The number 'fourteen' is charged with energy.
The warrior-poet David Eden Lane forever enchanted the number with his famous 'Fourteen Words'.
'We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.'
14 little words that mean so much...
David Lane will be remembered forever for his tireless love for his people and his aching concern for their uncertain future.
[Above: David Eden Lane]
The enemies of truth like to turn his message of love into something of hate. As if loving one's own people implies hatred for another! Unfortunately, this nonsense has successfully brainwashed the masses. The hidden hands of this world have somehow, as crazy as it sounds, taught people that when white people are proud of who they are it means they are racist. In fact, they are the one race on this planet not allowed to say 'I am proud of being white'. Absurd, but true.
Don't believe me? Wear a shirt in public that says 'WHITE PRIDE' and see what people's reactions are.
Every race has a right to protect itself. Every race has a patch of earth on this planet to call their own. The very dirt from which they grew. Yet the white race is being flooded and diluted from every angle. It is not by accident, but by malicious design. It has no homeland just for it. It is slated for destruction by the monsters who rule this world.
All races should be proud of who they are. Their people's accomplishments. Their distinct histories and cultures. Their trials overcome. Their heroes.
But there is one hero who transcends race. A man who fought for all races. Unto death he tried to shatter the ancient chains tethering this broken world. A hero of planet Earth.
Blessed Adolf Hitler. Who taught us how to fight.
Blessed Adolf Hitler. Our shield, our weapon, our light.
Blessed Adolf Hitler. This is what we have to say about you over seven decades after your duty was fulfilled.
Adolf Hitler.
Feel these words of love and thanks, from all races and nations, let them echo into eternity, and herald your resurrection!
I was ashamed at the things I once believed -- that I had been so gullible. But looking at my own situation objectively, and more particularly as a woman, regretfully my mentality and experience is all too common. Women's minds work differently than men's. We work best with strong men beside us. Growing up, like many women, I didn't have that. I was raised by my mother, like so many others, my parents were divorced when I was very young. I believe that men and women are equal beings -- but not in all regards. There are things that a man is superior to that of a woman, and vice-versa. What one lacks the other has. A balance that compliments one another. Like all things in this diseased and sick world, when that balance is disrupted chaos follows. It is important to understand this. The Enemy tore apart the ancient and traditional role of 'woman'. Our Enemy knew that it was the core of our entire society. It created weak men and women who no longer knew their place. It created role-reversal.
Today there is a stark lack of women in the resistance movement. I think a lot of this is because men have forgotten their role as a teacher and guide. I think women are naturally more gullible than men. They follow their hearts and intuition, while men have instinct and logic. The Enemy understands this, in fact the Enemy understands us more than we understand ourselves. He has crafted his attacks carefully based on this understanding. We both know he has become very successful at this sordid and murderous endeavor. Our traditional roles are something that we must rediscover, one day, as a people. Now, however, in this Age of Iron, in this silent war, it is important for men and women to fight side by side. Like the Wehrwolves after WWII. In desperate circumstances women must fight beside men. When everything is at stake. Today, many men in the resistance movement unfortunately follow our Enemy's insidious instructions and polarize men and women. One more aspect of the Enemy's objective of divide and conquer.
Adolf Hitler understood men AND women. He was gifted with a magical aura. His assistants said that when he was near they 'felt' an energy of sorts. Something uplifting and inspiring. Even in the terrible final days. You may see things differently, but over the years I have come to the steely realization that Adolf Hitler was something that we would define as divine. A living message from something beyond our firm understanding. Something Adolf Hitler himself only began to understand throughout his life. As late as 1944 after the cowardly attack on his life he said that he finally knew with certainty that he was acting in the will of something greater than himself. He again said that he was performing the will of a divine force, or providence, as he so often called it. As a teenager, on that starry, foggy mountain top with his friend August Kubizek, he was touched by the force for perhaps the first time. It gripped him in its mysterious hand and he talked words that were not his own. Kubizek said it was like he was a different person. He felt a magical force move through him.
Goebbels spoke prophetically of the coming of Adolf Hitler in his short novel 'Michael', published in 1929. He also knew that something else lived in Adolf Hitler. A greatness not seen on earth, perhaps ever. He even believed that the buildings where Adolf Hitler gave speeches were blessed. But this wasn't so unusual. The Germans, like many Europeans, knew he was something divine. The terrible fires of WWII did not extinguish this. His death, remarkably, did not lessen this.
Ultimately, not even Adolf Hitler could kill Adolf Hitler.
In fact, his message and deeds, his lifelong fight, his meaning -- grew. The enemy wrote literally tens of thousands of books about him. Works riddled with the blackest hatred, they poured their venom onto his holy name in a vain attempt to drown his message. More importantly, they wished to hide his meaning. His coming heralded the coming of a new age. The end of our Enemy's deathly reign. But this new age would still not be given to us. Only through patience, sacrifice, toil, blood and grievous battle would we gain the justice the world craved. And alas, the New Age, would finally be born.
The more I learned about the Enemy's lies the more I began to seek the truth about him. The more I learned about the Enemy the more I understood why they feared him so immensely. The more I lived my own life, seeing the truth in all its often wretched glory -- the usury of credit cards, home mortgages with interest so high you end up paying three times the price of your home, and property taxes which rise each year and if you don't pay them they take your house away; student loans -- where you end up paying for them decades after you've finished school, and you are lucky even finding a job in your chosen field; endless taxes on everything conceivable -- like a 'gift' tax, an 'inheritance' tax, and even a 'death' tax. We work at least five days a week and are taxed an average of 40% of our income; insurance scam insanity; automobiles -- where the taxes of buying a car are so high you have to include them in the loan; hospitals -- you don't dare get sick, a stay in the hospital can literally bankrupt you and destroy your life; dental insurance -- which most of us can't even dream of affording, where a visit to the dentist and an hour's worth of work can cost you thousands of dollars; where car repairs can often cost more than the car is worth; where it costs less to eat crappy food than it does to eat healthy food; where even our food isn't safe because of pesticides, genetic modification and bacteria that has seeped into our already poisoned water supply; where I'm taxed every year just to own a dog; where the retirement age continues to go up and up; living in a country that owes more money than has ever been printed -- we spend one million dollars a MINUTE, and owe heaps of that to COMMUNIST China; where American companies sell us out and move their businesses to third world countries in order to pay third world wages -- they even go so far as making people train their foreign replacements! And if you don't, you don't get your severance pay; it goes on and on, I'm sure you could add a ton of things.
During all of these personal hells that we all know so well I slowly learned that Adolf Hitler fought and changed all of these insanities. He destroyed usury -- no more interest! He made it possible that anyone could cheaply afford a car, or a house! He made it possible that everyone could go on vacation every year. Under him his people were given the world's first cancer screenings -- for free! He cared about his people's health and urged them against drugs and alcohol -- they introduced the world's first anti-smoking campaign. He cared about animals. Not just our pets, like dogs and cats, but even creatures like crabs and lobster. He enacted bills to protect all creatures. No more sadistic scientific research on animals. Again I could go on and on.
It seemed the more I developed and grew my own views on this world, the more I would later learn Adolf Hitler's Europe also felt the same way. The more I learned the more a utopia developed in my mind. A world of dreams built brick by brick. A beautiful place contrasting this violent and sick world of today.
I learned that many of the leaders of the Third Reich were simple artists or soldiers before being called to serve their country as politicians. Adolf Hitler, a gifted artist who dreamed of being an architect, but was denied entrance, the tyrants saying he didn't have what it took. Heinrich Himmler, one of the most powerful and capable men in Europe, was a chicken farmer. It's almost the same across the board.
