• Here we'll place all manner of identity booklets, membership cards, papers, etcetera, both civilian and military. We'll scan any pages with writing or stamps and any unique pages within the books. Basically we'll scan any and all pages except duplicate pages of designs we've already scanned.

    [Below: As a special treat for us all, the esteemed Mike and Earl present a rare and wonderful listing --
    An S.A. Ausweis with a difference (click to see more!):]

    [Below: This booklet says 'Verwaltungs=Akademie
    unter Leitung des Amtes für Beamte
    der N.S.D.A.P., Gau Mittelfranken'

    under the direction of the Office for Civil Servants of
    the N.S.D.A.P., Gau Mittelfranken)

    'Hörerkarte' which directly translates as 'Listener Card'. This card is for a series of lectures which are listed within.

    The ink stamp says 'Berwaltungs - Akademie - Mittelfranken' (Administrative Academy Middle Franconia)

    In the center of the eagle we see 'RDB' which stands for 'The Reichsbund der Deutschen Beamten (RDB)' (Reich Federation of German Civil Servants)

    [Below: Okay, let's look at some of these classes within the book:

    1 - Nationalsozialistische Bewegung (National Socialist Movement)

    2 - Führerpersönlichkeit und Nationalsozialismus (Führer Personality and National Socialism)

    3 - Neue Wirtschattspolitik (New Economic Policy)

    4 - Der autoritäre Staat (The Authoritarian State)

    5- Rasse, Volk und Staat (Race, People and State)

    6 - Weltanschauliche Schulung (Worldview Training)

    7 - Handels: und Wechselrecht (Trade and Exchange Law)

    8 - Die Wirtschaft im nationalsozialistischen Weltbild (The Economy in the National Socialist World View)

    9 - Agrarpolitik und Erbhofgesetz (Agricultural Policy and Inheritance Farm Law)

    10 - Deutsche Geschichte im nationalsozialistischen Weltbild (German History in the National Socialist Worldview)

    11 - Kampf gegen die Arbeitslosigkeit (The Fight Against Unemployment)

    12 - Finanz= und Steuer= Politik im neuen Staat (Finance and Tax Policy in the New State)

    13 - Neues Staats= und Verwaltungsrecht (New State and Administrative Law)

    14 - Volkswohlfahrt (People's Welfare)

    15 - Kommunalpolitik im neuen Staat (Local Politics in the New State)

    16 - Die Volkswirtschaft und die Haftpflicht (The National Economy and Liability)

    17 - Das neue Strafrecht (The New Criminal Law )

    18 - Der Jude (The Jew)

    Gebühr bezahlt am: 10. April 1934 (Fee paid on: April 10, 1934)

    We see that this person didn't attend classes 2 and 15. We will send the Gestapo to find out why this man skipped these lectures. Probably off smoking marijuana with some Hitler Youth lads.]

    [Below: A similiar card (unlike the card above which opens in the traditional sense, this is just a card with a front and back) to that above, but with some differences. 'Verwaltungs=Akademie
    mit Zweigstellen ansbach
    und erlangen'
    (Administration=Academy Nuremberg with branches in Ansbach and Erlangen [these are both cities in Bavaria]).
    This card, unlike the one above, is dated 1934 and lists information about the person. Here we have Erhardt Egermeier, who is a 'Steuerinispektor', which means the dreaded tax inspector!

    [Below: None of the classes are stamped like that above. I think this tax inspector was skipping school!]

    [Below: This card says 'Fränkisches Sängerfest Nürnberg
    17. - 19 Juli 1936

    (Franconian Singers' Festival Nuremberg
    17 - 19 July 1936
    Festival card). Front.]

    [Below: This says:

    } Fernruf 2 30 31
    } Fernruf 2 30 32
    Sämtlich Bahnhof Westhalle'

    (Information office
    Reception office
    Traffic office
    Housing office
    } Long distance call 2 30 31
    } Long distance call 2 30 32
    All Westhalle Station). Reverse.]

    [Below: This is a rare shirt patch of the 'Deutsche Lebens-Rettungs-Gesellschaft or DLRG' (The German Life Saving Association). This organization is still around today, in fact it is the largest voluntary lifesaving organization in the world. This is an embroidered version.]

    [Below: This is a different shirt patch, much rarer, it is made from a thin material and is printed.]

  • Below are five versions of the German Life Saving Association membership passes - 1935, with the cover showing a man with a woman in his arms - 1938, we see the same characters as the 1935 booklet, but with an added glowing swastika - 1939, an off-white booklet very different from all the others - 1942, which not only sees a color change (and no photo), but also shows a totally new image of a man saving another man, no swastika and with the words 'Snatched from wet Death' and 1944 which shares the cover design as 1942 and also shows the SS becoming involved.


    [Below: This ID booklet, from October 12, 1935, says (right side):
    'Deutsche Lebens-Rettungs-Geminschaft E.V. * Berlin

    (German Life Saving Association E.V. * Berlin
    Basic License).

