Bretoned sonn touomp da vezañ leal
Bretoned sonn da vro hon tadoù kozh
Int-i zo kouekhet puilh eviti war an dachenn
Ni o mibien a raio evelto (x2)
Kloc’h bras an tour, ar c’horn-boud, an taboulin
Kloc’h bras an tour a embann ar brezel
Bretoned sonn setu C’hallaoued o tonet!
Hon enebourien ‘zeu da glask o marv! (x2)
Spered ar C’helt a sav en hor c’halonoù
Spered ar C’helt hor c’haso d’an emgann
Arzhur Meur ‘lintr e gleze hir a dreuz an neñvoù
Ar Gall a gren, du-hont, e penn al lann! (x2)
Ni a vo trec’h war an enebor daonet
Ni a vo trec’h, loskomp hor garm en noz!
Ne c’hell ket mervel hor gouenn vreton balc’h ha santel
Ni a vo trec’h ‘vel gwechall ar re gozh! (x2)
English lyrics:
Proud Bretons, we swear to be loyal!
Proudly Breton, in the land of our forefathers!
Many of them died for her
And we, their sons, will be like them! (x2)
The great bell of the tower, the grave sound.
The drum of the bell of the tower announces the war!
Bretons, here is the soul of our faith!
Our enemies want to see her dead! (x2)
The Celtic spirit is rising in our hearts
The Celtic Spirit calls us to battle!
Arthur the Great pulls his sword through the sky!
The Gauls quake, tremble before him!
Arthur the Great pulls his sword through the sky!
The Gauls quake, tremble before him! (x2)
We will be victorious over the damned enemy!
We will be victorious shouting our cry in the night!
Our Breton race, ancient and holy, cannot die.
We will be victorious, as our ancestors were!
Our Breton race, ancient and holy, cannot die.
We will be victorious, as our ancestors were!