
*If you'd like to contribute your story to 'My Hitler', email me below:



    When I was a boy, I used to read the encyclopedia. The version we had was very old, published before WWII had ended. I was interested in Germany, because my grandmother was German, she taught me the myths and legends, which were much darker than the Greek stories taught by my other grandparents. The entry for Germany had a full-color National Socialist flag. As I stared at it, it seemed to vibrate off of the page. I knew that I had some connection to it. It seemed to reach into my soul, a source of great power.

     In the Greek culture, the swastika is called the Gammadion, it adorns Alexander the Great's sarcophagus. It represents the awakening of the soul from Forgetfulness, towards the Universal Purpose, from which we draw strength. Awakening toward Purpose, from Purpose we draw strength to awaken. An energy loop.

     Perhaps the Fuehrer is the last of many avatars sent to awaken our true potential. Once everyone who is supposed to be, is awakened, we will be what we were meant to be - gods and goddesses, walking among the stars.

    From about the time I was born in 1968, until I was approximately 10 years old, I had no idea who Hitler was. Maybe I heard the word "Nazi" on TV by then, but had no clue, just that they were supposedly "bad" people. I was such a dunce that I even called the next door neighbour girl, who was German, a "Nazi". Imagine a typical idiot redneck yelling it, but only 10 years old, without understanding what it meant. Just that it was a good "slur" word.

    Not until I was in Grade 6 or 7, or even Grade 8 (between 12-14 years old) in the early 1980s, that elementary school started talking to us about World War II, but it was not that important to me. Thankfully, our history, geography and social studies lessons were concentrated on Canada. These days, it's probably different, as they now teach children sex education and to accept homosexuality/lesbianism/transgenders. Most of us back then didn't have a clue until we were 13 or 14 on what our genitals were for, other then passing fluids.

    Once in high school, Grade 9 history plunged us into WWII and Germany (and revisited again in Grade 11 history), but with us studying more about Russia/communism! Good thing my teacher hated commies. He put up with the bullshit answers we copied from text books. In high school, the 1980s was when the liberals/commies started their control over many youths. They had a head start with the multicult of TV shows like Sesame Street, the Electric Company, the Cosby Show, etc, if they didn't have dummy white-guilt parents.

    My parents were Roman Catholic, from Poland, and didn't know what was happening to my mind with all the garbage indoctrination from TV, radio, and school. My father was a survivor of a WWII German work camp for prisoners, in Regensburg, Germany, but if you ask a Jew, they would probably call it a concentration camp or "death camp". More on that later.

     He was sent there with other Polish soldiers that refused to go back to the Russian front, wearing the German uniform and emblems. This is where every country's nationalist pride got in the way of defeating Satan and his children, the offspring/son of Cain.     

All throughout my life, my Dad made comments like "if only Hitler finished the job, this world would be a better place."

     Many who only know about Germany and World War 2 from the controlled media and controlled history books, would think that is crazy, "How can a prisoner of the Nazis say that?"

     Dad said a German soldier ALWAYS kept their word, and they treated him and other Polish prisoners very well. The prisoners got their Red Cross care packages intact, etc.

     I never asked my dad the details of his capture back then, until years later... after I graduated high school, when I saw for myself what Jews were really like towards Whites/Gentiles.

     Then the years of lies from high school and TV started to fade away. Now, the background comments/rants my father made during my entire life during the 6 o' clock news all of a sudden made a LOT of sense. Perfect sense. He was not an ignorant bigot/racist, like the left-wing propaganda would have me believe, but knew EXACTLY how the world worked.

     In the 1980s, sometimes on the news, I saw Ernst Zündel. The news was always slanted against him, saying he was a bad guy, etc, etc, but all I remember was seeing a nice old man who was always being hounded by ugly people. This was years before I learned to recognize what Jews look like.

     After I got involved with being pro-white, I finally got Zündel's address and sent him a handwritten letter telling him pretty much the same thing, how I thought it was unfair and he seemed like a nice man like my godfather or one of my relatives, and the word came through the grapevine that Zündel was touched by my honesty and wanted to meet me in person.

     With my new network of friends that I made through letter writing to other white nationalists, like the Heritage Front, I learned what books to borrow from the public library, and also learning info from Ernst Zündel's newsletters and publications, the Jewish/Zionist spell over me was almost broken completely.

