The title of the recipe book is 'Frühkost, Brotaufstrich und Abendessen' (Breakfast, Spread and Dinner).

The first paragraph:
'In der heutigen Zeit gilt es für die Hausfrau mehr denn je, zu überlegen, wie sie die verschiedenen Mahlzeiten mit dem Vorhandenen kräftigend, sättigend und wohlschmeckend zusammenstellen kann.'
(Nowadays, it is more important than ever for the housewife to think about how she can put together the various meals with what is on hand in a way that is strengthening, filling and tasty.)

The recipe book describes what is important regarding breakfast, spread and dinner. There are recipes for dishes that have been popular since olden times.

Breakfast should provide a foundation for the whole day. Instead of 'coffee and white bread' you should eat a porridge made from whole grain products.

For the slices of bread you take with you to eat in school or work it is important to know how to make tasty spread by yourself and use little fat [because fat was rationed]. Add fresh fruits or vegetables to the slices of bread with spread.

For dinner there are slices of bread or potato and vegetable dishes (e.g. soups) made from leftovers from lunch. Provide salads or grated raw vegetables as side dishes.

The recipe book is illustrated with several funny drawings which show pictures for meals with their names in the vernacular, e.g. 'Himmel und Erde' (Heaven and Earth). Some of the names have been forgotten. The dish 'Himmel und Erde' consists of mashed potatoes and applesauce.

[Below: Click to enlarge!]

[Below: Here is the drawing for the meal 'Himmel und Erde' (Heaven and Earth).]

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