[Above: Wow. A super family! August 1943. Courtesy of the Bundesarchiv.]

[Above: A mother from Mecklenburg.]

[Below: 1941/1942 War Mother's Day cancel/postage stamp from German Bohemia and Moravia.]

[Below: 1941/1942 War Mother's Day envelope from German Bohemia and Moravia.]

[Below: Front - 1941 War Mother's Day postcard from German Bohemia and Moravia.]

[Below: Reverse - 1941 War Mother's Day postcard from German Bohemia and Moravia.]

[Below: 1941 War Mother's Day envelope from German Bohemia and Moravia.]

[Below: 1941 War Mother's Day philatelic sheetlet from German Bohemia and Moravia.]

[Below: 1941 War Mother's Day philatelic sheetlet from German Bohemia and Moravia.]

[Below: While we're on the subject, here are some Mother's Day related postal material from Austria. Besides, Austria is a part of Germany, stripped from Germany to weaken it. Both of these are from 1936.]

[Below: Another Mother's Day example.]

[Below: Close-up.]

[Below: A Mother's Day envelope.]

[Below: Austrian Mother's Day postcard. Front.]

[Below: Austrian Mother's Day postcard. Reverse.]

[Below: A German Mother's Day postcard from 1936.]

[Below: Okay, I might as well throw this one onto the heap. This is from from Austria, but flew to its destination on a balloon. It was sent on October 25, 1948 and arrived a week later in Salzburg on November 2nd, from there I'm guessing it was either taken by air or boat to 'Cypern' (Cyprus).]

[Below: Not exactly Mother's Day, but close enough. 'Gute Nacht, Mutter!' (Good Night, Mother!).]

[Below: Again, not Mother's Day, but close enough. This is from November 16, 1933 and says:

'Hilfswerk Mutter und kind
Trag dazu bei!
Werde Mitglied der NSV!'

(Mother and child relief organization
Make a contribution!
Become a member of the NSV!).
The NSV is short for 'Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahrt' (National Socialist People's Welfare).]

[Below: Mother's Day 1940 NSDAP postcard.]