-|-Martin Friedrich
-Author of Myth and Sun, Hitler Avatara and Hitlerism.

-|-Miguel Serrano
-Courtesy of Excalibur journal (1988).

-|-Miguel Serrano
-Courtesy of The Flaming Sword (1994).

-|-Hermann Göring
-The Iron Man, in the hands of his enemies.

-|-Hubert Meyer
-Commander of the extraordinary 12th SS Panzerdivision 'Hitlerjugend'.

-|-James Mason
-National Socialist and author of Siege.

-|-The Enduring Legacy of Chandra Bose.-|-

-|-Elegy Records
-The Embattled Forge of the Underground.

-|-Carl Alessi
-Veteran National Socialist Artist.

-|-Kaci Mohand
-An interview with the administrator of the Algerian NS page 'El Afkar el Wataniya'.

-|-Gerhard Lauck
-An interview with one of National Socialist's most prolific fighters.

-|-Vera Oredsson
-An interview with Sweden's National Socialist Valkyrie.

-|-Otto Remer
An interview with WWII National Socialist hero by Radio Islam.

-|-Ahmed Rami
-A Light Bearer and Soldier of Truth (Part One).

-|-Ahmed Rami
-A Light Bearer and Soldier of Truth (Part Two).

-|-Jeff Schoep
-The National Socialist Movement.

-|-Matt Hale
-Prisoner of Injustice.

-An interview with Thomas Goodrich.

-|-Der Wehrwolf 'zine-|-

-|-Veronica K. Clark
-WWII Historian.

-|-Savitri Devi: The Woman Against Time
-Looking back with R.G. Fowler.

-|-The Animal Liberation Front
-With Ann Berlin.

-|- David Lane and the Brüder Schweigen:
The Men Against Time.

-|- Blood & Honour Interviews David Lane:
Summer 2006.

-|-W.O.T.A.N. and Pyramid Prophecy
-with Georg Baldursson.

-|- As the years drag on...
An interview with P.O.W. Chris Slavin.

-|- Hendrik Möbus Speaks -|-

-|- Evelyn Hill (hendrikmoebus.com)-|-

-|-Reinhard Logewolf-|-

-|- Unconventional Thoughts-|-

[Klicken Sie hier für alle Interviews auf Deutsch]

*All WWII interviews below were done by Brian. Read the interview below to learn more!

-A Soldier's Journey to Discover the Truth.

-|-Gudrun Himmler
-Daughter of Heinrich Himmler.

-|-Christel Thunen
-An interview with a BDM and Faith and Beauty member.

-|-George Isecke
-An interview with a member of the Waffen-SS LAH and HJ divisions.

-|-Maria Ivanovich
-An interview with a survivor of the murderous Allied bombing of Dresden.

-|-Karl Wolff
-An interview with an SS-Obergruppenführer and General of the Waffen-SS.

-|-Adolphus F.
-An interview with an early SA man and later member of the Waffen-SS LAH.

-|-Edda Göring
-An interview with Hermann Göring's daughter.

-|-Rudolf Jordan
-An interview with a former Gauleiter of National Socialist Germany.

-|-Irwin Rohers
-An interview with an Obergefreiter of the 7th Panzer division.

-|- -|-Reinhard Hardegen
-An interview with a former U-boat officer and Knights Cross winner.

-|-Harald Nugiseks
-An interview with a former member of the Waffen-SS Estonian Legion and Knight's Cross winner.

-|-Ludwig Ruckdeschel
-An interview with an former Gauleiter, member of the Reichstag, Waffen-SS, and the SA.

-|-Karl-Heinz Euling
-An interview with a member of the Totenkopf and Frundsberg divisions and winner of the Knight's Cross.

-|-Irene Rosenberg
-An interview with the daughter of Alfred Rosenberg.

-|-Leni Riefenstahl
-An interview with the director of Triumph of the Will and Olympia.

-An interview with a Lebensborn nurse from 1936 to 1945.

-|-Siegfried Wiskow and Liselotte
-An interview with a veteran of the battleship 'Gneisenau', and his wife.

