Forgotten Confederates - An Anthology About Black Southeners
[Compiled and edited by Charles Kelly Barrow, J.H. Segars and R.B. Rosenburg]
[By SS Brigadefuhrer Kurt 'Panzer' Meyer]
Oba - The Last Samurai
[As told by Oba to writer Don Jones]
Charlie Rangers
[By Don Ericson and John Rotundo]
Black Elk Speaks
[As told by Black Elk to John G. Neihardt]
[By Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.]
Camp Z -
The Secret Life of Rudolf Hess
[By Stephen McGinty]
Stuka Pilot
[By Hans Ulrich Rudel]
Britain First
[By Oswald Mosley]
Dracula was a Woman - In search of the blood Countess of Transylvania
[By Raymond T. Mcnally]
Otto Skorzeny: My Commando Operations - The Memoirs of Hitler's Most Daring Commando
[By Otto Skorzeny]
The Loneliest Man in the World
[By Eugene Bird]
Blood on the Risers: An Airborne Soldiers Thirty-five Months in Vietnam
[By John Leppelman]
My Awakening
[By David Duke]
Hiroshima - Why America Dropped the Atomic Bomb
[By Ronald Takaki]
Silent Warrior - The Marine Sniper's Vietnam Story Continues
[By Charles Henderson]
The Fame of a Dead Man's Deeds
[By Robert S. Griffin]
No Surrender - My Thirty Year War
[By Hiroo Onoda]
Never Cry Wolf
[By Farley Mowat]
Begone Satan!
[By Rev. Carl Vogel]
Mad Minutes and Vietnam Months
[By Micheal Clodfelter]
Black Nazis II!
[By Veronica Clark]
Warwolves of the Iron Cross
Swastika & Scimitar
"Brothers in Arms"
[By Hans Wimmer-Lamquet. Translated by Hans Krampe with a foreword by Veronica Clark]