My own experiences with college and its thoroughly rotten agenda. Like my college, they actually REQUIRE students take a 'minority sensitivity' and 'black history' class! Classes where they beat into everyone's heads -- white or black -- how evil the white man is. All of this is just to further their agenda to divide us. 99% of the wealth of the USA is in 1% of the population's hands. This is clear proof it isn't the 'white man' that is carrying the proverbial whip.
The violence of our dying civilization. My own home of Omaha, Nebraska, sitting right smack in the middle of the United States and once considered to be a more traditional and safe place to live, has grown into a place of daily murders, gangs, constant robberies and 'home invasions'. A place where illegal aliens flood in the thousands for its meat packing plants and service jobs. And most insanely, where police are not allowed to enforce immigration laws. By 2050, or earlier, white people will be a minority in America.
Would Adolf Hitler have allowed these absurd insanities? Would he allow criminals to go free? Would he allow the interest-enslavement of endless debt? Politicians who are all millionaires and are governed by foreign interests and lobbyists? No, absolutely he would not.
My Adolf Hitler would have saved me from not feeling safe walking down my own street.
My Adolf Hitler would have brought the best out in all of us, by giving us simple, glorious -- HOPE.
My Adolf Hitler would have made it possible for people to be what they were best suited to be, be it doctor or construction worker. Your ABILITIES and your MOTIVATION, not your money, class or connections would decide your lot in life. Adolf Hitler made it mandatory that every man pass through the labor service before becoming anything in life. He said that he wanted every man to know what work was like, no longer would doctors and the like scoff at the common laborer.
My Adolf Hitler would have given me the possibility of being me.
These last years I've watched so many people I grew up with, some of them old friends, slide into the hell of drug addiction. Particularly bad in America is methamphetamine. I watched it change them from the friends I once knew into different people. I watched them do things for the drug that years before they never would have dreamt of. To finance their addictions, and the allure of money, I also watched many of them sell the drug. For that mistake many of them ended up serving years behind bars in a federal prison. One person in particular, who used to be like a best friend, I wrote and kept in touch with during his incarceration. He learned a trade behind bars and made a lot of plans about what he would do when his five year sentence was done. Eventually that day came and he got a good job, bought a house, a new car and everything else his new career afforded him. He even helped mentor drug addicts in a Narcotics Anonymous class. I was proud of him. Then, everything fell apart. I don't need to go into the specifics, but the drug tore its way back into his life. It owned him. He lost his house, his car, his girlfriend, his job. Everything. What happened to him after that, I cannot say. The last time I saw him he looked like a zombie. I left him to go kill himself, because that is what he wanted. Another meth soul-suicide.
I've lost good friends to alcohol as well. Watching them drink themselves to the graveyard. I'm sure most of you have known people like this. We all grew up with them. Maybe even you yourself have battled these demons and survived. Maybe you even battle them now.
Sometimes I think about what we could have been in a right world. That meth-head that could have been a doctor. The prostitute that could have been a psychologist. Instead everyone is looking for an 'out'. An escape. It's like a prison. Most people just escape from one prison to the next. But there is no escape. With our backs to the wall, we must fight.
These people I speak about were not much different than myself. We grew up together. Partied together as teenagers. Went to concerts. Defied the law and our parent(s). Shared new music. Scrounged for money. Lost shitty jobs. Fought, and made up. Endlessly joked the hours away. And ultimately dreamed of something better.
I can't say I found that 'something better', and I don't think any of them did either. While others found crime, drugs, alcohol and even deathly conformity, I am deeply proud to say I found Adolf Hitler. And in Him the truth. He kept me centered. Focused. He gave me something to believe in. More than some distant idea of a god, he is tangible, real, and his message is as relevant, perhaps more so, than it ever was before.
When I have a question on something, I ask myself 'What would Adolf Hitler think about it?' And I always have my answer.
Of course, in this sick age, I don't always live up to his standards. But I always strive to.
Through finding Adolf Hitler I found my people. My culture. My spirituality. My purpose.
Adolf Hitler is a torch illuminating things hidden.
Adolf Hitler is a shield, protecting me from the poisoned arrows of this world.
I hope to die with the immortal words of love and defiance on my lips: "Heil Hitler!"
'Three things cannot
be long hidden:
The Sun
The Moon
The Truth'
[Above: Hakuun Yasutani.]
Yasutani first drew breath in the Shizuoka Prefecture in Japan. He was born poor and with little prospects for his future. But he proved it is what's inside a man that counts and he would become one of the most highly respected Zen masters ever.
There is an interesting account of his birth:
'His mother had already decided that her next son would be a priest when she was given a bead off a rosary by a nun who instructed her to swallow it for a safe childbirth. When he was born his left hand was tightly clasped around that same bead.'
During his youth he studied Buddhism and was taken under the wing of several teachers, living a strict religious life in various temples. He also became an elementary school teacher and principal. This lasted for ten years, but was obviously not his fate. When he was thirty years old he married and eventually had five children.
[Above: Hakuun Yasutani.]
In 1925, at the age of forty, he returned to his destiny as a Buddhist priest. In the years that followed he became a 'Specially Dispatched Priest for the Propagation of the Soto Sect', and traveled from place to place giving lectures. He was very unhappy during this time, describing it as a 'peak of mental anguish'. He also felt that he was deceiving himself and others 'by untrue teaching and irresponsible sermons'. Obviously there were many things about his sect's teachings that he disagreed with. Yasutani was a highly controversial figure in Buddhism, defying customs and speaking out against age old traditions. By 1954, after certain restrictions were lifted by the American occupation, he founded his own organization as an independent school of Zen. He no longer recognized the authority of his old-sect's ecclesiastical leaders.
He was tireless in his search for spiritual truth and understanding. In the decades that followed he taught, lectured, wrote and took care of his growing family. His career as a Zen teacher flourished.
In 1962 he first traveled to the United States. He lectured in over a dozen cities and was well received. It's interesting to note that an American who had been a soldier in WWII was instrumental in bringing Yasutani to the U.S. This American had studied Zen while a prisoner of the Japanese in an P.O.W camp.
During the sixties he made six more visits to America. He made a powerful influence on the embryonic American Zen tradition. In fact he is credited as being a sort of father of American Buddhism.
He was very prolific during his life, leaving behind almost one hundred volumes of writings and giving thousands of lectures.
[Above: Hakuun Yasutani.]
According to Ichikawa Hakugen, Yasutani was 'a fanatical miltarist and anti-communist'. According to Brian Victoria Yasutani was influenced by National Socialism, which he was introduced to from the German Karlfried Graf Dürckheim during the 1940s. Dürckheim would later become an important figure in Buddhism as well.
In 1943 Yasutani's wrote 'Treatise on Practice and Enlightenment', which said:
'Annihilating the treachery of the United States and Britain and establishing the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere is the only way to save the one billion people of Asia so that they can, with peace of mind, proceed on their respective paths. Furthermore, it is only natural that this will contribute to the construction of a new world order, exorcising evil spirits from the world and leading to the realization of eternal peace and happiness for all humanity. I believe this is truly the critically important mission to be accomplished by our great Japanese empire.'
Kubota Ji'un, 'the 3rd Abbot of the Religious Foundation Sanbô Kyôdan' is quoted as saying: 'Yasutani Roshi did foster strongly right-winged and anti-Semitic ideology during as well as after World War II.'
