[Below: A young Kriegsmarine soldier with his father (?), who wears a NSDAP party pin.]
[Below: An early colorized postcard from January 13, 1931]
[Below: Postcard reverse]
[Below: Luftwaffe and Wehrmacht officers in Vienna]
[Below: Photo reverse]
[Below: Wehrmacht soldier photo-postcard]
[Below: Wehrmacht soldier photograph]
[Below: Wehrmacht soldier photograph]
[Below: Wehrmacht soldier photograph]
[Below: Wehrmacht soldier photograph]
[Below: Wehrmacht soldier and girlfriend/wife/sister photograph]
[Below: The Deutsche Wehrmacht armband seen here was used by civilians in service to the military. He's also wearing a swastika NSDAP party pin on his pocket.]
[Below: The ribbon on this Wehrmacht soldier's button hole is the Eastern Front Medal.]
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[Below: Wow, what happened to this soldier's teeth!?]
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[Below: Wow, what is that? Beautiful! It says: 'zum fünfzigjährigen Bestehen gewidmet von der Betriebsgemeinschaft' which means 'dedicated to the fiftieth anniversary of the business community'. On the side you can see a D.A.F. symbol (swastika surrounded by a gear).]
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[Below: The guy is in the customs service and he wears the 1st type collar tabs.]
[Below: Example of customs service collar tabs.]
[Below: Print on back of photo.]
[Below: On the left is Robert Ley, head of the German Labor Front.]
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[Below: Very odd. I wonder what this is?]
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[Below: Men from the German Labor Front (D.A.F.). The shirts seem odd, the symbol is in a strange position on their shirts... I can't make out the upper symbol/patch on their shirts. Anyone have an idea?]
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[Below: Wow, look at that flag. It has Diana, the Huntress.]
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[Below: Hmm... What is that guy holding? A deer plaque of some kind? Does it have any significance?]
[Below: Update: A reader has graciously informed me regarding what the deer plaque is! It's a shooting target! Below are some WWII era examples. Many thanks Anthony!]
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[Below: Brother and sister?]
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[Below: Instead of the normal 'One Volk, One Reich, One Führer' this says 'One Volk, One Reich, One Will' , a slogan I hadn't seen before. Click to enlarge!]
[Below: UPDATE: Here is another example of the slogan, this is Gertrud Scholtz-Klink at a Party Rally in 1938, talking to the Women's League.]
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[Below: A group of Hitler Youth leaders. Check out the Hitler Youth leader dagger on one of the guys! A beautiful dagger and one of the most elegant of the 3rd Reich.]
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[Below: The boy is wearing the first (unofficial ) sleeve badge for a Pimpf (the word 'Pimpf' is slang for any member of the German Youth Movement, but later especially of the Deutsches Jungvolk) qualified for fire auxiliary duties. It was later altered and combined into the fire, police and eventually bomb disposal badge. Interestingly enough, he's not wearing any recognizable DJ uniform suggesting it's either pre-1933 or most probably late war when the Pimpfs assisted in fire duties in any clothing.]
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[Below: These vehicle pictures are dated '1937']
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[Below: Could you get more handsome? No.]
[Below: This picture is marked 'Versailles' and '7-41']
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If you have any information you'd like to contribute to these pictures, email me:
Someone must know some of the locales, monuments, etc. The more information we can find the better and it's greatly appreciated!
I hope you enjoyed the pictures! I sure did.
*Extra special thanks to Mike and Earl for identifying a few of the photos!
[Below: Pictures from a cigarette card book called 'Adolf Hitler' 'Auf einer Fahrt durch Ostpreußen besuchte der Führer eine Bauernfamilie' = 'On a drive through Ostpreussen the Fuhrer with a farmer family']
[Below: Pictures from a cigarette card book called 'Adolf Hitler' 'Bückeberg' = 'The Bückeberg is a hill that lies south of Hamelin on the eastern perimeter of the Weser village of Hagenohsen which is on the right-hand, eastern bank of the River Weser in central Germany.']
[Below: Pictures from a cigarette card book called 'Adolf Hitler' 'Der Führer bei den Arbeitsmännern auf dem Zeppelinfeld in Nürnberg Reichsparteitag 1935' = 'The leader of the working men on the Zeppelin field in Nuremberg Reichsparteitag 1935.']
[Below: Pictures from a cigarette card book called 'Adolf Hitler' 'Der Führer bei der Jugend auf dem Reichsparteitag 1935' = 'The leader of the youth at the Reich Party Rally 1935.']
