Below are quotes, sayings or excerpts which you may or may not derive interest and wisdom from. Indulge...
'This world is beautiful, but has a disease called man.'
-Friedrich Nietzsche
'The body is a grave where the soul is buried.'
-Gnostic saying.
'Life is suffering...there is a reason for suffering...there is an end to suffering...there is a correct path leading to the end of suffering...'
-Bob Caputo
'Dreams are imperfections of sleep; even so is consciousness the imperfection of waking.
Dreams are impurities in the circulation of the blood; even so is consciousness a disorder of life.
Dreams are without proportion, without good sense, without truth; so also is consciousness.
Awake from dream, the truth is known: awake from waking, the Truth is-The Unknown.'
-John-a-dreams, from The Book of Lies by Aleister Crowley.
'This heaven will pass away, and the one above it will pass away.'
-Jesus from 'The Gospel of Thomas' (The "Scholars' Translation" of the Gospel of Thomas
done by Stephen Patterson and Marvin Meyer)
'Whoever has come to know the world has discovered a carcass, and whoever has discovered a carcass, of that person the world is not worthy.'
-Jesus from 'The Gospel of Thomas' (The "Scholars' Translation" of the Gospel of Thomas done by Stephen Patterson and Marvin Meyer)
'On the plains of hesitation lie the blackened bones of countless millions, where at the dawn of victory laid down to rest, and resting, died.'
-Adlai Stevenson, Governor of Illinois, USA
'A man about to speak the truth should keep one foot in the stirrup.'
-Old Mongolian saying.
'...the Lord thy God is among you, a mighty God and terrible.'*
-Deuteronomy 7:21
* 'terrible -adj. arousing terror || (pop.) excessive, hard to bear, terrible heat|| (pop.) very bad, a terrible reception'
-New Webster's dictionary and thesaurus
* 'terrible, alarming, appalling, awful, dire, dreadful, fearful, frightful, gruesome, hideous, horrible, horrid, severe, shocking, terrifying,.
ANT.-appealing, attractive, captivating, happy, pleasing.'
-New Webster's dictionary and thesaurus
'Whatever in me has feeling, suffers and is in prison...'
-Friedrich Nietzsche from Thus Spoke Zarathustra
'Belief is harder to shake than knowledge'
-Adolf Hitler
'Sleep, those little slices of death, oh how I loathe them!'
-Edgar Allan Poe
'The body of a dead enemy always smells good.'
-Charles IX of France
'...I am one of the few that truly understands what death and pain are all about... I have walked the same path as God. By taking lives and making others afraid of me, I become God's equal. Through killing others, I become my own Master. Through my own power I come to my own redemption. Once I seen the miracle light, I didn't never again have to fear or obey the Rules of no Man or no God... I'll die peaceful because my name is going to live as long as men have memories-as long as they talk about good and evil-and as long as they read my words of Final Truth.'
-Donald Gaskins, mass murderer, executed on September 6, 1991, from his book 'Final Truth'.
'There is only one way to be born and a thousand ways to die.'
-Serbian proverb
'If you believe in hell, you're probably already there.'
-Friedrich Nietzsche
'We should flee, according to the Oracle, the multitude of men going in a herd.'
-The Chaldean Oracles of Zoroaster
'The souls of those who quit the body violently are most pure.'
-The Chaldean Oracles of Zoroaster
'Stoop not down unto the Darkly-Splendid World; Wherein continually lieth a faithless Depth, and Hades wrapped in clouds, delighting in unintellible images, winding, a black ever-rolling Abyss; ever espousing a Body unluminous, formless and void.'
-The Chaldean Oracles of Zoroaster
'If ever the taming talisman, the cross, should shatter, primitive fury will be loose once again..., the senseless frenzy of the Beserk, of which the Nordic poets sing and tell so much. That talisman is decaying and the day will come when it will fall miserably to pieces. The old stone gods will then rise from their long forgotten rubble and wipe the dust of a thousand years from their eyes; and Thor will leap up in the end and shatter the Gothic cathedrals with his giant hammer. '
-Heinrich Heine, On the History of Religion and Philosophy in Germany (1835)
'Immortality is not a gift, immortality is an achievement; and only those who strive mightily shall possess it.'