Yasutani had been strongly criticized for supporting Japanese militarism and the war to free the Asian peoples. But it has been noted that Japanese Buddhists as a whole were staunch supporters of Imperial Japan and its courageous efforts during WWII. In 1943 Yasutani said:
'We must be aware of the existence of the demonic teachings of the Jews who assert things like [the existence of] equality in the phenomenal world, thereby disturbing public order in our nation's society and destroying [governmental] control. Not only this, these demonic conspirators hold the deep-rooted delusion and blind belief that, as far as the essential nature of human beings is concerned, there is, by nature, differentiation between superior and inferior. They are caught up in the delusion that they alone have been chosen by God and are [therefore] an exceptionally superior people. The result of all this is a treacherous design to usurp [control of] and dominate the entire world, thus provoking the great upheavals of today. It must be said that this is an extreme example of the evil resulting from superstitious belief and deep-rooted delusion.'
[Above: A tribute in poetry and essays to Hakuun Yasutani, ZCLA Journal, Vol. 3, Nos. 3 & 4, Summer/Fall, 1973 Yasutani Roshi Memorial Issue.]
[Above: Artwork of the KONR.]
Amongst the committee's stated goals were:
'The overthrow of Stalin's tyranny, the liberation of the peoples of Russia from the Bolshevik system, and the restitution of those rights to the peoples of Russia which they fought for and won in the people's revolution of 1917'
'The discontinuation of the war and an honorable peace with Germany'
'The creation of a new free people's political system without Bolsheviks and Exploiters'
The goal of the committee was to free Russia from communism and dethrone its leader Joseph Stalin. This would be possible through the creation of an independent army, closely allied with Germany, which would liberate Russia. The goals of the committee were made formal in what is known as the Prague Manifesto. This document had 14 basic goals -- freedom of speech, press, religion and assembly. It also guaranteed the right to self-determination of any ethnic group living in the territories belonging to Russia.
The chairman and driving force of the committee was General Vlasov, the leader of the Russian Liberation Army (POA). The committee was the political arm of the POA.
[Above: The committee in Berlin, November 1944. General Vlasov is sitting at the table, fifth from left.]
By the end of the war membership in the committee numbered over 900,000!
But, alas, it was too late.
The end of WWII signaled the death of The Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia. But the dream lived on. Its members formed new groups spread around the world. Some of them were: The Union of Battle for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia; The Union of the St. Andrew Flag; The Committee of United Vlasovites, or Vlasovtsy; The Followers of Vlasov; etc.
The United States government took a keen interest in some of these organizations during the Cold War. An American organization called the American Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia, formed in the late 1940s, was headed by the CIA. It was funded by an act of Congress and connected with the West German propaganda radio station Radio Liberty.
[Above: Insignia of the 1st Cossack Division. Click to see more examples.]
[Above: Cossack volunteer of the 1st Cossack Division.]
The 1st Cossack Division's time fighting communist partisans was a bloody and hellish one. In October of 1943 it began its heroic struggle against Yugoslav partisans in the Fruška Gora Mountains. The division was aided by 15 tanks and an armored vehicle during this operation, which was a success -- they captured the partisan stronghold village of Beocin and the enemy headquarters within.
Later, during their time in Croatia, they protected the vital Zagreb-Belgrade railroad and the Sava valley. Parts of the division also guarded the Sarajevo railroad during this time.
During the January 1944 anti-partisan operation 'Napfkuchen' the 1st Cossack Division was transferred to Croatia, where it fought successfully against communist partisans and Chetniks. It was an important operation to open lines of communication south to the line Zenica – Travnik – Jajce -- starting from assembly points at Derventa, Doboj, and Teslic.
Numerous armed forces were allied in this operation, including:
187. Reserve-Div. (in part)
II. Kos.Reiter-Brigade Kaukasus/1. Kosaken-Kav. Div.
Geb.Jäger-Rgt. 98/1. Gebirgs-Div.
Chetnik auxiliaries
Croatian forces
1st Jäger Brigade
5th Jäger Rgt./3d Jäger Brigade
[Above: Note the unique Cossack style swastika patches on the three men to the left.]
Later in 1944 the division was involved in terrible battles in the old Yugoslavia when the Siberian Cossacks 2nd Regiment was encircled by a large partisan force. With great bravery, courage and tenacity the regiment endured and held on for several days until other Axis Cossack regiments came to their aid and broke the encirclement.
Finally the day came when the division came face to face with the Soviet army. In December 1944, after heavy fighting near Pitomaca, Croatia, the communist army was driven back and withdrew.
In January 1945, the 1st Cossack Division and the 2nd Cossack Division were transferred to the Waffen-SS. Hellish battles ensued and by the end of the war the division fought its way to Austria, where it surrendered to the British. Dishonorably and with inhuman uncaring, the British handed them over to the communist enemy, where they were murdered wholesale.
[Above: Sleeve patch of the Headquarters of the 1st Cossack Division.]
[Above: Disabled and wounded members of the Hitler Youth are honored, 1943.]
-A reader submission by Magick Mike. We deeply thank him for such an in-depth, personal and entirely enlightening work.
Most of the books dated from the 1970s/80s, the first flush of our attempting to understand the Third Reich and the Second World War. The thing that immediately hit me was how fair and balanced they were. Remarkably free from clichéd phrases that Adolf Hitler was a 'megalomaniac monster' and 'hell-bent on plunging the world into an abyss'. Yes, far more reasoned than the outrageous Third Reich industry they push today. Most of course were written when many of the participants were still around to be consulted and interviewed. They have a certain immediacy which today's outpourings cannot of course compete with.
The first book I pulled out was Britain's very own Fred Stephens book on the Hitler Youth, published by Almark Publishing, 1973. I've met Fred on two occasions and liaised with him many times. A printer by trade, he was one of the very first post-war persons to develop the 'collecting, researching, and identification' of the vast quantity of Third Reich objects that thousands of veterans had brought back from the war into the collecting industry it is today. Fred actually taught himself German and went over to West Germany (as it was then) on numerous occasions. A skeptic mind allied with tenacity is how I would describe him. Perhaps a lesson for today's somewhat lazy, Google-driven armchair 'researchers'. Fred's book on the Hitler Youth was the first English language publication to attempt to codify 'the formation and activities of the German Hitler Youth, its organization, and its uniforms' as Fred outlines it in his introduction. It is now a collector's item in its own right, as most of Fred's books are. They contain diamonds of now lost information. Valued pieces of dormant history just awaiting a worthy exploration.
The fascinating one here, which forced me to jump into research with a certain 'wow' factor was:
I didn't believe this. Surely couldn't be. It's not even mentioned in Guido Knopp's dime documentary on 'Hitler's Children', now endlessly repeated on the History/Yesterday channels -- you know, that 'comprehensive five in-depth episode series'. Or even in the available lurid tomes of modern history books waiting to waft your way with low quality content but high prices. Again, to reiterate, that 'brainwashed, tough as steel, supple as leather, messiah worshipping' youth surely didn't have disabled members? Just doesn't fit, does it! I mean, we all know 'Hitler killed off disabled people in his propaganda machine, so he's not going to permit them amongst those brainwashed kids, is he?!'
Well -- he did. Not only that, but the disabled members had their own special unit insignia which they proudly wore, graduations of disablement, and a mentoring comradeship which no other youth movement in the world had. It's amazing, often wonderful stuff.
