurrected by the love of the faithful.
Let's move on to a superb speech Adolf Hitler gave to women of the National Socialist Women's League on September 8, 1934:
'The slogan 'Emancipation of Women' was invented by Jewish intellectuals and its content was formed by the same spirit. In the really good times of German life the German woman had no need to emancipate herself. She possessed exactly what nature had necessarily given her to administer and preserve; just as the man in his good times had no need to fear that he would be ousted from his position in relation to the woman.
In fact the woman was least likely to challenge his position. Only when he was not absolutely certain in his knowledge of his task did the eternal instinct of self and race-preservation begin to rebel in women. There then grew from this rebellion a state of affairs which was unnatural and which lasted until both sexes returned to the respective spheres which an eternally wise providence had preordained for them.
If the man's world is said to be the State, his struggle, his readiness to devote his powers to the service of the community, then it may perhaps be said that the woman's is a smaller world. For her world is her husband, her family, her children, and her home. But what would become of the greater world if there were no one to tend and care for the smaller one? How could the greater world survive if there were no one to make the cares of the smaller world the content of their lives? No, the greater world is built on the foundation of this smaller world. This great world cannot survive if the smaller world is not stable. Providence has entrusted to the woman the cares of that world which is her very own, and only on the basis of this smaller world can the man's world be formed and built up. The two worlds are not antagonistic. They complement each other, they belong together just as man and woman belong together.
We do not consider it correct for the woman to interfere in the world of the man, in his main sphere. We consider it natural if these two worlds remain distinct. To the one belongs the strength of feeling, the strength of the soul. To the other belongs the strength of vision, of toughness, of decision, and of the willingness to act. In the one case this strength demands the willingness of the woman to risk her life to preserve this important cell and to multiply it, and in the other case it demands from the man the readiness to safeguard life.
The sacrifices which the man makes in the struggle of his nation, the woman makes in the preservation of that nation in individual cases. What the man gives in courage on the battlefield, the woman gives in eternal self-sacrifice, in eternal pain and suffering. Every child that a woman brings into the world is a battle, a battle waged for the existence of her people. And both must therefore mutually value and respect each other when they see that each performs the task that Nature and Providence have ordained. And this mutual respect will necessarily result from this separation of the functions of each.
It is not true, as Jewish intellectuals assert, that respect depends on the overlapping of the spheres of activity of the sexes; this respect demands that neither sex should try to do that which belongs to the sphere of the other. It lies in the last resort in the fact that each knows that the other is doing everything necessary to maintain the whole community...
So our women's movement is for us not something which inscribes on its banner as its program the fight against men, but something which has as its program the common fight together with men. For the new National Socialist national community acquires a firm basis precisely because we have gained the trust of millions of women as fanatical fellow-combatants, women who have fought for the common life in the service of the common task of preserving life, who in that combat did not set their sights on the rights which a Jewish intellectualism put before their eyes, but rather on the duties imposed by nature on all of us in common. Whereas previously the programs of the liberal, intellectualist women's movements contained many points, the program of our National Socialist Women's movement has in reality but one single point, and that point is the child, that tiny creature which must be born and grow strong and which alone gives meaning to the whole life-struggle.'
[Above: The poster says: 'Hans writes that his division is arriving at...' and 'Shh, the enemy also hears'.]
[Above: There is something beautiful about this old picture. I guess it says it all.]
[Above: 'Allgemeiner Wegweiser für jede Familie' (General Guide for Every Family), April 19, 1939]
[Above: 'Die Woche' (The Week), April 20, 1938.]
[Above: The bust of Adolf Hitler in the Norwegian Storting (the Storting is the Norwegian Parliament), 1944.]
[Above: A BDM girl shows off a giant ceramic Adolf Hitler bust.]
'The woman has her own battlefield. With every child she brings to the world, she fights her battle for the nation. The man stands up for the Volk, exactly as the woman stands up for the family.'
-Adolf Hitler, in a speech to the National Socialist Women's Congress in 1935
[Above: A tired soldier falls into the warm, healing embrace of a woman. This painting is by Hans Adolf Bühler and is called 'Heimkehr' (Homecoming).]
[Above: Blessed, glorious Adolf Hitler.]
[Above: Klara Hitler. Click to see more.]
[Above: Adolf Hitler visits Klara's grave on March 13th, 1938, Leonding, Austria.]
'In my state the mother is the first citizen.'
-Adolf Hitler
[Above: The 'Cross of Honor of the German Mother', awarded to mothers who had eight or more children. In the Third Reich motherhood was a cherished and noble act. This award came in three classes: bronze (4-5 children), silver (6-7 children) and gold (8 or more). But this award was more than just an empty gesture. The famous newspaper Völkischer Beobachter (People's Observer) in 1938 stated:
"…the holder of the Mother's Cross of Honor will in the future enjoy all types of privileges that we by nature have accustomed to our nation's honored comrades and our injured war veterans."
Click on the picture to see an award document, a letter notification of the award, and a diamond prototype.]
[Above: A proud mother and father with children. Strong families with traditional values were highly encouraged and rewarded in National Socialist Germany -- contrast that with today's single parent degenerate family. Note the mother is wearing a Mother's Cross around her neck. She also wears the membership pin of the National Socialist women's organization 'NS-Frauenschaft'.]
[Above: A Mother's Cross award ceremony. Note on the table are Mother's Crosses sitting on the award packets they came in (the Gold Class came in boxes), alongside award documents that also were presented with each cross.]
[Above: 1937 cancel extolling the virtues of motherhood from the Winterhilfswerk (Winterhilfswerk des Deutschen Volkes, or Winter Relief of the German People).]
Adolf Hitler radiated strength, wisdom and manliness, and women sensed this. When Adolf Hitler was jailed in 1923 he remarked that it was women who 'sustained the movement'. It's also no secret that it was women who voted him into power in 1933. Those same women never gave up on him. They stuck with him until the apocalyptic end. They believed in him. They eagerly gave him their sons, brothers, husbands and fathers. They trusted that their lives would not be wasted and their deaths not in vain.
[Above: Adolf Hitler in the rain with women and children. Leon Degrelle tells us of a time when Adolf Hitler was driving through the rain and saw a man walking without a coat. He stopped the car, got out and gave the man his own coat. That was the type of man he was.]
Women 'held down the fort' while Germany was emptied of men who were giving their all to save the world from tyranny. Women joined the workforce, filling the empty spaces that men once held. They worked in factories. They worked in all branches of the military; Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe, Kriegsmarine, SS and nearly all other spheres of paramilitary, government and civilian organizations. Women operated crucial communications lines, anti-aircraft defenses, served as air raid officials and even as firemen.
[Above: Adolf Hitler and his sister Paula with an unknown little girl. Adolf Hitler possessed a genuine love for children. He knew that they were the future. A future that he so desperately fought for.]
[Above: Free of usury, greed and the sinister plot to destroy them.]
Children were embraced by the totality of the society. To combat the deadly declining birth rate, women were encouraged to have large families.
[Above: Adolf Hitler gave children back their families.]
[Above: Adolf Hitler gave children back their innocence.]
[Above: Postage stamp showing Adolf Hitler and child, 1940. This stamp celebrates Adolf Hitler's 51st birthday.]
'Women are the eternal companions of men in work and battle.'
-Joseph Goebbels
[Above: This early NSDAP poster was aimed toward women voters: 'We Women Are Voting Slate 2 National Socialists.']
[Above: An election poster appealing to mothers.]
[Above: Poster appealing to women.]
[Above: Another poster appealing to women: 'German Women think of your children - choose Hitler']
Women voted astoundingly on Adolf Hitler's side. Check out the pictures below, taken from a period New York newspaper.
Adolf Hitler once said: 'I left jail after thirteen months imprisonment to find women had sustained the movement.
Instead of weighing the odds in a prudent and rational manner, they followed the dictates of their hearts and have stood by me, emotionally speaking, to this day.'
[Below: Never had a people been so solidly behind any leader. So loved was he, that it endures to this day. Except today that love is not only held by Germans, but by people everywhere.]
[Below: Women adored Adolf Hitler for much the same reasons which men admired and loved him: he gave them back their futures. In the twelve short years that Adolf Hitler was in power he revitalized Germany. He freed the people from the bondage of debt slavery. He gave them back their pride and most of all he gave them hope for something better. They knew under him all things were possible. For the first time he was a leader who came from the people, who loved the people, who WAS the people. As they said 'Adolf Hitler is Germany, Germany is Adolf Hitler']
[Below: A woman votes for Adolf Hitler from her hospital bed.]
[Below: There were in fact many women who attended early rallies, despite the danger of violence from communist attacks. On the far right is Reichstag Deputy Wilhelm Frick, next to him stands Margaret, his wife.]
[Below: Flag dedication/consecration ceremony of the local NSDAP party in Trier, Germany, June 12, 1932.]
Modern writers, opponents of National Socialism, even admit that Germany under National Socialism was a 'social revolution' (David Schoenbaum).
Ralf Dahrendorf described the National Socialists as 'radical innovators'. Sebastian Haffner declared that the emancipation of women 'made great leaps forward' during the Third Reich.
It was also said that the Third Reich was the greatest revolt against the established order in European history.
[Above: Teacher, harvester, doctor and scientist.]
[Above: Assembly worker, mailwoman, courier and secretary.]
[Above: Designer, switchboard operator, aircraft assembly and children's services.]
[Above: Nurse, Red Cross assistant, seamstress and railroad signaler.]
[Above: Railroad conductors.]
[Above: Here is a period graph showing men and women's age progression in education and the workforce. Click to enlarge and see translation.]
'I also expect the German woman to exemplify the most extreme discipline in this great fighting community!'
-Adolf Hitler, before the German Reichstag, September 1, 1939.
[Above: My kind of caterer. This caterer is surrounded by hungry Hitler Youth boys and other children, who are eager for a piece of cake celebrating Adolf Hitler's birthday.]
[Above: Dr. Bertha Karli who specialized in physics and mathematics.]
[Above: Women who belong to the BDM organization 'Faith and Beauty'. Here you see girls studying fashion design.]
[Above: Two girls designing - what I can only guess to be - stockings.]
[Above: A page from a German fashion magazine from the period.]
[Above: A 'racy' photo to warm a soldier's heart on the front from Signal Magazine.]
[Above: Two models during a Vienna fashion week, 1940.]
[Above: National Socialist chic.]
[Above: A beauty from the pages of a period German magazine.]
[Above: Aryan archetype.]
[Above: Woman working in a factory assembly plant.]
[Above: Woman working in a factory assembly plant.]
[Above: Woman working in a factory assembly plant.]
[Above: Woman working in a Luftwaffe plant.]
[Above: Women working in a laboratory in the Hamburg Institute for Hygiene (Hamburger Hygienischen Instituts), 1937.]
[Above: The German company Siemens developed a 'super microscope' to see the Polio virus for the first time. Note the female lab assistant. This article is from the 'Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung' (number 19, May 13, 1943).]
[Above: 'Here, canned vegetables are being examined so that the bacteria contained in them may be counted. Experiments on related concoctions are conducted in order to observe how many of the seeds remained sustainable.' (Signal magazine, April 1943, Greek edition, special thanks to Dimitris for the translation!)]
[Above: Dr. Hainroth, a zoologist.]
[Above: A group of female archeologists and assistants.]
[Above: This Novemeber 1941 magazine, called 'Allgemeiner Wegweiser für Jede Familie' (General Guide for Every Family) says:
'Zum erstenmal in einem Betriebe Dem Aufruf des Führers folgten Tausende von Frauen, um ibre Krafte für die Kriegsarbeit einzusetzen.'
(For the first time in a factory thousands of women responded to the Führer's call to devote their energies to war work.)]
[Above: Music, theater and the arts.]
[Above: A woman in a shooting competition (holding a P08 Luger pistol).]
[Above: A female chess tournament in Hitler's Germany? Wait, but I thought women weren't allowed to leave the kitchen? This article is from the 'Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung' (number 37, September 16, 1943).]
[Above: The Illustrated Cologne Newspaper (Kölnische Illustrierte Zeitung) showing a woman welding, February 1940.]
[Above: NS-Frauen-Warte magazine showing a woman working in an armaments factory, 1944.]
[Above: Seamstresses sewing National Socialist flags.]
[Above: Seamstresses sewing National Socialist flags.]
[Above: A seamstress preparing pieces of flags to be sewn.]
[Above: Seamstresses hanging out pieces of flags to dry after being silk screened.]
[Above: A recycling center in 1939. Germany was a pioneer in the recycling movement. American correspondent Lothrop Stoddard wrote in October 1939:
'Every family is in duty bound not to waste anything. So each German kitchen has a covered pail into which goes all garbage that can be served to pigs... what we in America call 'trash' must be carefully segregated into the following categories (1) newspapers, magazines, or other clean paper (2) rags (3) bottles (4) old metal (5) broken furniture or just about anything else that is thrown away. City collectors come around for this segregated trash at regular intervals.
[Above: Women painting busts of Adolf Hitler]
[Above: A spectacular German book from 1941 (click the image to see the 100 pages within!) detailing the immense contribution of National Socialist women in the workplace:
'Frauen helfen siegen
Bilddokumente vom kriegseinsatz
Unserer fraunen und mütter'
'Women Help Win
Picture documents of the war effort
Our women and mothers']
[Above: French version of Der Adler (The Eagle) magazine, January 12, 1943. Within its pages is a special article on women in the workplace training in technology. Below are pictures and translations from the article.]
[Above: 'L'instruction générale des électro-assistantes commence avec un cours de base d'environ neuf mois, pendant lesquelles les jeunes filles completent leurs connaissances scolaires en mathématiques, physique, électro-technique, et dans la technique des mensurations'
(The general education of electro-assistants begins with a basic course of about nine months, during which the girls complete their academic knowledge in mathematics, physics, electro-technology, and in the technique of measurements).]
[Above: 'Les notions apprises sont contrôlées et approfondies au cours de manipulations pratiques. Sous la direction du professeur, de petits groupes de travail entreprennent même des constructions expérimentales'
(The concepts learned are checked and deepened in the course of practical manipulations. Under the guidance of the teacher, small work groups even undertake experimental constructions).]
[Above: 'Pendant l'instruction théorique et scolaire, les jeunes filles apprennent à limer, à fraiser,
à souder et à bobiner, et bien d'autres choses encore. Au cours de leurs travaux plus tard, c'est sans difficulté
qu'elles sauront se tirer toutes seules de petites difficultés pratiques. Et ce n'est pas un mal, si la jeune demoiselle de l'image d'en bas se rend ellemême compte que le travail manuel
précis n'est pas si simple que celà
(During theoretical and school instruction, young girls learn to file, mill,
to weld and wind, and much more. During their later work, it is without difficulty
that they will be able to overcome small practical difficulties on their own. And it is not a bad thing if the young lady of the image below realizes herself that precise manual work is not so simple).]
[Above: 'Lorsqu'un domaine spécial a été étudié à fond en théorie, les connaissances sont complétées en passant en revue
les instruments et appareils du laboratoire correspondant'
(When a special area has been thoroughly studied in theory, the knowledge is completed by reviewing
the instruments and apparatus of the corresponding laboratory).]
[Above: 'Si l'instruction générale est terminée, commence l'instruction spécialisée, qui méne tout droit vers le travail
futur. L'assistante stagiaire de l'image supérieure effectue par example pour la premiére fois toute seule des
(If the general education is finished, the specialized education begins, which leads straight to future work.
For example, the trainee assistant of the upper image performs measurements for the first time alone).]
[Above: 'Plusieurs assistantes ont un ingénieur de laboratoire expérimenté comme "patron", qui travaille avec elles
lors d'expériences importantes'
(Many assistants have an experienced laboratory engineer as their "boss", who works with them
during important experiments).]
[Above: 'Au cours du travail au laboratoire se révèle bien rapidement à quel point l'instruction pratique a été
utile. C'est sans difficulté que l'assistante peut construire un appareil de mesure'
(In the course of the work in the laboratory it becomes clear how useful the practical training has been
useful. The assistant can easily build a measuring device).]
[Above: Here are two ads advertising a brand called Ellocar (Nacht Creme = Night Cream). Ellocar was a brand from Düsseldorf, Germany. The add on the left from the Berliner Illustrirte Zeitung, October 10, 1940, nummer 41.]
[Above: Police eagle]
[Above: A woman working with the police directing traffic.]
[Above: A group of women working for the police.]
[Above: A studio image of a girl working for the police.]
[Above: This postage stamp, from May 1944, shows a female letter carrier.]
[Above: This is from a postcard showing women of the Reichspost celebrating a new series of postage stamps showcasing women in regional dress, 1936.]
[Above: These postage stamps were issued on October 4, 1935 and were used until June 30, 1936. They were engraved from photographs by H. Retzlaff. The surcharge on these stamps went to charity. The first stamp of 3+2 represents East Prussia (Ermland) and Marienburg, 4+3 Upper Silesia (Rossberg near Beuthen, 5+3 Wine Grower from the Rheinland (Rudesheim Castle), 6+4 Lower Saxony (Schaumburg-Lippe and Lower Saxony court yard), 8+4 Kurmark (Lower Lusatia) Heinersbruck in Spreewald, 12+6 Black Forest (landowner Anna Zwick, Gutachtal) and Black Forest house, 15+10 Hessen, Marburg traditional dress (Lower Asphe), 25+15 Upper Bavaria (Bayrischzell, Miesbach traditional celebratory dress), 30+20 Friesland (Foehr Island), houses, Watt, 40+35 Upper Franconia (Bridesmaid from Effeltrich).]
[Above: This is a rare and adorable cancel advertising a stamp show. It says:
Rheinische Briefmarken
- Ausstellung
Rhenish Stamps -
[Above: A mailwoman with the Reichspost on a bicycle.]
[Above: A BDM girl assisting a Reichspost mailwoman.]
[Above: A very pretty mail carrier!]
[Above: The Reichspost seemed to be filled with beauties.]
[Above: My mail carrier looks nothing like this, that's for sure.]
[Above: RLB poster. Click the image to see a variation.]
[Above: RLB member wearing distinct 'gladiator' style helmet.]
[Above: Two RLB girls.]
[Above: A group of women in a fire brigade.]
[Above: 1st Class Fire Brigade decoration.]
[Above: A group of RLB girls help one another strap on their helmets.]
[Above: Another group of RLB girls help one another strap on their civilian model gas masks.]
[Above: A group of female firefighters. Check out the girl in the front wearing heels!]
[Above: A group shot of firefighters.]
[Above: Five firefighters in front of their fire truck.]
[Above: Firefighters with gas masks holding water hoses.]
[Above: On the belt of this RLB girl you can see the filter of a gasmask and flashlight.]
[Above: This girl serves as an air raid warden in Berlin. She has a civilian style gas mask around her neck.]
[Above: A woman working for the RLB fits gasmasks for children.]
[Above: Postage stamp set issued in 1937 honoring the RLB.]
[Above: Postcard utilizing the same art as that above. This prepaid postcard has been upfranked (additional postcage of 1 pfennig {penny} was printed next to the original postage of 5 pfennig). It says:
'Die Deutsche Briefmarke
Nationale Ausstellung 1937'
(The German Stamp
National Exhibition 1937).]
[Above: 1934 RLB lottery ticket. Click the image to see more lottery tickets from the Third Reich!]
[Above: RLB recruiting poster.]
In December 1935, on the 100th anniversary of the German railway system, Adolf Hitler declared that it was 'the most progressive transportation enterprise in the world.'
[Above: I'm suddenly a train enthusiast!]
[Above: A woman with the Reichsarbeitsdienst (RAD, Reich Labor Service) punching tickets. Below the 'RAD' on her armband you can see the words 'Kriegshilfs...' or 'war help'.]
[Above: 'Unser Deutsch Reichsbahn' or 'Our German Reich Railway'. This image was done by 'Würbel'.]
In 1933, the year Adolf Hitler became chancellor, a diesel powered train called the DRG Class SVT 877 Hamburg Flyer - also known as the 'Flying Hamburger' - was put into operation. It was the fastest regular railway connection in the world.
[Above: This amazing photograph is of Ilse Hanauer, Adolph Koch and Frieda Teske-Hanauer on a Berlin train, 1938. The 'D R' stands for Deutsches Reich.]
[Above: A Reichsbahn employee. She is holding a railway guide to Southwest Germany.]
[Above: Same woman as the picture above -- her arm patch says 'RBD Stuttgart'.]
[Above: Same woman as in the pictures above.]
[Above: Reichsbahn arm patch -- this patch was for the Saar line, but is otherwise identical to the woman's patch above.]
[Above: Reichsbahn collar patch -- you can see this on her collar.]
By 1935 the Reichsbahn railway network had a total of 68,728 kilometers of line (that's about 42,705 miles for us Americans).
[Above: Girls from the NSRL - note the patch on their chest is the eagle design of that above.]
The NSRL was led by three individuals from 1933-1945, bearing the title of Reichssportführer. The leaders were:
Arno Breitmeyer (1943–1944)
Karl Ritter von Halt (1944–1945)
[Above: Hans von Tschammer und Osten]
Herr von Tschammer wished to use sports to improve the nation's physical health and well-being. He was extremely talented in the area of theatrics, staging massive events of sports pageantry that showcased aesthetic beauty.
During the 1936 Olympic Games von Tschammer's talents shined. His role was revolutionary, carefully crafting and coordinating the historic event. It was the first Olympic Games to feature live television coverage and featured many innovative improvements still in use today, such as the Olympic torch relay.
[Above: An Olympic advertisement showing Hans von Tschammer and Adolf Hitler]
Hans von Tschammer adopted a unique version of the eagle and swastika for the NSRL and made "Heil Hitler" the official salutation for members of the organization in December 1936.
[Above: NSRL membership book]
The NSRL continued throughout the war years, although its funding and prestige was obviously stunted a great deal. Nonetheless, von Tschammer continued to use the NSRL to instill in his people a sense of pride and unity.
March 25, 1943 proved to be a dark day in German history. The devoted, capable and visionary Hans von Tschammer und Osten died of pneumonia in Berlin. A man of ideals and of the people, his assets left behind were few for a man of his high position.
[Above: Hans von Tschammer und Osten's State funeral on March 29, 1943.]
Things would never be the same. The war situation grew darker and sports came to a near standstill.
After the war the NSRL was banned and deemed an evil 'Nazi' group like all the others.
After all, sports were to be used to brainwash people, not enrich and unite them, according to the Allies. The NSRL was deemed dangerous, just look at Paragraph 2 of the DRL's Statutes:
'The purpose of the League of the Reich for Physical Exercise is the training of the body and character of Germans grouped together in member organizations through planned physical exercises and care of the national conscience (Volksbewußtsein) in the spirit of the National Socialist state.'
Despite this, like mountains of other things, the Allies could not deny the creative genius present in the NSRL. Its ideas and structure had great influence of sports organizations worldwide and are used to this day.
[Above: Athletics were an important part of National Socialist Germany. Here is a postcard advertising a sporting event from very late in the war -- 1944.
The header says: 'NS Reichs Organization for Physical Education']
[Above: 1936 two volume Olympia books, one covering the Winter Olympics and the other the Summer Olympics.]
