[Below: Rare Hitler Youth savings stamps. Written on the stamps are the words 'Dein Sparen Hilft Dem Volk' (Your Savings Helps The People). Take a note of the strange little face on the bottom/center on the stamps (top row), I'll explain that a few entries down. Click to enlarge.]
[Below: Blocks of four. Click to enlarge.]
[Below: Very rare Hitler Youth savings stamps in sheets - 10 RPF (Reichspfennig).]
[Below: Close-up.]
[Below: Very rare Hitler Youth savings stamps in sheets - 50 RPF (Reichspfennig).]
[Below: Close-up.]
[Below: Hitler Youth savings book from Berlin. Front.]
[Below: Hitler Youth savings book from Berlin. Reverse.]
[Below: This WHW (Winterhilfswerk des Deutschen Volkes, or Winter Relief of the German People) donation vignette says:
(Hitler Youth
Factory work
[Below: This interesting official envelope says 'Hier sparst Du sicher' (You are sure to save here). This is from Wangen im Allgäu, a historic city in southeast Baden-Württemberg, Germany. This is from the 'Kreis-Sparkasse' (District Savings Bank) and was postmarked on October 24, 1935. The postage stamps seen here were for official use only. Let me explain the strange little face. Look closely at the face, from the left it says 'DSGV' which stands for 'Deutscher Sparkassen-und Giroverband' (German Savings Banks Association). Note that most of these stamps shown below have the little face]
[Below: Close-up.]
[Below: This says: 'Haben Sie schon ein Girokonto?' (Do you already have a current account?). You'll note that this uses four Hindenburg postage stamps, but they are overprinted 'Elsaß', this was for the Alsace–Lorraine area (Elsaß-Lothringen), a former German territory, recaptured by Germany during the war with France. There was also a set of postage stamps overprinted for Lothringen. This was postmarked on February 26, 1941.]
[Below: Close-up.]
[Below: Lothringen overprint.]
[Below: This is a 'Kraft durch Freude' (Strength Through Joy) Hitler Youth savings stamp.]
[Below: These are 'Kraft durch Freude Sparkassen' (Strength Through Joy Savings Banks) stamps.]
[Below: These are 'Kraft durch Freude Sparkassen' (Strength Through Joy Savings Banks) stamps, in a block of four.]
[Below: This is a sports 'Kraft durch Freude' (Strength Through Joy) dues stamp.]
[Below: This 'Hörermarke' is another Strength Through Joy stamp, although I'm unsure what it was for. 'Hörer' means 'listener', perhaps this had something to do with the radio?]
[Below: The is a KDF sports accident insurance.]
[Below: Sheet of Strength Through Joy tax stamps. Herborn is a historic town in Hesse, Germany.]
[Below: This is an RLB (Reichsluftschutzbund, ot Reich Air Protection League) dues stamp.]
[Below: These are Reichskolonialbund (Reich Colonial League) dues stamps.]
[Below: This is an SA dues stamp.]
[Below: These are Reichsluftshutzbund (Reich Air Protection Organization) dues stamps.]
[Below: These are RAD (Reichsarbeitsdienst, or Reich Labor Service) savings stamps.]
[Below: This is a dues stamp to the National Socialist veterans organization.]
[Below: These are savings stamps of the National Sozialistische Deutscher Marine Bund (NSDMB, or National Socialist German Navy League). Note the bad perforation on the left side. Click to enlarge.]
[Below: This dues stamp, from Freudenstadt, a town in Baden-Württemberg in southern Germany, says 'Kreisleitung' (District management).]
[Below: I'm not sure what type of stamps these are. It uses the 'Algiz' rune, which stands for 'life'.]
[Below: This is an odd and cool little tax stamp showing the Algiz rune life rune, it says: 'Kampf dem Volkstod!' (Fight the Death of the People!).]
[Below: This is a rare partial sheet showing the Knight's Cross, German Cross in Silver and the German Cross in Gold. Click to enlarge.]
[Below: This is an advertising stamp, it says: 'Besucht das altbekannte Roßweiner Schul-Fest' (Visit the well-known Roßweiner School Festival).]
[Below: This is a 1935 vignette for the return of the Saar to Germany.]
[Below: These advertising stamps are from the Organization Todt, showing the building of the Atlantic Wall.]
[Below: I believe this to be a publication by General Ludendorff, yeah the meanest-looking motherfucker ever photographed. Don't believe me? Go ahead and look below then, you disbeliever, you.
'Am heiligen Quell Deutscher kraft
Ludendorffs halbmonatsschrift
Inhalt dieser folge:
"Der Gottesbegriff": Yahweh. Von Dr. Mathilde Ludendorff
(At the Sacred Source of German Power
Ludendorff's semi-monthly
Contents of this issue:
"The Concept of God": Yahweh. By Dr. Mathilde Ludendorff
Okay, we were sidetracked by Herr Ludendorff, let's take a look at this magazine. Ludendorff died (December 20, 1937) just a handful of months after this was published.
