[Page One Hundred and Fifty-Two]

Tunjum, Anal Vomit, Bestial Warfare and Infected Youth


  • Flyers

    I haven't had flyers to share with you in quite a while. There are several reasons for this, one being that everything has gone digital. *Puke*

    Here is the reverse of the Tunjum flyer...
    First, we'll look at Tunjum. I like them using their own culture (Ancestral Death Metal from the Land of the Inca), 'Deidades del Inframundo' translates to 'Deities of the Underworld'. For far too long South American bands have used the cultural and religious beliefs of Europe. Although they should wear something more akin to their ancient culture, not the typical bullet belts. Anyway...

    [Above: 'Anal Vomit'... hmm... maybe this sounded better in Spanish? They've been around since 1997, but I've never heard of them. But there are a ton of wicked bands from South America, so who knows, maybe they are good? And what's up with this 'BLACK BAG' they are offering? I WANT IT!!!]

    [Above: Bestial Warfare. I must be behind the times because I've never heard of this band either. I like how the bend in the paper looks like the guy is spitting out something.]

    [Above: Okay, I fixed it!]

    [Above: Here is the reverse of the Bestial Warfare flyer. Here we learn the band is from Germany, the holy altar wet with millions of Germans' blood. There are a ton of killer German bands... so maybe this band is good too? I don't know though, I am pretty faithless regarding 'new' bands. It seems no one has ingenuity or creativity and it all sounds the same. But what in the hellfire does 'In line & row with label mates GOATBLOOD & Blasphmachine' mean?
    Another question: Why do Americans pronounce 'bestial' like beastial, while English people pronouce it BEST-ial. Clearly the English are right in this. I've noticed a lot of English spelling and grammar is more logical than American English. ENGLISH ÜBER ALLES!]

    [Above: Here is a sticker of Infected Youth. I guess the album is called 'Passages From the Fungi From Yuggoth'? The whole Yuggoth thing is from H.P. Lovecraft's mythos, which I adore. His short stories set a wonderful mood. There is no one else like him and if you look here you'll see that he is still inspiring people almost ninety years after his death (he died on March 15, 1937). He was a wizard of words and had an imagination beyond this bland world.]

    [Above: A page from Lovecraft's dark mind. This is from The Call of Cthulhu published in Weird Tales in 1928.]

    [Above: One of the thousands of editions of The Call of Cthulhu.]

    [Above: There are many comics of The Call of Cthulhu.]

    [Above: Another comic.]

    [Above: An edition of The Call of Cthulhu made to look like Dr. Seuss. Wonder what Lovecraft would think of them trashing his art?]

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