-|-Mildred Gillars
-An interview with Axis Sally.

-|-Wilhelm Norkus
-An interview with a veteran of 29th Panzer Regiment and veteran of the Battle of Kursk.

-|-Hansgeorg Bätcher
-An interview with the extraordinary He 111 pilot.

-|-Jürgen Apfel
-An interview with a Third Panzer Division and Volksstrum veteran.

-|-Otto Remer
-An interview with the extraordinary man who put down the July 20, 1944 coup attempt in Germany.

-|-Martin Sandberger
-An interview with a member of the SS and head of various departments for internal security,
including the Sonderkommando 1a of Einsatzgruppe A, as well as the Sicherheitspolizei and SD.

-|-Trude Keller
-An interview with a member of the German Red Cross (D.R.K.), 1943-45.

-|-Lina Heydrich
-An interview with the wife of the extraordinary Reinhard Heydrich.

-|-Max Holtersdorf
-An interview with a Hitler Youth member and Berlin defender.

-|-Traute Bauer
-An interview with a German civilian who lived in Berlin during the Battle of Berlin.

-|-Paul Gölz
-An interview with a German veteran of the Battle of Normandy. -|-

-|-Fedor Kazan
-An interview with Fedor Kazan, Ukrainian 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Galician) and Ukrainian Defense Force member. -|-

-|-Karl Fuchs
-An interview with a German WWII firefighter in Hamburg. -|-

-|-Wilhelm Brachmann
-An interview with a pastor, professor and German Christians member. -|-

-|-Peter Eichhorn
-An interview with an NSDAP official during the Breslau defense (Festung Breslau - Fortress Breslau). -|-

-|-Vadim Mikailov
-An interview with a WWII Soviet soldier from the 27th Rifle Division.

-|-Bill Davis
-An interview with an American soldier from the 45th Infantry Division.

-An interview with a veteran of the 10th Panzer Division and the SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler.

-|-Princess Marie Adelheid
-An interview with Princess Marie Adelheid, staff member of Richard Walther Darré.

-|-Erhard Guhrs
-An interview with a veteran of the elite SS Division Leibstandarte.

-|-Walther Gerhold
-An interview with Kriegsmarine hero, Knight's Cross winner and one man torpedo crewman, Walther Gerhold.

-|-Wolfgang F.
-An interview with a soldier of the Waffen-SS Das Reich Division.

-|-Maria E.
-An interview with a retired German Professor regarding the image of the German soldier and the 3rd Reich.

-|-Willi Koch
-An interview with a Fallschirmjäger and Knight's Cross winner.

-|-Hedwig (Potthast) Staeck
-An interview with Heinrich Himmler's personal secretary.

-|-Dr. Rudolf Aschenauer
-An interview with defense attorney for many German soldiers and officials accused of war crimes.
Aschenauer was a member of the SA and NSDAP and also served on the Eastern Front during WWII.

-|-Horst Kraehe
-An interview with a General and coveted Blood Order holder.

-|-Hildegard Helmke
-An interview with widow of legendary Knight's Cross winner Michael Wittmann.

-An interview with a Waffen-SS soldier of the Der Führer Regiment, Das Reich Division.

-|-Rudolf von Ribbentrop
-An interview with former Waffen-SS tank officer and son of foreign minister Joachim von Ribbentrop.

-|-Hermann Blume
-Interview with Knight's Cross holder and veteran of the 24th Panzer Division.

-|-Ursula H.
-Interview with a BDM girl who worked with Ukrainian farmers for the 1942 harvest.

-Interview with an Armenian Wehrmacht/Waffen-SS volunteer.

-|-Richard Grimm
-Interview with an officer in Pioneer Battalion 305 and veteran of Stalingrad and Monte Cassino.

-|-Hans Schmidt
-Interview with author, lecturer, and Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler veteran.

-|-Erich Bissoir
-Interview with a member of SS Division Hitlerjugend.

