- Sometime around 1994 -
[Below: Here are some pictures taken during my senior year of high school. Not exactly Mourning the Ancient caliber, but some of you have requested more old stuff, so here you are! It's strange looking back at these days. I was heading into college with an academic scholarship, not really knowing what I wanted. Of course, things would turn out very different. The college was not filled with commies at this time, but political correctness and anti-white garbage was everywhere. The college actually REQUIRED me to take a 'minority sensitivity' class! A mandatory class preaching about how terrible white people were and how great every other race was. It was absolutely horrible to me. The whole terrible world was hurling toward me.
But it wasn't just the 'minority sensitivity' class, in my Speech class the teacher would sometimes give scenarios. One of them that I remember was something about a bunch of people were on a plane that was about to crash... all of the people were nice and working together... except one racist white guy. You had to choose which one of them was going to get thrown out of the plane!!! Of course, it would be the evil, racist white guy.
Racism against white people was everywhere. It was institutionalized in the whole college. They brainwashed white people into hating their own race. Now, at this time, I hadn't been presented with all the truths I would later find. Some good friends would tell me things, but I was more confused than anything. Everything I had been taught my whole life was now in question. But these horrible things, these racist attacks against my ethnicity, were awakening me to... something.
The truth came slowly at first, but with the help of Dr. William Pierce and the deeds of the BrĂ¼ders, a tidal wave of forbidden truths swept over me. These pictures were taken about a year before I began Mourning the Ancient photos.
Have a good laugh!]
- March 21, 2020-
[Below: We did a series of 'Quarantine' pictures, as seen below.]
[Below: March 23, 2020.]
[Below: April 3, 2020.]
[Below: April 4, 2020.]
[Below: April 7, 2020.]
[Below: April 8, 2020.]
[Below: April 20, 2020.]
- Sometime around 1991 -
[Below: Here are more pictures I've found for you guys, in these I'm about 15 years old. I hope you are enjoying all my dumb pictures. If I can make you smile in this ever darkening world then it's worth it to me!]
- Sometime around 1994 -
[Below: Okay, here are some more pictures from over the years. These first two are from the 4th of July, 1994.]
[Below: This one is from Christmas/Yule 1997.]
[Below: And this one is from around 2016. I'm about to go dive head first into millions and millions of stamps! But it is such a sad hobby, alas, it is dying. I'm about 40 years younger than the average collector/dealer. Literally everyone there is old. But it's not just stamp collecting that is dying, many other age old hobbies are dying as well. People would rather play on their stupid phones than learn history or do something worthwhile for their minds. And as the white race continues to die all of these hobbies will die with us... Kali Yuga. But fuck it, more stamps for me! haha!]
- 1990 - current
[Below: Alright guys, here is a mix of identificaton cards from over the years. The top left is a school ID card from 1990, the top right is another school ID card from maybe 1993, the bottom left is a work ID from 1996, and lastly the bottom right is a current state ID.]
- 1997 -
[Below: This one takes me back... this Polaroid is of Loki the Cat and me. This cat was a madman and was aptly named! I had scratches all over me. He climbed up my leg and up my back and sat on my shoulder! He was a relentless ball of energy. This was the summer of '97. A lot of things were happening, Mourning the Ancient was still in its infancy. Since we couldn't get our photos developed anymore (due to being banned!), we were doing a lot of videos of Mourning the Ancient type stuff. Maybe sometime I'll upload some of those old videos if enough people want to see them!]
- 2005 -
[Below: Here is a photo from around 2005, during a time when were did no photography for MTA whatsoever. There is a huge gap of three years, from 2004 to 2007 where we did almost nothing. Anyway, here I am trying to call you... why won't you answer!?]
- Winter 2021 -
[Below: Here's me holding a Psicorragia DVD release (and wearing a Psicorragia shirt!). I interviewed this Peruvian band a long, long time ago. I loved their music then, and still love it today. Amazing talent and awesome people! And don't worry, I wore my Corona mask so everything is cool. What a joke. What amazing and crazy times we live in.]
[Below: A friend gave me this Hellhammer sweatshirt for Christmas! Growing up in my neighborhood I knew an older guy (when we were teenagers he was in his 30s) named Tim, who was very odd and had done too many drugs in his time. Anyway, we would sometimes party at his house and he would ramble on and on about how Venom were gods and about how awesome Hellhammer was. He had a best friend we called 'Bones' who was also a burned out Venom worshipper. I think I wrote about it in Trash and Treasure somewhere, but years later we told Tim that Venom came to our town and that his friend Bones told us that Tim didn't like Venom anymore. We also told him we met the band and went to their bus and partied with them. He didn't believe us, so he called the local Rock radio station and asked them, in his burnout voice "Hey man, did fuckin' Venom come to town" and the DJ told him, in a mocking voice "Yeah man, they came, what you didn't go!?" Well he freaked the fuck out! He wrecked his house and wanted to kill Bones. He trashed his house so bad we felt really bad, and now he wanted to kill Bones. So we told him over and over we were just joking but he wouldn't believe us. He thought we were just trying to protect Bones... What happened after that, I don't know. Wow. Fucking Venom man!]
*All images are strictly copyrighted. They may not be displayed via internet or printed form in any manner without our written permission, nor are they to be altered in any form whatsoever. Violators shall be vigorously prosecuted by international law.