[Below: Pictures from a cigarette card book called 'Adolf Hitler' 'Der Führer vor seinem Landhaus am Obersalzberg' = 'The Führer in front of his country house on the Obersalzberg.']
[Below: Pictures from a cigarette card book called 'Adolf Hitler' 'Die Spitze der alten Kämpfer am 9. November 1935 vor dem Braunen Haus in München' = 'The head of the Old Fighters on November 9, 1935 in front of the Brown House in Munich.']
[Below: Pictures from a cigarette card book called 'Adolf Hitler' 'Gefallen für Deutschlands auferstehung. Der Führer am Sterbebett eines SS-Kameraden, 1931' = 'Fallen for Germany's resurrection. The leader at the deathbed of an SS comrade, 1931.']
[Below: Pictures from a cigarette card book called 'Adolf Hitler' 'Gute Nachricht' = 'Good news.']
[Below: Postcard used in the Sudetenland - 'Appell des Reichsarbeitsdienstes auf der Zeppelinwiese' = 'Rollcall of the Reich Labor Service on the Zeppelin Field']
[Below: This paper has been attached after the fact describing the postcard]
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[Below: Deutsches Turnfest 1933 in Stuttgart]
[Below: Der Redner Adolf Hitler vor der Jugend. Reichsparteitag 1935]
[Below: Der Redner Adolf Hitler vor der Jugend. Reichsparteitag 1935]
[Below: Kundgebung in Dortmund, 1933, Josef Wagner, Wilhelm Schepmann, Adolf Hitler und Victor Lutze, der Chef des Stabes]
[Below: Parteitag der Freiheit. Der Führer erwartet die braunen Kolonnen]
[Below: Parteitag der Macht 1934. Im Stadion bei der Jugend]
[Below: Rednertribüne in der Luitpold-Arena auf dem Reichsparteitaggelände in Nürnberg (Speaker at the podium in the Luitpold Arena on the Reichs Party Rally Grounds in Nuremberg).]
[Below: Reichsparteitag 1935. Der Führer mit Dr. Ley bei den Werkscharen (Reich Party Rally 1935. The Fuhrer with Dr. Ley at the factory).]
[Below: Minister Darré begrüsst den Führer anlässlich des Erntedankfestes (Minister Darré greets the leader on Thanksgiving Day).]
• Special thanks to B. for the pictures below!
[Below: Wow. Very cool looking guy.]
[Below: Can you believe a group of youths not glued to their phones? They are from the Hitler Youth farm service (Landjahr).]
[Below: Interestingly, here is the flag they are holding. 'Schwert und Scholle' (Sword and Sod).]
[Below: A Hitler Youth farm service (Landjahr) camp.]
[Below: 'Schwert wird Sichel
Sichel wird Schwert
beider Ernte die Heimat ernährt'
'Sword becomes sickle
Sickle becomes sword
both harvest feeds the homeland'.]
[Below: More shots of the trumpet banner.]
[Below: The rune used is the Othala rune, also known as the odal rune. It typically represents inheritance, tradition and persistence. It also symbolizes unity and the connection to family.]
[Below: So very cool...]
[Below: What a great looking couple!]
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[Below: She's beautiful! Imagine the babies they could make...]
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[Below: Wow! This guy is the definition of COOL!]
[Below: Meiner lieben Mutter!' (My dear mother!)]
[Below: Kind of an odd looking guy, but I like him. His personality, his aura, shines through time.]
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[Below: Why do all National Socialists look so cool?]
[Below: Another handsome young soldier.]
[Below: Here is a tiny photo album, small enough to fit in your hand.]
[Below: Open]
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[Below: The word 'Grafenwöhr' was written behind this photo. It is a town in Northern Bavaria.]
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[Below: Wow, how cool is that?]
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[Below: What is this place? Any ideas? It looks like rows and rows of sticks in the ground?]
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[Below: Strange how they are all standing/sitting on a hill...]
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[Below: Reverse ]
[Below: This little envelope was stuck in the middle of the album. Front]
[Below: Reverse. Note the address is 'Sudetengau'. This is Reichsgau Sudetenland, an administrative division of National Socialist Germany from 1939 to 1945. It comprised the northern part of the Sudetenland territory.]
[Below: Why were so many National Socialists so damn good looking? Was it the purity and good energies of their society? The light of Adolf Hitler and that of God bathed Germany and blessed it with beauty and truth.]