[Above: The Black Sun at the Wewelsburg Castle]

[Above: The party rally grounds at Nuremberg]

[Above: Wow, now that's a trolley! Notice the side says 'Reichs Minister Rudolf Hess'. It is advertising an upcoming speech.]

[Above: 'Die Juden sind unser Unglück' (The Jews are our Misfortune)]

[Above: An early party shrine]

[Above: RAD men at a party rally in Zeppelin Field.]

[Above: A camp for Norwegian Waffen-SS volunteers. Quisling is seen here touring the camp.]

[Above: Joseph Goebbels speaks!]

[Above: That strange black helmet that soldier is wearing is called an NSKK crash helmet. It has a giant eagle and swastika on the front and is easily one of the coolest helmets made during the 3rd Reich.]

[Above: Behold! The 'Cathedral of Light'!]

[Above: Berlin - enchanted and filled with hope]

[Above: Wondrous...]

[Above: Berlin - have you ever seen something more beautiful? More tranquil, clean and orderly?]

[Above: Albert Speer's 'Cathedral of Light'. Click to enlarge.]

[Above: Under the Linden, Berlin]

[Above: Under the Linden, Berlin]

[Above: Under the Linden, Berlin]

[Above: Under the Linden, Berlin. Click to enlarge (huge version for printing!) Notice the flags are taken down in this picture, this is probably for Mussolini's visit, where they put up Italian flags next to German ones.]

[Above: Under the Linden, Berlin. Another great shot, click to enlarge (huge version for printing!)]

[Above: Under the Linden, Berlin. Color postcard.]

[Above: Under the Linden, Berlin]

[Above: Berlin east-west thoroughfare]

[Above: Berlin, 1939]

[Above: The Knight's of Europe gather]

[Above: Berlin, 1930s]

[Above: Berlin, 1930s]

[Above: Joseph Goebbels villa on Lake Bogensee]

[Above: Joseph Goebbels villa on Lake Bogensee]

[Above: Joseph Goebbels villa on Lake Bogensee]

[Above: Joseph Goebbels villa on Lake Bogensee]

[Above: Joseph Goebbels villa on Lake Bogensee]

[Above: Entrance to the Brown House, Munich]

[Above: RAD labor camp]

[Above: Hundert Jahre 1835-1935 Deutsch Eisenbahnen (Hundred Years 1835-1935 of German Railways). German National Railway Exhibition, lobby entrance and tower, Nuremberg, 1935]

[Above: 'Company house, Gorkau']

[Above: Adolf Hitler at National Socialist party reception at the Führerbau, Berlin. The Führerbau was the Führer's building for entertaining while in Munich.]

[Above: Adolf Hitler on the balcony of the new Hotel Deutscher Hof in Nuremberg on the Reich Party Day.]

[Above: The hotel 'Der Deutsche Hof' in Nuremberg - reception room, the Führer's appartement.]

[Above: Koblenz-Horchheim, entrance to the Gneisenau-barracks.]

[Above: Japanese embassy in Berlin (architect: Ludwig Moshammer). Click to enlarge.]

[Above: 'German Museum by Night', Munich.]

[Above: Pylons in front of Brandenburg Gate for the birthday of Adolf Hitler, Berlin, 1939.]

[Above: A carnival celebrating the traditional fisherman's festival 'Stralauer Fischzug'. Incredible. I asked my friend 'How would you like to go on a 'Nazi' rollercoaster!?' To which she replied 'Yes, I'm on one right now!' Hahaha. What a great answer!]

[Above: Postwar - an old forgotten relic of the Age of Light.]

[Above: The Berghof, Obersalzberg.]

[Above: The Berghof, Obersalzberg - 'workroom of the Führer'.]

[Above: The Berghof, Obersalzberg - The Great Hall.]

[Above: The Berghof, Obersalzberg - The Great Hall (color version, but not as clear looking).]

