[Page Sixty One]
Understanding Human Behavior
[Note: If this cover didn't catch your eye then you are not a metal fan. The artist wasn't listed, unfortunately, just initials on the painting 'R.H.'. Well, R.H., fine job.
These books are from 1974 and deal with a wide variety of subjects. This particular volume seen here deals with such subjects as hygiene, 'Coping with a Liberated Woman', death, 'Of Cops and Kids' and of course, Satanism!]
[Above: This medieval painting is called 'The Deceased Lovers']
[Above: Click the image for a larger view...]
[Above: And what topic on 'Satanism' would be complete without Aleister Crowley?]
[Above & below: These photos involve the 'King of the Witches' Alex Sanders, who practiced Gardner-style witchcraft.]
[Above: Gerald Gardner (1884–1964),the father of modern Wicca.
Gardner wrote a handful of books, among them 'High Magic's Aid' (1949), 'Witchcraft Today' (1954) and 'The Meaning of Witchcraft' (1959).]
[Above: Maxine Sanders.]
[Above: Maxine Sanders.]
[Above: Maxine and Alex Sanders.]
[Above: Maxine Sanders.]
[Above & below: Skyclad!]
[Below: An advertisement for a film called Legend of the Witches featuring Maxine Sanders and her coven]
[Below: 2010 DVD of Legend of the Witches - a very cool documentary which Alex Sanders helped make]
[Below: This female is Janet Farrar. The man on the right is Alex Sanders.]
[Below: This is Janet Farrar and her husband Stewart.]
[Below: More of Janet Farrar.]
[Below: More of Janet Farrar.]
[Below: This photo was used for the cover of the 2013 release of a 'Psychedelic rock' band called Unknown Mortal Orchestra.]
[Below: Maxine - The Witch Queen]
[Below: What Witches Do - cover #1]
[Below: What Witches Do - cover #2]
[Below: Maxine wrote a very telling book about her life called Firechild]
[Above: Maxine Sanders posing with Pesky Gee!/Black Widow. Maxine was known as 'The Queen of the Witches'.]
[Above: An article about Black Widow, whose first album 'Sacrifice' debuted in 1970.]
[Above: Maxine and the singer of Black Widow.]
[Above: Sacrifice.]
[Above: Coven's 'Witchcraft Destroys Minds & Reaps Souls'.]
To quote Wikipedia:
'Witchcraft Destroys Minds & Reaps Souls is the debut studio album by the psychedelic rock band Coven. Released in 1969, it was unusual in that it dealt with overtly occult and satanic themes, and was removed, in the past time, from the market soon after its release due to controversy. However, it remains a classic of its genre, and in some ways set groundbreaking trends for later rock bands. This album marked the first appearance in music of the sign of the horns, inverted crosses, and the phrase Hail Satan. Today, these are characteristics of the occult and heavy metal genres. According to rock journalist Lester Bangs, "in England lie unskilled laborers like Black Sabbath, which was hyped as a rockin' ritual celebration of the Satanic mass, something like England's answer to Coven".[2] As a further coincidence, Coven's bass guitarist and co-writer (Mike Osborne) is credited as "Oz Osborne".'
[Above: 'Witchcraft Destroys Minds & Reaps Souls' - alternative cover]
[Above: Inside.]
[Above: Close-up.]
[Above: Photo used for cover.]
[Above: CD re-issue back.]
[Above: Rare 8-tracks.]
[Above: The 1985 legendary compilation 'Metal Inferno'. The first time I ever heard Venom was here! The anthem of Black Metal -- the track after the same name. It was also the first time I heard the incredible bands Widow and Witchfinder General. Cloven Hoof's Laying Down the Law and Demon's Don't Break the Circle are also great songs.]
[Above: Metal Inferno - back.]
[Above: Metal Inferno - record.]
[Above: Did someone say demons? Here's an incredibly bizarre drawing by Anthony Schongauer. Click to enlarge.]
