[Page One Hundred]
No Salvation
[Note: Page 100! Wow, I can't believe it. So who gets the honor of being first on page 100? Hmmm... a band I've never heard of. The front of this flyer looks pretty normal, nothing out of place here. The back of the flyer (below) looks pretty lame though, with all of its mainstream advertising. Blah blah blah. I like the part where they say "The best part: there are no costs, only 10% fee" -- THAT IS A COST!!! They give us all the reasons that they are so awesome... then comes the big finale:
Someone got flogged, burned and fired for this mistake. They probably printed ten zillion flyers like this. Anyway, I'm conviced, how about you?]
Der Stille Garten (The Silent Garden)
[Note: This beautiful old German book is from 1922. Thanks to my friend and comrade M.R. for this! I love it! Here is an example of the many pictures within...]
[Note: This flyer involves one of my absolute favorite black metal bands: Countess. It announces the re-release of the first Countess CD 'The Gospel of the Horned One' and its release on LP. Unfortunately I missed both of these, but I still have the original 1993 masterpiece on CD. Definitely one of the most under appreciated bands ever.]
[Below: 'The Gospel of the Horned One' cover art]
[Below: 'The Revenge Of The Horned One Pt. 1' cover art from 2001]
The Conquerors
[Note: I had to show this astonishing work called 'The Conquerors' by Pierre Fritel, done in 1892, simply because it is so cool! Below are some bonus pictures that I found interesting. The first is from Warhammer 40k...]
King Diamond/Mercyful Fate
[Note: Okay, the gnome is made by a fan, but the shoes were official releases some years back. I'm as much of a fan as anyone, but maybe shoes are going a bit too far... okay, nevermind they are pretty fuckin' cool! hehe]
[Note: From the land of Genghis Khan come the mighty Fagosarco! Is this taken from the legendary Brazilian band Sarcofago? Sarcofago was once fronted by Sepultura's original singer, Wagner Lamounier.]
[Below: Very early Sepultura! Haha... I love the kid on the right with the helmet and the backwards swastika!]
[Below: Okay, I fixed it. Now the mighty Sepultura are ready for battle! RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrroar!!!]
Bitter Peace
[Note: Released in 2015, this album went through so much strife and insanity before finally being released. It went through name changes, vocalist/band member changes, song title/lyric changes, mixing changes, was re-recorded in its entirety, label problems, cover/layout changes and alas, personal differences that were irreconcilable...
The first version was recorded and was pretty much finished when-- for reasons I won't go into-- Lance Gifford, the mind behind Bitter Peace, pulled the plug. It was re-recorded and repackaged. Although it turned out to be a kick-ass black metal album, it was and is a shame that the original will never be heard. I really liked it -- a lot! I asked Lance if he would ever consider releasing it and the answer was 100% NO.
I believe in Lance and call him a comrade and a friend, and I also respect him greatly as a musician and someone who has been active in the scene for a very long time (he used to do the fantastic 'zine Ultima Comparatio). So when I was asked if I would contribute a few samples of my old music project (Primitive Supremacy) and a poem which was used as the opening track's lyrics (Atom Smashed Saviour), I was very happy to be a part of such a great project that I deeply believed in.
During the turmoil and destruction of the old album I had Lance send me photos of the old album art, which he also kindly addressed to me. They are all that survive of what once was.
But alas, it had to be this way. A book could be written about the drama and trials and tribulations that went on during the making of the first album. But despite the stress, the loss and the hours and hours of wasted time, a great album surfaced from the ashes. Is it better than the old one? The world will never know...]
[Below: Official Elegy Records 2015 release. Front/back.]
[Below: Official Elegy Records 2015 release. Inner sleeve/CD tray.]
[Below: Original cover art of the CD originally titled 'The Terrorist Manifesto']
[Below: Original inside sleeve]
[Below: Original CD back]
[Below: Original CD tray - this is a Mourning the Ancient picture.]
[Below: Demo and logo art with Lance Gifford inscription]
[Below: Original CD cover art in all of its greatness!]
[Below: Close-up art with inscription.]
Here is an excerpt from my announcment of his Lance's death:
'Terrible news today. My friend and comrade Lance Gifford has died. He died September 14... I hadn't talked to him for a few months and then today I got this devastating news. It's unbelievable that he is gone. He was such a talented and strong person. He was someone I could talk to and not hold back. He was a National Socialist, a father, an extraordinary musician (best known for his band Bitter Peace), a comrade who was there for me during a dark and deathly period of my life.
I can hardly believe that he is gone. Another empty place at the table, another dark place where light once shined.
Lance, if you're out there brother, be with me in this battle, this fucking silent war. Slip through the veil and walk with us, as you did in life. We need you more than ever.
My love, camaraderie, and friendship, to you always, enduring even death.'
Here is an interview I did with Lance in better days:
[Above: Lance (September 26, 1967 - September 14, 2019) with his fiance]
[Above: Nathan Pagano (1984 - 2017)
Game Icons
[Note: In 2014 Ireland released these awesome retro video game stamps/commemorative envelope. I remember these characters fondly from my youth. I saved babysitting money for many months before finally being able to buy a Nintendo!]
[Below: Commemorative envelope]
[Below: Envelope insert - side A]
[Below: Envelope insert - side B]
Vanguard Productions
[Note: Shirts just don't get much cooler than this!]