-|-Wilhelm Mohnke
-Interview with General Wilhelm Mohnke, LSSAH member and Knight's Cross winner.
More importantly, Mohnke was personally made Kommandant by Adolf Hitler in the final days for the defense of the center district of Berlin.

-|-Frau Lagerlof
-Interview with a BDM girl and witness to the Nemmersdorf Massacre.

-|-Siegfried Milius
-Interview with the commander of the SS-Fallschirmjäger-Battalion 500/600.

-Interview with an office worker for the Gestapo.

-|-Herbert Axster
-Interview with Chief of Staff of the V2 rocket program and later a target of Operation Paperclip.

-Interview with a 7th SS Volunteer Mountain Division Prinz Eugen veteran.

-Interview with a print assistant for Der Stürmer.

-|-Alfred Stroebel
-Interview with an early SA Scharführer/Blockleiter.

-|-Wilhelm Reinecker
-Interview with veteran of the Totenkopf Division.

-Interview with an early member of the SA and SS TotenKopfverband,
a veteran of the Totenkopf Division that fought in 1944/45 to relieve Budapest, and most interestingly, a member of the Thule Society.

-Interview with a veteran of the heroic Dirlewanger Brigade.

-|-Martyna Turnau-Williams
-Interview with a supervisor at the Regensburg Messerschmitt factory.

-|-Josef H.
-Interview with Order Police and Wehrmacht veteran who saw action in Poland and France and later was assigned to Warsaw during the 1944 Uprising.

-|-Hannelore Dachs
-Interview with BDM member, NSDAP member, assistant to the regional party leader and widow of a fallen SS officer.

-|-Richard Daniel
-Interview with a Generalmajor and winner of the Knight's Cross with Oakleaves.

-|-Adi (Adolf)
-Interview with an SA member and IG Farben worker.

-|-Gerhard Treppner
-Interview with a veteran of the SS-Panzerdivision 'Totenkopf'.

-Interview with a veteran of the 44.Infanterie-Division Reichsgrenadier Division 'Hoch-und Deutschmeister'.

-|-Walter Hauck
-Interview with an officer of the Hitlerjugend Division, who fought at Normandy and was charged with war crimes.

-|-Karl Vacha
-Interview with an early Austrian National Socialist fighter, Blood Order winner and SS medic.

-|-Gunter P.
-Interview with a veteran from Fallschirmjager Regiment 6, who fought in the Battle of Normandy.

-|-Elisabeth Lubes
-Interview with a Luftwaffehelferin (signals and plane spotter).

-|-Svend Larsen
-Interview with a volunteer of the SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 24 'Danmark' (Nordland).
Larsen also volunteered in the Finnish Winter War 1939-40 and was a member of the Danish National Socialist Workers' Party (DNSAP).

-|-Hans Drexler
-Interview with a Knight's Cross winner and veteran of the Battle of Kursk.

-|-Heinrich Springer
-Interview with a Knight's Cross winner from the elite Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler.

-|-Albert Stenwedel
-Interview with Knight's Cross winner and Battalion Commander of the 13. SS-Gebirgs Division Handschar.

-|-Joachim Boosfeld
-Interview with Knight's Cross winner and Commander of 8. SS-Kavallerie Division 'Florian Geyer'.

-|-Eberhard Telkamp
-Interview with Knight's Cross winner and Regimental Commander of the 9. SS-Panzer Division 'Hohenstaufen'.

-|-Hans Bernau
-Interview with German Cross in Gold holder and Battalion Commander of the 5. SS-Panzer Division 'Wiking'.

-|-Fritz Haberstroh
-Interview with German Cross in Gold holder and soldier from the 22. SS-Kavallerie Division 'Maria Theresia'.

-|-Rudolf Ternedde
-Interview with German Cross in Gold holder and Regimental Commander of the elite 11. SS-Panzergrenadier Division "Nordland".

-|-Günther Ortmann
-Interview with Honor Roll Clasp winner and Battalion Commander of the SS-Police Division.

-|-Amadus Ahlf
-Interview with a soldier from the Leibstandarte-SS Adolf Hitler Reconnaissance unit.