    On the left side, top, it says:
    'Der Erwerb des Leistungsschein erfordert folgende Leistungen'

    (The acquisition of the certificate of achievement requires the following achievements)

    On the bottom, it says:
    'Die Mitgliedschaft in der DLRG. und die Vollendung des 17. Lebensjahres ist für die Erwerbung des Leistungsscheins Voraussetzung'

    (A prerequisite for membership in the DLRG. requires you to be at least 17 years of age for the acquisition of the performance certificate)


    [Below: What a handsome devil. On the left side, middle, it says:
    'hat die Prüfung für den
    Deutsche Lebens-Rettungs-Gesellschaft
    nach den Bestimmungen des Abschnitts
    B.II.A. der Gesellschaftssatzung
    mit Erfolg abgelegt.'

    (has passed the exam for the
    basic certificate
    of the
    German Life Saving Society
    according to the provisions of section
    B.II.A. of the statutes of the society sucessfully.)

    We see that Erich Kübrich, born on August 7, 1911 and lived in Gera. Today, Gera is the third largest city in Thuringia. Inside.]


    [Below: This ID booklet, from January 31, 1938, says (right side):
    'Deutsche Lebens-Rettungs-Gesellschaft E.V. * Berlin

    (German Life Saving Association E.V. * Berlin
    Basic License).

    On the left side, top, it says:
    'Der Erwerb des Leistungsscheins erfordert folgende Leistungen'

    (The acquisition of the certificate of achievement requires the following achievements)

    On the bottom, it says:
    'Gültige Prüfungen dürfen nur von einem Lehrscheininhaber abgenommen werden.'

    (Valid examinations may only be taken by a teaching certificate holder)


    [Below: Strange-looking fellow, looks kinda like a vampire. He's wearing his Wehrmacht uniform. On the left side, middle, it says:
    'hat die Prüfung für den
    Deutsche Lebens-Rettungs-Gesellschaft
    nach den Bestimmungen des Abschnitts
    B.II.A. der Gesellschaftssatzung
    mit Erfolg abgelegt.'

    (has passed the exam for the
    basic certificate
    of the
    German Life Saving Society
    according to the provisions of section
    B.II.A. of the statutes of the society sucessfully.)

    We see that Wilhelm Neujahr, born April 2, 1914, is from Köln (also known by its French name Cologne) is a 2,000-year-old city spanning the Rhine River in western Germany and is the largest city of North Rhine-Westphalia. Inside.]


    [Below: This ID booklet, originally issued in 1939 in Hamburg, has dues stamps stretching into 1942. We see a few differences in this book, the photo is omitted, among other things.


    [Below: Here we see this book was issued in 1939 to Margret Becker. We can see a variety of DLRG dues stamps here, from 1939 to blank versions where they just canceled them.

    On the right we see the addition of the text:
    'Diese Karte kostet 10 Pfg.
    + 0,50 Verwaltungs
    [...] Zuschuss'

    (This card costs 10 Pfg.
    contribution stamps
    + 0,50 administrative
    [...] subsidy).
    Normally this text would have been hidden by dues stamps, but for one reason or another they placed the stamps on the next line.]

    [Below: Close-up]


    [Below: This ID booklet, originally issued in 1942, has dues stamps stretching into 1944. We see a few differences in this book, like how the photo is omitted, and the addition of the text:
    'Sie wirkt im Sinne einer wahren Volksgemeinschaft und arbeitet im Geiste des nationalsozialistischen Volksstaates'

    (It works in the sense of a true Volksgemeinschaft [people's community] and operates in the spirit of the National Socialist People's State).

    And further down it says:
    'Zur Durchführung ihrer Aufgaben nach § ['§' this is a sign meaning 'section'] 3 sind vorgsehen:'
    (For the performance of its duties under § ['§' this is a sign meaning 'section'] 3 are provided:)
    Number 3, further down, mentioned several other organizations:
    'Verbreiten der Rettungsübungen im deutschen Volk, insbesondere im allen Schulen, sowie im Reichsheer, in der Reichsmarine, der Schutzpolizei, SA, SS,HJ, JV, BDM.'
    (Spreading the rescue exercises among the German people, especially in all schools, as well as in the Reichsheer, the Reichsmarine, the Schutzpolizei, SA, SS, HJ, JV, BDM).' Front/reverse.]

    [Below: Here we see this book was issued in 1942 to Herbert Hölzer, who lived in Berlin. I must say, the dues stamps on this one are very cool. I wonder why the other membership books didn't have them?

    [Below: Close-up]


    [Below: This ID booklet, from August 1944, says:
    'Deutsche Lebens-Rettungs-Geminschaft E.V. * Berlin
    Dem nassenTode entrissen!

    (German Life Saving Association E.V. * Berlin
    Snatched from wet Death!
    Basic License). Front/reverse.]

    [Below: On the middle, left, we see the words:

    'hat durch die bestandene Prüfung den
    Deutsche Lebens - Rettungs - Gemainschaft e. V.
    erworben, was hiermit beurkundet wird.'

