[Below: Horst Wessel (October 9, 1907 - Feb 23, 1930)]
[Below: If you look closely you can see this 1929 Nurnberg Party Day badge on his right pocket.]
Below is an account by an unknown person and the doctor who operated on Wessel:
"When Horst Wessel was brought into Friedrichshain Hospital after being shot point-blank in his apartment, his condition was said to be hopeless and that he could no longer be saved. He was taken away to the hospital at about 10:30 p.m. and arrived twenty minutes later at the emergency room. Here he underwent emergency surgery until 12:45 a.m., "without anesthesia". On January 15 the hospital reported that the patient was "not fit to be questioned".
Horst Wessel lied on his bed, without being able to talk, for his tongue was greatly swollen; clamps, by which the bleeding had been stopped, still in his mouth. On the sign above the bed was written: "Horst Wessel, 22 years old!". In the first hours, in which he still could not talk, he wrote his wishes on notes, but soon the tongue swelling receded, the clamps could be removed and he began to speak again. His nurse, who stood at the bed, was very friendly and close to the young patient, whom she became concerned with, because of his brave behavior and the whole nature of the young, wounded man, which impressed her again and again.
Despite the seriousness of his state, he didn’t made the impression of someone severely ill. He became rather lively when visitors came to see him. He received numerous visits from Dr. Goebbels and a few comrades from the SA, and it is even told that Prince August Wilhelm of Prussia paid a short visit to him.
He was the happiest when his friends visited him. He always spoke of his goals and of his ideas, and almost never complained about his pain, which must have often been terrible. He often told to his nurse that his throat hurt. But he still believed, and was firmly convinced that he was on the road to recovery.
This condition lasted a few days. One day a nurse commented that he wasn’t doing well. He never recovered again.
On February 22, a Saturday afternoon, his nurse found him in agony. The doctors were working on him and he received a huge amount of oxygen and injections. His mother and sister were there and his close friend Sturmführer Fiedler. When Fiedler returned with fifteen of Horst Wessel’s most faithful friends, he was lying on the bed with closed eyes, not moving and breathing heavily. But when he heard his comrades, he raised his right arm in greeting with his last strength. His mother and sister sat at the end of the bed. Often words came to his lips, but we could no longer understand anything. His friends stood watch before the door.
The next day Horst Wessel had died."
Here follows the portrayal of the director of the hospital who personally operated on Horst Wessel.
"On January 14, 11.30 p.m., Horst Wessel was delivered here after heavy blood loss. His face was encrusted with blood, he could not talk and in order to prevent bleeding to death, immediate treatment was required.
The artery was successfully tied off, and the bleeding then stopped entirely.
From the x-rays you can see the nature of the wound.
Above the corner of the mouth is the entrance hole, the upper jaw is injured, one sees bone splinters and a bullet fragment in the cheek. The bullet passed through the tongue and stopped in the throat in front of the second cervical vertebra, an extremely dangerous location. We fought against the condition of weakness with the usual means, and the patient initially recovered quite tolerably. But I still had the impression of a seriously ill man, who bravely, almost stubbornly, rebelled against his miserable state.
On January 17 Horst Wessel could again speak and drink fluids, only the hearing in the left ear was still very weak. At the end of January an improvement was noticeable, but we did not know whether the cervical vertebra had been injured by the bullet fragment in the throat. I attempted to approach the bullet in the throat with a probe. But I had to cease immediately, for the patient collapsed lifeless on the table in front of me. That was the first sign that the illness proceeded pitilessly. On February 11 the condition was very serious. Fever attacks occurred more and more frequently.
On February 13 an improvement of the general condition was noticeable. Bullet fragments and bone splinters broke through, and we thought: maybe we’ll make it after all. But the pains at the cervical vertebra, of which he complained, were very ominous to me. For if this bone was injured, the patient was irretrievably lost. Even the slightest penetration into this life essential area had to lead to a gradual decline, to blood poisoning.
From February 15 onward the condition worsened more and more and his strength receded.
On February 19 the condition worsened. The patient is very restless and the pains became even more tormenting.
On February 20 shivering fits set in.
On February 21 the patient became more yellow, and others symptoms of a general blood poisoning shown themselves.
On February 22 it was a certainty to us that despite all efforts the second cervical vertebra was injured and the patient could no longer be saved.
On February 23, at around six-thirty in the morning he quickly passed away." '
The flag on high! The ranks tightly closed!
The SA march with quiet, steady step.
Comrades shot by the Red Front and reactionaries
March in spirit within our ranks.