[Above: These books were once owned by Hans von Tschammer und Osten and are addressed to him by Albert Speer, who gave them to von Tschammer in 1936.]
[Above: The opening page of book two.]
[Above: Jesse Owens, who was celebrated by Adolf Hitler's Germany, not scorned as the lying enemies of truth told the world.]
[Above: Light-hearted drawings showing Owens with the three saplings he won at the Olympic Games. The drawing on the right shows Owens fifty years later -- the saplings are now tall trees, and Owens is an old man.]
[Above: A German stone mason chisels Jesse Owens' name into granite. Yet another picture offering proof that the Third Reich and Adolf Hitler celebrated and respected Owens. Would you carve someone's name into granite that you didn't respect? These two books show Owens in a very positive light and celebrate his accomplishments. Once again it was the enemies of Germany who 'snubbed' Owens. President Roosevelt never even congratulated Owens! Owens himself said that Adolf Hitler 'waved at me and I waved back.' Before his death Owens said the stories about Hitler disrespecting him were a lie.]
[Above: 'Olympiades' statue by Joseph Thorak.]
Leni Riefenstahl was commissioned by the German Olympic Committee to film the Games. The result was an artistic masterpiece entitled Olympia. This film pioneered many techniques that are now widespread in the filming of sports.
Germany dominated the games, winning 89 medals total, with the United States coming in second with a mere 56 medals. A people united proved to be unstoppable.
[Above: Olympic coliseum in Berlin.]
Germany introduced the torch relay that is used today, pioneering transporting the flame via a relay system from Greece to the Olympic venue. The games were also the first to have live television coverage, a massive technological leap.
Adolf Hitler opened the games with a short speech which reached 41 countries across the planet (this was made famous in popular culture by astrophysicist Carl Sagan in his book (and later a film) 'Contact'. The signal used was of such strength that it quite possibly could be the first signal an alien race would encounter in outer space. Adolf Hitler's divine voice, flying through infinity like a bolt of truth. What better a way to say 'We're here'?!
[Above: Female Olympic athletes during a victory ceremony, in the center of the platform is Tilly Fleischer, gold medallist for Germany in the women's javelin.]
[Above: 1936 German Olympic Games Breast Cross medal, 2nd Class (a rare medal, there were only 3,364 of these awarded). This award was not for athletes of the games, but in recognition of those that made the games happen, behind the scenes.]
[Above: Watch 'Gesunde Frau - Gesundes Volk'
Woman - Healthy People).
10 1/2 minutes, .MP4 format.]
[Above: Postage stamp from June 1944 featuring a RADwj maiden.]
[Above: A beautiful RADwj maiden. Some lunatic has blurred out the swastika on the patch on her sleeve.]
[Above: Note the 'XI' patch on the girl above. There were many different groups within the RADwj. Here is an example of an 'XXVIII' patch.]
[Above: Her brooch pin says 'Reich Labor Service' at the top and 'Female Youth' on the bottom.]
[Above: Reich Labor Service poster.]
[Above: Women at a female RADwj camp salute the flag of freedom.]
From 1935 and onwards the men and women of the RAD were mobilized to work. Railroads, canals, building projects and the Autobahn (highway system) were amongst just some of Adolf Hitler's visions.
The government even halted the introduction of some varieties of machinery which would replace men in the workplace. Government contracts went to the companies which relied on manual labor instead of machines. Employers had to seek government permission before they could reduce their work force.
[Above: RADwj women wearing issue exercise shirts.]
Two days after becoming Chancellor, Adolf Hitler spoke to the anxious nation by radio:
'The misery of our people is horrible to behold! Along with the hungry unemployed millions of industrial workers there is the impoverishment of the whole middle class and the artisans. If this collapse finally finishes off the German farmers we will face a catastrophe of incalculable dimension. For that would be not just the collapse of a nation, but of a two-thousand-year-old inheritance of some of the greatest achievements of human culture and civilization...
[We will] 'achieve the great task of reorganizing our nation's economy by means of two great four-year plans. The German farmer must be rescued to maintain the nation's food supply and, in consequence, the nation's vital foundation. The German worker will be saved from ruin with a concerted and all-embracing attack against unemployment.'
'Within four years unemployment must be decisively overcome... The Marxist parties and their allies have had 14 years to show what they can do. The result is a heap of ruins. Now, people of Germany, give us four years and then pass judgment upon us!'
Click the link below to read an excellent article by Mark Weber entitled:
[Above: German Womens Labor Service brooch. The German text, written in old German Sütterlin, says: 'Arbeit für dein Volk - Adelt sich selbst; Deutscher Frauenarbeitsdienst' (Work for your people - ennoble yourself; German Womens Labor Service).]
Within a mere three years unemployment was no more and Germany's economy was flourishing.
It was a government for the people, finally. Adolf Hitler did everything he could to ease the burdens of the common man. He increased the hourly wage, raised overtime pay and enormously improved working conditions. Safety in the work environment and the health of the workers now became law. But Adolf Hitler went even further than this -- he had canteens built with subsidized hot meals, also exercise areas and athletic fields, parks and recreation areas, government and employer paid theater and music performances were introduced, art exhibitions, sports groups and hiking teams along with cultural activities of all kinds. Furthermore, adult education classes were offered, and the Strength Through Joy program offered subsidized vacations to foreign countries.
[Above: This RADwj postcard is called 'Freizeit' (leisure).]
The benefits went on and on. National health care programs were revamped and expanded. Old age insurance and interest-free loans were offered.
The men and women of the Reich Labor Service (RAD) were at the forefront of this national rejuvenation and resurrection.
[Above: This poster, bearing the words 'Hilf auch Du mit!' basically says 'You also help!']
[Above: This postcard bears a pastel work entitled 'Work Maiden in the Hay' by Bernhard Wichert.]
[Above: Cover of the magazine Die Woche, showing an illustration of a girl helping with the harvest, July 1944.]
[Above: This is a RADwj women's brooch.]
[Above: Robert Ley. Click on the picture to see more.]
[Above: German Labor Front poster.]
DAF represented the interests of the workers and the employers. It set high wages for all workers, gave work security and gave workers protection against being dismissed or fired. Additionally, a progressive social security program was born. DAF made the work environment not only safer than ever before, but also began workplace programs such as canteens which supplied healthy food and drink, work breaks, and scheduled work times and high overtime pay. Alas, the worker was protected, valued, and was not just a tool for the rich to get richer.
[Above: DAF girl with an exercise ball. Like numerous other National Socialist organizations which stressed a healthy body, the DAF helped initiate a large spread exercise movement in Germany.]
[Above: Music and dance were amongst a handful of things offered and encouraged to people. Here a women's choir practice their skills.]
[Above: The popular Signal magazine showing girls from the Strength through Joy program, 1941.]
Within DAF were a handful of other organizations like:
[Above: A DAF event backed by an orchestra.]
[Above: DAF monument, circa 1935. It says:
'Ich bin sozialist, weil es mir unverständlich erscheint,
eine maschine mit sorgfalt zu pflegen und zu behandeln, aber den edelsten vertreter der arbiet, den menschen selbst, verkommen zu lassen.
Adolf Hitler'
(I am a socialist because it seems incomprehensible to me to care
for and treat a machine with care, but to let the noblest
representative of the work, the human being himself, degenerate.)]
[Above: This lush magazine 'Joy and Work' was released in 1938 by the DAF organ 'International Central Bureau of Joy and Work'. It is printed in color and black and white with many illustrations and pictures promoting Germany to the world on the occasion of the World Congress in Rome, which sixty nations attended. It's text is done in English, German, French, and Spanish.]
[Above: Advertisement within the Joy and Work magazine.]
[Above: Strength through Joy postcard.]
-NSV slogan
[Above: Poster.]
[Above: Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahrt rally. 'Einer für alle, alle für einen' = One for all, all for one.]
[Above: Here is an NSV tinnie, given to those who donated. It says: 'Helft Mutter u. Kind Durch Die NS. Volkswohlfahrt' (Help mother and child through the NS. People's Welfare).]
[Above: Here is another NSV tinnie. It says: 'NS Volkswohlfahrt - GAU SACHSEN' (NS People's Welfare - GAU SAXONY).]
[Above: Here is another tinnie very similiar to the one above. It says: 'N.S. Wohlfahrtsspende für die Mütter Verschickung' (N.S. Welfare donation for the mother's transportation).]
[Above: Erich Hilgenfeldt (July 2, 1897 - April/May 1945 in the final days of Berlin. Click to see more pictures.]
Erich Hilgenfeldt joined the National Socialist party on August 1, 1929 (membership #143642). As NSV leader, he was also the Reichsfrauenführerin (Reich Women's Leader), which made him Gertrud Scholtz-Klink's superior.
[Above: Nurses of the NSV.]
Hilgenfeldt was a committed National Socialist and had the honor of speaking at the Nuremberg Party Rally of 1936. In his years serving the party and his beloved Germany he earned several other titles and responsibilities. Eager and energetic, on September 9, 1937, he joined the Schutzstaffel (SS - Protective Squadron), becoming member number 289225. In 1939 he earned the rank of Brigadeführer in the Waffen-SS, also earning the rank of Main Office Leader.
[Above: This poster basically says 'Help with the rise of the German Volk' and 'Be a member of the people's welfare'.]
Before his death Hilgenfeldt reached the high rank of Gruppenführer. The circumstances of his death are unknown. Some accounts depict him honorable ending his own life rather than be captured by the communists in Berlin. However, it will probably never be known for sure how this brave and highly capable man died.
[Above: Women of the NSV in front of a regional office.]
The NSV and its many charity programs helped millions in times of joyous light and total darkness. The NSV was an astounding success, and is an eternal monument to Hilgenfeldt's love and sacrifices for his people.
[Above: NSV poster 'Kommt mit in die - Kinderlandverschickung' basically says come shape your child's destiny or future.]
[Above: 1943 stamp celebrating 10 years of the WHW (The Winterhilfswerk des Deutschen Volkes, or Winter Relief of the German People).]
[Above: A graphic honoring mother and children.]
[Above: An NS Frauenschaft membership book housed in a beautiful protector. Click to see inside.]
[Above: NS Frauenschaft membership book.]
The NS-Frauenschaft was led by the extremely likeable and talented Gertrud Scholtz-Klink, who held the rank of Reich's Women's Leader. The organization had a successful and diverse biweekly magazine called the NS-Frauen Warte.
[Above: The NS-Frauenschaft during the opening of the 5th seminar. Dr. Walter Gross, head of the Office of Racial Policy for the NSDAP, is giving a speech.]
[Above: NS-Frauen Warte magazine.]
[Above: Gertrud Scholtz-Klink (February 9, 1902 – March 24, 1999).]
The NS-Frauenschaft was a complex organization whose purpose was very multifaceted, but it all boiled down to a commitment to build a better woman. To instruct her. To guide her. To make her healthy in body and in mind. To give her pride and teach her a vast variety of skills and a plethora of knowledge. It was committed to helping females raise healthy children, who they keenly knew would be the future of Germany.
[Above: NS-Frauenschaft offering a shoe exchange for growing children. This proved to be an extremely smart and popular program.]
The NS-Frauenschaft taught many skills, not just practical, everyday knowledge, but it also taught self-sufficiency. It held classes for all manner of subjects that might aid women -- from schoolgirls to newlyweds and bride-to-be.
It taught pride of country, ancestry and culture, and encouraged women to buy German-made products foremost.
[Above: The NS-Frauenschaft helped young mothers shape their children into respectable, industrious, proud and worthy human beings. A sharp contrast to the monsters churned out today...]
During WWII the women of The NS-Frauenschaft performed a variety of social duties. They gave food and refreshments to soldiers at train stations, they visited the wounded, they held drives to collect scrap metal, clothing and more.
[Above: NS-Frauenschaft women at a train station preparing food for soldiers.]
By 1938 it held a membership of two million women -- the equivalent of 40% of total party membership! Women not only voted Adolf Hitler into office, but never stopped believing in him. They fought with their hearts and souls on the home front, even after the Allied terror bombings destroyed everything around them. They never gave up. Anyone who knows women knows that when a woman believes in a higher belief, she can be amongst the most committed, diligent and unwavering believer. Indeed, many times even more 'extreme' than her male counterpart.
[Above: 1938 poster for the Winterhilfswerk, an aid program of the NS-Frauenschaft. It says: 'A Nation helps itself'.]
[Above: This beautiful artwork, by Wolfgang Willrich, represents one of the main missions of the NS-Frauenschaft perfectly.]
[Above: A beautiful set of paintings. These were done by Karl Diebitsch. The one on the left is entitled 'Mutter', done in 1939 and was displayed in the Haus der Deutschen Kunst. The other is entitled 'I am a Child'.]
[Above: Here are two pages from a 1943 issue of the 'Illustrierter Beobachter' (Illustrated Observer).
The titles of the pictures are:
'Kein Tag ohne Sonne', 'Jedem das Seine!',
'Backe - backe - Kuchen!', 'Das Brausebad' and 'Ziehet fest an!'
(No Day Without Sun, To Each His Own!, Bake - bake - Cake!, The Shower Bath and Pull Tight!)
The titles on the second page say:
'Guten Hunger!',
'Kein seltener Gast, der Onkel Doktor', 'Ruhe im Saal!' and
'Während die Kleinkinder des Kindergartens schlafen...'
(Good Hunger!, Not an Infrequent Guest, the Uncle Doctor,
Silence in the Hall! and While the Toddlers of the Kindergarten Sleep...)]
[Above: The cover of a beautiful photography book from the Third Reich era titled 'Die Deutsche Kind'.]
[Above: Some pictures from 'Die Deutsche Kind'.]
[Above: One of the most beautiful notes of the Third Reich, this 1942 10 Korun note is from the German Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia.]
[Above: I was pleasantly surprised when I stumbled upon a picture of the actual girl used for the above note! Someone did an absolutely fantastic job engraving her portrait.]
[Above: Side-by-side comparison.]
The Deutschen Frauenwerk was ultimately headed by the Reichsfrauenführer Gertrud Scholtz-Klink, but had leaders and organizers within all organizations involved. The Deutschen Frauenwerk, a feminine union of positive energy, was composed of nearly two million women.
The organization had a magazine all its own called 'Women's Culture in the German Women's Work' which was published from 1935 to 1941.
[Above: Charlotte von Hadeln.]
In the summer of 1930, a group of 31 leaders of the Bund Koenigin Luise visited Italy. There they met with Angiola Moratti, the secretary of Fasci Femminili (a Fascist women's organization), and Maria Pezzé Pascolato, another leader of the Italian group in Veneto.
The Italian's took their German comrades to many notable locales, such as the Opera Nazionale Ballila and the Opera Maternità ed Infanzia (the mothers' and children's auxiliaries). But it wasn't until their visit to Rome that the real treat began: a visit with Benito Mussolini!
Charlotte von Hadeln gave a speech to him about the similarities of their ideologies, saying:
'The Fascist women and ourselves feel one thing... the holy will to make every effort to contribute to the future of our children and in full blessings as far as our abilities allow us.'
In the spring of 1934 Charlotte von Hadeln dissolved the Bund Koenigin Luise and advised all of its members to join the Deutschen Frauenwerk or the League of German Girls (BDM), which she herself would later join and become one of its most dedicated leaders.
She wrote in her 1935 autobiography:
'At the time, we still bore the longing for a strong leader of German destiny in our hearts - but now it is fulfilled.'
[Above: Books written by Charlotte von Hadeln.]
'The Red Cross is something like the conscience of the nation. ...Together with the nation, the Red Cross is ready to commit all its strength for the high goals of our leader, Adolf Hitler.'
- Reich Minister of the Interior Wilhelm Frick, in a speech on June 11, 1933.
[Above: 'You give too for the 2nd war relief for the German Red Cross'.]
[Above: German Red Cross worker.]
[Above: This Red Cross sister named Hanny Weber has earned an Iron Cross 2nd class.]
[Above: Two Red Cross sisters who have earned the Iron Cross 2nd Class are showcased here in an article from 'Kriegsbucherei der deutschen Jugend' (War Book of the German Youth), number 89. On the left is Ilse Schulz, who sports an Afrika Korps cuff title, and Grete Fock, who was also a part of the Afrika Korps. They were honored for their outstanding bravery when even during an air raid they stayed in the small surgery tent tending to the wounded.]
[Above: Ernst-Robert Grawitz. Click to see picture in its entirety and others.]
Grawitz was gifted with organizational ability and soon introduced a hierarchical chain of command into the German Red Cross. He breathed new life into the organization and gave it a new sense of pride. With Grawitz at the helm National Socialism was weaved into the organization. Positive change was everywhere. A new Red Cross presidential building, proud and imposing, was to be erected in Potsdam-Babelsberg.
Grawitz summed up his belief that the new German Red Cross should be a 'healthy structure which would fit itself organically into the laws of life in the National Socialist Third Reich'.
During these years the German Red Cross flourished and grew. It came into itself, officially adopting the swastika into its symbol, using the national salute, and presenting National Socialist ideology into its training programs.
[Above: Sisters of the Red Cross take an oath.]
Once war was forced upon Germany the Red Cross began training programs preparing people for air raids, gas attacks and other war related emergencies. It performed joint exercises with local police, fire brigades and paramilitary organizations.
Ernst-Robert Grawitz performed his task admirably. Besides being head of the German Red Cross he was also the Reich Physician of the SS and Police. It is also worth noting that his wife, Ilse, was the daughter of SS-Obergruppenführer und General der Waffen-SS Siegfried Taubert.
[Above: 'Unser treuer kamerad' = 'Our true comrade'.]
[Above: Medical training.]
[Above: A medic in the field treats a soldier's injured leg, somewhere in France.]
In the final sad, but triumphantly beautiful days of WWII, Grawitz was serving Adolf Hitler in the Führerbunker.
What happened next, after he was honorably relieved of his duty, is lost in the mist of history. It is said that Grawitz and his wife and children committed suicide together by exploding a grenade between them, but the truth, like the fate of millions, is unknown. But their sacrifice is known. We shall not forget. We light candles on dark nights for these restless martyrs. We hear their whispers on moon-drenched nights when the world is asleep. We spy their faces in rain-swollen clouds, in empty afternoons wandering. These fallen heroes, golden souls, all, walk with us into the storm. And although their wounds yet bleed, their love has defeated their deaths.
[Above: Left to right: NS-Frauen-Warte magazine, a beautiful portrait of Adolf Hitler on a Red Cross postcard, another stunning Red Cross postcard.]
[Above: Two books by the German Red Cross. 'Das Deutsche Rote Kruz - Jahrweiser 1942' (The German Red Cross Yearbook 1942) and 'Amtliches Unterrichtsbuch über Erste Hilfe' (Official Textbook on First Aid). Click to see the many pictures inside.]
[Above: Not Red Cross but an interesting medical booklet, entitled 'Die erste Versorgung von Wunden aller Art. Wund-Desinfection' (The first care of wounds of all kinds. Wound disinfection). Click to enlarge.]
[Above: This is a 'Kennkarte' (identification card). Here is an interesting identification book issued on April 23, 1943 in Vienna, for a doctor named Paula Vukovich. Too bad we don't know what kind of doctor she was. Front/inside.]
The BDM brought much needed pageantry and romanticism back into the lives of young girls. It taught them about their peoples rich past, folklore, traditions and culture. They also learned about motherhood, marriage and homemaking.
Girls were taught the importance of healthy bodies and pride in themselves. To reinforce active habits the girls were involved in hiking, sports, swimming, gymnastics and much more.
The BDM also taught and instilled in young women the truths of National Socialism. The importance of honor and sacrifice, and of those who gave their all in the struggle for true national freedom.
Once war was forced upon Germany the BDM girls bravely volunteered in a wide plethora of ways, which are discussed in detail throughout this page.
[Above: A BDM beauty with an 'Ost Berlin' patch]
[Above: A fabulous time capsule of a young BDM girl in her bedroom. On the wall to the left is a poster of Adolf Hitler's 1932 election campaign.]
'Our volk need a generation of girls which is healthy in body and mind, sure and decisive, proudly and confidently going forward, one which assumes its place in everyday life with poise and discernment, one free of sentimental and rapturous emotions, and which, for precisely this reason, in sharply defined femininity, would be the comrade of a man, because she does not regard him as some sort of idol but rather as a companion! Such girls will then, by necessity, carry the values of National Socialism into the next generation as the mental bulwark of our people.'
-Trude Mohr
[Above: Trude Mohr. Click to see more images!]
Trude Mohr (1902-1989) was the first leader (Reichsreferentin) of the League of German Girls (BDM). She was an eager National Socialist, joining the NSDAP in 1928. She skillfully established a BDM group in the Brandenburg district in 1930. This women's arm of the Hitler Youth grew to be the second largest organization in the country by 1932.
She was appointed the first Reichsreferentin in June 1934. She would hold this position for approximately three years.
[Above: Trude Mohr with Baldur von Shirach.]
Mohr married Obersturmführer Wolf Bürkner in 1937 and shortly after the coupling bore fruit and Trude became pregnant. To devote proper time to her new child she resigned from the BDM, which had grown to 2.7 million members! Her leadership position of Reichsreferentin was taken over by Dr. Jutta Rüdiger.
During her pregnancy she took a suitable job with the Hermann Göring Works administering social welfare services to employees.
Trude Mohr remained proud her entire life. In 1980 she gave an interview refusing to apologize for her beliefs and rightfully stating that she had nothing to be ashamed of.
[Above: A train decorated with the very distinctive BDM eagle]
'The task of our Girls League is to raise our girls as torch bearers of the National Socialist world. We need girls who are at harmony between their bodies, souls, and spirits. And we need girls who, through healthy bodies and balanced minds, embody the beauty of divine creation. We want to raise girls who believe in Germany and our leader, and who will pass these beliefs on to their future children.'
-Dr. Jutta Rüdiger, leader of the League of German Girls, 1937
[Above: Dr. Jutta Rüdiger. Click to see more images!]
Dr. Jutta Rüdiger (June 14, 1910 – March 13, 2001) was a brilliant German psychologist and head of the League of German Girls (Bund Deutscher Mädel, BDM) from its inception in 1937 to its glorious end in 1945.
As a student in the 1920s Rüdiger became a staunch National Socialist. Her deep convictions led her to join the National Socialist German Students' League.
In 1933 she obtained a job as assistant psychologist at the Institute for Occupational Research in Düsseldorf. But her real love was calling her and she got involved in the early BDM movement. The BDM was a logical creation -- a female version of the Hitler Youth.
In 1935 Rüdiger became the BDM leader in the Ruhr-Lower Rhine region. In November 1937 the needs of her people came to fruition and she became leader of the BDM.
She performed her duties admirably, shaping young women and the BDM to the needs of the nation. After the war American invaders arrested her and threw her into a dungeon, which she sat for two and a half years, without trial or charge. Later, she was able to resume her career in psychology, becoming a pediatric psychologist in Düsseldorf.
She never backed down from her beliefs and died at the age of ninety.
[Below: BDM leader patch, as seen on Dr. Jutta Rüdiger sleeve.]
[Below: A selection of BDM maidens...]
[Above: Das Deutsche Mädel was a monthly magazine for BDM girls, published between 1933-1942.]
[Above: Tending the graves of heroes.]
