• Here we shall place everything else that didn't quite fit into the other categories. Things like books, booklets, tinnies (day badges), newspapers, etcetera.

    [Below: Like the Winterhilfswerk (Winter Relief) in Germany, except this was in Belgium.

    Click to see close-ups.]

    [Below: Another Winterhilfswerk (Winter Relief) from Belgium.]

    [Below: German Winterhilfswerk wooden matchbox. Front/back.]

    [Below: German Winterhilfswerk wooden matchbox. It says:

    'Heldentum der Front
    Fordert Opfer

    Pommersehe Eeiehenlaubträger'

    (Heroism of the front
    Demands sacrifice
    of the

    Pomeranian Oak Leaves bearers)


    [Below: German Winterhilfswerk wooden matchbox. Note that the little guy is sitting on a WHW donation can/stove. Front/back.]

    [Below: General Government (Poland) wooden matchbox. It says:


    (Match Monopoly
    in the General Government)


    [Below: This is an international reply coupon, purchased on February 21, 1940. If you're not familiar with these, you're not alone, most people aren't these days. They used to be widely used in the past. Basically you purchased these when you were writing overseas and wanted (or were required) to pay for return postage. Front. Click to enlarge.]

    [Below: Back. Hmm... are those censor marked on the bottom left? Very odd. Click to enlarge.]

    [Below: This is a pretty neat. This is a large photo of 'Schiffe vor Anzio' (Ships off Anzio). This is a German reconnaissance photo of Allied boats during the Anzio invasion (January 22–June 5, 1944). During the Anzio invasion the Allies suffered 29,200 combat casualties, including 4,400 dead, 18,000 wounded and 6,800 missing or captured. Furthermore, there were 37,000 non-combat casualties. Click to enlarge.]

    [Below: This is the first time I've ever seen one of these. Apparently it is a business debit/deposit slip (Lastschriftzettel) of some kind. It is from Großen-Buseck über Gießen (in the German state of Hesse). On the bottom, middle it says: 'Geprüft - Lastschrift
    Bei Einsendung der Überweisung durch den Empfänger ist am oberen Rande zu vermerken: "Vom Empfänger eingesandt"'

    (Checked - Direct debit
    If the bank transfer is sent in by the recipient, the following must be noted at the top: "Sent in by recipient")

    Click to enlarge.]

    [Below: Back. It says:

    'Die mit dem Tagesstempel des Postcheckamts vollzogenen Lastschriftzettel haben dieselbe Beweiskraft wie die von der Post ausgestellten Einlieferungsscheine.'

    (The debit slips bearing the date stamp of the post office has the same probative value as the deposit slips issued by the post office.)

    Click to enlarge.]

    [Below: Eagle close-up.]

    [Below: Wow, are these cool or what? They say:
    'Für unsere Soldaten an der front als Gruß aus der heimat'
    (For our soldiers at the front as a greeting from home).]

    [Below: This charming little booklet (it contains various recipes) was released by the Reichsnährstand (Reich Food Society). This organization was led by the great Walther Darré. Click to see inside.]

    [Below: There were many types of 'Spende' (donation) certificates and receipts during the Third Reich. The Adolf Hitler variety are among the rarest. This was for party members only. It says: 'Adolf=Hitler=Spende der Deutschen Wirtschaft

    Sammlungen bei dem Inhaber dieser
    Bescheinigung sind allen Angehörigen und
    Stellen der Partei, ihrer Gliederungen und
    angeschlossenen Verbände verboten.'

    (Adolf=Hitler=Donation from the German economy

    Collections from the holder of this
    certificate are prohibited for all members and
    offices of the party, its divisions and
    affiliated associations.)

    In the bottom right corner is the party eagle and a facsimile signature with the words 'Der Stellvertreter des Führers' (The Führer's Deputy)]

    [Below: Adolf Hitler Spende]

    [Below: Adolf Hitler Spende. You'll notice in the right bottom corner that the eagle style has changed and there is a new signature and title. It says: 'Der Leiter der Partei-Kanzlei' (The Head of the Party Office).]

