• Here we'll place all manner of identity booklets, membership cards, papers, etcetera, both civilian and military. We'll scan any pages with writing or stamps and any unique pages within the books. Basically we'll scan any and all pages except duplicate pages of designs we've already scanned.

    [Below: This is a Todt Organization payment book that accompanied the indentification/service book. I've translated some of the titles seen here:

    'Besoldungsblatt zum Dienstbuch
    Beamter, Besoldungsgruppe
    Angestellter, Vergütungsgruppe
    Lohnempfänger, Dienstgrad
    Kleidergeld für OT-Uniform.'

    (Pay sheet to the service book
    Grade sheet
    Official, grade
    Employee, grade
    Wage earner, grade
    Military pay grade
    Clothing allowance for OT uniform)

    Click to see inside.]

    [Below: This book is from the Reichsnährstand (State Food Society). This was instituted to regulate food production and was run by one of my favorite National Socialists, Walther Darré.]

    [Below: Check out the 'Blut und Boden' stamps (Blood and Soil).]

    [Below: The stamps also came in red.]

    [Below: This 1937 foldout card says:

    'Handelsshutz- u. Rabattspar-Verein
    für Berlin und Provinz Brandenburg
    Eingetragener Verein
    Sitz Berlin
    Bezirk des Amtgerichts Berlin

    (Trade Protection and Discount Savings Association
    for Berlin and the Province of Brandenburg
    Registered association
    Headquarters Berlin
    District of the Berlin Court
    Customer savings card
    Issuing office)

    This is blank on the opposite side.]

    [Below: Close-up of stamp.]

    [Below: Here are four postal worker identity cards. These are pretty rare, just look at the insanely low numbers of the book. The first is #579, the second is 340, the third is 236 and the last one is 1487. They are in German and French. It says:

    Deutsche Reichspost

    (Universal Postal Union
    German Reichspost
    Postal identity card).]

    [Below: Inside. Strange how they used a postage stamp here.]

    [Below: Another postal worker identity card. Note that this one uses a Hindenberg postage stamp instead of the Adolf Hitler variety used above.]

    [Below: Inside.]

    [Below: Another postal worker identity card. The postage stamp has been removed.]

    [Below: Inside.]

    [Below: Here is another postal worker identity card, except this one was used into the Allied occupation.]

    [Below: Inside. Here we can see the Hindenburg postage stamp scratched off. Did the Allies want to get rid of his image as well (everything with Hitler's image was defaced)? We can also see a stupid little sticker over the swastika ink stamp. Nothing put fear into the occupiers' hearts more than the swastika. We also see an Allied sticker that says:

    'Dieser Ausweis behält vorläufig seine Gültigkeit'

    (This card temporarily retains its validity)]

    [Below: 1932 identity paper for Elisabeth Scharpf, born March 16, 1912. She was 20 years old at the time of this photo. She had green eyes and dark blonde. She was born in Offenbach, a city in Hesse, Germany, on the left bank of the river Main.]

    [Below: Close-up.]

    [Below: Back/cover of an N.S. Frauenschaft (Nationalsozialistische Frauenschaft, abbreviated NS-Frauenschaft, The National Socialist Women's League) organization booklet. This membership book was issued in September 1934. Click on image to see inside!]

    [Below: Here is a booklet not came across too often, so it is fairly uncommon. This shows the back/cover of an 'Lehrbrief' (Teaching certificate) and also says 'Prüfungszeugnis' (Examination certificate). This membership book was issued on August 7, 1939 to Paul Becker, who was 19 years old at the time and living in Bergheim (a town west of Cologne). This booklet is to certify that he has 'das maler handwerk erlernt' (learned the painter's craft). Click on image to see inside!]

    [Below: This membership book was issued on January 15, 1945 to Hermann Lorek, who was 17 years old at the time and living in Gross Waltersdorf. This booklet is to certify that he has 'Fleischerhandwerk' (trained as a butcher). I wonder what the lamb with the flag signifies? I'm guessing that they changed the paint from gold to yellow due to war constraints? Back/cover. Click on image to see inside and see other documents!]

    [Below: Here is another membership book, except this one was issued in 1951. They sure didn't change much did they? The Third Reich version was much cooler-looking (on the inside). Anyway, this guy was a wheelwright, which is a craftsman who builds or repairs wooden wheels. Click on image to see inside!]

    [Below: Here is another membership book, except this one was issued in 1968. This is no longer a hard, durable book, but a flimsy piece of plastic. Instead of 'Lehrbrief' this says 'Gesellen-Brief', which means Journeyman's Letter. A Journeyman is 'fully qualified worker who has completed an apprenticeship program and is able to work in a trade without supervision.' This person was a confectioner, or pastry chef. Click on image to see inside!]

    [Below: This is pretty neat, it says:

    'Gebührenfreier Jahresjagdschein'

    (Annual hunting license free of charge)

    Further down it says:

    'Gültig im ganzen Reich'

    (Valid throughout the country)

    This permit was issued to Adolf Schirner, who was born December 19, 1897, on March 31, 1941. He lived in a town called Thierstein, Bavaria (a municipality in the district of Wunsiedel). Thierstein is a beautiful little place... Click on image to see inside!]

    [Below: Now this was something the cowardly would have prized and would have been worth its weight in gold. It says:


    (Certificate of retirement)

    Further down it says:

    'ist völlig untauglich zum Dienst in der Wehtmacht.
    Er scheidet aus dem Wehrpflichtverhältnis aus.'

    (is completely unsuitable for service in the Wehtmacht.
    He leaves the conscription service.)

    'Zur Beachtung
    1. Alle Eintragungen sind mit Tinte oder it hilfe der Schreibmaschine auszuführen.
    2. Der Verluft dieses Scheines ist sofort dem zuftändigen Wehrmeldeamt zu melden.
    3. Fälschung und mitzbräuchliche Benutzung dieses Scheines wird als Urkundenfälschung gerichtlich verfolgt.'

    (For your attention
    1. All entries must be made in ink or with the aid of a typewriter.
    2. The loss of this certificate must be reported immediately to the relevant military registration office.
    3. Forgery and misuse of this form will be prosecuted as forgery of documents.)

    Click on image to see inside!]

    [Below: This is a Luftwaffe pilot's license and promotion document. First let's look at the license:


    (Luftwaffe airplane license)

    Click on image to see inside!]

    [Below: Here we learn this was issued to Obergefreiter Bendix Möller on October 10, 1943. It says:

    'hat die Erlaubnis zum Führen von Flugzeugen der Luftwaffe in dem auf Seite 3 ff. ersichtlichem Umfange.'

    (has permission to fly air force aircraft to the extent shown on page 3 ff.). Click on image to see inside!]

    [Below: Here is an award document earned by Obergefreiter Bendix Möller. It says: 'Verleihungsurkunde
    Ich verleihe dem
    Bendix Möller
    das Abzeichen für
    Berlin, den 21. Januar 1944
    Der Reichsminister der Luftfahrt
    und Oberbefehlshaber der Luftwaffe
    Der Chef des Luftwaffenpersonalamts'

    (Award certificate
    I hereby award the
    Bendix Möller
    the badge for
    airplane pilot
    Berlin, January 21, 1944
    The Reich Minister of Aviation
    and Commander-in-Chief of the Luftwaffe
    The Chief of the Luftwaffe Personnel Office)

    Click on image to see inside!]

    [Below: The Luftwaffe Pilot's Badge.]