Adolf Hitler and Vidkun Quisling
[Above: Circa 1939]
[Below: Vidkun Quisling reviewing Norwegian Waffen-SS volunteers on the Eastern Front]
Vidkun Quisling and Heinrich Himmler
[Below: Circa February 1942]
[Below: Vidkun Quisling, Heinrich Himmler, Josef Terboven and Nikolaus von Falkenhorst.]
[Below: Vidkun Quisling, Heinrich Himmler and Norwegian Minister of Interior Hajelin (right), meet on February 14, 1942 in Berlin at the Hotel Adlon. Just prior to this meeting German military authorities announced that the Norwegian Volunteer Legion was being moved to the Leningrad Front. It later fought bravely on the North Sector of the Eastern Front, where it suffered heavy casualties. By 1943 the Legion had been wiped out.]