[Below: Waffen-SS knights. Click to enlarge.]

[Below: Westerbork refugee transit camp in The Netherlands. This picture is of the SS mess hall at Christmas.]

[Below: Waffen-SS volunteers from the Netherlands. 'Hou en Trou' = 'Steady and True' - this was the NSB motto.]

[Below: Check out the posters in the background! Very cool. Hopefully real pictures of them exist somewhere, but if they do I've never seen them.]

[Below: Mussert (foreground) and A.J. Zondervan 1938. Zondervan was Commandant of the Storm troopers of the NSB.]

[Below: A.J. Zondervan.]

[Below: Dutch Waffen-SS volunteer training with stick grenades.]

[Below: Dutch Waffen-SS volunteer in stahlhelm helmet.]

[Below: Early NSB party members.]

[Below: Note the pictures of Mussert and Adolf Hitler on the wall in the background.]

[Below: A huge NSB rally.]

[Below: The Brigade Commander SS-Oberführer Wagner awards the Iron Cross to soldiers of the SS-Freiwilligen-Panzergrenadier-Brigade-Niederland.]

[Below: SS-Brigadeführer and Generalmajor of the Waffen-SS Jürgen Wagner (left), winner of the Knight’s Cross and commander of 23. SS Freiwilligen Panzergrenadier Division Nederland (niederlandische Nr 1), relaxing with newly decorated Iron Cross 2nd class winners.]

[Below: German soldiers talk with curious children, May 6, 1941.]

[Below: A 1941 NSB rally.]

[Below: An NSB rally.]

[Below: A 1941 NSB rally, packed to capacity!]