Comrades shot by the Red Front and reactionaries
March in spirit within our ranks.
Clear the streets for the brown battalions,
Clear the streets for the storm division!
Millions are looking upon the swastika full of hope,
The day of freedom and of bread dawns!
Millions are looking upon the swastika full of hope,
The day of freedom and of bread dawns!
For the last time, the call to arms is sounded!
For the fight, we all stand prepared!
Already Hitler's banners fly over all streets.
The time of bondage will last but a little while now!
Soon Hitler's banners will fly over all streets.
The time of bondage will last but a little while now.
The flag on high! The ranks tightly closed!
The SA march with quiet, steady step.
Comrades shot by the Red Front and reactionaries,
March in spirit within our ranks.
Comrades shot by the Red Front and reactionaries,
March in spirit within our ranks.
-Written by Horst Wessel.
[October 9, 1907 - February 23, 1930.
Martyred at the age of 22.
The Horst Wessel song became the National Socialist party anthem.]
[Below: The first stanza of Horst Wessel, written by Wessel himself for a comrade! Circa 1929.]
[Below: The reverse of this postcard says: ' Mit Genehmigung der Horst Wessel Erben (With the permission of Horst Wessel Heirs). Verkauf durch (Sale by) Nordd. Städte-Verkehrswerbung, Hannover-Hainholz, Ruf 26800'.]
[Below: WOW!!!]
[Below: Two martyrs: Albert Leo Schlageter and Horst Wessel (right).]
[Below: Postcard with rare Horst Wessel cancel.]
[Below: Same cancel as above but the next day.]
[Below: Postcard with rare Horst Wessel cancel, from the next month in February.]
[Below: Envelope from Bohemia and Moravia addressed to Horst Wessel Plaza.]
[Below: Postcard with embossed swastika and Horst Wessel Lied (publisher: Postkarten-Gründler, Vienna, XV-101).]
[Below: Double-side card with The Horst Wessel Lied (Die Fahne Hoch!) on one side and Deutschlandlied on the other.]
[Below: Horst Wessel's identification book.]
[Below: Horst Wessel's identification books.]
[Below: This is taken from a nursery school book. It contains the first verse of Horst Wessel Lied.]
[Below: The inner label of a period German record with the Horst Wessel Lied.]
[Below: A different inner label of a period German record with the Horst Wessel Lied.]
[Below: An assortment of inner labels of period German records with the Horst Wessel Lied.]
[Below: A music box!]
[Below: Sheet music for Horst Wessel Lied.]
[Below: 'Kriegskunst in Wort und Bild' translates as 'The Art of War in Words and Pictures'.]
[Below: A book cover by von Fritz Daum.]
[Below: The Horst Wessel song - 'Kampflied der nationalsozialistischen Bewegung' (Battle song of the National Socialist movement).]
[Below: A poster for the film 'Hans Westmar'.]
[Below: A poster for the film 'Hans Westmar'.]
[Below: The actor from 'Hans Westmar'.]
[Below: Die Fahne hoch! - Horst Wessel Lied.]
[Below: Close-up of image of Wessel.]
[Below: The sheet music for Horst Wessel Lied.]
[Below: A handmade and signed score of Horst Wessel Lied sent to Adolf Hitler by Wessel himself!]
[Below: A booklet entitled Das Neue Soldaten Liederbuch (The New Soldier's Song Book)]
[Below: Back of Das Neue Soldaten Liederbuch (The New Soldier's Song Book) ]
[Below: Inside of Das Neue Soldaten Liederbuch (The New Soldier's Song Book) showing Horst Wessel Lied.]
[Below: Booklet with Horst Wessel Lied.]
[Below: Wessel on the back sleeve of 'Ein Kampf um Deutschland'.]
[Below: A bronze memorial of Horst Wessel.]
[Below: A tinnie of Horst Wessel.]
[Below: This is by Karl Bauer.]
[Below: As above, but from a book with caption.]
[Below: This is also by Karl Bauer.]
[Below: This is also by Karl Bauer, but from a book with caption.]
[Below: Unknown artist.]
[Below: Unknown artist.]
[Below: Horst Wessel by Elk Eber.]
[Below: Unknown artist.]
[Below: A young Horst Wessel.]
[Below: Horst Wessel.]
[Below: Horst Wessel and comrades.]
[Below: Horst Wessel close-up.]
[Below: Horst Wessel.]
[Below: Horst Wessel in military uniform.]
[Below: Horst Wessel.]
[Below: A suave Horst Wessel taking time off from making history.]
