- September 3, 2013 -
Tuesday (Tyr's Day)
(waning crescent moon)
Dedicated to Savitri Devi (September 30, 1905 - October 22, 1982).
The vibrant voice of National Socialism.
The guiding light to a new, better, and worthier age.
Your words are warm sunshine in these dark times.
Happy 108th birthday Savitri!
Good luck and make sure you write us if you are clever enough to get this one! Once again, additional photos and videos await those who crack the code and reach the hidden page.
[Below: The music in the background is Richard Wagner]
[Below: The music in the background is a Skrewdriver cover by Block 11 called 'Patriot' from their CD 'Last Act of War']
[Below: The music in the background is 'The Colours of My Battle' by Block 11 from their CD 'Here We Are']
[Below: The music in the background is 'Can You Hear Us' by Blue Max from their CD 'United']
[Below: The music in the background is 'Black Sun Rising' by Cryptic Might from their CD 'Circle of Blood']
[Below: The music in the background is 'Soleil dela Mort' by Empire Perdue from their CD 'Decadence Culture']
[Below: The music in the background is 'Anden Fuhrer' by Endlosung']
[Below: The music in the background is 'Farewell White Woman' by Ferox from the CD 'VĂ¥rt Svenska Lynne'. This song uses the lyrics of the David Lane poem of the same name.]
[Below: The music in the background is 'Final Fight' by Hassgesang from the CD 'B.Z.L.T.B.']
[Below: The music in the background is 'Final Fight' by Hassgesang from the CD 'B.Z.L.T.B.']
[Below: The music in the background is 'The Core of Hate' by Hatepigs from the CD 'Wake Up']
[Below: The music in the background is 'Final War' by Hetzjagd from the CD 'Revolution']
[Below: The music in the background is 'Nordland' by Landser from their CD 'Das Reich kommt wieder']
[Below: The music in the background is '99 Judenschweine' by Volkszorn from their CD 'Der Ewige Jude']
[Below: A banner being born...]
[Below: A few days before the shoot--testing out the make-up and headdress]
*All images are strictly copyrighted. They may not be displayed via internet or printed form in any manner without our written permission, nor are they to be altered in any form whatsoever. Violators shall be vigorously prosecuted by international law.