So, I'm going to quote from Fred's book first, word by word, and then I'm going to do a 'comparative profile analysis' (they teach you this technique in Grad. Business School when you do your M.B.A. I always knew it would come in useful!!) of the two existing largest youth movements in the world at that time. Namely, the B.S.A. - Boy Scouts of America; B.S. - Boy Scout Movement of Britain, and the salient Girl Guides Movements in both countries. These will give us the important 'contextual reference paradigm' and 'silhouette pattern' (yes, it's that M.B.A. stuff again!) for the disabled members of the three youth movements in the three countries. This is a good way incidentally to research the Third Reich and Adolf Hitler. Structure it into what other comparative countries were doing at the same time. It puts the Third Reich into its proper historical context and gets us away from all that cheap and 'cheeping' self-designated current Third Reich industry that seems to have grown like weeds under our very feet.
So, lecture over, Fred's book first:
'In accordance with the National Socialist policies relating to the recreation and edification of the HJ, young persons of German stock, racially acceptable to the organization but not totally physically fit were accepted for membership. The Nazi ideal of a youth devoted to the cause was not denied to those who were without capabilities to fully enjoy the activities promoted by the HJ. It was a matter of policy on both humanitarian and obligatory grounds that all who were eligible for the benefits provided by the state should be willing to accept them when offered.' (p. 29/30)
Let's deal with this 'race' part first. This is a word readily spoken but barely understood both in the context of the Third Reich and even today. We will go directly to the comparative edicts and practices of the B.S.A. at exactly the same year of 1934. First, a few lines as to how the B.S.A. was structured to enable us to grasp the strategy of this organization.
Founded in 1910, the B.S.A. was structured in local schools, so much so that it was termed the 'school's system'. Obviously, each school reflected and followed the prevailing local customs and mores. By 1934 this 'school's system' was firmly established and the B.S.A. ordained that all B.S.A. groups should follow and parallel the school with regard to race and religion. This resulted in massive segregation in the southern, some Midwest and even schools in the northern states. In fact, no Afro-Americans were ever actually members or even included in the B.S.A. whatsoever. With the school-based policy Afro-Americans in the B.S.A.'s eyes just simply didn't exist. It gets worse. The B.S.A. allied itself strongly to the Y.M.C.A. which was firmly anti-Catholic, and only after endless struggles and executive conventions were Catholics allowed as associated members. By 1927 the results of this policy placed Afro-Americans into a 'patchwork universe' and codified them by The Inter-racial Committee who, and please do not grimace, regarded them as having a 'racial handicap' resulting in them requiring 'special needs'. Even the 1916 B.S.A. sponsored Negro Troop 75 - the first to be 'recognized' by the B.S.A. was not exempt.
Even worse still, for the Native American Indian boys usually living in the rural areas, they simply became the 'vanished peoples'. The 1927 Minority Program had only given them 'Railroad Scouting' where the B.S.A. encouraged local Native American troops and was designed largely for promotional merchandise. It was rightly viewed with resentment and suspicion.
It would be the simplest task now just to conclude this part by stating that the HJ racial threshold and the B.S.A. racial threshold were broadly the same. Further, the carping about the Third Reich as a rogue racialist state, unique in the 1934 world is therefore not viable. That is merely the cold analytical result. But there is more to this and it is not nice. Reading through the realms of literature and policy of the B.S.A. at this time one is struck by a 'racialist/culturist empiricism'. What do I mean by this sociological phrase? It is the permeation that not only were Afro-Americans somehow inferior but they also were never going to fit in to the B.S.A. world, which must only be preserved to help and honor middle and upper class U.S. boys. The prevailing value was not only that negroes would not fit in, but would in fact be 'embarrassing themselves' and would result in them 'being unhappy' and even 'melancholic' (all quotes from 1932-1934 literature). So much so, that I'm fully prepared to state that the U.S. 'racialism' in 1934 also had the stench of class/cultural divisions which is so glaringly absent in the HJ, so absent that they seem like a breath of fresh air. As I write this, Baldur von Shirach's saying that 'unlike Marxists we don't have to fight class division because we simply don't have it' really does resonate. The HJ need not take any lessons from the B.S.A. in this respect, nor need they be tarred with a slimy brush of moral superiority from other countries. It simply will not do.
[Above: A badly wounded Hitler Youth boy on his motorcycle. He was probably a messenger.]
Disabled Youngsters
Let us turn now to the full disabled program for the HJ; B.S.A.; B.S.; again, the year is 1934 going through to 1936 for our comparative analysis.
Once again, Fred's book first:
'Disabled persons, were, therefore, accepted as members of the Hitler Youth, no matter what their disability was with the exception of those of mental deficient or criminal degenerate psychological nature' (p. 30)
'Disabled members of the HJ were not, of course, allowed to participate in military activities, or those which would endanger the lives of themselves or other persons (viz. flying, gliding and motor vehicle activities, etc.). The Hitler Youth provided a recreational and political diversion, and replaced activities that were prohibited by their disablement with craft instruction that would serve them during their adult life (eg. carpentry, light manual duties, clerical work, and advanced education that would assist them in making use of themselves within their capabilities).' (p. 30)
This time we will focus on the British Boy Scout Movement for our prime comparison. Again, first, a few brief lines to contextualize it. Founded in 1908 by the epic Robert Baden-Powell, this, unlike this United States' B.S.A. was organized directly on an area/location basis. Scout troops in the 'scout huts' sprung up largely like mushrooms after summer rain from 1908-1936. For our analysis, it is important to know that they were part, and reflected, the social, demographic, and sociological milieu of each area they assembled. Central guidance came direct from Baden-Powell himself, and this was codified as late as 1936-37 for our purposes.
Sadly, for disabled youngsters, especially those 'crippled', T.B. ridden, with mental difficulties, 'inactive', blind or deaf, there was no provision whatsoever made for them. They simply played no part. Apart from blandishments of Baden-Powell that 'a scout must be aware of others of a less able nature' and 'scouting will always be a movement helping those of less able provision' (both direct quotes). Nothing, simply nothing. Even the 1924 'Special Tests for Disabled Scouts' introduction, was predominately confined to 'disadvantaged' scouts and even this was more of a token by 1934. By then the 'disadvantaged scout' was largely defined as 'able and capable' but 'having a condition that may impede their achieving fully the full tasks, duties and activities of the fully capable scout.' All quotes are from the various regional Scout Troop literature of the period. Needless to say they did not include actual disabled youngsters like their Hitler Youth counterparts, especially the deaf and blind. Again, just to emphasize the point, they could not compete for merit or achievement badges. The actual disabled U.K. youngster unlike their Hitler Youth counterpart, simply didn't exist. Why this was so is one of the most shameful, heartbreaking episodes I have ever researched and in many ways wish I hadn't.
First, to paint a word picture of life for the disabled youngster in Britain I am going to quote just a few of one girl's experience at this time by Britain's Victoria Brignell in her 2010 article in the New Statesman, 'When the Disabled Were Segregated'. Left-wing Victoria (no friend of the Third Reich or the current National Socialist movement) quotes:
Midway through this horrifying article she also 'blows the gaff' on Nazi experiments on disabled children and adults. I quote exactly:
'There are numerous stories of German doctors under the Nazi regime using disabled patients as subjects for horrific medical experiments. But an obsession with experimenting on disabled people was not confined to Germany. Hospitals in Britain and America were also keen to experiment on disabled people in the first half of the 20th century.'
She then goes on to quote some of the most gruesome, gut-wrenching, inhuman experiments carried out in U.K. and U.S. hospitals and institutions. They genuinely reduced me to tears. I simply cannot write about them and wish I had never read about them. It's scant consolation to finally acknowledge that the Third Reich was not undertaking some unique practice but merely doing what the U.K. and U.S. were practicing. Or that this horrifying 'practice' was some insane 'Nazi' policy, carried out by a cadre of sadistic S.S. doctors; another horror laid at Adolf Hitler's door. It wasn't. Much of the evidence supports the proposition that the Third Reich medics and institutions were probably the more humane and certainly the more caring. The U.K. and U.S. institutions simply weren't.