     I stuck out like a sore thumb at protests with my pro-Jesus t-shirt, as many people were part of the COTC (Church of The Creator). A few guys introduced themselves and showed me in the Holy Bible where God says we are to be racialists. This is when I learned of hardcore dual-Seedline Christian Identity, that the Klan still existed everywhere, and of Aryan Nations from Idaho.

     It all seemed like good stuff, but to make sure I wasn't headed in the wrong direction, I questioned my father about World War II, and he told me about his experiences.

     My father said he had to carry a giant wooden case on his back wherever he went, so the Jews would not steal his food/property. He was fortunate that he was allowed to leave camp everyday and work outside on a farm, where the German lady was nice and friendly and would additionally feed the prisoners. She was also the one that told him and others to escape the day the US Army was invading as she was unsure what their future held, since it was a war. Then I was convinced.

     From what I got out of both my dad and Ernst Zündel, Hitler and Germany TRIED to stop the Jews/communists and were betrayed by the rest of the world.

     The 100% proof I needed was buying a copy of Adolph Hitler's book "Mein Kampf" from the Aryan Nations. I obtained the uncensored/unedited English translation/version by James Murphy. I learned, for example, how the liars/Jews/commies/atheists/etc, will be defeated in arguments, but THEN THE NEXT DAY, pretend it never happened, and start it all over again, to fool others into their disgusting thinking and behavior.

     There was so MUCH wisdom that was NEVER mentioned in high school or in the media.

     I think I always had that potential of awakening inside me, since when I was a child, I asked my parents why people in my neighborhood don't speak Swedish, if we live in Sweden. When I heard about the "gas showers" for the first time, at about 8 years old, I didn't react much, I was just a child so I didn't care much, I was rather thinking there must be some explanation to that. We kids drew swastikas on stuff because we saw it in some video game and it looked cool (probably from Wolfenstein 3D, the first "FPS"-game ever). At the age of 10, I still didn't really know what the difference between "Racism" and "Nazism" was, but I had that feeling that "Nazism" was more legitimate. Around the age of 14, I started visiting sites that are taboo out of pure curiosity, gore didn't appeal to me, like for most people, but "Adolf Hitler". I think I read about him the first time, through the Swedish version of Mein Kampf on the anti-Zionist website called "Radio Islam", it is one of the few books I would ever read to the end, voluntarily. I read it out of pure entertainment, curiosity and the underlying thought "Is this person and his ideas, conflicting with my existence?", the answer at that time was probably yes, since I didn't really have a reason to support something without completing the puzzle, the quest for the truth.

     Around the age of 16, I joined some youth political forums site and starting arguing for Socialism and Green politics, since my parents told me that it's good, of course it's good, but the Green political party in Sweden was supporting an open-border policy, so I eventually dropped promoting that. It was a rollercoaster, Socialism, Pirate Party, Liberalism, Stalinism and Militarism. At the age of 18 or 20, I started getting in heavy debates against National Socialists and Ethno pluralists, I am mixed (Finnish and Pakistani, so kind of Persian-looking) so I thought I had to promote others to do the same, the debate really went biological, I don't remember how it ended, probably nowhere.

     As you know, that potential inside me was always there, I just needed an invitation. Eventually, a Fascist guy who later became my real-life friend, simply told me that the Race question is not a requirement for Fascism. Since all my ideas were Fascist in practice, I just got it labeled. And that's how it all started. I don't plan on dying in Sweden, I have traveled the world really, and really admire the sunnier countries like the mixed nation of Brazil, even if it's a hellhole in certain aspects, there are some things that I like there and I felt at home there.

     I am Fascist and this is the position I've maintained the longest during my political timeline of opinions. I have certain racial standards and therefore a natural supporter of the National Socialist cause in this world.

     I hope the West survives, for humanity's sake, but if it does not, nature is God and he will select. Survival of the Fittest.

     As a black man in America, a lot of people say that I am crazy to think the way I do, but they are just uninformed.

     Well I guess I "woke up" when I met a black Muslim guy at a job I had when I was 19 or 20. He used to tell me about how the people who rule this world want everyone to become "neutroids". A neutroid is someone who is not white, black or Asian, but a mixture of them all.  They want to do this because we are easier to control when we have no past or culture,  then they can create our new culture for us.  A slave culture.