    [Below: This Adolf Hitler Spende has different text. It says: 'Adolf=Hitler=Spende der Deutschen Wirtschaft

    Sammlungen bei dem Inhaber dieser
    Bescheinigung sind verboten. Das verbot
    gilt vom 1. Juni 1944 bis 31. Mai 1945.
    Das Winterhilfswerk, die Reichswinterhilfelotterien
    und die Reichslotterien der NSDAP
    für nationale Arbeit fallen nicht unter dieses

    (Adolf=Hitler=Donation from the German economy

    Collections from the holder of this
    certificate are prohibited. The ban
    applies from June 1, 1944 to May 31, 1945.
    The Winter Relief Fund, the Reich Winter Relief Lotteries
    and the Reich Lotteries of the NSDAP
    for national work are not covered by this
    collection ban.)]

    [Below: 1939 Adolf Hitler Spende document, page one.]

    [Below: 1939 Adolf Hitler Spende document, page two.]

    [Below: 1939 Adolf Hitler Spende document, page three.]

    [Below: 1939-40 Adolf Hitler Spende document.]

    [Below: 1940 Adolf Hitler Spende document.]

    [Below: 1943 donation receipt for clothing and shoes for soldiers and civilians. Front.]

    [Below: 1943 donation receipt for clothing and shoes for soldiers on the eastern front. Reverse.]

    [Below: 1941 donation flyer for clothing.]

    [Below: Early donation flyer for clothing.]

    [Below: It says: 'Wir bauen Geräte für Feldtelegraphie und Feldtelephonie.']

    (We build devices for field telegraphy and field telephony)]

    [Below: Opening page.]

    [Below: Next page. It says:

    'Der Sonnen-Sender
    Jeder, der sich einmal mit optischen Versuchen abgegeben
    hat, weiß genau, daß die beste Lichtquelle immer noch die
    Sonne ist. Wenn wir mit Sonnenstrahlen senden, können
    wir mit ganz einfachen Mitteln sehr große Entfernungen
    überbrücken. Solche "Heliographen" (vom griechischen
    helios Sonne und graphein schreiben!) Sind schon 1908 von
    unseren Schutztruppen in Deutsche=Ost=Afrika mit bestem Erfolge

    (The solar transmitter
    Anyone who has ever tried optical experiments
    knows that the best light source is still the
    sun. If we transmit with sun rays,
    we can bridge very large distances with very simple means. Such
    "heliographs" (from the Greek
    helios sun and graphein!) were used with great success by
    our protection troops in German East Africa as early as 1908.)]

    [Below: Random pages with diagrams.]

    [Below: Random pages with diagrams.]

    [Below: This four page document says:

    'Vor mir, dem unterzeichneten Notor
    Dr. Ludolf Penkert
    der sich auf Antrag der Beteiligten nach Bad-Dürrenberg
    in das Grundstück Keuschbergerstrasse 4 begeben hatte,
    erschienen heute, geschäftsfähig und von Person bekannt:
    1. die Witwe Regina Krätzschmar geb. Baroni
    2. der Techniker Heinz Krätzschmar,
    beide aus Bad-Dürrenberg, Keuschbergerstrassse 4.
    Die Erschienenen erklärten:
    Wir beiten der Rentengutsgesellschaft Merseburg, eingetragene
    Genossenschaft mit beschränkter Haftpflicht mit dem.'

    (Before me, the undersigned notary
    Dr. Ludolf Penkert
    who, at the request of the parties, had gone to Bad-Dürrenberg
    to the property at Keuschbergerstrasse 4,
    appeared today, legally competent and personally known:
    1. the widow Regina Krätzschmar née Baroni
    2. the technician Heinz Krätzschmar,
    both from Bad-Dürrenberg, Keuschbergerstrasse 4.
    The persons appearing declared:
    We offer the Rentengutsgesellschaft Merseburg, a registered
    cooperative with limited liability with the...)]

    [Below: Notar stamp up-close.]

    [Below: Page two, continued:

    'Sita in Merseburg den Abschluss folgenden
    Eingetragene Eigentümer der im Grundbuche von Kirchfährendorf
    Band 8 Blatt 297 verzeichneten Grundstücke
    Gemarkung Kirchfährendorf....'

    (Sita in Merseburg concluded the following
    purchase agreement,
    Registered owners of the properties listed in the land register of Kirchfährendorf
    Volume 8 Sheet 297
    Kirchfährendorf district...)]

    [Below: Page three]

    [Below: Page four]

    [Below: I'm unsure what the following loose papers were used for. On some of the ink stamps it says 'Gemeindeamt' and 'Gemeinde', which just means 'Municipal office' and 'Municipality'. Each ink stamp is from a different locale... I just don't know. The ink stamps are of a very high quality, as you can see. Another thing you will notice is the signatures of different people beside each ink stamp. I'm not sure who these people are?]