[Below: Part of a piece of jewelry said to have been owned by Eva. Note the EB monogram and the swastika on the bottom. It's quality and artistry are stunning.]
[Below: Fatefully, Eva worked for famed Heinrich Hoffmann, through which she met Adolf Hitler--and history.]
[Below: Heinrich Hoffmann himself. Hoffmann was not only Adolf Hitler's official photographer but he was also an early NSDAP member. Note the party pin on his jacket.]
[Below: Eva at her desk, she worked as a secretary.]
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[Below: Eva posing for Hoffmann.]
[Below: Another shot of the same.]
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[Below: Eva with Heinrich Hoffmann and her two Scottish Terriers.]
[Below: In Heinrich Hoffmann's office, 1938.]
[Below: This photo was captioned by Eva with the words: 'Im Geschäft 1930' -- which means 'In the shop 1930'. She was 18 years old.]
[Below: Another from the set.]
[Below: Eva in soldier's trenchcoat and studded combat boots. Note she is also smoking!]
[Below: Eva flies to Berchtesgaden - in front cockpit (left).]
[Below: Eva and Gretl.]
[Below: Eva meets Adolf Hitler, Munich, 1929.]
[Below: Eva and Adolf Hitler at Herrenchiemsee Castle, circa 1932.]
[Below: The Obersalzberg, summer, 1933. Eva is second from left in the black shirt, while Adolf Hitler is on the far right. This picture is believed to be one of the first photographs of Eva Braun and Adolf Hitler together.]
[Below: Eva and Adolf Hitler having tea at the Bavarian resort of Garmisch-Partenkirchen, at the Aule Alm restaurant. April 22, 1935. These photos are from Eva's albums.]
[Below: Close-up]
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[Below: This was taken sometime in 1936 in the ivy-covered portion of the Wachenfeld terrace.]
[Below: Eva, sitting toward the right, looking left, to her right is Adolf Hitler.]
[Below: This is a strange and beautiful shot of Eva. I really like this. It almost looks like the photographer caught her by surprise.]
Below is a letter from Adolf Hitler to Eva after the 1944 assassination attempt. It is a revealing letter showing their deep love and friendship for one another.
'Mein Liebes Tschapperl,
Don’t worry about me. I’m fine though perhaps a little tired.
I hope to come home soon and then I can rest in your arms.
I have a great longing for rest, but my duty to the German people comes before everything else.
Don't forget that the dangers I encounter don't compare with those of our soldiers at the Front.
I thank you for the proof of your affection and ask you also to thank your esteemed father and your most gracious mother for their greetings and good wishes.
I am very proud of the honor - please tell them that - to possess the love of a girl who comes from such a distinguished family.
I have sent to you the uniform I was wearing during the unfortunate day.
It is proof that Providence has protected me and we have nothing more to fear from our enemies.
From my whole heart,
Your A.H.'
Eva's reply to his letter:
I am beside myself.
I am dying of anxiety now that I know you are in danger.
Come back as soon as possible.
I feel as if I am going insane.
The weather is beautiful here and everything seems so peaceful that I am ashamed of myself…
You know I have always told you that I would die if anything happened to you.
From our first meeting on, I have promised myself to follow you wherever you go, even to death.
You know I live only for your love.
[Below: Eva at the 1936 Winter Olympics.]
[Below: Eva during a drive to the Kehlsteinhaus. (The Kehlsteinhaus, also called the Eagle's Nest in English-speaking countries, is a Third Reich-era building built atop the summit of the Kehlstein -- a mountain in the Bavarian Alps. This rocky outcrop rises above the Obersalzberg near the town of Berchtesgaden. The KehlsteinhausIt presented to Adolf Hitler on his 50th birthday as a retreat and place to entertain friends and visiting dignitaries.]
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[Below: Eva, in long white dress, with her friends.]
[Below: The following four pictures are from Eva's personal photo album. She captioned them 'Berchtesgaden 1931'. They are from late November and was probably her first visit to Berchtesgaden. The dog seen here is Rudi, a wire-haired terrier which belonged to the wife of Julius Schaub.]
[Below: Eva with Adolf Hitler's dog at Haus Wachenfeld.]
[Below: At the 1937 Nuremburg Party celebrations. Unity Mitford can be seen in the back far left. Eva next to Anny Brandt, Frau Morell, and Eva's mother Franziska.]
[Below: Wider shot but poor newsprint quality.]
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[Below: Gretl Braun.]
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[Below: Eva is third from left. The man seen here is none other than Heinrich Hoffmann, Adolf Hitler's personal photographer.]
[Below: Eva in Rome with Frau Dreesen, note the object she is holding.]
[Below: This is the item she is holding - a silk hankerchief commemorating German and Italian friendship.]
[Below: Adolf Hitler arrives at The Berghof in 1940. Eva Braun is in foreground.]
[Below: Larger view, but poor newsprint quality.]
[Below: Eva filming Adolf Hitler. Some of her color recordings survive to this day and are easily available. Eva was on the cutting edge of filmmaking, indeed, she was one of its pioneers in Germany, even using rare color film for her home movies.]