     Mostly he talked about the Quran and religion.  I was and still am kind of an atheist I guess. I was raised by a very religious mother.  She pushed Jesus onto me so hard that it pushed me totally away from religion. I still respected him though and I learned a lot about what it is like to live as a Muslim man. We discussed how messed up the world is and the reasons why.  A few months after I met him he told me about a book called Behold a Pale Horse. I was interested and I bought it. If you've never read it, I'd say it is worthwhile, although some of it is a little far out. It's by a guy named William Cooper, who many people believe was  murdered by the system for speaking out.

     Another book my Muslim friend recommended was Mein Kampf. That threw me for a loop. Why the heck would a black man tell another black man to read Mein Kampf?  He said that we were lied to about Adolf Hitler. I wasn't so sure at that point. But since he loaned me his copy I started to read it in bed. Let's just say I lost a lot of sleep! Man, this was not the same person I was taught about in school. Everything made sense. I thought to myself, man, we need an Adolf Hitler in this fucked up country.

     My eyes were opened and nothing was ever the same again. I wanted to tell other people about what I learned but most of them wouldn't listen or thought I was crazy. They were so brainwashed they wouldn't even listen.

     I have always been an outcast I guess. I didn't really fit in with the kids in my neighborhood. I was always into heavy metal and that wasn't very popular. Especially with other black people. But I was always a loner anyway.

     What really blew my mind were the pictures of black men on Mourning the Ancient wearing Nazi uniforms and all that.  I guess I found my place after all.

Epitaph for Doomed European Youth

Fourteen words on page fourteen for the young dead in the Paris streets on Friday 13, 2015

Common Form

"If any question why we died
Tell them, because the politicians lied"

     With full acknowledgement and apologies to Rudyard Kipling that I changed but merely two words of his great two line stanza condemning the 1914-1918 political, social and cultural class, but it so seemingly and bitingly mirrors our own youth being sacrificed for yet more possessed and self-preserving European regimes. Perhaps, in not too distant a time, young children, as yet unborn, will write this upon frosty windscreens as the epiphany of our age and give full vent to the hatred we now have for these latter day Weimar Republics and their stupefying, destructive and now murderous elitist liberal values of which they still, with grotesque laughter, term 'progressive'.


     As the mass colonisation, terror attacks and war of the next five years and beyond becomes 'The Deluge', and that deluge becomes our 'Ancient of Days', and the bewitching Veleda from Omaha requests us to reveal the moment of 'our truth', we can point to this, this moment, with the awakening consciousness that 'the truth' was indeed 'the lie' for this broken, bleeding, almost dying continent and show her another fourteen words scrawled on the wall of some long abandoned building:

"Our movement comprises the many who WANT, NEED, or HAVE to become National Socialists."

     Perhaps, just perhaps, and only if we can will it, will these, like Luther's 95 theses hammered on the door of Wittenberg, become the mantra and not the 'Ancient' of these days.

'69' and 15-11-2015 AD

     A Merry Christmas to you all, in this, the first Christmas of what Pope Francis has called 'The Third World War'.

     Where it all began, I would have to say it began in my youth, I believe I was 12. I was very intrigued by the NSDAP. There was something about it that captivated me. Like most people, I read the literature and watched the movies. Yet there was something odd about the whole thing, something seemed to be amiss. I began my quest for the truth when I was 21 stationed in Germany. I befriended an elderly woman, unaware of the fact that she was a Jew and a former inmate at Auschwitz. I don't remember how the conversation about the war started, yet she was the first to tell me there was no gassing at the camp nor did she witness anyone being mistreated. It was a labor camp and for the most part a camp for political enemies of the state. I asked her why she was there and with some hesitation she explained to me how she was with the communist party, which was the reason she landed in the camp. Not because she was Jewish. This was the start of it all.

    Since meeting her I have met four other Jews who have said the same thing, yet three of them were at different camps. Through the years, combing archives and open-minded literature, the facts piled up and I came to realize Herr Hitler was a very different man than what we have been told. Perhaps one of the greatest. In this pursuit it also brought to my attention how much of history has been rewritten. As the saying goes 'Rome writes history for the glory of Rome'. The victors have hidden their dark secret from the public eye. Now it has become my mission to redeem this great man, the movement and the German people from this shame and fairy tale.

Adolf Hitler: My Personal Story

     Late 1988/early 1989 during my early teens, as I was conducting research for school homework, an idea regarding Hitler popped into my mind. As a child, family environment always taught me to be fond of most white-related subjects. So, I did a research paper on WWII. The more information and facts that unfolded, the more Hitler's straightforward mentality fascinated me. He had me enthralled! While others were heavily into individuals such as cheesy Mahatma Gandhi, hippie 'gods' or any number of other feeble false authority figures, I was alienated. Inside of me grew a strong hesitation for all of them and also a strong feeling of hatred and crass rejection!