-|-Max Hansen
-Interview with Knight's Cross winner with Oakleaves and Regimental Commander of the elite Leibstandarte SS-Adolf Hitler.

-|-Otto Heger
-Interview with winner of the Knight's Cross, German Cross, Honor Roll Clasp and Captain of Jäger Regiment 227.

-|-Heinz Scharf
-Interview with winner of the Knight's Cross, German Cross and member of the most successful German assault gun unit of the entire war:
the Sturmgeschutz-Abteilung 202.

-|-Werner Herrmann
-Interview with member of U-boat branch and crew of U-96 and later a consultant for the film Das Boot.

-|-Otto Weidinger
-Interview with the regimental commander of the SS Panzergrenadier Regiment 4 'Der Führer', a member of the 2nd SS Panzer Division 'Das Reich',
and winner of the Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords.

-|-Heinrich 'Hein' Greil
-Interview with a veteran of Großdeutschland guard battalion, regiment, and later part of 2nd Panzer Division.

-|-Irmgard Bormann
-Interview with the daughter of Private Secretary to the Führer Martin Bormann.

-|-Henri Fenet
-Interview with the Battalion Commander of the 33. Waffen Grenadier Division der SS Charlemagne and winner of the Knight's Cross.

-|-Ernst Krag
-Interview with the Battalion Commander of the 2. SS-Panzer Division 'Das Reich' and winner of the Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves.

-|-Hans von der Heide
-Interview with SS-Unterscharführer in the 10. SS-Panzerdivision 'Frundsberg'.

-Interview with a veteran of the Spanish Civil War and a volunteer in the Spanish Blue Division on the Eastern Front.

-|-Rupert Dangl
-Interview with winner of the German Cross in Gold, an instructor and SS-Untersturmführer in 2. SS-Panzer Division 'Das Reich'.

-|-Hans Thiesen
-Interview with a Scharführer from Totenkopf Division.

-|-Eberhard Heder
-Interview with Knight's Cross winner and Battalion Commander of 5. SS-Panzer Division 'Wiking'.

-|-Rudolf Garscha
-Interview with German Cross in Gold winner and Company Commander of 2. SS-Panzer Division 'Das Reich'.

-|-Kurt Söhrmann
-Interview with an SS-Unterscharführer of the elite SS Panzer Regiment 3, 'Totenkopf'.

-|-Oswald Van Ooteghem
-Interview with an Flemish SS-Untersturmführer of the Legion Flandern, war reporter and member of 27. SS-Freiwilligen-Grenadier-Division 'Langemarck' (SS-Jugend-Bataillon 27).

-|-Dietrich Ascher
-Interview with Knight's Cross winner and Assault Gun Commander of Sturmgeschütz-Brigade 259.

-|-Gerhard Stiller
-Interview with SS-Untersturmführer and combat medic from the elite 1st SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler,
later a Panzer instructor.

-|-Lisette Garnier
-Interview with a French civilian who lived through the war and subsequent German occupation.

-|-Walter Reder
-Interview with SS-Sturmbannführer and veteran of the SS Division 'Totenkopf' and Battalion Commander of the 16. SS-Panzergrenadier Division 'Reichsführer-SS'.
Reder was also a winner of the German Cross in Gold and Knight's Cross.

-|-Balthasar 'Bobby' Woll
-Interview with SS-Oberscharführer and Knight's Cross winner, veteran of the SS-Totenkopf-Division and
Tiger tank gunner extraordinaire in 1. SS-Panzer Division Leibstandarte SS-Adolf Hitler and later Panzer instructor.

-|-Heinz Jürgens
-Interview with Knight's Cross winner and Battalion Commander of the 4. SS-Panzergrenadier Division Polizei.

-|-Paul Egger
-Interview with Knight's Cross winner and Platoon Commander of the schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 502, credited with destroying 113 tanks.

-|-Herbert Willy
-Interview with a veteran of the Luftwaffe Flak-Regiment 23, who saw action on nearly every front of the war -- Czechoslovakia, Poland, France, the Balkans, Crete, Russia, and Normandy.

