ff U N P O P U L A R - T R U T H

Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind

     Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind has grown beyond any expectations. It is ever growing, constantly being fed new pictures and information. An archive of mankind. A rare glimpse at a utopia of human beings working together and fighting and dying for their respective countries. Outnumbered and usually outgunned, even when all knew the cause was lost, they fought on anyway. They didn't want to go back to the way things were. To the slavery of colonialism, Judeo-capitalism and communism. It was freedom or death. Fate gave them death. Courageously, they laid down their tired weapons unto the bloody earth, their broken, exhausted bodies embraced eternal sleep. But each time we look at their photographs they open their dusty eyes and their souls surely smile. They know then that their death was not in vain. You can almost hear them say: 'You, child of the future, find the truth that I and so many others died for, and through that truth, we shall live again'.

     Now, all these war torn years later, the victors of World War Two have waged hundreds of wars since those end times. Hardly a year has passed when the victors have not bombed and shot to death countries and people of this earth. People who one way or another do not fit into the human machine of capitalist democracy. The conflicts and occupations, the coups and assassinations, the 'good guys' and the greatest mass murderers in history. All products of the slave-system of the victors.

The June 2014 issue of the American Journal of Public Health stated: 'Since the end of World War II, there have been 248 armed conflicts in 153 locations around the world. The United States launched 201 overseas military operations between the end of World War II and 2001, and since then, others, including Afghanistan and Iraq...' Astonishing, but not really too surprising.

     The tyrants are bloated with the world's blood. They are addicted to death. Soon enough pages like this will be banned. The old black and white, cracked and worn photographs of these pages and many others are dangerous to the rule of these monsters. These pages depict true diversity. True racial brotherhood. All races of Earth united against their lies.

One man dared to change the world. To end world slavery. The fires he lit still burn. Illuminating truth, freedom and a new way.

("Führer give the order, we will follow you!")

'Age after age, when justice is crushed, when evil reigns supreme, I come; again I take birth on earth to save the world'
- The Bhagavad-Gita

  • [Most pictures - Click to enlarge]

  • One of the strangest and most shocking secret of WW2 is that there were Americans who fought on the side of Germany. One of the best documented cases is a man named Martin James Monti. An airman flight officer (1st lieutenant), Monti flew to Milan Italy in a P-38 Lightning and surrendered to the Germans.

    [Above: Lt. Martin James Monti in American flight uniform.]

    Brave and courageous as anyone in WW2, James Monti joined Germany's fight against his own country, which he knew to be corrupt and controlled by outside interests. Monti soon joined the Axis struggle as a radio broadcaster under the name 'Martin Wiethaupt'. In late 1944 Monti joined the famous 'Kurt Eggers' propaganda unit of the Waffen-SS. He was given the rank of SS-Untersturmführer. Amongst his work with this lauded and secretive unit it is known that he helped compose a leaflet to be distributed amongst Allied soldiers and P.O.W.s.

    [Above: Lt. Martin James Monti flew a P-38 reconnaissance plane like this one to Italy. This example of a captured plane has German markings.]

    At war's end Monti surrendered in Italy to Americans. He was still wearing his Waffen-SS uniform!

    In 1946 he was sentenced to 15 years in prison for desertion, however he was pardoned within a year on the condition he would join the army. By 1948 he had attained the rank of sergeant when the FBI rearrested him and charged him with treason. They had discovered his work with the Germans under his pseudonym 'Martin Wiethaupt'. He was sentenced to 25 years in prison, but was paroled in 1960.

    At the time of Monti's trial he was the only person in American history to ever plead guilty to treason.

    [Above: Martin Monti (October 24, 1921 – September 11, 2000) during his trial.]

    [Above: Martin Monti during his treason trial in 1948.]

    [Above: Martin Monti during his treason trial in 1949.]

    [Above: Martin Monti, all the decades after, as mysterious as ever. One man's iron, unbreakable resolve to turn against what he knew was wrong. A true American hero.]

  • Click here to learn more about Martin Monti

  • Click here to learn more about Americans who fought with the Axis during WW2

    [Above: Ahmed Hussein]

  • Ahmed Hussein founded the Young Egypt party, also known as the Green Shirts, inspired by the Hitler Youth and the Brown Shirts of the SA.

    The party was founded in 1933, further inspired by Germany, they used the Roman style raised hand greeting. They had their own version of stormtroopers, torchlight processions through the streets and even used the German slogan: 'One people, One party, One leader' in Arabic.

    It was said that the Green Shirts represented: 'the uniform of the renaissance of youth in our times and the symbol of dedication to the service of the nation. The Black Shirt policy in Italy succeeded in arousing a spirit of patriotic zeal unlike any seen for centuries... This is because it is founded on the power of organization, the instilling of a sense of pride and dignity and the conquering of the feelings of weakness and timidity. Egypt, like other nations, still needs to organize groups that are active among the people who are the source of authority.'

    During WWII, members of the Young Egypt and Green Shirts spied on behalf of Rommel's Afrika Korps. A young lieutenant named 'Anwar Sadat' was even tried and imprisoned. In 1939 the party was banned by the British occupiers.

    The British occupied Egypt and the all-important Suez Canal. There was a large Italian community in Egypt before the war. These civilians were arrested without cause and put into concentration camps, their money and property seized. Incidentally, they left the Italian women, penniless, to fend for themselves in utter poverty.

    As Rommel's troops grew close to Egypt many Egyptians planned on rising against their British occupiers and joining the Axis. They held their breath in wonder and their freedom got closer and closer. The deciding battle of El Amamein brought their liberators, the Afrika Corps, within 150 miles of Cairo. Unfortunately, it wasn't meant to be. The forces of enslavement and oppression won the battle.

    [below: Ahmed Hussein and others.]

    [Above: Aziz Ali al-Misri]

  • Aziz Ali al-Misri (1879–1965) was an Egyptian officer and politician. In his colorful life he co-founded al-Qahtaniyya and al-'Ahd (The Covenant). He was also a beloved early revolutionary who played a prominent role in the early stages of the Arab Revolt between 1916 and 1918, which sought to create an Arab state free from Ottoman Empire tyranny.

    During WWI al-Misri surmised that a German victory would make the reality of an Arab state achievable. Unfortunately, the powers-that-be won the day and an Arab state would have to wait. After spending some time in exile in Spain he returned to Egypt.

    The military and police career of al-Misri in Egypt was quite extensive. He directed the Cairo Police Academy from 1927 to 1936 and was inspector general of the Egyptian army in 1938. In 1939, he was even named chief of staff by Premier Ali Mahir, but the occupying British powers forced his removal.

    [Above: A who's who of political and religious figures attending a reception for Mohamed Ali Eltaher at the Continental Hotel in Cairo. Eltaher was a highly respected Palestinian journalist and newspaper editor. From left to right: Shaykh Mohamed Sabri al-Din of Hebron, Shaykh Ibrahim Tfayyesh of Algeria, Muslim Brotherhood Supreme Guide Hassan al-Banna, Egyptian Army Chief of Staff Aziz al-Misri, Mohamed Ali Eltaher and Egyptian government minister Abdel Rahman eal-Rafei.]

  • In 1941 al-Misri left the British controlled Egyptian army and tried to reach the Axis forces in the Libyan desert. Unfortunately he was caught and court-martialed and thrown into prison. His dream of the German Afrika Korps reaching Egypt and a nation-wide Egyptian revolt was ended. The Germans would fail mere miles short of their goal.

    In 1952 al-Misri helped the Free Officers prepare for the revolution of 1952. In turn they wanted to make him president, but after a brief time being the ambassador to Moscow in 1953, he retired a year later in 1954. He died in 1965 in Cairo.

    He is a national hero of Egypt today. Among other honors, one of the longest streets in Greater Cairo is named after him.

    [below: Egyptian coin from 1944, .500 silver]

    [below: German Boy Scouts in Cairo, Egypt, on an international tour to promote traditional scouting, 1931]

    [below: Here is an envelope from Cairo, Egypt, canceled in November of 1942. It was sent airmail to Transvaal (Transvaal was a province of South Africa from 1910 until 1994. After the fall of apartheid, the former provinces were abolished, and Transvaal ceased to exist.) You'll also notice a censor, in English and Arabic.]

    [Below: Censor stamp.]

    [Below: A beautiful registered envelope sent in the fall of 1940, from Cairo to Budapest, Hungary, and censored by the British occupiers. The cancel says 'Imad El Din', which means pillar of the religion, faith. This piece has so much going for it, even the blue censor stamp is neat.]

    [Below: Reverse of envelope.]

    [Below: Here is a German death card for a Marine-Lieutenant named Hermann Bücherl. Herr Bücherl was only 23 years old when he was murdered, whether through neglect or malice. And of all places he died in a British concentration camp in Egypt.

    On the left it says:
    'Tausend Dank, sei dem von Herzen,
    Der an mich im Grab noch denkt...'

    (A thousand thanks from the bottom of my heart,
    Who still thinks of me in the grave...)

    On the right it says:
    'Wer im Herzen seiner Lieben lebt
    Der ist nicht tot, nur fern
    Tot ist nur, wer vergessen ist.
    Wir danken Gott daß Du unser warst
    Ja mehr, daß Du unser bist
    Denn alles lebt beim lieben Gott
    Und wer heimkehrt zum Gott
    Und wer heimkehrt zum Herrn
    Bleibt in der Familie.
    Sonne, Mond und Sterne
    Bescheinen Dir dein Grab
    Und Deine Lieben in der Ferne
    Gedenken Deiner Tag für Tag.'

    (Who lives in the heart of his loved ones
    He is not dead, only far away
    Dead is only he who is forgotten.
    We thank God that you were ours
    Yes more, that you are ours
    For everything lives with the dear God
    And he who returns to God
    And whoever returns to the Lord
    Remains in the family.
    Sun, moon and stars
    Shine on your grave
    And your loved ones in the distance
    Remember you day by day.)]

  • South America was a source of great friendship for National Socialist Germany. If not for the tremendous influence and threats of violence by the United States most of South America would have been on Germany's side during WWII. The Chilean diplomat, poet and author Miguel Serrano describes the longings himself and hundreds of other Chileans possessed to travel to Germany and fight to the death with their German comrades:

    '...there were hundreds of young National Socialists here who wanted to leave for the front. The German Embassy did not deem it necessary at that time... I too wanted to take part in the war... I wanted to go to war, and die fighting, even though I was newly married and my wife was expected out first child.'
    -Adolf Hitler: The Ultimate Avatar, by Miguel Serrano, pgs. 76-77, English edition (c)2014, Hermitage Helm Corpus

    [Above: Far, far away from Germany, Adolf Hitler is honored even in Chile.]

    [Above: A National Socialist meeting. Check out the carved eagle and swastika on the podium.]

    [Above: A packed National Socialist meeting.]

  • In 1932 Jorge González von Marées founded the 'Movimiento Nacional Socialista de Chile' (National Socialist Movement of Chile) whose members were known at the time as Nacistas. On September 5, 1938 Marées organized a failed coup attempt which ended in 58 young people being murdered by police after surrendering and being given assurances of safety. This was later known as the 'Seguro Obrero Massacre'.
    The young Nacistas were disarmed and surrendered, and were even led down the street to another stand-off and talked their comrades there into surrendering. All of them, nearly 60 people in all, were then lined against a wall and brutally shot to death. Not being satisfied with merely their deaths, the monstrous killers then horribly disfigured the bodies of the youths by deep wounds from sabers and bayonets.

    National Socialists in Chile today, and those worldwide remember these young National Socialists as martyrs. Famed Chilean author Miguel Serrano speaks reverently of these martyrs in his books. Marées was sentenced to 20 years imprisonment for his role in the coup attempt, but was later pardoned by President Aguirre.

    [Above: Born in Santiago, Jorge González von Marées (April 5, 1900 – March 14, 1962) was a Chilean political figure and author.]

    'We believe that if the world does not go quickly to an end,
    it will be only because Hitlerism transformed itself into a new religious faith,
    able to change the materialistic man of today into a new idealistic hero where the 'beyond life' is as important as life itself.'
    -Miguel Serrano

    [Above: Miguel Serrano]

  • Miguel Serrano (September 10, 1917 – February 28, 2009) was a Chilean diplomat, explorer, poet, philosopher and author.
    His books on occultism, paganism and 'Esoteric Hitlerism' would win him underground love and boundless acclaim. Not since Savitri Devi, whom was an inspiration to Serrano, had an author wrote so passionately on the topic of Adolf Hitler. In the early 1930s Serrano was a part of Jorge González von Marées' 'Movimiento Nacional Socialista de Chile'.

    In an interview he revealed:
    'I arrived at the exoteric Hitlerism from the political Left, and was very much impressed by the heroic death of 62 young Chilean Nazi followers of my generation in 1938. During the war I published a magazine in favor of the Axis, called La Nueva Edad ("The New Era")...'

    '…It does not matter how alone you are, if you realize the right work then unknown friends will come to your aid…'
    -Miguel Serrano, Adolf Hitler: The Ultimate Avatar

    [Above: Miguel Serrano at the podium, celebrating Adolf Hitler with fellow countrymen, on the anniversary of the massacre of Chilean National Socialists in post war Santiago, Chile.]

    'My message will be to fight in the golden Greek tradition of the heroes of Sparta for duty, for honor, and for the ideals beyond materialism.'
    -Miguel Serrano

    [Above: A young Miguel Serrano in Tibet.]

    [Above: Miguel Serrano and his old friend Tenzin Gyatzo (The 14th Dalai Lama), whom he met during his days as an ambassador. This picture was taken in Santiago, Chile in 1992.]

    'The Warriors already know and should never forget:
    the fundamental struggle is not against the Jews,
    nor even against Jehovah, the struggle is against the Demiurge,
    the inventor of Jehovah, who is the inventor of his people.'
    - Miguel Serrano - Manu: For the Man to Come'

    [Above: Symbol of the National Falange (Falange Nacional, FN)

  • The National Falange was another Chilean political party of the time. Formed on October 13, 1935, it was fashioned loosely after the Falangist Spanish political party.

    The party was formed when a large group of members of the Conservative Party split and formed the National Falange. In its infancy its members wore paramilitary uniforms and even underwent paramilitary training. Although it received good attention with the public it never garnered more than 4 percent of the vote.

    On July 28, 1957 the National Falange merged with the Social Christian Conservative Party. It's also of note that one of its former members, Eduardo Frei Montalva, became the President of Chile in 1964!

    [Above: Members of the National Falange.]