[Above: Young BDM girls greeting soldiers.]
[Above: Young BDM girls taking donations for The Winterhilfswerk des Deutschen Volkes, also known in its abbreviated form Winterhilfswerk or simply WHW (German Winter Relief Organization).]
[Above: BDM girls and their male counterparts attend a night bonfire event.]
[Above: The iron determination is in her eyes.]
[Above: A BDM girl's choir. Music was one of the many arts encouraged to children and young adults in the Third Reich.]
[Above: A young girl plays a recorder instrument.]
[Above: BDM girls looking beautiful in formal gowns.]
[Above: BDM girls helped with harvests and anywhere they were needed on farms throughout the Reich. For city girls, this connected them with a world they would have not known, and provided valuable experience.]
[Above: The Algiz or Elhaz rune patch seen on the girls jacket signifies medical training. The rune itself is known as the 'life rune'.]
[Above: A generation of proud, intelligent and spiritual human beings was reborn under National Socialism.]
[Above: Male and female youth united under Adolf Hitler and greater Europe!]
[Above: The swastika leads the way...]
[Above: Healthy families and loving, positive environments. National Socialism is the polar opposite of the dark, murderous system which rules the world today.]
[Above: Astronomer Dr. Margarete Güssow, 1941, Berlin.]
[Above: Modern estimates place the distance to the Epsilon Aurigae system at approximately 2,000 light years from Earth. Epsilon Aurigae is an odd eclipsing binary system comprised of a supergiant and a companion which is believed to be 'a huge dark disk orbiting an unknown object'.
This unknown companion object has been a matter of speculation and years of debate. Some have believed it to be a semitransparent star or a black hole, but it is generally believed to be 'a binary star system surrounded by a massive, opaque disk of dust'.]
Dr. Margarete Güssow was an extremely gifted woman, on February 21, 1938, the Reichsfrauenführerin Gertrud Scholtz-Klink petitioned the government on Güssow's behalf. She was described by Scholtz-Klink as an 'exceptional individual'.
Güssow's work was carefully examined and she was granted a coveted astronomy chair.
[Above: Here is an older picture of astronomer Dr. Margarete Güssow, 1918, Berlin.]
[Above: Eva Justin]
Justin first began her professional life as a nurse, but later went into a career which became her life's passion: anthropology. In the 1930s she served as assistant to the prominent psychologist Robert Ritter in the 'Rassenhygienische und Bevölkerungsbiologische Forschungsstelle' (Research Unit for Racial Hygiene and Population Biology) founded by Ritter in 1936 at the University of Tübingen.
Dr. Robert Ritter was a leader in his field who sought to determine the links between heredity and criminality. He found support and funding from the German Association for Scientific Research and was able to access police records for his work. In 1937 he began to interview all the Gypsies living in Germany. Around this time Eva Justin, amongst other experts, joined his project. Justin was a perfect person to help because she was fluent in Romani, which helped earn the trust of the Roma and Sinti people.
[Above: Eva Justin doing field work in a Gypsy camp, she is measuring a woman's head as part of a survey of the racial characteristics of Gypsies. Landau, Germany, 1938. Click to see more photos of this series!]
Ritter and Justin traveled to Gypsy encampments all over Germany. Ritter developed detailed genealogies and extensive family histories on the Gypsy population (he catalogued approximately 24,000 people). He sought to distinguish 'pure' Gypsies from those of 'mixed blood'. In 1940 he published a report of his research findings which concluded that 90 percent of the Gypsies native to Germany were 'of mixed blood.' These Gypsies were described as 'the products of matings with the German criminal asocial sub-proletariat.'
[Above: Eva Justin at a Sinti and Roma camp, 1936/1940.]
Eva Justin received her doctorate in anthropology in 1944 from the Mathematics-Science Faculty of Berlin University. Her doctoral dissertation was entitled 'Lebensschicksale artfremd erzogener Zigeunerkinder und ihrer Nachkommen' (The Life History of Alien-raised Gypsy Children and Their Descendants). This work, the culmination of years of field research and countless hours was based on her studies of half-Romani children who were raised in orphanages and foster homes without any contact with Romani culture. It sought to understand the question 'was the criminality of the gypsies innate?' Or was it something taught, or a learned behavior from Gypsy lifestyle? Dr. Ritter found the Gypsy people to be incapable of integration into German civilization. Justin came to the same conclusion. In the preface of her doctoral dissertation she explains that it is her hope that her study 'will serve as a basis for future race hygiene laws regulating such unworthy primitive elements.'
[Above: Eva Justin determines the eye color of a woman. Circa 1936/1940. Courtesy of the Bundesarchiv. Click to see more!]
After the war Justin found employment again with Dr. Ritter as a psychologist at the University of Tübingen, where Ritter taught criminal biology. Justin was also joined by Dr. Sophie Ehrhardt, who had joined the anthropology faculty at the University of Tübingen in 1942 and had been a part of their Gypsy studies. The data collected by the group was used extensively by Dr. Ehrhardt in her postwar research.
[Above: Dr. Robert Ritter at a blood collection, 1936/1940. Courtesy of the Bundesarchiv.]
Tragically Dr. Ritter died on April 15, 1951 from complications of high blood pressure. In the postwar insanity where the 'triumphant Allies' lashed out at anything and everything from the National Socialist period, Ritter's team was blamed for sharing responsibility in the 'holocaust'. Justin and Ehrhardt were investigated in 1958, but the investigation was closed in 1960.
In 1966 Eva Justin died from cancer in Offenbach am Main (a city in Hesse, Germany).
[Above: Irene Sänger-Bredt ]
In 1936 Bredt received her doctorate in natural science and wrote a thesis entitled 'X-rays from Rare Earths'. She found work at a rocket research facility called the Research Center for Aviation at Trauen, Germany. There she met her future husband Eugen, who she began her research work with as his assistant. She dedicated her work to field activities like the research of thermodynamic and gas kinetics problems related to liquid-propelled rockets.
[Above: Silbervogel (English: Silverbird) wind tunnel model. This prototype was a design for a rocket-powered sub-orbital bomber aircraft. This phenomenal design foreshadowed future development of winged spacecraft such as the X-20 Dyna-Soar of the 1960s and the Space Shuttle of the 1970s. Alas it was deemed too complicated and expensive to produce and never was built. Click to see more!]
Her work paid off and her intelligence, dedication and zeal were being noticed by those above her. In 1941 she became the head of the Physics Department and the following year became a First Assistant at the German Research Institute for Gliding Flight at Ainring (Bavaria). It is here that she tested and analyzed ramjet propulsion test flights. This technology is a form of an air breathing jet engine that utilizes the engine's forward motion to compress incoming air without an axial compressor.
[Above: Dr. Eugen Sänger confers with his future wife Irene Bredt in their research lab in Trauen, Germany]
During this time her future husband Eugen Sänger was working on a ramjet engine with a very high combustion chamber temperature. His tests used very large ramjet pipes which he used to carry out combustion tests on lorries and on a special test rig on a Dornier Do 17Z at flight speeds of up to 447 mph (720 km/h) traveling 656 feet (200 m) per second. When gasoline became nearly impossible to obtain toward the end of the war other means were found to continue their research. Like other teams of scientists and engineers during this desperate time in the Third Reich, Sänger and Bredt showed great ingenuity, carrying on their vital tests with blocks of pressed coal dust as a fuel. Even though such a fuel source proved to be unsuccessful, the data obtained was used in other areas of research.
[Above: A ramjet rocket is being tested on a Dornier Do 17Z. Click to see more!]
After the war Irene Bredt moved to Paris and found work there as a researcher for Arsenal de l'Aéronautique. She was also a consultant for MATRA in Paris Billancourt and the Institute of Technology in Madras, South India.
Finally in 1954 Irene married her long time companion and co-worker Eugen Sänger and gave birth to a son. This change also heralded their return to Germany, where Irene became Deputy Scientific Director of the Research Institute for the Physics of Jet Propulsion, a company founded by Eugen Sänger in Stuttgart.
[Above: Hermann Oberth (a founding father of rocketry and astronautics), Wernher von Braun (German scientist and head of NASA), Eugen Sänger, Irene Sänger-Bredt and Prof. Sedov (leading physicist of the Soviet Union)]
A trailblazer, in 1960 Irene Sänger-Bredt became one of the founding members of the International Academy of Astronautics, where she was the only woman.
In 1963 she became a consultant engineer on outer space for the companies Junkers and Bölkow (later Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm GmbH).
In 1970 the German Rocket Society awarded her the Hermann Oberth Gold Medal, for her numerous scientific achievements.
[Above: Irene Sänger-Bredt with colleagues]
Twenty years later, in 1983, Irene Sänger-Bredt died at her home in Stuttgart, Germany. Over her lifetime she published 88 (!) scientific papers.
Membership was purely voluntary and was open to girls from 17 to 21 years of age. The goal of Faith and Beauty was manifold. It strove to connect women on a deeper level to their community and people. It also taught important skills, which could be used as primers for further education and careers. But most importantly, it taught young women how to run a household and raise honorable children. It taught them how to be better human beings. Small wisdoms that are all but lost in the madness of this modern age.
[Above: Clementine zu Castell-Rudenhausen]
She came from a very pro-National Socialist family, her mother, brother and several others were party members. In fact, in May of 1933 many of them joined the NSDAP together, Clementine becoming member #3133869.
That same year she became leader of the BDM-Gau Unterfranken -- the next year, in November 1934, she became the leader of the BDM Obergaues francs.
In February 1938 all of her hard work and devotion paid off. Supported by Reich Youth Leader Baldur von Schirach she was appointed to the staff of the Reich Youth Leadership. This found her working directly under the leader of the BDM, Jutta Rüdiger, whom she became very good friends with.
[Above: Clementine in uniform]
In September 1939 Clementine retired from her duties with BDM and Faith and Beauty and was married. She was exalted for her 'selfless work' for helping to build Faith and Beauty. This didn't mean that she still wouldn't be active in working with the BDM however. She continued devoting herself to special tasks, such as the publication of the illustrated book 'Faith and Beauty' in 1940, with a foreword by Baldur von Schirach. She was also involved in the making of the Faith and Beauty film, which was done by Leni Riefenstahl's cameraman Hans Ertl.
[Above: A studio photo of Clementine]
Faith and Beauty reminded women that in their sleeping wombs laid the future of the world. That they were the captains of the ship of humanity. How they raised their future children would shape the future of not only their country, but their people and the world at large. It gave honor and pride back to motherhood. It put it on its rightful pedestal.
It also prepared the budding women of Faith and Beauty for successful relationships and marriage. It taught women that marriage was a mystical bond between a man and a women, that together they had the power to summon the spirits of tomorrow.
Of course today these simple, yet profound wisdoms have been lost, ridiculed, debased and ignored. In the land of the 'great' victors, America, over half of marriages end in divorce. Births out of wedlock are commonplace. Teenage pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases and all manner of aberrant behaviors are widespread and even celebrated.
[Above: Message for the invading Allied soldiers written on a burned out wall by the Germans: 'We fight for the future of our children'.]
Clearly, the victory of the Allies was a defeat for their peoples. Their bloody and astonishingly violent victory did not mean that they fought on the side of right. Their systems have grossly failed in every imaginable way. They are self-destructing.
In the last days of freedom in Germany they used to say 'Enjoy the war while you can - the peace will be terrible'.
[Above: 'Kapitulieren? Nein' = 'Capitulate? No.' Interestingly the National Socialist government NEVER formally or officially surrendered, only the military.]
[Above: Another message for the Allied invader: 'Long live the Führer! Long live Deutschland!']
[Above: Berlin, April 20, 1944. A defiant banner in the ruins. A message of love, from the people to Adolf Hitler: 'We greet the first worker of Germany: Adolf Hitler!']
I often wonder what the average American soldier would think if he could see what his 'victory' had bought his grandchildren and the future of his country. Certainly he would not recognize the culture and society he had fought and died for. It is a world which nurses greed and hedonism. A dark place where the cherished womb of Faith and Beauty has become a basket of spiders.
[Above: A stark and prophetic message for the Allies: 'Victory or chaos']
[Above: A favorite defiant saying in Germany during those dark days was 'Unsere Mauern brachen, aber unsere Herzen nicht' meaning 'Our walls may break, but never our hearts!' ]
[Above: Lastly, many Italians faced the Allied destroyer with vigilance and stern resistance. Allied bombs destroyed many Italian cultural treasures, one of which was Monte Cassino. Here is an Italian message to the invading Allies: 'Opera dei Liberatori' = 'Work of the Liberators!' Rome, 1944. Courtesy of the Bundesarchiv.]
While Faith and Beauty strengthened the mind with knowledge and the spirit with wisdom, it also encouraged healthy bodies. Exercise routines and healthy eating were glorified and made habit. Another stark contrast to today's eating habits. Obesity rates in the U.S. have more than doubled in adults and children since the 1970s. Statistics also say that 68.5% of adults are overweight and 34.9% are obese. And it's no better in the UK, where 67% of men and 57% of women are either overweight or obese. A study done using data from 1980 to 2013 found that the number of overweight and obese people on the planet had exploded in the past three decades. Approximately 2.1 billion people are overweight or obese, that's almost 30% of the population of the planet!
The empty, consumer culture of the victorious Allies tore a hole in the soul of mankind leaving a listless restlessness. A void in his soul which he tries to fill endlessly with fatty foods and sugary drinks, drugs and alcohol, material goods, sports and entertainment of all kinds. But, alas, he fails. The hole in man's soul cannot be filled with more things. Indeed, all of the mountains of junk being produced today in China could not fill a single man's empty soul.
Adolf Hitler and millions of other men and women tried to teach us that before and during the Second World War. International finance momentarily silenced their voices. Well that and the 3.4 million tons of bombs dropped by the Allies between 1939-1945!
[Above: A young girl wearing official sportswear. Note the Hitler Youth diamond on her chest.]
[Above: Gymnastics utilizing balls and rings were an integral part of the Faith and Beauty exercise routines.]
[Above: Aesthetics and symbolism were an important part of the routines.]
'The body expresses our very being. The striving for beauty is inborn among the Aryan.'
-Baldur von Schirach, speaking to BDM girls.
(German Bodies: Race and Representation After Hitler, page 47, by Uli Linke, 1999)
Family fitness and gymnastics for children were even a part of regular programming on the world's first television network in Germany. The health of the nation was something Adolf Hitler took very seriously.
In the late 1930s Baldur von Schirach and Gertrud Scholtz-Klink both made separate trips to England where they attended exhibitions of the English 'League for Health and Beauty'. This English organization strongly resembled the fitness routines of Faith and Beauty. It boasted over 200,000 members (Faith and Beauty had about 400,000 members!) and was led by Lady Douglas-Hamilton, better known as Prunella Stack. How much the two influenced one another is merely speculation.
[Above: Here is an example of a German woman prior to Faith and Beauty. The style is very similar. This postcard is entitled 'Schönheit der Gymnastik - Der Schöne Schwung' or 'Beauty of Gymnastics - The Beautiful Swing'.]
[Above: And another example. This postcard is entitled 'Lebensfreude' = 'Zest for Life']
'The task of our Girls League is to bring up our girls as torch bearers of the national-socialist world. We need girls who are at harmony between their bodies, souls and spirits. And we need girls who, through healthy bodies and balanced minds, embody the beauty of divine creation. We want to bring up girls who believe in Germany and our leader, and who will pass these beliefs on to their future children.'
-Dr Jutta Rüdiger, leader of the League of German Girls, 1937.
After the war began, Faith and Beauty was transformed to better serve the war effort. New groups were forged where girls served in the Air Defense Service (Luftschutz), radio operators (Nachrichtenwesen) -- where women utilized radios of all kinds across civilian and military networks, and even were Morse code operators. Faith and Beauty work groups also involved hospital service, train and tram operators and railroad operations, mail service, teachers, child care, helping with harvesting and other agricultural work, charity work, and general help wherever it was needed. They provided vital functions everywhere.
'I do not wish to live in a Germany without an Adolf Hitler. It would not be fit to live in for a true German.'
-Eva Braun-Hitler, in the last days
[Above: A 19 year old Eva Anna Paula Braun (February 6, 1912 - April 30, 1945). This photo is said to be Adolf Hitler's favorite.]
'The Nurse of National Socialism'
' If Germany perishes, then shall the earth tremble.'
-Sister Pia
[Above: Eleonore Baur (September 7, 1885 – May 18, 1981)]
After being chewed up and spit out by the Allies, she was eventually released due to poor health and retired to a small village near Munich. She remained a die hard loyal believer in Adolf Hitler and National Socialism.
As bold as she was dedicated, she once stated 'There is only one Frederick the Great, there is only one Adolf Hitler, and there is only one Sister Pia.'
The fire inside Sister Pia burned brighter than most. She died at the age of 95.
'First Mother of the Reich'
'Love is meant for husbands, but my love for Hitler is stronger, I would give my life for it.'
-Magda Goebbels, (Guido Knopp, 'Hitler's Women')
'a brilliant woman, on a far higher level than most people'
-Magda described by Adolf Hitler's personal nurse, Erna Flegel.
[Above: Johanna Maria Magdalena "Magda" Goebbels (November 11, 1901 – May 1, 1945)]
[Above: Gertrud Scholtz-Klink (February 9, 1902 – March 24, 1999)]
She was interviewed in 1987 by Claudia Koonz who wrote:
'…this was not an ex-Nazi. She remained as much a Nazi now as she had been in 1945 or 1933.'
Scholtz-Klink remembered:
'If you could have seen the women of Berlin defending their city with their lives against the Russians, then you would believe how deeply German women loved our Führer.'
In 1936 she gave a speech where she said:
'The National Socialist movement sees the man and the woman as equal bearers of Germany's future.
It asks, however, for more than in the past: that each should first completely accomplish the tasks that are appropriate to his or her nature.'
'I still count our meetings with Adolf Hitler as highlights in my life. For us he was a leader who dedicated, and sacrificed, himself for his people, one who eminently fulfilled his life's mission. He united his countrymen, of all classes and stations, from the aristocracy to the farmers and laborers, as had no man before him. His soldiers fought heroically to the last, particularly the men of the Waffen SS, not only Germans but from across Europe. Like my beloved brother, who died in combat in the ranks of the SS, and my husband, I think of Adolf Hitler as the first European.'
– Florentine Rost van Tonningen
[Above: Florentine Rost van Tonningen (November 14, 1914 – March 24, 2007).]
View a selection of autographed books and pictures by Florentine van Tonningen - H E R E -
[Above: Inga Ley, sometimes spelled 'Inge'.
This picture shows her in the glow of Adolf Hitler, whose back is facing the camera.]
Inga was the daughter of two acclaimed opera singers, Max Spilcker and his wife Lory Spilcker. As a young child she received singing lessons with her younger sister Gitly. She was a natural singer with a fine mezzo-soprano voice (mezzo-soprano is a type of classical female singing voice whose vocal range lies between the soprano and the contralto voice types). Later in life she found herself performing in illustrious theaters like the Friedrichstadtpalast, where in 1935 she met her future husband Robert Ley. The two fell in love and three years later, on August 20, 1938 the two married. This marriage produced three children: Lore (October 25, 1938), Wolf ( May 14, 1940) and Gloria ( June 27, 1941).
[Above: Inga holding Lore while a proud father beams with pride.]
Robert and Inga Ley were good friends with Adolf Hitler and were often guests at high profile events. The other-worldly beauty of Inga attracted many admirers, she seemed blessed with a multitude of god-given gifts; a soul-stirring voice, a gifted author of children's books, angelic looks and the wife of the famed Old Fighter Robert Ley. But unfortunately not all was as it appeared. Beneath this veneer was a painful condition which affected her internal organs.
[Above: Max Amann, far left front, Robert Ley, front-right, Inge Ley, back-left.]
But being more than just a pretty face, and being a fighter herself, she continued on. Eventually the pain grew more intense and the doctors prescribed her morphine in 1938.
In March 1941, while five months pregnant with Gloria, a serious accident occurred. While riding through the country enjoying the scenery on a coach, a train whistle spooked the horses. Inga was thrown from the coach and had to be flown to a hospital in Berlin. Luckily the child survived the accident, although she was born prematurely in the eighth month. The dark incident seemed to be a catalyst to Inga's postpartum depression.
The couple owned a farm in Waldbröl near Gummersbach (a town in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia). Inga found herself wrapped in its isolation more and more, away from the culture and her friends in Berlin. With her constant health issues and long separations from her husband her mood grew dark and depressed. Her husband headed the German Labor Front, the largest organization in Germany, which required much of his time, especially in the demanding war years.
[Above: A stunning mural inside the Ley house by artist Walther Hoeck (1885–1956). Click picture for more!]
Inga did what she could to pass the time positively, however. She practiced her singing voice, attended the theater when she was able, and even helped with functions for wounded soldiers.
But alas, her pain eventually overtook her. When she couldn't bear the agonies of her tortured life any longer she took a pistol, which her husband had recently given her for protection, and ended her pain forever.
Inga's death was a lance through her husband's heart. He was tormented by his lost love until the day he died. Even Adolf Hitler, who was a friend of Inga, was said to have been deeply troubled by her passing and even wrote her mother a letter of condolence. Unfortunately not much more is known about the enigmatic Inga Ley. She continues to fascinate many to this day with her immense beauty and sad eyes. Hopefully some day more information will be found.
[Above: Inga and Robert in better days.]
The link below will take you to a remarkable written work by Inga's husband Robert Ley. It was written as he waited to be murdered by the bloodthirsty Allies. It shows the timeless love he held for her. He imagined her with him, in his final, terrible moments.
[Above: Winifred Wagner.]
[Above: The Master, Richard Wagner.]
Winifred was born in Hastings, England. At the young age of two she lost both of her parents, John Williams and Emily Florence Williams (her maiden name was Karop). After eight years of being shuffled from home to home, Winifred was adopted by a distant German relative of her mother. Her adoptive parents Henrietta Karop and Karl Klindworth took little Winifred to their home in Germany. After all of Winifred's bad luck, finally some light began to shine on her. A strange and fascinating destiny was hers.
[Above: A young Winifred Wagner.]
Winifred's adoptive father, Karl, was a musician and a friend to one of the greatest composers of all time, Richard Wagner. Winifred ended up marrying Wagner's son, Siegfried. They had four children together.
[Above: Winifred Wagner and family.]
Being the daughter-in-law of Richard Wagner brought great luck to Winifred, she even met Adolf Hitler in 1923. Adolf Hitler was a great admirer of Wagner's music and often went to the Bayreuth festival, a yearly festival showcasing Wagner's music. Winifred's husband was the director of the festival at the time and it wasn't long before Winifred became good friends with Adolf Hitler himself. She even sent him gifts of food and stationary during his time of imprisonment after the Munich Beer Hall Putsch. Additionally, she was also Hitler's English translator during peace negotiations with Britain.
[Above: A spectacular autographed postcard showing Winifred and her daughter Verena Wagner with Adolf Hitler.]
Winifred Wagner never regretted her twenty year friendship with Adolf Hitler, even after all the propaganda by the Allies attempting to demonize him. She knew better, she had been blessed to be in his circle of close friends.