-|-Josef 'Sepp' Naber
-Interview with a Platoon Commander of the 2. SS-Panzer Division 'Das Reich'.

-|-Gustav Lombard
-Interview with Knight's Cross winner and Brigadeführer who commanded various elite divisions including the 8. SS-Division Florian Geyer and the 31. SS-Volunteer Grenadier Division.

-|-Walter Seebach
-Interview with Knight's Cross winner and the Regimental Adjutant of 11. SS-Panzergrenadier Division 'Nordland'.
Seebach ended the war as a SS-Hauptsturmführer (Captain), serving in Waffen-SS Germania/Wiking/Denmark.

-|-Alfons Stegmaier
-Interview with winner of the German Cross in Gold and Platoon Commander of 2. SS-Panzer Division 'Das Reich'.

-|-Hans-Martin Leidreiter
-Interview with winner of the German Cross in Gold and SS-Obersturmführer/Battalion Commander of the elite 1. SS-Panzer Division Leibstandarte SS-Adolf Hitler.

-|-Georges Colemonts
-Interview with Flemish SS-Oberscharführer Georges Colemonts who served in the Waffen-SS Legion 'Langemarck' and later the 2. SS-Panzer Division 'Das Reich' as a tank driver.
Colemonts was also the recipient of the coveted Honor Roll Clasp award.

-|-Erwin Bachmann
-Interview with Knight's Cross winner and SS-Obersturmführer who served in 'Germania', 'Wiking' and lastly 10. SS-Panzer 'Frundsberg', where he was given his own command and served as Battalion Adjutant.

-|-Hellmuth Vogel
-Interview with German Cross in Gold winner Hauptmann Hellmuth Vogel, Battalion Commander of 4. SS-Polizei Division.

-|-Willi Hein
-Interview with Knight's Cross winner and Battalion Commander of 5. SS-Panzer Division 'Wiking'.
Hein also earned the German Cross in Gold, the coveted Honor Roll Clasp and the Panzer Badge in Silver with 75 engagements!

-|-Kurt Sametreiter
-Interview with Knight's Cross winner and SS-Oberscharführer of the elite 1. SS-Panzerdivision 'Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler'.

-|-Helmut von Vollard-Bockelberg
-Interview with German Cross in Gold winner and Chief of Staff of the 11. SS-Panzergrenadier Division 'Nordland'.

-|-Ernst Barkmann
-Interview with Knight's Cross winner Ernst Barkmann, Panther tank commander of 2. SS-Panzer Division 'Das Reich'.

-|-Wilfried Richter
-Interview with Knight's Cross winner and SS-Obersturmführer of SS-Division 'Totenkopf' and later Panzerjäger (tank hunter) instructor.

-|-Ernst-Johann Tetsch
-Interview with Knight's Cross winner and SS-Sturmbannführer of the 10. SS-Panzer Division 'Frundsberg' and Major of the Schutzpolizei.

-|-Fritz Langanke
-Interview with Knight's Cross winner and Company Commander of the 2. SS-Panzer Division 'Das Reich'.

-|-Fredrik Jensen
-Interview with German Cross in Gold winner and SS-Obersturmführer Fredrik Jensen of the heroic 5. SS-Panzer Division 'Wiking'.

-|-Hans Siptrott
-Interview with German Cross in Gold winner and Tank Commander of the 1. SS-Panzer Division 'Leibstandarte SS-Adolf Hitler'.

-|-Karl-Heinz Boska
-Interview with Knight's Cross winner SS-Obersturmführer and Adjutant of the 2. SS-Panzer Division 'Das Reich'.

-|-Leo Franke
-Interview with German Cross in Gold winner SS-Hauptscharführer of the 10. SS-Panzer Division 'Frundsberg'.
Franke was also the winner of the coveted Honor Roll Clasp award.

-|-Erich Schmidt
-Interview with Wehrmacht veteran of the Norway campaign who was on board the doomed ship 'Blücher' and also fought on the Eastern Front and in Normandy.

