Lynx and Lamb started performing by singing at WN
events in 2001 at a Eurofest in Sacramento California
at the age of 8. At that time they didn't play
instruments and just sang accapella. Dr. Pierce
mentioned that it might be cute to record a CD and
that is probably where the idea for the band was born.
Though in reality at the time we had no idea that it
would be anything more than a novelty to have children
singing White Pride songs. In 2003 we had to come up
with a name for a performance and the girls chose
Prussian Blue.
The Fragment CD had quite a bit of worldwide success
and so the girls felt that they could create something
much stronger the following year. They had improved
quite a bit as musicians and had written quite a few
new songs. April wanted the girls to have the chance
to create something that would be able to showcase the
girls talent as songwriters and also that would allow
the band to profit from their music rather than a
record company. The Gaede family put up the money to
record and print The Path We Chose which was released
in late 2005.
Meanwhile the band has received a huge amount of
attention from the controlled media granting
interviews with the BBC and Primetime as well as
articles or mention in GQ, Blender, Newsweek, Bliss ,
Elle Girl, to name just a few as well as
international attention and interviews in Nationalist
publications from Sweden and Iceland to Greece and
They are currently filming a documentary with Tiger
Aspect of the UK and have just released a "legal"
version of their music with the NPD in Germany titled
For The Fatherland which consists of Prussian blue
songs that are not banned yet by the German
government. Both of the girl's CDs are now verboten in
You've received a lot of attention from the
mainstream media recently. Can you tell us about your
experiences with this?
Well our first was a show we did for the BBC and
Louis Theroux and they called it Louis and the Nazis.
It had tom Metzger in it also. They are still using
footage of that, with comments taken out of context
and using it for the US TV . We have also done
interviews for Primetime ABC and one with a freelance
writer who ended up getting the story in GQ magazine.
We had a deal with Teen People to do an exclusive
interview and our mom made them agree that if we did
it they could ask us anything but they couldn't use
the words, " hate, white supremacist or Nazi" in the
title of the article. They agreed and than later some
other teen magazines found out ( Teen Vogue and Elle
Girl both wanted the interview also) and they pitched
a fit and a few Jews had a rally outside the Time
Warner building in NY in order to protest and so they
had to cancel the whole article….just because the Jews
got mad that they couldn't use those three words……
Meanwhile we have seen and read a lot of crazy things
about ourselves in the news. We have seen Donny
Deutsche ( The Bid Idea) say that we should be "thrown
in prison" for wearing the funny cartoon shirts of
Hitler and we have had psychologists that we have
never spoken to say we are mentally ill on Hannity and
Colmes. We have read fabulous and wild stories about
how our mom has raised us and how we perform in front
of flaming swastikas and that we study books that say
that Whites rule the world!!!! Sometimes the things
the media says are so crazy we just bust up laughing.
We figure that if what we believe and what we do was
really so bad they wouldn't have to exaggerate so much
to try to vilify us . Our mom thinks that it is proof
that we are on the right track.
It is said that no publicity is bad publicity, and it's
true. Those who stand against your message have only
furthered your cause. Your thoughts on this and has
interest in Prussian Blue picked up because of this?
Yes actually every time some stupid paper runs a
story on us or uses that silly Hitler T-shirt picture
we get money because our mom owns the copyright on the
picture and we have an agent in New York who sends the
publication a bill. So far the controlled media has
made us a lot of money by sensationalizing everything
we do.
Recently when the homosexual neighbors in our new town
protested us and it made national headlines we made
enough money for my mom to build the fence that she
wanted and to get some things for the yard…
Tell us about the name Prussian Blue, why it was
chosen and what is its meaning?
Your first release came out on Resistance Records.
I understand William Pierce of the National Alliance
heard the band play and signed you on and encouraged
you to put out a CD, which you did called 'Fragment of
the Future.' Your thoughts on this... how did you view
Pierce then and give us your thoughts of him after his
death. What do you think his death meant to the future?
We thought of Dr. Pierce kind of like a kid would a
famous person or a president or something. But also
like a kindly grandfather type. We cried when we heard
he died because it made a lot of people we know very
sad, we were about 10 when he died.
[April] In some ways Dr. Pierces death made a lot of
people step up to the plate and for a while I thought
that we would emerge stronger than ever. One could
argue that the WN community is stronger now than ever.
But it was fatal to the Alliance because it allowed a
few bad seeds to get in a controlling position and
they let it go to their heads.
April, you broke from the National Alliance because
of its new leader, E. Gliebe, and the direction he
took it after Pierce's death. It would seem a lot of people split from the National Alliance because of Gliebe,
and formed a new organization, National Vanguard. Can
you enlighten us on this whole situation?
Well it is a really long story but I will try
to keep it brief: After Dr. Pierce died he left no
successor. He named Erich Gliebe the head of the
Cosmotheist Church but not the National Alliance. He
left a board to decide that. When pressed on this
deathbed he would not name a successor. No one on the
board wanted to be the chairman so Erich got the job.
