Echipa Mortii
We are the death squad
from Moldova we come today
Throwing dice with fate,
either we win or we die
Throwing dice with fate,
either we win or we die.
With us we bring the banner
of our holy new faith
Upon it is written with blood,
great deeds of victory
Upon it is written with blood,
great deeds of victory.
There's much grief in our country
for the foreigner rules us
A beggar in his own home,
the poor Romanian has become
A beggar in his own home,
the poor Romanian has become.
Therefore we fight today
We begin to rid the Fatherland
from all its thieves,
so that honor may be enthroned
We begin to rid the Fatherland
from all its thieves,
so that honor may be enthroned.
Together with the Captain
gladly we'll sacrifice ourselves
Over our enemies' corpses,
we shall build a new country
Over our enemies' corpses,
we shall build a new country
With a smile on our lips
we look to death's face
For we are the death squad
Either we win,
or we die!
For we are the death squad
Either we win,
or we die!