• Here we shall place everything else that didn't quite fit into the other categories. Things like books, booklets, tinnies (day badges), newspapers, etcetera.

    [Below: This is a magazine called 'Ostland' (East Land) from April 1, 1941. Click to see inside.]

    [Below: 'Der Ostmarkbrief' (The Austrian Letter), May 1939. 'Ostmark' is another name for Austria.]

    [Below: Back of magazine. It says 'Ewig sind wir nur als Waffenstaat' (Eternally we are only an armed state). At the bottom it says 'Bezug der Ostmarkbriefe für jedermann nur durch die Ortsgruppen der NSDAP.' (The Ostmarkbriefe is available to everyone only through local NSDAP groups.)]

    [Below: 'Der Gärung - Zeitberichte deutscher Geopolitiker. Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. Karl Haushofer und Dr. Gustav Fochler-Hauke' (The Fermentation - Contemporary Reports of German Geopolitics).
    Edited by Prof. Dr. Karl Haushofer and Dr. Gustav Fochler-Hauke). Herr Haushofer is said to have been a teacher of Geopolitics to Hitler and Hess. He and his wife committed suicide in 1946. Back/front.]

    [Below: Inside.]

    [Below: This is an NSFK (Nationalsozialistisches Fliegerkorps, or National Socialist Flyers Corps) magazine called:

    'Deutsche Luftwacht

    (German Air Force
    Model flight).
    This edition is from April 1944. This magazine contains blueprints/forms to trace out airplane designs. This was a productive hobby aimed at Hitler Youth boys, familiarizing them with flight mechanics and the like. Click to see inside.]

    [Below: This little magazine is from October 1939, and says:

    'Neues Volk
    Blätter des Rassenpolitischen amtes der NSDAP'

    (New People
    Pages of the NSDAP's Office of Racial Policy).]

    [Below: Page within:

    'Solange das deutsche
    Volk in Seiner Gelchichte
    einig war, ist es noch nie
    besiegt worden,
    sagt der Führer.

    (As long as the German
    people in its history
    has been united, it has never
    been defeated,
    says the Führer).]

    [Below: This small magazine is from September 1939, it says:

    'Nationalsozialistische Beamten-Zeitung
    Deutsche Gemeindebeamten-Zeitung'

    (National Socialist Civil Servants Newspaper
    German Municipal Officials Newspaper).]

    [Below: Page within - 'Macht ist Bürge des Lebens' (Power is the Guarantor of Life).]

    [Below: This is an early 1933 NSDAP booklet called 'Das Genfer "Nein"' (The Geneva "No"). It deals with the supremely unfair Versailles Treaty of WWI and a coming referendum. Click to see inside.]

    [Below: Beautiful telegram folder (January 31, 1940) - front.]

    [Below: Beautiful telegram folder - inside.]

    [Below: Beautiful telegram folder - back.]

    [Below: Here are two telegrams of the same design, but with some changes. The first thing you'll notice is the color, it's quite different. Also note the National Socialist flag is in different places on the ship. This was a previous Imperial German telegram design, during the Third Reich the design was changed, which took out the Kreigsmarine flag from the boat and added the NSDAP flag. Front.]

    [Below: Inside. On the left, we see this telegram was sent August 24, 1934. Note it also has the Imperial German eagle on the top, where the other one does not. The telegram on the right is from 1939, sent from the 'Kommandeur und Offiziere Marine Nachrichtenschule Muerwik' (Commander and Officers Naval Intelligence School Muerwik).]

    [Below: Back.]

    [Below: This charming telegram was sent in 1938. This design was for announcing the birth of a child. Front.]

    [Below: Inside.]

    [Below: Back.]

    [Below: Another cute telegram also sent in 1938. This design was for announcing a marriage. Front.]

    [Below: Inside - 'Herzlichen glueckwundsch zur vermaehlung' (Congratulations on the marriage).]

    [Below: Back - The cupid carrying two hearts struck with arrows of love.]

    [Below: This beauty was sent in 1937. Front.]

    [Below: Inside.]

    [Below: Back.]

    [Below: This charming telegram was sent in 1937. You gotta love the bugs playing flutes! Front.]

    [Below: Inside.]

    [Below: Back. Wow, and I thought the eagle on the one above was cool...]

    [Below: This is a telegram envelope, which also came in black text instead of red. This is the normal telegram envelope size and appearance, there was also large deluxe folder type versions with NS graphics.]

    [Below: Close-up.]

    [Below: Reverse of envelope.]

    [Below: Close-up.]

    [Below: This is an Imperial Germany telegram envelope from November 23, 1932.]

    [Below: Back.]

    [Below: Telegram with message.]

    [Below: This is an Imperial Germany telegram from 1930.]

    [Below: Imperial Germany telegram from 1930 - inside.]

    [Below: Imperial Germany telegram from 1930 - reverse.]

    [Below: This is a 1940 telegram from German Bohemia and Moravia (Czechoslovakia).]

    [Below: Close-up.]

    [Below: This is a 1940 telegram from German Bohemia and Moravia (Czechoslovakia).]

    [Below: Close-up.]

    [Below: This is a 1939 telegram from German Bohemia and Moravia (Czechoslovakia). The reverse is blank.]

