'in erster Linie bin ich Deutscher und erst in zweiter Katholik'
(First and foremost I am German and only second-Catholic)
Schlageter's final words:
'I find some satisfaction in dying. Perhaps I can help through my example...
From 1914 until this day, I have sacrificed all my strength and labor, out of love and loyalty,
to my German homeland. Where it was in need, I sought to help...
Greetings to my parents, brothers and sisters, relatives, my friends, and my Germany!'
[Above: A postcard showing Schlageter about to be executed.]
[Above: The Schlageter-Cross in Düsseldorf. This postcard was published by 'Platow's Kunstanstalt, Dusseldorf'.]
[Above: The Schlageter-Cross in Düsseldorf.]
[Above: The Schlageter-Cross in Düsseldorf.]
[Above: The Schlageter-Cross in Düsseldorf.]
[Above: The Schlageter-Cross in Düsseldorf.]
[Above: Variation of that above.]
[Above: The Schlageter-Cross in Düsseldorf.]
[Above: The Schlageter-Cross in Düsseldorf.]
[Above: '10 Pfg Fahrthilfe zur Schlageter-Gedenkfeier Düsseldorf 1933, HJ Bann Koblenz-Trier' (Donation assistance - Schlageter commemoration in Düsseldorf). This is a recruiting card for the HJ division in Koblenz-Trier to get donations to attend the Schlageter memorial Fair in Düsseldorf.]
[Above: Reverse of postcard '10 Pfg Fahrthilfe zur Schlageter-Gedenkfeier Düsseldorf 1933, HJ Bann Koblenz-Trier'.]
[Above: The Schlageter House.]
[Above: A Schlageter memorial in Schönau, the Black Forest, Germany.]
[Above: A Schlageter memorial in Schönau, the Black Forest, Germany.]
[Above: A Schlageter memorial in Schönau, the Black Forest, Germany.]
[Above: A Schlageter monument above the town of f Schönau, the Black Forest, Germany.]
[Above: Another postcard showing the Schlageter monument above the town of his birth, along with a picture of the Schlageter house and the monument in Schönau, Germany.]
[Above: A Schlageter monument in Königstein, Saxony.]
[Above: Another look at the Schlageter monument in Königstein, Saxony.]
[Above: A Schlageter monument/memorial in Elberfeld (now a district of Wuppertal), Germany. This is said to be the first Schlageter monument, built May 25, 1933. In April 1959, the remains of this beautiful monument were demolished.]
[Above: A Schlageter memorial in Düsseldorf]
[Above: Close-up, it says:
''Hier fiel, erschossen auf Frankreichs Befehl, am 26. Mai 1923 Albert Leo Schlageter für Freiheit und Frieden an Ruhr und Rhein'
'Here on May 26, 1923, Albert Leo Schlageter, shot on French orders, fell for liberty and peace of the Ruhr and Rhine'
'Kriegsgerichtswillkür, Ausweisungen, Ausschreitungen fremder Soldaten, wirtschaftliche Machtgier
brachten schwerstes Unheil über ein Land friedlicher Arbeit. Trotz schwerster wirtschaftlicher und
sozialer Not standen alle Schichten der Bevölkerung in heldenmütigem Ringen fest zum Reich.'
'Arbitrary court martials, expulsions, excesses by foreign soldiers, greed for economic power
brought the greatest disaster to a country of peaceful labor. Despite the greatest economic and
social hardship, all sections of the population stood firmly by the Reich in a heroic struggle.']
[Above: A Schlageter monument]
[Above: Close-up]
[Above: A Schlageter monument]
[Above: Close-up]
[Above: A Schlageter plaque]
[Above: A Schlageter memorial.]
[Above: A Schlageter memorial.]
[Above: Schlageter - 'Der deutsche Held' (The German Hero) commemorative postcard, published by Alb. Wetzel, Schönau.]
[Above: Prison cell of Albert Leo Schlageter.]
[Above: A Schlageter postcard - perhaps the spot where he was executed?]
[Above: An NSDAP propaganda poster (35x24 cm) with a quote from Schlageter, 1941. It says:
'Sei, was Du willst, aber was Du bist, habe den Mut ganz zu sein. Albert Leo Schlageter'
'Be what you want, but what you are, have the courage to be completely. Albert Leo Schlageter']
[Above: A book from the author Franz Wolf with the title 'Albert Leo Schlageter Ein deutsches Heldenleben' (Albert Leo Schlageter The Life of a German Hero), from the publisher 'Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh', 1937.]
