* 'terrible -adj. arousing terror || (pop.) excessive, hard to bear, terrible heat|| (pop.) very bad, a terrible reception'
-New Webster's dictionary and thesaurus
* 'terrible, alarming, appalling, awful, dire, dreadful, fearful, frightful, gruesome, hideous, horrible, horrid, severe, shocking, terrifying,.
ANT.-appealing, attractive, captivating, happy, pleasing.'
-New Webster's dictionary and thesaurus
This was actually a quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson, from a poem called 'Music':
'But in the darkest, meanest things
There always, always something sings.
The poem ended with:
'Even in the mud and scum of things
something always, always sings.'
Two other quotes from Crowley to ponder:
[Animals saluting Göring - The poster declares 'Vivisection forbidden']
The two of us were about to surrender to a mental breakdown. But we straightened up with one another's help and we barely stumbled.
My answer was: Defiance!
You challenged your destiny to a duel. All or nothing! But it was still too early. That was why you fell victim.
Your answer was: Death!
I stood at your grave; a quiet, green mound lay in the glowing sunshine. And it preached ephemeralness.
My answer was: Resurrection.'
-Joseph Goebbels, a dedication to the memory of his friend Richard Flisges, from Goebbels' novel 'Michael: Pages From a German Destiny', also published as simply 'Michael.'
[Leon Degrelle]
I'm not worthy to speak up for Adolf Hitler, and to any sentimental rousing his life and deeds do not invite.
Hitler was a warrior, a warrior for humankind and a preacher of the gospel of justice for all nations.
He was a reforming character of the highest order, and his historical fate was that he functioned in a time of exampleless [unequalled] brutality, which in the end felled him.
Thus may the ordinary Western European look at Adolf Hitler. And we, his close followers, bow our heads at his death...'
-Knut Hamsun, at the age of 86, the Nobel laureate novelist wrote this eulogy of Adolf Hitler in the newspaper Aftenposten in 1945.
-Taken from German 'death cards'. Circa early to mid 1940s
[Robert Ley and wife Inge]
Joachim von Ribbentrop last words were: 'God protect Germany! My last wish is that German unity shall remain and that an understanding between east and west come about, with peace for the world.'
General Wilhelm Keitel stood at attention at the foot of the gallows and said: 'May the Almighty have mercy on the German people! More than three million soldiers died for the fatherland and preceded me. I now follow my sons. All for Germany!'
Ernst Kaltenbrunner said: 'I have loved the German people and my fatherland from the bottom of my heart. I have done my duties according to the laws of my country. I regret that crimes were committed in which I had no part. Germany-good luck!'
Alfred Rosenberg remained silent in contempt of the murderous ritual. He mounted the scaffold and died without uttering a word.
Hans Frank said: 'I pray God may receive my soul. May he receive me mercifully. I am grateful for the good treatment I had in prison.'
Wilhelm Frick shouted: 'Long live eternal Germany!'
Julius Streicher, executed soley for thought crimes, was dragged to the gallows. When he reached it he shouted defiantly: 'Heil Hitler!' As he mounted the scaffold he cried 'Jewish holiday 1946! Now I go to God! The Bolsheviks will hang you next!'
Fritz Saukel said: 'I die innocent. The verdict was unjust. God protect Germany and make her great again!'
Alfred Jodl clicked his heels and stood at attention when he mounted the scaffold, proclaiming one last word of love for his country and people: 'I salute you, my Germany!
And lastly, Arthur Seyss-Inquart was the last to be murdered. Knowing this, he said: 'I hope this execution will be the last act in the tragedy of the Second World War, that its lesson will be learned, and that peace and understanding will follow. I believe in Germany!'
[Above: Carl Gustav Jung (July 26, 1875 - June 6, 1961]
[August Kubizek]
Danzig... continued being cursed with even more blood spilled in this small, once beautiful and peaceful region, as if the war never ended. Nine-million German children, women, men, elderly and ill, all perished by brutal systematic slayings by the Russians.
"If you have not killed a German today you have wasted the day" was one of Stalin's favorite hate propaganda slogans which blared over loud-speakers, radios and on flyers everywhere.
There was a very deliberate and controlled news black-out in 1945-1948 which the entire free world willingly played a part in, all the while, the Nuremburg Trials made daily headlines (this 9-million does not include the 5-million German men Roosevelt agreed to give Stalin as slave-labor at the Potsdam Agreement.)'
-From the book 'The Other Holocaust-
All 20-million-non-commercial-worth-victims. No film, no popcorn, no justice' by G. Avery
[August Kubizek]
[Lays of Ancient Rome, 1881 edition]