    [Above: Here is a cancel from a German envelope sent on August 29, 1936 and canceled in Berlin. It says:

    Rio De Janeiro
    Buenos Aires
    Santiago, Chile
    3-4 Tage'

    Rio De Janeiro
    Buenos Aires
    Santiago, Chile
    3-4 days).]

  • Click here to see more pictures of National Socialism in Chile

  • Click here to see more pictures of Miguel Serrano

  • Click here to see pictures of the books of Miguel Serrano

  • Click here to see more pictures of the German stahlhelm design in Chile

  • Click here to hear an .mp3 of a Chilean version of Horst Wessel Lied (Himno De La ACIM N° 51)

  • Click here to read the lyrics in English

  • Canada had a considerable Fascist movement during the years proceeding WW2. Various groups formed such as the the National Worker’s Party of Canada, the Canadian Union of Fascists, the National Socialist Christian Party (Quebec), the National Unity Party, the Canadian Nationalist Party (Winnipeg) and the Canadian Guard (Vancouver). There were also female branches like the Montreal Anti-Communist Feminine League (Ligue Feminine Anti-Communiste de Montreal). Of the various leaders the most notable figure is Adrien Arcand, a journalist and head of a series of Fascist political movements. He was extremely active in the 1930s until his tyrannical arrest on May 30, 1940 in Montreal as a 'security threat' and detained for the duration of the war. Arresting and detaining anyone with an opposing viewpoint was very common amongst the Allied nations during World War Two, and in the case of the Japanese in America, an entire race was sent to concentration camps. As per usual in the democratic Allied nations, Arcand's organization, the 'National Unity Party' was banned. The National Unity Party was formed by Arcand, who was leader of the National Socialist Christian Party and William Whittaker, head of the Canadian Nationalist Party.

    'May the swastika fly proudly and victoriously everywhere!'

    [Above: Adrien Arcand (October 3, 1899 - August 1, 1967). After the war Arcand ran in several elections, garnering 39% of the vote in one. Arcand was extremely prolific and without a doubt influential and inspiring to those around him. His wife, Yvonne, presided over the women's branches, while his sister led the Montreal Women's League for Anti-Communism. Even his mother-in-law was involved in the fight. It is said that he was a mentor of the highly persecuted Canadian author Ernst Zündel. On November 14, 1965, just two years before his death, Arcand gave a speech before a crowd of 650 people from all over Canada at the Centre Paul-Sauvé in Montreal. Arcand was a fervent supporter of Adolf Hitler, never wavering in his beliefs.]

    [Above: A striking photo of Adrien Arcand.]

    [Above: Adrien Arcand signature.]

    'The truth is all that we have left in a world impregnated with lies.'
    -Adrien Arcand, Serviam, ©2022

    [Above: Flag of the National Socialist Christian Party (Parti National Social Chrétien).]

    [Above: A swearing in ceremony of The National Unity Party, circa 1939. Before official party meetings, the following oath was proclaimed:

    'Moved by the unshakable faith in God, a profound love for Canada, ardent sentiments of patriotism and nationalism,
    a complete loyalty and devotion toward our Gracious Sovereign who forms the recognized principle of active authority,
    a complete respect for the British North America Act, for the maintenance of order,
    for national prosperity, for national unity, for national honor, for the progress and the happiness of a greater Canada,
    I pledge solemnly and explicitly to serve my party. I pledge myself to propagate the principles of its program. I pledge myself to follow its regulation.
    I pledge myself to obey my leaders. Hail the party! Hail our Leader!'

    [Above: Le Fasciste Canadien was published by The National Socialist Christian Party and the Canadian National Socialist Party. It was edited by none other than Adrian Arcand. The headline says 'Sold to the Jews!' It depicts rich Jews on Wall Street and London squeezing the blood out of a man. The text denounces a new Anglo-American trade agreement, calling it 'democratic treason' and a victory for international Jewry. February 1938.]

    [Above: Commander J. M. Scott.]

    [Above: Adrien Arcand (second from left) during a meeting with his advisers in Montreal, 1938. Commander Scott is also seen here, second from right.]

    [Above: The future...]

    [Above: 'The National Struggle', Adrien Arcand's official newspaper of the National Unity Party, July 1939.]

    [Above: William Whittaker.]

  • Before Whittaker helped form the National Unity Party with Arcand, he led a group called the Canadian Nationalist Party in Winnipeg. Formed in September 1933, Whittaker, an ex-soldier, built the group with a foundation of a dozen other ex-soldiers. Members of the party wore khaki uniforms with swastika tie pins. The group published The Canadian Nationalist, a fiery newspaper which was shut down by Jews after a successful libel suit in 1935. I guess he must have been doing something right.

    [Above: The Canadian Nationalist, April/May 1938. Click to see more.]

    [Above: Camillien Houde, 1940.]

  • Camillien Houde (August 13, 1889 – September 11, 1958) was a Quebec politician and member of Parliament. He was also a whopping four-time mayor of Montreal, said to be one of the very few Canadian politicians to have served at all three levels of government.

    Unlike the politicians of today, Houde was a strong and able man. A nationalist who loved his country and his people, he campaigned against conscription. On August 2, 1940, Houde publicly urged the men of Quebec to ignore the 'national registration measure' introduced by the war hungry federal government.

    Shockingly, but predictably, three days later he was arrested on charges of sedition and imprisoned without trial. He was placed in internments camps in Petawawa, Ontario and Minto, New Brunswick until 1944.

    When Houde was released on August 18, 1944 he was met with a cheering crowd of 50,000 citizens of Montreal! That very same year he won back his position as the mayor of Montreal. (Houde was mayor of Montreal from 1928 to 1932, from 1934 to 1936, from 1938 to 1940, and from 1944 to 1954.)

    Mayor Houde was a driven man who knew how to get things done. Proof of this is the thousands who loved him and elected him FOUR times. He was responsible for some of the major public park improvements in Montreal, such as the park on Mont Royal with its man-made lake and park facilities.

    His enemies, our enemies, ridiculed him in the press. Nothing new there. The enemies' tactics never change. Their greatest weapon is the press, molding the minds of the sleeping population.


    Below is a newspaper article regarding an uproar caused by Mayor Houde:



    Outcry Against Mayor's Statement


    MONTREAL, February 8

         French Canada is seething with indignation over and address given by the Mayor of Montreal (Mr. Houde) before the Y.M.C.A. in which he declared: --
    "French Canadians are by blood, if not by name, Fascists, and would side with Italy even in an Anglo-Italian war."
         My Houde alleged that French Canadians had been traditionally under dictators from the days of Louis XIV, and Richelieu to Sir Wilfred Laurier. He argued that the Pope was an Italian and Quebec was Catholic, and hence must aid Italy.
         An immediate ware of protests has followed Mr. Napoleon Courtemanche, Mayor of Quebec City, declared that the last gun fired in the defense of Canada for the Empire would be by a French Canadian.
         Mr. Adrian Arcand, leader of the National Socialist Party, declared --
    "Quebec would be solidly behind England if she were attacked by Italy."
         Monsignor Gauthier representing the Archbishop of Montreal termed the statement as being too funny for comment and Mr. Thomas Vien, a member of the House of Commons, stated --
    "French Canadians, as long as Canada remains part of the Empire, will never side with an enemy of Britain."


    [Above: Camillien Houde.]

  • [Above: The Thunderbolt newspaper (in English) was a monthly publication by the Canadian Union of Fascists and edited by Charles Brandel. Toronto, January 1939.]

  • [Above: Le Goglu (this translates as 'The Bobolink', a North American songbird), which was published from 1929-1933, was done by Joseph Ménard and Adrian Arcand. Ménard revived the newspaper in 1946, saying 'Le Goglu will always be on the right, never on the left. The epithets fascist, Nazi, reactionary and anti-Semitic, even if they are all put together in a single sentence, will not make us afraid. We are in the habit of not letting ourselves be intimidated by the barking of vicious dogs.'

    In the second edition of the revived Le Goglu (December 7, 1946), Ménard wrote an article entitled 'Like rats in cheese...!' saying 'And today, we find Jews in the villages and the cities. They have settled in like a rat in cheese. There they are eating away at the richness of the first inhabitants of the country, they take over the industry and trade, they practice their profession as corruptors and purveyors of sleazy houses.' ]

  • [Above: Le Patriote, published by Adrian Arcand, 'Le gros Freiman est aux abois et veut étouffer Jean Tissot' (This translates as 'The big Freiman is desperate and wants to stifle Jean Tissot'). Freiman is Achibald Jacob, a leading Zionist in Ottawa, who was said to be a dishonest businessman and a person of unethical character. He was said to be a 'loathsome and repulsive character' who participated in illegal practices. Jean Tissot was a Belgian-born Ottawa police detective. Tissot helped circulate an English translation of the issue shown here, along with other issues in Ottawa. He was a 25 year veteran of the police department and was suspended for circulating La Patriote. He was taken to trial for defamation of Freiman's flawless and pure Jewish soul. Did he win? Of course not! All the newspapers were on... guess who's side? No surprise here, they backed Frieman 100%. Detective Tissot was forced to resign, stripped of his pension, and was given a measely $1,500 in lieu of a pension. Montreal, 1930s.]

    '[...] the Jew is a chancre [an ulcer as a result of a venereal disease] in society that must be eradicated as soon as possible if peace and prosperity are to be revived.'
    -Jean Tissot, after having his life stripped away for standing up to Jewish overlords.

    [Above: Jean Tissot.]

  • Jean Tissot emigrated to Ottawa in 1908 with a wife and two children. Soon after he joined the City of Ottawa's police department and became a detective. He was a devout Catholic, a member of the Third Order of St. Francis, the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul and the League of the Sacred Heart.

    Tissot not only distributed Le Patriote, he was also an active columnist. In 1935 he ran as an anti-communist candidate in the federal election in Ottawa East County. Although defeated, he still receives 3,899 votes.

    On August 12, 1935 Tissot wrote the editor of the newspaper Le Devoir (Montreal), saying:

    'During my twenty-five years of service, I had the opportunity to observe the most destructive parasite of the creation: the Hebrew people.
    I saw the Jew closely [...] I saw him at work seizing the Christian trade, enriching himself by means of fire, fraudulent bankruptcy, usury, concealment, smuggling, vice traffic...'

    Tissot was also a member of the 'Ordre de Jacques-Cartier (OJC)', otherwise known as 'La Patente'. This was a secret society founded in 1926 in Vanier (Ottawa), Ontario, 'to further the religious, social and economic interests of French Canadians.'

    [Above: Ordre de Jacques-Cartier - Religion, Discretion, Brotherhood.]

    Tissot was practically destitute from standing up to Jewish tyranny. He had lost his career, Le Patriote ceased publishing... The Ordre de Jacques-Cartier came to his rescue. They wrote to all members of the order:

    '[...] comes to make an urgent appeal to the XC (commanderies) - sisters in favor of one of our brothers, Mr. Jean Tissot, whose dedication to the economic expansion of the French-Canadians in the Capital has fallen victim to his patriotism. [...] following the distribution of one of these [pamphlets], in which he attacked with so much reason in particular the Jew Freiman of Ottawa [...] he was prosecuted for libel. Meanwhile, Jewish influences, to better defeat the French-Canadian who exposed all their turpitude, managed to make him lose his position at the town hall he had occupied for nearly 25 years.'

  • But it wasn't only the French-Canadians who identified with National Socialism, English speaking groups, like those in Ontario, formed Swastika Clubs. The proud young men of the Swastika Clubs represented untold thousands of others at home, who shared the same beliefs and frustrations. Ontario was being overrun by immigrants, the same familiar song of today. People called it a 'foreign invasion' and called the foreigners 'obnoxious and undesirable elements'. Street battles would often ensue between Jews and the boys from the Swastika Clubs.

    Masses of young men proudly wore swastika armbands, sweaters, bathing suits, and painted the symbol of freedom on their bare chests. Everywhere and in every way they could they showed their defiant support of the National Socialist revolution that was sweeping the world. There was also a group called the Swastika Association of Canada, which attracted more hardcore elements.

    On August 14, 1933 a massive riot erupted. Jews and their communist allies fought against nationalists, Swastika Clubs and a group calling themselves the 'Pit Gang'. A Jewish baseball team won a controversial game at a park in Toronto known as Christie Pits. The following night some of the Pit Gang painted a huge 'Hail Hitler' on their roof.

    [Above: After an August 14th baseball game at Christie Pits Park in Toronto, a group of young men painted this, in my humble opinion, work of art, on the clubhouse rooftop. Summer, 1933.]

    The next day, at another game, some members of the Pit Gang held up swastika emblazoned clothing. Others from the crowd angerly screamed at the Jewish team. Apparently some members of the Jewish baseball team thought they could snatch a swastika banner from the crowd. They were wrong.

    The Toronto Daily Star had this to say the next day:

    'While groups of Jewish and Gentile youths wielded fists and clubs in a series of violent scraps for possession of a white flag bearing a swastika symbol at Willowvale Park last night, a crowd of more than 10,000 citizens, excited by cries of ‘Heil Hitler’ became suddenly a disorderly mob and surged wildly about the park and surrounding streets, trying to gain a view of the actual combatants, which soon developed in violence and intensity of racial feeling into one of the worst free-for-alls ever seen in the city.

    Scores were injured, many requiring medical and hospital attention... Heads were opened, eyes blackened and bodies thumped and battered as literally dozens of persons, young or old, many of them non-combatant spectators, were injured more or less seriously by a variety of ugly weapons in the hands of wild-eyed and irresponsible young hoodlums, both Jewish and Gentile.'

    [Above: Two members of an association called the Ontario Swastika Club. They held parades and publically supported Adolf Hitler.
    Members wore swastikas on their shirts, as seen here. August 1933.]

    [Above: The only known photograph of the Christie Pits riot.]

    The Christie Pits riot was the worst race riot in Toronto's history.

    On May 30, 1944 the Canadian government, operating under its 'democratic' law, banned sixteen 'Nazi' organizations in Canada. They arrested and hunted the former members of these organizations and a spree of arrests followed. Like all Allied nations, a mass witchhunt ensued, but not only political dissidents were targeted, like the U.S.A., those of Japanese, Italian and German descent were arrested. Concentration camps were built to house the thousands of 'prisoners of democracy'. A concentration camp in Alberta was built specifically for these 'forbidden races'. This new prison held Canadian citizens guilty of no crime. It held 'special enemy alien internees', which included 847 Germans, 632 Italians and 782 Japanese. In fact, over 22,000 Canadian-Japanese were interned in British Columbia!

