[Below: Translation and explanation of the painting.]
[Below: Amber crystal cut commemorative Nuremberg glass with a Reichsmark coin sealed in the bottom. A very neat piece! Again, special thanks to the contributor!]
[Below: Five Reichsmark silver coin sealed in glass bottom]
[Below: A stained glass window 'Germany Awake!']
[Below: SS illustration]
[Below: In the ruins of the Berlin bunker...]
[Below: Postage stamp issued on July 20, 1938. It represents the 5th Race for 'The Brown Ribbon' in Munich-Riem.]
[Below: Postcard from 1938.]
[Below: Wagner themed postage stamps from 1933, 4+2pf and 6+4pf.]
[Below: Wagner themed postage stamps from 1933, 8+4pf and 12+3pf.]
[Below: Wagner themed postage stamps from 1933, 20+10pf.]
[Below: Adolf Hitler ridding the world of chaos and conflict and creating order and a new man.]
[Below: Der Stürmer illustration 'The Talisman'. This shows Jews, like vampires, being repelled by a swastika talisman.]
[Below: Der Stürmer illustration.]
[Below: Der Stürmer illustration showing a Bolshevik-Jew threatening Mother Europe.]
[Below: Der Stürmer illustration.]
[Below: Color version.]
[Below: Der Stürmer illustration.]
[Below: Der Stürmer illustration.]
[Below: Der Stürmer illustration.]
[Below: Der Stürmer illustration - 'Jewish Press'.]
[Below: Der Stürmer illustration.]
[Below: 'Der "ideale" Mensch für das auserwählte...' = 'The "ideal" man for the chosen one...']
[Below: 'Land der Freiheit' (Land of Freedom), 'Wo man dem Juden untertan, ist Freiheit nur ein leerer Wahn' (Where one is subject to the Jew, freedom is only an empty delusion), Der Stürmer, Nr. 19, May 1939.]
[Below: This illustration is from the children's book 'Der Giftpilz' (The Poisonous Mushroom). The caption says 'The Jewish nose is crooked at its tip. It looks like the number six...']
[Below: Der Stürmer.]
[Below: 'Otto Mayer, the Nuremberg Jew'.]
[Below: Larger picture. but without text.]
[Below: Circa 1920]
[Below: This is a book called 'Der Jude Als Rasse Schänder' (The Jew as a Race Molester)]
[Below: This takes the title of the London newspaper The Times and reverses it: 'SEMIT' = 'SEMITE or SEMITIC']
[Below: Here's a cruder example of the artwork above]
[Below: Here's another version of the above. This version came later and is called 'Puzzle'. These drawings were used on leaflets which were dropped on French soldiers in the Maginot Line.]
[Below: This illustration was taken from the 'Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung' (number 1, January 7, 1943).]
[Below: Translation of the above.]
[Below: Illustration from an equipment book showing women's BDM uniforms.]
[Below: Illustration from an equipment book showing women's BDM uniforms.]