In a 1975 interview she said, 'To have met him is an experience I would not have missed.' Her love for Adolf Hitler was unfettered by their propaganda.
[Above: Winifred Wagner. Note the picture of Adolf Hitler on her desk.]
When Winifred's husband died in 1930 Winifred took over as the director of the Bayreuth Festival. She was stripped as director by the Allies in their 'denazification' court after the war. She became involved in politics and was a friend to many postwar National Socialists in Germany and around the world.
[Above: Winifred Wagner.]
At the age of 82 Winifred Wagner died in Überlingen, Germany on March 5, 1980. She was interred at Beyreuth, Germany.
[Above: Gerdy Troost. Click to see full image.]
Gerdy's father was an art dealer and she worked for her father's business after completing her education. It was there that she met the man she would marry. In 1925 Gerdy and Paul Ludwig Troost married in Munich.
[Above: The architect Paul Ludwig Troost with Adolf Hitler before a model of the Haus der Deutschen Kunst (House of German Art) in Münich, 1933. ]
Paul was a favorite architect of Adolf Hitler and through him Gerdy became acquainted with the Führer. She saw that Adolf Hitler's vision of Germany was the best way for Germany to heal from the terrors of WWI and the crippling usury from centuries past. She joined the National Socialist German Worker's Party in 1932.
Sadly, after a long illness, Paul Ludwig Troost died in 1934. Gerdy kept his work alive, and ran his business with his former business partner.
[Above: Adolf Hitler paying honors at the grave of Paul Ludwig Troost .]
Gerdy went on to supervise the construction of Haus der Deutschen Kunst (House of German Art), the Ehrentempels (Honor Temples -- the two temples built to house the sixteen martyrs of National Socialism at the Beer Hall Putsch) and the remodeling of the Königsplatz (King's Square, a square in Munich).
[Above: Gerdy Troost with a group of important figures, including Adolf Hitler, at the Great German Art Exhibition in the House of German Art on the Day of German Art, July 16, 1939.
Among those present in the picture are Joseph Goebbels, Konstantin von Neurath, the Italian consul Dino Alfieri, Eugen von Schobert, Heinrich Himmler, Martin Bormann and many others. This series of photos was taken by Heinrich Hoffmann.
Click on the image to see related images from this occasion.]
Gerdy also served as interior decorator for Hitler's apartment in Munich and his Berghof residence on the Obersalzberg near Berchtesgaden. Adolf Hitler had immense respect for her opinion and she often accompanied him to art exhibitions in Munich. She remained an architectural advisor to Adolf Hitler right up until the end of the war. In 1938 she published a two-volume work on German architecture entitled 'Das Bauen in neuen Reich' (Architecture in the new Reich).
[Above: Adolf Hitler and Gerdy Troost admiring the works of Arno Breker.]
After the war, the foolishness of the Allies' 'denazification' program showed its colors and Gerdy was classified as 'Minderbelastete' which means 'less responsible'. Her classification got her sentenced to a ridiculous 10 year 'Berufsverbot' (professional ban) and a fine of 500 DM.
[Above: One of Gerdy's many beautiful accomplishments she supervised, the House of German Art, which was designed by her late husband. Courtesy of the Bundesarchiv.
Click the image to see more of Gerdy's works.]
Gerhardine Troost died at age 93 on January 30, 2003 in Bad Reichenhall, Germany. She was buried beside her husband Paul Troost on the North Cemetery of Munich.
[Above: Leni Riefenstahl (August 22, 1902 – September 8, 2003)]
[Above: A poster advertising Leni's groundbreaking film 'Triumph of the Will'.]
[Above: Francoise Dior (April 7, 1932 – January 20, 1993).]
[Above: Francoise Dior and the great Colin Jordan.]
Controversy still surrounds Francoise Dior to this day, being that she was the niece of French fashion designer Christian Dior. During her extremely colorful life she was friends with many famous National Socialists, including Savitri Devi. In 1966 she was imprisoned in Nice for four months for posting swastika leaflets on the walls of the British embassy. In April of 1967 she was also arrested in Britain and sent to Holloway prison after being charged with arson against London synagogues in 1965.
[Above: Vera Oredsson. Click to see full image with her husband Göran.]
Vera's father was a German and a member of the SA (Sturmabteilung = Storm Detachment or Assault Division, the paramilitary wing of the NSDAP) in National Socialist Germany and her mother was Swedish. Vera and her brother were blessed to have lived in the glory years of freedom in Germany. Vera was a member of the Bund Deutscher Mädel (League of German Girls), a kind of Hitler Youth for girls.
In the terrible days in April of 1945, when the world sank into the darkness of victorious international finance, the pitiful invisible tyranny that had cost the world over fifty million lives, the Swedish government began to extract Scandinavians and others from the war zone of Germany. They painted their buses white with a red cross on top and became known to history as the 'white buses'. The Swedish Count Folke Bernadotte led the 'white bus' operation. Scandinavian prisoners of war were the first priority but Scandinavian wives of Germans and their children could go too. This is how Vera got to Sweden as a child. Five years later she married Sven Olof Knutsson Lindholm, a prominent National Socialist in Sweden.
[Above: Vera Oredsson with comrades.]
Vera joined the Nordic Reich Party (NRP) in 1960, a National Socialist party founded in 1956 by Göran Assar Oredsson, originally called Sweden's National Socialist League of Struggle. She had divorced her first husband and in 1962 she married Göran Assar Oredsson and also became the secretary for the NRP that same year.
The years passed and Vera and the NRP continued to tell a deaf world the truth. Telling the truth in a prison world is dangerous, however.
'In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act.'
- George Orwell
In 1973 Vera was prosecuted for violating the law on political uniforms after she and other party members wore armbands with the swastika. The Varberg District Court acquitted them as they were worn on private land. Vera remained a defiant and fervent soldier of truth, and even became the party leader for a few years from 1975-1978. This made Vera the world's first ever female leader of a National Socialist party! Göran trusted her to lead the party while he took these years off to write his memoirs.
[Above: Vera showing her allegiance.]
In 2009 Vera's husband Göran announced that the NRP would cease and sadly passed away in 2010 of bone cancer. He and Vera spent 50 years of their lives as leading National Socialists, their dedication never wavering. Even to this day Vera is proud to say that she is still a National Socialist. In an interview with the Swedish newspaper ETC in 2014 Vera said:
'I am a National Socialist to the grave.'
A portrait of Adolf Hitler hangs on her bedroom wall in her apartment. As a child there was a portrait of the Führer on her wall in Berlin as bombs fell all around them. Vera says in the interview:
'When the bombs fell over the apartment it was the Führer that held up the wall so that they passed over us. With him on the wall I feel safe.'
Vera is now 87 years old and adamantly states that if she ever claims that she is no longer a National Socialist then you will know that she has gone senile.
[Above: Vera standing before a picture of Adolf Hitler.]
[Above: Vera released a book on February 21, 2016. It contains 146 pages and is the story of her life up until the end of the war (1928-1945). In 2018 an English version was released (right).]
[Above: Vera Oredsson's autograph.]
[Above: Adolf Hitler with Helene and Edwin Bechstein (I'm unsure of the dog's name!).]
But none of this is why Helene is on this blessed page of great women. So why is this aged socialite important to us? Well, Helene saw in Adolf Hitler early on something great. She met him through the legendary Dietrich Eckart in 1921. She would actually regularly visit him in prison (after the Beer Hall Putsch) and tell the prison that he was her adopted son! She even wished for him to marry her daughter Lotte.
When the Führer was released from prison Helene became his tutor of sorts. She taught him the ways of high society and how to best talk to wealthy would-be supporters. In order to win Germany, Adolf Hitler and National Socialism needed funds and Helene's lessons in etiquette were no doubt invaluable.
[Above: A poster for Bechstein's world class pianos.]
Additionally, Helene introduced him to German high society. The two became close friends, Helene no doubt saw what we and so many others saw in Adolf Hitler. To help the party's image, she bought Adolf Hitler a new Mercedes, costing 26,000 Reichsmarks!
She had a special name for him, affectionately calling him 'Wölfchen' (little wolf), informing him that she would have liked to have him as her son. According to the book 'Wo einst Bechstein klimperte' [Von Daniel Haufler, 1996] Adolf Hitler in turn gifted her with an original manuscript of Mein Kampf! As their friendship grew Helene and her husband both publicaly funded Adolf Hitler, among other things helping to fund the party newspaper Völkischer Beobachter.
In 1934, a year after coming into power, Adolf Hitler awarded Helene the coveted Golden Party Badge.
After WWII the American invaders actually stole her shares in the C. Bechstein piano company. They took control of the company and banned the company from making pianos until 1948. Helene herself was thrown into a concentration camps and sentenced to hard labor! She was almost seventy years old! They also stole 30% of her assets for being a 'Nazi collaborator'. She died in 1951.
[Above: Adolf Hitler at the funeral of Edwin Bechstein in 1934.]
[Above: Helene Bechstein's autograph.]
'If women in politics were instinct and élan, they were also constancy. He [Hitler] was delighted to see women by the thousands attended his meetings.
Once they are over, he laughingly explained, the men scatter into the nearby cafés, and the effect of the speech grows blurred;
but if the wife is there and immediately takes her husband home, the meeting is recreated between the two of them. It doesn't take flight; it becomes anchored!
Thus, for Hitler, women were not just the grace, the wonder, the gift of beauty of the gods; they were the foundation of National Socialism in family life.
The mother inculcated the faith. The daughter gave it drive. The illumination they had experienced made them radiant transmitters of the most effective propaganda.
Women, who had been shunted aside from politics up to then, would quickly become an essential element of National Socialism,
giving it a quality of romanticism, so important to German sensibilities, and an expansive force more mysterious and much more subtle and lasting than that given by men.
This understanding on Hitler's part of the feminine genius was also something new in the Germany of 1921.
Millions of women year after year would gather in masses behind Hitler with their passion, their gifts, their bewitching and infectious dynamism.
They would be the first feminine shock force in the modern political world. Hitler, in espousing Germany, his only true love, has espoused all of them.'
-Léon Degrelle, Hitler Democrat, (c)2012 The Barnes Review, page 161
[Above: Sun, surf and swastika, a woman enjoys a day at the beach.]
[Above: This group of women are aboard the MV Wilhelm Gustloff cruise ship, which was built for the Strength Through Joy (KdF) program, 1938.]
[Above: The MV Wilhelm Gustloff was constructed as a cruise ship for the Strength Through Joy organization in 1937.]
[Above: Strength Through Joy symbol.]
[Above: Strength Through Joy.]
National Socialist Germany encouraged women to be the best they could be. It protected and nurtured her, and ultimately set her free.
[Above: Woman. Beautiful, idealistic, loving and caring. Wise by nature. Naturally endowed with insight and intuition.]
[Above: In the right environment she thrives, bringing inspiration to men and healing tattered souls.]
[Above: A music display at an exhibition which opened in Berlin on August 19, 1932 promoting the gramophone industry. Note the swastika is made up of records!]
[Above: Wow, simply beautiful.]
[Above: Woman: equal to man, but different. Unique strengths and weaknesses, but united with men under National Socialism a perfect union is born.]
[Above: Happiness. An entire nation free from the global bondage that grips the world to this day.]
[Above: A couple of beautiful girls with an SS man in the background.]
[Above: Salute the sun!]
[Above: The celebration of life.]
In the early years the NSFK conducted military aviation training in gliders and private airplanes. The NSFK existed in harmony with the Luftwaffe, albeit on a smaller scale.
[Above: The administration leader of the NSFK speaks at a meeting on the Borkenberge airfield.]
Germans began flying gliders from the Wasserkuppe mountain as early as 1911. After the Treaty of Versailles in 1918 interest in gliding skyrocketed. Starting in 1920 annual gliding competitions were held and numerous records were set and broken for height, distance and duration.
Nearly all important German aeronautical engineers and test pilots during the 1920s and 1930s spent time building, testing, and flying aircraft at the Wasserkuppe.
There were a number of women who not only participated, but became experts in the field of aviation. Many of these women went on to serve Germany in WWII by working for the Luftwaffe. They performed a variety of important and often dangerous work. Test flights, ferry piloting aircraft to the frontlines, pilot visibility tests, bombing accuracy runs, trimming/cutting the wires of barrage balloons (cutting the cables of barrage balloons with tools attached to the wingtips of planes), mechanical repair work, flight tutoring, and on and on.
At the onset of WWII in September 1939 there were about eighty women who possessed sports pilot's licenses in Germany and another 1,000 women who were glider pilots. Many of these skilled women found places in the Luftwaffe, which was the largest employer of females of all three branches of the military. Some 130,000 females were employed in non-flying positions as female Luftwaffe assistance specialists (Luftwaffehelferinnen).
Very late in the war the Luftwaffe adopted new guidelines on the recruiting of females. The Luftwaffe planned to recruit around 150,000 women to replace 112,000 of the Luftwaffe's enlisted men. These men would then be freed up for the defense of the Reich. In March 1945 fifty percent of aircraft mechanics and thirty percent of the air engine mechanics were to be replaced by females.
[Above: NSFK poster.]
Women had proved themselves to be more than capable, taking on male roles all throughout the Luftwaffe. As times grew dark and desperate, Germany struggled to defend itself. On March 1, 1944 the Fighter Staff (Jägerstab) program was born. It was to produce between 1,000 and 4,000 fighters per month, with lofty goals of increasing production to nearly 10,000 aircraft a month. The 'People's Air Militia' (Volkssturm der Lüfte) was created. This group sought to train young Hitler Youth boys (Flieger-HJ) to pilot 'last ditch', but often revolutionary planes. Aircraft like the beautiful Me 163 B (Messerschmitt Me 163 Komet), the parasite aircraft Me 328 (Messerschmitt Me 328),the manned version of the Fieseler Fi 103 (V1 Reichenberg) and the Heinkel He 162 People's Hunter (Volksjäger), a jet plane which used a plywood fuselage!
These 'last ditch' aircraft were astonishingly imaginative and years ahead of anything the Allies had. But many of them were untested and were practically in prototype stages. That's where women like Hanna Reitsch came in. Hanna helped work the kinks out of the V1 Reichenberg, nearly killing herself in the process.
As the war progressed into desperate darkness women were given more and more responsibilities. Adolf Hitler wanted to protect women from the horrors of war, but alas the gory hand of death reached into the women's world. It became her duty to fill roles which weren't designed for her. She traded her colorful apron for a field grey uniform. Whatever was asked, she would do.
Women were trained in aviation, aerodynamics, navigation, meteorology, reading and handling of instruments, air traffic law, communications, splicing, welding and wood and metal processing. Their male comrades welcomed them without discrimination of any kind. Marga H., who attended one of the last training classes for female gliding instructors, said:
'We were fully accepted and nobody tried to stop us in any way.'
[Above: NSFK 'Deutsch Luftwacht Ausgabe Modellflug' (German Air Patrol Model Airplane edition) magazine, October 1942. Click to see more.]
'You are a very brave woman. There is still loyalty and courage in the world.'
-Adolf Hitler speaking to Hanna Reitsch in the final days.
[Above: Hanna Reitsch (March 29, 1912 – August 24, 1979)]
'I am not ashamed to say I believed in National Socialism. I still wear the Iron Cross with Diamonds Hitler gave me. But today in all Germany you can't find a single person who voted Adolf Hitler into power... many Germans feel guilty about the war. But they don't explain the real guilt we share - that we lost.'
-Hanna Reitsch, in a 1970s interview with Ron Laytner
[Above: Hanna Reitsch was the queen of the German sky. As brave and true as any soldier who fought for the Reich. She was an ideal made flesh.]
'These test flights fulfilled me and thrilled me spiritually like almost no other task before, because I knew that I flew every test for the lives of my comrades who did their duty.'
-Hanna Reitsch
[Above: Hanna Reitsch.]
[Above: Hanna Reitsch.]
'Here for the first time I was given a task which had been an exclusively male privilege. Even when this task only temporarily had the character of soldiership it seemed to me a patriotic obligation the weight and responsibility of which meant more to me than any honor or rank could have.'
-Hanna Reitsch
[Above: Eva Schmidt (1914–1945), German pilot and gliding expert. She is pictured here with her glider at Camphill airfield, England, for an Anglo-German gliding meeting. Camphill airfield is an all grass hilltop gliding airfield still in use today. Modern gliders are usually launched by winching, but there are various other methods used.]
[Above: Eva Schimdt with Flight Lieutenant Murray at Camphill.]
[Above: Minimoa Mo 2A Two Seater launching at the Rhön (mountains) Competition in 1937. The Wasserkuppe is a mountain in the German state of Hesse. The elevation is 3,120 ft, the highest peak in the Rhön Mountains. During WWI and WWII huge advances in sailplane development occurred on the mountain during the interwar period. The airfield still exists today and is utilized by gliding clubs, among others.]
Marie-Luise Müller-Maar (1911-2001) was one of the graduates of the first women's NSFK (National Socialist Flyers Corps) class at the Wasserkuppe (the highest peak in the Rhön Mountains, where nearly all German aeronautical engineers and test pilots of note during the 1920s and 1930s built, tested and flew aircraft). When the war grounded most civilian aircraft she was quick to join the Luftwaffe because she missed flying and her old gliding friends. After she joined up, Marie-Luise described her experience at the gliding school as:
'...there was one principal, one flight instructor, two of us from the Wasserkuppe group and furthermore two girls in the kitchen and about forty-five flight students between the ages of 14 and 17. The boys were all nice and enthusiastic about flying. We rose early, did early morning exercise, ate breakfast and then went up the hill. The planes were pushed out of the hangar and started. Singing, we marched down the hill for lunch, one hour of rest and then up the hill again until dinner. Each had a group of about fifteen boys, and the comradeship was excellent. After dinner, we had an hour of theory, and then there was some written homework to do, until we went to bed early ...'
[Marie-Luise Müller-Maar, from her unpublished autobiography 'Mein Fliegerleben im Telegrammstil', page 10]
[Above: Gravestone of Marie-Luise Müller-Maar, at Friedhof Hottenrode (Niedergandern, Friedland)]
[Above: Liesel Bach (June 14, 1905 - January 22, 1992) , 1932. Bach was a German aerobatic pilot and flight instructor before the war. She holds the historical honor of being the first woman to fly over Mount Everest. In March 1932 she supported Adolf Hitler during his 1932 presidential election bid by flying a plane pulling an advertisement for his election. The banner held the words 'Choose Hitler'! During WWII she worked for the Luftwaffe with an air transport squadron. Her duty was transferring aircraft from manufacturing plants to airfields and bases. She later remarked that she would rather risk dangerous missions as a pilot than to wait around passively through the many air raids on German cities.]
'Our flights towards the end of the war, mainly in western Germany, were almost always suicide missions. [...] It is true that my plane was armed for cases of emergency. But it wasn't our task to shoot and to get into air battles. We had to deliver the airplanes safe and sound and to avoid any contact with the enemy. Most of the time I accomplished this by flying my plane at low altitude above the trees. And when I saw an enemy plane I disappeared in the next tree line.'
-Liesel Bach
[Above: Liesel Bach after winning the 1934 International Feminine Cup in her Klemm monoplane.]
'The most important thing was that we were able to fly, and [that] we were allowed to continue flying during the war. As far as flights to the frontlines were concerned we were allowed to make our own decisions. All opportunities were opened up to us.'
-Liesel Bach
[Above: Beate Uhse-Rotermund (October 25, 1919 - July 16, 2001) in Luftwaffe flight uniform. Beate was a stunt pilot who later joined the Luftwaffe during WWII. In October of 1944, Beate was made a captain and was in charge of the Überführungsgeschwader 1 (Ferry Squadron 1) based in Berlin-Staaken. She and her squadron delivered aircraft from factories to the front. She made over 1,000 flights in Messerschmitt 109s! She even flew Germany's newest marvel, the Messerschmitt Me 262 jet.]
[Above: Beate Uhse-Rotermund in leather Luftwaffe overcoat.]
[Above: Vera von Bissing (October 23, 1906 - June 15, 2002) was a German aerobatic pilot. In 1936 she piloted a Messerschmitt M35 at the World Aerobatic Championships' Olympic Celebration Competition. This competition was held in Berlin simultaneously with the 1936 Olympic Games. Additionally, she entered the women's event of the competition and won. Every event she competed in delighted and impressed the judges and spectators. In 1939 at an air show in Eastbourne, England, her execution of loops and half-rolls were described as 'gems of precision'. During WW2 she was the head of a regional repair yard of the National Socialist Flyers Corps Group 6, located in Eschwege, with approximately 100 planes. Her extensive work involved test-flying newly repaired planes, supplying engineering inventory for the yard, checking and issuing parachutes and overseeing a ferrying center whose job it was to ferry aircraft from factories to the front. For this dangerous job she commanded 100 ferry pilots to and from the front. This left her in charge of 100 men. Her group ferried over 1,000 planes without a single accident. Her dedication didn't go unnoticed and in 1944 she earned the War Merit Cross.]
[Above: Vera flying the BFW M.35, sometimes known as the Messerschmitt M 35.]
[Above: Lieselotte Georgi (left) during aerobatics training with flight instructor Hans-Jurgen Uhse in summer 1939]
[Above: Anneliese Lieben-Höppner, 1943]
The fleet under Anneliese's care consisted of at least thirty-five planes of nine different models (Heinkel He 111, Junkers Ju 86, Dornier Do 17, Focke-Wulf Fw 58, Focke-Wulf Fw 190, Messerschmitt Bf 108, Klemm Kl 35, Junkers W 34 and Avia B 71).
The officer in charge stated that Anneliese Lieben-Höppner had 'many years of experience in flying and can put all her experiences to use as the head of maintenance...'
In fact she was very well-known in the years before the war as a famous aerobatics pilot. Eventually Anneliese left her leadership of the Luftdienstkommando 1/6 and got married.
"The Flying Fräulein"
[Above: Thea Rasche]
In 1927 she flew to the United States, the first of a series of trips, where she would take part in various competitions. Later she flew from Berlin to Paris and also to London. After another trip to the USA she returned to Germany and in 1932 became the first woman in her country to be awarded a seaplane license.
Lack of funds grounded her career as an aviator and in 1933 she got a job as the editor of the magazine Flug-Illustrierten ('Flight Magazine'). Two years later she became a freelance journalist.
Thea Rasche joined the National Socialist party in 1933 and became a member of the National Socialist Flyers Corps as well. In 1945 she was trained as a nurse in Berlin. She clearly made herself available to help her people and country any way she could. After the war the Allies made her stand before the Denazification Tribunal in Berlin in May 1947, but nothing became of it and she was released.
For some years after the war she lived in the United States but in 1953 she returned to Germany. She passed away in Rüttenscheid, Essen. Despite her being an 'evil Nazi' the people of Germany have named various streets after her: Thea-Rasche-Straße in Frankfurt, Thea-Rasche-Weg in Freudenstadt, and Thea-Rasche-Zeile in Berlin, close to Gatow Airport.
[Above: Thea Rasche - note the swastika on her aircraft]
[Above: Lisl Schwab in front of a Junkers W 34]
In the early 1930s she was able to buy her own plane. It was a small two-seater she nicknamed 'Schnattergans'. In January 1932 she asked Rudolf Hess himself if she could help do propaganda work for the National Socialist party. By the next year she was flying with banners carrying the NSDAP message and dropping leaflets from planes.