  • Click here to see more pictures Adrien Arcand and the various groups of the era

    'Through their (Jew's) international news agencies, they mold your minds and have you see the world not as it is, but as they want you to see it. Through their cinema, they are the educators of our youth - and with just one film in two hours, can wipe out of a child's brain what he has learned in six months in the home, the church or the school.'
    -Adrien Arcand

    [Above: The flag of the Duchy of Carniola, in use from 1848 to 1918 and briefly during World War II by Axis supporters.]

  • Slovenia is a tiny country bordered by Italy, Austria, Hungary and Croatia. Its capital is Ljubljana. During WWII it was a part of Yugoslavia and was occupied by Italy, Hungary, Croatia and Germany in 1941. After occupation it was known under several names: Ljubljanska pokrajina, in Slovene, Provincia di Lubiana, in Italian and Provinz Laibach, in German.

    [Above: Slovenian poster says 'You are blessed...']

    [Above: This Slovenian poster says 'Death to Bolshevism, All for our homeland']

    [Above: This Slovenian art says 'Communism and it's many faces']

    [Above: This Slovenian poster says 'Bandits prepare the way for Bolshevism']

    [Above: The poster above (and others) in use.]

  • Slovenians also joined the Waffen-SS, as this Feldpost below shows...

    [Above: Feldpost envelope from 1943.]

    [Above: German occupation of Slovenia from the city of Marburg on the Drau River (Brunndorf is a district), September 1941.]

    [Above: Close-up.]

    [Above: Close-up.]

  • Click here to see more pictures of Slovenian posters

    [Above: Waffen-SS Armenian Sleeve shields. The one on the left is embroidered, while the other is printed. Click to see more.]

    'In the Caucasus the anti-Soviet feeling was incredible, especially among the Kalmucks and Armenians, and they fought with us and for us in a fanatical way.'
    --Léon Degrelle

    [Above: 'Hasmik Nasarian is an Armenian. This tiny people of approximately 2 millions has retained Christianity; it was the first people in the east to adopt this religion to which it is consequently particularly attached. There have always been religious martyrs among the Armenians so it is easy to understand that the Armenians are natural enemies of Bolshevism and that especially large numbers of deserters come from the Armenian divisions as convinced antagonists of the Red Army. As soldiers, they are grim and steadfast, as grim as their history and steadfast as their loyality to their own tradition.'
    -Signal magazine, English edition.]

  • The Armenian Legion was formed largely from volunteers from prisoner of war camps. They were men who were already anti-communist and who had been conscripted to fight for the communists. Thus it is easy to imagine their eagerness to leave a P.O.W. camp and fight for the freedom of their lands. According to historian Joris Versteeg, the total number of Armenians who volunteered for the German armed forces to be about 33,000. 14,000 were in field battalions, while another 7,000 served in logistical and other non-combat units. They were known as the 812th Armenian Battalion. The Legion was trained by Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS officers and later participated in actions in the Crimean Peninsula and the Caucasus.

    [Above: Drastamat "Dro" Kanayan (May 31, 1884 – March 8, 1956)]

  • General Dro was an Armenian military commander and politician and a member of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation. He served as Defense Minister of Armenia in 1920, during the country's brief independence. During World War II, he led the Armenian Legion of the Wehrmacht. Today he is a hero to many Armenians.

    [Above: Drastamat "Dro" Kanayan]

  • Part of the Armenian Legion formed the 4th Battalion of the 918th Grenadier Regiment, 242 Infanterie-Division. This brave battalion was destroyed in the defense of Toulon, France. Those few who survived and surrendered to Allied forces were soon turned over to the communists where their fate was a slow death in a Soviet concentration camp.

    On December 15, 1942, the Armenian National Council was given official recognition by Alfred Rosenberg, the Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories. The president of the Council was Professor Ardasher Abeghian, its vice-president was Abraham Guilkhandanian. Other members of note were Garegin Nzhdeh and Vahan Papazian. The Armenian National Council published a weekly journal at the end of 1944, edited by Viken Shantn. Shantn was also a broadcaster on Radio Berlin with the aid of Dr. Paul Rohrbach.

    [Above: Dr. Paul Rohrbach, 1931. Rohrbach was a Baltic German writer educated in Germany. He was influential in Germany during WWI and as early as 1903 he became the Settlement Commissioner to German Southwest Africa. Rohrbach strongly supported German leadership in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, during WWI and WWII. This would serve to deprive Russia of both influence and power.]

    [Above: Vartan Sarkissian served as regimental commander of SS-Waffengruppe Armenien as of March 6, 1945.]

    [Above: An Armenian volunteer writing a letter home.]

    'It is one of the finest races in the world, physically, morally and intellectually. If I were asked to name the most desirable races to be added by immigration to the American population, I would name among the very first the Armenian.'
    -Andrew Dickson White (November 7, 1832 – November 4, 1918), American historian, educator, diplomat, senator and cofounder of Cornell University

    [Above: Rifle training. Circa 1943.]

    [Above: Armenian anti-communist poster.]

    [Above: Armenian newspaper showing Adolf Hitler.]

    'Some of the noblest characters that I have ever known have been Armenians; and even among the poor and uneducated I have often found an amount of courage, energy and perseverance, combined with a kindness and charity, that would do honor to any nation.'
    -Alice Stone Blackwell (September 14, 1857 – March 15, 1950), American feminist, suffragist, journalist, and human rights advocate

  • Click here to see more pictures of Armenian volunteers

  • By the time the liberating armies of the Germans and their allies were within 100 miles of Chechen territory a massive insurrection was underway. Despite some differences the Germans and the Chechen freedom fighters worked together at times. The German Abwehr sent men who worked with Chechen rebels to save an important oil refinery in Grozny (Grozny is the capital of Chechen Republic) from destruction by fleeing Red Army troops.

    [Above: Khasan Israilov (left).]

  • Khasan Israilov (1910 - December 29, 1944) was a Chechen nationalist, poet, journalist, and guerrilla fighter. He led an aligned Chechen and Ingush resistance and rebelled against the Soviet Union. Khasan Israilov bravely fought for his people's independence from 1940 until his death in 1944.

    Israilov was born in the village of Galanchozh, Chechnya. He was the youngest of six boys in his family, being described as intelligent and excelling in all subjects at school. Yet still unaware of the evils of communism, he innocently joined the youth wing of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union called 'Komsomol'. He graduated from a communist secondary in Rostov in 1929. He joined the Communist party's ranks in 1933 and was sent to the Communist University of the Toilers of the East.

    Khasan Israilov found a love for journalism, and even wrote plays and poetry. His talent got him a job as a correspondent for the Moscow newspaper Krestianskaia Gazeta (Farmer's Newspaper). Israilov soon realized that criticizing the Communist Party by telling the truth was not allowed. He committed the crime of writing a few articles attacking the Soviet policy in the Checheno-Ingushetia. He described the policy as 'plundering Chechnya by the Party leadership'. The Chechnens agreed and he became instantly popular with his fellow countrymen. However, the Soviet tyrants disagreed and he was immediately arrested. He was only 19 years old and he was sentenced to ten years in prison for 'counter-revolutionary slander' for accusing certain Party officials of 'looting and corruption'. After two years Israilov was released and 'rehabilitated' and was even allowed to return to his university -- probably due to the fact that the Party members Israilov had accused were charged with corruption!

    Upon return to Moscow Israilov met with his older brother Hussein and other Chechen and Ingush students. They all came to the conclusion that the Soviet policy was detrimental to their homelands. By 1935 Israilov was once again standing up for his people when the Soviet tyrants found his signature on a student petition criticizing the Soviet policy in the North Caucasus. Staying true to their tyrannical ways the Soviets sentenced Israilov to five years of forced labor in Siberia!

    After being released from the Siberian gulag he worked as a lawyer back home in Chechnya. But destiny once again called him, and once again he could not resist her call for justice. In 1940 Israilov heard of Finland's resistance to the communist Russian Soviets and was inspired. He and his brother Hussein organized and led the 1940–1944 insurgency in Chechnya and Israilov was the head of the Provisional Popular Revolutionary Government of Checheno-Ingushetia. They easily attracted more than 5,000 warriors and the people in the region overwhelmingly supported them. Israilov was the most influential resistance fighter in Chechnya. They were successful in driving out the Soviet troops.

    In June of 1941 Germany invaded the U.S.S.R and it was the perfect time for Israilov to declare Chechen independence. In 1942 Israilov expanded the insurgency to Ingushetia and Dagestan. He attracted as many as 60,000 men who defected from the Red Army to join him, most of them from the Caucasus region.

    [Above: This poster says: 'Caucasia will be free!'.]

    Israilov's ability to shake off Russian rule over the North Caucasus made him a target and hated by the Soviets. The Soviets also held hate for the civilians that supported Israilov and his men, they lashed out at them by bombing those civilian areas.

    In 1942 Israilov's men were prepared to help the Germans secure a petroleum refinery in Grozny, the capital of Chechnya, so the Soviets wouldn't destroy it in their retreat from the Germans. The Germans dropped commandos into the refinery ahead of their Panzer spearhead. The commandos linked up with the Chechen rebels and performed a number of successful attacks together against the Russians. Unfortunately the decisive Soviet victory in Stalingrad upset the German's plans and the Soviet's destructive war machine rolled over Chechnya.

    In February of 1944 Stalin ordered the deportation of all Chechen and Ingushes to gulags and other hells. The truly horrible and insane part is that these civilians being killed and deported were mostly all women and children, or the very old or infirm, because all of the men were in fact fighting beside the Soviet forces, as they were forced to do! How monstrous, these men fighting and dying and not even knowing their families were being murdered at home by the very monster they were forced to fight for.

    There were 500,000 Chechens who were deported to Kazakhstan. Half of those Chechens never made it home, they died under brutal work conditions. The few that did survive didn't reach home until 1957! The Prague Watchdog stated that 'in the early years of their exile about half of the Chechens and Ingush died from hunger, cold and disease'.

    Israilov eluded the deportation but his entire family was not so lucky, they had all been deported or executed on the spot! The notoriously vicious NKVD forced confessions from Israilov's comrades. The confessions fortunately did not lead to him but did reveal many of his weapons and equipment caches. Despite the brutally obtained confessions by his comrades and the despair he felt for the death and deportation of his people, Israilov managed to elude the tyrants for the next ten months hiding from cave to cave.

    Sadly it was reported by a top secret Soviet communication that the Chechen hero had been killed. His body was photographed and identified on December 29, 1944. The Soviet force's absurd need for vengeance against those who only wanted freedom for their people was relentless. Despite his death, Khasan Israilov is still considered a national hero in Chechnya.

    The fighting and dying did not end, and still continues to this day. Those that the communists did not deport, such as those high in the mountains during the time of deportation, or those that eluded capture, fought on. And the communists continued their hunt of those who would dare resist them. It is said that the last one of the Ingush rebels was killed in 1977 by the KGB!

    The Chechens were attacked once again by Russia in 1994, the war lasted 2 years and completely leveled Grozny. 100,000 Chechen lives were lost.

    The land of Khasan Israilov is red with the blood of countless murders, assassinations and deaths.

    I'm sure somewhere, lost in some rocky, nameless grave, Israilov's bones rattle in protest, while his spirit bows a sad head.

    [Above: Chechen soldiers at religious service, note the German style uniforms of some the men.]

    [Above: Flag of 'Bagadoù Stourm']

  • One of the least known nationalities of the sea of Waffen-SS volunteers were men from Brittany, a place many people know next to nothing about and some have never even heard of. Brittany is a region in the north-west of France with almost four and a half million people as of 2010. It is the traditional homeland of the Breton people and is recognized by the Celtic League as one of the six Celtic nations on earth. In the era of WWII, much like today, a segment of their population wanted independence from France.

    '...only a few weeks after the conquest of France, the Nazi leaders have announced that henceforth Brittany will be independent....'
    --The Cairns post, August 22, 1940

    The Bretons who volunteered to fight for the Waffen-SS were officially called the 'Bretonische Waffenverband der SS'. These brave patriots suffered casualties and even fatalities fighting the Allies on the Western Front. Of the men who did survive the war, many of them would never see their beloved Brittany again. A life of exile forced upon them by the vengeful Allies (many of them were sentenced to death in absentia). At least two men were murdered judicially in July 1946: André Geffroy and Léon Jasson.

    The men of Brittany whom fought for the Axis cause did so for a handful of reasons and fulfilled a variety of duties. Some served with the German intelligence organization the Sicherheitsdienst (SD), some as anti-terrorist forces in France, some with the Légion des Volontaires Français (Marcel Bibé fought on the Eastern Front and was captured by the communists, another was Yves Le Négaret, who served with the LVF in Russia before joining the Bezen Perrot).

    The Bretonische Waffenverband der SS have been called 'the smallest fighting army in the world'. They were certainly one of the most unique amongst the many volunteers to the Axis cause. Loyal to their Celtic origins, a Breton unit even used the bagpipes as a wake-up call! The unit flag was a black cross on a white background. Reportedly 'a section of sheet stained with the blood of Fr. Yann-Vari Perrot was later attached to the flag'.

    [Above: Flag of 'Bezen Perrot'.]

  • The Bezen Perrot

    The Bezen Perrot was a Breton militant group during the German occupation of France. It was named after Father Jean-Marie Perrot, a parish priest of Scrignac and Breton language defender, who was viciously murdered by the communist 'French Resistance' on December 12, 1943 for his outspoken support of working with the Germans as a road to Breton autonomy.

    The Bezen Perrot was headed by Célestin Lainé and Alan Heusaff. These patriotic Bretons fought in German uniforms and under German command, known as the 'Bretonische Waffenverband der SS'.

    It was envisioned by German strategists that in the event of an Allied invasion Breton nationalists would form a first line of defense and other troops could then be parachuted into Brittany.

    In the end this never came about as the rapid American advance from Normandy into Brittany forced the Breton nationalists to retreat along with their German allies. In Tübingen (in Baden-Württemberg) many of them were provided with false papers by Leo Weisgerber. After the war many of the Bezen Perrot's members, including Lainé, Heusaff and the nationalist poet Fant Rozec, fled to the Republic of Ireland.

    [Above: The only known group photo of the men of the 'Bretonische Waffenverband der SS', early 1945. Source: Bezen Perrot archives.]

    [Above: Another shot, early 1945. Source: Bezen Perrot archives.]