    (has, by passing the exam, laid the
    of the
    German Life - Rescue - Gemainschaft e. V.
    which is hereby certified.)

    We also note that our Gerda Jahn, at 17 years old, lives on Adolf Hitler Street. What a girl! :) She's from Klingenthal, which is in Saxony, south-eastern Germany. It is right on the border with the Czech Republic. From the photos it looks like a dreamy little misty mountainous town, with snow capped buildings and snowy trees.
    At the very bottom, left, unfortunately, there is some damage, but you can see some SS runes from a title of someone? I wonder why the SS, especially the Waffen-SS, had something to do with this organization?]


    [Below: Now here is a rare one! This 'Mitgliedskarte' (Membership card), issued on August 22, 1943, says:
    'Deutsche Lebens-Rettungs-Gesellschaft E.V. / Berlin
    It's strange that this booklet says 'Deutsche Lebens-Rettungs-Gesellschaft' instead of the usual 'Deutsche Lebens-Rettungs-Geminschaft', although they mean the same thing.

    The left top says:

    'Die DLRG ist eine selbständige nationale gemeinnützige Wohlfahrts-Einrichtung zur Erhaltung und Stärkung der deutschen Volkskraft Wehrfähigkeit. Sie bekämpft den Ertrinkungstod. Auzug aus der Satzung'

    (The DLRG is an independent national non-profit welfare institution for the preservation and strengthening of the German national strength and military capability. It fights drowning. Excerpt from the Articles of Association). Front/reverse.]

    [Below: Beautiful eagle close-up. This has to be one of my favorite Third Reich eagles... ]

    [Below: Inside. We learn that this was issued to Günther Diexel.]

    [Below: 1943 membership stamp close-up.]

    [Below: Here are three grades of stickpins from the German Life Saving Association. Click to enlarge.]

    [Below: Here are two additional stickpins from the German Life Saving Association. Note this silver version is cut out and made from aluminum, and the bronze version has a different pin.]

    [Below: Here is a German Life Saving Association handbook. Front/back.]

    [Below: This 1941 Red Cross card says, on the right:
    DRK Kreisgemeinschaft'

    (Membership card
    DRK District Community)

    The ink stamp of 'AMSTETTEN' refers to the municipality in Baden-Württemberg, Germany.

    On the left, it says:
    'Beitragsbescheinigung' (Contribution Statement). Front/reverse.]

    [Below: This says, on the left:
    'Diese Mitgliedskarte berechtigt zum Tragen des DRK=Zivilabzeichens. Inhaber ist nicht berechtigt zum Tragen der Dienstkleidung des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes.'
    (This membership card entitles the holder to wear the DRK (German Red Cross) Civilian Badge. The holder is not entitled to wear the service uniform of the German Red Cross.)

    On the right, it says:
    'Beitragsbescheinigung' (Contribution Statement). Here we see Stefanie has been active for most of 1941. Inside.]

    [Below: Now here is something you don't see everyday. This 1937 document is from the French consulate in Berlin and is a passport/visa request for a 13 year old boy who lived in Berlin. Click to enlarge!]

    [Below: Close-up.]

    [Below: This is interesting, it's a Nürnberg tram pass from March 1943. It says:

    Werke und Bahnen
    der Stadt der Reichsparteitage

    (Factories and Railroads
    the City of the Reich Party Days
    Weekly ticket). Click to see inside!]

    [Below: This is so cool. It's a children's savings book. It says (left side):


    (Savings card)

    On the right, in cursive, it says:

    'Jugend Sparen'

    (Youth Savings)

    'Einer für Alle
    Alle für Einen'

    (One for All
    All for One)

    Beneath that, around the horse design, it says:

    'Durch Sparen gehen unsere Wünsche in Erfüllung'

    (Saving Makes Our Wishes Come True)

    Click to see inside!]

    [Below: Here is a pretty neat ID book from the 'Deutscher Reichsbund für Leibesübungen'

    Which means 'German Reich Association for Physical Exercise'

    I haven't seen one of these before, so it must be fairly rare.

    It says:

    Durchs Leben'

    (Performance Book
    Through life)

    Click to see inside!]

    [Below: Here is a 'Reichsarbeitsdienst-Paß' (Reich Labor Service Pass) from 1940. On the bottom it says 'Reichsarbeitsdienst für die Weibliche Jugend' (Reich Labor Service for Female Youth). These female RAD service books are pretty scarce it seems. Click to see inside!]

    [Below: This is so cool, I've never seen one of these before. It says:

    'Deutsches Frauenwerk Mütterdienst'

    (German Women's Mothers' Work Service)

    On the other side it says:

    'Wir bescheinigen hiermit, daß an einem Mütterschulungs-Lehrgang'

    (We hereby certify that ________ attended a maternity training course).

    Unlike today, where drug-addled mothers can shit out a child at random, the National Socialists valued children. Today, you are on your own!

    Click to see inside!]