I never believed in any of them BUT admired Hitler's 'ruthlessness'. 'Nazi' Germany was alive everywhere and in everything. Whether it is the world's economy, medicine and science, cultural studies, or just some idiotic entertainment jock constantly talking about it. The 'Nazi' legacy has been bestowed far and wide.

If one doesn't understand that, then there is no possible way to understand 'Nazism', you will always find fault with it. Your ignorance is not important... you are not important. As the old gods represent freedom, so does noble Adolf Hitler and mighty National Socialism.

John Lennon's Adolf Hitler
A posthumous entry for page 14

    It was the end of another stifling hot week. I remember it well. I'll remember it always. The last week in August, 1991. London.

     I spent the morning examining 'optimistic' Adolf Hitler paintings at Phillips Auctioneers at New Bond Street. All lined in a row. All done by various hands, none of them Adolf's. God, I thought, he must be the most copied artist in history after Rembrandt. One of them had even spelt his name wrong! "More research I feel," I said to myself. After quickly going through some routine Third Reich items I found I had finished it all by midday. I had a 'free' afternoon. Emerging into New Bond St. with the fierce heat I decided I would go and have a view of Cynthia Lennon's items of her and John's at Christie's, South Kensington. They sounded interesting and at least it was cooler inside.

     I bought my catalogue and padded through to the viewing room. Cynthia's lots were all displayed in one area. The lamps, tables, documents, drawings, that terrible cocktail cabinet globe, all there. You viewed them for what they were, the flotsam and jetsam of entwined lives.

     Apart from being John and Cynthia's they could have been the items belonging to any couple of that time. Half way through my view I began chatting to a woman who was vaguely looking at the lots.

     "Do you know," I said in my usual patronising, pontificating way, "the thing that immediately strikes you about all this is the very ordinariness of their lives."

     "Oh, I don't know," she said, "at times it was very not ordinary."

     I looked at her, she was quite chubby, enhanced blonde hair, big smile, faded, but still very attractive looks. Smartly dressed.

     "Am I talking to Cynthia Lennon...?" I stumbled on.

     "Yes, you are," she confidently replied.

  • Click here to read more of this fascinating entry!
  •      Like any normal person, I have been fascinated by the face of Adolf Hitler for as long as I can remember.  I love studying faces.  A face tells me more about a person than words do.  Despite mountains of abuse and hate--or perhaps because of it--I have been drawn to AH like a sunflower to the sun.  The eyes, so intense, as if staring right into my soul. The determination in that face; the laser intensity; one look at this face, one glance reveals that here is a rare man with an incredible amount of will power.  Unlike almost all other sets of eyes, there is no searching in this man's eyes; no confusion in the face.  He is certain in his aim; confident in his decisions.  It is as if he saw everything; everything from the beginning of time until the end of time; he had seen it all and now he had come to guide the world.  

         My favorite Hitler photos, however, are those when he is enjoying his people.  Hitler, at ease, among a sea of worshipers... it is quite unlike our modern vote hustlers who smile on cue for the cameras and who go among the people merely to get elected again. Ever see those photos of this incredible leader, Adolf Hitler, when he stops his driver so that he might greet people by the roadside?  Ever notice his face when he is talking to a shy child, or petting an animal?  Of course you have.  Oblivious to his surroundings and the cheers and tears of his followers, he is focused on the milk maidens by the roadside, or the  child holding his mother's hand, or the animal who seems calm in his presence, not nervous in the least; his face glows; his smile is more than just beautiful and genuine; his smile shows very clearly how simple were his pleasures and how natural was his thought process. Hitler, perhaps the greatest world leader of all time, savored his moments; he enjoyed himself; he could allow himself to be lost in life's simple pleasures; he is at home in the moment.  If I can see this in this incredible man's face, then we are certain the people at the time saw it and recognized it too; and they, like myself, loved, and continue to love, this great man for his honesty, simplicity and goodness. 

         I have always wondered why I have been drawn to Adolf Hitler?

         I have always liked to watch programs on Adolf Hitler, even though we all know how evil the media portrays him, but I would let their propaganda go in one ear and out the other without thinking much about it. I liked watching the videos and pictures of him and the German people from times past and the war. I loved the National Socialist uniforms they wore and how disciplined they always looked. There was just something intriguing about it all that kept me interested, maybe it was the little rebel in me?