  • Yann Goulet (August 20, 1914 – August 22, 1999) was a sculptor, Breton nationalist and war-time ally with Germany. He led the 'Breton Bagadou Stourm militia'. Later in WWII he joined the combat section of Bagadou Stourm, a group of Breton nationalist stormtroopers allied with the Germans. He also worked with the pro-National Socialist nationalist newspaper 'L'Heure Bretonne'. In 1941, in Paris, he became head of Bagadou Stourm and the youth organizations of the 'Parti National Breton'.

    After the occupation of France by the Allies, Goulet fled with his wife and children to Ireland. Like so many patriots opposed to Allied tyranny he was sentenced to death as a 'collaborationist' by a French court in absentia. He became an Irish citizenship in 1952 and worked as an art professor.

    [Above: Yann Goulet.]

    [Above: The 'Bagadoù Stourm' (Storm Detachment) salute their flag.]

    [Above: Théophile Jeusset.]

  • Théophile Jeusset (April 25, 1910 - ? 1968) was a Breton nationalist writer and fascist political activist. It is said that Jeusset adopted a militant Breton nationalism in his youth. He is credited with forming the fascist inspired 'Breiz da Zont movement' and its political wing, the 'Parti nationaliste intégral Breton' (Breton Integral Nationalist Party). The party remained small and unproductive however and Jeusset soon joined with fellow nationalists Gwilherm Berthou and Célestin Lainé to found 'Kentoc'h Mervel' (Sooner Death). Lainé desired a more action-oriented group however, and soon created the 'Gwenn ha du'. Gwenn ha du soon performed its first act, blowing up a bronze sculpture. Jeusset and five other nationalists were arrested and detained.

    Jeusset wrote in 1931:
    'It is due to our particular resistance to the conquest of sovereign French territory by the corrupting ideas which emanate more or less from the Jews - 'freemasonry', 'secularism' - etc, that the Bretons were decimated during the last world war: over 200,000 of them. It is easy to invoke military explanations for this carnage, but that does not alter the fact the actual organizer of troop dispositions was the Jew Abrahami, born... in the ghetto of Constantinople.'

    Jeusset was also associated with Olier Mordrel who founded the Breton National Party which was inspired by the German National Socialist party.

    In 1941 Jeusset created the 'Breton Social-National Workers' Movement', but it soon fell short of his expectations and he later joined Lainé's 'Bezen Perrot militia', which was affiliated with the SS.

    Théophile Jeusset was captured after the war and sentenced to forced labor for life.

    In 1965 he published an autobiographical memoir entitled: 'A Contre-courant' (Against the Current).

    [Above & below: The 'Parti nationaliste intégral Breton' (PNB).]

  • Célestin Lainé (1908–1983) was a Breton nationalist and German ally before and during WWII. His dream was to establish a distinct Breton army to work with the Germans against the French state. He is quoted as saying:
    'We will continue the tradition of those who, throughout the centuries, have struggled, arms in hand, to affirm our national rights.'

    With Yann Goulet he participated in the creation of the 'Bagadou Stourm' (Stormtroopers). He also set up a unit of volunteers that he was personally in charge of called the 'Lu Brezhon' (Service Spécial). This paramilitary unit was in charge of the maintenance of order within the Breton National Party.

    On the September 11, 1943 Lainé and Colonel Hartmut Pulmer (chief of the Sicherheitsdienst at Rennes) signed the foundation convention of a new force to be called 'Bezen Kadoudal', named after the Breton rebel Georges Cadoudal. However, in 1944 it took the new name 'Bezen Perrot' (Perrot Militia), the name in reference to Abbé Perrot, a parish priest and staunch defender of the Breton language who had recently been murdered by the French Resistance.

    In 1943, the Bezen Perrot functioned as an auxiliary police force for the Germans fighting against terrorist groups. The soldiers of Bezen Perrot enrolled in the Sicherheitsdienst and even wore German uniforms.

    Breton volunteers who worked with the Germans were ordered to evacuate France during the Allied occupation. They setup in Tübingen (in Baden-Württemberg) and regrouped. The following days were that of chaos, death and total war.

    When the war finally ended many would stay behind in Germany with false identities, assisted by Leo Weisgerber (a Lorraine-born German linguist who also specialized in Celtic linguistics). Lainé himself fled to Ireland.

    Like so many freedom fighters who joined the Axis cause in hopes of freeing their lands from tyrannical rule, Célestin Lainé was sentenced to death in absentia.

    [Above: SS-Untersturmführer Célestin Lainé, taken from his military photo ID, early 1945. Source: Bezen Perrot archives]

    Here is an .mp3 of a Breton version of Horst Wessel Lied. It is called 'Bretonned Sonn'.

    - Bretonned Sonn -

  • Click here to read the lyrics in Breton and English

    [Above: Flag used during WW2 of the Syrian Republic]

  • Middle Eastern countries rightfully saw Germany as a liberator. Adolf Hitler even told The Grand Mufti Amin al-Husayni, whom represented many millions of Arabic peoples, that when the German and Axis armies reached the Caucasus that 'their liberation was at hand'. The corrupt governments of Britain and France had occupied the Arabic peoples lands and prevented any kind of real alliance between the Arab governments and Germany, although there were revolts and even a coup in Iraq. The Arabic people had many slogans exalting Adolf Hitler. At last, it seemed, they would be free. They collectively held their breath and waited. But it was not to be. And to this day the same corrupt entities either control or indirectly manipulate most of the Arab world.

    Although Adolf Hitler was unable to free the African continent his example would inspire the Arab peoples to this day. Mein Kampf has remained a best seller and National Socialism has inspired many Arab revolutionaries and freedom fighters.

    [Above: Sami al-Jundi (Sami el Djoundi)]

  • Among those brave men and women is Sami al-Jundi (1921-1996), the Ba'athist political party co-founder. The Ba'athist Party held sacred many tenets and principles of National Socialism. Adolf Hitler and his freedom fighters inspired them deeply.

    Sami al-Jundi was the leader of the Syrian Ba'ath Party and the League of Nationalist Action. Here is a quote:

    'We are fascinated by Nazism, we study its writings and intellectual sources-especially Nietzsche, Fichte, and [Houston Stewart] Chamberlain. And we are the first to have seriously considered translating Mein Kampf. Anyone who lives in Damascus can appreciate the force of attraction Nazism exerts upon the Arabic people, and Nazism's ability to rouse the people to action...'

    [Above: Symbol of the SSNP]

    [Above: Antoun Saadeh]

  • Antoun Saadeh (March 1, 1904 – July 8, 1949) was a Lebanese philosopher, writer and politician who founded the Syrian Social Nationalist Party.

    On November 16, 1932, Saadeh founded the Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP). It is said that Saadeh was strongly influenced by National Socialism and fascism. He chose a version of the swastika as the symbol of his party and even his party's anthem was put to the music of the German party anthem. He also glorified the pre-Christian past of the Syrian people.

    Shortly after founding the Syrian Social Nationalist Party his troubles fighting for freedom against colonial tyranny began--and it would not stop until his untimely death in 1949.

    Saadeh was imprisoned many times for his beliefs. During his incarcerations he wrote several books, including: 'The Rise of Nations', 'Principles Explained' and 'The Rise of the Syrian Nation'

    [Above: Antoun Saadeh arrested by colonial French occupiers.]

  • In 1939, at the start of World War II, Saadeh relocated to Argentina and remained until 1947. In Argentina, he continued his struggle. He founded 'Al-Zawba' (The Storm) newspaper and wrote another book called 'The Struggle of the Intellect in Syrian Literature'. In 1943, Saadeh married Juliette Al-Mir, they would have three daughters together. For his protests against the tyrannical French occupation of his homeland the colonial court sentenced him in absentia to twenty years of imprisonment.

    Saadeh returned to Lebanon on March 2, 1947, after the country's independence from France. But his troubles would only get deeper. The French left behind a corrupt puppet government and once again an arrest warrant was issued for him. After a series of violent revolts ending in failure, and a betrayal, he was arrested for the final time with some of his party members.

    His party members were judged by a Lebanese military court and were quickly executed (murdered).

    In one of the greatest injustices in the history of his country, Antoun Saadeh was ordered to be executed and was murdered by a firing squad. His capture, his trial and his execution all took place within 48 hours! As dawn broke on July 8, 1949, Saadeh was executed. It was and still is one of the quickest and most secretive trial ever given to a political offender.

    Today Antoun Saadeh is a martyr amongst his people and his party is as strong as ever. Members of the Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP) are active in helping to defend Syria from groups of foreign terrorists. Tyrants beware: Be careful when you kill a man, you might just make him live forever!

    [Above: Antoun Saadeh, hero of the people.]

    [Above: A family in the 1970s stands atop a tank holding an SSNP flag.]

    [Above: Today the SSNP is as strong as ever.]

    [Above: People show their support for the SSNP in Lebanon.]

    [Above: Men of the SSNP, ready for action.]

    [Above: A Syrian volunteer during the Israeli-instigated civil war with SSNP patches.]

  • One of the least known volunteers of the Waffen-SS, the men of Iceland. Current historical research has unearthed seven Icelandic volunteers in the Waffen-SS. There probably would have been many more had the British not occupied Iceland on May 10, 1940. Iceland was a neutral country, but that didn't seem to matter, the occupation would help to secure British control of the Atlantic. The most well known and documented Icelandic volunteer to the Waffen-SS is SS-Untersturmführer Björn Björnsson (October 15 1909 - 1998), the son of the first president of Iceland! He served with the Waffen-SS from 1941-1945. He was an SS war reporter and later served with the well known 'Kurt Eggers' regiment.

    [Above: SS-Untersturmführer Björn Björnsson. The photo on the left is probably taken from his identity book.]

  • There are seven other Icelandic Waffen-SS men known at this time. They are:

  • (#1) Sölvi Kristinn Friðriksson
    Born 1917 - Deceased 1993.
    Served 1941 – 45.

  • (#2) SS-Untersturmführer Oddur Tordarson
    Born February 24, 1924 - KIA August 27, 1944.
    Served 1941 – 44. He Served in the Germania and Nordland divisions.

  • (#3) SS-Untersturmführer Egõir Grettir Óõinsson
    Born 1910 - ?
    SS – Untersturmführer.
    Russian POW, never returned from captivity.
    Served with 'Wiking' division.

  • (#4) Gunnar Guðmundsson
    Born 1917 - ?
    Served 1944 – 45.

  • (#5) Arne Stangeland
    Served with Nordland and Wiking divisions.

  • (#6) Karl Kristján Christensen
    Born 1919 - ?
    Served 1944 – 45.

  • (#7) Geir Þorsteinsson
    (mentioned in the book 'Hitler's Hemmelige Agenter' and subtitled 'The German Spy Service in Norway, 1939-1945' written by Norwegian historian Tore Pryser and published by Universitetsforlaginu in 2001.
    Geir worked with a 'German spy agency called "Meldekopf Suzanne" in Þrándheimi [Trondheim] until the end of the war' and he was 'a soldier of the highest vigilance in the eastern battlefront'.

  • Iraq managed to free itself from British occupation in a coup d'état on April 1, 1941. It was led by four Iraqi generals, known as 'The Golden Square.' Germany was able to send a limited amount of troops and aircraft to help them, and also aided them in intelligence and monetarily.

    Unfortunately for the Iraqi people the British invaded the newly liberated country and put their puppets back in charge. Ironically Britain first sent their slaves of another occupied country of theirs--the Indian 20th Infantry Brigade.

    Germany also sent what fighter aircraft it could to fly operations against Britain. Its planes used airfields to refuel in Syria and Lebanon. Because of this Syria and Lebanon would also be invaded by Britain shortly after. How dare they aid their Arabic brothers in their quest for freedom!?

    In Führer Directive No. 30 Hitler said:
    'The Arab Freedom Movement in the Middle East is our natural ally against England.
    In this connection special importance is attached to the liberation of Iraq.
    I have therefore decided to move forward in the Middle East by supporting Iraq.'

    [Above: The much beloved Sami Shawkat, late in his years.]

  • Below is a declaration by Dr. Sami Shawkat, the mid 1930s Director General of Education in Baghdad:

    'There is something more important than money and learning, which preserves the honor of the nation and prevents its debasement. This is strength... Strength, as I use the word here, signifies the overcoming of death... Sixty years ago Prussia dreamed of uniting the German people. What is there to prevent Iraq, which fulfilled its longing for independence ten years ago, from now realizing the dream of unifying all Arab countries together? '

    But that is EXACTLY what they don't want. The enemies of mankind thrive on dissent. Any united people is a threat to them. Their media propaganda sows lies and divides and conquers, and anything left they merely need to send in the troops of their host-slave countries. Anything that resists them is bombed and scorched to oblivion in the name of 'peace'. The Middle East is a cauldron of violence and insanity because they need it to be.

    [Above: Here is a wrecked German Heinkel He 111. This plane was shot down during Iraq's war of independence. Note the painted strip of Iraqi national colors to the right of the swastika. Circa 1941.]

  • The Al-Muthanna Club was an important pan-Arab society established in Baghdad in the mid-1930s, and continued until the coup d'état in May 1941. The Al-Muthanna Club derived its name from Al-Muthanna ibn Haritha, an Iraqi Muslim Arab general who had commanded forces which helped defeat the Persian Sassanids at the Battle of al-Qadisiyyah in November 636. Co-founded by Dr. Sami Shawkat, the Al-Muthanna Club was greatly inspired by National Socialism and the words and deeds of Adolf Hitler.

    The German ambassador in Iraq, Fritz Grobba, helped shape a youth wing of the Al-Muthanna Club called al-Futuwwa in 1939. Under Dr. Shawkat's guidance the al-Futuwwa was modeled after the Hitler Youth. 'Futuwwa' is Arabic for 'young-manliness' or 'chivalry'. It was a conception of moral behavior with characteristics similar to chivalry and virtue. A code of life very similar to National Socialism and the diametric opposite of the filth and poisons pumped into the heads of the young in today's fallen world.

    Shawkat was an extremely respected and influential man. He preached to his fellow Arabs that the highest calling a man could achieve was dying for the pan-Arabism cause. The Ba'ath Party to come was no doubt highly influenced by Shawkat's greatness.

    [Above: Fritz Grobba (July 18, 1886 – September 2, 1973), a Muslim by faith who could speak fluent Turkish and Arabic, was the German ambassador to Iraq and Saudi Arabia and later foreign ministry plenipotentiary for the Arab States, which made him a liaison between the German government and Arab exiles in Berlin like Mohammad Amin al-Husayni.]

