[Having these cut from thick sheets of steel was an ordeal. Sharpening them was even worse.]
[Below: The pattern which the above was cut from was made from light wood, however, when we got it back from the company that cut them out they had spray-painted it orange. No idea why?]
[shield, painted leather on oak]
[shield, painted on oak]
[shield, painted wood, partial leather]
[WW2 allied propaganda design, ax swastika]
[walnut swastika]
[walnut wolfsangel]
['witch shoes,' handmade. We tried to make them look like the ones the witch is wearing in the medieval painting below. This style of shoe was worn in medieval times and are called crakows.]
[this odd skull was found many years ago in a forest during a hunting trip. Notice how the many branches of the antlers come up from the head itself and there is no 'stalk.' Strangely, someone had cut the horns off already when it was found, so we grafted new points onto it using clay. I presume it is a deer skull, yet I've never seen one like it. It can be seen painted black in some of our earliest photos, which never quite turned out the way we envisioned]
[longsword, engraved]
[various maces, three are oak, one is part of an oak pool cue]
[mace, embedded with ancient sharkteeth, very sharp and dangerous!]
[mace, oak shaft with arrowheads, this has accidentally drawn much blood over the years!]
[morning star, oak with five spiked balls, quite heavy!]
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