    [Below: This is a 1940 telegram from German Bohemia and Moravia (Czechoslovakia). The reverse is blank.]

    [Below: This is a 1941 telegram from German Bohemia and Moravia (Czechoslovakia). The reverse is blank.]

    [Below: These are basically reward stamps for old paper recycling. They say:

    Der Reichskommissar für Altmaterialverwertung'

    (Waste paper
    The Reich Commissioner for Waste Material Utilization).]

    [Below: This is a 1939 postal vignette (advertising stamp) from Hamburg. It says:

    'Segen des Meeres'

    (Blessing of the sea).]

    [Below: Here is another postal vignette (advertising stamp), this time from Dresden. It says:

    'Der Rote Hahn
    Deutsche Volksschau für Feuerschutz und
    Dresdner Jahresschau 1935 '

    (The Red Rooster
    German People's Show for Fire Protection and
    Dresden annual show 1935).]

    [Below: This beautiful little booklet says::

    'Zeugnishest für'

    (Testimony for) ___________

    'Es gibt keine andere Zukunft
    für ein Volk als seine Jugend!'

    (There is no other Future
    for a People than its Youth!).

    Click on the image to see the pages within.]

    [Below: This is some type of donation stamp from the 1920s, I'm unsure if this has anything to do with the Third Reich, but it is interesting. It says:

    'Arierblut --
    Höchstes Gut!'

    (Aryan blood --
    the Highest Good!)]

    [Below: Now here is something odd and possibly unique. It is a hot air balloon registration certificate from 1936. At the very bottom right you can see the word 'Muster', this means speciman, meaning this is an example or prototype.
    At the top it says 'Freiballon=Zulassungsschein' which means 'Free balloon = registration certificate'. The definition is:

    'A free balloon is a free-flying balloon with which a balloon ride is possible. This distinguishes the term from the tethered balloon, which is connected to the ground by a line.
    It must be filled as a gas balloon with a carrying gas that is lighter than air or be designed as a hot air balloon. Free balloons (such as tethered balloons) differ from airships in that they do not have their own propulsion.'

    [Below: Reverse. It says:

    'Etwaige polizeiliche Beanstandungen'

    (Any complaints from the police)

    hehe... I don't know why, but that is pretty funny.

    It also says:

    'Art und Anlass der Prüfung'

    (Nature and reason for the examination)

    Beneath this it says 'Stückprüfung' (Routine test).

    'Kennzeichnung und Befund'

    (Labeling and findings).]

    [Below: Is this cool or what? A Hermann Göring balloon, very cool. How would you like to see one of these in the sky? This is a pretty rare postcard, as you might imagine, from March 1937. It commemorates a balloon race. It says:

    'Pflege des Luftsports ist eine gebieterische Forderung für Deutschlands Wiederaufstieg.'

    This quote is from Konstantin von Neurath, Foreign Minister of Germany between 1932 and 1938 and later other positions.

    (Cultivation of air sports is an imperative requirement for Germany's resurgence.)]

    [Below: Back of postcard showing a special cancel. It says:

    'Chemnitz-südkampfbahn - Ausscheidung-fahrt'

    (Chemnitz-southern contest route - Elimination drive).]

    [Below: Close-up.]

    [Below: Here is an envelope sent a few days later than the postcard above.]

    [Below: Close-up of cancel.]

    [Below: Inside the envelope, probably at the time this was sent, back in 1937, is an article on the contest and its collecting appeal.]

    [Below: A different postcard showing the Hermann Göring balloon.]

    [Below: Balloon cancel from September 5, 1937]

    [Below: Here's a cool picture of some SA men holding down a balloon.]

    [Below: Here is a rare look at a sobering reminder of the closing days of WWII. It is a call to arms to a Volkssturm man. Woltersdorf is is very close to Berlin, under 30 miles! It says:


    Sie werden hiermit zur aktiven brelichen Dienstleistung in Deutschen Volkssturm einberafen und haben sich am Montag, dem 5.Febr.1945 um lo Uhr auf dem Schulhof der Alten Schule, Haupt str. einzufinden. Sie steben mit erhalt diesen Einberufungabefehls unter dem Wehrgesetz. Nichtbefelgung des Einberufungabefehlen wird militärgarichtlich bestruft. Die Versergung Gewahrung vom Famillenunterhalt [...]. - erfolgt nach den geltenden Bestimmungen. Da ortliche Gemelsschaftaverpflegung vorgenahen ist, sind samtl. Lebensmittelkarten zur Abgabe auf der Kartenstelle mitsubringen, desgl. Verpflegung für den Montag.'

    (Conscription Order

    You are hereby drafted for active service in the German Volkssturm and are to report to the schoolyard of the old school, Haupt str., on Monday, Feb. 5, 1945 at noon. Upon receipt of this conscription order, you will be subject to the military law. Failure to comply with the draft order will be punished by military court. The payment of the family allowance [...]. - shall be made in accordance with the provisions in force. Since local rations are provided, all ration cards are to be handed in at the card office, as well as rations for Monday.)]

    [Below: Also related to the above, this says: 'Veränderungs meldung der Volkssturmsoldaten'

    (Report of change of the Volkssturm soldiers)

    This is basically a document if you were to change your address, job or to report an illness over four weeks.

    [Below: Close-up.]