    In the hopeful spring of 1934, Fritz Grobba, while serving as Germany's ambassador to Iraq, reported back to the foreign office in Berlin that an Iraqi newspaper was publishing extracts from Hitler's Mein Kampf in Arabic. He reported:

    'As with all publications of a National Socialist kind, [the translation has] been received by the Arab readership here with great interest; one could almost say delight in some quarters.'

    Grobba pushed for an official version of Mein Kampf in Arabic. There were already versions circulating, but they were of very low quality translations. Germany accepted Grobba's challenge and over the following years found the task to be incredibly difficult. There wasn't even a dictionary between German and Arabic. After a handful of failures the task was begun in earnest. During the process a dictionary was written, infact it is still used today and considered to be the best (Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic, by Hans Wehr, 1945, also available in English)! Unfortunately, because of the war, an official version of Mein Kampf in Arabic was never written.

    [Above: Fritz Grobba (left) and the Grand Mufti Amin al-Husseini.]

    [Above: This is a 1943 Guide for U.S. Forces Serving in Iraq. Like everything produced for American soldiers and civilians alike prior, during and after WWII, this little book is full of lies and propaganda. It's interesting that although the book was supposedly produced by the American 'War and Navy Departments' a careful eye will observe the word 'colourful' within its pages. A spelling used by the British and its United Kingdom. It is one of the many hidden truths in WWII that the tyrants controlling Britain wanted America to enter the war at all costs. It's even been declassified recently that the American government let the British secret service use lies and propaganda within America on Americans! All with the purpose of turning American opinion, which was strictly anti-war. Imagine a foreign country allowed into another country to feed the population lies that would ultimately cost over 400,000 American lives and many times that permanently maimed. Incredible!]

    [Above: This page imparts the bullshit line that 'Herr Hitler'' was behind the scenes in Iraq causing disunity when it was quite the opposite. The British had occupied Iraq since the end of WWI and America was there to help them keep it that way -- along with their many other interests in the Middle East. A united Arab people was their worst nightmare, and little has changed. The region is purposely destabilized year after year. The greatest bane to the Arab peoples is the oil under their feet. It is watered by endless blood and suffering.]

    [Above: This is an especially pitiful and comical page. The whole 'We are fighting this war to preserve the principal of "live and let live."...' This could not be farther from the truth. When Iraq tried to break free from British military occupation the British sent a division of Indians (!) to crush their attempt at freedom. Germany had long been allies with the Arab peoples, since before the war, and going back many years, so they were natural allies during WWII. Adolf Hitler attempted to send aid to the new free Iraqi government, but unfortunately it was too late. Britain brutally crushed the people's attempt to be free and the Iraqi leaders were forced to flee in exile.]

    [Above: The symbol of nationalist China]

  • China is a rather difficult country and culture for Western minds to understand. But most people don't even know that a long civil war was fought between the communists and the Chinese nationalists between the years 1927 and 1950. As we all know the communists won. During WW2 when Japan invaded China the civil war did not cease, although on rare occasions the two forces would unite against Japan, and at times the civil war was put on hold.
    Fascism and National Socialism inspired many Chinese, as it did many peoples around the world. The leader of China, Chiang Kai-shek, was even affectionately compared to Hitler by his followers.

    When Chiang Kai-shek was defeated by the communists in 1949 he and his government fled to Taiwan. He vowed to retake mainland China one day. He even trained armies for this purpose. He funded and supplied resistance groups that fought the communists. But alas, his dream of retaking China died with him in 1975. Strange to think about what might have been... a fascist or National Socialist China?

    [Above: Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek (October 31, 1887 - April 5, 1975), the leader of the Republic of China (1928-1975).]

    [Above: Here is a page from an unknown book that brushes the subject of Chinese nationalism/fascism/National Socialism.]

    [Above: Chinese nationalists with German helmets. Not only did China fashion their military after the German Wehrmacht, but they also sent their officers to be trained by Germans. They also, as this pictures shows, bought German military supplies for their army.]

    [Above: A Chinese nationalist ready to kill his communist foe.]

    [Above: Chinese nationalist troops with an anti-aircraft searchlight.]

    [Above: Chiang Wei-Kuo]

  • Chiang Wei-Kuo (October 6, 1916 - September 22, 1997), son of Chang Kai-Shek (the President of China), in his National Socialist German Army uniform. He trained in Germany at the Munich Military Academy (Kriegshochschule), where he completed his training and later earned the coveted Gebirgsjäger Edelweiss sleeve insignia.

    Wei-kuo actually commanded a Panzer unit during the 1938 Austrian Anschluss! He led a tank into Austria and was subsequently promoted to Lieutenant of a Panzer unit and waited being sent into Poland. But before he was given the mobilization order, he was recalled to China. (To take part in the Chinese civil war, where the communists would eventually take over the country)

    Upon being recalled from Germany, Chiang Wei-kuo formally took part in the National Revolutionary Army. There he became a Major at 28, a Lieutenant Colonel at 29, a Colonel at 32, and later, a Major General. During the Chinese Civil War, Chiang Wei-kuo employed tactics he had learned while studying in the German Wehrmacht.

    Interesting eh? Those racist Nazis, training an Asian in warfare, adopting him into their armed forces, giving him rank and awards, and then letting him command a tank unit. Just one more shining example of what we've been taught about WW2 has been lies.]

    [Above: Wang Jingwei (May 4, 1883 – November 10,1944) receiving German diplomats while head of state in 1941. He was the President of the Republic of China from March 20, 1940 – November 10, 1944. He was a nationalist and fierce anti-communist. He died in Nagoya, Japan on November 10, 1944 while undergoing medical treatment from a wound left by an assassination attempt in 1939.]

  • Click here to see more pictures of Chiang Wei-kuo

  • Click here to see more pictures of Chinese nationalists

  • Captain Krsto Todorov-Zrnov Popovic (September 13, 1881 – March 14, 1947) was a WWI hero and revolutionist. After living some years in exile, he returned to Yugoslavia and went into retirement. However, when WWII broke out he organized the 'Lovcen Brigade' militia. This group was aligned with the Italian occupation and helped wage war against the communist partisans and the Chetnik 'Yugoslav Army in the Fatherland'.

    Ultimately Popovic's goal when working with the Italians was Montenegrin independence. During the war the militia suffered infighting and a split; half going to the communist partisans and half to the Chetniks--Popovic didn't join either side.

    He was murdered in a communist ambush in 1947 by Veljko Milatovic.

    [Above: Krsto Todorov-Zrnov Popovic.]

  • Bajo Stanišic (1890–1943) was a military officer in the Royal Yugoslav Army. During WWII he was involved in the 1941 uprising in Montenegro as a counseling member of the 'Temporary Supreme Command' of the insurgent forces. The next year, in February 1942, after the suppression of the uprising, Stanišic became one of the commanders of the Chetnik units in Montenegro.

    [Above: Bajo Stanišic (left) and Italian governor Pirzio Biroli.]

  • In February 1942 he formed the 'National Army of Montenegro and Herzegovina', which was composed of six battalions (some being Chetniks) and proclaimed himself as its commander.

    On February 17 and March 6, 1942, Stanišic concluded the first collaboration agreements between the Italian Fascists and the Chetniks by signing agreements with Alessandro Pirzio Biroli.

    [Above: Bajo Stanišic (left) Italian governor Pirzio Biroli, Pirzio Biroli and Bishop Joanikije arriving at a ceremony.]

  • Stanišic was a commander of the Zeta Chetnik Detachment. According to the agreement with Italians, this detachment was responsible for the territories of Nikšic, Danilovgrad and Podgorica. In mid October General Ðukanovic and Stanišic with twenty-five of their soldiers were in their headquarters in the Ostrog Monastery. They were besieged by stronger partisan communist units who demanded their surrender, otherwise they would destroy the monastery and kill everyone in it. In hopes of protecting the monastery and saving their own lives, General Ðukanovic and 22 soldiers surrendered. Stanišic and three of his relatives, however, decided not to allow the communists to capture them alive. Indeed, they knew a fate worse than death awaited them at the hands of these bloodthirsty communists. Stanišic was shot dead by the Partisans while Stanišic's relatives committed suicide.

    Stanišic was right, General Ðukanovic and his 22 soldiers who surrendered to the communists were murdered that same day. They were buried in two mass graves.

    It gets even worse... In 1948 the communists had pit toilets built above the graves of Ðukanovic and his Chetniks to be used by railway workers.

    Although the communists tried to defile Stanišic's remains, the monks of the monastery were able to secretly bury them.

    [Above: Italians and Chetniks in Hercegovina before a joint action against the partisans.]

    [Above: Envelope from the Italian administration of Montenegro. They used Italian stamps and overprinted them.]

    [Above: Envelope from the Italian administration of Montenegro. On this example Yugoslavian stamps are overprinted. Circa 1942.]

    [Above: Envelope from the German administration of Montenegro. They used Yugoslavian stamps and overprinted them. Circa 1943.]

    [Above: German officer and Chetniks.]

  • Click here to see more pictures envelopes and stamps from Montenegro

    [Above: 1942 postage stamp from Palestine]

  • Germany and the Axis powers found anxious supporters amongst the brave people of Palestine, whose land was brutally stolen from them after WW2. In the history of mankind there are few peoples who have endured the hell the Palestinian people endure every day. They live in a constant state of terror, violence and hopelessness. Their homes, businesses and land stolen from right under their feet. 750,000 people driven from their homes! For over six decades they've literally lived in concentration camps, unable to even freely leave to go to the hospital or doctor.

    A racist, criminal gang murders and destroys them generation after generation and for the most part the world remains silent.

    [Above: Note the 'Palastina' on the flags.]

    [Above: Jews employed by the British hold up an Israeli flag and possibly the same two National Socialist flags as above.]

    [Above: Reichsberufswettkampf (Reich vocational competition) sponsored by the German Labor Front (DAF), Jerusalem, 1939.]

    [Above: May 22, 1937 wireless to The New York Times documenting massive support of Hitler and Mussolini among Arabs.]

    [Above: Der Angriff (The Attack) September 27, 1934 newspaper: A Nazi Travels to Palestine.
    This article describes his journey and stay in Palestine.
    The 'Nazi', Baron von Mildenstein later headed the Jewish Department of the SS.]

    [Above: Article within describes Mildenstein's journey.]

    [Above: Der Angriff subscription stamp.]

    Adolf Hitler wrote illuminating words about Palestine in a reply to Roosevelt, April 28, 1939:
    'In the same way, the fact has obviously escaped Mr. Roosevelt's notice that Palestine is at present occupied not by German troops but by the English. And that the country is having its liberty restricted by the most brutal resort to force, is being robbed of its independence and is suffering the cruelest maltreatment for the benefit of Jewish interlopers. The Arabs in that country will therefore certainly not have complained to Mr. Roosevelt of German aggression but they do voice a continuous appeal to the world deploring the barbarous methods with which England is attempting to suppress a people which loves its freedom and is just defending it. This too is perhaps a problem which would have to be resolved at the conference table, that is in the presence of a judge, and not by physical force, military force, mass executions, burning down villages, blowing up houses, and so on. For one fact is in no doubt. In this case England is not defending herself against a threatened Arab attack. But as interloper, and without being called to do so, is endeavoring to establish her power in a foreign territory which does not belong to her.'

    [Above: A registered envelope sent registered on February 1, 1939, from Stuttgart, Germany to Palestine.]

    [Above: A registered envelope from the newly formed country of Slovakia, April 6, 1939, from the Carlton Hotel (still in business today, by the way) in the capital city of Brataslava, to Haifa Palestine. Note that some of the stamps are Slovakian (two stamps bear the image of Andrej Hlinka), some of them are Czechoslovakian (the two airmail stamps in the middle), and some of them are Czechoslovakian and overprinted 'Slovenský štát 1939' (The Slovak State 1939).]

    [Above: Here is the January 1, 1941 issue of the Völkischer Beobachter (People's Observer) which features an interesting section of three articles on Palestine.]

    [Above: 'The Struggle for Freedom of the Arab Nationalists - New Bloody Incidents in Palestine'. Click to read the articles in German and our English translation.]

    [Above: A Banner bearing the words: 'Long Live Hitler'.]

    [Above: The poster reads: 'The Jew will be using every penny he earns from you to buy your soil'.]

    [Above: From Der Stürmer, September 1936, it says:

    Am Jordan möchte der hausherr gern die Tür Schließen, da er dem Starken jüdischen Zuzug nicht verträgt.

    At the Jordan [river], the landlord would like to close the door,
    as he cannot tolerate the strong Jewish influx.)]

    [Above: From Der Stürmer, February 1942, it says:

    Aulschlußreiches Beispiel
    Es legt der Jud sich dick und fett
    Recht gern in ein gemachtes Bett
    Und der es für sich selbst gemacht.
    Der Liegt dann draußen. Gute Nacht!

    (Conclusive Example
    The Jew lies down thick and fat
    Quite happy in a made bed.
    And the one who made that bed lies outside. Good night!)]

    [Above: The 5th Don Cossack Calvary Regiment medal.
    These are the same medal, but made differently because of war time chaos and shortages.]

    [Above: I'm unsure what this Cossack medal is exactly, but it is crazy cool!]

  • Tens of thousands of Cossack and Kalmyk people from Russia fought with the 3rd Reich in hopes of freeing their homelands from communism. They were tenacious and skilled fighters, often winning battles against numerically superior foes. Amongst the many Russian peoples they stood out for their fierce hatred of the murderous oppression of communism. The alliance between these peoples and the Axis was born from a mutual hatred of communism. Below are just a few of the men who arose to lead their people out of slavery and death. The few rose to face the many. Freedom or death.

    [Above: Ivan Kononov (February 4, 1900 - September 15, 1967) was a staunch enemy of communism, his father was hung by the Bolsheviks and his brother was killed fighting the Bolsheviks in the Russian civil war. During Operation Barbarosa, he commanded a Soviet regiment which defected to the German side. They formed the Russian Liberation Army. By wars end Kononov attained the rank of general. He was the only Russian general that defected to the Axis side that wasn't murdered in retaliation.]

