Helga Susanne (born September 1, 1932)
Hildegard "Hilde" Traudel (born April 13, 1934)
Helmut Christian (born October 2, 1935)
Holdine "Holde" Kathrin (born February 19, 1937)
Hedwig "Hedda" Johanna (born May 5, 1938)
Heidrun "Heide" Elisabeth (born October 29, 1940)
Plus Harald Quandt (born November 1, 1921), Magda's son from a previous marriage.
In the final days of WWII, of Europe's great struggle for life and freedom, Magda and Joseph Goebbels committed suicide in Adolf Hitler's bunker, taking their children with them, rather than face a fate of torture, humiliation and murder at the hands of the vengeful Allies.
They each wrote a final letter to their son Harald, who was a prisoner in an Allied concentration camp at the time. Hanna Reitsch explains in her 1955 book 'The Sky My Kingdom' that Magda gave her letter to Hanna to be taken out of Adolf Hitler's bunker on the fiery night of April 28, 1945. In Hanna's book she describes Magda as having 'wonderful composure that had never left her' despite being brought to tears several times by the terrible situation at hand.
[Below: Here is a picture to aid you in identifying the Goebbels children.]
[Below: Magda as a teenager.]
[Below: Beautiful and solemn Magda. Circa 1933.]
[Below: Magda Goebbels.]
[Below: Magda Goebbels.]
[Below: Magda Goebbels]
[Below: Magda Goebbels. Courtesy of the Bundesarchiv.]
[Below: Circa 1938]
[Below: Circa 1943/44]
[Below: Magda Goebbels giving a Mother's Day speech over the radio, 1933.]
[Below: Magda with singer Käte Heidersbach, Emmy Göring and an unknown women in the Göring’s home, 1935.]
[Below: Magda at a table with Adolf Hitler and Hermann Göring, amongst others.]
[Below: Magda Goebbels with an unknown woman.]
[Below: Magda Goebbels at a women's meeting.]
[Below: Magda Goebbels.]
[Below: Magda Goebbels (left of her husband Joseph Goebbels), in Venice, circa 1939.]
[Below: Magda Goebbels and her husband Joseph Goebbels at the train station.]
[Below: This picture was taken in Leipzig]
[Below: Close-up of the above]
[Below: The figure in the Luftwaffe uniform in the far back is Harald Quandt, Magda's son from a previous marriage. Harald was superimposed in this family portrait because he was fighting in Africa at the time with the Africa Corps. Although they did a good job superimposing him, by today's standards--with computers, it looks 'off'.]
[Below: A variation of the above picture.]
[Below: Close-up of the above]
[Below: Close-up of the above]
[Below: Postcard]
[Below: Reverse of postcard - a feldpost used in the field in November of 1943]
[Below: Close-up]
[Below: Helmut and Hedda Goebbels]
[Below: Magda Goebbels with Helga, Hilde, Helmut, Holde and Hedda in December 1938.]
[Below: Courtesy of bpk.]
[Below: Magda with her two eldest children-Harald Quandt and Helga Goebbels in 1933. Magda looks stunning here!]
[Below: Joseph and Magda Goebbels with Helga, Hilde and 19 days old Helmut]
[Below: Magda with Helga and Hilde Goebbels.]
[Below: Magda Goebbels holding newborn son Helmut.]
[Below: Close-up.]
[Below: Close-up]
[Below: Magda Goebbels with baby Hedwig in 1938]
[Below: Joseph and Helga Goebbels]
[Below: Helga, Helmut, Magda, Hedda, Hilde and Holde Goebbels.]
[Below: Close-up]
[Below: Baby Helga with Magda and Harald]
[Below: Baby Helga with Magda in 1934]
[Below: Close-up]
[Below: Baby Helga with Magda in 1934]
[Below: Baby Helga]
[Below: Helga, Helmut, Magda, Holde, Hilde and Joseph Goebbels outside of their residence in Schwanenwerder in the summer of 1939. This was an event to welcome the Yugoslavian Prince Regent and his wife to their home. 1/6]
[Below: 2/6]
[Below: 3/6]
[Below: 4/6]
[Below: 5/6]
[Below: 6/6]
[Below: This is during German Industry and Trade day.]
[Below: Magda is second from the left]
[Below: Magda and Joseph Goebbels in the VIP lounge at the German Press Festival in Berlin, 1939.]
[Below: Joseph and Magda Goebbels, who looks as beautiful as ever.]
[Below: Goebbels with his wife Magda and actress and wife of Schmeling Anny Ondra (center), listening to the broadcast of the boxing match between Max Schmeling and Joe Louis in New York, June 19, 1936.]
[Below: (back, from left) Lord Rothermere, George Ward Price, Adolf Hitler, Fritz Wiedemann, Joseph Goebbels, with Princess Stephanie (who was considered a 'super spy' for Germany and was a Jewess) and Magda Goebbels sitting in the front, January 1936.]