[Below: Horst Wessel.]
[Below: Horst Wessel, the man, the legend, in his most famous picture. Click to enlarge.]
[Below: Colorized picture from a martyr memorial card from a series of releases called 'Men of our Times'. Click to enlarge.]
[Below: Art inspired by the shots above. Click to enlarge.]
[Below: Cover of 1932 book 'Horst Wessel - Leben und Sterben' (Horst Wessel - Living and Dying). Click to enlarge.]
[Below: Cover of book 'Horst Wessel in Pictures'. Click to enlarge.]
[Below: Cover of book 'Wegbereiter und Vorkämpfer für das neue Deutschland' (Pioneer and champion for the New Germany). Click to enlarge.]
[Below: Horst Wessel (left foreground with raised hand) with his comrades, Reichs Party Day, Nuremburg, 1929.
The caption on this photo says 'Horst Wessel an der Spitze seines Sturmes in Nürnberg, 1929' = 'Horst Wessel at the head of his men in Nuremburg, 1929']
[Below: A few minutes apart from the above picture, Horst Wessel at the 1929 Reichs Party Day.]
[Below: Horst Wessel funeral speech by Joseph Goebbels (.mp4)]
[Below: Adolf Hitler speaking at Wessel's gravesite.]
[Below: Adolf Hitler speaking at Wessel's gravesite.]
[Below: : Adolf Hitler, Joseph Goebbels and many others at the grave of Horst Wessel, January 22, 1933, Berlin. Courtesy of the Bundesarchiv.]
[Below: Adolf Hitler, Joseph Goebbels and many others at the grave of Horst Wessel, January 22, 1933, Berlin.]
[Below: Wessel's coffin being loaded into a hearse, near Buelow Platz, Berlin.]
[Below: The martyr-poet Horst Wessel's coffin being lowered into the ground.]
[Below: The final look.]
[Below: Horst Wessel's grave with honor guards.]
[Below: Video still of Joseph Goebbel's visit to Horst Wessel's grave, 1933. 'We did it, comrade'...]
[Below: School girls visit Horst Wessel's grave.]
Saint Mary's and Saint Nicolas Friedhof I cemetery is a beautiful old place, first opened in July 27, 1802. Here's a look at the old cemetery today... so sad.
[Below: Monument to Horst Wessel. 'Die Fahne hoch!' = Raise the Flag!]
[Below: Monument to Horst Wessel.]
[Below: Monument to Horst Wessel.]
[Below: Monument to Horst Wessel.]
[Below: Brown Shirts serve as honor guards at Horst Wessel's portrait.]
[Below: Statues and porcelain were also made in Horst Wessel's image.]
[Below: English article on Wessel.]
[Below: The sculptor Paul Gruson working on a Horst Wessel bust.]
[Below: Horst Wessel bust 'The German Freedom Fighter'.]
[Below: Another bust of Horst Wessel.]
[Below: Statue of Horst Wessel.]
[Below: Police and party members in front of the Horst Wessel House.]
[Below: Horst Wessel's quarters were enshrined after his death.]
[Below: Inside Horst Wessel's quarters.]
[Below: Inside Horst Wessel's quarters (from a newspaper).]
[Below: Horst Wessel newspaper clipping.]
[Below: Horst Wessel death certificate.]
[Below: Horst Wessel death certificate.]
[Below: Horst Wessel was honored on a NSDAP standard.]
[Below: Machine Woven (BeVo) Waffen-SS Enlisted Man's Cuff Title for the 18.SS-Volunteer Panzer Grenadier Division "Horst Wessel" - The 18.SS-Freiwilligen-Panzergrenadier-Division "Horst Wessel". Also note the Horst Wessel honor cuff in the picture above. You can just see the 'essel' on his cuff.]
[Below: Here's a better picture of another Wessel cuff title, but with obvious differences. Click to see more.]
[Below: By order of Adolf Hitler on March 24, 1936 (order LV 36, No. 457) and dated April 6, 1936 was the Fliegergeschwader Dortmund (later renamed Zerstörergeschwader 142 and ZG 26). This was for a wing in the Luftwaffe in which the aircraft were purchased from donations from the SA!]
[Below: Collar tab of the 18. SS-Freiwilligen-Panzergrenadier-Division 'Horst Wessel', which was formed in 1944.]
[Below: Here is a donation stamp showing a boat named after Wessel. Segelschulschiff basically means 'training sail boat'.]
[Below: Unsure if this is the same boat mentioned above.]