    [Above: Andrei Shkuro (January 19, 1887 - January 17, 1947). A veteran of WW1 where he was promoted to the rank of colonel. In 1919 he was made Lieutenant General of the White Army. After the defeat of the White Army he lived in exile, mostly in France and Serbia. When WW2 was coming to a head and Operation Barbarosa was initiated Shkuro saw the dream of liberation closer to his grasp. He aligned himself with the Germans and in 1941 he organized anti-Soviet Cossack units from Soviet P.O.W.s, mostly Cossack and other political exiles. In 1944 he was placed in command of the 'Cossack Reserve', which was deployed against Tito's communist partisans in Yugoslavia. In 1945 he was detained by the British in Austria, with the promise he wouldn't be turned over to the Soviets. Betrayed, he was handed over with his other anti-communist countrymen and he was hanged on January 17, 1947. The same day as Krasnov.]

    [Above: Helmuth von Pannwitz (October 14, 1898 - January 16, 1947). Although a German, his glorious fate was forever tied to the Cossack people. Pannwitz was a General during the first and second wars. Later he became a Lieutenant General of the Wehrmacht and 'Supreme Ataman of the XV Kosaken-Kavallerie-Korps'. In 1941 he was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross. In 1942/43 he was promoted to Colonel and received the Oak Leaves to his Knight's Cross. At the Battle of Stalingrad his battle group wiped out an entire Soviet cavalry brigade, a Soviet cavalry division and an infantry division. He was instrumental in establishing a Cossack volunteer force. He was extremely beloved by his Cossack men. They even elected him 'Feldataman', the highest rank in the Cossack hierarchy and one that was traditionally reserved for only the Tsar. Pannwitz and his beloved men surrendered on May 11, 1945 to British forces near Volkermarkt in Carinthia, Austria. He did everything in his power to ensure that he and his men would remain in the custody of the Western powers... but once again, the Cossack's fate was sealed, they were turned over to the communists to die. In a move of rare loyalty and love, Pannwitz and the other Germans who fought with the Cossacks chose to go to Russia to die with their comrades! He was executed in Moscow January 16, 1947. One day before Krasnov and Shkuro.]

    [Above: Pyotr Krasnov (September 22, 1869 - January 17, 1947) was a Lieutenant General of the Russian army when the Bolshevik revolution broke out in 1917. He was also one of the leaders of the counter-revolutionary White movement. While trying to suppress the Bolsheviks he was captured and later released, under the terms he would not continue his struggle against the Bolsheviks. But nothing short of death would deter Krasnov from liberating his homeland from the Bolshevik menace. In the summer of 1918, with the support of Germany he led the 'Don Army' of 40,000 Cossacks, with the goal of marching on Moscow. Unfortunately he was defeated once more. In 1919 he went into exile in Germany and continued his anti-communist activities, founding organizations and underground networks. During WW2 he naturally aligned himself with National Socialist Germany. He organized and headed freed Russian P.O.W.s. and exiles. At the end of the war his men and he surrendered to British forces in Austria. They were promised upon surrender by Major Davis that they, as White Russian émigrés, would not be handed over to the Soviets. But like most Allied promises, this was broken. On May 28, 1945 he was handed over to the Soviets by the British. He was executed by hanging on January 17, 1947.]

    Approximately 50,000 Cossacks in all, including many women and children, the sick and the old, were turned over to the murderous Bolsheviks. All were either executed or sent to gulag death camps -- where a fate often worse than death awaited them.

    [Above: This is entitled 'Volunteer in Germany's Cossack Division' by Olaf Jordan. The dimensions are twenty-five inches high and 19 1/2 inches wide. U.S. Army art collection. The U.S. Army stole thousands of German works of art after the war. They hide most of them away from the world, lest the world see the beauty of National Socialism.]

  • Click here to see more pictures of Ivan Kononov

  • Click here to see more pictures of Helmuth von Pannwitz

  • Click here to see more pictures of Pyotr Krasnov

    [Above: Reza Shah Pahlavi (March 15, 1878 - July 26, 1944). This photo shows Reza Shah as army Commander with the sword of honor awarded him by Ahmed Shah, February 1921.
    His son who replaced him after he was forced to abdicate held several titles, one of them being 'Aryamehr', meaning 'light of the Aryans'.]

    'Germany was our age-old and natural ally, love of Germany was synonymous with love for Iran.
    The sound of German officers' footsteps was heard on the shores of the Nile.
    Swastika flags were flying from the outskirts of Moscow to the peaks of the Caucasus Mountains.
    Iranian patriots eagerly awaited the arrival of their old allies.
    My friend and I would spin tales about the grandeur of the superior race.
    We considered Germany the chosen representative of this race in Europe and Iran its representative in Asia.
    The right to life and role was ours.'

    -Reza Shah

    [Above: Signed photograph and silver embossed frame from Adolf Hitler sent to Reza Shah on his birthday with 'Best Wishes', dated March 12, 1936.]

    [Above: This photo is from a 1939 meeting in Berlin. Hitler is seen here with the Iranian Ambassador to Germany and Speaker of the Iranian Parliament (to Hitler's left).]

  • Prior to World War II Germany was Iran's largest trading partner. The Shah highly encouraged German businesses within Iran. The British and their communist ally Russia occupied neutral Iran in 1941. Their reasons being Iran refused to allow Iranian land to be used as a supply corridor for shipment of arms to Russia for its war against Germany. Nor would the Shah allow them the use of Iran's railways. He also refused requests to expel German nationals residing in Iran. Russia and Britain forced the Shah to abdicate and give the throne to his son Mohammad Reza - who was to be their puppet. When the new puppet 'opened the Parliament on November 13, crowds menaced his car, shouting 'Long Live Hitler!' and 'Down with the Russians and the British!' (Days of God, by James Buchan, pg 29, (c)2012)
    Iran was later referred to as 'The bridge of victory' by the warmonger Winston Churchill.

    [Above: American newspaper noting the invasion of Iran.]

  • In 1935 Persia changed its name to Iran, which means 'Land of the Aryans'. In ancient times Aryans settled what is today known as Iran. Many Iranians even consider themselves Aryan today, although many of them are of mixed blood. Nonetheless, like most of the countries of the Middle East, one can still see traces of Aryan blood in the people.

    Here is some interesting information I researched:

    'In 1936 the Reich Cabinet issued a special decree exempting Iranians from the restrictions of the Nuremberg Racial Laws on the grounds that they were 'pure blooded Aryans'...' (Lenczowski. 1944, p. 160). And in 1939, the Nazis provided Persians with what they called a German Scientific Library. The library contained over 7,500 books carefully selected "to convince Iranian readers... of the kinship between the National Socialist Reich and the 'Aryan culture' of Iran" (Lenczowski. 1944, p. 161).'


    'Hitler became a national hero of Iranians and all oppressed Aryan peoples.' For instance, a journal titled "Nameh-ye Iran-e Bastan" (the Journal of Ancient Iran) identified Hitler as "one of the greatest men in the world": Adolph Hitler, this great scholarly man of the Aryan race, has destroyed a 200-years old plan of the Jews against nationality in the world, against nationalism, and particularly the Aryan races on earth... and has created a new day for the new world.'

    And lastly:

    'Regarding the Nazi symbol of the swastika, the journal wrote in issue 28, Mordad, 1933: It is truly rejoicing to see that the symbol of Iran from 2000 years before Christ has today become a symbol of pride for the Germans, who are of one race and ethnicity with us.' (cited in JAMI, 1983, pp. 74-5)

    [Above: Coin from Iran from 1944, .600 silver.]

  • Known as the 'Boys from Tokyo', it is a little known fact that Indians were sponsored by Japan to learn the art of war with the purpose of liberating India from British colonial occupation. During WW2 forty-five young Indians volunteered to take the perilous journey to Japan. Some were chosen to learn aviation and others volunteered for the army. Like their German comrades, Japan held Indians in high esteem and wished to help them free India from British occupation. The much revered and beloved Chandra Bose worked very closely with Japan and Germany and had offices in both Tokyo and Berlin. In Germany the Waffen-SS Azad Hind was created from Indian volunteers mostly drawn from P.O.W.s who were drafted into the British army and later captured by the Germans. In Japan however, many of the Indians were drawn from places like Malaysia, Burma and Singapore. These Indian volunteers formed the Indian National Army (INA). The INA was a liberation force which eventually fought the British occupiers on Indian soil. With their Japanese brothers, the brave men of the INA fought a vicious, but ultimately losing battle. The British rank this conflict as one of the most brutal battles of WW2. The men of the INA would become national heroes after the war's end. While the British executed some of the INA, many returned to their families and became symbols of Indian independence.

    [Above: Burma to Japan with Azad Hind - A War Memoir (1941-1945) by Ramesh S. Benegal. I found this book to be extremely enlightening, interesting and a very smooth and easy read. Information on this subject matter is extraordinarily sparse, so this book was very welcome. It tells the tale of Ramesh and his teenage friends. Filled with youthful idealism and fearlessness, they eagerly joined the cause of Chandra Bose and his Liberation Army. After the Japanese liberated Burma from the British imperialists, Bose set up offices and sought volunteers to be trained in Japan. Ramesh proudly joined, never imagining the great perils and adventure that lay before him. From being on a torpedoed transport ship and almost drowning, to practically starving in British concentration camps, and surviving waves of American carpet bombs and strafing attacks in Japan-the list goes on and on. But there were also moments of pride and glory. Meeting life-long friends and comrades-including the much vaunted Subhas Chandra Bose, living in glorious Japan before its atomic destruction, becoming a full corporal airman after intensive training in Japan, to later becoming a symbol of inspiration to millions of Indians.]

    [Above: This picture was during Chandra Bose's visit to the Preparatory School in Tokyo.]

  • Although the Indian National Army never attained ultimate victory on the battlefield, their deeds and bravery certainly led to the liberation of India. A freedom that Chandra Bose regretfully never saw. He died in a plane crash on his way to Tokyo to meet with his 'Tokyo Boys'--who he considered his family. His ashes are still enshrined in Tokyo, where every year on the anniversary of his birth and death Japanese volunteers honor him in ceremonies.

    [Above: Ramesh Benegal with his fellow students of the Preparatory School in Tokyo.]

  • To quote Ramesh regarding Chandra Bose:
    'He had charisma. His personality was overpowering and it had nothing to do with his uniform which sported no medals, no gongs or ribbons. He carried himself with head held high and reflecting a glowing intensity and the one-possibly the only-goal in life, freedom for India from alien rule! When he spoke, we could not help but listen to him attentively and each sentence that he spoke was forceful, and one instinctively knew that it came from his heart.'

    [Above: The Tokyo Boys ready for action.]

    [Above: Ramesh S. Benegal in pilots uniform, Tokyo.]

  • It is highly ironic and interesting that Ramesh nor his young teenage comrades had ever been to their motherland of India. In fact, the first time they ever stepped foot on Indian soil was as prisoners of the British, who brought them there as criminals and traitors to British India.

    Jai Hind!

    [Above: Robert Henry Best.]

  • There were a number of American civilians who fought for National Socialism, leaving a corrupt and bloodthirsty America behind and living and working in Germany.

    Among them was Robert Henry Best (sometimes referred to as 'Mr. Guess Who?', or simply 'BBB').

    [Above: A young and handsome Robert Henry Best. Click to see more.]

    Best was born on April 16, 1896 in Sumter, South Carolina. He graduated from Wofford College in 1917, he joined Army, staying on until 1920. He quickly found his calling. Journalism. In 1922 he moved to Europe and worked there as a journalist for 15 years.
    In the 1930s fate led him to Adolf Hitler, whom he would admire greatly. Even after the United States and Germany went to war he chose not to return to the USA, instead he stayed in Germany as a broadcaster.
    As a broadcaster he deeply condemned America's entry into the war as a sell-out to communism and international Jewry.

    On July 26, 1943, Best, Fred W. Kaltenbach, Douglas Chandler, Edward Delaney, Constance Drexel, Jane Anderson, Max Otto Koischwitz and Ezra Pound were indicted in absentia by an American grand jury on charges of treason.

    [Above: This graphic is taken from a period writing called 'American Traitors Abroad'. It profiled most of the American broadcasters who worked for the Third Reich.]

    Robert Best was arrested on January 29, 1946 by British forces in Carinthia, Austria (Carinthia is a southern Austrian region in the eastern Alps that encompasses Austria’s highest mountain, Grossglockner) and given over to the American invaders. He was taken to the United States for a show trial, and arrived in Massachusetts on December 14, 1946.

    Robert Henry Best was arraigned on January 20, 1947 and went to trial at the Boston Federal District Court on March 29, 1948. Not trusting the corrupt legal system, he acted as his own lawyer.

    Not surprisingly, on April 16, 1948, he was convicted of 12 counts of treason, with a jury (of his peers?) finding that he gave 'aid and comfort to the enemy'. He boldly admitted in court the authorship of his broadcasts. The kangaroo court sentenced him to life imprisonment and a fine of $10,000.

    Life in prison for broadcasting. Like so many other brave men and women, fearless to speak the truth, he died in a dungeon of his enemies. Robert Best served his sentence at the federal prison in Danbury, Connecticut. His life sentence ended after only three years when on August 12, 1951, he was transferred to the Medical Center for Federal Prisoners in Springfield, Missouri. He died four months later of a brain hemorrhage on December 16, 1952.

    This brave crusader of truth was buried at the Pacolet Methodist Church Cemetery, Pacolet, South Carolina, on December 21, 1952. 'Coincidently', another American broadcaster that worked for National Socialist Germany, Herbert John Burgman, died on the first anniversary of Best's death, at the same prison.

    Here is an excerpt from his broadcasts:

    'I am thankful that an all-wise Providence gave an Adolf Hitler to Germany and to Europe at such a critical time in history. And I am also thankful that the Germans were intelligent enough to place Hitler in charge of their destiny in time to save Germany and Europe, and also America and Great Britain, from Bolshevism...

    If any one had ever treated you as Roosevelt treated the Japanese for months and even years previous to the Pearl Harbor blow, you would have done just what the sons of Nippon did...

    With the so-called government bonds which Margenthau and Roosevelt are palming off on the American public today, the holders will not be able to buy a square yard of wallpaper ten years front today unless a miracle happens to save our country from the ruin toward which Roosevelt's war policies are now driving America...

    And Roosevelt would have you believe, of course, that by way of French Africa, American troops can march to Berlin, I am in a position to assure you that they will be lucky if they even escape from French Africa alive...'

    [Above: Robert Henry Best.]

    In a May 25, 1943 broadcast, he told his Jewish critics in America:

    'I have never shouted Nazi propaganda in any microphone anywhere. What I have broadcast and what I shall continue to broadcast is every word native-born, dyed in the wool propaganda of an America, by an American, and for America. I am an American born and an American bred and when I die I shall be an American dead. Awake, America, Awake! Arise! Down with the Judocrats! Oust the Rabbis. BBB Best's Berlin Broadcast. BBB Triple B. Carry On.'

