[Above: A young Heinrich and Margarete with their family]
[Above: Heinrich and Margarete with Gudrun]
[Above: Heinrich and Margarete with daughter]
[Above: An early photo of Himmler in a suit, smoking a cigar! Tobbaco was later frowned upon in the SS and the Third Reich in general.]
[Above: The Himmler family]
[Above: Studio portrait of Gudrun Himmler from 1929]
[Above: Gudrun Himmler, the Queen of Cute]
[Above: Gudrun Himmler, the Queen of Cute]
[Above: Margarete with Gudrun and Gerhard Himmler]
[Above: Heinrich and Margarete and baby Gudrun being held in the background]
[Above: Heinrich, Margarete and Gudrun. Courtesy of the Bundesarchiv.]
[Above: Heinrich, Margarete and Gudrun collect wild flowers]
[Above: Heinrich, Margarete and Gudrun collect wild flowers in Valepptal, Bavaria, June 19, 1941.]
[Above: Wider shot.]
[Above: Himmler collecting flowers with a few of his men.]
[Above: Himmler and Gudrun.]
[Above: Himmler and Gudrun.]
[Above: Heinrich and Gudren at Dachau, 1938. In the far right stands SS-Obergruppenführer Karl Wolff.]
[Above: Gudrun clutches her father, who stands in full SS regalia]
[Above: Adolf Hitler greeting Gudrun Himmler at the steps of the Berghof, 1938. The other little girl is Ursula von Ribbentrop. 1/2.]
[Above: Close-up.]
[Above: Wider shot.]
[Above: 2/2.]
[Above: Close-up.]
[Above: Heinrich and Margarete at breakfast, Schweinfurt, Germany, Spring 1934]
[Above: Heinrich and Margarete]
[Above: Margarete and Gudrun]
[Above: Heinrich and Margarete. Their love endured death.]
[Above: Heinrich Himmler during a lighter moment]
[Above: Margarete and Gudrun after their arrest at Bolzano, South Tyrol, Italy]
[Above: Margarete and Gudrun in an Allied detention camp near Rome, 1945. Is that the best picture the Allied thugs could take? With Margarete's eyes closed? Often the enemy likes to release photos that make people look awkward, such as with their mouths open in the middle of talking.]
[Above: Close-up]
[Above: Margarete (center) and Gudrun (right) with an unknown woman.]
[Above: Margarete and Gudrun.]
[Above: Gudrun, many years later.]
[Above: Gudrun aged 81.]
[Above: Heinrich Himmler and his secretary Hedwig Potthast]
[Above: Hedwig Potthast, circa 1933. Courtesy of the Bundesarchiv.]
[Above: Hedwig Potthast]
[Above: This picture is so cool I had to throw it on -- Himmler is seen here inspecting an SS-Totenkopf drum! This is Untersturmführer Kurt Franke from the SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 6 'Theodor Eicke'.]
[Above: Here are some more Himmler photos, just because. I might need them in the future and it is easier to find them here. This is Heinrich Himmler talking with a child on the Easter front.]
[Above: Heinrich Himmler talking to a Soviet prisoner.]
[Above: Heinrich Himmler speaking to an inmate of the Dachau concentration camp during an official inspection, May 8, 1936. 1/2.]
[Above: Heinrich Himmler speaking to an inmate of the Dachau concentration camp during an official inspection, May 8, 1936. 2/2.]
[Above: Heinrich Himmler mushroom hunting in Finland in 1942.]
[Above: Heinrich Himmler receiving flowers from children.]
[Above: Heinrich Himmler receiving flowers from children.]
[Above: Heinrich Himmler receiving flowers from children.]
[Above: Heinrich Himmler receiving flowers from children.]
[Above: Reichsfuehrer-SS Heinrich Himmler and his SS officers tour a P.O.W. camp on the Eastern Front. The officer second to the right of Himmler is his Chief of Staff, Karl Wolff. August 1941, Minsk, Belarus.]
[Above: Reichsfuehrer-SS Heinrich Himmler and his SS officers tour a P.O.W. camp on the Eastern Front.]
[Above: Reichsfuehrer-SS Heinrich Himmler and his SS officers tour a P.O.W. camp on the Eastern Front.]
[Above: Himmler speaking with a foreign worker. Russian volunteers were by far the highest number of volunteers, both civilians and the German armed forces.]
[Above: Himmler speaking to a Russian youth. Here is clearly moved by the child's poor appearance.]
[Above: The Man of Mystery -- Heinrich Himmler.]
[Above: Heinrich Himmler, April 1941.]