[Below: I present to you 'Ewiges Deutschland' (Eternal Germany), 1939. It says:
'Ein deutsches hausbuch
Weihnachtsgabe des
Winterhilfswerks des Deutsches Volkes'
(A German house book
Christmas gift of the
Winter Relief Organization of the German People)
This unassuming book contains some truly beautiful art. Here is an example... enjoy, my friends. Click to see inside!]
[Below: Another edition of 'Ewiges Deutschland' (Eternal Germany), this time from 1942. I assume there are other editions of these books. Anyway, enjoy.]
*Special thanks to my wehrwolf comrade behind enemy lines! You know who you are!
[Below: I present to you this book from 1937:
und wahrer
and true
Nature Healing)
Don't believe me? Could you be so blind and naive? Consider this:
One of the authors also wrote:
An author of the study goes on:
Click on the image to see a random selection from the book.]
[Below: Here is the box viewed from above with the lid off. Those fabric strands are there to help pull out the slides.]
[Below: Here are the slides splayed out.]
[Below: Each slide has two tabs of information on each side, first let's look at the left side. It says: 'Reichsstelle für den Unterrichtsfilm - Schul-kernreihe', which translates as 'Reich office for the educational film - School core series'. You'll also notice the strange circle with the letters 'RfdU' which stands for Reichsstelle für den Unterrichtsfilm.]
[Below: Information tab, right side: 'Th. Benzinger / Lichtbilderverlag / Stuttgart', this is the publisher's name 'Th. Benzinger' is Theodor Benzinger and 'Lichtbilderverlag' means 'Photographic publishing house' from 'Stuttgart'.
I found out that this publisher was founded in 1903 as a purely book publisher, but the next year in 1904 they began a photographic business and also released their first series of 'light image devices'.]
[Below: #1 'Vorbeimarsch der Bannfahnen der HJ' (The HJ [Hitler Youth] Banners Marching Past).]
[Below: #1 reverse.]
[Below: #2 'Verlesen der Blutopfer' (Reading of the Blood Sacrifices).]
[Below: #2 reverse.]
[Below: #9 'Der Bannführer meldet' (The Bannführer Reports).]
[Below: #9 reverse.]
[Below: #10 'Totenehrung der SA' (Honoring the Dead of the SA [Sturmabteilung]).]
[Below: #10 reverse.]
[Below: #11 'SA=kundgebung' (SA Rally).]
[Below: #11 reverse.]
[Below: #12 'SA=Standartenweihe' (SA Standard Consecration).]
[Below: #12 reverse.]
[Below: #13 'SA=Vorbeimarsch' (SA Leading the March).]
[Below: #13 reverse.]
[Below: #14 'Wehrmacht, Aufmarsch zur Fahnenweihe' (Wehrmacht, Marching up to the Flag Consecration).]
[Below: #14 reverse.]
[Below: #15 'Wehrmacht, Gefechtsvorführung' (Wehrmacht, Battle Demonstration).]
[Below: #15 reverse.]
[Below: #16 'Der nächtliche Trauerzug' (The Night Funeral Procession).]
[Below: #16 reverse.]
[Below: After doing a little research I found some pictures of the actual device used to project these slides. It seems to be very rare and slides from the Third Reich seem nonexistent, so we have a rare treasure on our hands. Wouldn't you love to see these slides with the actual device? It would be surreal and magical.]
[Below: Box open. Click to enlarge.]
[Below: Box contents. Click to enlarge.]
[Below: Information sheet. Click to enlarge.]
[Below: Film strip. Instead of breaking up the photos I decided to show them as they are. This is definitely the longest photo I've ever put on Mourning the Ancient! Click to enlarge.]
[Above: Wow, look at this! I've never seen anything like this before, so it must be very rare. It is a savings book from the Luftwaffe to a family of a KIA pilot. This was issued by Hermann Göring to a Hartmut Kühl, who was the son of the pilot killed in action. This magnificant quality book is 8½" by 6" with an embossed golden eagle with batons. This is Reichsmarshal Göring's personal symbol. The initial deposit was 1000 Reichsmarks in December 1942, with an additional deposit made by the family in 1945 in Erfurt. The ink stamp of 'Erledigt' means 'Completed'. Click on the image to see the pages within the book and pictures of the pilot!]