[Below: The original retouched photograph]

[Below: Variation]

[Below: Variation]

[Below: Variation]

[Below: Postcard:


'Im Gedenken an den Tag da du ins Leben bist getreten, steh ich heute hier für dich und deinen Sohn zu beten dir zu danken, dass du ihn uns hast geboren, ihn, der ward zum Retter Deutschlands auserkoren.
Gott hat ihn durch dich als Führer uns gesandt, dass er schütz sein Volk mit willensstarker Hand, dass er allen leuchtend Vorbild ist, fürwahr -- dafür Dank dir Mutter, heut und immerdar!'

Translates as:


'In memory of the day you came into life, I stand here today for you and your son to pray [and] to thank you, for you gave birth to him, he was chosen to be the savior of Germany.
God sent him through you as a guide to protect his people with a strong-willed hand, that he is a shining example to all, for sure - thanks to you mother, today and forever!'

[Below: A page from a period book with a picture of Klara. The first paragraph translates as:

'Nach des Vaters Ableben blieb der Realschüler Adolf seiner lieben Mutter überlassen. Und unter ihr malte er nach Herzenslust. Aber allzu kurz war dieses Glück. Denn innerhalb vier Jahren entschlief auch sie.'

(After his father's death, Adolf, a junior high school student, was left to his dear mother. And under her he painted to his heart's content. But this happiness was all too short. For within four years she too passed away.)]

[Below: A rather strange looking rendition]

[Below: A painting of Klara and Adolf Hitler's father, Alois.]

[Below: Here's a better look at the painting of Klara above, but in black and white.]

[Below: Soldiers carry a painting of Alois and Klara.]

[Below: A super cool rendition]

[Below: Mourning the Ancient photo from April 2011 showing a period Klara Hitler chalk work in the background.]

[Below: Alois Hitler (June 7, 1837 - January 3, 1903)]