-|-Frieda Zychski & Gerda Christian
-Interview with Frau Zychski, who was among the housekeeping staff of Hermann Göring. Frau Christian was the private secretary to Adolf Hitler and considered his 'favorite'.

-Interview with a veteran of the feared Totenkopf-Division. He fought in the invasion of France, on the Eastern Front and in the hellish battles in Hungary near the end of the war.

-|-Johann Weber
-Interview with a veteran of the Pioneer Battalion of the 319th Infantry Division of the Wehrmacht, who served on multiple fronts, eventually moved to occupation duty of the Channel Islands.

-|-Max O.
-Interview with an auxiliary in the SA, Berlin police officer and member of the Sicherheitsdienst.

-|-Jack Miller
-Interview with an American Operations Officer and a lead pilot of a B-17 crew of the 95th Bomb Group.

-|-Elke Mecklenburg
-Interview with an SS administration employee who was also the widow of SS officer Otto Mecklenburg.

-|-Anna Junkes
-Interview with mother of fallen Totenkopf soldier Walter Junkes.

-|-Heinz-Peter Wack
-Interview with an officer in the Pioneer Battalion 132 and winner of the German Cross in Gold.

-|-Pio Filippani-Ronconi
-Interview with an Italian volunteer in the Waffen-SS.

-|-Ernst Schmidt
-Interview with a U-Boat crewmember and officer.

-|-Walther Wüst
-Interview with the President of the Ahnenerbe and SS officer in the Security Service [Sicherheitsdienst, SD].

-|-Ludwig Machek
-Interview with German Cross in Gold winner and Feldwebel [Staff Sergeant] in 5. Kompanie, I. Bataillon, Jäger-Regiment 28, 8. Jäger-Division.

-|-E. Mayer
-Interview with veteran of the 10th Panzer Division, Reconnaissance Battalion, which saw action on all fronts.

-|-Reinholt S.
-Interview with veteran of the elite Hohenstaufen SS Division, SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. 20.

-|-Irma Bauer
-Interview with a member of the League of German Girls [BDM] during the war.

-|-Florentine Rost van Tonningen
-Interview with beloved Dutch National Socialist and SS member.

-|-Karoline "KK" Kondritz
-Interview with a civilian from Memel who survived the Russian onslaught and the Allied genocide of Dresden.

-|-Josef Biehl
-Interview with a former SS man at Dachau and later Wehrmacht veteran serving in France and Russia.

-|-Otto Kuche
-Interview with a member of the German police and later Wehrmacht. Kuche was an outspoken Hitler critic, but was later won over when he saw the rebirth of Germany and its people through National Socialism.

-|-Hein Soll
-Interview with a veteran of the final Waffen-SS division, the mythical 'Nibelungen'.
These heroic men fought a hopeless and deadly battle of slowing down the Allied juggernaut, thus saving countless of their helpless people.

-|-Friedrich-Wilhelm Wangerin
-Interview with a veteran of the Fallschirmjäger and winner of the Knight's Cross, German Cross in Gold and Honor Roll Clasp.

-|-Frieda Moser
-Interview with an extraordinary woman, who was a member of the Bund Deutscher Mädel (League of German Girls) and wife of a German soldier who was murdered by the Allies after surrendering.

-|-Wolfgang Barth
-Interview with a member of the 3rd Waffen-SS Panzer Division "Totenkopf" and veteran of the Battle of Kursk.

-|-Janos Moog
-Interview with a veteran of the 25th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS "Hunyadi" (1st Hungarian).

-|-Franz Schönhuber
-Interview with a veteran of Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler, Charlemagne and Nordland.

-|-Hans Braun
-Interview with an SS man who worked in the SS Main Office before and during the war.

-|-Jean Loustau
-Interview with a French SS officer who served in 'Kurt Eggers'.

-|-Siegfried T.
-Interview with a member of the Sicherheitspolizei and SS Einsatzgruppe 1.

-Interview with a member of the Sicherheitspolizei and Einsatzgruppe.