I love the "At the Sacred Source of German Power"!
You see here an article by Mathilde Ludendorff, Herr Ludendorff's wife. Let's read a little bio of her:
Mathilde (October 4, 1877 – June 24, 1966) was a German psychiatrist and a major figure in the Volkish movement. She was the wife of General Erich Ludendorff. She was arrested after the war in the 'de-Nazification' and wasn't released until 1951. Together they founded a small, esoteric society, the Bund für Gottteserkenntnis (Divine Knowledge Society), which apparently was banned from 1961 to 1977.
Let's go on and read a sampling of the pages within...]
[Below: Mein gott, Ludendorff is one mean-looking fellow. Also COOL as all hell-looking. Imagine this guy walking into a bar and ordering a drink... or simply going anywhere in life. That face DEMANDS respect. Not to mention he was an early supporter of Adolf Hitler and was in the Putsch. Click to enlarge.]
[Below: Very cool picture. It says:
'Unser Kampf
Ihren Davidl haben die Pfaffen feder Richtung gut Studiert
Nur... Nutzt es heute nichts.
Denn ihr Wirken ist erkannt
Jeder Deutsche liest und verbreicet:
(Our struggle
Their David has studied well the parish priests direction
Only... it is of no use today.
Because their work is recognized
Every German reads and spreads:
[Below: Let's take this moment to look at another picture of Ludendorff!]
[Below: This picture is so cool. The poem below says:
'Hier nahm der Stolz die Demut sich zur Beute,
Hier hat die Freiheit den Verrat besiegt,
Hier gibt der Aar dem Finsterling von heute
Die rechte Antwort, die nicht täuscht noch trügt.
Wie in den Lüften starke Adler schweben,
Die allem kleinen und Gemeinen feind,
So gibt es Menschen, die in gleichem Streben
Ein heil'ger Wille sieghaft stärkt und eint.'
--Erich Limpach
(Here, pride took humility as its prey,
Here freedom has defeated betrayal,
Here the eagle provides the answers to the evils of today
The right answer that neither deceives nor deludes.
As strong eagles soar in the skies,
That prey on all that is petty and vile,
So there are men who in the same striving
A holy will victoriously strengthens and unites.
--Erich Limpach)
Very interesting poem. I like it a lot.]
[Below: Okay, you guessed it, another picture of Herr Ludendorff. This time with Adolf Hitler and other defendants in the Putsch trial. Click to enlarge.]
[Below: "Hartung" (also a 'January' synonym) means hardness or hardening. I'm guessing this has a deeper meaning. I've read various opinions that the Aryan race grew stronger and smarter because of their harsh environments. The winters tempered them. While those in tropical environment didn't have to face the terrible winters and their brains didn't evolve at the same rate. It certainly makes sense, and that could partially be true, but the answer would also involve race itself. We have innate racial differences. It does not make any race 'inferior', but different.]
[Below: Herr Ludendorff and Herr Hitler.]
[Below: This says: 'Zwei "Gotter" und ihre Stellvertreter.'
(Two "gods" and their deputies)
Let's look at the pictures and their descriptions one at a time. The first one says:
'Der "Gott" aus Arga in Tibet.'
(The "God" from Arga in Tibet.)
'Sein Stellvertreter in Lhassa sitzt.'
(His deputy in Lhassa sits.)
'Der "Gott" im "Schwarzen Kabinett".'
(The "God" in the "Black Cabinet".)
Sein Stellvertreter... gesetzlich geschützt.
(His deputy... protected by law.)]
[Below: And of course we end this with Herr Ludendorff.]
[Below: Here are two TeNo (Technische Nothilfe, or 'Technical Emergency Corps', a volunteer emergency response organization) books, one from 1937 (left) and the other from 1940. The 1937 book is entitled:
und die
and the
Air Hazard)
And the other book is entitled:
und die
and the
Gas Hazard).
The author of these two books, Erich Hampe, was the Teno deputy leader. Click to see inside!]
[Below: Teno deputy leader Erich Hampe. Click to enlarge.]
[Below: Here are six TeNo manuals, from 1937 - 1940, entitled:
Technischen Nothilfe'
of the
Technical Emergency Corps).
Click to see inside!]
[Below: Here is a Norwegian TeNo booklet (left), it says:
distrikts- og stedsledere'
(Monthly report book
district and site managers).
Next is another TeNo book (missing its cover) from 1934, entitled:
'Die Technische Nothilfe
Ihre Entstehungsgeschichte, Entwicklung und
heutige Stellung als Machtmittel des Staates'
(The Technical Emergency Aid
Its Genesis, Development and
Current Position as a Means of Power of the State).
Click to see inside!]
[Below: TeNo membership stamp.]