[Below: Here are voting ballots that show the madness of early German elections. Just look at all those political parties! But check out number nine and note this is the party checked by the voter. It says the 'Hitler-Bewegung', or Hitler Movement, this was the early popular name for the NSDAP. All of the ballots are made of extremely flimsy, thin paper.]
[Below: Even larger than the last one, this one has 26 candidates instead of the 23 above. This is also a very early ballot, with the NSDAP called 'Hitler-Bewegung', or Hitler Movement (#10 on the ballot). Click to enlarge.]
[Below: Smaller than the last one, this one has only 21 candidates. This is also a very early ballot, with the NSDAP called 'Hitler-Bewegung', or Hitler Movement (#10 on the ballot). Of historical significance 'Strasser' is listed on the ballot with the NSDAP. The Strasser brothers were early members who betrayed the party early on. Click to enlarge.]
[Below: A much smaller ballot, but this time the NSDAP is choice #1. This is also a very early ballot, with the NSDAP called 'Hitler-Bewegung', or Hitler Movement. Click to enlarge.]
[Below: The biggest ballot of them all! This is also a very early ballot, with the NSDAP called 'Hitler-Bewegung', or Hitler Movement. Click to enlarge.]
[Below: A different type of ballot, this is more like a large flyer. This is also a very early ballot, with the NSDAP called 'Hitler-Bewegung', or Hitler Movement. Many famous names on here, including the disgraced Ernst Röhm.]
[Below: Large flyer type ballot. This is also a very early ballot, with the NSDAP called 'Hitler-Bewegung', or Hitler Movement. This ballot is very similiar to that above, but from a different locale, as you can read at the top. Many famous names on here again, including the disgraced Ernst Röhm.]
[Below: This ballot is from sometime in 1932 and shows Adolf Hitler running alone.]
[Below: This is a very rare leaflet which also refers to the 'Hitler-Bewegung'. It says:
'Das Programm
der Nationalsozialistischen Deutschen Arbeiterpartei
Hitler - Bewegung
und seine weltanschaulichen Grundgedanken'
(The program
of the National Socialist German Workers' Party
Hitler Movement
and its fundamental ideological ideas).
Note the swastika isn't tilted yet.]
[Below: Reverse of leaflet.]
[Below: This is a leaflet for the Deutsche Partei. The SPD they mention is the Social Democratic Party of Germany, which were the leading party in Germany. I'm unsure who this Hamburg German Party were. It says:
Die SPD will den Klassenkampf!
Die SPD sät Neid und Haß!
Die SPD will die Aufspaltung des Volkes!
Die SPD fagt: Eigentum ist Diebstahl!
Die SPD will die Rechtlosmachung des Einselnen.
Die SPD schafft eine willenlofe Masse.
Die SPD will herrschen, nichts als herrschen.
Hamburger! Wollt Ihr das?
Wollt Ihr Eigentum?
Wollt Ihr ein friedliches Zusammenleben in unserm Volke?
Wollt Ihr frei sein von haß und Furcht?
Wollt Ihr die Sicherung der Eristenz für jeden Einzelnen?
Wollt Ihr eine Garantie für die Entfaltungsmöglichkeit
des Einzelnen?
Wollt Ihr nicht beherrscht sein, sondern teilhaben an der
Regierung Eurer Vaterstadt,
dann wählt die
Deutsche Partei
Liste 8'
The SPD wants class warfare!
The SPD sows envy and hatred!
The SPD wants to divide the people!
The SPD says: Property is theft!
The SPD wants to disenfranchise the individual.
The SPD wants to create a will-less mass.
The SPD wants to rule, nothing but rule.
Hamburger! Is that what you want?
Do you want property?
Do you want peaceful coexistence among our people?
Do you want to be free from hatred and fear?
Do you want the security of existence for each individual?
Do you want a guarantee for the possibility of development
of the individual?
Do you not want to be ruled, but to participate in the
government of your hometown?
Then choose the
German Party
Number 8)]
[Below: This is a booklet for a book called Jüdischer Imperialismus: 3000 Jahre hebräischer Schleichwege zur Erlangung der Weltherrschaft (Jewish Imperialism: 3000 Years of Hebrew Secret Routes to Achieve World Domination), published on January 1, 1937. It says:
'Das erschütternde Buch...
Ungeheuer Spannendes Buch...
Es ist das Beste, was ich sah!
Standardwerk über die Judenfrage
Dieses Buch ist in der Judenabwehr unentbehrlich!'
(The shocking book...
Extremely exciting book...
It's the best thing I've seen!
Standard work on the Jewish Question
This book is indispensable in the defense against Jews!)]
[Below: The strange symbol which adorns the pages. This is a combination of Theodor Fritsch, with a swastika beneath it.]
[Below: Jüdischer Imperialismus booklet - page two. As you can see this book received superb reviews.]
[Below: Jüdischer Imperialismus booklet - page three.]
