• Here we shall place everything else that didn't quite fit into the other categories. Things like books, booklets, tinnies (day badges), newspapers, etcetera.

    [Below: This is interesting. It is a handful of RAD (Reichsarbeitsdienst - Reichs Labor Service) buttons. These are late war and are made of pressed paper! Ever seen buttons made of paper? Yeah, me neither. It just shows their lack of raw materials and their ingenuity. These were all originally like the middle button shown here, a sort of tan color, but through time they've aged and become discolored. They feel strong enough to be buttons, but probably wouldn't last too long in use. Very neat.]

    [Below: Two buttons close-up - front.]

    [Below: Two buttons close-up - reverse. Note the RADJ manufacturers mark.]

    [Below: This RADJ mark was found on most RAD items, including an array of pins, here is an example from a dagger.]

    [Below: This is the first time I've ever seen one of these. The USA stole literal MOUNTAINS of patent papers from Germany after the war. This three page patent document is from 1938 and is for a 'Zettelgatter mit Innenbeschickung' (Warp frame with internal feeding), whatever the heck that is...?]

    [Below: Page two.]

    [Below: Page three.]

    [Below: This is neat, Goebbels was such a spectacular man. His book 'Michael' is so prophetic. He was a genius of propaganda, with spectacular artistic energy. I can't imagine a Third Reich without him. This was printed in 1943 by NSDAP Central Publishing House (Zentralverlag der NSDAP). I wish I had time to translate it! It says:

    für das
    Deutsche Volk

    War Articles
    for the
    German People)

    Here is the third page:

    'Dieses sind die Kriegsartikel für das deutsche
    Volk im gewaltigsten Schickalskamp unserer
    Geschichte. In ihrem Geiste haben auch in die-
    semgigantischen Ringen ungezählte der besten
    Deutschen an der Front und in der Heimat ihr
    Leben für die Freiheit und Zukunft unseres
    Volkes hingegegen. Dafür kämpfen Millionen
    tapfere deutsche Soldaten auf allen Kriegs-
    schauplätzen, arbeiten Millionen fleissige Män-
    ner und Frauen in unermüdlicher Bereitschaft
    zu Hause, in den Fabriken Werkstätten, Büros
    und Laboratorien sowie auf den Äckern und Feldern.'

    Diese Kriegsartikel sollen ein Vermächtnis
    der Gefallen unseres Volkes an die Lebenden
    sein den Kämpfenden und Arbeitenden als
    Bestätigung ihres hohen Opfersinns, den Säu-
    migenund und Unentschlossenen aber als harte
    Mahnung und strenge Aufforderung.'

    (These are the articles of war for the German people in the
    greatest battle of fate in our history. In their spirit, even in
    this gigantic struggle, countless of the best Germans at the
    front and at home have given their lives for the freedom and
    future of our people.
    Millions of brave German soldiers are fighting for this in all
    theaters of war, millions of hard-
    working men and women are working in tireless readiness at home,
    in factories, workshops, offices and laboratories, and in
    the fields and fields.

    These articles of war are intended to be a legacy of our
    people's love for the living - to those fighting and working as
    a confirmation of their high sense of sacrifice, but to
    those who are slow and undecided as a harsh warning and strict request.)
    Click to enlarge!]

    [Below: This is a Hitler Youth yearbook. The DJH stands for 'Deutsches Jugendherbergswerk' (German Youth Hostel Association), an organization that was merged with the Hitler Youth in 1933.

    Click to enlarge!]

    [Below: Here are two examples of yearbooks.]

    [Below: A sea of Hitler Youth and BDM girls in Berlin's Lustgarten. Their banner says:

    'Die Jugendherberge ist die Stätte des warsten Deutschen Sozialismus'
    (The Youth Hostel is the Site of the Truest German Socialism), August 19, 1933.]

    [Below: This is a rare 1938 WHW ornament. It is handmade and shows the ODAL rune. This rune means, among other meanings, heritage and homeland. Click to enlarge!]