    [Above: A bearded Robert Henry Best.]

    [Above: Robert Henry Best and Douglas Chandler after being arrested and charged with treason by the American government.]

    Best boldly declared:

    'I... demand the head of one of America’s Jewish bankers for every American man or boy who is killed or even wounded in the course of the present war.'

  • Click here to hear an example of one of Best's broadcasts from April 8, 1943

  • Click here to read a transcript of the recording above

  • William Dudley Pelley (March 12, 1890 – June 30, 1965) was an American author of dozens of books (two of his short stories received O. Henry awards), journalist (his articles appeared in national publications), foreign correspondent (he traveled throughout Europe and Asia post WWI), screenwriter (Pelley wrote numerous screenplays, including the Lon Chaney films 'The Light in the Dark' and 'The Shock'), spiritualist (who wrote many volumes of esoteric and spiritualist material), but he earned his place here for his founding of the Silver Legion (also known as the Silver Shirts) in 1933.

    [Above: William Pelley.]

    [Above: Pelley's short stories were in the very popular Argosy All-Story Weekly magazine.
    Here one of Pelley's stories made the cover. July 7, 1923.
    Click to read part one, as published in this issue.]

  • Traveling as a foreign correspondent in Russia during the communist revolution Pelley witnessed atrocities. This horrible experience left him with a lifelong hatred for communism and Jews for their leading role in it.

    Returning home in 1920, he went to Hollywood and became a successful screenwriter. Nine years later, after much success and acclaim, he became disillusioned with the corrupt industry of Hollywood and moved away.

    Perhaps the most important moment in his life was in 1928 when Pelley had a near-death experience. He detailed this strange happening in an article and later a book called 'My Seven Minutes in Eternity'.

    During the Great Depression he became active in politics. He also founded the Galahad college in 1932 and the Galahad Press. Through the Galahad Press he published many political and metaphysical magazines, newspapers and books.

    [Above: William Pelley.]

  • Inspired by Adolf Hitler, Pelley founded the 'Silver Legion' in 1933. Their emblem was a scarlet 'L'. This letter was prominently featured on their flags and uniforms. Their uniforms were silver, gaining them the name 'Silver Shirts'.

    Pelley, a man of great drive and boundless ability, founded Silver Legion chapters in almost every state in America. He held mass rallies where he gave speeches and lectures. In 1936 he even ran for president under the party he founded called the 'Christian Party'.

    In July 1938 Pelley proudly said that he was 'the first man in the United States to... openly... support Adolf Hitler' (Carlson, Under Cover, 400)

    [Above: The Liberation was the newspaper of the Silver Shirts, May 1938.]

    His support of Adolf Hitler and National Socialism/Fascism angered Roosevelt and the powers-that-be and charges were brought against him and the Silver Shirts in 1940. Federal agents raided his headquarters, arrested his followers and seized his property.

    After all, you are not allowed to believe in anything that threatens the tyrants in charge!

    Costly and lengthy court battles followed causing great financial troubles for Pelley. Eventually Pelley's criticism of Roosevelt and the bloodthirsty government landed him with a charge of high treason and sedition in April 1942. He was convicted and sentenced to 15 years in prison! He was paroled after a decade and told that if he ever got involved in politics again he would be sorry--thrown back in prison, or worse.

    [Above: A group of Silver Shirts. Note the prominent 'L' - it stood for 'Liberation'.]

    Silver Shirt leader Orville W. Roundtree (1896 - 1972) was from Chehalis, Washington. Roundtree was known as an extremely capable leader and was very well liked by all who knew him, Silver Shirts and otherwise. When he wasn't trying to awaken America he ran a real estate and insurance business.

    [Above: Orville W. Roundtree.]

    [Above: Orville W. Roundtree is reading Pelley's instructions to his Silver Shirts. Men and women, young and old, gather 'round to hear him. January 1, 1939.]

    [Above: The humble Silver Shirts state headquarters in Chehalis, Washington. Chehalis is a small city with a population of 7,259 at the time of the 2010 census.]

    [Above: Invitation to Silver Shirt meeting in Washington.]

    [Above: A patriot's end.]

    [Above: Chief organizer and fundraiser of the Silver Shirts Roy Zachery, seen here backstage before delivering a lecture in Seattle, Washington, sponsored by the Swedish Club, Jan 25.]

    [Above: William Pelley at an outdoor Silver Shirts rally.]

    [Above: A distinguished Pelley in 1942.]

    [Above: Wanted poster for Pelley.]

    [Above: Pelley immediately arrested outside the prison gates in Terre Haute, Indiana, where he had been serving a 15 year sentence for 'sedition'. Pelley is seen here on the left, his attorney, T. Emmet Mckenzie is in the center, and sheriff John Trieweiler, who arrested Pelley, is on the right. Pelley was being extradited to North Carolina where he was to face a 2-3 year prison sentence for violating the state's 'security laws'. 2/14/50.]

    [Above: 'Seven Minutes in Eternity with the Aftermath' first appeared in the magazine 'The American Magazine' in 1929. This self-published book shown here was also released in 1929. Pelley wrote it after having a near-death experience. He describes his strange and fascinating journey to the beyond. This experience changed his life and shaped him for the rest of his days. This particular edition is autographed!]

    [Above: 'Seven Minutes in Eternity with the Aftermath' opening page -- with autograph.]

    [Above: William Dudley Pelley autograph.]

    [Above: The final words of 'Seven Minutes in Eternity with the Aftermath' .]

    [Above: 'Golden Rubbish' (1929) was one of the many books Pelley wrote in his long and interesting life.
    The title was inspired by unbelievers calling spirituality 'rubbish' and Pelley basically replying 'golden rubbish', nonetheless.]

  • Click here to see more pictures of William Pelley and his works

    [Above: George W. Christians.]

  • George W. Christians photo (August 5, 1888 - June 1983) was the leader of the Chattanooga, Tennessee based Crusader White Shirts. Christians was a native of New York where he was trained as an engineer at the Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. A business owner, he owned and operated the American Asphalt Grouting Company. A bright man, he was also an inventor in his spare time and even held several patents.

    Like legions of other Americans Christians lost his wealth and livelyhood in the stock market crash, which ultimately destroyed his engineering business. This led him to write a manuscript entitled The Depression which dealt with America's economic problems and how to solve them. He even had Congressman Louis T. McFadden of Pennsylvania propose legislation which was based upon his economic ideas (H.R. 4747 to the 72nd Congress).

    So devoted was he that in December 1933 he was granted an interview with President Roosevelt at his vacation retreat in Warm Springs, Georgia. Christians outlined his economic ideas and the president said he would consider them. He obviously didn't. Roosevelt was in league with the swindlers who destroyed America and would later thrust it into another bloody world war.

    In the pivotal years of 1936 and 1937 he joined up with Lois de Lafayette Washburn and formed an organization called the Crusaders for Economic Liberty in Chicago, Illinois.

    Sometime later Christians formed the Crusader White Shirts, which he stated 'embraces the Fascist idea of personal leadership, unity, force, drama and nationalism.'

    He published the National American Bulletin and was also known to circulate the famous Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

    His patriotic anti-war activities put him under surveillance by the Secret Service. On March 27, 1942, the beastly American government attacked. They arrested Christians for distributing material that could 'demoralize' the army. He was accused of violating the Smith Act by 'communicating to soldiers statements designed to impair their morale.' His sedition charges consisted of 'distributing propaganda and urging the insubordination, disloyalty, mutiny, or refusal of duty by members of the armed forces.'

    Christians was held in a Chattanooga jail under a ludicrous $10,000 bond. He rightfully considered himself a political prisoner and not a criminal. Roosevelt gloated smugly about the thousands of arrests, which included Christians, in one of his 'Fireside Chats', saying 'this great war effort... must not be impeded by a few bogus patriots who use the sacred freedom of the press to echo the sentiments of the propagandists in Tokyo and Berlin.'

    [Above: George W. Christians.]

    [Above: A newspaper article from February 2, 1943 regarding George W. Christians. Click to read the full article.]

  • Very little is known about the Knights of the White Camellia during WWII. Life magazine did a story in 1939 that included the group with the German American Bund and Canadian National Socialist groups, but had very little to say otherwise. They did report that George E. Deatherage called himself the 'national commander of the Knights of the White Camellia.' So who was he?

    [Above: George E. Deatherage appearing before the House Un-American Activities Committee, May 24, 1939.]

    George Edward Deatherage (November 15, 1893 – March 31, 1965) was an engineer by trade and an author of several books on construction. He was a proud nationalist and was very active in politics, even being a speech writer for the great Major-General George Van Horn Moseley.

    Whether Deatherage took over an existed group calling itself the Knights of the White Camellia or formed a new one using the name, isn't really known. Besides this group he also founded the American Nationalist Confederation.

    Deatherage was a prominent figure in the American and international anti-Jewish scene in the 1930s and 1940s. He collaborated with the Welt-Dienst (World-Service) agency ran by German Ulrich Fleischhauer. Fleischhauer and Deatherage would later be defendants in the pathetic 'Great Sedition Trial' of 1944, which ended up being a waste of time for all involved.

    Deatherage believed that United States Senator Huey Long was assassinated with the American government being aware 'eleven minutes ahead of time'.

    The name itself has been used by various groups dating back to the end of the American Civil War. This group was formed to protect the South from 'carpetbaggers'. This term was used to describe 'a person from the northern states who went to the South after the Civil War to profit from the Reconstruction.'

    Carpetbaggers were typically Jews who rushed from the big cities in the north to buy up properties and plantations for pennies on the dollar. The Confederate States were shattered after the war and the collapse of their economy made them vulnerable to all sorts of nefarious dealings. The same thing happened after WWII in Germany. The North absolutely destroyed the South in the Civil War and then went in and raped and pillaged what was left. Little changes with these people, does it?

    Civil War Union General William Tecumseh Sherman was shocked and dismayed by the huge number of Jews swarming the Confederate states, saying:

    'I found so many Jews & speculators here trading in cotton and secessionists had become open in refusing anything but gold that I have found myself bound to stop it.'

    General Ulysses Grant, future President of the U.S.A., wrote to the Assistant Adjutant General of the US Army on December 17, 1862:

    'I have long since believed that in spite of all the vigilance that can be infused into post commanders, the specie regulations of the Treasury Department have been violated, and that mostly by the Jews and other unprincipled traders. So well satisfied have I been of this that I instructed the commanding officer at Columbus to refuse all permits to Jews to come South, and I have frequently had them expelled from the department. But they come in with their carpet-sacks in spite of all that can be done to prevent it. The Jews seem to be a privileged class that can travel anywhere. They will land at any woodyard on the river and make their way through the country. If not permitted to buy cotton themselves, they will act as agents for someone else, who will be at a military post with a Treasury permit to receive cotton and pay for it in Treasury notes which the Jew will buy at an agreed rate, paying gold.'

    Insanity. Utter and terrible insanity. Why do we let this go on? Through the centuries, on and on. When will the sleepers awake?

    The name Knights of the White Camellia and iterations of it are still used today.

    [Above: George Van Horn Moseley, 1919.]

  • WORK IN PROGRESS... This guy is awesome!!

    [Above: 1936 Berlin Olympics art.]

  • Born James Cleveland Owens (September 12, 1913 - March 31, 1980), known to the world and history as 'Jesse Owens'. Four-time Olympic gold medalist.

    [Above: Jesse Owens, the gold medal Champion. His long-jump victory, which set a world record for 25 years, was depicted on Leni Riefenstahl's 1938 film 'Olympia'. If the Germans were so ashamed and spiteful about Owens' victory why did they include footage of his win in their celebrated film Olympia and countless other German print publications? Beside Owens in the picture is Germany's Luz Long (right) who took second, and Japan's Naoto Tajima (left), who placed third. Click to see more.]

    It is a little known fact that Jesse Owens and the German champion Luz Long were great friends. The two developed a deep friendship and posed for photos together, they even walked arm-in-arm through the Olympic stadium to their dressing room during the games.

    [Above: Luz Long. Click to see entire image.]

    Luz Long was an extraordinary champion, not to mention a martyr for Germany. He won the German long jump championship six times in 1933, 1934, 1936, 1937, 1938, and 1939!

    [Above: Luz Long and Jesse Owens]

    In 1936, at the time of the Olympic Summer Games, Long held the European record in the long jump. It was the first time he would square off against Jesse Owens, who was the American world record holder.

    On August 4th the two met in front of the eyes of thousands. Long came on incredibly strong, in the preliminary round he set an Olympic record. Owens, however, fouled on his first two jumps. He had but one jump left in order to advance to the finals that afternoon. Owens sat on the field, depressed and dejected.

    Here comes the shocking part. In 1964 Owens told Long's son that his father came to him and told him to try to jump from a spot several inches behind the take-off board. Long knew that Owens could easily make the minimum 7.15m required to advance, so he advised him to be safe and jump a few inches further back, therefore not risking going over the line and being cut out of the games.

    It worked. Owens did it with at least four inches to spare. As everyone knows Jesse Owens went on to win the long jump. Luz Long was the first person to congratulate him.

    Owens would later say about his 'Nazi' friend:
    'You can melt down all the medals and cups I have and they wouldn't be a plating on the twenty-four karat friendship that I felt for Luz Long at that moment'

    Luz Long, the champion with a golden soul, would later give his life for Europe during WWII. He served in the German Wehrmacht, advancing to the rank of Obergefreiter. During the Allied invasion of Sicily, he was killed in action on July 14, 1943.

    [Above: Each gold medalist was presented with an oak sapling. They 'were a gift of the German people'. The saplings were a little over 19 and a half inches tall (50cm) and were presented in a terracotta pot adorned with the Olympic Bell and the motto 'Grow in the honor of victory! Summon to further achievement!' Another interesting fact is that Jesse Owens wore Adidas shoes given to him by National Socialist party member and founder and owner of Adidas Adolf Dassler (also of note, Dassler's younger brother Rudolf, also a member of the NS party, was the founder of Puma shoes).]

  • Another lie that has been taught to the world in school, in the press and by word of mouth for decades is that one of our greatest African-American Olympians had been 'snubbed' by Adolf Hitler in the 1936 Olympics in Berlin. The story is that the Führer shook hands with all the German winners the day before but when Jesse won he left quickly and didn't shake his hand. Well like so many other things we've been taught about Adolf Hitler, it has come to light that this is a lie.