Remember in the U.K. all this happened in hospitals, infirm schools and orphanages for the youngsters, they were institutionalized. Far from participating in the Scout Movement like their Hitler Youth counterparts, disabled youngsters in Britain had to be 'out of sight, out of mind'. It was a policy. They weren't even taught to read and write and were regarded as 'subhuman'. Yes, 'subhuman'. The actual quote from the literature is 'sub performing human beings' -- and this from a doctor!
You simply cannot but conclude that for a disabled youngster in Britain, in 1934, Adolf Hitler and the Hitler Youth would be seen as liberators to a world they couldn't even conceive of dreaming about.
Finally, let us conclude this section by examining briefly two courageous Scottish Scout Troops who battled through all of this and are the only ones, yes, the only ones, who can be compared to the Hitler Youth in terms of progressive disabled youth development. These were the 143rd Glasgow Scout Troop at Eastpark Home for the Infirm Children, founded in 1932, and the 77th Glasgow Troop for mainly T.B. hospitalized boys, founded in 1933.
Because of the brutal, segregation 'out of sight, out of mind' policy, both troops had to operate by what can only be termed 'remote control' by a system known as 'notification'. Quite literally, because the youngsters weren't taught to read and write they used 'notes' to engage them in basic scouting activities. As you've probably guessed the Troops were restricted to 'sponsored residence' only and then under supervision by what can only be called the institutional overseer. Nonetheless, it was a wonderful, typically Scottish, and only attempt to parallel the radical policies of the Hitler Youth. A glimmer of very welcome light in this very dark, disgusting episode of disabled kids' lives in what was still very much 'the greatest empire the world has ever seen'.
Our third and final section concerns the distinctive uniform designations and badges displayed by the scouts of the three countries.
Once again, Fred's book first:
'Those of acute physical disability joined the membership of the Disabled and Infirm HJ, and wore the distinctive black piping on the uniform. For those who were subjected to only partial disablement of a non-total physical nature joined the General HJ, but wore on the shoulder boards an emblem identifying their disability:
Red 'G' woven into background:
Reichsbann 'Gehoregeschädigte'
(deaf members)
'Lanyards and Caps, 1936 modifications
For clarity sake we shall combine all the other youth movements of the U.S. and G.B. and... there is nothing. That's right. Simply no other youth organization in the U.S. or Britain had a national uniform insignia criteria for youngsters that could be conceivably compared to the Third Reich's Hitler Youth insignia for disabled youngsters. They were progressively so far advanced simply because they incorporated disabled members as opposed to the U.S. and British who merely regarded disabled youngsters as part of an awareness project. One badge from the British Girl Guides sums up this patronizing attitude completely. It's the Extension Section Badge. These are so rare that I will have to draw one:
Criteria for the award is so typical of the Scouting/Guiding mental framework with disabled youngsters at this period and so reflects the patronizing, middle class, matronly approach. It was awarded to Guides who visited the blind, deaf and disabled in the dreaded institutions. This developed into a very loose network of Extension units, and here's the sting in the tail again, because of the policy of 'never seen, never heard' the disabled youngsters were actually read to in the form of letters, that's actual letters. It gets even worse, as some disabled youngsters were even 'adopted' or sponsored by the local guide troop. This of course never worked, and was in fact allowed to wither on the vine predominately because the Guides didn't want to liaise or even meet the disabled youngsters because, and this one quote is typical, '[they] frightened me and I ran away out of the room'. I could quote many more like this and all in the same vein. The harsh reality is 'twee twee' middle class girls didn't want to know largely blue collar disabled youngsters. This was even encouraged by the parents who, very often, would escort their privileged child, side-by-side, during the visit. It's heartbreaking. It truly is.
[Above: Deutscher Reichsbund für Leibesübungen (German Sports Organization for Physical Fitness). This particular badge, with its unique silver center, was instituted on November 18th, 1942 and was awarded to soldiers with a disability.]
Reviewing all of this, and it does provide a fascinating glimpse into the three societies, what does it really tell us? How can we just push this half-open door open, even to just peek into the development of the three societies. For the Third Reich, not quite two years into power, life was truly being transformed - Völksgemeinashaft - the People's Society was actually happening at ground level, especially for disabled and infirm youngsters. Ringing through Adolf Hitler's closing speech that:
For our analysis this quote was the clanging bell of the Völksgemeinashaft inclusion. Of wholes and not parts of a Hitler Youth actually including disabled youngsters in its ranks, of actual blind and deaf youngsters being part of the youth-led by youth. Of physical infirm youngsters, actually going away to summer camp - for most it was their first time. Of actually being trained in craft and skill instruction for adult life. That meant a good wage, security, and in most cases enjoyable employment in a proper workplace. Even clerical and wage administration was practiced. Imagine it. Infirm Hitler Youth youngsters actually working in busy offices and not just to be patronized or given 'light duties'. Remember what Fred stated:
'It was a matter of policy on both humanitarian and obligatory grounds that all who were eligible for the benefits provided by the state should be willing to accept them when offered' (p.30)
The obligatory and humanitarian joined side-by-side in the Völksgemeinashaft Reich - for you cannot have one without the other. It was therefore humanitarian to completely include disabled youngsters in the Hitler Youth, that's fully include, and obligatory for them to become part of it, not just an ancillary to be visited, patronized or 'assisted'. The latter is the hallmark of the two largely exhausted countries of the U.S. and U.K. This enlightenment has a foundation in Aristotelian thinking of the Athenian cities states. His 'Golden Mean', rather than the exhausted concepts of Judeo-Christian capitalism 'right' and 'wrong'. It's unique to him, Adolf Hitler, and is one of the foundation stones of ancient Islam. Indeed, it was the early Islamic scholars who first translated and preserved Aristotle as Adolf Hitler used to remark upon. It's also fascinating to note that all this Hitlerian, Aristotelian, Völksgemeinashaft for the Hitler Youth, especially the disabled Hitler Youth, was presided over by Balder von Schirach. A German with American roots whose ancestors co-signed the Declaration of Independence, whose mother was on the Trustee Board of J.P. Morgan banking, who always spoke with an U.S. 'drawl' to his cultured German. An aesthetic, Greek scholar, opera patronizing, art devouring, 'other worldly' man who knew exactly what this 'New Youth' would be, and for disabled youngsters especially.
Needless to say Aristotle would have loved it!!! Thank you for reading this entry.
Dedicated to all disabled youngsters everywhere. This is your entry as much as mine.
-Magick Mike
'Together we are everything'
Balder von Schirach
[Above: Balder von Schirach]
[Above: Adolf Hitler and crippled veterans salute one another at a rally. The Führer knew such catastrophic injuries well. During WWI he was injured badly by chemical warfare. He was blinded, bedridden, and it was thought that he would never see again.]
[Above: Adolf Hitler shaking hands with National socialist crippled veterans.]
[Above: Adolf Hitler greeting wounded soldiers. March 10, 1940. Courtesy of the Bundesarchiv.]
[Above: Disabled French Waffen-SS heroes.]
[Above: Adolf Hitler reaches out to a wounded NSDAP member.]
[Above: The Führer gives strength to another wounded NSDAP member.]
[Above: The Führer consoles German students wounded in Prague.]
