[this bladed skull topped a staff, while the crescent headpiece is from another shoot.]
[gauntlet, we actually sold pairs of these on our site for a little while.
They proved too time-consuming though. The expansion symbol seen here is pounded into the leather]
[this old cloak has been with us since nearly the beginning.
It's trim is silk-screened]
[here is a pile of many props used throughout the years]
[another pile of props used throughout the years, this was the main ensemble used in a lot of early shoots]
[our first professionally printed shirts (black, long/shortsleeve]
[sleeve, close-up]
[our first professionally printed shirts (white, long/shortsleeve]
[front, close-up]
[fleece, pullover, embroidered expansion symbol, prototype, 2 made]
[expansion symbol, close-up]
[our second design of shirts (black, long/shortsleeve]
[front, close-up]
[our second design of shirts (white, long/shortsleeve]
[front, close-up]
[pullover, embroidered expansion symbol, 5 made]
[expansion symbol, close-up]
[all proceeds from this shirt were donated to the 'Free Hendrik Mobus Defense Fund' (black, shortsleeve]
[back, close-up]
[shirt, here is a crude iron-on transfer we did back in 1995]
[shirt, more iron-on transfer from 1995]
[shirt, more iron-on transfer from 1995]
[shirt, more iron-on transfer from 1995]
[back - the huge yellow box around the words was never originally visible, but with age the whole iron-on became visible]
[shirt, more iron-on transfer from 1995]
[shirt, more iron-on transfer from 1995]
[shirt, this one was silk screened from a 'line-drawing' of a photograph]
[shirt, photo iron-on, circa 2003]
[cleat spiked bracer, vicious, but never used in photos]
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