[Below: Wow, nice eagle. If you look closely you'll see Goebbels at the podium.]
[Below: A German knight guards the Reich Chancellery. By the end of the war that metal plaque in the background was full of shrapnel damage and bullet holes...]
[Below: Two very cool postcards obviously by the same artist.]
[Below: A third variation of the above design, with another type.]
[Below: Two police postcards. The one on the left is many times rarer than the other one, for whatever reason.]
[Below: Two more police postcards, rarer than even the one above.]
[Below: Here are two police postcards. On the left it says: 'Verkehrsunfallbereitschaft - Dienst-Anzug' (Traffic accident service - service uniform) The other postcard says: 'Schutzpolizei
Dienst-Anzug' (Protection police - service uniform).]
[Below: And lastly, here are two police/fire postcards. On the left it says: 'Verkehrspolizei - Parade-Anzug' (Traffic Police - Parade Uniform) The other postcard says: 'Freiwillige Feuerwehr' (Voluntary Fire Brigade).]
[Below: Cancel from Vienna from January 29, 1939 celebrating the Day of German Police.]
[Below: Cancel from 1942 from Bohemia and Moravia celebrating the Day of German Police.]
[Below: Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini visit the Centocelle airfield in Rome. This was the first airport and flight school in Italy, opened in April 1909. Check out those eagles!]
[Below: Here is the back of an envelope where we find three vignettes (stamps with no postal value, usually done for advertising or showing your support for something). It says 'Reichs-handwerks-Woche - Fördert das handwerk!' Which basically means Reich trade week promotes the craft!]
[Below: You can sometimes spot eagles in the most obscure places, in this case a stained glass window at the Berghof, Adolf Hitler's vacation home in the Obersalzberg in the Bavarian Alps near Berchtesgaden, Bavaria, in 1940. Here we see Eva Braun (her back to us) and one of her Scottish terriers (Negus or Katuschka). Now look to the right and notice a dark window pane. Click to enlarge.]
[Below: A little bit better view of the window pane. Still not enough to really see it though. Click to enlarge.]
[Below: Now we can see it! It's an eagle, but since we're seeing it from the outside it is inverted. Click to enlarge.]
[Below: Close-up of eagle. Sorry, but this is the best we're gonna get.]
[Below: Let's look at the eagle inverted.]
[Below: For those of you who can't make out the eagle, here is a quick outline... does the eagle have human feet? I wonder if there could be any photos of this eagle from the inside? Probably not, but if you ever uncover one, PLEASE let me know.]
[Below: SOOOOOOOOO CLOSE!!! This would have been a clear shot of the eagle but she is standing in the way!]
[Below: This 1932 postcard is so cool it is a shame it is very rare. It was produced for a regional Berlin NSDAP meeting.]
[Below: An early postcard, I like this a lot.]
[Below: This war winter charities donation postcard shows Luftwaffe Frontflugspangen (Luftwaffe Flight Clasps). Check out the strange eagle head on the top one.]
[Below: Reinhard Gehlen (April 3, 1902 – June 8, 1979) was a German lieutenant-general and intelligence officer. He was chief of the Wehrmacht Foreign Armies East military intelligence service on the eastern front, and later worked for the Allies against the Soviet Union. He was even the founder of the West German intelligence agency. Anyway, check out the odd eagle on the back of his chair.]
[Below: Satin SS Funerary pillow embroidered with metal thread.]
[Below: Here is an early postcard, it says 'Germany's Savior'.]
[Below: 'Den Helden 1942' (To the Heroes 1942).]
[Below: Here are four postcards with art from Gottfried Klein and published by Heinrich Hoffman. 1/4.]
[Below: Gottfried Klein. 2/4.]
[Below: Gottfried Klein. 3/4.]
[Below: Gottfried Klein. 4/4.]
[Below: This postcard celebrates Adolf Hitler's 55th birthday. It says: 'Des Führers Geburtstag 1944' (The Führers Birthday 1944). And: 'Der Führer: Die nationalsozialistische Staatsführung ist daher entschlossen, diesen Kampf mit dem äußersten Fanatismus bis zur letzten Konsequenz zu führen.' (The Führer: The National Socialist leadership is therefore determined to wage this struggle with the utmost fanaticism to the last.)]
[Below: This beautiful and strange postcard shows a
'ceremonial room in the Dachau town hall', published by Knorr and Hirth in Munich.]
[Below: Here are a series of three very cool postcards issued by the WHW (Winterhilfswerk des Deutschen Volkes, or 'Winter Relief of the German People'), they say:
'Tag der
(Day of the
[Below: 2/3]
[Below: 3/3]
[Below: Here is an example of most of the coins from the Third Reich. Here are the fronts of the coins...]
[Below: Here are the backs of the coins...]
[Below: This is a strange and rare cancel from Chemnitz canceled on March 19, 1939 celebrating the 'Tag der Wehrmacht' (Day of the Army), and if you look directly below the eagle you'll see it was sponsored by the WHW (Winterhilfswerk des Deutschen Volkes, or Winter Relief of the German People).]
[Below: Here we have some interesting eagles from various uniforms. This first eagle is from the breast of a German Cavalry uniform.]
[Below: This eagle is from the breast of a German Infantry uniform.]
[Below: This eagle is from the breast of a German Panzer uniform.]
[Below: This eagle is from the breast of a German Wehrmacht uniform.]
[Below: This eagle is from the breast of a German Wehrmacht general's uniform.]
[Below: This eagle is from the breast of a German Panzer general's uniform.]
[Below: This eagle is from the breast of a German Kriegsmarine uniform.]
[Below: This eagle is from the sleeve of a Reichsbahn uniform.]
[Below: This is a police eagle from the wrapper of a panzer uniform.]
[Below: This is also a police eagle from the wrapper of a panzer uniform, with notable differences.]
[Below: This is an eagle from a police officer's uniform.]
[Below: This is an eagle from a water police officer's uniform.]
[Below: The mother of all eagles.]
[Below: An interesting eagle here in this Third Reich era newspaper ad. This says:
'Diesmal Mauthe Uhren
(This time give Mauthe watches
[Below: Another ad with an eagle, but I'm unsure of what they are selling in this ad.]
[Below: 1936 German Olympic Games Breast Cross medal, 2nd Class (a rare medal, there were only 3,364 of these awarded). This award was not for athletes of the games, but in recognition of those that made the games happen, behind the scenes.]
[Below: This is an NSKK (Nationalsozialistisches Kraftfahrkorps, or National Socialist Motor Corps).]
[Below: Here's an eagle from the cover of a NSDAP membership book.]
[Below: Party Day attendance stamps from a 1936 NSDAP membership book.]
[Below: My favorite close-up]
[Below: Someone released this odd folio of Party stamps. It is housed in a brown plastic folder. Here are the stamps. Click to enlarge.]
[Below: Close-up of stamps. Click to enlarge.]
17.März 1940
March 17, 1940
War Winter Relief Organization) 1/3.]
zu Weihnachten Schenken!
Nur ihr Uhrmacher führt die guten
und preiswerten MAUTHE-UHREN!'
for Christmas!
Only your watchmaker carries the good
and inexpensive MAUTHE-WATCHES!)]