Bathory/Ahriman Cover Art
[Note: This painting is from 1872, called 'Asgardsreien' and is by Peter Nicholai Arbo. It is strange to see someone else use this famous painting, especially after the famous usage by Bathory. Notice the strange additions to the painting on the Ahriman cover.]
[Below: Click on the picture below to see 'Asgardsreien' in all its beauty.]
[Below: And then there is Hammerheart!]
[Below: This beauty is by Frank Dicksee (1853 1928)]
[Note: Here's another example of a handful of letters we received back in 1998/99 after Mourning the Ancient images were mistakenly published in a 'zine of the day, The Grimoire. To see a scan and read a little bit more about it click here.
While this guy was 'normal' enough, he did have a few interesting things to say...
We just met and you are already lying to me! I'm so let-down!
Out of all the things you could guess Mourning the Ancient to be... a Satanic church?! That is a first!
Cattle Decapitation
[Note: If I remember right, this is a pretty good and brutal death metal band, but check out the weird guy in the background of the picture below (with his fists clenched)... the rest of the band look 'normal', but the guy in question looks like he is going to pull out a gun at any moment and kill the rest of the band.]
[Above: Glossy promo picture. Click to enlarge.]
[Above: Haha! Well, I guess we couldn't say we didn't deserve it!]
[Note: Here is a band that has been the subject of many arguments over the years. On the black metal 'trueness' scale, some would say they rank pretty low. In 2007, apparently they were doing a concert in their homeland of Poland when the frontman Nergal ripped up a Christian bible, saying that the Catholic church was "the most murderous cult on the planet" and described the bible as "a deceitful book" and the church as a "criminal sect". He was charged with 'offending religious feelings' and faced up to two years in jail! Luckily, after two attempts to prosecute him, he won the case in court. I wonder if the millions of pagans who died by Christian flame and sword had their 'religious feelings' offended?]
[Above: Flyer back]
[Above & below: In 2018 Nergal published these two horrendously homosexual photos.]
*Here let me fix his shirt's saying----------------------------HOMO
Christ is kickin' back looking down thinking "That Nergal, what a faggot. I guess he is just rebelling since my father said 'no homo' in the Bible..."
[Note: Is that a potato talking? I've never heard this Swedish band... since this is from 2000 I wonder if the offer for 'free sex' is still good? Sorry all you homos out there, no free sex for you, the flyer clearly says 'girls only'!]
National Vanguard
[Note: Here is a flyer from National Vanguard magazine after the great William Pierce passed.]
[Above: Flyer back]
From Rock to Rock - The Music of Darkness Exposed!
[Note: This is a very radical book about the evils of music (circa 1990). Pretty much every lame band in existence is put on the witch-fire here. From Juice Newton to Prince to Kenny Loggins. Did you know that the Michael Jackson Thriller video has '27 violent acts and open occultism' which includes 'the 16th century Baltic incantation known as lycanthropy' (HUH?)?
Or that Billy Idol is 'one of today's most violent video stars'?!
How about that Bananarama use 'Demonic images of fire and open occultism'? Oh my!
This book even goes so far as to insult Iron Maiden's Eddie calling him a 'grotesque rotting corpse-like mascot'! Blasphemy indeed!]
[Above: Hahaha... this is an example of the laughable content of this book!]
[Note: 'Hempfilled, anticapitalistic Crust'. Need I say more? Well, other than 'the multi-orgasmic-man' is still available, and of course, 'Grow more pot'!]
[Note: These are rather strange comic book style magazines given to American troops to teach and advise them on a variety of subjects. From fixing your tank to building a latrine, it's all here, in a dopey, rather childish comic book style. Below you will find a funny (to me at least) page from a January 2011 issue regarding airforce pilots rocking out via their helmets and an MP3 player! Ingenius! I want one! Imagine the admiration you would receive, say walking down the street blaring some Cannibal Corpse in your airforce helmet. Or walking into a club with this baby blaring the latest techno!]