    [Above: Jesse Owens and Luz Long, from the Leni Riefenstahl 1937 book 'Schönheit Im Olympischen Kampf' (Beauty of the Olympic Games).]

    A sports reporter from Germany who covered the 1936 Olympics has come forward with information about that day. Siegfried Mischner says that in the 1960s Jesse Owens came to him and other journalists because he was upset about how the press reported 'unfairly' on Hitler's attitude toward him. He urged the reporters to change this false - but accepted - version of history. He even carried around a signed photo in his wallet many years later of Adolf Hitler shaking his hand! Owens showed it to Mischner and other journalists and said 'That was one of my most beautiful moments.'

    [Above: Jesse Owens, from the Leni Riefenstahl 1937 book 'Schönheit Im Olympischen Kampf' (Beauty of the Olympic Games).]

    Mischner was actually there and saw the handshake when it took place and says, 'It was behind the honor stand and so not captured by the world's press.' Other journalists saw it too, but in post war Germany they had been taught that Hitler had refused to shake his hand and no one wanted to come forward and report on it. Mischner says 'We therefore decided not to report on the photo. The consensus was that Hitler had to continue to be painted in a bad light in relation to Owens.'

    [Above: 1936 Berlin Olympics medallion.]

    Furthermore, in an article dated August 4, 1936, the African-American newspaper editor Robert L. Vann described seeing Adolf Hitler salute Owens for winning the gold medal in the 100m sprint (August 3):
    'And then... wonder of wonders... I saw Herr Adolph Hitler, salute this lad. I looked on with a heart which beat proudly as the lad who was crowned king of the 100 meters event, get an ovation the like of which I have never heard before. I saw Jesse Owens greeted by the Grand Chancellor of this country as a brilliant sun peeped out through the clouds. I saw a vast crowd of some 85,000 or 90,000 people stand up and cheer him to the echo.'

    [Above: German athlete, from the Leni Riefenstahl 1937 book 'Schönheit Im Olympischen Kampf' (Beauty of the Olympic Games).]

    Owens was disappointed and shook his head at their unwillingness to change this historical untruth. Mischner said 'I can make no excuses, but no one wanted to be the one to make Hitler the monster look good.'

    Jesse Owens is also quoted as saying 'Hitler had a certain time to come to the stadium and a certain time to leave. It happened that he had leave before the victory ceremony after the 100 meters. But before he left I was on my way to a broadcast and passed near his box. He waved at me and I waved back. I think it was bad taste to criticize the 'Man of the Hour' in another country.'

    [Above: Japanese athlete, from the Leni Riefenstahl 1937 book 'Schönheit Im Olympischen Kampf' (Beauty of the Olympic Games).]

    Owens had been warned before the Olympics that the German crowd might be hostile and yell insults. Instead the crowd gave him several thunderous ovations. Owens later remarked that he had received the best ovations of his career at the Berlin Olympics. He even said:

    'Wonderful competition here, a beautiful stadium and a wonderful crowd, and the days have been very nice and the people here in Germany have been very nice to me...'
    -Jesse Owens, interviewed in Germany after his win, as seen in the documentary 'Swastika', 1974

    In addition, Owens also said 'Hitler didn't snub me-it was FDR [American president] who snubbed me. The president didn't even send me a telegram.'

    [Above: Athlete from the Leni Riefenstahl 1937 book 'Schönheit Im Olympischen Kampf' (Beauty of the Olympic Games). Her name is Trebisonda (Ondina) Valla, (May 20, 1916 - October 16, 2006) , an Italian who is shown here after winning the gold medal during the Summer Olympics. She was the first Italian female to ever win a gold medal!]

    Adolf Hitler even sent Jesse Owens a commemorate inscribed cabinet photograph of himself! Yet honors were not bestowed on Owens by either American presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt or his successor Harry S. Truman.

    Jesse Owens said on numerous occasions that he was treated better in Nazi Germany than in segregated America. In horrible, racist Nazi Germany a black person could use the same restroom as a white man. Drink out of the same water fountain. Eat at the same restaurant table. Go to the same school. Use the same public transportation. The same housing, theaters and shops. The list goes on and on. Unlike America, where even after they were 'freed', black people had to live in a country that resembled a concentration camp for them.

    [Above: 'Die Woche' (The Week), Olympia 1936.]

    [Above: 'Die Woche' (The Week), Olympia 1936. Within this magazine is an odd description for someone who the Germans hated and thought to be 'sub-human'. Owens is called 'wonderful'.]

    [Above: 'Die Woche' (The Week), Olympia 1936. Close-up.]

    [Above: Berlin decorated for the 1936 Olympic games. Click to see more.]

    Yet constantly we are force fed the same old lies about how America and her allies were the good guys and that the Germans and their allies were evil racists. History tells a much, much different tale. The truth is rising and with it a much different Adolf Hitler.]

    [Above: Artistic segment from the Leni Riefenstahl 1937 book 'Schönheit Im Olympischen Kampf' (Beauty of the Olympic Games).]

    [Above: Pocket sized Olympics magazines (6"x4.25") covering all of the sports. Click to see each issue.]

    [Above: Olympic postcard showing the flags of the many countries participating.]

    [Above: Seal of the 1936 Olympic Games Ski Championships, held in Austria. This is from a postcard, click to see front and back.]

  • Although they're not the Olympics, I think you'll find the pictures below interesting.

    [Above: Sport's pendant.]

    [Above: 'Ring for German-British friendship'.]

    [Above: 'Anglo German Youth Movement - Capel Morris England 1936'.]

    [Above: England's football (soccer) team giving the salute in Berlin, 1938.]

    [Above: England's football (soccer) team giving the salute in Berlin, 1938.]

    [Above: There was even a German school in Britain. Here is a patch from the Augusta Victoria College (AVC), a National Socialist German school for teenage girls and young women ages 16-21, open from 1932 to 1939. It was located on the southern coast in the county of East Sussex.]

    [Above: Here is a later design, post 1935.]

    [Above: Two newspaper articles involving the school. On the left is a May 10, 1937 from 'The Times'. The other is an article from April 4, 1939 from 'The People'.]

    [Above: A classroom at the Augusta Victoria College, Bexhill-on-Sea, circa 1935.]

    [Above: Students from the Augusta Victoria College on the beach, circa 1935.]

    [Above: An advertisement for a 1936 football (soccer) match between Germany and Ireland.]

    [Above: An advertisement for a 1938 football (soccer) match between Germany and Poland.]

    [Above: An advertisement for a 1937 football (soccer) match between Germany and Denmark at the Hermann Göring Sportfeld in Breslau. 40,000 people attended witnessing Germany beat Denmark 8-0.]

    [Above: This is a photo of a 1930s political gathering in Leipzig ballroom. Note the British flag has a prominent place.]

    [Above: John Essaw was a famous wrestler from Cameroon who was very popular during the Third Reich. In fact he did many exhibitions in front of Hitler Youth audiences. He was also an actor, famous for his role in the movie 'Der Herr Des Todes' (The Master of Death).]

    [Above: John Essaw and German wrestler Franz Kochansky put on an exhibition before excited Hitler Youth boys.]

    [Above: Interesting letter from a woman in Berlin before the Olympics. Click to read the letter.]

  • Click here to see more pictures of the 1936 Olympics and other sports events

  • Click here to see the opening ceremony of 1936 Olympic Games

    [Above: Father Charles Coughlin]

  • Father Charles Edward Coughlin (October 25, 1891 – October 27, 1979) was probably one of the most influential and powerful supporters of Adolf Hitler and Mussolini. He was a Roman Catholic priest and a staunch opponent of communism. He is credited as being one of the first political leaders to use radio to reach a mass audience. It is estimated that an astonishing 30 million people listened to his weekly broadcasts in the 1930s.

    His radio broadcasts were referred to as "a variation of the Fascist agenda applied to American culture". He fought for monetary reform and attacked the Jewish bankers of the United States. Coughlin fought for nationalization of the American Federal Reserve System, which was, and still is, in private hands. They literally can print money at will.

    By the start of 1930 his radio addresses began to attack communism and capitalism--whose insatiable greed he blamed made had communism attractive to many Americans.

    Father Coughlin was opposed on all levels. The radio stations dropped him. President Roosevelt did everything he could to silence him. Even the Vatican wanted him silenced. However, Coughlin, a warrior for truth and justice, was not deterred. He raised the money himself and soon reached many millions of people nation wide.

    In 1934 he was receiving 10,000 letters every single day. To attend to this incredible audience he had over one hundred people on his clerical staff. In 1934 he began criticizing Roosevelt, calling him a 'tool of Wall Street'. By 1936 he vehemently opposed Roosevelt's 'New Deal'. His radio lectures attacked Roosevelt, capitalists, and the Jewish conspirators behind them.

    In 1935 Coughlin said:

    'I have dedicated my life to fight against the heinous rottenness of modern capitalism because it robs the laborer of this world's goods.
    But blow for blow I shall strike against Communism, because it robs us of the next world's happiness.'

    In 1936 President Roosevelt, Joseph P. Kennedy (the father of President John F. Kennedy and senator and presidential candidate Bobby Kennedy), Frank Murphy (a powerful politician elected by Roosevelt who held many posts), Bishop Francis Spellman and Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli (the future Pope Pius XII) went to the Vatican to silence him. They weren't successful since only his direct superior Bishop Michael Gallagher of Detroit, had the canonical authority to order him to stop, and as it turned out Gallagher supported him and his radio program. The Roman Catholic Church feared causing a schism by removing him themselves, so they ceased their campaign to silence him.

    [Above: Father Charles Coughlin addresses an audience in Cleveland, Ohio, on July 17, 1936. Coughlin passionately attacked President Roosevelt's war mongering and its Jewish supporters.]

    By 1936, Father Coughlin became even more supportive and sympathetic of Hitler and Mussolini as an 'antidote to Communism'. He rightfully stated that Jewish bankers were behind the communist Russian Revolution, stating it to be a 'disproportionately Jewish phenomenon'.

    Coughlin also reached his millions of listeners through his popular magazine called 'Social Justice', which began in early 1936. In 1938 this magazine reprinted the infamous 'The Protocols of the Elders of Zion'.

    [Above: August 4, 1941 issue of Social Justice]

    [Above: Social Justice - This was surely a cutting edge publication. I was very pleasantly surprised at how intelligent, witty, visionary and sometimes comically sarcastic this newspaper was. Coughlin was truly a visionary and had a deep and clear sight to see through his enemy's secret plans, lies and true motives. What's most surprising about this is his writings seem like they could have been written today. His style of writing is so 'modern' and not dated at all. The topics are broad, but focused. And so little has changed. The greedy, bloodthirsty war-mongers of his time are stronger than ever today. Everything he predicted has come to pass. What a terrible mess these monsters have gotten our world into.]

    [Above: Father Coughlin.]

    [Above: Here is an earlier issue of Social Justice from April 3, 1939. Below are some of the articles within.]

    [Above: 'The Insult of Fascism'.]

    [Above: 'U.S. Buys Second-Rate Planes...']

    [Above: 'Who Started Hitler?']

    [Above: 'Irishman Defends "Bund"']

    [Above: 'One-Seventh of It All']

  • Interesting newspaper huh? Never in the world today will you read a newspaper like this -- one that actually tells the truth! One not loaded with brainwashing and propaganda. Just the pure facts. This really seemed like a great thing.

    In response to being called 'anti-Semitic', Father Charles Coughlin stated:

    'My purpose is to help eradicate from the world its mania for persecution, to help align all good men, Catholic and Protestant, Jew and Gentile, Christian and non-Christian, in a battle to stamp out the ferocity, the barbarism and the hate of this bloody era. I want the good Jews with me, and I'm called a Jew baiter, an anti-Semite.'

    [Above: Father Charles Coughlin on the cover of Time Magazine, circa 1934.]

    It is claimed that information from the FBI and German government archives showed that Coughlin received indirect funding from National Socialist Germany during the late 1930s.

    During WW2 the government was determined to silence Coughlin. They took away his right to free speech. They changed laws and adopted new ones to stop him. Finally, on September 23, 1940, in an issue of Social Justice, Coughlin announced with a heavy heart that he had been forced from the air "...by those who control circumstances beyond my reach".

    But the evil rulers of America were not satisfied. They feared Coughlin so deeply they had to silence him entirely, and that meant shutting down his magazine. On April 14, 1942 the U.S. Attorney General Francis Biddle contacted the Postmaster General, Frank Walker, and spoke with him about the possibility of revoking the second-class mailing privilege of Social Justice. This would make it impossible for Coughlin to deliver his paper to his readers.

    Still not satisfied, Attorney General Biddle wanted to indict Coughlin for sedition. The cowardly Biddle next met with banker Leo Crowley, who was in league with Edward Mooney, Bishop Gallagher's successor.

    Crowley told Mooney that the tyrants would '"deal with Coughlin in a restrained manner if he [Mooney] would order Coughlin to cease his public activities'.

    Being a good little dog, Mooney threatened Father Coughlin with defrocking and ordered him silent. Coughlin complied. His war for truth and justice was over. But we remember. Soon the resistance will be too large to stop.

    [Above: Father Coughlin letters, January 1937 (his secretary), August 1949 and May 1961.]

    [Above: Father Coughlin envelope.]

    [Above: Father Coughlin autograph, 1937. Click to see more signature variations.]

    [Above: Pin/ribbon, circa 1935, 'Welcome Father Coughlin - Head of the N.U.S.J.' (The National Union for Social Justice - this was a political movement formed in 1934 by Coughlin. Anyone could join, regardless of race or religion. The organization was so successful that at its height it reached a membership of a whopping 7.5 million people!)]

    [Above: Father Charles Coughlin bringing truth to the masses]

  • Click here to see more pictures related to Father Coughlin

  • Click here to hear over 48 hours of Father Coughlin speaking!

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    Page Twelve -|- Page Thirteen -|- Page Fourteen -|- Page Fifteen

    Page Sixteen -|- Page Seventeen -|- Page Eighteen -|- Page Nineteen

    Page Twenty -|- Page Twenty-One

    -|- Third Reich Photographs -|-
    -|- Third Reich Philatelia -|-
    -|- Third Reich Ephemera -|-
    -|- Third Reich Awards -|-
    -|- Third Reich Miscellanea -|-
    -|- Third Reich Identification Books -|-
    -|- Third Reich Currency -|-
    -|- The Great War -|-
    -|- Hand of Pandora -|-
    -|- Waffen-SS Technical Information -|-
    -|- The European Volunteer Movement in WWII -|-
    -|- Copyright -|-