I was very supportive of Erich in this position.
After a year the board dissolved as the board members
asked for him to leave and charged him with misuse of
funds. I supported him still during this time
because I didn't have any reason to think otherwise.
Then in 2004 I became aware of some of the things that
Erich and Shaun Walker were doing that didn't seem
correct. Trips overseas at the NA expense, immoral
activities, refusal to disclose the financial
information of the NA and the biggest thing was that
I personally caught Erich in several lies about other
people. He would lie so much that he forgot what he
told whom and so he would contradict himself from one
conversation to the next. This was when I started to
question his behavior.
Also at this time he got
engaged to the "High Priestess of the Church of
Hitler" a retired stripper who went by the name of
Holiday. Erika and I had a disagreement when I
requested that she get rid of the Church of Hitler
website if she was going to be involved with the
Alliance since it was stupid and hobbyist. Things
went downhill from there and I decided that the best
thing to do was to ask for Erich to step down at a
public event. I had planned to stand up and do this at
the 2005 leadership conference but they found out
ahead of time and canceled the event. I joined with a
group of former members and created National Vanguard. is the website that we use to
promote our organization. I write for them on occasion...
I understand that there has been problems over your
first release with Resistance Records. Them not paying
you the promised amount for CD's sold, etc., so you
repressed it yourself and now Gliebe has threatened legal
action against you. Please shed some light on this for us.
[April] Gliebe has taken no legal action to date since
he has no contract and it is actually "Ratsistance" records that has violated the agreement, not Prussian
Blue. Shaun Walker has threatened that he would "throw me in jail" if I didn't pay him $7000 for the
CDs that the girls have sold but I told him to leave
us alone and we haven't heard back from him. It could
be though that was because he got arrested for a hate
crime soon after for a fight in a bar.
The whole situation of E. Gliebe being the new
operator of the National Alliance is fairly confusing,
filled with bitterness and controversy. How was he
able to take the reins, per se, and do you think
Pierce could have imagined the negative state the
National Alliance is in today?
[April] If Dr. Pierce was alive for a day he would go
to Hillsboro and blow Gliebe's brains out in my
Lynx and Lamb, you
are fraternal twins, born six minutes apart. How do
you feel this bond shapes your music? Do you feel you
can work better together because of this characteristic?
We recently saw an interview with Mary Kate and
Ashley Olsen, they do interviews like we do, answering
for each other or finishing each other's sentences.
It must be a twin thing…
They say that siblings have a unique ability to
compliment each other in music especially with their
voices, like the Carpenters or say the Osmonds…..that
must be true and it certainly had helped us to spend
so much time together. Sometimes we get on each
other's nerves but that is understandable I guess.
Some of your live performances have been marred
with controversy. The mainstream 'powers that be' have
canceled shows and attempted to give you a bad image,
calling you racists and the usual propaganda. Tell us
a little about these experiences and when can we
expect to be able to see Prussian Blue perform live in
the future?
We played at the Kern County Fair in the fall
of 2004. We did such a good job they asked us back
the next year. We wanted some of our friends to come
so we handed out fliers at the school. A girl who
didn't like us got upset about it and made a fuss to
the newspaper. The fair had to ask us not to perform
since they were afraid that the anti-racists would show
up and cause violence. Our mom agreed but noted that
the same night a Mexican Nationalist band involved
with La Raza was paid to perform at the fair.
Most of the people that object to our music have never
heard it, they just listen to sensational stories the
media makes up, really our music is really pretty
You've also experienced problems offstage, such as
in school. Are you still being home schooled? Why did
you have to leave your school to be home schooled? How
did your classmates treat you after learning of your
Lynx and Lamb never really "left" public
school . They were home schooled due to the low
quality of the schools in our area. Now they attend
public school because we moved to a nice area in
Montana and the schools are high quality. In
Bakersfield they were assaulted by black boys but it
had nothing to do with their politics, it was just
Natural Law in our opinion.
Sometimes people ask us silly or annoying
questions but most of the time we don't have any
trouble with kids at school.
Let me quote a passage from your website regarding
Prussian Blue, "Today, if you are White, and proud to
be White, it is considered politically incorrect by
the media. The music that Prussian Blue performs is
intended for White people. They hope to help fellow
Whites come to understand that love for one's race is
a beautiful gift that we should celebrate." That
doesn't sound hateful or racist to me, as the media
and your opponents would suggest. Why do you feel that
when someone other than a white person expresses racial pride
it is encouraged by the system, but when a white
person does the same it is evil and racist? A glaring
double standard, no doubt...
No doubt and THAT is what we are working to point
out to everyone. Every time the media makes remarks
about us to try to make us look bad it just sends more
people our way because you know, we are right.
We actually have a lot of non-whites who write us
fan mail and say that they agree with us that the races
should be separate in order to better preserve the
uniqueness of each race and to
You were eleven years old, as I understand it, when
you begun Prussian Blue. You are now fourteen. I'm
sure a lot has changed in those three years. The
differences between your debut effort and your newest
release reflect this. What are some of the biggest
changes in this time for you, looking back? What sort
of things do the two of you like to do in your spare
time? Any hobbies?
