[Above: This magical piece is done by Hubert Lanzinger in 1933 and is entitled 'Der Bannerträger' (The Standard Bearer).]
[Above: A different copy, perhaps clearer. By the way it says:
'Ob im Glück oder im Unglück, ob in der Freiheit oder im gefängnis, ich bin meiner Fahne, die heute des Deutschen Reiches Staatsflagge ist, treu geblieben.' Which means:
'Whether in luck or misfortune, whether in freedom or in prison, I have remained faithful to my flag, which today is the national flag of the German Reich.']
[Above: Here's another one depicting Adolf Hitler as a knight.]
[Above: 'Adolf Hitler der Wahrer des Reiches' - Adolf Hitler Protector of the Empire]
[Above: This gorgeous postcard is from 'Alleiniges Reproduktionsrecht Max Sasse jun., Kunstverlag, Karlsruhe, Postfach 100.']
[Above: Wow, this postcard is so cool and beautiful!]
[Above: Reverse of postcard.]
[Above: This beauty is by Karl Bauer.]
[Above: This picture shows a PHENOMENAL poster of Adolf Hitler in the background. It says 'Wir folgen Dir' = 'We follow you'. I've never been able to find an image of this poster other than here. If you find one PLEASE let me know! I would be in your debt. Below is the original picture the poster was based on.]
[Above: A different rendition of the photograph by Conrad Hommel, 1941.]
[Above: Color variation]
[Above: This marvelous work is signed Adolf Hitler. Experts in England have debated its authenticity, but a reliable expert from some of England's leading auction houses, M. Mackintosh confirms it to be a period piece done by Adolf Hitler.]
[Above: Felix Albrecht, 1932]
[Above: Variation. The background is completely different.]
[Above: Munich, House of German Art - 'Portrait of the Führer' by R. G. Zill]
[Above: Color version]
[Above: The above art used for a postcard]
[Above: Smaller but clearer copy]
[Above: 'The homes of the Führer'.]
[Below: Version of the above on a postcard from Austria during the Anschluss.]
[Above: Entitled 'Männer der Zeit' (Men of the Time) and features the images of Frederick the Great, General Ludendorff and Adolf Hitler.]
[Above: Frederick the Great, General Ludendorff and Adolf Hitler.]
[Above: Frederick the Great, General Ludendorff and Adolf Hitler.]
[Above: Frederick the Great, General Ludendorff, Hindenburg and Adolf Hitler.]
[Above: Frederick the Great, General Ludendorff, Hindenburg and Adolf Hitler.]
[Above: Frederick the Great, General Ludendorff, Hindenburg and Adolf Hitler.
[Above: Frederick the Great, General Ludendorff, Hindenburg and Adolf Hitler.]
[Above: Hindenburg and Adolf Hitler. Potsdam 1933, copperplate printing by Carl Langhorst.]
[Above: Frederick the Great, General Ludendorff and Adolf Hitler.]
[Above: Frederick the Great, General Ludendorff, Hindenburg and Adolf Hitler.]
[Above: Frederick the Great, General Ludendorff, Hindenburg and Adolf Hitler.]
[Above: Frederick the Great and Adolf Hitler.]
[Above: Frederick the Great and Adolf Hitler, flanked by Hindenburg and Hermann Göring.]
[Above: Frederick the Great and Adolf Hitler.]
[Above: Frederick the Great, Hindenburg and Adolf Hitler.]
[Below: Here is a 1933 version that is a variation of the postcard above, using different Adolf Hitler and Hermann Göring portraits.]
[Above: The Führer in Linz.]
[Above: This needs no translation, but I'll do it anyway 'One Volk, One Nation, One Leader'.
[Above: Adolf Hitler sowing the seeds of hope and a new age of freedom. Many of those seeds are still germinating!]
[Above: This epic painting is entitled 'In the Beginning There was the Word' -- which is inspired by a bible verse.]
[Above: 'In the Beginning There was the Word']
[Above: 'In the Beginning There was the Word' - this was to commemorate the liberation of the Sudetenland and the reunification with Austria.]
[Above: Part of above painting used for a postcard]
[Above: Some of the postcards above had another image of Adolf Hitler on the back, such as this.]
[Above: Taken from same drawing as above]
[Above: A different version minus the autograph]
[Below: Different version of the same artwork]
[Below: Another different version of the same artwork]
[Below: This is actually taken from an early flag!]
[Below: Close-up]
[Below: Variation with eagle in background]
[Below: Alternative version]
[Above: Adolf Hitler and Jacob Grimminger]
[Above: This was a real photograph that has been painted over and colorized. Beside Adolf Hitler is Jacob Grimminger, the man who always carried the holy Blood Flag.]
[Above: This is by artist Willy Exner from Heinrich Hoffmann studios]
[Above: A full version of the above]
[Below: Notice where it says '1. Mai 1938' is actually a sticker. This postcard has been modified to celebrate a differeny event. I'm not sure what the original event was. Maybe I should scratch off the sticker? Just kidding.]