         I watched a lot of history programs about WWII and started to notice a couple of strange things happening in these programs. One thing was that most videos you see with Hitler he has large crowds and coliseums full of people cheering him, waving and happy!! I used to think this doesn't fit the narrative? If he is so bad why were all these happy people cheering him?

         Another thing I noticed was that different programs would use the same footage and say different things about the events or places. Programs would use the same footage of Hitler's speeches but the translation on the screen would be different. I did not speak German, so in the back of my mind I started questioning what was really going on? What was he really saying?

         I am the type of person that questions everything and wants the truth in all things so…

         I started doing more thinking about this and WWII in general. I knew the media and education system 100% lied about everything anyways, so the more I thought the more I started questioning. Another funny thing I thought about was why would anyone want to join a Marxist country and fight with Marxism as the USA did with Stalin?? This just did not make sense or add up to me.

         I knew from studying God's word that God hated Esau, well why would God hate Esau? Well, if you find out who Esau represents and where it ends up, it is all connected to… them. Those that claim to be Jews but are not, but lie (the liars, thieves, the murderers, their all connected to communism) Rev 2:9, 3:9 and John 8:44 and many places throughout God's word.

         So I decided to start doing some in-depth research. Once I started digging and searching, the deeper the hole got and all the enemy's lies started shedding and running from the truths they so desperately tried to cover. It all opened up to me, so many questions were answered from a biblical sense and a worldly sense. I saw how everything is so intertwined and related and how the lying propaganda cannot hold up to the truth and questioning…

         The more I studied and researched Adolf Hitler's works and history the more it was confirmed that history has been propagating the opposite of reality!! Liars!! Thieves and murderers!! Just as the Almighty has declared, the more I researched the more I found that Adolf Hitler was and is right! He loved his people, loved nature, had mankind's best interest, had great ideas, kept his promises and told it the way it was… a real one-of-a-kind man, who was, in my mind, here for a divine and great purpose. All that he declared, said and revealed lines up so prophetically and true with the scriptures and reality that has gone on and continues to go on to this day…

         It really is too bad that people don't look around and see what is going on in the present time and in past history to see the real facts… he was a real great man that fought for real freedom, real peace and all that was right!

         When it's all said and done, Hitler was right!! Heil Hitler!!! "Heil, mein Führer!"

         How I came to understand that Adolf Hitler, Goebbels, Himmler and the rest were not what has been portrayed is a long road. It started when I met and worked with a few world leaders, such as Hugo Chavez and Evo Morales, from Venezuela and Bolivia respectively. While I only met them, personally, a few times, I worked closely with their ambassadors, cabinet-level members and governments. President Chavez was providing heating oil to indigenous organizations and peoples around the world and I ran the Alaska program for a couple years. It was while I was down in the Amazon jungle that a group of us, representing dozens of countries, ended up on the jungle plateau of Kumarakapay, located in the Gran Sabana; while there, we drafted a document that became known as 'The Declaration of Kumarakapay', which I did not sign, due to language included towards the end of the document: "We pronounce ourselves against the Zionist movements, which are one form of expression of this imperialism."

         At this time, I merely thought that the heads of state and indigenous peoples taking part in this were anti-Semitic; this was in 2007. By 2009, I had resigned my position as Executive Director of the organization which had me working with these people due to the non-profit's accountant embezzling funds and ideological differences with the council that directed the non-profit; essentially, they were Marxists and I was not.

         In 2009, my ex-wife and I had purchased a sailboat in Sausalito, CA and subsequently moved it to San Rafael to pull it out of the water and work on it. It was there I met a guy by the name of Rixon Lee, whom we called Aussie Rick. He was in his 60s at the time and I was in my late 30s; despite the age difference, we developed somewhat of a friendship. To say that he was wealthy and well-connected would be an understatement. In fact, when people say that "they" rule the world, he is part of "them", from Australia. After several weeks, he introduced me and my ex-wife to his girlfriend and her mother, both of whom he would fly in from Florida; this was an annual event as Rick would come to the States every year to get away from Australian politics and attend meetings in the US (such as the Bohemian Grove).

