• Here we shall place everything award certificates from everything to military and paramilitary awards to sports certification documents.

    [Below: Here is a very interesting group of award documents spanning one remarkable soldier's career. His name was Karl Engel and his journey began during the Spanish Civil War. This first document was awarded by Spain to the Germans who helped them fight the communists. This document is for the Medal for the Campaign of 1936-1939 (Spanish: Medalla de la Campaña 1936-1939), the document being dated September 30, 1938. The document itself is very large and made of a very thick paper. It's really quite beautiful.]

    [Below: Close-up.]

    [Below: The Medal for the Campaign of 1936-1939.]

    [Below: Award box.]

    [Below: This second award document (a German award/document), larger than normal German award documents, is also for the Spanish Civil War, awarded June 6, 1939. It says:

    'Im Namen
    Deutschen Volkes
    verleihe ich
    dem Gefreiten Karl Engel
    als Anerkennung
    für Seine Leistungen als Freiwilliger
    im Spanischen Freiheitskampf
    Deutsche Spanien-Kreuz
    in Silber mit Schwertern'

    (On behalf of
    of the
    German people
    I bestow
    to Private Karl Engel
    in recognition of
    his achievements as a volunteer
    in the Spanish War of Independence
    German Spanish Cross
    in Silver with Swords).]

    [Below: The beautiful Spanish Cross in Silver with Swords.]

    [Below: This third award document is dated January 30, 1943. It says:

    'In Namen des Führers
    und Obersten Befehlshabers
    der Wehrmacht
    verleihe ich dem
    Karl Engel
    geb. 28.3.1912
    Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2. Klasse
    mit Schwertern'

    (In the name of the Führer
    and Supreme Commander
    of the Wehrmacht
    I award the
    Karl Engel
    born 28.3.1912
    War Merit Cross 2nd Class
    with Swords).]

    * This is signed by General der Flieger [General of the Flyers] Richard Putzier.

    [Below: Richard Putzier.]

    [Below: The War Merit Cross 2nd Class with Swords.]

    [Below: This fourth award document is dated January 30, 1944. It says:

    'In Namen des Führers
    und Obersten Befehlshabers
    der Wehrmacht
    verleihe ich
    Karl Engel
    Kriegsverdienstkreuz 1. Klasse
    mit Schwertern'

    (In the name of the Führer
    and Supreme Commander
    of the Wehrmacht
    I award the
    Staff Sergeant
    Karl Engel
    War Merit Cross 1st Class
    with Swords).]

    *This is signed by Luftwaffenbefehlschaber Mitte Generaloberst Hans-Jürgen Stumpff.

    [Below: Generaloberst Hans-Jürgen Stumpff.]

    [Below: The War Merit Cross 1st Class with Swords.]

    [Below: This fifth award document is dated November 9, 1944. It says:

    'In Namen des Führers
    verleihe ich
    Karl Engel
    23./Fsch.Flak-Rgt. H.G. das
    Eiserne Kreuz
    2. Klasse'

    (In the name of the Führer
    I award the
    Staff Sergeant
    Karl Engel
    23./Fsch.Flak-Rgt. H.G. the
    Iron Cross
    2nd Class).]

    *Note that this is signed by the Generalmajor und Kommandierender General of the elite Fallschirm-Panzer-Division 'Hermann Göring', the Luftwaffe's only armoured division. By this time Karl Engel was also a member of the legendary group.

    [Below: The Iron Cross 2nd Class.]

    [Below: This sixth document is not an award certificate, instead it is a sad death certificate from September 20, 1942 for Karl Engel's brother Josef. Its poor shape tells that it was probably carried with his brother for many years. It says:

    Führers, Volk und Vaterland
    Starb den Heldentod
    am 28.7.1942
    der Mtr. Ob. Gefr.
    Josef Engel
    Im Auftrage
    des Oberbefehlschabers der
    Kriegsmarine ist darüber diese
    Urkunde ausgestellt worden.'

    Führer, Volk and Fatherland
    Died a heroic death
    on 28.7.1942
    the Mtr. Ob. Gefr.
    Josef Engel
    On behalf of
    of the Commander-in-Chief of the
    Kriegsmarine this
    certificate has been issued).]

    [Below: Eagle close-up.]

    [Below: Ink Kriegsmarine stamp close-up.]

    [Below: Hmm... this looks pretty unassuming at first glance. It's a large, heavy folder. It opens up like a large greeting card to reveal this...]

    [Below: Beautiful! This is a school award. It says:

    'Zur Erinnerung an die Schulzeit auf dem Staatlichen Gymnasium in Fulda.'

    (In memory of school days at the state grammar school in Fulda)]

    [Below: I love the vibrant colors! Being closed for 80 years really kept the colors sharp.]

    [Below: This is an award document for The Honor Cross of the World War 1914/1918, commonly known as the Hindenburg Cross, although incorrectly called this. This is signed by the police president in Kiel.]

    [Below: Beautiful ink stamp.]

    [Below: The medal itself. It came in three grades, one with a wreath and swords (as seen here), one minus the wreath and swords, and a black version for next of kin. It also was awarded to presumably higher ranked soldiers in a red or black case.]

    [Below: This large certificate is made of thick paper and says:

    (Discharge certificate).

    Further down the student is evaluated overall:

    Körperlich: sehr gut
    Charakterlich: sehr gut
    Geistig: gut begabt
    Gesamterfolg: gut'

    (Physical: very good
    Character: very good
    Mental: well gifted
    Overall success: good)

    It states that the pupil, Irmgard, is graduating from the 8th grade.

    [Below: Here it lists the classes and her grades. The lessons are:

    'Religionslehre, Sprachlicher Ausdruck, Rechtschreiben, Lesen, Heimatkunde, Erdkunde, Naturekunde, Geschichte, Rechnen, Formenkunde, Zeichnen, Schreiben, Singten, Turnen, Nadelarbeiten, Werkunterricht'

    (Religious Education, Linguistic Expression, Spelling, Reading, Local History, Geography, Natural History, History, Arithmetic, Form Studies, Drawing, Writing, Singing, Gymnastics, Needlework, Handicraft Lessons)]