-Edgar Lee Masters, from the poem The Village Atheist
'Thus, immortality is conditional. It isn't for everyone. It must be gained through merciless combat at every hour of every day of your life.'
-Miguel Serrano - NOS, Book of the Resurrection
'There is no other way to reach immortality, which is not for all, but only for some few able to fight this battle, the true Combat, this war, the true Great War. Therefore we who are here are warriors of an Order without time, without age...'
-Miguel Serrano
'The Nordic man does not shun suffering and in a certain way he welcomes it, because he knows the benefits that arise from it.'
-Alfred Rosenberg
'One short sleep past, we awake eternally, and death shall be no more.'
-John Donne, English poet, scholar and soldier
Something always sings
in the mud and scum of things.'
-Aleister Crowley, 'Satanic Extracts'
This was actually a quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson, from a poem called 'Music':
'But in the darkest, meanest things
There always, always something sings.
The poem ended with:
'Even in the mud and scum of things
something always, always sings.'
Two other quotes from Crowley to ponder:
'To me, every dirty act was simply a sacrament of sin, a passionately religious protest against Christianity, which was for me the symbol of all vileness, meanness, treachery, falsehood and oppression.'
-Aleister Crowley, 'Satanic Extracts'
The artificiality of the present social fabric, of the present so-called civilization, will be torn into shreds; and, as the dying leaves in the forest are driven before the strong winds of autumn, so shall the shreds of the existing social fabric be scattered. The destruction that mankind is drawing down upon itself will come in the form of war, famine, pestilence, fire, flood, cyclones, earthquakes and cataclysms.'
-Aleister Crowley-'A Prophecy' from 'Satanic Extracts'
'Christianity is Judaism for the multitude.'
-Benjamin Disraeli
'It is through Christianity that Judaism has really conquered the world. Christianity is the masterpiece of Judaism...'
-Joseph Ernest Renan, Semitic scholar
'All religions are born from a false principle... Filled with the will for power, the voices of God (conniving priests) forged irons in which to chain men. And men, stupefied by their misery, willingly believed everything told them. Can religion, sprung from such motives, win our respect? Is there a single religion which does not bear the mark of falsehood and lies? What do we find in them: mysteries that cause reason to shudder; dogmas that outrage nature; and ceremonies that inspire only disgust and derision! Tell me, how can a reasonable man still believe the obscure words of Christianity, and her false miracles? Who was this leprous Jew, born of wanton and a soldier in the meanest place possible? Who appointed him the mouthpiece of the said creator of the world? What were his titles? What did he do to prove his mission? Did he change the face of the earth; did he destroy the plagues that afflict it; did he curb the viciousness that make it foul; are we any more happy? Then what did he do? Through jugglers' tricks and puns this man announces himself to the world. And to whom? -only to menials and slaves and sluts this ruler of Heaven manifests his greatness... I would rather die a thousand times than fall for such a tripe!'
-Marquis De Sade from 'Justine' or 'The Misfortunes of Virtue'
'Jehovah... was a creature of darkness, hence an Evil God...'
-Rabbi Louis Israel Newman from 'Jewish Influence on Christian Reform Movements'
'So heinous are the crimes of witches that they even exceed the sins and the fall of the bad angels...'
-'Malleus Maleficarum'
'Disease is the retribution of outraged Nature.'
-Hosea Ballou, American clergyman and theological writer
'Call no man happy till he is dead.'
-Aeschylus 'Agamemnon'
'In the midst of life we are in death.'
-'Book of Common Prayer'
'Death, so called, is a thing which makes men weep,
And yet a third of life is pass'd in sleep.'