[Note that the above are two different men named 'Siegfried' and both were with the police and Einsatzgruppen!] -|-

-|-Julius A. Haber
-Interview with a member of 20th Panzer Division, Panzergrenadier-Regiment 59.

-|-Jan Munk
-Interview with a veteran of SS Regiment 'Westland' (Wiking) and SS Division 'Nibelungen'.

-|-Irmgard Decker
-Interview with a woman who lived in Essen during the war and lost a son who served in a Luftwaffe Flak Regiment.

-|-Ernst Germer
-Interview with a Knight's Cross winner and veteran of the Fallschirmjäger Regiment 1.
Germer fought in Poland, Norway, Holland, Crete, Russia, and Italy.

-|-Eberhard 'Hardy' Schmalz
-Interview with a Knight's Cross winner and Sturmgeschütz officer.

*Extra special thanks to Wolf, for the tireless help, research, translations and priceless assistance with these interviews. You've made these gems sparkle, comrade!

  • Note: The views expressed by those we interview are not necessarily those of Mourning the Ancient.
    This is a forum of free expression and thought depicting views which some might view as extreme.
    If you are offended by the ideals of freedom, you are unwelcome here anyway.
    From oldest to newest...

    Barathrum-|- Broken Hope-|- Burzum
    Carcass-|- Dark Tranquillity-|- Deteriorate-|- Einherjer
    Immolation-|- Indungeon/Thy Primordial-|- Master-|- Rudra
    Sacramentary Abolishment-|- Sigh-|- Theatre of Tragedy
    ...The Soil Bleeds Black-|- Swordmaster-|- Goddess of Desire
    Siebenbürgen-|- Opera IX-|- Abigor-|- Grabesmond
    Messe Noir-|- Subklinik-|- Pazuzu/Raventhrone
    Demoncy-|- Ninnghizhidda-|- ...And Oceans-|- Dark Moon
    Theatres des Vampires-|- Puissance-|- Ancient-|- Daemon/Beltane-|- Absu
    Deicide-|- Månegarm-|- Arckanum-|- Endymion-|- Rossomahaar
    Odium -|- Averse Sefira-|- Angelcorpse-|- Incantation
    Barathrum #2-|- Myrmidon-|- Full Moon Productions-|- Noctuary
    Acheron-|- Voluntary Human Extinction Movement
    Demonic Christ-|- Axis of Advance-|- Banshee
    Frozen Shadows-|- Gontyna Kry-|- Negura Bunget
    Nifelheim-|- Svartsyn -|- Lament
    Tears of Grief-|- Vesperian Sorrow -|- Allfather
    The Sins of Thy Beloved -|- Hixi -|- Judas Iscariot
    Capricornus/Thor's Hammer
    Veles/Dead Christ Commune
    Thunderbolt -|- Sadogoat-|- Evensong -|- Deinonychus
    Antaeus-|- Mortem -|- Autumn Tears
    Abyssic Hate-|- Pagan Hellfire-|- Thornspawn
    Frost-|- Opera IX -|- Angantyr -|- Spear of Longinus
    Ork -|- Merrimack -|- Rites of Degringolade -|- Solace Denied
    Urgrund-|- Midnight Syndicate-|- Ars Macabra
    Psicorragia-|- Acheron/Wolfen Society-|- In Peccatum
    Teratism-|- Stürmfuhrer -|- Ad Hominem
    Prussian Blue-|-Deteriorate (Mike Trush)-|-Antaeus
    Crimson Moon-|- Murderous Vision-|- Branstock
    Ordo Equitum Solis -|-Mortal Wish -|-Goatlord
    Black Widow-|- Black Widow #2 -|- Countess
    Seges Findere -|-Octainium -|-Bitter Peace -|-Haiduk
    Dark Awake -|-Abysmal Grief -|-Amen Corner
    -|-Falconer/Mithotyn -|-Halgadom -|- Melani Hess
    Sarcofago (Manu "Joker" Henriques)-|- Sarcofago (Fabio Jhasko)
    Vulcano (Zhema Rodero) -|- Block 11