Right now we are going out for our High School swim
team. We swam on a team in Bakersfield but we got very
sick last year with whooping cough and couldn't swim
so we are looking forward to this season. In Montana
the swim season is in the wintertime since you have to
swim inside anyway.
The biggest change in our music is that we are writing
most if not all of it ourselves and that we are
covering a lot of topics besides White Nationalism in
the lyrics. Now that the media knows who we are and
what we believe, we don't feel we have to make an
issue out of our political views all the time. The
media will automatically connect our name to the
issues and the questions that we want people to
Tell us about your new release, 'The Path we
Chose.' It seems to be of much better technical
quality than the first. Did you have someone different
help you out with this one?
The Path We Chose is actually more our own work
because we wrote and composed 7 out of 9 tracks. We
had studio musicians in Bakersfield help us with the
recording playing drums, bass guitar and lead guitar
on most of the tracks. Also this recording was done in
a much better studio than last time. Our mom said that
she wanted to allow us to do what we wanted musically
and make something that we could really be proud of
with the new CD and that was her reason for financing
What influences your song writing? What inspires
you in the face of adversity?
Songs just seem to come to us. Sometimes I might
be somewhere without my guitar and think of a song and
I will know how my fingers will go on the guitar
before I even play it. Recently the issues with our
parents and other things in our lives have given us
the ideas for our songs. For example the single "Your
Daddy" which is about how our step dad is such a great
father to our little sister Dresden and how we wish
that we had a dad like that growing up.
I understand you have received some threats because
of what you do. Who are the real hate mongers... Since
Prussian Blue has a lot of obvious uniqueness to
it, it's easy to see why it has attracted so much
attention, good and bad. How has the music scene and
the movement in general accepted it?
They recently arrested a boy here in Kalispell who
sent us threatening emails. Some are really scary and
some are just dumb. We wish the police or the FBI
would take them more seriously.
The White Nationalist community has really supported
us across all organizations and websites. It is really
nice to have that much support and kindness sent our
way. The mainstream seems to be obsessed with our
story. BUT, we got 4 out of 5 stars on a recent
Earcandy review.
I hear you had your paypal account shut down due to
complaints and that you can't even sell your CD's on
Ebay. Please tell us the details behind this act of
censorship. So much for freedom of speech...
They said that our music promotes violence. They say
that it promotes haters like Rudolf Hess . Meanwhile
the sell rap CDs that say things like " I want to be
like Jeffry Dahmer" and " I want to put you in a body
bag"……They obviously don't care when the music is
something that will destroy society but they do care
when it is music that might wake up the white youth……
What can we expect in the future of Prussian Blue?
I imagine your thoughts are on a third release? You've
also released a DVD, can you tell us about it as well?
The DVD contains old home movie footage of us when we
were babies, three music videos shot by Murrey Media
and live concert footage from the 2005 Euro
conference, Folk the System, Gathering of the Gods .
We have about 5 new songs, counting the two singles
we have recorded this year already. Hopefully we will
have time to do something again but we have put out
two CDs in two years so we feel we can take a rest for
the moment.
What would you say are the some of the greatest
evils in today's world? And opposite, what good
things has the world going for it?
War and the way that the media lies are the greatest
evils. The fact that there are still nice places like
our town where people are mostly good, polite and kind
give us hope.
And at last, a question we pose to all we
interview. The future of the world grows to be
increasingly dark. With the fires of war and man's
greed running full throttle. Do you see things getting
better or worse in the near future?
Wise men like Ed Steele say it is going to be worse
soon. We hope to be able to grow up before it really
gets bad, we would like to get to be normal kids in
high school and have normal lives but that might not
be possible.
Lastly, April, Lynx and Lamb, we thank you for your
time and thoughts! Your final thoughts and words of
wisdom to the world?
It is a parent's responsibility to raise their
child the best they can and that means to teach them
the truth as you know and understand it. To do any
less is bad parenting and a cop out.
When we had trouble finding backup musicians for the
CD project the girls started guitar and violin lessons
and decided after about 6 months to make the CD
totally their creation by performing all the music
This resulted in Fragment of the Future, a 14 track CD
in which they perform various Skrewdriver, Rahowa and
Brutal Attack covers as well as a few traditional
songs and originals. It was finally released in late
2004. It was originally released with Ratsistance
records in an abridged format but was later released
by the band itself in it's full length version.
Well we were on the way to a performance and mom
said we needed a name. We were reading a Resistance
magazine and saw the words Prussian Blue. Mom said
that people would make a big deal that it was also the
name of the Zyklon B residue but we didn't think it was
that big a deal. We liked the idea because it is a
pretty color and it is also part of our ancestry (Prussian) and we have blue eyes….
You say that your music is intended for white
people, does that mean that other races couldn't enjoy
it? How would you feel if they did?