         One evening, Rick knocked on the cabin of our boat and told us to get dressed, that we were going to dinner with his girlfriend and her mother, Sandi and Stella. When we arrived at this private club, I was grilled for hours about my personal and professional work history; religious, social and political views; about past relationships, et al. It was strange; however, it became more strange at the end when they stated that I had "to be a Jew" and have Jewish heritage somewhere. When I asked why, they stated that only Jews can succeed in this world. By this time, I had made $1-2 million total in my life, at which they laughed stating that they considered it not successful at all. After the 3rd or 4th hour, Rick left the table to go to the restroom; this is when it became down right frightening. Both ladies leaned across the table and whispered that I should be extremely careful around Rick; Sandi had dated Rick for 30+ years and she said, "I still don't know the man. He frightens me."

         Sandi and Stella are, or were, by their own admission, part of a Jewish banking family; that is how they put it, neither of them explicitly mentioning the family name. I personally saw bank accounts in the high hundreds of millions attached to Aussie Rick while around him.

         Anyway, even after those two major experiences, I still did not "get it". I had returned home to Alaska and had a brain aneurysm rupture in 2011, which should have killed me. Due to the luck of genetics (I'm one in approximately 10 million people who have extra blood vessels in the right spot), I survived. My best friend came to help and visit me; as a side note, I just pointed him at your website and he loved it. He said that he was going to write you, which I hope he did. While visiting, we were talking about world politics and my peripheral experience in them and he made a statement that he had made dozens of times before: "It's the Jews." That irritated me, so I told him that I would prove him wrong. This began a couple years' worth of research into socio-political and economic historic personages; I quantified and qualified what a Jewish conspiracy looked like. I created a spreadsheet of every major country, company and banking institution and began researching who owned or ran them, going back to 200 or 300 years, if possible. I used the scientific method and came up with several hypotheses that I tested:

    1) There is a Cherokee conspiracy to rule the world;
    2) There is a Siberian Y'upik conspiracy to the rule the world;
    3) There is an Inupiaq conspiracy to rule the world;
    4) There is an Aboriginal conspiracy to rule the world; and, finally
    5) There is a Jewish conspiracy to rule the world.

         My assumption was that if such a conspiracy exists, then several conditions would have to be met:

    A) According to the percentage of the world population that the population I was studying represented, they would be over represented in positions of authority;

    B) The people in these positions would be working towards a similar goal, explicitly or implicitly; and

    C) They would self-identify as a certain ethnic group.

         The first 4 hypotheses are demonstrably laughable. Although these ethnic groups are roughly equal in terms of percentage of population of the planet, they are entirely under represented on the world stage; however, the 5th point seemed plausible. It is quantifiable that more individuals who are accepted, or self-identify, as being of Jewish heritage and/or origin. It was after this initial research that I once again came into contact with the name of Adolf Hitler.

         I am of Irish, German and Eskimo heritage. My families, on both sides, are primarily Irish; my father's side is completely Irish, going generations back, and my mother's side is Irish, German and Eskimo. My great-grandfather moved over from Germany between WWI and WWII and married an Inupiaq lady, whom the whole family still adores. His surname was [...]; many of my family members still carry that name in northern Alaska. Both my grandparents fought for the U.S. in WWII and neither of them spoke about their experiences; after so much research, I believe that I understand why. My father and his two brothers served in the U.S. Air Force during the Vietnam War and I served in the U.S. Air Force during Operation Desert Storm and the Alaska Army National Guard before, during and after 9/11. As a family, we bled red, white and blue.

         Despite the military service to our country, I began to voice to my family that maybe we fought the wrong people in WWII. It was later that I learned about General Patton's belief; my father's father served under Patton, and became the officers' cook after being injured, and had worked directly for the general. When I mentioned this, something different happened. My father became almost unhinged; I've never seen him so angry nor so emotional. I learned to be circumspect in what I say around or to him.

         As I continued my research, I picked up an English copy of Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' and realized a couple things; first, that I was not the only, nor was I the first, person to come to these conclusions, and, two, that the copy I had been reading was not accurate. I am still searching for an accurate copy to finish reading. If you have a recommendation, I would greatly appreciate it. [The Stalag edition of Mein Kampf is a widely recommended version of Mein Kampf, and more recently there is a good translation by Thomas Dalton.]

         I apologize for the length, but I had to share how I came to understand that the so-called 'Axis Powers' were more correct than the Allies. While I do not deify any person, whether they are man, woman or child, I have come to respect Hitler's personal view on life; I am in awe of his socio-economic and political understanding; and, was surprised, as a soldier, that he was a decorated war veteran in one of the worst wars imaginable.    