[Below: Horst Wessel Platz (square/plaza). Click to enlarge.]
[Below: Horst Wessel Platz (square/plaza).]
[Below: Another Horst Wessel street, there was many of them all over Germany.]
[Below: 1943 document referencing a Horst Wessel school in Bremen.]
[Below: Envelope advertising a Horst Wessel book called 'Leben und Sterben' (mit 25 unveröffentlichten Bildern) 'Live and Die' (with 25 unpublished images). Front/reverse.]
[Below: Mugshots of the disgusting commie (Albrecht 'Ali' Höhler) who murdered Wessel in cold blood. This degenerate coward literally shot him in the dark.]
[Below: Here is a tab containing a description from the German Archive. It says:
'Letter from Horst Wessel's mother, Margarete Wessel, to the religious nun Ottilie Langer who offered to donate blood for the injured Horst Wessel. 5.2.1930'.]
[Below: Envelope from Horst Wessel's mother. Note the black border on the envelope, this was used in Germany during periods of mourning.]
[Below: Reverse of envelope.]
[Below: Letter from Margarete Wessel to Ottilie Langer. Extra special thanks to M. Wolf for getting this translated! Front.]
[Below: Letter reverse.]
Letter translation, first the original German:
'Sehr geehrte, liebe Schwester!
Für Ihr so opferwilliges Angebot, meinem Jungen zur Genesung und Wiedererstarkung zu helfen, möchte ich Ihnen als Mutter meinen allerwenigsten Dank sagen. Ich habe mit dem Arzt selbst gesprochen, doch hält er eine Transfusion im Augenblick nicht für angebracht und zweckmäßig. Zwar hat mein Sohn allzuviel Blut eingebüßt und wird sich wohl nur schwer erholen, aber ich muß mich ja bis mir selbst einmal der Tod die Last von der Seele nimmt. Trotzdem danke ich allen, die so liebevoll Anteil nehmen an meinem Kummer und Herzeleid. So auch Ihnen, liebe Schwester, später möchte ich Ihnen gern einmal die Hand drücken. Einstweilen begrüße ich Sie als Ihre ergebene Margarete Wessel'
English translation:
'Dear Nun!
I would like to thank you as a mother for your sacrificial offer to help my boy recover. I have spoken to the doctor myself, but he does not think transfusion is appropriate at the moment. My son has lost too much blood and will probably have a hard time recovering, but I have to do it until death takes the burden off my soul. Nevertheless, I would like to thank everyone who takes such loving interest in my grief and heartbreak. So too, dear sister, later I would like to shake your hand. For the time being, I greet you as your devoted Margarete Wessel'.]
Below are pictures from the archive of Sister Ottilie Langer and a monument honoring Horst Wessel.
[Below: Photo #1. Front.]
[Below: Photo #1. Reverse.]
[Below: Photo #2. Front.]
[Below: Photo #2. Reverse.]
[Below: Photo #3. Front. Horst Wessel monument in Elgersburg, Germany (Thuringia).]
[Below: Photo #3. Reverse.]
[Below: Another item from the same German archive is this letter to Magnus von Levetzow, Police Chief of Berlin, announcing the renaming of Buelowplatz (Buelow Square) in central Berlin to Horst Wessel Platz.]
[Below: Here is a book by the famous writer Hanns Heinz Ewers written in 1934.]
[Below: Art for a fighter squadron named after Wessel, 1938.]
[Below: Art of Wessel and his SA.]
[Below: An American pamphlet with the Horst Wessel Lied lyrics.]
[Below: Here is a modern picture LP dedicated to Horst Wessel.]
[Below: Here is another picture LP by probably the same label and time period.]
[Below: Here is a RAC band called Landstorm from the Netherlands from around 1997/1998 that titled their album Horst Wessel Lied. This version was released in 2014. Cover.]
[Below: Inside/cover.]
[Below: Inside enlarged.]
[Below: Back.]
[Below: CD.]
[Below: Here is a Japanese cassette cover from a band called 'Harkenkreuz'. This demo was from 1994 and titled 'Horstwessel'.]
[1970s seven inch outer sleeve]
[Below: Here's a recent shirt honoring Wessel. Note that the forbidden symbol is covered in a yellow circle. Midgaard.org is a huge online store based in Sweden. Check it out H E R E]
[Below: Here is a beautiful wooden box honoring Wessel. The images have been hand burned onto the wood. Front/spine.]
[Below: Front.]
[Below: Inside.]
[Below: Back.]
[Below: Here's a fantasy stamp from 2023 featuring Wessel.]