• Note: The Reichsadler, or National Eagle, was originally intended to face the right when used as a national symbol, and to the left when used for a NSDAP symbol, but somewhere along the line, they abandoned this concept, as you will see below.

    [Below: Let's start off this page strong. Here is an Adolf Hitler funeral sash. This was put on caskets as a sign of the Führer's respect to the deceased.]

    [Below: Close-up.]

    [Below: The Berlin Sportpalast arena, February 18, 1943, the night of Joseph Goebbels' famous 'Total War' speech. Goebbel's words cut through the arena like a dark sword: 'Do you want total war? If necessary, do you want a war more total and radical than anything that we can even imagine today?']

    [Below: 1943 Hitler Youth award plaque from Linz. I love the angry upturned eagle head here!]

    [Below: Close-up.]

    [Below: Hehe, this eagle has an upturned head as well, but it doesn't quite convey the anger of the one above. But this one is still cool, I mean, afterall, it is handmade, so let's give it a break. Okay this Hitler Youth award plaque says 'Für die geleisteten Dienst im Jahr 1937' (For the Service Rendered in 1937).]

    [Below: This is a 1936 'HJ Führerlager' (Hitler Youth leader camp) from beautiful Berchtesgaden. Wow, this eagle is looking even meaner than the one above. Nice.]

    [Below: 'Heim der Hitlerjugend' (Home of the Hitler Youth). Very cool.]

    [Below: Here's a neat Hitler Youth patch you don't see everyday.]

    [Below: Since we brought up cool entrances, check out this one. I know I used to know what this incredible entrance was, but I've since forgotten. Stupid brain, why coulnd't you have deleted something else -- like my old school locker code -- err, nevermind, I forgot that too. UPDATE: Okay, I figured it out, it is the entrance to 'Gymnasium Max-Josef-Stift', an all-girls school in Munich, Upper Bavaria located on Mühlbaurstraße. This school still stands today, minus the beautiful eagle and quote. Anyway, the bronze plaque on the left is announcing the educational principles of the school, quoting Adolf Hitler: 'The goal of female education has to be the coming of motherhood.']

    [Below: The school as it was then.]

    [Below: The school today.]

    [Below: A beautiful and magical night rally that someone has colorized.]

    [Below: Anchluss poster for the April 10, 1938 ballot vote. The end result was that a whopping 99.7% of Austrians supported the country being made a part of Germany again. It says:

    'Das deutsche Volk soll
    in diesen Tagen noch einmal
    überprüfen, was ich
    mit meinen Mitarbeitern
    in den fünf Jahren seit der ersten Wahl des Reichstages
    im März 1933 geleistet
    habe. Es wird ein
    geschichtlich einmaliges
    Ergebnis feststellen müssen.
    Adolf Hitler
    am 18.März 1938

    (The German people shall
    in these days once again
    review, what I
    with my staff
    in the five years since the
    first election to the Reichstag
    in March 1933.
    It will have to
    establish a historically
    unique result.
    Adolf Hitler
    on March 18, 1938)'

    [Below: This is a form of award called a table medal.]

    [Below: Here is a watch, supposedly owned by Adolf Hitler, that was recently (July 28, 2022) auctioned off for $1,100,000.00. It was auctioned under the title 'N.S.D.A.P. presentation Adolf Hitler reversible gold watch by Andreas Huber'.]

    [Below: As you can see here the watch has the unique ability to display both faces (as seen above). Whatever its history it is pretty neat-looking.]

    [Below: This is from an early New Year's Day postcard.]

    [Below: I'm not sure where this is from, but that wall tapestry is incredibly awesome!]

    [Below: In recent years the eagle (seen here) of the German heavy cruiser the Admiral Graf Spee has been reclaimed from the sea. The story behind how it got to the bottom of the sea is an incredible one, but that's for you to learn. This priceless piece of history is set to be melted down by the evil government of Uruguay and turned into a dove. It is worth an estimated tens of millions of dollars. Don't worry Uruguay, we'll make more one day soon :)]

    [Below: I'm not sure the story behind this, it appears to be a letter signed by Adolf Hitler, but the stationary is quite strange.]

    [Below: Thing eagle is so cool. It is made of iron and looks like it is about to fight Godzilla. It hung in the entrance hall of the Reichsjugendführung (Reichs Youth Leadership) building in Berlin.]

    [Below: From Adolf Hitler's personal silverware set, this is the more informal pattern, which lacks the knotwork and detail of the other pattern.]

    [Below: This is a 31 page booklet from the WWII era. Don't you love this eagle? After all, he's wearing the shirt of another eagle.]

    [Below: Close-up.]

    [Below: 1937 WHW (Winterhilfswerk des Deutschen Volkes, or Winter Relief of the German People) cancel.]

    [Below: Adolf Hitler and Joachim von Ribbentrop in front of a train eagle.]

    [Below: Check out this eagle at Camp Nordland, USA. This was a Bund camp. It says:

    'Deutscher Volkstag
    In der Einheit Liegt die Macht
    Democratically Verboten!'

    (German People's Day
    In Unity Lies Power
    Democratically Forbidden!)]

    [Below: Beautiful.]

    [Below: A beautiful postcard dedicated to the November 9, 1923 Putsch martyrs. It says:

    'Geboren als Deutscher,
    Gelebt als Kämpfer,
    Gefallen als held,
    Auferstanden als Volk!'

    (Born German,
    Lived as a Fighter,
    Fallen as a Hero,
    Risen as a People!)]

    [Below: Honorary plaque for Putsch martyr Theodor von der Pfordten in the Munich Justice Building.]

    [Below: Hall of honor in Munich listing the 16 Putsch martyrs. It says:

    'Und Ihr Habt
    Doch Gesiegt!'

    (And Despite All
    You Were Victorious!)]

    [Below: The sarcophagus for Putsch martyr Kurt Neubauer and the artist professor Henlein commissioned for its construction.]

    [Below: The pillar structures at the Feldherrnhalle with the names and graves of the 16 Putsch martyrs. Note fire cauldrons on top of each.]

    [Below: This is a patch from a jacket from the National Socialist League of the Reich for Physical Exercise.]

    [Below: Wow. This is so totally cool. Adolf Hitler giving a speech in a snowstorm. This one barely made the page, but alas there is an eagle on the bottom left hand corner.]

    [Below: Here's is an interesting early eagle from a newspaper called 'Hakenkreuz Banner' (Swastika Banner), January 3, 1931.]

    [Below: Look at the GIANT eagle on the front of this train! It makes the huge one painted behind them look small. This train is a Corpet et Louvet 0-6-0T, built in France in 1906 and used on the Organization Todt railway, opened July 15, 1942.]

    [Below: Here are some cool eagles taken from a booklet. Here is a link to the booklet: HERE.]

    [Below: This is a 1934 DAF (German Labor Front) postcard showing an interesting pillar showing various trades. It says: 'Es Wird Künftig Nur Einen Adel Geben - Den Adel Der Arbeit!' (There Will Be Only One Nobility In The Future - The Nobility Of Work) and at the bottom it says 'Deutsches Volk - Deutsche Arbeit 1934' (German People - German Work 1934).]

    [Below: Close-up.]

    [Below: Close-up. At first glance one might think that is a Masonic symbol on the pillar. But in reality the National Socialists banned and closed all Masonic lodges. This is in fact a traditional German symbol (as seen below).]

    [Below: Close-up. This is called a 'Zunftzeichen' (guild sign) representing the tools of carpenters.]

    [Below: Masonic symbol for comparison.]

    [Below: Close-up. Here are two strange eagle heads that could easily be missed.]