[Page One Hundred and Fifty-One]



  • Book

    What a nice surprise in the mail! A new edition of 'Siege' But this isn't just another Siege release, this is special in several ways. The book itself is large - 8.5" x 11", so much larger than a normal book. This is a must to be able to clearly see the scans within. It is a hefty book, with 532 pages. Unlike previous editions of Siege this shows the actual original newsletter pages. It must have been a huge task scanning all of this material. There is also 85 pages of scans of old and rare flyers, I really loved seeing this addition.

    Order it from: https://www.moneytreepublishing.com/shop/siege.

    [Above: Siege cover.]

    [Above: Back of book.]

    [Above: Note.]

    [Above: Publisher's information.]

    [Above: Opening page.]

    [Above: James Mason.]

    [Above: Prologue.]

    [Above: An example of how the pages are direct scans of the newsletters themselves, something I found very neat to see.]

    [Above: 85 pages of old flyers and other historical paper items. A very cool addition.]

    [Above: Epilogue.]

    [Above: This new edition of Siege also contains a bookmark (front/back) and an signed paper as seen below.]

    [Above: Signed paper.]

    Elizabeth Kate Smith


  • Death announcement

    This is so extravagant and beautiful, it is meticulously cut out to see through it (the white that you see in the background is the lid of the scanner). This must have been very expensive to make in 1888. Elizabeth died 136 years ago and was born around 1878. I wonder what she died of? Where she is buried? I got this in a stack of old postcards from Denmark, yet it is in English. Maybe it was sent to friends or family in Denmark from an English-speaking country? I guess we'll never know.

    A package from Italia


  • Ancestral 'zine and Etica Aria Produzioni

    Unfortunately Ancestral 'zine only lasted two issues and signals the death of yet another paper 'zine. Ancestral 'zine was a National Socialist oriented production, thus it made it hard to contact bands and get interviews. Keep in mind in many European countries it is illegal to even express pro-White views, let alone National Socialist ones. Therefore many bands simply don't do interviews.

    Also below you can see an example of the Italian label Etica Aria Produzioni, which releases cassettes exclusively. The name 'Etica Aria' comes from a Julius Evola writing and means 'air' and can also mean 'melody' or 'tune'. It is often used to describe a song in an opera that is sung by a single voice with accompaniment.

    [Above: Cover]

    [Above: The problems mentioned are very familiar to me. Bands agreeing to do an interview and then not answering it. What a complete waste of time. This is a pretty common occurrence in the underground music scene. I understand that a lot of people's lives are hectic, but don't agree to do something that you can't fulfill. And lastly, as mentioned here, the insane prices for 'cult' music. Ridiculous. This isn't just in underground music though, it is everywhere these days.]

    [Above: Note an interview reprint with Carl Alessi from Mourning the Ancient.]

    [Above: An interesting article - page 1.]

    [Above: Article page 2.]

    [Above: Article page 3.]

    [Above: Article page 4.]

    [Above: Article page 5.]

    [Above: Article page 6.]

    [Above: Flyer front.]

    [Above: Flyer reverse.]

    [Above: Etica Aria flyer front.]

    [Above: Etica Aria flyer reverse.]

    [Above: NSBM sticker that looks like a patch.]

    [Above: Etica Aria sticker.]

    [Above: Lord... this sticker gave me a seizure.]

    [Above: A mini-CD with a sampling of Etica Aria.]

    [Above: Okay I researched this band a bit, part of the name is in German and says 'Lord Einsamkeit'. This band is from the USA. The word 'einsamkeit' means loneliness. Cassette cover.]

    [Above: Cassette cover reverse.]

    [Above: Another one by 'Lord Einsamkeit'. Cassette cover, the reverse is blank.]

    [Above: Now here is a name I'm familiar with 'Shutzstaffel'. Yes, that heroic order of knights which fought to the death to save civilization in WWII. Cassette cover.]

    [Above: There is virtually no information about this SS-Rottenführer Johannes van Oorschot from the heroic Wiking Division. I'm going to have to research this guy more. Cassette reverse.]

    [Above: 'Morgoavh I Am the Gnome Hunter'. This is strange... I didn't realize people had something against gnomes! haha. 'Gnomen Wald' means 'Gnome Forest'. Track two is called 'Witch Hour While Gnome Hunting' and track three is the classic 'Gnomic Massakre'. Haha, okay, I had to look this up. Apparently on TikTok there was a thing in 2023... I'll just quote it for you: 'gnomes served as coded references to Jewish people and gnome hunting refers to hunting for Jews...' Cassette cover.]

    [Above: Cassette cover reverse.]

    [Above: Storm SS. 'Adlerstahl' means 'Steel Eagle'. Cassette cover.]

    [Above: Cassette cover reverse.]

    [Above: 'Nuova Littoria' basically means 'New Holder of the Fasces'. Cassette cover.]

    [Above: Cassette cover reverse.]

    [Above: Nuova Littoria 'Demo II'. Cassette cover.]

    [Above: Cassette cover reverse.]

    [Above: 'Unterhholtz Arisk Blut'. It would seem this means 'Undergrowth' and 'Arisk Blut' means Aryan Blood. Cassette cover.]

    [Above: Cassette cover reverse.]

    [Above: 'Grimdar/Kaltesstein' split release 'Era Vulgaris fur Hitler'. Era Vulgaris means 'The Common Era' and is oddly credited to Aleister Crowley who coined the phrase. Cassette cover.]

    [Above: Cassette cover reverse.]

    [Above: 'Thulean Werewolf/HerrenRasse' split 'Born in the Aryan Lands, Came from Ashes of Wrath'. Thule is the mythical homeland of the White race while 'HerrenRasse' means 'Master Race'. Cassette cover.]

    [Above: Cassette cover reverse.]

    [Above: 'Varesine Waffen' means 'Armed Varese' which is a city in Northern Italy. Cassette cover.]

    [Above: Cassette cover reverse.]

    [Above: This is identical to the release above, but black and with a different picture on the inside. Cassette cover.]

    [Above: Cassette cover reverse.]

    [Above: 'Deva Unt Asura' has something to do with Hinduism. 'Deva' means 'god' and 'Asura' means 'non-god'. Cassette cover.]

    [Above: Cassette cover reverse.]

    [Above: Flyer for the label 'Etica Aria Produzioni'. This picture represents a German postage stamp which was never issued due to the end of the war. Prototypes of it were printed and are now worth tens of thousands of dollars. The stamp represents the NSKK and was part of a planned for stamp series. The first two were releases in the last days of WWII and were of an SA man and a Waffen-SS soldier. The final stamp would have been an NSFK stamp.]

    [Above: The stamps. Probably the rarest in all the Third Reich.]

    [Above: Reverse of flyer. 'out of the darkness we will rise'. What a symbolic way to end this.]

    Timeless art


  • AI Art

    I'm unsure who made this, or rather who got AI to make them, but these are very cool and nicely done.

    [Above: Here is an AI image that caused a lot of controversy in France. A "far-right" candidate in France's upcoming elections is facing hate crime charges for unveiling an election poster saying 'Let’s Give White Children a Future'! How fucking absurd. White people are being systematically murdered and we are charged with a crime for saying we want our children to have a future. Or how about 'It's okay to be White'? They said that was a hate crime as well.]

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