[Below: Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun on the terrace of the Berghof, May 5, 1939.]
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[Below: Eva's parents, Fritz, Fanny Braun and Eva welcome Adolf Hitler to the Berghof.]
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[Below: Martin Bormann is seen here in the background.]
[Below: Another shot of Bormann and Eva at the Berghof, circa 1944.]
[Below: Circa 1944.]
[Below: Adolf and Uschi Schneider.]
[Below: Eva and Adolf with Uschi Schneider - the daughter of Eva's friend Herta (Ostermeyr) Schneider, who was married to Erwin Schneider. This was taken in the Berghof Great Hall, May 1, 1944.]
[Below: Adolf and Uschi Schneider, May 1944.]
[Below: Eva and Adolf with Uschi Schneider, May 1944.]
[Below: Close-up.]
[Below: Eva and Adolf with Uschi Schneider, May 1944.]
[Below: Adolf and Uschi Schneider, May 1944.]
[Below: Adolf and Uschi Schneider, May 1944.]
[Below: Adolf and Uschi Schneider, May 1944.]
[Below: Eva and Adolf with Uschi Schneider, May 1944.]
[Below: Adolf and Uschi Schneider. An awesome shot of the Führer! May 1944.]
[Below: Adolf and Uschi Schneider.]
[Below: Uschi Schneider showing off her shoes to the Führer.]
[Below: Adolf Hitler with Uschi Schneider at the Führer's birthday celebration at the Berghof, April 20, 1943. This is from Eva Braun's photo album.]
[Below: Adolf Hitler with Uschi Schneider same day.]
[Below: Adolf Hitler, Eva and Gerda Bormann are photographed here with the Bormann and Speer children. Both of them loved children and the children affectionately called Adolf Hitler 'Onk' ('uncle'). December 1939.]
[Below: A wider shot of the photo showing Gerda Bormann.]
[Below: Adolf (far right) and Eva (4th from right) with the children of Martin Bormann and Albert Speer.]
[Below: Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun (behind Hitler and to his left) in 1943, surrounded by children, secretaries, Speer, Bormann, etc.]
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[Below: Magda Goebbels is to the left of Adolf Hitler and Eva is to his right in the next three pictures.]
[Below: A fuller photo but poor newsprint quality.]
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[Below: Click to enlarge.]
[Below: From left to right: Eva Braun, Adolf Hitler, Josef 'Sepp' Dietrich and Albert Speer (and of course Blondi!).]
[Below: Close-up.]
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[Below: Adolf Hitler and Eva's sister Gretl.]
[Below: Eva (left) and her sister Gretl on either side of Adolf Hitler. Martin Bormann is standing behind Gretl, and behind him is his wife Gerda Bormann.]
[Below: Larger copy but poor newsprint quality.]
[Below: Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun (4th from left) at the wedding of Eva's friend Marion Schönemann, Eva's sister, Gretl, is kneeling in front of Adolf Hitler, Munich, August 7, 1937.]
[Below: Close-up, but poor newsprint quality.]
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[Below: Adolf Hitler looks over the gift table on his 53rd birthday. On the far left, Eva Braun stands with photographer Heinrich Hoffmann. April 20, 1942.]
[Below: Close-up.]
[Below: Adolf Hitler's 53rd birthday celebration in 1942 at the Berghof in Berchtesgaden.]
[Below: Adolf Hitler's 53rd birthday celebration in 1942 at the Berghof in Berchtesgaden.]
[Below: Adolf Hitler's 53rd birthday celebration in 1942 at the Berghof in Berchtesgaden.]
[Below: Adolf Hitler with Eva Braun (left) and Hannelore Morell, wife of Dr. Theodor Morell at the Berghof.]
[Below: Eva Braun (far left), Adolf Hitler (beside her with a child near him), Dr. Theodor Morell and Rochus Misch in the background. The signature is from Misch.]
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[Below: Adolf Hitler talks with Eva Braun (right) and Herta Schneider at the overlook next to the Mooslahnerkopf Teehaus. Albert Speer is fifth from left.]
[Below: Adolf and Eva at the overlook.]
[Below: Eva is on the far right.]
[Below: Eva is on the far right with her back to the camera. She is filming Adolf Hitler and the Speer children.]
[Below: The following pictures were taken in 1940.]
[Below: Click to enlarge.]
[Below: Click to enlarge.]
[Below: Click to enlarge.]
[Below: Eva is facing away from us filming Adolf Hitler, on the terrace of the Berghof, early January 1940. Click to enlarge.]
[Below: This was taken during the 1936 Winter Olympics. Eva Braun can be seen sitting behind Adolf Hitler.]
[Below: Adolf Hitler and Eva.]
[Below: Adolf Hitler and Eva.]
[Below: Braun family photograph, 1941. Eva's brother Hans (left) and unknown person in the back. In the front, left to right, are an Eva's father Fritz, unidentified person, Eva's mother, Franziska, Eva and perhaps her other Ilse. The album page is titled 'Ausflug nach Beilngries' (Trip to Beilngries), which is a Bavarian town on the Rhein-Main-Danube Canal. Courtesy of the National Archives, photo 242-EB-9-38 B.]