[Above: A passage about Schlageter from the period book 'Der Weg der NSDAP', published by the SS Main Office.]
[Above: A 1935 Schlageter calendar.]
[Above: A 1936 Schlageter calendar.]
[Above: Four more Schlageter calendars.]
[Above: A boat was even named after Schlageter.]
[Above: Another shot of the Schlageter boat.]
[Above: Here is an actual Kriegsmarine envelope with cancel from the Schlageter boat, December 1938.]
[Above: Schlageter art.]
[Above: Schlageter art.]
[Above: Schlageter art.]
[Above: Schlageter art.]
[Above: Schlageter art.]
[Above: Schlageter art.]
[Above: Schlageter art.]
[Above: Schlageter art by the famous artist Karl Bauer.]
[Above: Two martyrs: Albert Leo Schlageter and Horst Wessel.]
[Above: Albert Leo Schlageter.]
[Above: Albert Leo Schlageter.]
[Above: Albert Leo Schlageter.]
[Above: Albert Leo Schlageter.]
[Above: Schlageter bravely facing a French firing squad.]
[Above: Leo Schlageter, 1918. Courtesy of the Bundesarchiv.]
[Above: Postcard, as above, but variation.]
'Ihr werdet erleben, wie sie unser Land verschachern um ihre eigene erbärmliche Macht zu sichern'
(You will see how they sell our land to secure their own merciless power)
[Above: Leo Schlageter poster: 'Schlageter Gedächtnis-feier - Schönau/Wiesental 29. Mai 1937' (Schlageter memorial service - Schönau/Wiesental May 29, 1937)]
[Above: Leo Schlageter bust.]
[Above: Leo Schlageter 'tinnie' pin.]
[Above: Leo Schlageter 'tinnie' pin.]
[Above: Leo Schlageter 'tinnie' pin, 1932.]
[Above: Two different 'Schlagetertag' (Schlageter Day) 'tinnie' pins, 1936. Click to enlarge!]
[Above: A 1933 Schlageter tinnie from Erlangen (Bavaria). 'Gedenktag' (Rememberance Day). Click to enlarge!]
[Above: Hitler Youth Leo Schlageter 'tinnie' pin, 1933.]
[Above: Freikorps Leo Schlageter badge.]
[Above: Leo Schlageter plaque.]
[Above: Leo Schlageter bronze table medal by Karl Goetz.]
[Above: Leo Schlageter bronze table medal by Karl Goetz (in case).]
[Above: Wow, this is the actual die used for the Leo Schlageter bronze table medal above.]
[Above: Leo Schlageter terra cotta porcelain medal (89 mm), commissioned by the NSDAP shortly after attaining power in 1933.]
[Above: Leo Schlageter SA honor cuff.]
[Above: A Luftwaffe cuff 'Jagdgeschwader Schlageter' introduced by order LV39C No. 48, dated December 1938 for the Jagdgeschwader 132, which would later be renamed to JG 26.]
[Above: A Luftwaffe lieutenant from 'Jagdgeschwader Schlageter' listening to another pilot explain tactics which led him to victory.]
[Above: An envelope from 1935 with a pricey block of stamps from a rare souvenir sheet. Note the address of the sender is 'Schlageterhaus' (Schlageterhaus House) in Königsberg.]
[Above: An article about Schlageter's execution in The Detroit News, May 26, 1923. 1/2.]
[Above: An article about Schlageter's execution in The Detroit News, May 26, 1923. 2/2.]
[Above: Schlageter memorial in Billerbeck, Germany. The inscription was removed after the war...]
[Above: Schlageter memorial, or what's left of it, Hanskühnenburg im Harz. The Hanskühnenburg is a mountain retreat in the Harz mountains. It is located at a height of 2,661 ft (811 m) above sea level in the middle of the Harz National Park. With a German comrade, we've done our best to translate this stone, as follows:
26. Mai 1923
Für Freiheit Strittes Du
Und Treue Tod Erlittes [Du?]
Es soll Deine Tat, Wie hier in Stein, Uns tief in die Herzen gegraben sein!
[for the rhyme it should be:]
Es soll Deine Tat, Wie hier in Stein,
Uns tief in die Herzen gegraben sein!
(You Fought for Freedom
And Suffered a Faithful Death
It shall be your deed, As here in stone, Deeply engraved in our hearts!)
[Above: Schlageter memorial in Baden-Württemberg - I'm shocked this is even still there...]
[Above: Modern t-shirt honoring Schlageter.]
[Above: Another modern t-shirt honoring Schlageter. 'Blutzeugen' = 'Martyrs']