[Above: A different artist's take on the same photograph used in those above]
[Above: Another take on the same photograph used in those above]
[Above: And another take on the famous work above]
[Above: 1930s Japanese postcard]
[Above: This is done by Bruno Jacobs]
[Above: Different print]
[Above: Postcard]
[Above: Poster]
[Above: Postcard]
[Above: Postcard]
[Above: Early portrait postcard from 1929 from 'Kunstanstalt Kropp in Berlin-Schoenberg'.]
[Above: Donation stamp]
[Above: Adolf Hitler and Blondi]
[Above: Adolf Hitler and Blondi]
[Above: Adolf Hitler and Hans von Tschammer und Osten, who played a major role in the 1936 Olympic Games.]
[Above: Full version.]
[Above: By artist Hubert Lanzinger]
[Above: By artist Karl Mahr]
[Above: This was done by Professor von Kursell, Berlin, publisher Hans Glogner, Neu-Isenburg-Berlin.]
[Above: Different version.]
[Above: As above, this is also done by Professor von Kursell, Berlin, publisher Hans Glogner, Neu-Isenburg-Berlin.]
[Above: This particular work was used on the cover of a telegram folder]
[Above: The House of German Art]
[Above: Joseph Goebbels in front of a beautiful painting of Adolf Hitler]
[Above: Kladderadatsch was a satirical German magazine first published in Berlin on May 7, 1848, and ran until 1944.]
[Below: This postcard is gorgeous! Yet, rather strangely, no swastika in the eagle's talons.]
[Above: Postcard.]
[Above: Information on the reverse of postcard.]
[Above: This postcard celebrates the 50th birthday of Adolf Hitler. On the reverse it says:
'Umsthendes Führer-Bildnis ist auch als Marmorbronze-Plakette in der Größe 40x53, gerahmt durch Verlag Fr. Scheibl "Die Welt von Heute" Wien IX. Pulverturmgasse 7'
Translates as -
'The portrait of the Führer is also available as a marble bronze plaque in the size 40x53, framed by the publisher Fr. Scheibl "The world of today" Vienna IX. Pulverturmgasse 7']
[Above: Wow! What is this place?]
[Above: This is by Albert Reich (1881–1942)]
[Above: 'Adolf Hitler - Our Führer - The Freer of the German People']
[Above: This is from a period book called 'Das Buch der N.S.D.A.P. (The Book of the N.S.D.A.P.). Click to enlarge!]
[Above: This is a postcard celebrating the freedom of the Saar region marked March 1935. (photo-harren, Nürnberg)]
[Above: An early postcard of the 'Hitler Song']
[Above: This is a strange and interesting postcard. It actually has Adolf Hitler's face from an ink stamp. It says 'Wir sind geboren, [.] für Deutschland zu sterben' which means 'We were born to die [.] for Germany'. The back of the card has some information: 'Gedenk - Karte Reichstags-Eröffnung am 21. März 1933 - Potsdam - Garnison - Kirche' which means 'Commemorative card Reichstag opening on March 21, 1933 - Potsdam - Garrison - Church'. This represents Potsdam Day, which was a ceremony for the re-opening of the Reichstag following the Reichstag fire.]
[Above: Here is the writing on the back.]
[Above: This one was done for Adolf Hitler's 53rd birthday.]
[Above: A self portrait done by Adolf Hitler himself]
[Above: A work showing Adolf Hitler in WWI]
[Above: A work showing Adolf Hitler in WWI]
[Above: Click to enlarge this AMAZING painting!]
[Above: 'Jugend' by Garvens, 1933]
[Above: 1933 commemorative coin]
[Above: 1933 Hindenburg - Hitler commemorative coin: 'Für ein freies
[Above: Brass plaque]
[Above: 'Heil Hitler'
[Above: 'Heil Hitler!'
[Below: Fritz Wiedemann, the German Consul-General in Tientsin, China. Note the artwork on his wall -- not that you could miss it!]
[Above: Allied invaders gaze upon the beauty they destroyed.]
[Above: This is a very odd painting of Adolf Hitler in a Christ-like pose. I'm pretty sure this is post war.]
[Above: This is from an alleged Spanish ration coupon set. It is one of many different types.]
[Above: An interesting modern work.]
[Above: Interesting...]
[Above: This book was published in 1939. No clue why this was written... maybe a Jew fantasizing?]
[Above: A drawing done in 1986 by a guy named Suresh Ramachandran]
[Above: Great job!]
[Above: This is awesome!]
It says:
'Was der könig eroberte, der fürst formte, der Feldmarschall verteidigte, rettete und einigte der Soldat.'
'What the king conquered, the prince formed, the Field-marshal defended, the soldier united and saved']
It's important to understand that the word 'Volk' is much more than just a people, but it is meant in a broader, community sense.]
geeintes und Stolzes
'For a free
united and proud