[Above: 'Second Anniversary of the Glorious National Movement']
[Above: Commemorative envelope honoring Hermann Göring.]
[Above: Note the overprinted Spanish civil war stamp.]
[Above: Close-up of the postage stamp.]
[Above: This postcard is from the late 1930s]
[Above: Franco and Adolf Hitler]
[Above: ...]
[Above: This 1939 German postcard is honoring the 'Legion Condor']
[Above: Back of postcard]
[Above: 1939 postcard in memory of the homecoming of the German Condor Legion of volunteers from Spain.]
[Above: Back]
[Above: Close-up]
[Above: German postcard in memory of the homecoming of the German Condor Legion of volunteers from Spain.]
[Above: Back]
[Above: Close-up of cancel]
[Above: German postcards in memory of the homecoming of the German Condor Legion of volunteers from Spain.]
[Above: Postmarks on back]
[Below: Postcard featuring art depicting General Franco]
[Below: Falange party markings on back of postcard]
[Above: Falange propaganda stamp]
[Above: Falange dues stamps]
[Above: Spanish Civil War 'Asistencia A Frentes y Hospitales' (Assitance to the Front and Hospitals) stamps, four values - 25c, 50c, 1p and Guipuzcoa. These are errors with the values inverted, 1936-38.]
[Above: These donations stamp sheets are from the Spanish Civil War era. Note the Falange party symbols.]
[Above: 1938 Falange donation stamp, rare center inverted error and artist signed in margin.]
[Above: Patriotic Spanish Civil War postcard featuring an image of Franco.]
[Above: Spanish Civil War envelope with rare Falange party stamp (second for left).]
[Above: Spanish Civil War Falangist charity stamps honoring José Antonio, 1936-1938. The regular version (left) and two inverted values are shown here.]
[Above: ...]
[Above: Here is a matchbook from 1977.]
[Above: Matchbook front and back. The message says:
'Subscribe To Our Magazine - May 77']
[Above: Matchbook inside message, at the top it basically says:
'Join - We are waiting for you!'
And at the bottom a message from Jose Antonio: It says:
'If Spain wants to commit suicide...
...we will prevent it!!']
[Above: Here is a matchbook also from the late 1970s.]
[Above: Matchbook front and back. It says:
'Worker - Neither Marxism nor Capitalism only National Syndicalism'. Nothing is written inside.]
[Above: Here is a matchbook also from the late 1970s.]
[Above: Back of matchbook. Nothing is written inside.]