On May 25, 1932 Lisl Schwab participated in a large attraction in front of thousands of spectators. She did a parachute jump from 800 meters, which the crowds loved. She was cheered and adored.
That summer, in August 1932 she joined the National Socialist party. She was a true believer, she knew Adolf Hitler and his party were the saviors of not only Germany, but the world. The 2007 German book 'Schneidige deutsche Mädel' by Evelyn Zegenhagen says that Lisl Schwab was not just an opportunist who had joined the party to advance her career, but was a committed National Socialist. On the wings of her plane she had an advertisement for the 'Der Stürmer' newspaper of Julius Streicher!
[Above: Der Stürmer was a weekly newspaper published by Julius Streicher from 1923 to the end of the war.
On the bottom of the newspaper it says: 'Die Juden sind unser Unglück!' which means 'The Jews are our misfortune!']
[Above: Here is art from a May 1937 issue of Der Stürmer. It says at the top 'Lies and Truth' and at the bottom:
'The naked truth is hated
Only just sham, lies and deception
wherever the Jewish spirit prevails
but the truth remains sufficient unto herself']
In 1933 at a flying event she actually met Adolf Hitler. She was also good friends with Hans Schemm (1891-1935), the first Gauleiter of Oberfranken, who was killed in a plane crash in Bayreuth in 1935.
At the 1936 Olympic Games she participated in various flying events in Berlin. The next year, in 1937, she participated in a flight to Paris during the World Exposition where she won the flying aerobatics competition.
On April 1, 1939 Schwab worked for the 'NS-Lehrerbund e.V.'. During the war she was active, working for both the government and various companies like the Letov Company in Olmütz, Moravia and later the Bohemian-Moravian Machine Company in Prague. Her duties there were to ferry planes like the Junkers W 34. In January 1943 her devout service earned her the War Service Cross 2nd class.
Schwab worked as chief pilot for the Leichtbau Inc. in Budweis, where she performed test flights with the Fieseler Fi 156 until 1944. In the next turbulent months she served with the ferrying wing at the Commander's Office at the Berlin-Tempelhof air base. From September 1944 to May 1945 she served with the Luftwaffe's Ferrying Wing 1, Group South-East, at air bases located in Prag-Gbell, Linz-Pöstlingberg, Bad Vöslau, Hörsching and Klagenfurt. In the final terrible months of the war she bravely worked in highly dangerous operations in Hungary. Her job was mainly transferring wounded soldiers from the battlefield to hospitals. She later commented on how good it made her feel and the deep satisfaction she felt helping these brave men. Fathers, sons and brothers.
During WWII Lisl Schwab carried out a whopping 3,000+ military flights! She flew in virtually all types of aircrafts from the Bf 109 and Fw 1902 to all manner of transport aircrafts.
In the terrible month of May 1945 Schwab was arrested by American soldiers, but later escaped from captivity in June! During the brutal Allied occupation of Germany she was stripped of her pilot's license and punished for serving her country and being a member of the NSDAP.
She eventually flew again, and even parachuted again, but the glory days were gone. She lived in obscurity and poverty. She could barely even survive in her last years she was so poor. On January 19, 1967 Lisl Schwab passed away of lung cancer in a Munich hospital. She was 66 years old.
Sleep well, my sister. And 'Thank you'.
[Above: Thea Knorr]
Thea Knorr (November 14, 1903 - January 29, 1989) was a famous pilot in the 1930s. She got into flying in an odd way: while sitting on the edge of an airfield watching the planes when suddenly a Dachshund (named 'Waldmännchen') ran toward a plane, barking. Thea ran and saved the dog from running into the propellers. Something about this instance awakened an interest in aircraft in her. She was fascinated with the atmosphere of the airfield and asked the flight instructor if he could teach her to fly. He agreed!
Excitement exploded within her, her heart raced, she couldn't wait to tell her husband. Would he agree to this? Yes, he did! And he supported her wholeheartedly.
To obtain a flying license a person had to be cleared by a doctor. When Thea went to a doctor for this reason he frowned at her and was horrified. I guess he didn't like the idea of a woman flying. She went to a second doctor who was quite the opposite and actually congratulated her. She was now cleared to fly.
In 1931 she began her flight training in Munich. Her first flight was not the magical experience she had envisioned, however. She came down too fast and broke the wheels off the plane! But luckily the future was much brighter. Thea learned quickly and performed long-haul flights to the Balkans and even to Africa.
[Above: At the Böblingen airport, September 5, 1941 – transferring machines to Romania. Left to right - Schneider, Liesl Bach, Karl Voy, Thea Knorr, Mardesani and others.]
Thea had many adventures in the sky and on the land. Once she had to do an emergency landing in a field and a police officer rushed to the scene. Thea was with a male friend and they decided to hide from the police officer. They climbed up a hunter's ladder on a tree that led to a seat and watched the officer. Eventually Thea climbed down and presented herself to the police officer. He wanted to know who piloted the plane. She told him it was her, but he didn't believe her. She ended up having to show him her license and documentation. He laughed it off and was very friendly, impressed by her skill.
In 1938 Thea undertook a long flight to Africa. She flew first to Italy - Napoli, Sicily, then to Tunisia, Sudan and British East Africa.
But the war ended Thea's fun. Suddenly things got deathly serious. She worked as a test pilot for a factory at the Klemm terminal in Böblingen (Württemberg). One of her jobs was to fly a plane, remaining in the air until it ran out of gasoline and stalled!
Next Thea worked for the Luftwaffe, working for Transit Squad I, Transition Group Center. She was in good company, transfer squad I included such greats as Thea Knorr, Lisl Schwab and Beate Uhse! Thea flew for Transit Squad I until the end of the war.
[Above: At the Böblingen airport, Thea Knorr, Karl Voy and Frau Kärcher, July 18, 1941]
Her flight logs, most likely incomplete, record 214 test flights as well as ferry flights between June 11, 1940 and October 8, 1944.
On her final flight she was captured by the American invaders. Her uniform patch bearing the words 'Flugzeugführerin' is now displayed in a Munich museum.
After the war Thea was the first German woman to earn a Swiss pilot's license. She continued her adventures in the sky and even earned a license as a helicopter pilot!
Thea Knorr passed away at the age of 85 in Feldafing, Bavaria. Her grave is located in Waldfriedhof, Munich.
[Above: Elly Beinhorn-Rosemeyer]
In 1931 she flew a long distance flight to Portuguese Guinea West Africa on a scientific expedition. On the way home the plane had engine problems and crashed in the Sahara, but luckily Elly was not seriously harmed. When she returned to Germany in April cheering crowds awaited her in Berlin.
Her next adventure, shortly after the last expedition, had more problems in store for her. The plane had mechanical failures in Persia. She managed to repair the plane however, and went on to Mount Everest, Bali and Australia, amongst other places. During these flights she became the second woman to fly solo from Europe to Australia.
[Above: Elly Beinhorn-Rosemeyer]
The years that followed took Elly around the world and held many adventures for her. Money problems, however, were always like a specter haunting her. Back in Germany she shrugged off all of her debts by winning the Hindenburg Cup (10,000 marks) and other awards and grants from the German aeronautical industry. In 1935 she wrote a book called 'Flying Girl' which detailed her adventures. The years that followed found her flying to Panama, Mexico, the U.S (California) and up and down the east and west coasts of Africa. In September 1935 she attended the Czechoslovakian Grand Prix. The winner was a dashing young race car driver named Bernd Rosemeyer who was very famous in the racing world. Elly personally congratulated him and it was love at first sight. They danced the night away and were married on July 13, 1936.
[Above: Bernd Rosemeyer in his race car - note the swastika which adorned his cars showing his support of the NSDAP]
[Above: Bernd Rosemeyer and his wife Elly Beinhorn]
The German couple were true celebrities of their time. They returned home and to a proud country and Bernd even joined the SS. The happy couple had a son in November 1937, Bernd Jr. Everything was perfect. And then...
Tragedy struck. Bernd was killed instantly just ten weeks after the birth of his son. He was attempting a speed record in his Auto Union Streamliner. The whole of Germany mourned. He was a national hero, beloved by all. Even Adolf Hitler sent his grieving widow condolences.
[Above: Wreckage of a life lived. Bernd Rosemeyer was killed during a world speed record attempt in 1938. This is the wreckage]
Some years later, in 1941, Elly remarried a man by the name of Dr. Karl Wittman and the couple had a daughter, Stephanie.
After the war there was a ban in Germany on powered flight, so she soon moved to Switzerland to continue flying. And fly she did. It wasn't until 1979, at the age of 72, that she finally surrendered her pilot's license.
[Above: A postage stamp honoring Elly Beinhorn. Click to see more.]
Elly Beinhorn died on November 28, 2007 at the ripe old age of 100.
[Above: Ticket to the September 9, 1937 Nuremberg Reichsparteitag Parteikongress. Click to see more.]
[Above: A magical night rally. They are preparing to light the bonfire in the middle of the swastika.]
[Above: An example of the beautiful symmetry of National Socialist rallies. No one did it better, and no one has since.]
[Above: East Prussia, 1944. The devotion burns in her eyes...]
[Above: Coburg, Germany.]
[Above: Hands stretch out ecstatically for the Führer -- one holding a slip of paper, hoping for an autograph -- while a beautiful little girl calmly looks on.]
[Above: Poster for the 'Night of Amazons', an event showing lots of public nudity. Although this poster is from July 27, 1936, it was an annual event.]
[Above: Art from the 1937 'Night of Amazons' program.]
[Above: National Socialist 'Night of Amazons'. In case you can't tell by the picture, they're topless.]
[Above: More public nudity from the 'Night of Amazons'.]
[Above: 'Night of the Nymphs' festival.]
[Above: A 1939/1940 event pin showing a topless woman from the W.H.W. (Winterhilfswerk des Deutschen Volkes, or Winter Relief of the German People).]
[Above: A parade with a beautiful medieval, pagan theme.]
[Above: These pictures seem imbued with magic. Their beauty is timeless, like everything produced during National Socialist Germany.]
[Above: These are from a 1933 pagan festival.]
[Above: Young girls from the League of German Girls (BDM) form a sea of smiles.]
[Above: The risqué 'Wiener Wäschermadeln' (Viennese Washing Girls) at the 1938 Berlin Crafts Exposition.]
[Above: A playful pagan rite.]
[Above: Ten and eleven year old schoolchildren, Berlin, 1934.]
[Above: Race education in the classroom for German Girls, 1943.]
[Above: 'We thanks our Führer'.]
[Above: Unlike the crooked, unbalanced and unnecessary education system of the Allies, German schools searched for a child's calling early in life and didn't teach things the child would never use. Why clutter the mind with things you will never use or grasp?]
National Socialist Germany was filled with extraordinary musicians and singers.
Cebotari was also a successful actress, starring in a handful of films related to opera, one of which was the 1942 film 'Odessa in Fiamme' (Odessa in Flames). This movie was an extensive Romanian-Italian co-production, it covered the plight of refugees from her home of Bessarabia during World War II. It depicts the heroic Romanian troops freeing Bessarabia in 1940. To add to the realism it used authentic newsreels showing refugees. The film was regarded as a great achievement, winning the top prize at the Festival of Venice, in 1942.
Odessa in Flames was nearly lost forever after WWII. The communists banned it and the actors in the movie were arrested! The Soviet occupiers ordered all copies destroyed. More than 50 years later a copy of the film was found in the Cinecittà archives in Rome, and it was shown for the first time in Romania in December 2006.
In 1949, at the young age of 40, Maria Cebotari died of liver cancer. Her funeral was said to be 'one of the most imposing demonstrations of love and honor any deceased artist has ever received' in the history of Vienna. Many thousands of people attended and the country wept for her.
[Above: 'Germany - The Land of Music'.]
[Above: Opera Singer Maria Cebotari.]
[Above: Maria Cebotari during a summer vacation at the Wolfgangsee. Salsburg, 1939.]
[Above: Opera Singer Maria Cebotari.]
[Above: Two lovebirds enjoy each other's company on a bed of warm sand.]
[Above: Another hope-filled day at the beach.]
[Above: A young beauty working for the Luftwaffe.]
[Above: A Wehrmacht soldier amuses a young girl with a story.]
[Above: Beauty and braun.]
[Above: 'Reiterlied' = Equestrian Song]
[Above: A young Wehrmacht soldier enjoys a taste of wine and women during his time off.]
[Above: The future in their hands...]
[Above: "My love..."]
[Above: She's wearing a Waffen-SS officer's uniform, and wearing it well too!]
[Above: Probably married to an SS man, since she is wearing a wedding ring.]
[Above: She's wearing a tanker's tunic and hat.]
[Above: Three new Luftwaffe recruits reporting for duty on the Eastern Front!]
[Above: Wedding photo of a highly decorated Wehrmacht man.]
[Above: An SS man.]
[Above: A decorated Waffen-SS man.]
[Above: A young Waffen-SS man ties the knot while his friends look on (in sorrow, no doubt! hehe)]
[Above: A Waffen-SS man from the Hohenstaufen division.]
[Above: Children's shampoo - 'Schwarzkopf extra delicate - with special herbs'.]
[Above: Palmolive shampoo.]
[Above: Another Palmolive shampoo advertisement.]
[Above: 'Just Blond - The special shampoo for blondes'.]
[Above: This is an advertisement for Junkers' gas water heaters, it says: 'Bath and shower - yes. Both are a must for a healthy lifestyle in a modern apartment.'.]
[Above: Two BDM-style girls with bicycles. It says:'Use Osram bikelights'.]
[Above: Kübler clothing.]
[Above: Stockings - 'At first glance you'll be charmed by the beauty of silk...']
[Above: 'The perfectly shaped woman!' from Forma women's undergarments.]
[Above: An interesting 1940 Strength through Joy (KdF) advertisement with a very risqué dressed female!]
[Above: This is from the newspaper 'Allgemeiner Wegweiser für Jede Familie' (General Signpost for Every Family), May 15, 1940.]
Many of the pictures below are from postcards which were used during the time of the Third Reich and bear postmarks from all over Europe. Nudity was also a common element of National Socialist Germany.
[Above: Article on the film 'Zircus Renz' taken from the Berliner Illustrirte Zeitung, May 20, 1940, number 20. Nudity was something commonplace in German cinema.]
[Above: Article on the film 'Reiche Fantasias' taken from the Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung (number 11, March 18, 1943). Like many other films, the costumes are racy and daring for the time, not prudish as we've been taught.]
[Above: Kristina Söderbaum born Beata Margareta Kristina Söderbaum (September 5, 1912 - February 12, 2001).]
Kristina moved to Berlin after both of her parents died within a short period from one another. Once in Berlin, she enrolled in theater school. Thus beginning a long and intriguing acting career.
Söderbaum and her husband, a film director named Veit Harlan, made films under the direction of Joseph Goebbels. These films proved to be their most important and enduring of their lives. Beginning in 1935 the pair made ten films together under him.
Söderbaum had an idyllic beauty. She possessed a look of health and purity that was perfect for making films meant to teach people about the dangers that lurk within our societies. Her beauty was the perfect contrast to the ugliness of the real-life corruption depicted in some of the films. One such film was Jud Süss, a 1940 film in which Kristina Söderbaum starred. This film was wildly popular in Germany and attracted 20 million viewers!
Unfortunately 'democracy' reared its ugly head when the National Socialists lost their long battle against the Allies. And with that 'democracy' came criminal charges against some of the leading cast members. The director, Kristina's husband, was even brought to trial and charged with 'crimes against humanity'! Apparently these 'freedom-loving' Allies don't agree with freedom of expression, or as a matter of fact, any freedoms unless approved by them.
Reminds one of a modern event where the media and governments are up in arms over some people being murdered for drawing comic images of the prophet of Islam. In this situation they declared they have the freedom to insult, degrade or say anything they wish about anybody. Then why were film stars arrested and ruined after WWII? Why was Julius Streicher hung for his comics which the Jews found offensive?
Double standards are everywhere in the sick world we live.
[Above: The 1940 film which would make Kristina Söderbaum a legend: Jud Süss]
[Above: A group of French men and women pose under a Jud Süss billboard]
[Above: Anneliese Von Eschtruth.]
[Above: Anneliese Von Eschtruth.]
[Above: Anneliese Von Eschtruth.]
[Above: 'Drei Väter um Anna' poster.]
[Above: Gisela Uhlen.]
In 1936 she obtained the leading actress role in the film Annemarie. Die Geschichte einer Jungen Liebe. (Annemarie. The Story of a Young Love). She would later star in sixteen other films during the time of the Third Reich.
[Above: Gisela Uhlen (right), with Robert Ley (left) and Heinrich George during a guest appearance at the Schiller Theater in Berlin, 1941.]
[Above: Gisela Uhlen.]
[Above: Annemarie. Die Geschichte einer Jungen Liebe.]
[Above: Lída Baarová.]
In Berlin she met the actor Gustav Fröhlich and starred in several films with him. She and Fröhlich were engaged for a short period during these days. It had been reported that Baarová had an affair with Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels, and the engagement to Fröhlich was broken off. Whether this affair took place or not, we have only Baarová's account and hearsay.
After doing a handful of films in Germany she moved to Italy in 1942, where she starred in several other films.
[Above: Lida Baarová, Gustav Fröhlich and Joseph Goebbels in 1936.]
After the end of the war, in Czechoslovakia, Baarová was arrested on 'suspicion of collaboration with the Germans during the war.' After spending a year and a half in an Allied dungeon she was released due to lack of evidence.
During the following years Baarová married and emigrated to Austria. She attempted to make a comeback, but her enemies, still remembering she committed the unforgivable sin of WORKING IN GERMAN FILMS, prevented her. She was attacked in the controlled media and had to move to Argentina, where she is said to have lived in extreme poverty.
[Above: Lida Baarová.]
Eventually she moved back to her former home in Italy and appeared in several more films. But her glory days, under the watchful and creative eye of the master Joseph Goebbels, were long gone.
In 1997, rather proudly, she said: 'There's no doubt that Goebbels was an interesting character... a charming and intelligent man and a very good storyteller. You could guarantee that he would keep a party going with his little asides and jokes.'
[Above: Lida Baarová.]
[Above: Lilian Harvey.]
Lilian's career began by attending the dance and voice school of the Berlin State Opera. She began her first movie role in 1924, and made many films after. She is perhaps best known for her role the 1931 film Der Kongreß tanzt (The Congress Dances).
[Above: Lilian Harvey.]
[Above: Lilian Harvey.]
[Above: Lilian Harvey.]
[Above: Lotte Koch.]
[Above: Lotte Koch.]
[Above: Lotte Koch.]
[Above: Lotte Koch.]
[Above: Marika Rökk.]
In 1944 Rökk starred in the color film 'Die Frau meiner Träume' (The Woman of My Dreams). This high budget film helped boost Rökk to stardom, utilizing full color, a revolutionary technology of the time.
[Above: Marika Rökk.]
After the destruction of Germany and the brutal Allied occupation she was forbidden (Berufsverbot) to work as an actress! She was 'rehabilitated' in 1947 however, and was able to continue her movie career in West Germany and Austria! What a joke, rehabilitated from what?? Is that democracy? Banning actresses from working because they were famous during a political party's rule? But remember, this wasn't only actresses, it was architects, writers, scientists, professors, teachers, etc. etc. All banned after the war from their careers. And let's not forget, men were actually executed for journalism as well!!!
[Above: Marika Rökk.]
[Above: Marika Rökk.]
[Above: Monika Burg.]
[Above: Monika Burg.]
In an ironic twist of fate, the passenger liner that was used to film 'Titanic', the SS Cap Arcona, was sunk a few days before the end of World War II by the British air force on May 3, 1945. It was evacuating 5,500 prisoners at the time! The loss of life was three times greater than that of the Titanic, where approximately 1,500 lives were lost.
[Above: Monika Burg.]
[Above: Renate Müller.]
[Above: Renate Müller.]
In October 1937 Müller died very tragically and suddenly of epilepsy. There are many lies and conspiracy theories surrounding her death, mostly spread by Allied propaganda that continues to this day.
[Above: Renate Müller.]
[Above: Renate Müller.]
[Above: Rotraut Richter.]
[Above: Rotraut Richter.]
[Above: A 1938 German gramophone ad featuring Rotraut Richter.]
[Above: Ruth Eweler.]
[Above: Ruth Eweler.]
Her most famous and notable role was when she starred with Setsuko Hara in the 1937 film 'Die Tochter des Samurai' (The Daughter of the Samurai), which was a spectacular German-Japanese co-production.
[Above: Ruth Eweler and Japanese co-star Setsuko Hara.]
[Above: Joseph Goebbels at the Japanese embassy in Berlin, on his right is Ruth Eweler, while to his left is Setsuko Hara and Japanese diplomat Kintomo Mushanokoji. They attended the Berlin premiere of The Daughter of the Samurai together, 1937.]
[Above: 'The Daughter of the Samurai' Japanese movie poster.]
[Above: Traudl Stark.]
[Above: Traudl Stark.]
[Above: Traudl Stark.]
[Above: Traudl Stark.]
[Above: Olga Chekhova.]
Although Olga was born within the crumbling Russian empire (nowadays Armenia) she was of ethnic German ancestry, or 'Volk-Deutsche'. She trained in the Moscow Art Theatre's studio, where destiny led her to her soon to be husband, the famed Mikhail Chekhov. She married him in 1915 and had a daughter the very next year.
The marriage wasn't to last. In 1919 they divorced and she traveled to Vienna. It is said that the Soviet government tried to use her as a spy, but there doesn't seem to be any real proof of this. In 1920 she moved to the hustle and bustle of faded Berlin. She found roles in silent films and eventually transitioned to 'talkies' (movies with sound and voices!).
[Above: Olga Chekhova.]
In the 1930s her star rose the highest and shined the brightest. Whether Adolf Hitler was a big fan of her -- who is to say? She appeared in dozens of films during the Third Reich and was certainly very popular.
[Above: Adolf Hitler and Olga Chekhova.]
In Joseph Goebbels diaries, if they are to be believed, he refers to her as 'a charming woman'
[Above: Adolf Hitler and Olga Chekhova.]
[Above: Olga Chekhova giving autographs to some of her many admirers, Paris, 1940.]
[Above: Olga and Ada, her daughter by Mikhail Checkov. Ada also played roles in a number of 3rd Reich films. Circa 1943. Click to see more of Ada.]
[Above: Marianne Hoppe.]
[Above: Marianne Hoppe.]
[Above: Marianne Hoppe.]
[Above: Marianne Hoppe bust done by master German sculptor Fritz Klimsch.]
[Above: Blitz Mädchen poster.]
Blitz Mädchen often assumed the jobs of men who left their jobs at home when called to serve their nation. There were military units at the end of the war that were composed almost exclusively of women. In fact, in August 1944, 660,000 regular male soldiers and 450,000 women (Flakbehelfspersonal) served in the air defense forces. They were even issued firearms for self defense, and found themselves in many situations as soldiers on the front, although they were never officially classified as such.
In the final dark days of the war, women and girls -from the BDM and other sources- volunteered to join Hitler Youth combat groups, in a vain but glorious attempt to stop the monstrous invaders. With the Volkssturm they were trained to use the Panzerfaust, grenades and firearms.