    After 11 years, I am still researching and studying. That's how I thankfully ended up on your site. I still attempt to share my knowledge with my family; 2 nights ago, I was sitting in my parents' home with my sister, her husband and 3 children, my girlfriend and both my parents; we were watching the opening of the Winter Olympics. Somehow, we got on the subject of China's one-child policy ending due to an extreme shortage of marriageable women. I stated that they changed that policy because they want their race and culture to continue into the future, to which everyone agreed; my sister's children, all blonde and blue-eyed, were curious about it and we began talking about China's dictatorial edicts and why they would do what they did. At the end of the conversation, I stated that I thought it extremely sad that official Chinese policy recognizes the fundamental need of children being born to continue their race, but that the white race seems to want to self-destruct by not having children or by inter-marrying. This stopped all conversation. If a stranger were looking in at this, it would seem as if I had overstepped my bounds; however, in my family, if somebody disagrees, they will outright tell you, no hesitation. The fact that nobody said a word, which was 7 other people (adults and children), means that I had said out loud what they had been thinking privately. My girlfriend mentioned this to me on the ride home.

         I am not racist, by any means. I have no room in my life for that kind of useless hatred. My hatred is entirely reserved for people who want to enslave my children, grandchildren and their descendants; if these people self-identified as Russian mafia, I would hate the Russian mafia; if they identified as Sinn Fein, I would hate the people who support Sinn Fein; however, it is factually and demonstrably those individuals who identify as Zionists, mostly Jews with support from other populations and people in power, who have stated that they are superior and who continue to commit atrocities. There are great Jewish people, such as Shteifon, who stood up to Zionist goals, who fought against their own people for the forces of light and goodness. My hatred ends when Zionism is eradicated, not necessarily the people, if they change. Like Savitri Devi, I, too, believe that violence is necessary; unlike the Zionists who seem to proactively engage in violence, I am more reactive in its use. I do not want to go down that path, but, I will, if necessary, fight, die and live to ensure that my family and their descendants live and have a world worth living for.

         There is much, much more to my story that deals with what the people in power, from across the world, told me about the current "pandemic" situation, etc. I hope I did not bore you, but, at my age, I find myself both inspired by and in awe of the amount of work and attention you have put into your website. I've shared it with my friends and, surprisingly, they are still my friends; even more surprising is the fact that they are calling me and talking to me about what they're reading on your site.

         At an early age as a student of philosophy I was perusing the stacks of my university's library and decided I would look at "Mein Kampf". I had previously avoided the work as I was living in a youthful fantasy realm of philosophical abstractions and aesthetic romanticism, listening to Bach; Wagner and Giuseppe Verdi's operas. I had made it a policy to avoid anything political looking upon it as 'the poor man's philosophy' from my 'Olympian height' of juvenescent 'intellectual sophistication'. I look superficially through the work for concentrated nuggets of abstruse philosophical conceptions but, as it lacked these in my naive judgment, passed by. The Hitlerian mystique nevertheless held its numinous power over me and I was drawn to all the forms of philosophical racialism I could discover which were available to my knowledge at the time. The memory of the blood had always been strong in me, recalling my origins in the realm of Eternity as those who are attuned to the Spirit and can't look upon matter and the material world as anything but an inferior plane of being, something to divorce oneself from as a mere 'temptation of the flesh', a dangerous allure of the Venusburg with its siren call. I stumbled upon a book of selections of Alfred Rosenberg and certain selections of Julius Evola; of Oswald Spengler and Houston Stewart Chamberlain amongst other philosophers of the fin de siecle period.

    They were in many cases close but only Rosenberg was closest and his work led me further into the mythos of the blood which through later, more concrete theoretical racialist investigations led me to revisit "Mein Kampf" which I read for the first time around five years later in my late 20s. The intensity of the Fuhrer's struggle against the children of the Demiurge was clear in the most explicit terms in his magnum opus, his magical work of blood and soil. This work reawakened the bond I had toward my hometown and I read it on my journey back after a long absence as the evergreen trees sped past me bordering me on all sides, enveloping me in their forest murmurs.