[Above: Postcard of the Berghof, Obersalzberg, 'Große Halle' (Great Hall). Click to enlarge.]

[Above: Back of postcard. Click to enlarge.]

[Above: The Berghof, Obersalzberg - The Great Hall.]

[Above: The Berghof, Obersalzberg, The Great Hall]

[Above: The Berghof, Obersalzberg, view from The Great Hall to Untersberg]

[Above: Postcard of the Berghof, Obersalzberg, 'Speisesaal' (Dining Hall). Click to enlarge.]

[Above: Back of postcard. Click to enlarge.]

[Above: The Berghof, Obersalzberg.]

[Above: The Brandenberg Gate, Berlin.]

[Above: The capital of the Reich, Berlin, aflame with wonder.]

[Above: The capital of the Reich, Berlin, aflame with wonder.]

[Above: The capital of the Reich, Berlin, aflame with wonder.]

[Above: The capital of the Reich, Berlin, aflame with wonder.]

[Above: The capital of the Reich, Berlin, aflame with wonder.]

[Above: The capital of the Reich, Berlin, aflame with wonder.]

[Above: The capital of the Reich, Berlin, aflame with wonder.]

[Above: The capital of the Reich, Berlin, aflame with wonder.]

[Above: The capital of the Reich, Berlin, aflame with wonder.]

[Above: The capital of the Reich, Berlin, aflame with wonder.]

[Above: The capital of the Reich, Berlin, aflame with wonder.]

[Above: The capital of the Reich, Berlin, aflame with wonder.]

[Above: The capital of the Reich, Berlin, aflame with wonder.]

[Above: The capital of the Reich, Berlin, aflame with wonder.]

[Above: The capital of the Reich, Berlin, aflame with wonder.]

[Above: The capital of the Reich, Berlin, aflame with wonder.]

[Above: The capital of the Reich, Berlin, aflame with wonder.]

[Above: Marine-memorial in Laboe. Laboe is near Kiel, in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.]

[Above: A massive, beautiful DAF monument. ]

[Above: Wow, now that's a dinner setting!]

[Above: The Brown House, Munich, the early headquarters of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP)]

[Above: 'The Cathedral of Light', Reich Party Day, 1936, Zeppelin field]

[Above: The Cathedral of Light, as seen from the outside]

[Above: One of the spotlights used for The Cathedral of Light]

[Above: The Cathedral of Light and the Führer prepares to speak]

[Above: 'Home of German hikers', Frankfurt]

[Above: A monument in the sky - planes flying in a swastika formation, Nuremberg, 1935.]

[Above: Office of the Obergruppenführer Brückner.]

[Above: 'Ich bin Sozialist, weil es mir unverständlich
erscheint, eine maschine mit sorgfalt zu pflegen und zu
behandeln, aber den edelsten vertreter der arbeit, den menschen
selbst, verkommen zu lassen'
(I am a socialist, because it seems incomprehensible to me to
cultivate and treat a machine with care, but to let the
noblest representative of the work, the human being itself, degenerate
-Adolf Hitler)]

[Above: An American invader surveys his murderous deeds. These magical ruins are in Leipzig and are a Monument to the Battle of the Nations. The statues seem to frown down upon him... A short time before this invader tresspassed this place, on April 18, 1945, it was one of the final strongholds in the city to surrender. One hundred and fifty Waffen-SS soldiers had dug themselves in, with ammunition and supplies to last three months. Unfortunately they were murdered with Allied artillery.]

[Above: The beautiful Neulandhalle in 1936. The building was a National Socialist model project in which 93 farms were given to selected NSDAP members. In 1935, Adolf Hitler laid the foundation stone for the building, a year later, the hall was inaugurated. The Neulandhalle was a National Socialist meeting place and training center for the settled farmers.]

[Above: The beautiful Neulandhalle]

[Above: The beautiful Neulandhalle]

[Above: This beautiful work was done by an artist named Franz Mikorey, Dessau, 1942.]