The Blitz Mädchen worked not only in Germany, but all over free Europe. It is not known how many of these courageous women died during WWII, but it was probably considerable.
[Above: Note the lighting symbol on her tie and the side of her cap.]
[Above: A 'Nachrichtenhelferin' woman working at a telephone exchange.]
[Above: Three women who have been awarded the War Merit Cross with Swords medal.]
[Above: War Merit Cross with Swords. This was awarded for 'exceptional service in battle above and beyond the call of duty'.]
[Above: A studio shot of a Blitz Mädchen.]
[Above: The cutest Blitz Mädchen!]
[Above: Wow, she is beautiful.]
[Above: A stunning studio portrait of a Luftwaffenhelferin.]
[Above: A Luftwaffenhelferin talks to a highly decorated Luftwaffe officer.]
[Above: A Luftwaffenhelferin studio portrait.]
[Above: Two Luftwaffenhelferin beauties.]
[Above: This picture captures the rare (at least in picture) Luftwaffe winter overseas cap, utilizing fur or wool on the outside flaps.]
[Above: A 1937 Fallschirmspringer (parachutist) Jump Qualification Certificate for a female named Anna Maria Maas. She probably practiced parachuting as a hobby.]
[Above: A Fallschirmjäger with his bride.]
[Above: Cuff band]
[Above: Note her cuff band is like that pictured above.]
[Above: A Marinehelferin with her male comrades.]
[Above: A studio portrait of a Marinehelferin.]
[Above: Two Marinehelferin comrades.]
[Above: A studio portrait of a Marinehelferin.]
[Above: A pair of Marinehelferin using signal flags.]
[Above: Cuff band]
[Above: Helferinnen of the Organization Todt. Note the eagle patch on their sleeves with 'O T'.]
[Above: Helferinnen of the Organization Todt.]
[Above: Signal aides of the Organization Todt.]
[Above: Signal aides of the Organization Todt.]
[Above: Signal aides of the Organization Todt.]
[Above: Organization Todt collar tab.]
[Above: Organization Todt band sewn above NSDAP armband.]
[Above: Three SS auxiliaries.]
[Above: An SS beauty.]
[Above: Note her 'Reichsschule-SS' cuff band.]
[Above: Reichsschule-SS cuff band.]
[Above: SS telex operator. The telex machines operated on a switched network of teleprinters akin to a telephone network, for the purposes of sending text-based messages.]
[Above: Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler and entourage, 1944. Click to see more.]
The Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler, on February 18, 1937, said, in part, in a speech to his SS leaders:
'I recently said to a Hitler Youth leader: "You are usually so un-Christian, but your attitude toward women is the purest Christianity that is at all possible." 150 years ago someone at a Catholic university wrote a doctoral thesis with the title: "Does a woman have a soul?" From this the whole tendency of Christianity emerges: it is directed at the absolute destruction of women and at emphasizing the inferiority of women. The entire substance of the priesthood and of the whole of Christianity is, I am firmly convinced, an erotic union of men (Männerbund) for the erection and maintenance of this 2000-year old Bolshevism. I reach that conclusion because I know very well the history of Christianity in Rome. I am of the conviction that the Roman emperors, who eradicated (ausrotteten) the first Christians, did exactly the same thing that we are doing with the communists. These Christians were then the worst yeast which the great city contained, the worst Jewish people, the worst Bolsheviks that there were...
The attitude about the inferiority of women is a typical Christian attitude, and we also who have been National Socialists up to this day – many even who are strict heathens – have unwittingly adopted this set of ideas. I know even today very many party members who believe they have to prove the special firmness of their worldview (Weltanschauung) and their own special masculinity through very rowdy and truculent behavior toward women.
I recognize furthermore a certain tendency in our ranks to exclude women from all events and celebrations. These same people complain then about the fact that women cling here and there to the church, or are not absolutely 100 percent won over for National Socialism. They however ought not to complain since they treat women as second class citizens and keep them from all our inner life. No one needs be surprised then if they are not fully won over for this inner life. We must be clear about that: the movement, the Weltanschauung has lasting stability if it is supported by the woman, for men comprehend all things with the mind, while the woman comprehends all things with feeling. The German woman, not the man, has borne the greater sacrifice of blood in the witch and heretic trials. The priests knew exactly why they burned 5000-6000 women: exactly because they emotionally held fast to the old knowledge and the old doctrine and emotionally and instinctively could not be dissuaded from them, while the man had already converted by logic and thought: "There is no point. We are going under politically. I adapt, I let myself be baptized."
[Above: Ominous and thoroughly scary SS female concentration camp guards pose for a group shot. Click to see even more frightening pictures.]
[Above: A beautiful SS engraving.]
[Above: SS runes hallmark on the bottom of Allach porcelain]
[Above: A women in an SS Allach workshop making a 'Julleuchter' (Yule lantern). This mystical item was a Yule lantern, its design taken from European past. Heinrich Himmler awarded the SS Julleuchter as a presentation piece for his SS soldiers in celebration of the winter solstice between the years 1936 - 1944. The presentation of this unique piece was a hallowed accomplishment, and it was even entered into the SS service records beside battlefield awards.]
[Above: A woman being given a 'Julleuchter'. Click to see more pictures!]
A beautiful tale of the Julleuchter was told by a Waffen-SS French volunteer defending Berlin in the final days of the war. The lantern was used to light an award ceremony for extraordinarily heroic French volunteers. A survivor remembers:
'In the light of a candle burning on a Julleuchter, a Jule Candlestick, symbolizing the never dying sunlight, Fenet [Henri Joseph Fenet (July 11, 1919 – September 14, 2002] decorated a number of comrades with the Iron Cross.
Although simple, the ceremony that evening seemed all the more extraordinary.'
For Europe: The French Volunteers of the Waffen-SS, by Robert Forbes, page 454.]
[Above: Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler, Schaub and Fegelein review a line of Allach porcelain. Allach porcelain was produced by the SS in Germany between 1935 and 1945.]
[Above: Allach porcelain shop in Warsaw, Poland, 1941.]
[Above: A selection of Allach's beautiful works]
[Above: SS-Oberführer Karl Diebitsch]
During WWI he enlisted with the Imperial German Navy in 1915, where he earned the Iron Cross 2nd Class. After the war he resumed his artistic endeavors.
He joined the National Socialist German Workers Party on May 1, 1929, earning the low membership number of 1,436. Diebitsch was a man who wasn't satisfied sitting on the sidelines watching the world go by. He put his life on the line and showed great bravery many times in his interesting life. He even was a member of the Freikorps from 1920 to 1923.
In 1933, the year of victory for the National Socialists, Diebitsch moved his family to Berlin and became a member of the Reichsverband Bildenden Künstler Deutschlands (National Association of German Visual Artists).
In November 1933 he joined the SS and in 1936 he served as the director of SS Porcelain enterprise Allach. During this time he worked on many designs for SS regalia. His work earned him one of the coveted top prizes at the House of German Art exhibition (for his painting 'Mutter').
[Above: The magnificent artist and SS-Oberführer Karl Diebitsch reviewing some Allach porcelain.]
In 1939 he created the letterhead logo of the Ahnenerbe and crests for SS officers. He was incredibly multi-faceted, in the same year, in May 1939 he designed a window for an exterior wall of the "König-Heinrich" dome at Quedlinburg Abbey. He was also responsible for many German postage stamps.
Diebitsch was so beloved that Adolf Hitler himself gave him the honorary title of Professor.
Somehow Diebitsch found the time to be a reserve officer in the Waffen-SS during WWII. He worked with the SS-Totenkopfstandarte (SS Death's Head Regiment), SS-Regiment "Germania", SS-Division "Wiking" and the Höchste SS-und Polizeiführer Italien (Supreme SS and Police Leader of Italy). On April 20, 1944 he was promoted to SS-Oberführer (senior colonel).
The great soldier-artist Karl Diebitsch broke all the molds. A true artistic genius of the modern era.
[Above: A breathtaking vase made for the Reich Chancellery designed by Karl Diebitsch.]
[Above: Beloved artist Adolf Rohring with Prof. Theodor Kärner, one of Germany's most prestigious artists in porcelain.]
[Above: Prof. Theodor Kärner wrestling beauty from nothingness.]
After the war he continued his art and worked for various companies like Rosenthal. All in all he made 88 models for the company Nymphenburg, 114 models for Rosenthal and 51 models for Allach.
[Above: Theodor Kärner.]
[Above: Prof. Theodor Kärner's 'Amazon' masterpiece.]
[Above: Lebensborn (literally translated as 'Well of Life') was a state-supported SS program with the goal of raising the declining birth rate in Germany. It provided care for mothers and children.]
[Above: This picture shows an SS baptism of a child.]
[Above: This says 'Die Woche - zukünftig SS' = 'The Week - future SS'.]
[Above: 'denn alles für das gesunde Kind!' = 'Everything for the healthy Child!']
As Dr. Udo Walendy (German author, historian and former soldier) wrote:
"Himmler's baby factories," "SS bordellos," and "breeding farms for the master race"—these were just a few of the provocative terms invented by pornographers and anti-German propagandists which have been used to describe Lebensborn..."
This insanity began after WWII, when all manner of lies and propaganda were in full swing, many remain today and are still actively propagated. On October 10, 1947 the U.S. Military Tribunal brought formal proceedings against the surviving leaders of the organization. They presented three principal counts against them.
Count 1: A crime against humanity based on the abduction of foreign children for the purpose of 'Germanization' or extermination.
Count 2: Plunder of public and private property in Germany and the occupied territories.
Count 3: Membership in a criminal organization.
The trial lasted five months and the verdict was delivered on March 10, 1948. The three chief SS officers in charge of Lebensborn — Max Sollman, Gregor Ebner and Günther Tesch — were acquitted on the first two counts and convicted on the third charge. This was because the SS had been previously deemed a 'criminal organization' by the Allies in a show trial.
[Above: Allied mug shots of Max Sollman ( June 6, 1904 - ?), Gregor Ebner (June 24, 1892 - March 22, 1974) and Günther Tesch (October 21, 1907 - March 7, 1989).]
In addition to the three men above, Inge Viermetz (March 7, 1908 - ?) who was the assistant to Max Sollmann, was acquitted at the trial.
[Above: Inge Viermetz]
The erroneous charge that Lebensborn possessed some program for the 'Germanization' of children abducted from other countries, the U.S. Military Tribunal found no evidence at all. They found that 'The majority of those children in any way connected with Lebensborn were orphans of ethnic Germans.'
In reality Lebensborn was nothing more than a social organization for pregnant mothers needing assistance and an adoption service for orphaned children. It translates literally to 'wellspring of life'. Officially it was known as 'Lebensborn e.V.' -- the 'e.V.' stands for 'registered association'.
[Above: Infants are placed outside of a Lebensborn home. Nature, fresh air and sunlight was stressed as important to children and adults alike.]
The historian Erich Kern best explained Lebensborn:
'Lebensborn e.V. was among the most exemplary charitable organizations of its time. Founded in 1936, it grew to include a total of 18 lying-in hospitals. These also served as temporary homes for orphans. More than 11,000 children first saw the light of day in them.
Unwed mothers, it is true, were also accepted by these hospitals, but in such cases every effort was made to arrange subsequent marriages with the biological fathers, and the organization offered further care to the extent needed.
This often included help in securing living quarters. In special cases adoptions were arranged. The facilities, admittedly, were not available to all German women. There were in fact racial requirements, and proof of Aryan ancestry including all four grandparents had to be provided. Women with obvious genetic defects were also excluded.
But the facilities, though financed entirely from monthly contributions by SS members, were not restricted to SS use alone. During the war years, up to 90 percent of the women giving birth there were wives of soldiers and officers of the army, navy and air force.'
[Above: Lebensborn pin 'Heilig soll uns sein - jede Mutter guten Blutes' = 'Holy is to us - every mother of good blood'.]
So Lebensborn had racial requirements? Big deal. We practice forms of eugenics on horses, livestock and hundreds of breeds of dogs, what's the matter with doing it for humans? Why shouldn't we try to breed the best we can? Why shouldn't humans try to breed out genetic diseases? It is ludicrous not to avoid future pain and suffering in mankind if we had the power to. National Socialists wish to improve the human race, not just genetically, but in all spheres of existence. All races and peoples should wish the same, and no race would be excluded.
[Above: An infant room at a Lebensborn facility somewhere in Germany, 1936. The cleanliness, order and peaceful environment was outstanding.]
In the Third Reich there were orphanages for children and programs galore. Lebensborn wanted to help the best of those children be even better. It wished to elevate man. Under National Socialism all races would have their own version of Lebensborn.
[Above: A child in the care of Lebensborn.]
But none of this mattered, however, when it came to further smearing the National Socialists reputation. The enemy propaganda machine continue to churn out lies. Lebensborn was a favorite of these shameless liars, who loved to project their own perverse fantasies onto the Germans.
It began in the early 1950s when the magazine German illustrated magazine 'Revue' published a series of stories about Lebensborn, portraying it as a 'breeding farm for the master race.'
[Above: 'Women ordered to love' was just one of many perverse films, books and magazines produced by the victors of WWII.]
Later in the 1950s a film was released by Arthur Brauner, entitled 'Lebensborn e.V.' The old propaganda line was the same, the film featured the Lebensborn as an instrument of sexual sadism and every other nonsense the director could throw in for good measure.
[Above: These UK books shamelessly invested in the big lie that was Lebensborn.]
It didn't stop there, no, this was just the beginning. Mountains of trash circulated around the world, eaten up by a sex-hungry public. In fact, films are being made depicting the lies about Lebensborn until this day. Like everything involving the Third Reich, they bury the truth so deep in their lies that it makes it hard for the common person to tell truth from fiction. But no more. The internet has changes all of that. Truth is now at our fingertips.
[Above: This 1935 work is by Wolfgang Willrich and shows the 'irminsul', an object from Germanic paganism. At the center of the image is a mother breastfeeding a child.]
I recommend you read the excellent book HELLSTORM by Thomas Goodrich to learn more about the fate of German men, women and children. You will be appalled.
Below are but a few of those thousands of German women who suffered the lies and misplaced vengeance of the Allies. Many were executed without evidence of their crimes. Many were imprisoned from hearsay in utterly corrupt postwar 'courts'. Many people, JEWS and otherwise, who were prisoners in the German camps even defended some of these women, and tried to tell the Allies that the charges were untrue. But they didn't listen. They wanted blood. Their sadism would be displayed to the world in a celebration of their cruelty.
...'permanent forfeiture of civil rights' ? Very democratic sounding eh?
Ilse was raped while imprisoned in Dachau by the Allies and had a son. The child was immediately stolen from her by the criminal authorities and wasn't even told who his mother was until he was 19!
Ilse was most likely murdered, like so many others in Allied captivity, at the Aichach women's prison on September 1, 1967 at the age of sixty. Although the official lie is that she committed suicide, of course. She had suffered unspeakable torture and humiliation. She even reported that ex-concentration camp inmates, most likely Jews, would have access to abuse her in her cell.
Ilse Koch's mortal remains are buried in an unmarked and untended grave in the cemetery at Aichach. One day, when Germany and the world are free, and the aching truth finally surfaces, her spirit will alas be at rest.
[Above: The beautiful Ilse Koch, who worked as a guard and secretary]
[Above: Ilse Koch, with her husband SS Colonel Karl Koch, their son and dog. ]
[Above: IIse Koch, a proud and happy mother with her adorable son Artwin and daughter Gisele.]
Like so many other injustices and tragedies after WWII Irma Grese was murdered by the Allies in a show trial. She was only 22 years of age, the youngest woman to executed under British law in the 20th century.
[Above: Irma Grese]
[Above: Irma Grese]
[Above: Irma Grese, fighting for her life in the great Allied show trial]
[Above: Helene Grese, tried in vain to defend her sister in court]
Regimental Sergeant-Major O'Neill assisted the murderous British executioner, Albert Pierrepoint, who wrote in a 1974 book:
'...we climbed the stairs to the cells where the condemned were waiting. A German officer at the door leading to the corridor flung open the door and we filed past the row of faces and into the execution chamber. The officers stood at attention. Brigadier Paton-Walsh stood with his wristwatch raised. He gave me the signal, and a sigh of released breath was audible in the chamber, I walked into the corridor. 'Irma Grese', I called.
The German guards quickly closed all grilles on twelve of the inspection holes and opened one door. Irma Grese stepped out. The cell was far too small for me to go inside, and I had to pinion her in the corridor. 'Follow me,' I said in English, and O'Neil repeated the order in German. At 9.34 a.m. she walked into the execution chamber, gazed for a moment at the officials standing round it, then walked on to the centre of the trap, where I had made a chalk mark. She stood on this mark very firmly, and as I placed the white cap over her head she said in her languid voice, 'quickly'. The drop crashed down, and the doctor followed me into the pit and pronounced her dead. After twenty minutes the body was taken down and placed in a coffin ready for burial.'
[Above: December 13, 1945, in Hamelin Jail, Irma Grese was hanged.]
[Above: After the war, during the Allied slaughter of innocents, animals were sadistically tortured and murdered for the enjoyment of the victors. Here criminals who have been set free by the Allies from Dachau concentration camp kneel by a dog they have violently murdered with clubs. Thousands and thousands of German Shepherds were murdered simply because they were 'German'.]
'In the past, nudes often cowered, hiding their breasts. The new woman, as in Ivo Saliger's Diana's Rest, stood upright, proudly displaying her naked body to the viewer...'
-Art of the Third Reich, by Peter Adam, pg. 150, (c)1992
'Art is a mighty and fanatical mission.'
-Adolf Hitler
National Socialism embraces Nature's laws, so it comes as no surprise to see nudity and nude art celebrated during the Third Reich. Books celebrating nudity sold many thousands of copies in Germany in the 1930s. One of the most famous was Hans Surén's 'Mensch und Sonne' (Humans and Sun).
[Above: Mensch und Sonne -- Humans and Sun]
Mensch und Sonne was even advertised in the popular SS magazine 'Das Schwarze Korps' (The Black Corps. The advertisement proclaimed: 'We want a strong and joyful affirmation of body awareness, because we need it to build a strong and self-confident race.'
Mensch und Sonne was considered official party literature and as such was supported by the NSDAP. The book states: 'the love life can never be tied to marriage alone... in the past the biggest personalities held as little regard for religious and middle-class values as the masses... free sexual love is therefore accepted in a way similar to how it was among the Germanic forefathers.'
[Above: A Modern reprint of 'In Natur und Sonne' - In Nature and Sun]
Some researchers have even said that the Third Reich's pioneering embrace of sexuality and nudism was a precursor to the Sexual Revolution of the 1960s.
By the time Adolf Hitler came into power there was a fairly large nudist movement in Germany (and the world). The NSDAP did not persecute nudist organizations, instead they were embraced. In 1942 the government even went so far as passing a decree called 'Police Decree for the Regulation of Bathing' which allowing officially allowed nude swimming, something that was forbidden previously.
[Above: Schönheit des Leibes -- Beauty of the Body. Circa 1938.]
[Above: Taken from 'In Natur und Sonne' (left) and Schönheit des Leibes (right)]
[Above: National Socialism is a celebration of life]
[Above: Deutsche Leibeszucht and Licht Land]
[Above: Riebicke was involved with the famous film 'Wege zu Kraft und Schönheit' (Ways to Strength and Beauty), which Leni Riefenstahl starred in. Ways to Strength and Beauty was directed by Wilhelm Praguer in 1925.]
[Above: Gerhard Riebicke, circa 1920s.]
[Above: Gerhard Riebicke, circa 1930.]
[Above: Gerhard Riebicke, 'Tanz' (Dance), circa 1932.]
[Above: Gerhard Riebicke, circa 1936.]
[Above: A photograph by Anna Koppitz]
Anna actively sold her husband's many celebrated works in National Socialist Germany, which Austria had rejoined after the Anschluss in 1938. Even though Anna was not a member of the NSDAP she was an enthusiastic supporter. Although little was known of her own artistic ability at this point she soon attracted attention and praise from both the public and the National Socialist State. In particular she attracted the attention of Reichsminister Walther Darré, who had already been interested in the work of her late husband.
[Above: A photograph by Anna Koppitz commissioned for Walther Darré]
Anna's work drew on the elaborate body studies which her husband and she perfected in earlier years, but also showed more recent inspirations like that from Leni Reifenstahl's modern sports and fitness photography. This style proved very effective and was exactly what Reichsminister Walther Darré was looking for to express his own vision of Blood and Soil.
He commissioned Anna to examine the pupils of the Reichsschule für Leibesübungen (Reichs School for Physical Exercise - founded in 1935) at the Neuhaus Castle and to take photographs in her own particular style. This institute was a project of both Darré and Rudolf Bode, a gymnastics teacher, German educator and founder of 'expression gymnastics', which studied the totality of movement, rhythmic design and interaction between body and soul.
[Above: A photograph by Anna Koppitz commissioned for Walther Darré, Leipzig, June 1939.]
The vision and goal of the Reichs School for Physical Exercise was to shape carefully selected young people from peasant families into racial models. Darré understood, perhaps more than any man, the mystical link between genetics and the land, best represented in rural, farming communities not tainted by the blood-mixing of big cities.
Anna was charged with the task of selecting the right models which showed these racial ideals. This was not an easy task, as she confirmed in a letter to Darré in 1940:
'I have confirmed to your minister that I am happy to work with him on the blood issue, and I hope I do not disappoint him. It makes no difference to me whether the work involves portrait or nude photographs; the only difficulty is finding the right people.'
[Above: Odal magazine from December 1939. Within this magazine lies an article entitled 'The New Face of Peasant Youth', which stated 'The knowledge of the value of the purity of the blood is awake in the [face of the new peasant youth], the pride of belonging to the tribe of the Nordic man shines in the open eyes of these youths...']
What came of this working relationship was a series of photographs which was published in both magazine form and a series of postcards that began in 1940. The postcards belonged to a series of sixteen, of which six shots were from Anna Koppitz, the rest were by the famous German sports photographer Hanns Spudich.
[Above: A photo by Anna's husband Rudolf called Bewegungsstudie (motion study), circa 1925/27]
In the foreword of a magazine showing the pictures of Anna Koppitz Reichsbauernführer Darré commented:
'From the rubble and debris of a collapsing European civilization will be the great culture of the peasant man of the Nordic race'
The artistic relationship was an undeniable success, but the war created a scarcity of resources, including that of paper and the project was cancelled. The practical bottom-line is the type of works that Darré and Koppitz were creating had little worth during the terrible war.
[Above: A photo by Anna's husband Rudolf from 1929]
[Below: Nude art was always important to lonely soldiers away from home or on the field. It reminded him of what he was fighting for and connected him with his home. It also fulfilled his desires, being the 'pornography' of its day. Here is an example of famous art hung in the barracks of soldiers. Click on the image to see an example of the works they have hung on their wall.]
'The deeply convinced National Socialist artist must logically lift his work--be it a simply flower picture or The Last Judgment--from the sticky miasma of an aesthetic baseness into the pure and cool air of devoted service for his people. In this way, with each of his works, he becomes--quite unwittingly--the proclaimer of that philosophy. In his work the philosophy will appear purer than in the hard battlefield of daily politics... we must go forward. If we don't have a National Socialist art, National Socialism will be deprived of its strongest and effective armor.'
-Professor Max Kutschmann, Deutsche Kultur-wacht, 1933
[Above: Glorious Adolf Hitler between two archetypes of man and woman. Munich, the House of German Art (Haus der Deutschen Kunst). The painting is by Fritz Erler.]
[Above: 'Der Führer' bust by Professor H. Schwegerie.]
[Above: Youth and beauty captured in stone.]
[Above: An otherworldly beautiful and mysterious hall. This was an 'Exhibition of the Battle of the NSDAP' in the Düsseldorfer Kunstpalast Museum, 1934.]
[Above: This marvelous and ethereal hallway was in Bayreuth at the 'Weihehalle des hauses der deutschen Erziehung' which means something like 'Consecration hall of the house of German Education'. Click to see more!]
[Above: 'Eos' (1942). Eos is the Goddess of Dawn. Click to see more of this sculpture.]
[Above: 'Flora' (1942). Click to see more of this sculpture.]
'An artwork of renown only begins with the spiritualization of matter -- a no doubt divinely inspired process;
the spiritualization presumes an artistic talent in those who do it.
This process signifies the creation's Song of Songs.'
-Arno Breker
[Above: 'Kniende' (Kneeling), 1942. Click to see more of this sculpture.]
[Above: Close-up of 'Kniende' (Kneeling), 1942.]
[Above: 'Psyche', 1941. Click to see more of this sculpture.]
[Above: 'Anmut' (Gracefulness), 1938. Click to see more of this sculpture.]
'I love to love. I hate hatred.'
-Arno Breker
[Above: 'Die Siegerin' (The Winner). Click to see more of this sculpture.]
[Above: Adolf Hitler bronze, 1939. Click to see another Arno Breker version in stone.]
[Above: Signed 'Arno Breker' art book from the 1970s/1980s (in German and French). It is interesting that this book was presented to Dr. Fritz Hellwig (August 3, 1912 - July 22, 2017), a German politician and European commissioner. He was also a member of the NSDAP, SA and possibly the SS. He even served in the Wehrmacht from 1943 and onward. Click to see some examples from inside the book.]
[Above: Among many other works, this was displayed in the Haus der Deutschen Kunst (House of German Art).]
[Above: This fantastic display shown at the Haus der Deutschen Kunst (House of German Art) is called 'Das Urteil des Paris' (The Judgement of Paris), derived from Greek mythology. The story goes that Zeus had to judge who was the fairest of three goddesses: Hera, Athena and Aphrodite, in which he declined, unwilling to show favor to any of the three. Zeus instead chose a mortal named Paris to be the judge... who won? That's for you to research!]
[Above: Sculpture from The Judgement of Paris, this is blessed and wise Athena.]
[Above: Sculpture from The Judgement of Paris, this is beautiful Aphrodite.]
[Above: Sculpture from The Judgement of Paris, this is solemn Hera, Goddess of women.]
[Above: Josef Thorak at work with a figure model.]
[Above: The finished piece, displayed at the 'Haus der Deutschen Kunst' (House of German Art).]
In 1951 an exhibition was held showcasing masters of art in Munich. Although it was supported by the occupied Federal Republic of Germany, media its brainwashed legions protested it. This embittered Thorak deeper than ever before. The great times of Adolf Hitler were gone forever. The time of ugliness and darkness was at hand.
[Above: The 'Siegesgöttin', or Goddess of Triumph, surrounded by warriors and two horses. The two casts of these horses were later placed in the garden-terrace of the Neue Reichskanzlei in Berlin.]
[Above: Bust of glorious Adolf Hitler by Josef Thorak.]
[Above: The Goethe-Medaille für Kunst und Wissenschaft or The Goethe-Medal for Art and Science was authorized by Reichspresident Paul von Hindenburg to commemorate the centenary of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's death on March 22, 1932.]
In 1944 Adolf Hitler listed Klimsch amongst the twelve most important artists on the Reich.
In 1960, shortly before his death, he defiantly refused to accept the Order of Merit from the enemy occupied German government.
[Above: 'Die Woge', marble, front view. Click to see more!]
[Above: 'Die Woge', marble, back view.]
[Above: One of Klimsch's most beloved sculptures, circa 1940]
[Above: Fritz Klimsch working on the above sculpture in 1940. Click to see more!]
[Above: 'Nereide', bronze, 1937. Click to see more!]
[Above: This beautiful monument is in the South Cemetery, Leipzig, 1903]
[Above: Wooden model by Klimsch]
[Above: 'Olympia' sculpture. Click to see more!]
[Above: This sculpture entitled 'Die Morgenröte' was produced in 1943 and was exhibited the same year at the 'Haus der Deutschen Kunst' (House of German Culture), Munich.]
[Above: This 1939 work 'Die Schauende' (The Looker) was produced in the famous Meissen porcelain factory, 1937.]
Fehrle fought in World War One from the beginning to the end (1914-1918), during which most of his artwork was lost in the chaos of the war. Fehrle's work was vast and varied. He worked right up until the end of his life in 1974.
[Above: This sculpture by Fehrle is titled 'Aphrodite'.]
[Above: This sculpture by Fehrle is titled 'Danseuse' (Dancer).]
[Above: This sculpture by Fehrle is titled 'Diane au Repos' (Diana Resting).]
[Above: This sculpture by Fehrle is titled 'Göttin des Frühlings' (Goddess of Spring).]
[Above: This sculpture by Fehrle is titled 'Julia'.]
In 1928 he joined the paramilitary organization 'Der Stahlhelm', later becoming an early member of the NSDAP. A true National Socialist at heart, he donated all of his meager savings to the NSDAP. In 1933 he joined the SA, which he served loyally, eventually obtained the rank of SA-Obersharführer (Senior Squad Leader).
Somewhere during this time he managed to study his art! He created war memorials for several cities in the 1930s, winning first place in at least one war memorial contest during his studies.
During the 1930s and 1940s Goebel created a variety of stunning works, from fountains to bronzes and iron sculptures. He also works in marble and wood. His works were displayed at a variety of exhibitions and museums. In fact he had 13 sculptures displayed at the Great German Art Exhibitions.
Adolf Hitler himself bought three of his works ('Gudrun', 'Sonnenaufgang' and 'Norne') and Hermann Göring bought 'Brunnennymphe'.
Much of his work was destroyed during the Allied terror bombings. Because he was a National Socialist he was banned after the war from receiving public commissions.
[Above: This sculpture by Goeble is titled 'Brunnennymphe'. Hermann Göring bought this for 6,500 RM, it survived the war and is now in a private collection.]
[Above: This bronze sculpture by Goebel is titled 'Norne'.]
[Above: This is a stone version of the 'Norne' sculpture.]
[Above: Here the 'Norne' sculpture (right) can be seen with other of Goebel's works.]
[Above: This is an interesting X-ray of 'Norne' showing the inner wires and workings.]
[Above: This work by Goebel is called 'Opferbereit'.]
In 1936 he joined the Reichskammer der bildenden Künste (Reichs Chamber for the Visual Arts). The beginning of the next year, on January 30, 1937, Adolf Hitler appointed him a professor. The following years his work was exhibited at the Great German Art Exhibition in the Munich House of German Art with the bronze sculpture female figure (1939) and his work 'Girl with branch' was exhibited at the exhibition Deutsche Künstler and the SS in Salzburg (1944).
[Above: German 1937 Paris Exposition Pavillion.]
[Above: The mighty face of Kurt Schmid-Ehmen's eagle.]
[Above: The master at work.]
[Above: A smaller, but no less beautiful, eagle.]
[Above: Bronze female figure from the Great German Art Exhibition in the Munich House of German Art (1939).]
[Above: 1939 bust of Julius Streicher (February 12, 1885 – October 16, 1946).]
[Above: Four more beautifil works of Schmid-Ehmen.]
[Above: Lovers, 1942.]
[Above: This beauty is simply called 'Mutter' (mother).]
[Above: This porcelain piece is by Otto Obermaier (1883 - 1965) and is called 'Die Schreitende'.]
[Above: 1939 postage stamp celebrating the Day of German Art]
'Never before in Germany had such large financial aid been given to the arts. To obtain the money, the government sold special stamps, and Hitler is said to have put the royalties of Mein Kampf into the arts budget.'
-Art of the Third Reich, by Peter Adam, pg. 117, (c)1992
'The German state wants the well-being of the artist. He shall no longer suffer from the critics... the care of the state also extends to his personal life. Well-known artists and sculptors like Arno Breker in Berlin and Thorak in Munich have been given large studios in order to fulfill state commissions for monuments which represent a gigantic and heroic humanity... In this way a great country honors its artists and their work, its intellectual culture and the dignity of human existence. It has recognized the value of art as a historical necessity.'
-Henri Bouchard, French sculptor and director of the Ecole des Beaux-Arts
Below are but a small example of some of the beauty of the Adolf Hitler's Germany...
[Above: The Nordic archetype.]
[Above: Wolfgang Willrich, 1943]
[Above: Willrich's artist signature]
After the war his house was plundered and most of his work was either stolen or destroyed... he himself was arrested and imprisoned by the Americans and thrown into a concentration camp in Göttingen. His crime? Being an artist, of course!
Due to abuse and mistreatment his health deteriorated greatly. In 1946, after a stay in a military hospital, he was released, but his health would never return. In the following years he tried to earn a living as an artist, but had limited success. A short time later he died of cancer.
[Above: Wolfgang Willrich in his studio]
[Above: This postcard, with art by Wolfgang Willrich, says: 'für das heil der Deutschen Art und für ihr liebenswertes Wesen' loosely means 'Art for the healing of the Germans and their charming souls' .]
[Above: Wolfgang Willrich, circa 1935.]
[Above: 'Margaret Ernst', by Wolfgang Willrich, circa 1937.]
[Above: Wolfgang Willrich, circa 1939.]
[Above: Wolfgang Willrich, circa 1935.]
[Above: 'Elfriede Reichmann', BDM maiden, by Wolfgang Willrich, from the book 'Nordisches Blutserbe im Suddeutschen', 1938.]
[Above: 'Hertha Mignon', BDM maiden, by Wolfgang Willrich, 1939.]
[Above: A Stahlhelm-wearing Wolfgang Willrich in the field]
[Above: This postcard shows two BDM girls with a poetic verse from Reinhold Braun. Reinhard Braun was a popular poet/writer.]
[Above: 'Being German means to be faithful!']
[Above: 'Now a Joy Goes Through the World'. This is an old German Christmas song.]
[Above: 'Unsre fahne hattert uns voran
Unsre fahne ist die neue zeit'
'Our flag flutters before us
Our flag is the new age'
This is taken from a song by Baldur von Schirach and Hans Otto Borgmann. Click on the image for the lyrics of the song.]
[Above: The old German script on this is incredibly hard to read... 'National Socialist...' something?]
[Above: The Nordic archetype.]
[Above: 'Margarete Heil', by Oskar Just, 1937. This image is found in the book 'Nordisches Blutserbe im Sueddeutschen-bauerntum']
[Above: This image is also found in the book 'Nordisches Blutserbe im Sueddeutschen-bauerntum', by artist Oskar Just.]
[Above: Fidus. Click to see more!]
In 1886 he met fellow artist Karl Wilhelm Diefenbach (1851–1913), and joined Diefenbach's commune near Munich. For his friend Diefenbach he even served a small prison sentence for public nudity, which earned him the name 'Fidus', meaning 'faithful'.
In the following years Fidus worked for a variety of magazines as an illustrator. His work also spanned many other avenues of art, like ornamental drawings, book covers, ex-libris plates, posters and designs of all types. Many of his works are described as dream-like. He is credited as being one of the first artists to use advertising postcards to promote his art.
As was very apparent in his many works, Fidus was a deeply spiritual man. He held Theosophical beliefs and was deeply interested in German mythology. His gifted pencil and paintbrush gave life to many stories and myths of the past. By 1900 he was one of the most visible and well-known artists in Germany. Yet today his work is all but forgotten. Most likely due to the fact that Fidus was an enthusiastic supporter and member of the National Socialist Party, which he joined in 1932.
[Above: Adolf Hitler by Fidus.]
[Above: A phenomenal work by Fidus. Check out the swastika atop the rock that the man is making fire with!]
[Above: Two people lounge between an Irminsul and a swastika overhead.]
[Above: Temple of the Earth, 1901.]
[Above: Die Kugelläuferin, 1884.]
[Above: Luzifer Morgenstern (Lucifer Morningstar), 1894. Click to see more!]
[Above: A Fidus work gracing the cover of Wunder magazine.]
[Above: A postcard from 1918.]
[Above: This beauty was done by Felix Albrecht.]
[Above: Partial close-up. This is one of the most spectacular paintings of the era. Wow... It was done in 1936 by Emil Beithan and is called 'Hitler bei den Schwälmern'. Click to see the full image and other close-ups.]
[Above: An astonishingly realistic painting of a RAD girl.]
[Above: Another beauty, this time a BDM girl.]
[Above: 'Deutsche Jugend' by Jürgen Wegener. Click to see the full image. Another superb work of art.]
[Above: This masterpiece, entitled 'Farm Family from Kahlenberg', was done in oil on canvas by Adolf Wissel, 1939.]
[Above: Superb life and detail on this young BDM girl.]
[Above: 'Young Germany' (Das junge Deutschland), 1935. Although this work doesn't include imagery of a woman, I've included it anyway. This beautiful work of art was destroyed by the ungodly Allies after the war! A crime against humanity... Thank god photos survived. Click the image to see it on display in a train station!]
[Above: An issue of NS Frauen-Warte featuring a 1942 painting by Sepp Hilz entitled 'Die rote halsfette' (The red necklace).]
'The Ideal of beauty, of antiquity, will be eternal as long as people of the same pure character and race exist... The race that marks the whole life of a people will also look at the arts with special eyes... Each politically heroic epoch will immediately build a bridge to another equally heroic past. Greeks and Romans will suddenly become near to the Germans, because their roots lie in the race.'
-Adolf Hitler, Party Day speech, Nuremburg, in Berliner Lokal-Anzeiger, September 2, 1933
'Somebody once asked me what had attracted me to National Socialism. I replied without a shadow of hesitation: "Its beauty".'
-Savitri Devi
[Above: 'Am Gestade' or 'By the Water' by Ernst Liebermann. Date unknown. Oil on canvas.]
[Above: 'Im Lebensfrühling' or 'In Life's Spring' by Johann Schult.]
[Above: 'Diana' by Theodor Bohnenberger, Haus der Deutschen Kunst, 1940.]
'Painting is poetry that is seen rather than felt.'
-Leonardo da Vinci
[Above: Eva, the artist's daughter bathing, by Anton Filkuka (1888 – 1957).]
[Above: 'Europa' by Karl Schuster-Winkelhof. This image was used in a series of SS produced postcards.]
'You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star.'
-Friedrich Nietzsche
[Above: This monumental work is by Wilhelm Dachauer (April 5, 1881 - February 26, 1951) entitled 'Und aus dem Opfer des Krieges ersteht das Neue Europa' or 'And from the Victims of War Arises a New Europe'.]
[Above: The Master -- Adolf Ziegler.]
[Above: The gorgeous 'Die vier Elemente' or 'The Four Elements' by Adolf Ziegler, 1937. This was one of Adolf Hitler's favorites. Click on the image to see another version of one of the women.]
[Above: 'The Four Elements' in Adolf Hitler's study in the Reich Chancellery.]
'...figments of madness, the audacity of Nichtskönnertums (incompetence) and degeneration...'
Adolf Ziegler in the opening speech at the Exhibition of Degenerate Art, Munich, July 19, 1937 in Munich. He was referring to the garbage that is passed off as 'art'. One million people attended the Degenerate Art Exhibition in its first six weeks. 650 grotesque and laughable works of 'art' were displayed. The National Socialist revolution was not only political, it sought to revitalize and protect all spheres of life.
[Above: 'The Judgement of Paris' by Adolf Ziegler, 1939.]
[Above: Peasant Venus, another favorite of Adolf Hitler's, displayed at the House of German Art, Munich, 1939.]
[Above: Sepp Hilz while painting the Peasant Venus. The model is named Annerl Meierhanser.]
[Above: Sepp Hilz and model taking a break.]
[Above: A page from the Illustrierter Beobachter newspaper showing Hilz and a model.]
[Above: 'Vanity' by Sepp Hilz in 1940. The model is Annerl Meierhanser.]
[Above: Paul Mathias Padua.]
[Above: 'Leda mit dem Schwan' (Leda and the Swan) was first exhibited in 1939. It was disapproved of by Gauleiter and Minister Adolf Wagner because of its subject matter, but Adolf Hitler overruled such foolishness personally, and even purchased the painting for 5,000 Reichsmarks. It was hung in a spare bedroom in Adolf Hitler's home in the Obersalzberg. On October 3, 1965, for the Wisconsin newspaper La Crosse Tribune, Padua recalled the painting's fate 'The Americans confiscated it when they took the Obersalzberg retreat. I heard later that it had been auctioned off and I have no idea to this day who has it'.]
[Above: Paul Mathias Padua's 'Auf Heimaturlaub' (On Home Leave), 1944]
[Above: One of Padua's most beloved works, 'Der Führer spricht', 1939. Note the family is gathering around to listen to Adolf Hitler speak on the radio.]
'You artists live in great and happy times. Above you the most powerful and understanding patron. The Führer loves artists, because he himself is one. Under his blessed hand a Renaissance has begun... Oh, century of artists! What a joy to be part of it!'
-Joseph Goebbels
[Above: 'Bund Deutscher Mädel in der Hitlerjugend' or 'League of German Girls in the Hitler Youth'.]
[Above: This beautifully symbolic postcard is from June 1935.]
[Above: The simple but charming art shown here was used in a variety of manners, from The National Socialist Women's League (NSF) to a poster supporting Adolf Hitler: 'The German woman chooses Hitler'. Click to see other examples.]
[Above: This image of a BDM maiden was done by Max Brüning.]
[Above: This poster 'Victory or Bolshevism' was a very effective work.]
[Above: This 1933 poster advertises a Hitler Youth event 'Week of the Hitler Youth'.]
[Above: This charming poster advertises Hitler Youth collecting donations for the Winterhilfswerk des Deutschen Volkes (Winter Relief of the German People). 'We collect - You give!'.]
[Above: Another donation poster from June 1943 imploring people to 'Get rid of old textiles and shoes'. These items were desperately needed on the war front.]
[Above: This superb poster says 'Christmas greetings from home'.]
[Above: This advertises the Niederdeutscher Beobachter newspaper.]
[Above: 'Frohe Ostern' = 'Happy Easter'. Hehe... this is so awesome. Click to see more Easter related material.]
[Above: 'Vergesset nie den Schmachfrieden von Versailles!' = 'Never forget the disgrace of Versailles!']
[Above: Beautiful simplicity. The poem below basically says 'Golden setting sun, you are so beautiful, never without bliss your splendor I've seen'.]
[Above: Ah, to pledge allegiance to a flag that actually means something...]
[Above: One day our fallen heroes will receive the honors they deserve. The millions of men and women of all races, religions and nations who fought and died under the swastika. Those martyrs of earth who have been vilified and lied about for 70 years. One day... soon.]
[Above: Wow, this is beautiful. A stunning work.]
[Above: This stamp 'Tag der Verpflichtung der Jugend' or 'Day of Commitment of the Youth', was released in March 26, 1943. Click to see more.]
[Above: Gorgeous 20 mark note from 1939.]
[Above: Close-up.]
[Above: Donation certificate 'In the name of the Führer I thank you for the donation...' . This particular program helped soldiers at the front.]
[Above: Close-up.]
[Above: Julius Streicher's weekly newspaper Der Stürmer always had very eye-catching illustrations. Here the 'Die Spinne' or 'The Spider', shown as a Jewish caricature, warns women of the Jews nefarious designs.]
[Above: 'Satansschlange Juda' or 'Satan's Jewish Serpent', attacks a woman in front of the Talmud, Der Stürmer, June 1939. Julius Streicher was put to death for publishing these cartoons and the newspaper Der Stürmer! Imagine nations purporting to be 'good' murdering a journalist because they disagreed with his views. That is not democracy. The tyrant governments ruling over us DO NOT operate by democratic principles. There are thousands of examples of this.]
[Above: 'Hitler Youth Kämpft für Freiheit und Brot!' or 'Hitler Youth Fight for Freedom and Bread'. This isn't a real postage stamp, but instead something you would purchase to benefit a cause.]
[Above: The Goebbels family]
[Above: A proud Joseph Goebbels with his beloved wife Magda and children]
[Above: Beautiful and wise Magda with children. Adolf Hitler gave Magda his personal NSDAP badge in the final, horrible, blessed days in the Bunker.]
[Above: Julius Streicher (far right) and family]
[Above: Julius Streicher with Heinrich Himmler]
[Above: Julius Streicher with German girl]
[Above: BDM girls meet the legendary Julius Streicher, who playfully pulls on one of their braids!]
[Above: Jakob Grimminger and his wife]
'I must tell you first, in order to clear up any uncertainty about my own position, that I never speak primarily as a member of the S.A., but as a National Socialist, since the S.A. cannot be independent of the National Socialist movement but can only exist as a part of it.'
-Victor Lutze
Sadly, on May 7, 1943, Victor Lutze and his family were involved in a terrible automobile accident near Potsdam. Victor was injured, but said to be only lightly so, but his daughter Inge was killed instantly. He was rushed to a hospital in Potsdam, but succumbed to his injuries during surgery. It is reported that he died from a blood clot. Victor's son, Victor Jr. was driving. The family had just picked him up from a leave from the army. Victor Jr. was later killed in combat in Normandy on June 20, 1944. Victor's wife, Paula, died in 1954. Tragically, Addi, the youngest son would also be killed in a car accident in 1957.
He was an Old Fighter and true National Socialist. Adolf Hitler ordered an elaborate state funeral, which he attended in person. Lutze was awarded the Highest Grade of the German Order. This rare decoration was the most important award in Germany, awarded for 'duties of the highest order to the state and party'.
In the book 'Sonne im Nebel' (Sun in the Fog), by Prince Friedrich Christian, it says: 'When Goebbels heard about the death of the Chief of Staff by telephone, something happened that was probably unique – he cried.
[Above: Victor Lutze and family.]
[Above: A rare shot of the Lutze family enjoying swimming at a lake.]
[Above: Sepp and one of his sons.]
[Above: Sepp and unknown females.]
In 2013 Brigitte, now 80 years old and dying of cancer, gave an interview to the Washington Post. She describer her beloved father as 'Nicest man in the world' and as a 'Gentle' and 'wonderful' man. She insisted that 'there was not one flaw on him, nothing that was mean or not nice...'
Brigitte asks a question that experts, historians, scientists and common men all over the world have been asking for decades: 'How can there be so many survivors if so many had been killed?'
It's illegal in much of the countries in this world to even so much as question the Holocaust. Thousands of men and women, some even in their 80s, are jailed for years for merely questioning the official narrative. Why would truth fear investigation?
Brigitte's father, Rudolf Höss, was tortured terribly by the Russians after the war. He was forced to write a confession of murdering millions of people. There were many, many technical lies and inconsistencies in what he declared. It was pure nonsense and his 'confession' would never be accepted in any just court.
Alas he was made into a monster, like so many other innocent men. He was murdered by the communists by hanging on April 10, 1947.
[Above: The Höss family, counterclockwise from left: Inge-Brigitt (Brigitte), Hedwig Annegret, Hans Jurgen, Heidetraud, Rudolf and Klaus.]
[Above: Brigitte Höss, laughing on the upper left, grew up in a villa next to Auschwitz while her father was commandant. She remembered playing with children whose parents were confined to Auschwitz.]
[Above: Brigitte Höss, while working as a fashion model in the United States, where she moved after the war. Click to see more.]
Degrelle was a proud father to seven girls and one boy, who were forcibly shipped to detention centers all over Europe after the war by the evil and vengeful Allies. The children's names were even changed in an attempt to hide them from him! The Belgian authorities ordered that they were never to be permitted contact with one another or with their father! Can you imagine such cold-hearted, petty maliciousness? Such were the 'victors'.
A special law was even passed, the Lex Degrellana, which made it illegal to transfer, possess, or receive any book by or about Léon Degrelle! The Belgian authorities sentenced him to death in absentia and the Allies even threatened to invade Spain unless they handed him over after the war. Luckily he was able to stay out of their hands. In the years of exile that followed Degrelle avoided several assassination attempts by Israel!
But none of these monsters could keep a father from his children. Eventually, after a diligent search of many good people who lent a helping hand, the children were reunited with their father.
[Above: Léon Degrelle and daughters.]
[Above: Léon Degrelle and daughters.]
[Above: Léon Degrelle at the wedding of his daughter. Note his Knight's Cross medal and many others won during WWII. He was rightfully proud of service to Europe during the war -- against those that today are destroying it.]
[Above: Léon Degrelle at the wedding of his second daughter, Marie-Christine, in 1969.]
Inga Spilcker was a German singer and children's book author and illustrator. Her beauty and charm captivated every man she met. But there was only one very special man who would win her heart.
Robert Ley and Inga Spilcker met in 1935 and quickly fell in love. Three years later, on August 20, 1938 the two married. This marriage produced three children: Lore (October 25, 1938), Wolf (May 14, 1940) and Gloria (June 27, 1941).
[Above: Robert and Inga Ley.]
[Above: Inga holding Lore while a proud father beams with pride.]
[Above: Inga with Lore.]
[Above: Inga with Lore.]
The truth is Adolf Hitler and all of Germany wanted peace with England and the world before and during WWII. Rudolf Hess, the second in command in Germany, was a messenger of peace. I guess it was naive to think that the bloodthirsty monsters who ruled the world outside of Germany would want peace. Instead they arrested him and subjected him to the cruelest physical and psychological torture of the modern age.
There is a quote from Rudolf Hess (June 10, 1941) which says it all:
'My coming to England in this way is, as I realize,
so unusual that nobody will easily understand it.
I was confronted by a very hard decision.
I do not think I could have arrived at my final choice
unless I had continually kept before my eyes the vision of
an endless line of children's coffins
with weeping mothers behind them,
both English and German,
and another line of coffins of mothers
with mourning children.'
Rudolf Hess was married to Ilse Pröhl and had one son, Wolf Rüdiger Hess. Ilse remained faithful to her beloved husband all the many years he was imprisoned. While his son Wolf fought for his father's freedom ceaselessly. Even after his father's murder Wolf fought for the truth. It was a partial victory. The world knows the truth about Rudolf Hess' murder and inhuman imprisonment. We're just still waiting for one thing: Why?
[Above: Rudolf and his wife Ilse.]
[Above: Rudolf and his son Wolf.]
[Above: Rudolf and Ilse in better days.]
'Only he who gives up on himself is lost.'
-Hans Ulrich Rudel
[Above: Hans Ulrich Rudel]
Hans Rudel was a Luftwaffe ace of aces. Flying his Stuka bomber, he was responsible for massive amounts of death and destruction to the Soviet Army. He was so successful that Joseph Stalin himself put a price of 100,000 rubles on his head. If ever there was a human war machine it was he. He was even called the 'perfect soldier' by Hitler, who went on and said 'You are the greatest and most courageous soldier the German people have ever had.'' (January 1, 1945 on the occasion of promoting Rudel to the rank of colonel and awarding him the highest German WWII decoration: the Knight's Cross with Golden Oak Leaves with Swords and Diamonds.)
[Above: Rudel being awarded personally by Adolf Hitler. The two had a great respect for one another.]
By May 5, 1945 he flew 2,530 sorties!
[Above: Rudel in a unit award ceremony wearing a placard for his 2,000th mission.]
He flew 329,326 miles (530,000 km), dropping 2,204,622 pounds (1,000,000 kg) of bombs.
He fired 1,000,000 rounds of machine gun ammo, 150,000 rounds of 20mm ammo and 5,000 rounds of 37mm ammo.
He destroyed the battleship 'Marat', a destroyer, two cruisers, 518 Tanks, 150 artillery pieces, 70 landing craft, 700 other vehicles, four armored trains, made direct hits on various strategically important bridges, supply routes and 9 enemy aircraft (2 Il-2s and 7 fighters).
Mind-boggling. Shocking stuff.
[Above: A great color picture of Rudel showing some of his most important awards.]
The nine aircraft he shot down seems a small number compared to the rest of his record, but you've got to remember he was a bomber pilot, not a fighter pilot. But that little number nine looks a whole lot bigger when it is revealed that one of those unlucky nine was the Soviet ace Lev Shestakov, who rates as the Soviet Union's all-time second-ranking fighter pilot!
Rudel mentions him in his famous book 'Stuka Pilot':
'Was he shot down by Gadermann [Rudel's rear gunner], or did he go down because of the backwash from my engine during these tight turns? It doesn't matter. My headphones suddenly exploded in confused screams from the Russian radio; the Russians have observed what happened and something special seems to have happened... From the Russian radio-messages, we discover that this was a very famous Soviet fighter pilot, more than once appointed as Hero of the Soviet Union. I should give him credit: he was a good pilot.'
Rudel himself was shot down a whopping 32 times, several times behind enemy lines. One such epic escape is detailed in his book 'Stuka Pilot'.
During his blessed and truly amazing career, he earned:
Iron Cross 2nd Class (November 10, 1939), Iron Cross 1st Class (July 18, 1941), Honor Goblet of the Luftwaffe (October 20, 1941), German Cross in Gold (December 2, 1941), Knight's Cross (January 6, 1942), Oak Leaves (April 14, 1943), Swords (November 25, 1943), Diamonds (March 29, 1944), Golden Oak Leaves (December 29, 1944 -- the only person ever to be awarded Golden Oak Leaves, they literally made this award just for him because they had run out of awards to give him!), plus he also earned a Wound Badge in Gold (he was wounded numerous times, in November 1944 he was wounded in the thigh and flew subsequent missions with his leg in a plaster cast. He would eventually lose his leg.), Pilot/Observer Badge in Gold with Diamonds, Front Flying Clasp of the Luftwaffe in Gold and Diamonds with Pennant "2000" (in Gold, July 18, 1941 and in Gold and Diamonds with Pennant "2000"), Hungarian Gold Medal of Bravery (January 14, 1945) and the Italian Silver Medal of Military Valor.
Hans Rudel married three times, curiously, all of his wives were named Ursula!
[Above: Rudel and his first wife Ursula during a visit to Görlitz, Germany.]
[Above: Rudel's second wife.]
With his first wife, who he married in 1942, he had two sons, Hans Ulrich and Siegfried, and later had a son named Christoph with his second wife.
[Above: A proud father with his two sons, Hans Ulrich and Siegfried.]
[Above: Hans with his son Christoph.]
After the war he lived in Argentina for some years and helped its leader Juan Perón set up the Argentine Air Force. He became good friends with Perón and his famous wife Eva.
[Above: Rudel with Juan Perón and their beautiful wives.]
Hans Rudel was active in various National Socialist causes his entire life. He was friends with many other famous National Socialists, such as the great Savitri Devi.
[Above: From left to right, unknown, Ursula Rudel, Hans Rudel, John Tyndall, Beryl Cheetham, Savitri Devi and Joe Jones, Munich, September 1968.]
In his later years he became an accomplished mountain climber and ski instructor -- all with one leg!
Throughout his amazing life he remained a proud National Socialist.
[Above: Mourners were photographed giving National Socialist salutes at Rudel's funeral. The occupied German government launched an official investigation on these TERRIBLE people afterwards.]
[Above: Isabelita Perón, the third wife of President Juan Perón, gives the stiff arm salute at the 1974 funeral of her husband.]
As a final note to the legacy of Hans Rudel, the last chief of the Wehrmacht in 1945, Ferdinand Schörner, said 'Rudel alone is worth an entire division!'
But far exceeding even this, it is said that Adolf Hitler himself wanted Hans Rudel to succeed him as Führer of the German Reich.
'We must work on ourselves. We must anchor and maintain the eternal foundations of the ideology transmitted to us by The Leader in unprecedented self-discipline. To protect our Folk, we must be hard on our enemies even at the risk of hurting individual enemies from time to time, and being criticized for our unrestrained brutality from otherwise well meaning people. No one will excuse us, no one will plead extenuating circumstances on our behalf, if we fail in our historical mission due to over-objectivity or excessive humanitarianism! It will simply be said that we failed in our historical mission.'
-Reinhard Heydrich
[Above: Reinhard Heydrich. Click to see more postage stamp related items.]
When his assassin raised his gun to him, and the gun jammed, Heydrich ordered the car stopped and confronted the coward. The assassin threw an explosive and Heydrich was terribly wounded. But this did not stop this giant of a man. Heydrich chased the coward through the streets, eventually collapsing from blood loss and shock.
But of equal importance to all of this: he was a warm and loving father and a devoted husband. Despite the pressures and demands of his many duties, his love for his family was boundless.
Reinhard married the woman he loved, Lina Mathilde von Osten, in December 1931.
[Above: Reinhard and Lina Heydrich]
Lina was a committed National Socialist who had attended early party rallies and even joined the NSDAP before she met Heydrich. In fact, it was she who urged Reinhard to join the SS originally.
The couple had two sons, Klaus (born June 17, 1933) and Heider (born December 23, 1934) and two daughters, Silke (born April 9, 1939) and Marte (born July 23, 1942), who was born shortly after Reinhard Heydrich's death.
[Above: Lina with her four children]
Tragically, Klaus died as a result of a traffic accident a little over a year after his father's death on October 24, 1943.
[Above: Reinhard and Lina Heydrich with their son Klaus in München, 1934. Click to see more!]
[Above: A proud father looks down at his daughter.]
[Above: Reinhard with a playful, boyish smile, entertains comrades while a large bust of Adolf Hitler looks on.]
[Above: Reinhard and Lina, two kids in love.]
[Above: Silke Heydrich, all grown up and as beautiful as could be.]
'I have not tolerated an atheist in the ranks of the SS.
Every member has a deep faith in God,
in what my ancestors called in their language Waralda,
the ancient one, the one who is mightier than we are.'
-Heinrich Himmler
[Above: Heinrich Himmler]
His soaring successes and political power earned him the blackest hatred from his enemies -- the greatest badge of honor-- and the deepest reverence from the National Socialist faithful. Himmler is a man of mystery. Seemingly a simple man, of humble beginnings, but in fact he was a person of immense complexity.
Heinrich Himmler had four children, whom he deeply loved. First was a daughter named Gudrun Margarete (born August 8, 1929), next an adopted son named Gerhard von der Ahe (born July 21, 1928) and then two children with Hedwig Potthast, a son named Helge (born February 15, 1942) and a daughter named Nanette-Dorothea (July 20, 1944).
[Above: Heinrich and Gudrun Himmler]
Himmler met the love of his life, Margarete, in 1927, and married her a year later. Margarete was a devoted worker with the German Red Cross during the war and helped to operate various military hospitals.
[Above: Margarete Himmler]
Margarete and his beloved daughter Gudrun remained loyal to their husband and father's name their entire lives. Despite typical Allied false imprisonment and harsh interrogations after the war their love for him never wavered. Gudrun continues to this day to stand by her father and her beliefs.
[Above: Heinrich and Margarete Himmler on their wedding day]
[Above: Heinrich and Margarete with Gudrun.]
[Above: A lazy day at the lake. Heinrich and Margarete stand behind Gudrun's friend, Gudrun and their adopted son Gerhard. Click to see more.]
[Above: Adolf Hitler with von Ribbentrop's children and Gudrun Himmler (right). Click to see more pictures.]
[Above: Heinrich and Gudrun. Their warmth and love for each other is undeniable. Click to see more.]
[Above: Heinrich and Gudrun at an official event in 1938. He adored Gudrun and saw her as much as possible. He lovingly called her 'Püppi' (which means 'Dolly') for the duration of his life.]
'After a certain period of time, when I had acquired more insight into the Führer's personality, I gave him my hand and said: "I unite my fate with yours for better or for worse: I dedicate myself to you in good times and in bad, even unto death." I really meant it-and still do.'
--Hermann Göring
[Above: Hermann and Emmy Göring]
In 1923 he met his first love, Swedish baroness Carin von Kantzow, who he married in February 1923. He loved her deeply, but she tragically died in 1931 of heart failure. He would later build a magnificent home that he named Carin Hall in honor of her.
[Above: Hermann Göring's first wife and love Carin (October 21, 1888 – October 17, 1931).]
Hermann Göring was a National Socialist Old Fighter who was severely wounded in the 1923 Putsch with Adolf Hitler. Very early on he was given command of the SA, which was still in its infancy. He would later create the Gestapo, which would inspire secret services the world over.
Edda was born on June 2, 1938. The proud father received an astounding 628,000 messages of congratulations from all over the world! When he picked up his daughter from the hospital to take home cheering people packed the streets.
[Above: Hermann and Emmy Göring with their beloved daughter Edda.]
On November 4, 1938 Edda was baptized at Carin Hall and Adolf Hitler became her godfather. Despite the enormous pressure the children of famous people of the Third Reich endured after the war, Edda never believed their lies and propaganda. She always honored her father and was known to associate with numerous people who carried on the flame of National Socialism.
[Above: Edda, in the arms of her mother, reaches out for Adolf Hitler. Circa 1938.]
[Above: Edda Göring]
[Above: Edda Göring, all grown up]
'The German people is not marked by original sin, but by original nobility.
National Socialism stands or falls by its Weltanschauung.'
-Alfred Rosenberg
[Above: Little Irene Rosenberg, meeting Adolf Hitler on her father's 45th birthday, 1938.]
[Above: Irene Rosenberg and her mother, captured by the Allied beasts]
'Today a new faith is stirring:
the myth of blood,
the faith that along with blood
we are defending the divine nation
of man as a whole.'
-Alfred Rosenberg
'Death, death.
Now I won't be able to write my beautiful memoirs.'
-Joachim von Ribbentrop
[Above: Joachim von Ribbentrop, Foreign Minister of National Socialist Germany from 1938 until 1945.]
[Above: Ribbentrop had five children, his daughter and son (Ursula and Adolf) are seen here.]
[Above: Another shot of his daughter and son.]
[Above: Joachim with his wife Anna Henkell and their children, 1936. In the back is the eldest son Rudolf von Ribbentrop, a true war hero of WWII.]
[Below: His lovely daughter Ursula.]
[Below: Adolf Hitler playing with the Ribbentrop children.]
[Below: Adolf Hitler with Ribbentrop and his daughter Ursula in Berlin, on Ribbentrop's birthday, April 30, 1939.]
[Below: Another shot.]
[Below: Rudolf von Ribbentrop, Joachim's eldest son.]
'Father was loyal to Hitler. For Father, that was not merely a question of decency... Father was obliged to stand loyally by Hitler in the latter's final decisions... Father considered it beneath his dignity to abandon his loyalty when he appeared before the tribunal of the victors in Nuremberg.'
[My Father, Joachim von Ribbentrop: Hitler’s Foreign Minister, Experiences and Memories, pg. 391, 2019]
Rudolf went on to say:
'Today I am grateful that in his defense Father did not take the 'low road' against Hitler.'
[My Father, Joachim von Ribbentrop: Hitler’s Foreign Minister, Experiences and Memories, pg. 400, 2019]
[Above: Nasjonal Samling poster urging the youth to join.]
[Above: Beautiful Nasjonal Samling girls.]
[Above: A few beauties who were members of the Norwegian Special Squad Lola (Sonderabteilung Lola). Their job was to infiltrate Norwegian terrorist groups who were secretly working with the Allies. After the war numerous members of Sonderabteilung Lola were viciously executed and many of the women received life sentences.]
[Above: Croatian female wearing Ustaše cap.]
[Above: Romanian Iron Legion girls during a rally.]
[Above: March 24, 1942. This is Aurora Vega, the mother of a corporal in the Spanish Blue Division. Her son, Nemesio García Vega, gave his life on the Eastern Front. She now wears her son's Iron Cross and clutches his letters from the front (wrapped in newspaper). Her sadness is so deep... She looks absolutely broken. Her brave warrior son who left the safety of his home and traveled to a distant battlefield... and to die in the frozen expanse of communist Russia... buried in the unforgivable frozen earth.
Nemesio García Vega, you are a martyr and a hero, we call out to you, brother, and with the deepest gratitude and love,
"Thank you..."
Your death was not in vain. All of these years later, tonight I light a candle for you, my comrade.]
[Above: Lady Germania!]
[Above: In 1900 Germany issued the first Lady Germania series of postage stamps. This first series were inscribed "REICHSPOST", while those that followed were inscribed "DEUTSCHES REICH". This famous series was designed by Paul Waldraff from a portrait of the German actress Anna Führing (1866-1929). Click to see more!]
[Above: Lady Germania stamp designs that were not used]
[Above: Anna Führing, 1891]
[Above: Lady Germania brings death to her enemies!]
[Above: This postcard was sold in various markets but was franked with a 1906 German postmark/stamp.]
[Above: Happy Easter!]
[Above: Victoria Louise of Prussia (September 13, 1892 – December 11, 1980) was the only daughter and the last child of German Emperor Wilhelm II and Empress Augusta Victoria. She was also the great-granddaughter of Queen Victoria. Click to see more!]
[Above: Here's a picture of a young girl wearing a men's military uniform. On the uniform is a WWI Prussian Army Observers Badge.]
[Above: 'Europe 1916 - Am I not yet sufficiently civilized?' British WWI anti-war postcard showing a ravaged Mother Europe.]
[Above: A woman in Paris working for the Wehrmacht, 1940. She wears a 'Deutsche Wehrmacht' armband.]
[Above: Armband as shown above.]
[Above: A woman takes aim with a rifle while Wehrmacht officers and civilians watch.]
[Above: A convalescing Wehrmacht officer teaches a woman how to shoot a MP40 Sub-machine gun.]
'When we entered, I saw women being trained on weapons, including machine guns... they lived in end times and had to be used.'
[Above: A women learns how to shoot a Mauser K98 rifle.]
[Above: A woman in the Volkssturm learns how to shoot a Panzerfaust.]
[Above: Two women who have earned the War Merit Cross with Swords for bravery.]
[Above: Here is a death notice of a woman killed in a murderous Allied airstrike on civilians. Her brother, a hero of the Eastern Front, joins her on this double death notice.
'Gott lohne seine Treue' (God rewards his faithful)
'Sie ruhen im Frieden!' (They rest in peace!).]
[Above: American invaders, during the Anzio beachhead, bringing 'culture' to Europe, 1944.]
[Above: In a highly ironic twist, Italy produced this poster before the Allied invasion, showing a famous statue being defiled by a black American and being sold for a whopping two dollars.]
[Above: An American invader surveys his murderous deeds. These magical ruins are in Leipzig and are a Monument to the Battle of the Nations. The statues seem to frown down upon him... A short time before this invader tresspassed this place, on April 18, 1945, it was one of the final strongholds in the city to surrender. One hundred and fifty Waffen-SS soldiers had dug themselves in, with ammunition and supplies to last three months. Unfortunately they were murdered with Allied artillery.]
[Above: Women wasting away in an outdoor concentration camp after the war, Regansburg, 1945. Millions and millions of German men and women were murdered by the Allies AFTER the war. Read the book Hellstorm, by Thomas Goodrich, and prepare to be sickened to your soul.]
[Above: A mind-blowing, horrific photograph of Germans corralled into a concentration camp -- AFTER THE WAR. More Germans died AFTER the war than during the war! America, Britain, France and the Soviet Union are the real war criminals. Look at this picture and imagine the hell these human beings endured. They were starved, deprived of water and shelter and tortured in the most inhuman ways imaginable. These were the real death camps. Look at this picture again and tell me that the good guys won WWII...]
[Above: Tears laid in dust: a German woman cries amidst the ruins of her home and family.]
[Above: Children play a game with discarded tank tracks...]
[Above: German children play in the rubble of their homes. One of the boys holds a stick grenade! Berlin, 1948. It was a very common thing for children to play with discarded weapons after the war. Weapons were literally abandoned and hidden everywhere. Several years back I met an old man who was a child in German liberated Czechoslovakia (Bohemia and Moravia) during and after the war. He told me lots of interesting stories, and I listened attentively. One of his many stories was how him and his friends fished with stick grenades! Courtesy of the Bundesarchiv.]
[Above: A terrible and beautiful photo all in one. A little girl plays amidst a plethora of discarded weapons and gear in Berlin, the remnants of her people's struggle for life. The war now over, for now. The soldiers of truth, of tomorrow, lie resting in her blood.]
'Women must not be neglected or cast in some inferior role as is the bad habit of the old organizations. Democracy, as one of its deceits, acutely degrades women in its pretense of emancipating them; whereas National Socialism elevates them be honoring their natural role and ensuring for them the freedom to fulfill it...
In the German struggle for power women played a great part. Front rows at meetings addressed by Adolf Hitler were packed with intensely enthusiastically members of the fair sex.'
-The National Vanguard: The Way Forward by Colin Jordan (page 21, (c)2011 The Historical Review Press)
'In the desperate later days of the war "Great numbers of them [women] had written to Hitler and Goebbels demanding the right to fight".
A women's force, Adolf Hitler, was formed in March 1945, but too late.'
-The National Vanguard: The Way Forward by Colin Jordan (page 21, (c)2011 The Historical Review Press)
'My movement has been largely built up by the fanaticism of women; they hold ideals with tremendous passion.
Without women I could not have got a quarter of the way.'
-Oswald Mosley
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Page Six -|- Page Seven -|- Page Eight-|- Page Nine -|- Page Ten
Page Eleven -|- Page Twelve -|- Page Thirteen -|- Page Fourteen
Page Sixteen -|- Page Seventeen -|- Page Eighteen -|- Page Nineteen
Page Twenty -|- Page Twenty-One
Third Reich Photographs
Third Reich Philatelia
Third Reich Ephemera
Third Reich Awards
Third Reich Miscellanea
Third Reich Identification Books
Third Reich Currency
The Great War
Hand of Pandora
Waffen-SS Technical Information -|-
The European Volunteer Movement in WWII -|-
Copyright -|-