    During this time I discovered politics and became more fully aware of the machinations of the enemy host and their pervasive worldly power. The image of Hitler was not as lucid as it would later become however and there was still a degree of confusion within my blood, perhaps owing to the influence of the Jewish academic setting of my alma mater which served then as now as a hotbed of cultural Marxist agitation, the waves of distortion competing in their influence with the Gothic ripples of the stirring of my Nordic blood. Perhaps the ideas of the lunar priest cast of the Levant maintained their overpowering influence? They created an inner turmoil lingering like the stench of mold in the casket of a sleeping warrior whose somnolence was perpetuated by the bad air of arid philosophical abstractions, the rationalism of the priest caste of the modern world.

    I made every effort to preserve the fruits of my intellectual labors, attuning myself toward the work of Martin Heidegger the National Socialist professor. He had remained loyal to the end against the universalist abstractions of the globalist cabal with its hypocritical 'morals', posturing and perpetual clamor about 'humanity' and 'love', the same empty and artificial ideas which are idolized during the dark ages of witch burnings and inquisition. The Nuremberg trials I came later to understand were another repetition of the same persecution the Aryan race have been subject to by the Jews and their minions for millennia since their most recent installation on the earth, presumably in the 'Çatalhöyük' region of modern Turkey.

    Hitler's charismatic nature, when I became more acquainted with videos and speeches he had given and especially through the media of the works of Miguel Serrano the Chilean esoteric Hitlerist, exerted the mesmeric influence of the avatar of Vishnu as Serrano had dubbed him, the destroyer. The archetype of Thor one might also say manifested itself through the man Adolf Hitler, uplifting his people through his god-like luciferic grace. His gaze posed a challenge to me and the mythos of the blood spoke through him, an emissary of the Eternal Light of the uncreated Spirit transcending the blind-god of matter Yahweh-Jehovah, inserting himself in a position of attack at the vanguard of his race, the noblest of the Aryans still present on the earth and able to bring forward the necessary action in the battlefield of a degraded earth.

    Adolf Hitler is Thor the thunder god manifesting himself in an artist whose high mind serves as a vehicle of the archetype of war, re-presenting the leftward swastika symbol of the Origin of Hyperborea, the spinning hammer Mjolnir brought against the foe in a blitzkrieg of lightning from heaven. I now understand beyond the crude rationalist level of the 'human' the meaning of the symbol of the Origin and its torchbearer Adolf Hitler whose mystique still lives on and serves its purpose in the kindling of the blood memory.

    Perhaps Hitler himself still lives as Miguel Serrano has affirmed. Perhaps he did attain a state of immortality and left this terrestrial earth or resides in the hollow earth, in Antarctica and will soon return with Wotan and his furious horde, the final battalion of berserkers against the dark forces whose grip on temporal power begins to loosen even as I write these words? The enemy employs its tactics of 'change of meaning' or 'symbolic substitution' and attempts to confuse the mind of their captives to maintain their terrestrial slave plantation of soul harvesting and energetic vampirism, keeping all under lock and key-monitored; traced and tracked as animals in their cages, bled white for their life's blood, the vital essence of the Graal, the elixir of the elixir vitae of immortality.

    Hitler came as a liberator, a stern and solid warrior born under the sign of Taurus the bull, the sign associated with the star Aldebaran, which presumably is the homeland of the Hyperboreans. Through Hitler, the archetype Thor, Yahweh is confronted by the hero and receives his death-blow from Mjolnir, the swirling swastika destroying the vampire wolf Fenrir, the Demiurge, creator of matter and ravenous consumer of souls. Hitler wins by losing as, for a Hyperborean spirit, there is no death save that which he allows through a self-enervation and inner decadence. Hitler serves as a leader even when not present on the earth which is why his image is all but illegal in most countries under the hegemony of the infernal legions.

    His very image awakens the blood memory and he has come to symbolize through his actions the liberation of the Spirit from matter, not the escapist flight from the world of Levant fantasy but the occupation of the earth of the transcendent figure incorruptible by the past times of the vulgar. Hitler is the incarnation of the unknown god, the presence of Eternity in imminence and a symbol of the Immortals and their accomplishments under the inspiration of the will and inner spirit. The accomplishments of the German people and all of those who followed in their footsteps adopting the ideas of blood; soil and Spirit bear witness to the power of an inner awakening that only the charisma of the Führer can induce. Hitler is the Man A gainst Time whose rebellion against the slavery of the powers of matter endures to this day. I who write these words have hanging on the wall photographs of the Fuhrer wherever I may journey and when I look into his eyes I receive visions of Hyperborea.


    *If you'd like to contribute your story to 'My Hitler', email me below:

