[Above: The signature of 'Schwester Pia' (Sister Pia).]
[Above: Note Adolf Hitler's endearing handshake. The medal shown on Sister Pia is the coveted Blood Order medal.]
[Above: A wider shot.]
[Above: Another picture from behind.]
[Above: This says:
(Sister Pia
[Above: Sister Pia amongst other Blood Order recipients.]
[Above: Beloved by all.]
[Above: Sister Pia arrested by the Allies. For what? Thought crimes? For trying to fight evil.]
[Above: A handwritten letter by Sister Pia from April 7, 1975: 'Can you understand my attitude as a German? I love my Fatherland, for which I have fought and suffered my entire life. For Germany I was imprisoned five years and struck by an American... Don't think badly of the German people. It was not so... If Germany perishes, then shall the earth tremble.']
[Above: Sister Pia, free. Free? Free to watch everything Adolf Hitler warned us about come true.]
[Above: Sister Pia, late in her remarkable life. Wow, look at her necklace, is that a pagan Irminsul? (a sacred, pillar-like object which played an important role in Germanic paganism. Perhaps a sacred tree, it is said that Charlemagne destroyed it and built a church on the site in 772)]
[Above: Close-up of Sister Pia's necklace.]
[Above: Irminsul tapestry from Walther Darré's headquarters -- it says: 'No people lives longer than the documents of its culture'.]
[Above: A wider shot of the moment, but small, unfortunately.]
'Schwester Pia
aus "Das Deutsche Mädel-Buch"
Heraugegeben von Magda Trott
Paul Franke Verlag, Berlin.'
from "The German Girl Book"
Edited by Magda Trott
Paul Franke Publishing House, Berlin)]