-Lord Byron, British poet
'First our pleasures die-and then
Our hopes, and then our fears-and
These are dead, the debt is due,
Dust claims dust-and we die too.'
-Percy Shelley, British writer and poet, 'Death'
'Every moment of life is a step toward death.'
-Pierre Corneille, French tragedian
'Truth is mighty and must prevail, and if any body of men believe that they have discovered a valuable truth, it is not merely their privilege but their duty to disseminate that truth.'
-Edward L. Bernays, author
'Doomed o'er the world's precarious scene to sweep,
Swift as the tempest travels on the deep,
To know Delight but by her parting smile,
And toil, and wish, and weep a little while;
Then melt, ye elements, that formed in vain
This troubled pulse and visionary brain!
Fade, ye wild flowers, memorials of my doom,
And sink, ye stars, that light me to the tomb!
Truth, ever lovely, since the world began,
The foe of tyrants, and the friend of
-Thomas Campbell, Scottish poetry
'Great is truth, and mighty above all things.'
-I Esdras. IV.41
'I don't believe in the hypocritical, moralistic dogma of this so-called civilized society... I need not look beyond this room to see all the liars, haters, the killers, the crooks, the paranoid cowards-truly trematodes of the Earth, each one in his own legal profession... And no one knows that better than those who kill for policy, clandestinely or openly, as do the governments of the world, which kill in the name of God and country or for whatever reason they deem appropriate... I don't need to hear all of society's rationalizations... I've heard them all before and the fact remains that what is, is. You don't understand me. You are not expected to. You are not capable of it.'
-Richard Ramirez, the so-called 'Night Stalker,' when asked if he had anything to say before his sentence for 12 first degree murder counts, replied with the above. He was given twelve death sentences. And in case you are wondering, trematodes are a type of parasite.
'Hello from the gutters... which are filled with dog manure, vomit, stale wine, urine, and blood. Hello from the sewers... which swallow up these delicacies... Hello from the cracks in the sidewalks... and from the ants that dwell in these cracks and feed on the dried blood of the dead that has settled into the cracks...'
'In their blood
From the Gutter.
Sam's Creation .44'
-David Berkowitz-the so-called 'Son of Sam' serial killer, from an excerpt of a letter he wrote to the local media during his killing spree.
'The goal of all life is death.'
-Sigmund Freud
'All that has achieved existence deserves to be destroyed.'
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
'Hell is paved with the skulls of priests.'
-St. John Chrysostom
'In our sad condition, our only consolation is the expectancy of another life.'
-Martin Luther
'Struggle is the father of all things... it is not by the principles of humanity that man survives and preserves himself above the animal world, but solely by the means of the most brutal struggle.'
-Adolf Hitler
'Now as we keep our watch and await the final day, count no mortal happy till he dies, free of pain at last.'
-Sophocles, ancient Greek tragedian
'Humanity adores only those who cause it to perish.'
-Emil Cioran, Romanian philosopher, aphorist and essayist
'Fear prophets... and those prepared to die for the truth, for as a rule they make many others die with them, often before them, at times instead of them.'
-Umberto Eco
'Civilizations die of suicide, not by murder.'
-Arnold Toynbee
'Time touches all things with a destroying hand.'
-Charles Waddell Chesnutt
'Friends applaud, the Comedy is over.'
-Ludwig von Beethoven (Last words)
'Believe me, if I started murdering people, there would be none of you left.'
-Charles Manson
'In time of war the first casualty is truth.'
-Boake Carter, British-American broadcast news commentator in the 1930s and early 1940s.
'The hottest places in Hell are reserved for those who in time of great moral crises maintain their neutrality.'
'This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper.'
-T.S. Eliot
'Maybe this world is another planet's Hell.'
-Aldous Huxley
'History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon.'
'One should die proudly when it is no longer possible to live proudly.'
-Friedrich Nietzsche
'Only the winners decide what were war crimes.'