• Before you are incredibly rare newsletters which were distributed in the United States from Germany. They were published from 1939 until the United States entry into WWII. There seems to be no information about these publications on the entire internet and every person I've asked has never heard of them before. We can only guess that they were printed in very low numbers. The paper is acidic and very fragile and I'm sure this hasn't helped their preservation (it is watermarked 'Spree Post').

    Who published them?
    All we know for sure is that 'H.R. Hoffmann from Starnberg/Bavaria, Germany' is listed as a mailing address.

    Did some German media company or department of the government have a hand in them?
    We can't say for sure, but the information is very in-depth and well-informed. The information within is derived from a wide variety of sources around the world. Even the American writer/broadcaster Edward Leo Delaney's radio speeches are transcribed in some of the issues (Delaney was the only American who broadcast for the Third Reich who escaped charges after the war).

    What were the purposes of News for Germany?
    Primarily they were to tell Americans the truth about happenings in Europe and combat British lies. And this they do spectacularly, it is incredibly interesting to hear the German side of things, which for the most part, most people have never heard, even over eighty years later. It is also exciting to read a Third Reich publication from the period in ENGLISH. As the issues go on they begin to explore German culture, hoping to familiarize Americans with Germany and combat the mountains of lies in the press. There are also articles and letters reprinted from American tourists on their experiences in Hitler's Germany.

    Why are they important?
    Not only do we finally get to read Germany's side of the first two years of the war, but within News for Germany is information you won't read elsewhere. Like the story of Britain's false flag attack on her own ship the SS Athenia. A ship which they tried to fill with Americans, fired on it with three destroyers, and then blamed it on a German U-boat. Except it didn't work out that way. The Athenia didn't sink for many hours and the majority of people survived, including an American man who went under oath that it was in fact three warships who fired on the ship. Till this very day they still hold fast to the lie that Germany sunk the Athenia. Proof? Well the Allied occupied government in Germany admitted it in 1946!!! What a joke.

    But, on with the show! I don't have a complete set of News for Germany, nor do I know exactly how many were published, but I have a good stack of them (thirty-nine of them!). I'll try to share them with you as soon as I can. Please write me and let me know your thoughts!