[Below: Jüdischer Imperialismus booklet - page four.]
[Below: This one-sided leaflet, from November 1935, says:
'Deutsche Volksgenossen!
Besucht die Aussührung des Sprechchorwerks
Deütsche Not ünd Wende
(Unsren Toten zum Gedächtris)'
(German comrades!
Attend the performance of the spoken choir work
German Distress and Change
(In memory of our dead)).]
[Below: This pamphlet (front) says:
'Durch Kampf zum Sieg!
Deutsche Volksgenosse!
Sichern Ihnen die Möglichkeit, den Arzt (auch Zahnarzt), die Apotheke, das Krankenhaus, Bäder, Massagen und Sonstige hailmittel auf unsere kosten zu beanspruchen.
Tun Sie Ihre Pflicht, ehe es zu spät ist, nehmen Sie Einsicht in unsere Leistungs=Tabelle, lassen Sie sich von beraten, und wir sind überzeugt, auch Ihnen den zur unbedingten Lebensnotwendig=keit gewordenen'
(Through struggle to victory!
German comrade!
Guarantee you the opportunity to use the doctor (including dentist), the pharmacy, the hospital, baths, massages and other medical treatments at our expense.
Do your duty before it is too late, take a look at our performance table, let us advise you, and we are convinced that you too can get what has become an absolute necessity for life)]
[Below: This pamphlet (reverse) says:
'Versicherungsschutz gegen Krankheit, Unfall uns Tod zu bieten.
Wer deutsche fühlt, versichert sich beim Nationaler Kranken=Versicherungsverein auf Gegenseitgkeit'
(To provide insurance protection against illness, accident and death.
Anyone who feels German can be assured of this National Health=Insurance Association on reciprocity)]
[Below: This one-sided flyer says:
Haben wir krieg?
Plutokratie und Nationalsozialismus!
über dieses Thema spricht in der am Donnerstag,
den 1.Februar 1940, um 20 Uhr im Gasthof Manhart,
12., Schönbrunnerstrasse 186, Stattfindenden
Massenversammlung der NSDAP
pg. Friedel
Den Kämpfer für sein Volk kann die Verdunkelung an der
Erfüllung seiner Pflicht nicht hindern!'
are we at war?
Plutocracy and National Socialism!
This is the topic that will be discussed at the mass meeting of
the NSDAP on Thursday,
February 1, 1940, at 8 p.m. in the Gasthof Manhart,
12., Schönbrunnerstrasse 186.
pg. Friedel
The blackout cannot prevent the fighter for his people from
fulfilling his duty!)
[Below: This cool-sounding 1941 'RAVAG' pamphlet (front) says:
Veränderungen in der Marktlage haben sich nicht ergeben, nach wir vor besteht lebhaftes Interesse für Wildware, Stapelartikel und Nutria. In Vordergrund der Nachfrage stehen die Saisonartikal Bisam, Zickel und Hamster.'
(Tobacco Auction Company
Special report
There have been no changes in the market situation, although there is still lively interest in wild goods, staple items and nutria. The main demand is for the seasonal items muskat, goats and hamster.)
Wait I thought this was a tobacco auction report? Someone smoking goats and hamsters?! Those evil Nazis... oh the humanity.]
[Below: RAVAG pamphlet (reverse) says:
'Silberfüchse Verkauf im Mai
Nerze Verkauf im Mai
(Silver foxes sale in May
Blue foxes
Mink sale in May
[Below: This is some sort of import tax revenue check/document. Click to see more.]
[Below: Close-up of tax stamp on the reverse.]
[Below: This is so cool. This is a certificate for a personal car to be used as a taxi (limousine - sedans are called this in German). It has a very rare stamp and its usage on a document makes it even rarer. So this is basically 'Nazi' Uber! Haha... Click to see more.]
[Below: Close-up of tax stamp.]
[Below: The vehicle is an Opel and it looked something like this.]
[Below: Here is a variation of the tax stamp above.]
[Below: This is interesting and very uncommon. It is a 1943 Feldpost 'limousine' registration checklist. Click to enlarge.]
[Below: Reverse postcard. This basically asks information about the vehicle. Does it have a battery? Is it damaged? How many miles does it have on the odometer? Click to enlarge.]
[Below: This is a medical document from 1939 in Vienna. The patient has bronchitis. The medical revenue stamp here is rare and many times rarer on the actual document. Click to see more.]
[Below: Close-up of tax stamp with a very strange and unique eagle. The entire medical system across the Reich and even occupied territories used this revenue stamp. Probably for reasons of privacy these documents are very rare today.]
[Below: 'Kraft durch Freude' (KdF) menu. Strength Through Joy was a revolutionary social program that enabled every working person to have a vacation cruise. There were a ton of social improvements and downright revolutionary ideas. No interest loans were only a small part of the myriad of ideas that National Socialism and Adolf Hitler brought to life. Click to see many more Strength Through Joy items - menus, postcards, cancels, etc.]