[Above: Old National Socialist warriors. Old veterans like these were managed by the NS-Reichskriegerbund (postcard publisher: Kyffhaeuser).]
[Above: This is a pin for a Third Reich organization for the handicapped.]
[Above: General George Patton]
After the war, when Germany came under Allied occupation, General Patton became the military governor of Bavaria. He didn't like what he saw. The Allies were not treating the Germans properly. He became outspoken about the wrongs he was witnessing and being forced to commit against them.
But this wasn't the first inkling that Patton felt that something sordid was happening. His bloodied army of veterans were denied securing both Prague and Berlin. Instead the glory of occupying these two capitals was given to Stalin. He and his men felt betrayed.
'Berlin gave me the blues. We have destroyed what could have been a good race, and we are about to replace them with Mongolian savages. And all Europe will be communist. It's said that for the first week after they took it (Berlin), all women who ran were shot and those who did not were raped. I could have taken it (instead of the Soviets) had I been allowed.'
'It is indeed unfortunate, mon General, that the English and the Americans have destroyed in Europe the only sound country -- and I do not mean France. Therefore, the road is now open for the advent of Russian communism.'
'The stuff in the papers about fraternization is all wet. All that sort of writing is done by Jews to get revenge. Actually, the Germans are the only decent people left in Europe. It's a choice between them and the Russians. I prefer the Germans.'
'I also wrote a letter to the Secretary of War, Mr. Stimson on the questions of pro-Jewish influence in the Military Government of Germany.'
'What we are doing is to destroy the only semi-modern state in Europe, so that Russia can swallow the whole.'
'I am frankly opposed to this war criminal stuff. It is not cricket and is Semitic. I am also opposed to sending POW's to work as slaves in foreign lands (i.e., the Soviet Union's Gulags), where many will be starved to death.'
'The noise against me is only the means by which the Jews and Communists are attempting and with good success to implement a further dismemberment of Germany.'
'I have been at Frankfurt for a civil government conference. If what we are doing (to the Germans) is "Liberty, then give me death" I can't see how Americans can sink so low. It is Semitic, and I am sure of it.'
'Today we received orders . . . in which we were told to give the Jews special accommodations. If for Jews, why not Catholics, Mormons, etc? . . . We are also turning over to the French several hundred thousand prisoners of war to be used as slave labor in France. It is amusing to recall that we fought the Revolution in defense of the rights of man and the Civil War to abolish slavery and have now gone back on both principles.'
[Above: General George Patton]
'They have utterly lost the Anglo-Saxon conception of justice and feel that a man can be kicked out because somebody else says he is a Nazi. They were evidently quite shocked when I told them I would kick nobody out without the successful proof of guilt before a court of law.'
'I will probably be in the headlines before you get this, as the press is trying to quote me as being more interested in restoring order in Germany than in catching Nazis. I can't tell them the truth that unless we restore Germany we will insure that communism takes America.'
'There is a very apparent Semitic influence in the press. They are trying to do two things: first, implement communism, and second, see that all businessmen of German ancestry and non-Jewish antecedents are thrown out of their jobs.'
'Another point which the press harped on was the fact that we were doing too much for the Germans to the detriment of the DP's [displaced persons], most of whom are Jews. I could not give the answer to that one, because the answer is that, in my opinion and that of most nonpolitical officers, it is vitally necessary for us to build Germany up now as a buffer state against Russia. In fact, I am afraid we have waited too long.'
Eisenhower was quick to punish Patton for stating his beliefs and relieved him as military governor of Bavaria and assigned him as the commander of the Fifteenth Army.
'I would like it much better than being a sort of executioner to the best race in Europe.'
'I have been just as furious as you at the compilation of lies which the communist and Semitic elements of our government have leveled against me and practically every other commander. In my opinion it is a deliberate attempt to alienate the soldier vote from the commanders, because the communists know that soldiers are not communistic, and they fear what eleven million votes (of veterans) would do.'
'It is my present thought... that when I finish this job, which will be around the first of the year, I shall resign, not retire, because if I retire I will still have a gag in my mouth... I should not start a limited counterattack, which would be contrary to my military theories, but should wait until I can start an all-out offensive...'
[Above: General George Patton]
George Smith Patton, Jr. died in a car 'accident' on December 21, 1945 in Heidelberg, Germany. The official story is that the car he was riding in was involved in a low speed collision with a truck. All three of the other people in the accident were only slightly injured while Patton struck his head and was paralyzed from the neck down. He spent 12 days in a coma before passing away from pulmonary edema and congestive heart failure.
The official story is questioned by many historians. Patton was questioning what the Allies were doing in Germany and he had considerable influence. He could have caused a lot of trouble for them. The possibility that Patton was assassinated by his own government is very plausible. There are many questions involving his death. As the historian Veronica Clark said in a 2014 interview we did with her:
'Wilcox [the author of 'Target: Patton: The Plot to Assassinate General George S. Patton'] asks these questions, among others:
What happened to the five accident reports? They disappeared.
Why wasn't an autopsy performed on a four-star general?
Why did Thompson, the truck driver, mysteriously disappear from Germany?
What happened to Patton's Cadillac?
Why was Patton, one of three crash victims, the only one injured?
Patton was nearly killed in a number of strange incidents. He was warned that he was on a "hit list" and even told his family that he didn't "expect to leave Europe alive."'
A year after Patton's death his wife Beatrice died one week after announcing she would release hundreds of Patton's personal papers regarding the war. She died in a freak horse riding accident, breaking her neck. Quite a coincidence eh?
[Above: The green grave of a hero, who when realizing he was wrong, was big enough to admit it, although realizing the truth too late.]
As a final note on Pattton, it is a little known fact that he was also a poet, and although Christian, also believed in reincarnation. He envisioned himself being a soldier through the ages.
[Above: Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche]
[Above: Elisabeth Nietzsche as a young woman]
'The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened.
But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.'
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Elisabeth, two years younger than her brother, was very close to Friedrich for most of her life. In 1885 Elisabeth married Bernhard Förster, a former high school teacher and prominent German nationalist.
Later in life Elisabeth became the curator and editor of Nietzsche's manuscripts. She first published her brother's work which became very popular in Germany and later the world.
[Above: Elisabeth Nietzsche, 1881]
During the 1880s Elisabeth and her husband Bernhard created a settlement called Nueva Germania (New Germany) in Paraguay. Fourteen German families joined them and helped build the colony. On February 15, 1887 the group left Germany for South America. The dream collided with reality and the colony failed. Farming failed. Transportation to the remote colony was difficult and took considerable time. Illnesses plagued them.
Elisabeth's husband was shattered by the failure. He committed suicide by poisoning himself on June 3, 1889. Four years later Elisabeth left the colony and returned to Germany.
When Elisabeth returned to Germany, in 1893, she found her brother in a mental collapse and an invalid. Despite this his popularity was just starting to rise. She was at the forefront of promoting and disseminating his works. She published a collection of his works entitled 'The Will to Power'.
[Above: Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche]
'If you gaze long enough into an abyss...
the abyss will gaze back into you.'
-Friedrich Nietzsche
In 1930 Elisabeth became a strong supporter of Adolf Hitler and National Socialism. After the party came to power in 1933 the government provided some financial assistance and publicity to the Nietzsche Archive. During this time Elisabeth and Adolf Hitler even met.
[Above: Adolf Hitler meets Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche.]
In 1935 Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche died. Her funeral was attended by Hitler and a handful of other important National Socialist figures.
