[Below: Diamond watch made by Eszeha was a gift from Adolf Hitler to Eva on her 27th birthday.
Engraved on the back it says:
'Zum 6.2.1939 herzlichst A. Hitler' Which means: 'On February 6, 1939 most affectionately A. Hitler'.
The Eszeha company was founded by Karl Scheufele (EsZeHa was the German pronunciation of the first three letters in Scheufele's last name) in 1904 and passed down to his son Karl Scheufele II and then his grandson Karl Scheufele III.]
[Below: Eva's sister Gretl smoking.]
[Below: Eva's sister Gretl smoking.]
[Below: Eva's sister Gretl smoking.]
[Below: Eva Braun with Heinrich Hoffmann's second wife, Erna Hoffmann.]
[Below: Eva and her sister]
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[Below: Hitler's favorite photograph of 1938.]
[Below: A page from Eva's photo album. Here is a larger copy of the picture, but poor newsprint quality.]
[Below: Left to right - Franziska Braun, Margarete Speer, Anni Brandt, Eva Braun, and Marion Schönmann in Italy.]
[Below: Close-up.]
[Below: Eva Braun (2nd from right) with her sister (2nd from left) and friends.]
[Below: Eva Braun (2nd from right) with her sister (next to her) and friends (in the middle is Ms. Bormann). They are standing in front of what would be the very few views of the 'economic entrance' to the left wing of the Berghof.]
[Below: Eva is with Adolf Hitler in the far background (left). This picture was taken in the Great Hall of the Berghof sometime in 1944.]
[Below: Color version.]
[Below: Another photo in the Great Hall of the Berghof with Frau Speer.]
[Below: Eva with Albert Speer.]
[Below: The diplomat and personal friend of Adolf Hitler Walter Hewel is second to left in this picture (next to Gretl).]
[Below: Eva with Joseph Goebbels (far left), Albert Speer (far right) and the architect Hans Haupner (Eva's left) at the Berghof. Gretl was behind the camera for this picture.]
[Below: Clearer version.]
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[Below: Friedrich (Fritz) and Franziska Braun.]
[Below: Ilse, Friedrich (Fritz), Franziska (Fanny), Gretl and Eva. This picture was taken at Eva's father Fritz's 60th birthday celebration in 1939.]
[Below: Friedrich (Fritz) and Franziska (Fanny).]
[Below: Eva and her father.]
[Below: Eva and her mother and father.]
[Below: Franziska, Eva, Gretl and Ilse Braun.]
[Below: Left to right - The Braun sisters and mother - Gretl, Ilse, Franziska and Eva, 1942.]
[Below: Franziska, Eva and Gretl .]
[Below: Eva Braun and her sister Gretl.]
[Below: Franziska, Eva and Gretl .]
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[Below: Eva's sister Gretl.]
[Below: Eva Braun.]
[Below: Eva Braun.]
[Below: Eva Braun.]
[Below: Eva Braun.]
[Below: Eva Braun.]
[Below: Eva Braun and her mother at the 1937 Düsseldorf Exhibition.]
[Below: From left to right - Herta Schneider, Martin Bormann, Eva Braun, Otto Dietrich, unknown, Dr. Hans Von Hasselbach, Gretl Braun, Dr. Karl Brandt, Anni Brandt and Heinrich Hoffmann. This was taken on Adolf Hitler's 55th birthday (April 20, 1944) at the Berghof.]
[Below: Larger copy, but lesser quality.]
[Below: Herta Schneider, Martin Bormann and Eva.]
[Below: Martin Bormann and Eva with his children.]
[Below: Eva and the Bormann children.]
[Below: On June 3, 1944 Eva's sister Gretl married SS General Hermann Fegelein. Fegelein was Himmler's personal representative at Führer Headquarters. The wedding was held in the Salzburg town hall with the reception at the Berghof. This picture shows some of the guests at the dining hall.]
[Below: Eva's sister Gretl with Hermann Fegelein to her right.]
[Below: Wedding guests dancing to the sounds of an SS band. To the left are the bride and groom.]
[Below: Larger, but poorer quality version.]
[Below: Eva dancing with her new brother-in-law Hermann Fegelein at his wedding to Eva's sister Gretl, June 3, 1944.]
[Below: Left to right: actor Heini Handschuhmacher, Eva Braun, Hermann Fegelein and Gretl.]
[Below: Eva (third from left) at the wedding of her sister Gretl and Hermann Fegelein (second from left).]
[Below: An SS band play for Eva at the wedding of her sister Gretl and Hermann Fegelein.]
[Below: A better shot of her necklace.]
[Below: Full picture but not as clear.]
[Below: Eva at the wedding of her sister Gretl and Hermann Fegelein.]
[Below: Clearer close-up.]
[Below: Eva and Gretl on her wedding day.]
[Below: Eva and Hermann Fegelein on his wedding day.]
[Below: Eva.]
[Below: Eva and Hermann Fegelein on his wedding day.]
[Below: Eva dances with Hermann Fegelein on his wedding day.]
[Below: left to right Herta Schneider, Waldemar Fegelein, Herman Fegelein and Eva Braun.]
[Below: Herman Fegelein and Gretl talking to Adolf Hitler.]
[Below: Herman Fegelein and Gretl.]
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[Below: Eva's sister Gretl.]
[Below: Eva is wearing her grandmother's wedding dress.]
[Below: Larger photo, but poor newsprint quality.]
[Below: Close-up.]
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[Below: Eva taking a picture of the Berghof. Click to enlarge.]
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[Below: Eva Braun, 1941.]
[Below: Eva Braun and Hans Baur.]
[Below: This picture of Eva was taken by Gerda Daranowski, Adolf Hitler's private secretary.]
[Below: Eva with Herta Schneider, her best friend since the age of twelve. Eva's dog Negus is also pictured.]
[Below: Eva Braun and her sister Gretl with their mother Franziska.]
[Below: Eva and Gretl Braun.]
[Below: Eva (left).]
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[Below: Eva with her two terriers, Negus and Stasy.]
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[Below: Adolf Hitler and company celebrate the New Year at the Berghof, from Eva Braun's photo album. Eva is seen here in the middle handing a camera to what looks to be her sister Gretl.]
[Below: Eva Braun helps little Uschi down the Berghof steps.]
[Below: Close-up.]
[Below: Eva and Negus.]
[Below: ...]
[Below: Click on image to watch a small (4.9 MB) .MP4 of Eva and her dog.]
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[Below: Eva and Blondi.]
[Below: Eva with pigeons in Venice.]
[Below: Eva with one of her rabbits and the Berghof.]
[Below: Eva with one of her rabbits and the Berghof.]
[Below: Eva with one of her rabbits and the Berghof.]
[Below: Eva with one of her rabbits and the Berghof.]
[Below: Eva with one of her rabbits and the Berghof.]
[Below: Eva with a small fawn.]