Today there is enormous pressure to 'rehabilitate' Friedrich Nietzsche's works. Like so many aspects of the past, they erase what they can't change, and rewrite anything not suitable for their narratives. They now blame Elisabeth for adding 'racist' and 'anti-Semitic' elements to his works. Ludicrous. Next thing we know Friedrich Nietzsche will be black!
[Above: Adolf Hitler gazing at the bust of Friedrich Nietzsche during a visit to the Nietzsche-Archive in Weimar, 1934.]
'Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed.'
-Friedrich Nietzsche
[Above: Konstantin Rodzaevskiy]
[Above: Rodzaevsky's newspaper 'Nation', 1936 (left) / 1937 (right)]
[Above: Rodzaevsky's newspaper 'Nation' #7, July 1937 (left) / April 1937 #4, 'Cover of the RFP press organ 'Nation' (right)]
[Above: (FRONT) Nation - Written on the snake is the word 'Judeocommunism' No. 5. May 1937 / (BACK) The poem below is a literal translation:
God, Nation, Labor
Listen to the "Nation" magazine,
And in this colorless life
You will confide in the Fascist May,
In the workers' Russian May!
We all are concerned with labor,
It is a member of our triad,
And Russian labor will reject the Jew
Who wags with the red rag!
Reader, listen cheerfully
To the generous hope:
(below the poem is information about prices)]
Rodzaevsky left the Soviet Union for Manchukuo in 1925. In Harbin, Rodzaevsky joined the Russian Fascist Organization (later absorbed by the Russian Fascist Party). On May 26, 1931 he became the Secretary General of the newly created Russian Fascist Party. Three years later, in 1934, the party united with the Russian Fascist Organization of Anastasy Vonsyatsky, with Rodzaevsky later becoming its leader.
[Above: 'The Russian Fascist Party acquaints the Japanese with the situation in Russia. The authorized representative of Japan comrade Balykov gives a report in front of a large audience. The interpreter (a Japanese fascist) is standing nearby.']
[Above: Rodzaevsky's newspaper 'Our Way', 1935]
[Above: 'Our Way' At the bottom it says: '1931 - 5 years in the FP (Fascist Party) - 1936']
Rodzaevsky used many symbols from a variety of sources; the NSDAP swastika; black shirts from the Italian Blackshirts; various Russian Empire symbols and flags; and used a variety of Japanese weaponry supplied to them by their Japanese allies.
[Above: The Russian Fascists often combined Imperial Russian symbols with the swastika.]
[Above: Rodzaevsky (seated second from left), R. F. Vlasyevsky (seated fourth from right), the right - Akikusa Xiong, at a banquet in Harbin on the occasion of the establishment of ARV. December 1934.]
The Russian Fascist Party was extremely ambitious, it forged an international body of White Russian émigrés with a central office in Harbin, with offices in twenty-six nations around the world. One important office being in New York City.
[Above: 'Parade of the 4th anniversary [of the Russian Fascist Party]. Procession of Harbin sections of the RFP on the streets of Harbin.']
[Above: The background says: 'God. Nation. Labor. Hail to Russia!' These are members of the Shanghai chapter of what I presume to be the RFP.]
Rodzaevsky's Russian Fascist Party had over 20,000 followers in Manchukuo by May 1935. During the 2,600th anniversary of the founding of the Empire of Japan, Rodzaevsky and members of the RFP paid their respects to Emperor Hirohito and Japan at the official celebration in the region.
One act of defiance against communist Russia was the installation of a large swastika 3 miles from the Soviet border! Its bright neon light burned all day and night in a symbol of resistance.
[Above: A swastika lights up the night sky at the Russian Fascist Party headquarters in Manchouli, China.]
Many subsidiaries were established within the Russian Fascist Party to accommodate everyone. There was:
Russian Women's Fascist Movement
Fascist Union of Youth (ages 16 to 25)
Union of Young Fascists – Vanguard (boys) (ages 10 to 16)
Union of Young Fascists – Vanguard (girls) (ages 10 to 16)
Union of Fascist Little Ones (children aged between 3 and 10)
Rodzaevsky was known to have collaborated with many fascists and National Socialists around the world, including Arnold Leese of England.
[Above: Members of the Russian Fascist Party (RFP). In the center - its leader Konstantin Rodzaevsky. Harbin, Manchukuo, 1934.]
[Above: The RFP on the march, May Day in Berlin, 1933.]
[Above: The RFP on the march, unknown date and location.]
Rodzaevsky's great dream was to one day liberate Russia from the communist monsters who had enslaved her. It was his dream to valiantly lead the White Russian Anti-Soviet armies, aligned with his Japanese allies, to link up with the German and Axis armies to liberate Russia.
A special forces detachment called the Asano detachment, an all ethnic-Russian force in the Japanese led Kwantung Army, was created. It is said that nearly all of these brave men were killed in the fighting at Khalkhin Gol in 1939. This was a violent border conflict between Japan and the Soviet Union. Many thousands died on both sides. The Battles of Khalkhin Gol were depicted in the 2011 South Korean war film 'My Way'.
[Above: 'Training troops of the RFP in Harbin. "Present arms!"']
[Above: 'Obtain the fatherland!']
Rodzaevsky is known to have been responsible for various acts of sabotage in the Soviet Union. He was anxious to free his people from the communist oppression that had swept Russia.
After the end of WWII Rodzaevsky surrendered to the communist forces occupying Harbin in 1945. There is, what many believe to be Soviet propaganda, including myself, a letter that Rodzaevsky wrote to Stalin. In this fake letter he renounced his beliefs and pledged loyalty to Stalin. Ha!
After his surrender he was returned to Russia, having been promised his freedom and a job at a Soviet newspaper. But like everything in communism, it was a lie. He was promptly arrested (along with fellow party-member Lev Okhotin), tried for 'treason' (in reality it was he who was a great patriot, and they the treasonous scum), and was sentenced to be shot. He was murdered in a Lubyanka prison cellar and the dream of a Russia free from communism wouldn't be realized for almost five decades.
In 2001, a book by Rodzaevsky was published in Russia entitled: 'Zaveshchanie Russkogo Fashista' (The Last Will of a Russian Fascist).
[Above: Mug shot photo of Rodzaevsky after his arrest, 1945.]
[Above: The communist 'kangaroo court' (August 26-30, 1946). First row-GM Semenov, KV Rodzhaevsky, AP Baksheev, LF Vlasyevsky. Second row- BN Sheptunov, LP Ohotin, IA Mikhaylov.]
[Above: Rodzaevsky's signature]
[Above: Lev Pavlovich Okhotin]
Lev Pavlovich Okhotin (1911–1948) was a member of the Supreme Council of the Russian Fascist Party.
In August 1920 Okhotin's family emigrated from the Soviet Union to Manchukuo. Thus, his destiny was set on course. In 1932 Okhotin first met Konstantin Rodzaevsky in Harbin. The next year, at the end of 1933, while a student at the Harbin Teacher's Institute, he joined the Russian Fascist Party.
Beginning in 1935, Okhotin served as the business manager and later as the office manager of the Russian Fascist Party (RFP). In late 1936 he was appointed head of the organizational department of the RFP. From 1937 to 1943 he became a member of the Supreme Council.
Okhotin was arrested by the Russian counter-intelligence department on September 7, 1945. For the next year the communists broadened their net to seize those who spoke against them. Defendants in one case were as follows: Grigory Semyonov, Konstantin Rodzaevsky, General Lev Vlasyevsky, General Alexey Baksheev, Ivan A. Mikhailov (Minister of Finance in the Government of Admiral Aleksandr Kolchak), Lev Okhotin, Prince Nikolay Ukhtomsky, and Boris Shepunov.
The trial, which was a who's who of Russian resistance to communism, began on August 26, 1946. As is the case in communist show trials, all of the defendants pled guilty. On August 30, 1946 they were found guilty, surprise surprise. Okhotin, along with Prince Ukhtomsky, 'given their relatively smaller role in the anti-Soviet activities', were sentenced to 15 and 20 year terms in a work camp. This was a death sentence to most people and Okhotin died in a camp in 1948.
Ironically, on March 26, 1998 the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation No. 043/46 amended the criminal case against all of the defendants, except Semyonov. According to article 58-10 Part 2 (anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda) of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR, the cases against all defendants were dismissed for lack of evidence.
About six decades too late, eh?
[Above: Arseny Nesmelov's highly influential 'STIKHI' (Verses), Vladivostok, 1921 .]
One of the best of these Russian writers was the poet Arseny Nesmelov, who emigrated to Harbin in 1924. Nesmelov was known as the 'poet-warrior' and was the creator of a new style of poetry. Nesmelov was a dedicated anti-communist who wrote poems for Rodzaevsky's 'Nation' magazine, under the pseudonym 'Nikolai Watch'.
Tragically, like thousands of other artists and worthy souls, the communists murdered him after the war. When the Soviet army occupied Harbin he was arrested and murdered in a prison near Vladivostok.
[Above: Arseny Nesmelov.]
[Above: 'Tomorrow' 1936 - At the bottom it says: '1936. All strength for the National Revolution.']
[Above: Participants of the tripartite conference in Berlin (1933). In the center (with bow tie) is P. Bermondt-Avalov, to his left is Al Kazem-Bek, to his right is Anastasy Vonsyatsky.]
[Above: An incredibly rare signed postcard of A.P. Svetozarov (from 1933), showing an alternate spelling of 'Swetosaroff'.]
[Above: A.P. Svetozarov]
Svetozarov was the founder of 'ROND – Rossiiskoye Natsionalno Sotsialistcheskoye Dvizheniye (Russian National Socialist Movement). Svetozarov created ROND in Berlin in February 1933.
The ROND uniform was fairly unique, a white shirt with black pants and high boots. On the left arm they wore a red armband with a white swastika on a blue square (the old Czarist colors). ROND was very enthusiastic, opening branches in Paris, Prague, Belgrade and London. ROND hoped to attract and unite the many Russian exiles around Europe.
[Above: These are members of 'ROND' or 'Rossiiskoye Natsionalno-Sotsialistcheskoye Dvizheniye' (Russian National Socialist Movement) in Berlin in May of 1933.]
[Above: ROND on the march.]
[Above: A newspaper called 'Our Flag' from Lviv, Ukraine showing the consecration of the ROND banner, June 15, 1933.]
[Above: Part of the photo pictured on the above newspaper of ROND.]
[Above: Anastasy Andreyevich Vonsyatsky.]
After the Bolshevik coup Vonsyatsky joined the White Volunteer Army. For the next two years he fought in Eastern Ukraine and on the Don. In December 1919 Vonsyatsky, now promoted to captain, fell ill with typhus and was forced to leave the front.
On May 10, 1933, with a former member of the Volunteer Army, D. I. Kunle, he established the All-Russian National-Revolutionary Labor and Worker-Peasant Party of Fascists. An absurdly long name! For convenience, however, they usually used another name - Russian Fascist Organization. Vonsyatsky became the leader of the Russian Fascist Organization.
The Russian Fascist Organization had a newspaper called 'Fascist.' The first issue, of 2,000 copies, was released in August 1933. Later on issues reached the height of 10,000 copies, published once a month.
In September of 1933 Vonsyatsky traveled to Berlin for talks with leaders of other fascist and National Socialist organizations in Europe [Alexander Kazem-Bek (Young Russians), Paul Bermondt-Avalov and AV Moeller Zakomelsky (Ronde)].
By the end of 1933 Vonsyatsky was invited to visit Harbin, Manchukuo by the Russian Fascist Party's leader Konstantin Rodzaevsky.
On March 1, 1934 Vonsyatsky traveled to Harbin. On his journey to Harbin he stopped in Tokyo, where he met Rodzaevsky. On April 3, 1934 the two parties officially merged and became the All-Russian Fascist Party.
On April 26, 1934 Vonsyatsky arrived in Harbin. He was met at the station by an honor guard of Russian Fascist Party blackshirts.
The merger didn't work as planned due to ideological differences, only lasting six months. Vonsyatsky left the new group and formed the 'Russian National Revolutionary Labor and Workers Peasant Party of Fascists' (also known as the 'All Russian National Revolutionary Party').
Vonsyatsky had connections to Fritz Kuhn, the leader of the German-American Bund. He even assisted in bailing Kuhn out of jail after his arrest in 1939. It is also noted that he had contacts with William Dudley Pelley.
In 1942 Vonsyatsky was arrested by the FBI and charged with having secret contacts with National Socialist Germany. He was indicted for 'conspiring to assist Hitler's Germany' in violation of the Espionage Act. He was sentenced to five years in prison and a fine of $5,000, but was released early in 1946.
On February 5, 1965 at 8 o'clock in the morning Vonsyatsky died of a heart attack.
[Above: Illustration from a party newspaper.]
[Above: Anastasy Andreyevich Vonsyatsky.]
[Above: Anastasy Andreyevich Vonsyatsky.]
[Above: Anastasy Andreyevich Vonsyatsky.]
[Above: 'Fascist' - This says: 'Comrade Vonsyatsky and the delegation of Russian National Revolutionary Party at the celebrations of the German-American Bund.']
[Above: The picture shown on the publication above. Vonsyatsky is on the far left, with Bund leader Fritz Kuhn beside him. This picture was taken during a Bund parade in New York.]
[Above: Vonsyatsky's assistant.]
[Above: Russian Women's Fascist Movement (RWFM), a sub-organization of the Russian Fascist Party. Harbin, Manchukuo, 1934.]
[Above: Fantastic photo of the women's branch of Anastasy Vonsyatsky's movement. Apparently this photo is of a bible school. In the center is father Tsuglevich. Note the pictures in the background of the Tsar and Vonsyatsky. Christmas 1939.]
[Above: Christmas. Shanghai, 1939.]
[Above: 'A. A. Vonsyatsky among young activists in Harbin.']
'The Bolsheviks will hang you one day'
-Amongst the last words of Streicher before being murdered by the Allies. His charge? For publishing a newspaper, Der Stürmer, which made fun of Jews! Democratic hypocrisy at its finest.
[Above: Julius Streicher (February 12, 1885 – October 16, 1946).]
[Above: Julius Streicher and BP Tedli of the Russian Fascist Union, Nuremberg, 1937. This is an important picture showing pre-war cooperation between the German National Socialists and Russian National Socialist/Fascist groups. The Germans were sympathetic to the Russian community in Harbin, Manchukuo (and worldwide) who had fled the horrors of communism. Later, during WWII, the two would become allies in Russia in a shared goal of liberating Russia from communism. The Russians in exile sought to free their homeland while the Germans had preemptively invaded Russia to save Europe from communism. Even though the Allies gave half of Europe to the communists after the war anyway, the outcome could have been much, much worse had the Germans left communist Russia unchecked.
(Source: 'Our Way' from Harbin, Manchukuo, October 10, 1937, number 268 page 3).
Click to enlarge and see other images!]
[Above: Swastika flag wielding Santa Claus on his way to communist Russia. I wonder what presents he brought King Stalin? Too bad it wasn't a bullet.]
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